
 * Copyright (c) 2020-2024 BlueRock Security, Inc.
 * This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
 * See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.

Require Import stdpp.strings.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.prelude.
Require Export bedrock.lang.cpp.arith.types.

(* TODO: is this worth its own file? *)

#[local] Set Primitive Projections.
#[local] Notation EqDecision1 T := ( (A : Set), EqDecision A -> EqDecision (T A)) (only parsing).
#[local] Notation EqDecision2 T := ( (A : Set), EqDecision A -> EqDecision1 (T A)) (only parsing).
#[local] Notation EqDecision3 T := ( (A : Set), EqDecision A -> EqDecision2 (T A)) (only parsing).
#[local] Tactic Notation "solve_decision" := intros; solve_decision.

#[local] Open Scope N_scope.

Definition ident : Set := bs.
Bind Scope bs_scope with ident.
#[global] Instance ident_eq: EqDecision ident := _.

local names In a normal C++ program, local names are just identifiers but the internal AST contains two other types of names corresponding to compiler-generated names. These are:
  • opaque names are used for temporaries, e.g. the location that the result of e is placed in in the following code auto [a,b] = e.
  • the names of indicies of array loops, which the AST uses for primitive array copies.
NOTE Because these other types of names occur so infrequently, we choose bs as the underlying type and use a special prefix for the inaccessible variable names.
Module localname.
  Definition t : Set := ident.
  #[global] Bind Scope bs_scope with localname.t.
  #[global] Instance localname_eq: EqDecision t := _.

  (* these are pseudo constructors for making different types
     of local names. *)

  Definition N_to_bs (n : N) : bs :=
    if n is 0%N then "0"
    else BS.of_string $ pretty.pretty_N_go n "".

  Definition arrayloop_index (n : N) : t := "!" ++ N_to_bs n.
  Definition opaque (n : N) : t := "%" ++ N_to_bs n.
  Definition anon (n : N) : t := "#" ++ N_to_bs n.
End localname.
#[global] Bind Scope bs_scope with localname.t.
Notation localname := localname.t.

Type Preliminaries

Type qualifiers

Variant type_qualifiers : Set :=
| QCV (* const volatile *)
| QC (* const *)
| QV (* volatile *)
| QM (* no qualifiers *)
#[only(inhabited,eq_dec,countable)] derive type_qualifiers.

Definition q_const (q : type_qualifiers) : bool :=
  match q with
  | QCV | QC => true
  | _ => false
Definition q_volatile (q : type_qualifiers) : bool :=
  match q with
  | QCV | QV => true
  | _ => false
Definition CV (const volatile : bool) :=
  match const , volatile with
  | true , true => QCV
  | true , false => QC
  | false , true => QV
  | false , false => QM

(* merge_tq a b computes the join of the restrictions of a and b,
   i.e. if either a or b is const/volatile, the result will be const/volatile.
   This is used to compress adjacent qualifiers.

Definition merge_tq (a b : type_qualifiers) : type_qualifiers :=
  CV (q_const a || q_const b) (q_volatile a || q_volatile b).

#[global] Instance merge_tq_idemp : IdemP (=) merge_tq.
Proof. by intros []. Qed.
#[global] Instance merge_tq_left_id : LeftId (=) QM merge_tq.
Proof. by intros []. Qed.
#[global] Instance merge_tq_right_id : RightId (=) QM merge_tq.
Proof. by intros []. Qed.
#[global] Instance merge_tq_left_absorb : LeftAbsorb (=) QCV merge_tq.
Proof. by intros []. Qed.
#[global] Instance merge_tq_right_absorb : RightAbsorb (=) QCV merge_tq.
Proof. by intros []. Qed.
#[global] Instance merge_tq_comm : Comm (=) merge_tq.
Proof. by intros [] []. Qed.
#[global] Instance merge_tq_assoc : Assoc (=) merge_tq.
Proof. by intros [] [] []. Qed.

Lemma merge_tq_QM_inj q1 q2 : merge_tq q1 q2 = QM -> q1 = QM /\ q2 = QM.
Proof. destruct q1, q2; naive_solver. Qed.

The preorder from <>
Definition tq_le (a b : type_qualifiers) : Prop :=
   c, b = merge_tq a c.

Definition is_tq_le (a b : type_qualifiers) : bool :=
  bool_decide (a = b) ||
  match a , b with
  | QM , _ => true
  | QC , QCV => true
  | QV , QCV => true
  | _, _ => false

Lemma tq_le_is_tq_le a b : tq_le a b <-> is_tq_le a b.
  { intros (c & ->). by destruct a, c. }
  { rewrite /is_tq_le=>?. case_bool_decide.
    - subst a. exists QM. by destruct b.
    - destruct a, b; first [ done | by exists QV | by exists QC | by exists QCV ]. }

#[global] Instance tq_le_dec : RelDecision tq_le.
  refine (fun a b => cast_if (decide (is_tq_le a b))).
  all: abstract (by rewrite tq_le_is_tq_le).

