
 * Copyright (c) 2020-2024 BlueRock Security, Inc.
 * This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
 * See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.

Require Import Stdlib.Lists.List.
Require Import bedrock.lang.proofmode.proofmode.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.numbers.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.bool.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.semantics.
Require Import
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.pred.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.path_pred.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.heap_pred.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.wp.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.destroy.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.const.

#[local] Set Printing Coercions.

The C++ language provides several types of initialization:
  • default initialization <> - value initialization
  • zero initialization <> - direct initialization
The BRiCk frontend resolves (via clang) the rules for which one of these is used in each context. Therefore, in the semantics, we are left with only two cases:
occurs when there is no expression used to initialize the value
  • expression initialization (implemented by wp_initialize), which
occurs when there is an expression used to initialize the value.
Note that the frontend inserts constructor calls to default initialize objects, so Tnamed types can *not* be default initialized.

Default initilalization

default_initialize_array (default_initialize tu ty) tu ty len p Q initializes an array of type ty[len] at pointer p using default_initialize (from right to left).
NOTE that default initialization of an array of constants is a compile-time error, so we don't need to worry about that case. Also, note that arrays of length 0 are not legal so we are guaranteed to have to initialize a value which will result in an ERROR.
default_initialize tu ty p Q default initializes the memory at p according to the type ty.
NOTE this assumes that the underlying memory has already been given to the C++ abstract machine.
NOTE: <>: | (7) To default-initialize an object of type T means: | (7.1) If T is a (possibly cv-qualified) class type ([class]), constructors are considered. | The applicable constructors are enumerated ([over.match.ctor]), and the best one for | the initializer () is chosen through overload resolution ([over.match]). | The constructor thus selected is called, with an empty argument list, to initialize | the object. | (7.2) If T is an array type, each element is default-initialized. | (7.3) Otherwise, no initialization is performed. and [default_initialize] corresponds to [default-initialization] as described above.

Definition default_initialize_body `{Σ : cpp_logic, σ : genv}
    (u : bool) (default_initialize : exprtype -> ptr -> (FreeTemps -> epred) -> mpred)
    (tu : translation_unit)
    (ty : exprtype) (p : ptr) (Q : FreeTemps -> epred) : mpred :=
  let ERROR := funI m => |={top}=>?u ERROR m in
  let UNSUPPORTED := funI m => |={top}=>?u UNSUPPORTED m in
  match ty with
  | Tnum _ _
  | Tchar_ _
  | Tptr _
  | Tbool
  | Tfloat_ _
  | Tnullptr
  | Tenum _ =>
    let rty := erase_qualifiers ty in
    p |-> uninitR rty (cQp.m 1) -* |={top}=>?u Q

  | Tarray ety sz =>
    default_initialize_array (default_initialize ety) tu ety sz p (fun _ => Q
  | Tincomplete_array _ => ERROR "default initialize incomplete array"
  | Tvariable_array _ _ => ERROR "default initialize variable array"

  | Tref _
  | Trv_ref _ => ERROR "default initialization of reference"
  | Tvoid => ERROR "default initialization of void"
  | Tfunction _ => ERROR "default initialization of functions"
  | Tmember_pointer _ _ => ERROR "default initialization of member pointers"
  | Tnamed _ => |={top}=>?u False (* default initialization of aggregates is done at elaboration time. *)

  | Tarch _ _ => UNSUPPORTED "default initialization of architecture type"
  | Tqualified q ty =>
    if q_volatile q then UNSUPPORTED "default initialize volatile"
    else if q_const q then ERROR "default initialize const"
    else default_initialize ty p Q
  | Tunsupported msg => UNSUPPORTED msg
  | Tdecltype _ => ERROR "default initialization requires a runtime type, got 'decltype(())'"
  | Texprtype _ => ERROR "default initialization requires a runtime type, got 'decltype()'"
  | Tparam _ | Tresult_param _ | Tresult_global _
  | Tresult_unop _ _ | Tresult_binop _ _ _
  | Tresult_call _ _ | Tresult_member_call _ _ _
  | Tresult_member _ _ | Tresult_parenlist _ _ => ERROR "default initialization requires a runtime type, got unresolved type"

  Definition default_initialize `{Σ : cpp_logic, σ : genv} (tu : translation_unit)
  : (ty : exprtype) (p : ptr) (Q : FreeTemps -> epred), mpred :=
  fix default_initialize ty p Q {struct ty} :=
    Cbn (Reduce (default_initialize_body true) default_initialize tu ty p Q).
#[global] Arguments default_initialize {_ _ _ _} _ _ _ _%_I : assert. (* mlock bug *)

Section unfold.
  Context `{Σ : cpp_logic, σ : genv}.

  Lemma default_initialize_unfold ty tu :
    default_initialize tu ty =
    fun p Q => Cbn (Reduce (default_initialize_body true) (default_initialize tu) tu ty p Q).
  Proof. rewrite unlock. by destruct ty. Qed.
End unfold.

Unfold for one type, failing if there's nothing to do.
Ltac default_initialize_unfold :=
  lazymatch goal with
  | |- context [default_initialize _ ?ty] => rewrite !(default_initialize_unfold ty)
  | _ => fail "[default_initialize] not found"

Section default_initialize.
  Context `{Σ : cpp_logic, σ : genv}.
  Implicit Types (Q : FreeTemps -> epred).
  Implicit Types (di : ptr -> (FreeTemps -> epred) -> mpred).

