
 * Copyright (c) 2020-2023 BlueRock Security, Inc.
 * This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
 * See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.

The "operational" style definitions about C++ pointers.
C++ pointers are subtle to model. The definitions in this file are based on the C and C++ standards, and formalizations of their memory object models (see doc/sphinx/bibliography.rst).
Require Import

Require Import bedrock.prelude.base.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.addr.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.option.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.numbers.

Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.
Require Export bedrock.lang.cpp.semantics.types.
Require Export bedrock.lang.cpp.semantics.genv.

(* We only load Iris to declare trivial OFEs over pointers via leibnizO. *)
Require Import iris.algebra.ofe.

#[local] Close Scope nat_scope.
#[local] Open Scope Z_scope.
Implicit Types (σ : genv).

Allocation IDs.

We use them to model pointer provenance, following Cerberus.
Record alloc_id := MkAllocId { alloc_id_car : N }.

#[global] Instance MkAllocId_inj : Inj (=) (=) MkAllocId.
Proof. by intros ?? [=]. Qed.
#[global] Instance alloc_id_eq_dec : EqDecision alloc_id.
Proof. solve_decision. Qed.
#[global] Instance alloc_id_countable : Countable alloc_id.
Proof. by apply: (inj_countable' alloc_id_car MkAllocId) => -[?]. Qed.

  Parameter ptr : Set.
  Parameter offset : Set.
  Parameter __offset_ptr : ptr -> offset -> ptr.
  Parameter __o_dot : offset -> offset -> offset.

  Structure DOT : Type :=
    { #[canonical=yes] DOT_from : Type
    ; #[canonical=yes] DOT_to :> Type
    ; #[canonical=no] DOT_dot : DOT_from -> offset -> DOT_to }.
  #[global] Arguments DOT_dot {DOT} _ _ : rename, simpl never.
  Canonical Structure DOT_ptr_offset : DOT :=
    {| DOT_from := ptr; DOT_to := ptr; DOT_dot p o := __offset_ptr p o |}.
  Canonical Structure DOT_offset_offset : DOT :=
    {| DOT_from := offset; DOT_to := offset; DOT_dot o1 o2 := __o_dot o1 o2 |}.

  mlock Definition _dot := @DOT_dot.
  #[global] Arguments _dot {DOT} _ _ : rename, simpl never.

  #[global] Notation _offset_ptr := (@_dot DOT_ptr_offset) (only parsing).
  #[global] Notation o_dot := (@_dot DOT_offset_offset) (only parsing).

  #[global] Notation "p ,, o" := (_dot p o)
    (at level 11, left associativity, format "p ,, o") : stdpp_scope.

Module Type PTRS.


This is the abstract model of pointers in C++ — more precisely, of their values. Pointers describe paths that might identify objects, which might be alive. Hence they must be understood relative to the C++ object model (<>). We also use pointers to represent the values of references, even if those are restricted to point to objects or functions (<>). - Not all of our pointers have concrete addresses. In C++, pointers to some objects are never created, and typical compilers might choose to not store such objects in memory; nevertheless, for uniformity our semantics identifies such objects via pointers, but our pointers need not represent an address (ptr_vaddr maps a pointer to the address it represents, if any. See also documentation of tptsto and pinned_ptr. (Compilers might temporarily store objects elsewhere, but only as a semantics-preserving optimization, which we ignore in our model of the C++ abstract machine). That objects (of non-zero size) have constant addresses follows:
  • for C11 (draft N1570), from > An object exists, has a constant address^33 > 33: The term ‘‘constant address’’ means that two pointers to the object constructed at possibly different times will compare equal.
  • for C++, from <>: > an object with nonzero size shall occupy one or more bytes of storage and
> every byte has a unique address.
Pointers also have an allocation ID; the concept does not exist in the standard but is used to model provenance in many models of C pointers (CompCert, Krebbers, Cerberus, LLVM's twin semantics), sometimes under the name of "object ID". Allocation ID of deallocated regions are never reused for new regions.
From a pointer to an object, one can use offsets to constructs pointers to subojects.
Our API allows tracking nested objects accurately, matching the C (object) memory model (as rendered by Krebbers) and the model mandated by the C++ standard.
A simple model is alloc ID * option address SIMPLE_PTRS_IMPL; a richer one is PTRS_IMPL.
  Parameter ptr : Set.