Calling Conventions

(* Calling conventions are a little bit beyond what is formally blessed by
   C++, but the are necessary for low level code that links with other

   From the C++ standard point of view, we view these as opaque symbols with
   no particular meaning. All that matters is that when you call a function,
   that this calling convention matches between the caller and the callee.
   This is what ensures, for example, that when you call a function implemented
   in another language, that you have the appropriate annotations in place.
   For example, if you were calling an OpenCL kernel, then the function would
   have type Tfunction (cc:=CC_OpenCLKernel) .., and you would require that
   annotation in your program.

Variant calling_conv : Set :=
| CC_C
| CC_MsAbi
| CC_RegCall.
#[only(inhabited,eq_dec,countable)] derive calling_conv.

(* in almost all contexts, we are going to use CC_C, so we're going to make
   that the default. Clients interested in specifying another calling convention
   should write, e.g., Tfunction (cc:=CC_RegCall) .. to specify the
   calling convention explicitly.

Existing Class calling_conv.
#[global] Existing Instance CC_C.

Function Arities, i.e. variadic functions or not

Variant function_arity : Set :=
| Ar_Definite
| Ar_Variadic.
#[only(inhabited,eq_dec,countable)] derive function_arity.

(* In almost all contexts, we will use Ar_Definite, so that is the default. *)
Existing Class function_arity.
#[global] Existing Instance Ar_Definite.

Character types

See <>
Module char_type.
  Variant t : Set :=
    | Cchar (* signedness defined by platform *)
    | Cwchar (* signedness defined by platform *)
    | C8 (* unsigned *)
    | C16 (* unsigned *)
    | C32. (* unsigned *)
  #[global] Instance t_eq_dec: EqDecision t.
  Proof. solve_decision. Defined.
  #[global] Instance t_countable : Countable t.
    apply (inj_countable'
      (λ cc,
        match cc with
        | Cchar => 0 | Cwchar => 1 | C8 => 2 | C16 => 3 | C32 => 4
      (λ n,
        match n with
        | 0 => Cchar | 1 => Cwchar | 2 => C8 | 3 => C16 | 4 => C32
        | _ => Cchar
    abstract (by intros []).

  Definition bytesN (t : t) : N :=
    match t with
    | Cchar => 1
    | Cwchar => 4 (* TODO: actually 16-bits on Windows *)
    | C8 => 1
    | C16 => 2
    | C32 => 4
  #[global] Arguments bytesN !_ /.

  Definition bitsN (t : t) : N :=
    8 * bytesN t.
  #[global] Arguments bitsN !_ /.

End char_type.
Notation char_type := char_type.t.

Integer types

See <>
Module int_rank.
  (* the rank <> *)
  Variant t : Set :=
  | Ichar
  | Ishort
  | Iint
  | Ilong
  | Ilonglong
  | I128.
  #[global] Instance t_inh : Inhabited t.
  Proof. repeat constructor. Qed.
  #[global] Instance t_eq_dec : EqDecision t.
  Proof. solve_decision. Defined.
  Notation rank := t (only parsing).
  #[global] Instance t_countable : Countable t.
    apply (inj_countable'
             (λ cc,
               match cc with
               | Ichar => 1 | Ishort => 2 | Iint => 3 | Ilong => 4 | Ilonglong => 5 | I128 => 6
             (λ n,
               match n with
               | 1 => Ichar | 2 => Ishort | 3 => Iint | 4 => Ilong | 5 => Ilonglong
               | _ => I128
    abstract (by intros []).

  (* all of the ranks ordered from smallest to largest *)
  Definition ranks :=
    [Ichar; Ishort; Iint; Ilong; Ilonglong; I128].

  Definition bitsize (t : t) : bitsize :=
    match t with
    | Ichar => bitsize.W8
    | Ishort => bitsize.W16
    | Iint => bitsize.W32
    | Ilong => bitsize.W64 (* NOTE *)
    | Ilonglong => bitsize.W64
    | I128 => bitsize.W128

  (* Having this definition not contain multiplication is helpful *)
  Definition bytesN (t : t) : N :=
    match t with
    | Ichar => Evaluate (bitsize.bytesN $ bitsize Ichar)
    | Ishort => Evaluate (bitsize.bytesN $ bitsize Ishort)
    | Iint => Evaluate (bitsize.bytesN $ bitsize Iint)
    | Ilong => Evaluate (bitsize.bytesN $ bitsize Ilong)
    | Ilonglong => Evaluate (bitsize.bytesN $ bitsize Ilonglong)
    | I128 => Evaluate (bitsize.bytesN $ bitsize I128)
  Lemma bytesN_ok (t : t) :
    bytesN t = bitsize.bytesN (bitsize t).
  Proof. by destruct t. Qed.