  #[local] Notation FRAME di di' :=
    ( p Q Q', (Forall f, Q f -* Q' f) |-- di p Q -* di' p Q')
    (only parsing).

  Let default_initialize_array_frame' di di' tu tu' ty sz Q Q' (p : ptr) :
    FRAME di di' ->
    sub_module tu tu' ->
    (Forall f, Q f -* Q' f)
    |-- default_initialize_array di tu ty sz p Q -* default_initialize_array di' tu' ty sz p Q'.
    intros IHty Hsub. rewrite unlock.
    generalize dependent (p |-> type_ptrR (Tarray ty sz)).
    induction (seqN 0 sz) =>/=; intros.
    - iIntros "X a b". iApply "X". by iApply "a".
    - iIntros "F". iApply IHty.
      iIntros (?). iApply interp_frame_strong; [done|]. iApply (IHl with "F").

  Let default_initialize_array_shift' di tu ty sz p Q :
    FRAME di di ->
    ( p Q, (|={top}=> di p (fun f => |={top}=> Q f)) |-- di p Q) ->
    (|={top}=> default_initialize_array di tu ty sz p (fun f => |={top}=> Q f))
    |-- default_initialize_array di tu ty sz p Q.
    intros Hframe Hshift. rewrite unlock.
    induction (seqN 0 sz); cbn.
    { iIntros ">HQ V". by iMod ("HQ" with "V"). }
    { iIntros "wp". iApply Hshift. iApply (Hframe with "[] wp"). iIntros (f) "wp !>".
      iApply (interp_frame with "[] wp"). rewrite -IHl. by iIntros "? !>". }

TODO this should be generalized to different σ but, in that case it relies on the fact that ty is defined in both environments.
  Lemma default_initialize_frame tu tu' ty this Q Q' :
    sub_module tu tu' ->
    (Forall f, Q f -* Q' f)
    |-- default_initialize tu ty this Q -* default_initialize tu' ty this Q'.
    move: this Q Q'. induction ty=>this Q Q'; default_initialize_unfold; try iIntros "? []".
    all: iIntros "HQ wp"; first
      [ by iIntros "R"; iMod ("wp" with "R") as "Q"; iApply ("HQ" with "Q")
      | by iMod "wp"; iExFalso; rewrite ?ERROR_elim ?UNSUPPORTED_elim
      | idtac ].
    { (* arrays *)
      iApply (default_initialize_array_frame' with "[HQ] wp"); [done..|].
      iIntros (?) "Q". iApply ("HQ" with "Q"). }
    { (* qualifiers *)
      case_match; eauto.
      case_match; first by iMod "wp"; iExFalso; rewrite ERROR_elim.
      iApply (IHty with "HQ wp"). }

  Lemma default_initialize_array_frame tu tu' ty sz Q Q' (p : ptr) :
    sub_module tu tu' ->
    (Forall f, Q f -* Q' f)
    |-- default_initialize_array (default_initialize tu ty) tu ty sz p Q
    -* default_initialize_array (default_initialize tu' ty) tu' ty sz p Q'.
  Proof. auto using default_initialize_frame. Qed.

  Lemma default_initialize_shift tu ty this Q :
    (|={top}=> default_initialize tu ty this (fun f => |={top}=> Q f))
    |-- default_initialize tu ty this Q.
    move: this Q. induction ty=>this Q; default_initialize_unfold;
      auto using fupd_elim, fupd_intro.
    all: try by iIntros ">HQ R"; iMod ("HQ" with "R").
    { (* arrays *)
      apply default_initialize_array_shift'; auto.
      intros. exact: default_initialize_frame. }
    { (* qualifiers *)
      do 2 (case_match; auto using fupd_elim, fupd_intro). }

  Lemma default_initialize_array_shift tu ty sz p Q :
    (|={top}=> default_initialize_array (default_initialize tu ty) tu ty sz p (fun f => |={top}=> Q f))
    |-- default_initialize_array (default_initialize tu ty) tu ty sz p Q.
    apply default_initialize_array_shift'.
    - intros. exact: default_initialize_frame.
    - apply default_initialize_shift.

  #[global] Instance: Params (@default_initialize) 7 := {}.
  #[local] Notation INIT R := (
     tu ty this,
    Proper (pointwise_relation _ R ==> R) (default_initialize tu ty this)
  ) (only parsing).
  #[global] Instance default_initialize_mono : INIT bi_entails.
    intros * Q1 Q2 HQ. iIntros "wp".
    iApply (default_initialize_frame with "[] wp"); [done|]. iIntros (free) "Q".
    by iApply HQ.
  #[global] Instance default_initialize_flip_mono : INIT (flip bi_entails).
  Proof. repeat intro. by apply default_initialize_mono. Qed.
  #[global] Instance default_initialize_proper : INIT equiv.
  Proof. intros * Q1 Q2 HQ. by split'; apply default_initialize_mono=>free; rewrite HQ. Qed.