  Implicit Type (p : ptr).

  #[global] Declare Instance ptr_eq_dec : EqDecision ptr.

  Axiom ptr_countable : Countable ptr.
  #[global] Existing Instance ptr_countable.

Pointer offsets.

Offsets represent paths between objects and subobjects.
If p points to an object and o is an offset to a subobject, p ,, o is a pointer to that subobject. If no such object exist, valid_ptr (p ,, o) will not hold.
For instance, if p->x is a C++ object but p->y isn't, in Coq, the pointer p ., o_field "x" will be valid but p ., o_field "y" will not.
  Parameter offset : Set.

  Axiom offset_eq_dec : EqDecision offset.
  #[global] Existing Instance offset_eq_dec.
  Axiom offset_countable : Countable offset.
  #[global] Existing Instance offset_countable.

combine an offset and a pointer to get a new pointer; this is a right monoid action.
  #[local] Parameter __offset_ptr : ptr -> offset -> ptr.
  #[local] Parameter __o_dot : offset -> offset -> offset.


Offsets form a monoid
  Parameter o_id : offset.

  Axiom id_dot : LeftId (=) o_id o_dot.
  Axiom dot_id : RightId (=) o_id o_dot.
  Axiom dot_assoc : Assoc (=) o_dot.
  #[global] Existing Instances id_dot dot_id dot_assoc.

  Axiom offset_ptr_id : forall p : ptr, p ,, o_id = p.
  Axiom offset_ptr_dot : forall (p : ptr) o1 o2,
    p ,, (o1 ,, o2) = p ,, o1 ,, o2.

C++ provides a distinguished pointer nullptr that is *never dereferenceable* (<>)
  Parameter nullptr : ptr.

An invalid pointer, included as a sentinel value. Other pointers might be invalid as well; see _valid_ptr.
  Parameter invalid_ptr : ptr.

  (* Pointer to a C++ "complete object" with external or internal linkage, or
     to "functions"; even if they are distinct in C/C++ standards (e.g.
     <>      way.

     Since function pointers cannot be offset, offsetting function pointers
     produces invalid_ptr, but we haven't needed to expose this.

  (* ^ the address of global variables & functions *)
  Parameter global_ptr :
    translation_unit -> name -> ptr.
    (* Dynamic loading might require adding some abstract translation_unit_id. *)
    (* Might need deferring, as it needs designing a translation_unit_id;
     since loading the same translation unit twice can give different
     addresses. *)

  Axiom global_ptr_nonnull : forall tu o, global_ptr tu o <> nullptr.

  (* Other constructors exist, but they are internal to C++ model.
     They include:
     - pointers to local variables (objects with automatic linkage/storage
       duration, <>). - pointers to this () are just normal pointers naming the receiver of a method invocation. *)

Concrete pointer offsets.

They correspond to the kind of aggregate objects described in e.g. <>.

  (* If p : cls* points to an object with type cls and field f,
     then p ,, o_field cls f points to p -> f.

  Parameter o_field : genv -> field -> offset.

  #[global] Notation "p ., o" := (_dot p (o_field _ o))
    (at level 11, left associativity, only parsing) : stdpp_scope.

  (* If p : cls* points to an array object with n elements and i n,
     p ,, o_sub ty i represents p + i (which might be a past-the-end pointer).

  Parameter o_sub : genv -> type -> Z -> offset.

  #[global] Notation "p .[ t ! n ]" := (_dot p (o_sub _ t n))
    (at level 11, left associativity, format "p .[ t '!' n ]") : stdpp_scope.
  #[global] Notation ".[ t ! n ]" := (o_sub _ t n) (at level 11, no associativity, format ".[ t ! n ]") : stdpp_scope.

  (* o_sub_0 axiom is required because any object is a 1-object array
     (<>). *)

  Axiom o_sub_0 : {σ : genv} ty, is_Some (size_of σ ty) -> .[ty ! 0] = o_id.
  (* TODO: drop (is_Some (size_of σ ty)) via
     `displacement (o_sub σ ty i) = if (i = 0) then 0 else i * size_of σ ty`

going up and down the class hierarchy, one step at a time; these offsets are only for non-virtual inheritance.
  Parameter o_base : genv -> forall (derived base : name), offset.
  Parameter o_derived : genv -> forall (base derived : name), offset.