  Notation bytesNat t := (N.to_nat (bytesN t)) (only parsing).
  Lemma bytesNat_ok (t : t) :
    bytesNat t = bitsize.bytesNat (bitsize t).
  Proof. by destruct t. Qed.

  Definition bitsN (t : t) : N :=
    match t with
    | Ichar => Evaluate (8 * bytesN Ichar)
    | Ishort => Evaluate (8 * bytesN Ishort)
    | Iint => Evaluate (8 * bytesN Iint)
    | Ilong => Evaluate (8 * bytesN Ilong)
    | Ilonglong => Evaluate (8 * bytesN Ilonglong)
    | I128 => Evaluate (8 * bytesN I128)

  Definition t_leb (a b : t) : bool :=
    match a , b with
    | Ichar , _ => true
    | Ishort , Ichar => false
    | Ishort , _ => true
    | Iint , (Ichar | Ishort) => false
    | Iint , _ => true
    | Ilong , (Ichar | Ishort | Iint) => false
    | Ilong , _ => true
    | Ilonglong , (Ilonglong | I128) => true
    | Ilonglong , _ => false
    | I128 , I128 => true
    | _ , _ => false
  Definition t_le (a b : t) : Prop :=
    t_leb a b.

  #[global] Instance t_le_dec : RelDecision t_le :=
    ltac:(rewrite /RelDecision; refine _).

  (* max on the rank. *)
  Definition t_max (a b : t) : t :=
    if bool_decide (t_le a b) then b else a.

  Notation max_val sz := (bitsize.max_val (bitsize sz)) (only parsing).
  Notation min_val sz := (bitsize.min_val (bitsize sz)) (only parsing).
  Notation bound sz := (bitsize.bound (bitsize sz)) (only parsing).

End int_rank.
Notation int_rank := int_rank.t.
#[deprecated(since="2024-06-22",note="use [int_rank].")]
Notation int_type := int_rank.t (only parsing).
#[global] Arguments int_rank.bytesN !_ /.
#[global] Arguments int_rank.bitsN !_ /.
(* [global] Arguments int_rank.bitsize !_ /. TODO: do I want this? *)

Floating point types

See <>
Module float_type.
  Variant t : Set :=
    | Ffloat16
    | Ffloat
    | Fdouble
    | Flongdouble
    | Ffloat128.

  #[global] Instance t_eq_dec : EqDecision t := ltac:(solve_decision).
  #[global] Instance t_countable : Countable t.
    apply (inj_countable'
      (λ cc,
        match cc with
        | Ffloat16 => 3 | Ffloat => 0 | Fdouble => 1 | Flongdouble => 2 | Ffloat128 => 4
      (λ n,
        match n with
        | 0 => Ffloat | 1 => Fdouble | 2 => Flongdouble | 3 => Ffloat16 | 4 => Ffloat128
        | _ => Ffloat
    abstract (by intros []).

  Definition bytesN (t : t) : N :=
    match t with
    | Ffloat16 => 2
    | Ffloat => 4
    | Fdouble => 8
    | Flongdouble => 16
    | Ffloat128 => Evaluate (128 / 8)%N

  Definition bitsN (t : t) : N :=
    8 * bytesN t.

End float_type.

Expression Preliminaries

Overloadable operators TODO: merge the different operator setups!
Variant OverloadableOperator : Set :=
  (* Unary operators *)
  | OOTilde | OOExclaim
  | OOPlusPlus | OOMinusMinus
  (* Unary & Binary operators *)
  | OOStar | OOPlus | OOMinus
  (* Binary operators *)
  | OOSlash | OOPercent
  | OOCaret | OOAmp | OOPipe | OOEqual (* = *)
  | OOLessLess | OOGreaterGreater
  | OOPlusEqual | OOMinusEqual | OOStarEqual
  | OOSlashEqual | OOPercentEqual | OOCaretEqual | OOAmpEqual
  | OOPipeEqual | OOLessLessEqual | OOGreaterGreaterEqual
  | OOEqualEqual | OOExclaimEqual
  | OOLess | OOGreater
  | OOLessEqual | OOGreaterEqual | OOSpaceship
  | OOComma
  | OOArrowStar | OOArrow
  | OOSubscript
  (* short-circuiting *)
  | OOAmpAmp | OOPipePipe
  (* n-ary *)
  | OONew (array : bool) | OODelete (array : bool) | OOCall
  | OOCoawait (* | Conditional *)
#[global] Instance: EqDecision OverloadableOperator := ltac:(solve_decision).