  #[global] Instance: Params (@default_initialize_array) 9 := {}.
  #[local] Notation ARRAY R := (
     tu ty sz p,
    Proper (pointwise_relation _ R ==> R)
      (default_initialize_array (default_initialize tu ty) tu ty sz p)
  ) (only parsing).
  #[global] Instance default_initialize_array_mono : ARRAY bi_entails.
    intros * Q1 Q2 HQ. iIntros "wp".
    iApply (default_initialize_array_frame with "[] wp"); [done|].
    iIntros (free) "Q". by iApply HQ.
  #[global] Instance default_initialize_array_flip_mono : ARRAY (flip bi_entails).
  Proof. repeat intro. by apply default_initialize_array_mono. Qed.
  #[global] Instance default_initialize_array_proper : ARRAY equiv.
  Proof. intros * Q1 Q2 HQ. by split'; apply default_initialize_array_mono=>free; rewrite HQ. Qed.

  Lemma default_initialize_array_intro tu ty sz (p : ptr) Q :
    Cbn (Reduce (default_initialize_array_body false) (default_initialize tu ty) tu ty sz p Q)
    |-- default_initialize_array (default_initialize tu ty) tu ty sz p Q.
    rewrite default_initialize_array.unlock.
    induction (seqN 0 sz) as [|???IH]; cbn.
    { by rewrite -fupd_intro. }
    iIntros "wp". iApply (default_initialize_frame with "[] wp"); [done|].
    iIntros (?) "wp". iApply (interp_frame with "[] wp").
    iIntros "wp". iApply (IH with "wp").
  Lemma default_initialize_array_elim tu ty sz (p : ptr) Q :
    default_initialize_array (default_initialize tu ty) tu ty sz p Q
    |-- Cbn (Reduce (default_initialize_array_body true) (default_initialize tu ty) tu ty sz p Q).
  Proof. by rewrite default_initialize_array.unlock. Qed.

  Lemma default_initialize_intro tu ty (p : ptr) Q :
    Cbn (Reduce (default_initialize_body false) (default_initialize tu) tu ty p Q)
    |-- default_initialize tu ty p Q.
    rewrite (default_initialize_unfold ty). induction ty; first
      [ by auto using fupd_intro
      | by iIntros "HQ R"; iApply ("HQ" with "R")
      | idtac ].
    { (* qualifiers *)
      destruct (q_volatile q); auto using fupd_intro.
      destruct (q_const q); auto using fupd_intro. }
  Lemma default_initialize_elim tu ty (p : ptr) Q :
    default_initialize tu ty p Q
    |-- Cbn (Reduce (default_initialize_body true) (default_initialize tu) tu ty p Q).
  Proof. rewrite default_initialize.unlock. by destruct ty. Qed.
End default_initialize.

Expression initialization

(* error used when using e to initialize a value of type ty. *)
Variant initializing_type (ty : type) (e : Expr) : Prop := ANY.

wp_initialize provides "constructor" semantics for types. For aggregates, simply delegates to wp_init, but for primitives, the semantics is to evaluate the primitive and initialize the location with the value.
NOTE this assumes that the memory is coming from the C++ abstract machine.
NOTE wp_initialize is very similar to wp_init except that wp_initialize can be used to initialize all values (including references) whereas wp_init is only safe to initialize non-primitives (arrays and aggregates).
TODO (FM-3939): We disable compatibility with fancy updates for wp_initialize. The presense of such updates interferes with "learning" after wp_initialize; for example, we can learn equality under a wand and an existential quantifier:
∀ {A} (Vinj : A -> val) `{!Inj (=) (=) Vinj} (p : ptr) ty q (x1 : A) (Q : A -> mpred),
  p |-> tptstoR ty q (Vinj x1) -* (Exists x2, p |-> tptstoR ty q (Vinj x2) ** Q x2) |--
  p |-> tptstoR ty q (Vinj x1) -* p |-> tptstoR ty q (Vinj x1) ** Q x1.
but such a rule would fail with .. -* |={top}=> .. in place of the magic wands.
#[local] Notation fupd_compatible := false (only parsing).

(* BEGIN wp_initialize *)
#[local] Definition wp_initialize_unqualified_body `{Σ : cpp_logic, σ : genv}
    (u : bool) (tu : translation_unit) (ρ : region)
    (cv : type_qualifiers) (ty : decltype)
    (addr : ptr) (init : Expr) (Q : FreeTemps -> epred) : mpred :=
  let UNSUPPORTED := funI m => |={top}=>?u UNSUPPORTED m in
  if q_volatile cv then False%I
    match ty with
    | Tvoid =>
      wp_initialize is used to `return` from a function. The following
      is legal in C++:
        void f();
        void g() { return f(); }

      letI* v, frees := wp_operand tu ρ init in
      let qf := (q_const cv) 1 in
      [| v = Vvoid |] **

primR is enough because C++ code never uses the raw bytes underlying an inhabitant of type void.
      (addr |-> primR Tvoid qf Vvoid -* |={top}=>?u Q frees)

    | Tptr _
    | Tmember_pointer _ _
    | Tbool
    | Tnum _ _
    | Tchar_ _
    | Tenum _
    | Tfloat_ _
    | Tnullptr =>
      letI* v, free := wp_operand tu ρ init in
      let qf := (q_const cv) 1 in
      addr |-> tptsto_fuzzyR (erase_qualifiers ty) qf v -* |={top}=>?u Q free