  (* We're ignoring virtual inheritance here, since we have no plans to
  support it for now, but this might hold there too. *)

  Axiom o_base_derived : forall σ p base derived,
    directly_derives σ derived base ->
    p ,, o_base σ derived base ,, o_derived σ base derived = p.
  Axiom o_derived_base : forall σ p base derived,
    directly_derives σ derived base ->
    p ,, o_derived σ base derived ,, o_base σ derived base = p.

Map pointers to allocation IDs; total on valid pointers thanks to valid_ptr_alloc_id.
  Parameter ptr_alloc_id : ptr -> option alloc_id.

  Parameter null_alloc_id : alloc_id.
  Axiom ptr_alloc_id_nullptr :
    ptr_alloc_id nullptr = Some null_alloc_id.

  Axiom ptr_alloc_id_offset : forall {p o},
    is_Some (ptr_alloc_id (p ,, o)) ->
    ptr_alloc_id (p ,, o) = ptr_alloc_id p.

Map pointers to the address they represent, (<>). Not defined on all valid pointers; defined on pointers existing in C++ (
  Parameter ptr_vaddr : ptr -> option vaddr.

ptr_vaddr_nullptr is not mandated by the standard, but valid across compilers we are interested in. The closest hint is in <>
Pointers into the same array with the same address have the same index. Wrapped by same_address_o_sub_eq.
  Axiom ptr_vaddr_o_sub_eq : forall p σ ty n1 n2 sz,
    size_of σ ty = Some sz -> (sz > 0)%N ->
    same_property ptr_vaddr (p ,, o_sub _ ty n1) (p ,, o_sub _ ty n2) ->
    n1 = n2.
  Axiom o_dot_sub : {σ : genv} i j ty,
    (o_sub _ ty i) ,, (o_sub _ ty j) = o_sub _ ty (i + j).

eval_offset and associated axioms are more advanced, only to be used in special cases.
  (* TODO drop genv. *)
  Parameter eval_offset : genv -> offset -> option Z.

  Axiom eval_o_sub : forall σ ty (i : Z),
    eval_offset σ (o_sub σ ty i) =
      (* This order enables reducing for known ty. *)
      (fun n => Z.of_N n * i) <$> size_of σ ty.

To hide implementation details of the compiler from proofs, we restrict this axiom to POD/Standard-layout structures.
  Axiom eval_o_field : forall σ f n cls st,
    f = Field cls n ->
    glob_def σ cls = Some (Gstruct st) ->
    st.(s_layout) = POD \/ st.(s_layout) = Standard ->
    eval_offset σ (o_field σ f) = offset_of σ cls n.

  (* eval_offset respects the monoidal structure of offsets *)
  Axiom eval_offset_dot : σ (o1 o2 : offset),
    eval_offset σ (o1 ,, o2) =
    add_opt (eval_offset σ o1) (eval_offset σ o2).

Module Type PTRS_DERIVED (Import P : PTRS).
  Parameter same_alloc : ptr -> ptr -> Prop.
  Axiom same_alloc_eq : same_alloc = same_property ptr_alloc_id.

  Parameter same_address : ptr -> ptr -> Prop.
  Axiom same_address_eq : same_address = same_property ptr_vaddr.



  Implicit Type (p : ptr).
Explictly declare that all Iris equalities on pointers are trivial. We only add such explicit declarations as actually needed.
  Canonical Structure ptrO := leibnizO ptr.
  #[global] Instance ptr_inhabited : Inhabited ptr := populate nullptr.

offset Congruence

offset_cong σ o1 o2 expresses that eval_offset σ o1 and eval_offset σ o2 both produce Some shared numerical value.
Given that offsets are typed, offset_cong is not generally sufficient to transport resources - when the resources are even transportable in the first place. However, in certain limited circumstances where the integral values of pointers are meaningful - such as reasoning at the level of the byte-representation of an object - offset_cong becomes a useful way of locally "erasing" the richer structure of ptrs/offsets.
NOTE: same_property_iff ensures that the partial observation (eval_offset) are both Some; offset_cong is Reflexive for some o : offset iff is_Some (eval_offset σ o).
  Definition offset_cong : genv -> relation offset :=
    fun σ o1 o2 => same_property (eval_offset σ) o1 o2.