      (* non-primitives are handled via prvalue-initialization semantics *)
    | Tarray _ _
    | Tnamed _ => wp_init tu ρ (tqualified cv ty) addr init Q
    | Tincomplete_array _ => UNSUPPORTED (initializing_type ty init)
    | Tvariable_array _ _ => UNSUPPORTED (initializing_type ty init)

    | Tref ty =>
      let rty := Tref $ erase_qualifiers ty in
      letI* p, free := wp_glval tu ρ init in (* TODO this needs to permit initialization from xval if ty is <<const>> *)
      let qf := (q_const cv) 1 in
      primR is enough because C++ code never uses the raw bytes
      underlying an inhabitant of a reference type.

      TODO: refs are never mutable, but we use qf here for
      compatibility with implicit_destruct_struct

      addr |-> primR rty qf (Vref p) -* |={top}=>?u Q free

    | Trv_ref ty =>
      let rty := Tref $ erase_qualifiers ty in
      letI* p, free := wp_xval tu ρ init in
      let qf := (q_const cv) 1 in
      primR is enough because C++ code never uses the raw bytes
      underlying an inhabitant of a reference type.

      TODO: refs are never mutable, but we use qf here for
      compatibility with implicit_destruct_struct

      addr |-> primR rty qf (Vref p) -* |={top}=>?u Q free

    | Tfunction _ => UNSUPPORTED (initializing_type ty init)

    | Tqualified _ ty => |={top}=>?u False (* unreachable *)
    | Tarch _ _ => UNSUPPORTED (initializing_type ty init)
    | Tunsupported _ => UNSUPPORTED (initializing_type ty init)
    | Tdecltype _ => UNSUPPORTED (initializing_type ty init)
    | Texprtype _ => UNSUPPORTED (initializing_type ty init)
    | Tparam _ | Tresult_param _ | Tresult_global _
    | Tresult_unop _ _ | Tresult_binop _ _ _
    | Tresult_call _ _ | Tresult_member_call _ _ _
    | Tresult_member _ _ | Tresult_parenlist _ _ => UNSUPPORTED (initializing_type ty init)

Definition wp_initialize_unqualified `{Σ : cpp_logic, σ : genv} :
   (tu : translation_unit) (ρ : region)
    (cv : type_qualifiers) (ty : decltype)
    (addr : ptr) (init : Expr) (Q : FreeTemps -> epred), mpred :=
  Cbn (Reduce (wp_initialize_unqualified_body fupd_compatible)).
#[global] Arguments wp_initialize_unqualified {_ _ _ _} _ _ _ _ _ _ _%_I : assert. (* mlock bug *)

Definition wp_initialize `{Σ : cpp_logic, σ : genv} (tu : translation_unit) (ρ : region)
    (qty : decltype) (addr : ptr) (init : Expr) (Q : FreeTemps -> epred) : mpred :=
  qual_norm (wp_initialize_unqualified tu ρ) qty addr init Q.
#[global] Hint Opaque wp_initialize : typeclass_instances.
#[global] Arguments wp_initialize {_ _ _ _} _ _ !_ _ _ _ / : assert.
(* END wp_initialize *)

Definition heap_type_of (t : type) : type :=
  match erase_qualifiers t with
  | Trv_ref ty => Tref ty
  | t => t

Lemma wp_initialize_unqualified_well_typed `{Σ : cpp_logic, σ : genv}
  tu ρ cv ty addr init (Q : FreeTemps.t -> epred) :
      wp_initialize_unqualified tu ρ cv ty addr init (fun free => reference_to (heap_type_of ty) addr -* Q free)
  |-- wp_initialize_unqualified tu ρ cv ty addr init Q.
  rewrite wp_initialize_unqualified.unlock.
  case_match; eauto.
  case_match; subst; eauto.
  all: try (iApply wp_operand_frame; [ done | ];
    iIntros (??) "X Y";
    iDestruct (observe (reference_to _ _) with "Y") as "#?";
    iApply ("X" with "Y");
    rewrite -reference_to_erase; done).
  - iApply wp_glval_frame; [ done | ];
      iIntros (??) "X Y";
      iDestruct (observe (reference_to _ _) with "Y") as "#?".
      iApply ("X" with "Y"). rewrite /heap_type_of/=. done.
  - iApply wp_xval_frame; [ done | ];
      iIntros (??) "X Y";
      iDestruct (observe (reference_to _ _) with "Y") as "#?";
      iApply ("X" with "Y").
    rewrite /heap_type_of/=. done.
  - iApply wp_operand_frame; [ done | ].
    iIntros (??) "[$ X] Y".
    iDestruct (observe (reference_to _ _) with "Y") as "#?";
    iApply ("X" with "Y"); eauto.
  - etransitivity; [ | apply wp_init_well_typed ].
    iApply wp_init_frame; [ done | ].
    iIntros (?) "X Y". iApply "X".
    rewrite /heap_type_of/=.
    rewrite reference_to_erase/=/tqualified'.
    destruct cv; simpl; eauto.
  - etransitivity; [ | apply wp_init_well_typed ].
    iApply wp_init_frame; [ done | ].
    iIntros (?) "X Y". iApply "X".
    rewrite (reference_to_erase (Tnamed gn)).
    rewrite reference_to_erase/=/tqualified'.
    destruct cv; simpl; eauto.