  #[global] Instance offset_cong_equiv {σ : genv} : RelationClasses.PER (offset_cong σ).
  Proof. apply same_property_per. Qed.

ptr Congruence

ptr_cong σ p1 p2 expresses that p1 and p2 share a common ptr prefix and that eval_offset σ o1 o2 holds for the suffixes which "complete" p1 and p2.
Given that ptrs have a rich structure, ptr_cong σ p1 p2 is not generally sufficient to transport resources - when the resources are even transportable in the first place. However, in certain limited circumstances where the integral values of pointers are meaningful - such as reasoning at the level of the byte-representation of an object - ptr_cong σ p1 p2 (in conjunction with type_ptr Tbyte p1 ** type_ptr Tbyte p2) /can/ be used to transport select resources.
  Definition ptr_cong : genv -> relation ptr :=
    fun σ p1 p2 =>
      exists p o1 o2,
        p1 = p ,, o1 /\
        p2 = p ,, o2 /\
        offset_cong σ o1 o2.

  #[global] Instance ptr_cong_reflexive {σ : genv} : Reflexive (ptr_cong σ).
    red; unfold ptr_cong; intros p; exists p, (.[ Tbyte ! 0 ]), (.[ Tbyte ! 0]).
    intuition; try solve [rewrite o_sub_0; auto; rewrite offset_ptr_id//].
    unfold offset_cong; apply same_property_iff.
    rewrite eval_o_sub/= Z.mul_0_r; eauto.

  #[global] Instance ptr_cong_sym {σ : genv} : Symmetric (ptr_cong σ).
    red; unfold ptr_cong.
    intros p p' [p'' [o1 [o2 [Hp [Hp' Hcong]]]]]; subst.
    exists p'', o2, o1. naive_solver.

  (* NOTE (JH): Transitive isn't provable without a ptr_vaddr side-condition because
     the intermediate offset might not eval_offset to Some integral value.

  (* [global] Instance ptr_cong_trans {σ : genv} : Transitive (ptr_cong σ). *)

  Lemma offset_ptr_cong σ (p : ptr) o1 o2 :
    offset_cong σ o1 o2 -> ptr_cong σ (p ,, o1) (p ,, o2).
  Proof. rewrite /ptr_cong. naive_solver. Qed.

same_address lemmas

  #[global] Instance same_address_dec : RelDecision same_address.
  Proof. rewrite same_address_eq. apply _. Qed.
  #[global] Instance same_address_per : RelationClasses.PER same_address.
  Proof. rewrite same_address_eq. apply _. Qed.
  #[global] Instance same_address_RewriteRelation : RewriteRelation same_address := {}.

  Lemma same_address_iff p1 p2 :
    same_address p1 p2 <-> va, ptr_vaddr p1 = Some va ptr_vaddr p2 = Some va.
  Proof. by rewrite same_address_eq same_property_iff. Qed.

  Lemma same_address_intro p1 p2 va :
    ptr_vaddr p1 = Some va -> ptr_vaddr p2 = Some va -> same_address p1 p2.
  Proof. rewrite same_address_eq; exact: same_property_intro. Qed.

  Lemma same_address_nullptr_nullptr : same_address nullptr nullptr.
  Proof. have ? := ptr_vaddr_nullptr. exact: same_address_intro. Qed.

  #[global] Instance ptr_vaddr_proper :
    Proper (same_address ==> eq) ptr_vaddr.
  Proof. by intros p1 p2 (va&->&->)%same_address_iff. Qed.

  #[global] Instance ptr_vaddr_params : Params ptr_vaddr 1 := {}.

  Definition same_address_bool p1 p2 := bool_decide (same_address p1 p2).

  #[global] Instance same_address_bool_comm : Comm eq same_address_bool.
  Proof. move=> p1 p2. exact: bool_decide_ext. Qed.

  Lemma same_address_bool_eq {p1 p2 va1 va2} :
    ptr_vaddr p1 = Some va1 ptr_vaddr p2 = Some va2
    same_address_bool p1 p2 = bool_decide (va1 = va2).
    intros Hs1 Hs2. apply bool_decide_ext.
    rewrite same_address_eq same_property_iff. naive_solver.

  Lemma same_address_bool_partial_reflexive p :
    is_Some (ptr_vaddr p) ->
    same_address_bool p p = true.
    move=> Hsm. rewrite /same_address_bool bool_decide_true; first done.
    by rewrite same_address_eq -same_property_reflexive_equiv.

same_alloc lemmas

  #[global] Instance same_alloc_dec : RelDecision same_alloc.
  Proof. rewrite same_alloc_eq. apply _. Qed.
  #[global] Instance same_alloc_per : RelationClasses.PER same_alloc.
  Proof. rewrite same_alloc_eq. apply _. Qed.

  Lemma same_alloc_iff p1 p2 :
    same_alloc p1 p2 <-> aid, ptr_alloc_id p1 = Some aid ptr_alloc_id p2 = Some aid.
  Proof. by rewrite same_alloc_eq same_property_iff. Qed.

  Lemma same_alloc_intro p1 p2 aid :
    ptr_alloc_id p1 = Some aid -> ptr_alloc_id p2 = Some aid -> same_alloc p1 p2.
  Proof. rewrite same_alloc_eq; exact: same_property_intro. Qed.

  Lemma same_alloc_nullptr_nullptr : same_alloc nullptr nullptr.
  Proof. have ? := ptr_alloc_id_nullptr. exact: same_alloc_intro. Qed.

  Lemma ptr_alloc_id_base p o
    (Hs : is_Some (ptr_alloc_id (p ,, o))) :
    is_Some (ptr_alloc_id p).
  Proof. by rewrite -(ptr_alloc_id_offset Hs). Qed.

  Lemma same_alloc_offset p o
    (Hs : is_Some (ptr_alloc_id (p ,, o))) :
    same_alloc p (p ,, o).
    case: (Hs) => aid Eq. rewrite same_alloc_iff.
    exists aid. by rewrite -(ptr_alloc_id_offset Hs).

  Lemma same_alloc_offset_2 p o1 o2 p1 p2
    (E1 : p1 = p ,, o1) (E2 : p2 = p ,, o2)
    (Hs1 : is_Some (ptr_alloc_id (p ,, o1)))
    (Hs2 : is_Some (ptr_alloc_id (p ,, o2))) :
    same_alloc p1 p2.
    subst; move: (Hs1) => [aid Eq]; rewrite same_alloc_iff; exists aid; move: Eq.
    by rewrite (ptr_alloc_id_offset Hs1) (ptr_alloc_id_offset Hs2).

  Lemma same_alloc_offset_1 p o
    (Hs : is_Some (ptr_alloc_id (p ,, o))) :
    same_alloc p (p ,, o).
    apply: (same_alloc_offset_2 p o_id o); rewrite ?offset_ptr_id //.
    exact: ptr_alloc_id_base Hs.

Pointers into the same array with the same address have the same index. Wrapper by ptr_vaddr_o_sub_eq.
  Lemma same_address_o_sub_eq p σ ty n1 n2 sz :
    size_of σ ty = Some sz -> (sz > 0)%N ->
    same_address (p ,, o_sub _ ty n1) (p ,, o_sub _ ty n2) -> n1 = n2.
  Proof. rewrite same_address_eq. exact: ptr_vaddr_o_sub_eq. Qed.

  Lemma offset_ptr_sub_0 (p : ptr) ty resolve (Hsz : is_Some (size_of resolve ty)) :
    p .[ty ! 0] = p.
  Proof. by rewrite o_sub_0 // offset_ptr_id. Qed.

aligned_ptr states that the pointer (if it exists in memory) has the given alignment.
  Definition aligned_ptr align p :=
    (exists va, ptr_vaddr p = Some va /\ (align | va)%N) \/ ptr_vaddr p = None.
  Definition aligned_ptr_ty {σ} ty p :=
    exists align, align_of ty = Some align /\ aligned_ptr align p.

  Lemma aligned_ptr_ty_erase_qualifiers : forall {σ} p ty,
      aligned_ptr_ty ty p <-> aligned_ptr_ty (erase_qualifiers ty) p.
    rewrite /aligned_ptr_ty; intros. by rewrite -align_of_erase_qualifiers.