wpi cls this init Q evaluates the initializer init from the object thisp (of type Tnamed cls) and then proceeds as Q.
NOTE that temporaries introduced by the evaluation of init are cleaned up before Q is run (Q does not have a FreeTemps argument). This is because initialization is considered a full expression.
Definition wpi `{Σ : cpp_logic, σ : genv} (tu : translation_unit) (ρ : region)
    (cls : globname) (thisp : ptr) (ty : type) (init : Initializer) (Q : epred) : mpred :=
  let p' := thisp ,, offset_for cls init.(init_path) in
  letI* free := wp_initialize tu ρ ty p' init.(init_init) in
  letI* := interp tu free in
#[global] Hint Opaque wpi : typeclass_instances.
#[global] Arguments wpi {_ _ _ _} _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / : assert.

All framing lemmas *should* work with genv weakening, but that
requires some additional side-conditions on paths that we can't prove
right now. So, for the time being, we prove _frame lemmas without
genv weakening.

Section wp_initialize.
  Context `{Σ : cpp_logic, σ : genv}.
  Implicit Types (Q : FreeTemps -> epred).

  Lemma wp_initialize_unqualified_intro tu ρ cv ty obj e Q :
    Cbn (Reduce wp_initialize_unqualified_body false) tu ρ cv ty obj e Q
    |-- wp_initialize_unqualified tu ρ cv ty obj e Q.
    rewrite wp_initialize_unqualified.unlock. destruct ty; auto.
      repeat case_match;
      lazymatch goal with
      | |- context [wp_operand] => iApply wp_operand_frame; [done|]
      | |- context [wp_lval] => iApply wp_lval_frame; [done|]
      | |- context [wp_xval] => iApply wp_xval_frame; [done|]
      | |- context [wp_init] => iApply wp_init_frame; [done|]
      | _ => idtac
  (* Relevant to fupd_compatible = true
    all: first
       iIntros (??) "HQ R"; iApply ("HQ" with "R") | iIntros (??) "[$ HQ] R"; iApply ("HQ" with "R") | idtac .


  Lemma wp_initialize_unqualified_elim tu ρ cv ty obj e Q :
    wp_initialize_unqualified tu ρ cv ty obj e Q
    |-- Cbn (Reduce wp_initialize_unqualified_body fupd_compatible) tu ρ cv ty obj e Q.
  Proof. by rewrite wp_initialize_unqualified.unlock. Qed.

For value types, wp_initialize -|- wp_operand.
Compared to unfolding, these _val lemmas treat value types uniformly.
can_init ty e is a side-condition for introducing wp_initialize with value type ty and expression e, serving the conjunct v = Vvoid in wp_initialize_unqualified's Tvoid case.
  Definition can_init (ty : type) (e : Expr) : bool :=
    bool_decide (ty = Tvoid) ==>
    bool_decide (type_of e = Tvoid).

  Lemma can_init_void e : can_init Tvoid e -> type_of e = Tvoid.
    move/implyP. rewrite bool_decide_true//.
    by move/(_ I)/bool_decide_unpack.

  #[local] Notation VAL_INIT u tu ρ cv ty addr init Q := (Cbn (
    let cv' := cv in (* to establish scopes *)
    if q_volatile cv' then False
      letI* v, free := wp_operand tu ρ init in
      let qf := (q_const cv') 1 in
      addr |-> tptsto_fuzzyR (erase_qualifiers ty) qf v -* |={top}=>?u Q free
  )%I) (only parsing).

  Lemma wp_initialize_unqualified_intro_val tu ρ cv ty (addr : ptr) init Q :
    can_init ty init ->
    ~~ is_qualified ty -> is_value_type ty ->
    VAL_INIT false tu ρ cv ty addr init Q
    |-- wp_initialize_unqualified tu ρ cv ty addr init Q.
    intros Hty ??. rewrite -wp_initialize_unqualified_intro.
    case_match; eauto.
    destruct ty; try solve [ inversion H0 | eauto ].
    (* void *)
    iIntros "wp /=".
    iApply wp_operand_well_typed.
    iApply (wp_operand_wand with "wp"). iIntros (v f).
    rewrite can_init_void// has_type_void. iIntros "HQ ->".
    rewrite tptsto_fuzzyR_Vvoid_primR. by iFrame "HQ".

  Lemma wp_initialize_unqualified_elim_val tu ρ cv ty addr init Q :
    ~~ is_qualified ty -> is_value_type ty ->
    wp_initialize_unqualified tu ρ cv ty addr init Q
    |-- VAL_INIT fupd_compatible tu ρ cv ty addr init Q.
    intros. rewrite wp_initialize_unqualified_elim.
    case_match; eauto. destruct ty; try done.
    (* void *)
    iIntros "wp".
    iApply (wp_operand_wand with "wp"). iIntros (v f) "(-> & HQ) R".
    iApply ("HQ" with "[R]"). cbn. by rewrite tptsto_fuzzyR_Vvoid_primR.

For aggregate types, wp_initialize -|- wp_init.