  #[global] Instance aligned_ptr_ty_mono :
    Proper (genv_leq ==> eq ==> eq ==> impl) (@aligned_ptr_ty).
    rewrite /aligned_ptr_ty; intros σ1 σ2 Hg ? ty -> ? p ->.
    f_equiv => align [Hal Hp]; split; last done.
    exact: (align_of_genv_leq σ1) Hal Hg.

  #[global] Instance aligned_ptr_ty_flip_mono :
    Proper (flip genv_leq ==> eq ==> eq ==> flip impl) (@aligned_ptr_ty).
  Proof. solve_proper. Qed.

  #[global] Instance aligned_ptr_ty_proper :
    Proper (genv_eq ==> eq ==> eq ==> iff) (@aligned_ptr_ty).
  Proof. intros σ1 σ2 [H1 H2] ? ty -> ? p ->. split; by rewrite (H1, H2). Qed.

  #[global] Instance aligned_ptr_divide_mono :
    Proper (flip N.divide ==> eq ==> impl) aligned_ptr.
    move=> m n + _ p ->.
    rewrite /aligned_ptr => ? [[va [P D]]|]; [left|by right].
    eexists _; split=> //. by etrans.
  #[global] Instance aligned_ptr_divide_flip_mono :
    Proper (N.divide ==> eq ==> flip impl) aligned_ptr.
  Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
  #[global] Instance N_divide_RewriteRelation : RewriteRelation N.divide := {}.

  Lemma aligned_ptr_divide_weaken m n p :
    (n | m)%N ->
    aligned_ptr m p -> aligned_ptr n p.
  Proof. by move->. Qed.

  Lemma aligned_ptr_mult_weaken_l m n p :
    aligned_ptr (m * n) p -> aligned_ptr n p.
  Proof. by apply aligned_ptr_divide_weaken, N.divide_mul_r. Qed.

  Lemma aligned_ptr_mult_weaken_r m n p :
    aligned_ptr (m * n) p -> aligned_ptr m p.
  Proof. by apply aligned_ptr_divide_weaken, N.divide_mul_l. Qed.

  Lemma aligned_ptr_min p : aligned_ptr 1 p.
    rewrite /aligned_ptr.
    case: ptr_vaddr; [|by eauto] => va.
    eauto using N.divide_1_l.

  Lemma aligned_ptr_ty_mult_weaken {σ} m n ty p :
    align_of ty = Some m -> (n | m)%N ->
    aligned_ptr_ty ty p -> aligned_ptr n p.
    rewrite /aligned_ptr_ty;
      naive_solver eauto using aligned_ptr_divide_weaken.

  Lemma pinned_ptr_pure_aligned_divide va n p :
    ptr_vaddr p = Some va ->
    aligned_ptr n p <-> (n | va)%N.
  Proof. rewrite /aligned_ptr. naive_solver. Qed.

  Lemma pinned_ptr_pure_divide_1 σ va n p ty
    (Hal : align_of ty = Some n) :
    aligned_ptr_ty ty p ptr_vaddr p = Some va (n | va)%N.
    rewrite /aligned_ptr_ty Hal /aligned_ptr /=.

  Lemma o_sub_sub (p : ptr) ty i j σ :
    p .[ ty ! i] .[ty ! j] = p .[ ty ! i + j].
  Proof. by rewrite -offset_ptr_dot o_dot_sub. Qed.

  Lemma o_base_derived_tu `{Hσ : tu σ} p base derived :
    directly_derives_tu tu derived base ->
    p ,, o_base σ derived base ,, o_derived σ base derived = p.
  Proof. intros [??%parent_offset_genv_compat]. exact: o_base_derived. Qed.

  Lemma o_derived_base_tu `{Hσ : tu σ} p base derived :
    directly_derives_tu tu derived base ->
    p ,, o_derived σ base derived ,, o_base σ derived base = p.
  Proof. intros [??%parent_offset_genv_compat]. exact: o_derived_base. Qed.

  Notation _id := o_id (only parsing).
access a field
  Notation _field := (@o_field _) (only parsing).
subscript an array
  Notation _sub z := (@o_sub _ z) (only parsing).
_base derived base is a cast from derived to base.
  Notation _base := (@o_base _) (only parsing).
_derived base derived is a cast from base to derived
  Notation _derived := (@o_derived _) (only parsing).