  Lemma wp_initialize_unqualified_elim_aggregate tu ρ cv ty qty addr init Q :
    qty Tqualified cv ty -> is_aggregate_type ty ->
    wp_initialize_unqualified tu ρ cv ty addr init Q |-- wp_init tu ρ qty addr init Q.
    intros Heq ?. rewrite wp_initialize_unqualified_elim.
    case_match; [ iIntros "[]" | ]; destruct ty; first
      [ by rewrite ?(UNSUPPORTED_elim, bi.False_elim)
      | idtac ].
    all: try by rewrite tqualified_equiv Heq.
  (* Relevant to fupd_compatible = true in wp_initialize
    (** Absurd cases *)
    all: rewrite -fupd_wp_init; iMod 1; iExFalso; by rewrite ?UNSUPPORTED_elim.

  Lemma wp_initialize_unqualified_intro_aggregate tu ρ cv ty qty addr init Q :
    qty Tqualified cv ty -> ~~ is_qualified ty -> is_aggregate_type ty ->
        (if q_volatile cv then False else wp_init tu ρ qty addr init Q)
    |-- wp_initialize_unqualified tu ρ cv ty addr init Q.
    intros Heq ??. rewrite -wp_initialize_unqualified_intro.
    case_match; [ iIntros "[]" | ].
    destruct ty; try done.
    all: by rewrite tqualified_equiv Heq.


  Lemma wp_initialize_unqualified_frame tu tu' ρ obj cv ty e Q Q' :
    sub_module tu tu' ->
    (Forall free, Q free -* Q' free)
    |-- wp_initialize_unqualified tu ρ cv ty obj e Q -* wp_initialize_unqualified tu' ρ cv ty obj e Q'.
    intros. iIntros "HQ'". destruct ty; rewrite unlock; auto.
    all: case_match; eauto.
      repeat case_match;
      lazymatch goal with
      | |- context [wp_operand] => iApply wp_operand_frame; [done|]
      | |- context [wp_lval] => iApply wp_lval_frame; [done|]
      | |- context [wp_glval] => iApply wp_glval_frame; [done|]
      | |- context [wp_xval] => iApply wp_xval_frame; [done|]
      | |- context [wp_init] => iApply wp_init_frame; [done|]
      | _ => idtac
        [ by iIntros (??) "HQ ?"; iApply "HQ'"; iApply "HQ"
        | by iIntros (?) "?"; iApply "HQ'"
        | idtac ].
    (* void *)
    iIntros (??) "($ & HQ) ?". iApply "HQ'". by iApply "HQ".

  Lemma wp_initialize_unqualified_shift tu ρ cv ty obj e Q :
    Cbn (|={top}=>?fupd_compatible wp_initialize_unqualified tu ρ cv ty obj e (fun free => |={top}=>?fupd_compatible Q free))
    |-- wp_initialize_unqualified tu ρ cv ty obj e Q.
    destruct ty; rewrite unlock; auto using fupd_elim, fupd_intro.
  (* Relevant to fupd_compatible = true
    all: iIntros "wp".
    all: lazymatch goal with
    | |- context wp_operand => iApply wp_operand_shift; iApply (wp_operand_frame with " wp"); done|
    | |- context wp_lval => iApply wp_lval_shift; iApply (wp_lval_frame with " wp"); done|
    | |- context wp_xval => iApply wp_xval_shift; iApply (wp_xval_frame with " wp"); done|
    | |- context wp_init => iApply wp_init_shift; iMod "wp"; by iModIntro
    | _ => idtac
    all: try by iIntros (??) "HQ !> R"; iMod ("HQ" with "R").
    (* void *)
    iIntros (??) "(*)


  #[global] Instance: Params (@wp_initialize_unqualified) 10 := {}.
  #[local] Notation BODY R := (
     tu ρ cv ty obj init,
    Proper (pointwise_relation _ R ==> R) (wp_initialize_unqualified tu ρ cv ty obj init)
  ) (only parsing).
  #[global] Instance wp_initialize_unqualified_mono : BODY bi_entails.
    intros * Q1 Q2 HQ. iIntros "wp".
    iApply (wp_initialize_unqualified_frame with "[] wp"); [done|]. iIntros (free) "Q".
    by iApply HQ.
  #[global] Instance wp_initialize_unqualified_flip_mono : BODY (flip bi_entails).
  Proof. repeat intro. by apply wp_initialize_unqualified_mono. Qed.
  #[global] Instance wp_initialize_unqualified_proper : BODY equiv.
  Proof. intros * Q1 Q2 HQ. by split'; apply wp_initialize_unqualified_mono=>free; rewrite HQ. Qed.

Compared to unfolding, these _val lemmas treat value types uniformly.
  Lemma wp_initialize_intro_val tu ρ ty (addr : ptr) init Q :
    can_init (drop_qualifiers ty) init -> is_value_type ty ->
    VAL_INIT false tu ρ (qual_norm (fun cv _ => cv) ty) ty addr init Q
    |-- wp_initialize tu ρ ty addr init Q.
    rewrite drop_qualifiers_decompose_type.
    rewrite is_value_type_decompose_type wp_initialize_decompose_type.
    rewrite qual_norm_decompose_type erase_qualifiers_decompose_type.
    have := is_qualified_decompose_type (type_of init). cbn. intros.
    by rewrite -wp_initialize_unqualified_intro_val.

  Lemma wp_initialize_elim_val tu ρ ty addr init Q :
    is_value_type ty ->
    wp_initialize tu ρ ty addr init Q
    |-- VAL_INIT fupd_compatible tu ρ (qual_norm (fun cv _ => cv) ty) ty addr init Q.
    rewrite is_value_type_decompose_type wp_initialize_decompose_type.
    rewrite qual_norm_decompose_type erase_qualifiers_decompose_type.
    have := is_qualified_decompose_type ty.
    apply wp_initialize_unqualified_elim_val.

  Lemma wp_initialize_elim_aggregate tu ρ ty addr init Q :
    is_aggregate_type ty ->
    wp_initialize tu ρ ty addr init Q |-- wp_init tu ρ ty addr init Q.
    rewrite is_aggregate_type_decompose_type wp_initialize_decompose_type.
    apply wp_initialize_unqualified_elim_aggregate.
    by rewrite decompose_type_equiv.

  Lemma wp_initialize_intro_aggregate tu ρ ty addr init Q :
    is_aggregate_type ty ->
    TCEq (is_volatile ty) false ->
    wp_init tu ρ ty addr init Q |-- wp_initialize tu ρ ty addr init Q.
    rewrite is_aggregate_type_decompose_type wp_initialize_decompose_type.
    rewrite /decompose_type. intros.
    rewrite -wp_initialize_unqualified_intro_aggregate; [| | eauto | eauto ].
    { have->: q_volatile (qual_norm (fun cv t => (cv,t)) ty).1 = false.
      { rewrite 2!qual_norm_map. simpl. inversion H0. done. }
      reflexivity. }
    by rewrite decompose_type_equiv.
  (* Qed. *) Admitted. (* TODO *)

  Lemma wp_initialize_frame tu tu' ρ obj ty e Q Q' :
    sub_module tu tu' ->
    (Forall free, Q free -* Q' free)
    |-- wp_initialize tu ρ ty obj e Q -* wp_initialize tu' ρ ty obj e Q'.
    intros. rewrite /wp_initialize/qual_norm.
    induction (wp_initialize_ok tu ρ ty); last done.
    rewrite !qual_norm'_unqual//. exact: wp_initialize_unqualified_frame.

  Lemma wp_initialize_shift tu ρ ty obj e Q :
    Cbn (|={top}=>?fupd_compatible wp_initialize tu ρ ty obj e (fun free => |={top}=>?fupd_compatible Q free))
    |-- wp_initialize tu ρ ty obj e Q.
    rewrite /wp_initialize/qual_norm.
    induction (wp_initialize_ok tu ρ ty); last done.
    rewrite !qual_norm'_unqual//.
  (* Relevant to fupd_compatible = true
    apply wp_initialize_unqualified_shift.


  #[global] Instance: Params (@wp_initialize) 9 := {}.
  #[local] Notation INIT R := (
     tu ρ ty obj init,
    Proper (pointwise_relation _ R ==> R) (wp_initialize tu ρ ty obj init)
  ) (only parsing).
  #[global] Instance wp_initialize_mono : INIT bi_entails.
    intros * Q1 Q2 HQ. iIntros "wp".
    iApply (wp_initialize_frame with "[] wp"); [done|]. iIntros (free) "Q".
    by iApply HQ.
  #[global] Instance wp_initialize_flip_mono : INIT (flip bi_entails).
  Proof. repeat intro. by apply wp_initialize_mono. Qed.
  #[global] Instance wp_initialize_proper : INIT equiv.
  Proof. intros * Q1 Q2 HQ. by split'; apply wp_initialize_mono=>free; rewrite HQ. Qed.

  Lemma wp_initialize_wand tu ρ obj ty e Q Q' :
    wp_initialize tu ρ ty obj e Q
    |-- (Forall free, Q free -* Q' free) -* wp_initialize tu ρ ty obj e Q'.
  Proof. by iIntros "H Y"; iRevert "H"; iApply wp_initialize_frame. Qed.

  Inductive wp_initialize_decomp_spec tu ρ ty (addr : ptr) init Q : mpred -> Prop :=
  | WpInitVolatile cv ty' : (cv, ty') = decompose_type ty ->
                            q_volatile cv ->
                          wp_initialize_decomp_spec tu ρ ty addr init Q False
  | WpInitScalar cv ty' : scalar_type ty' ->
                         (cv, ty') = decompose_type ty ->
                         ~~q_volatile cv ->
                         wp_initialize_decomp_spec tu ρ ty addr init Q (
                             letI* v, free := wp_operand tu ρ init in
                               let qf := (q_const cv) 1 in
                               addr |-> tptsto_fuzzyR (erase_qualifiers ty) qf v -* Q free
  | WpInitRef cv ty' : drop_qualifiers ty = Tref ty' ->
                      wp_initialize_decomp_spec tu ρ ty addr init Q (
                          let rty := Tref $ erase_qualifiers ty' in
                          letI* p, free := wp_lval tu ρ init in
                            let qf := (q_const cv) 1 in
                            addr |-> primR rty qf (Vref p) -* Q free
  | WpInitRvRef cv ty' : drop_qualifiers ty = Trv_ref ty' ->
                        wp_initialize_decomp_spec tu ρ ty addr init Q (
                            let rty := Tref $ erase_qualifiers ty' in
                            letI* p, free := wp_xval tu ρ init in
                              let qf := (q_const cv) 1 in
                              addr |-> primR rty qf (Vref p) -* Q free
  | WpInitVoid cv : decompose_type ty = (cv, Tvoid) ->
                    ~~q_volatile cv ->
                    wp_initialize_decomp_spec tu ρ ty addr init Q (
                        letI* v, frees := wp_operand tu ρ init in
                          let qf := (q_const cv) 1 in
                          [| v = Vvoid |] **
                            (addr |-> primR Tvoid qf Vvoid -* Q frees)
  | WpInitAggreg cv ty' : is_aggregate_type ty' ->
                         (cv, ty') = decompose_type ty ->
                         ~~q_volatile cv ->
                         wp_initialize_decomp_spec tu ρ ty addr init Q (
                             wp_init tu ρ (tqualified cv ty') addr init Q
  | WpInitFuncArch cv ty' : match ty' with
                        | Tfunction _
                        | Tarch _ _
                        | Tincomplete_array _
                        | Tvariable_array _ _ => true
                        | _ => false
                        end ->
                         (cv, ty') = decompose_type ty ->
                         ~~q_volatile cv ->
                        wp_initialize_decomp_spec tu ρ ty addr init Q (
                            UNSUPPORTED (initializing_type ty' init)
  | WpInitUnsupported cv msg : decompose_type ty = (cv, Tunsupported msg) ->
                          wp_initialize_decomp_spec tu ρ ty addr init Q False

  Lemma wp_initialize_decomp_ok tu ρ ty addr e Q :
    wp_initialize_decomp_spec tu ρ ty addr e Q (wp_initialize tu ρ ty addr e Q).
    rewrite wp_initialize_qual_norm wp_initialize_unqualified.unlock.
    case: qual_norm_decomp_ok=>q t.
    case Ht: t.
    all: case_match; try solve [ intros; econstructor; eauto ].
    all: try (rewrite [decompose_type _]surjective_pairing=>[][Hq Hty];
      rewrite Hty -erase_qualifiers_decompose_type;
      econstructor; [ | rewrite [decompose_type _]surjective_pairing -Hq -Hty // | rewrite H ]; eauto).

(*    all: try by rewrite decompose_type _surjective_pairing=>Hq Hty;
      rewrite Hty -erase_qualifiers_decompose_type;
      econstructor; last rewrite decompose_type _surjective_pairing -Hq -Hty //. *)

    all: try by rewrite [decompose_type _]surjective_pairing=>[][Hq Hty];
      rewrite Hty; apply: drop_qualifiers_decompose_type.
    all: try by rewrite [decompose_type _]surjective_pairing=>[][Hq Hty]; econstructor;
      try solve [ done | rewrite //= [decompose_type _]surjective_pairing -Hq -Hty // | rewrite H // ].
    { (* Tqualified *)
      rewrite decompose_type _surjective_pairing;
        move: (is_qualified_decompose_type ty)=>/swap _ <-.
      by simpl. }
    { (* Tunsupported *)
      intros. rewrite UNSUPPORTED.unlock. exact: WpInitUnsupported. }
  Qed. *)
Admitted. (* TODO: this would be improved by eliminating these cases using dependency *)


  Lemma wpi_frame tu tu' ρ cls this ty e (Q Q' : epred) :
    sub_module tu tu' ->
    Q -* Q' |-- wpi tu ρ cls this ty e Q -* wpi tu' ρ cls this ty e Q'.
    intros. iIntros "HQ". rewrite /wpi.
    iApply wp_initialize_frame; [done|]. iIntros (free).
    by iApply interp_frame_strong.

  Lemma wpi_shift tu ρ cls this ty e (Q : epred) :
    Cbn (|={top}=>?fupd_compatible wpi tu ρ cls this ty e (|={top}=>?fupd_compatible Q))
    |-- wpi tu ρ cls this ty e Q.
  (* Relevant to fupd_compatible = true
    rewrite /wpi. iIntros "wp".
    iApply wp_initialize_shift. iMod "wp".
    iApply (wp_initialize_frame with " wp"); done|. iIntros (f) "wp !>".
    by iApply interp_fupd.


  #[global] Instance: Params (@wpi) 9 := {}.
  #[local] Notation WPI R := (
     tu ρ cls this ty e,
    Proper (R ==> R) (wpi tu ρ cls this ty e)
  ) (only parsing).
  #[global] Instance wpi_mono : WPI bi_entails.
    intros * Q1 Q2 HQ. iIntros "wp".
    iApply (wpi_frame with "[] wp"); [done|]. iIntros "Q".
    by iApply HQ.
  #[global] Instance wpi_flip_mono : WPI (flip bi_entails).
  Proof. repeat intro. by apply wpi_mono. Qed.
  #[global] Instance wpi_proper : WPI equiv.
  Proof. intros * Q1 Q2 HQ. by split'; apply wpi_mono; rewrite HQ. Qed.
End wp_initialize.