Variant UnOp : Set :=
| Uminus (* - *)
| Uplus (* + *)
| Unot (* ! *)
| Ubnot (* ~ *)
| Uunsupported (_ : bs).
#[global] Instance: EqDecision UnOp.
Proof. solve_decision. Defined.
#[global] Instance UnOp_countable : Countable UnOp.
  apply (inj_countable' (fun op =>
    match op with
    | Uminus => GenNode 0 []
    | Uplus => GenNode 1 []
    | Unot => GenNode 2 []
    | Ubnot => GenNode 3 []
    | Uunsupported op => GenNode 4 [GenLeaf op]
    end) (fun t =>
    match t with
    | GenNode 0 [] => Uminus
    | GenNode 1 [] => Uplus
    | GenNode 2 [] => Unot
    | GenNode 3 [] => Ubnot
    | GenNode 4 [GenLeaf op] => Uunsupported op
    | _ => Uminus (* dummy *)
  abstract (by intros []).

Variant BinOp : Set :=
| Badd (* + *)
| Band (* & *)
| Bcmp (* <=> *)
| Bdiv (* / *)
| Beq (* == *)
| Bge (* >= *)
| Bgt (* > *)
| Ble (* <= *)
| Blt (* < *)
| Bmul (* * *)
| Bneq (* != *)
| Bor (* | *)
| Bmod (* *)
| Bshl (* << *)
| Bshr (* >> *)
| Bsub (* - *)
| Bxor (* ^ *)
| Bdotp (* .* *)
| Bdotip (* ->* *)
| Bunsupported (_ : bs).
#[global] Instance: EqDecision BinOp.
Proof. solve_decision. Defined.
#[global] Instance BinOp_countable : Countable BinOp.
  apply (inj_countable' (fun op =>
    match op with
    | Badd => GenNode 0 []
    | Band => GenNode 1 []
    | Bcmp => GenNode 2 []
    | Bdiv => GenNode 3 []
    | Beq => GenNode 4 []
    | Bge => GenNode 5 []
    | Bgt => GenNode 6 []
    | Ble => GenNode 7 []
    | Blt => GenNode 8 []
    | Bmul => GenNode 9 []
    | Bneq => GenNode 10 []
    | Bor => GenNode 11 []
    | Bmod => GenNode 12 []
    | Bshl => GenNode 13 []
    | Bshr => GenNode 14 []
    | Bsub => GenNode 15 []
    | Bxor => GenNode 16 []
    | Bdotp => GenNode 17 []
    | Bdotip => GenNode 18 []
    | Bunsupported op => GenNode 19 [GenLeaf op]
    end) (fun t =>
    match t with
    | GenNode 0 [] => Badd
    | GenNode 1 [] => Band
    | GenNode 2 [] => Bcmp
    | GenNode 3 [] => Bdiv
    | GenNode 4 [] => Beq
    | GenNode 5 [] => Bge
    | GenNode 6 [] => Bgt
    | GenNode 7 [] => Ble
    | GenNode 8 [] => Blt
    | GenNode 9 [] => Bmul
    | GenNode 10 [] => Bneq
    | GenNode 11 [] => Bor
    | GenNode 12 [] => Bmod
    | GenNode 13 [] => Bshl
    | GenNode 14 [] => Bshr
    | GenNode 15 [] => Bsub
    | GenNode 16 [] => Bxor
    | GenNode 17 [] => Bdotp
    | GenNode 18 [] => Bdotip
    | GenNode 19 [GenLeaf op] => Bunsupported op
    | _ => Badd (* dummy *)
  abstract (by intros []).

Evaluation Order

Module evaluation_order.
  Variant t : Set :=
  | nd (* fully non-deterministic *)
  | l_nd (* left then non-deterministic, calls.
            We use this for left-to-right *binary* operators *)

  | rl (* right-to-left, assignment operators (post C++17) *).

  (* The order of evaluation for each operator *when overloaded* *)
  Definition order_of (oo : OverloadableOperator) : t :=
    match oo with
    | OOTilde | OOExclaim => nd
    | OOPlusPlus | OOMinusMinus =>
      (* The evaluation order only matters for operator calls. For those, these
         are unary operators with a possible Eint 0 as a second argument (to
         distinguish post-fix). The implicit argument is *always* a constant
         integer, so nothing is needed *)

    | OOStar => nd (* multiplication or deref *)
    | OOArrow => nd (* deref *)

    (* binary operators *)
    | OOPlus | OOMinus | OOSlash | OOPercent
    | OOCaret | OOAmp | OOPipe => nd

    (* shift operators are sequenced left-to-right: *)
    | OOLessLess | OOGreaterGreater => l_nd
    (* Assignment operators -- ordered right-to-left*)
    | OOEqual
    | OOPlusEqual | OOMinusEqual | OOStarEqual
    | OOSlashEqual | OOPercentEqual | OOCaretEqual | OOAmpEqual
    | OOPipeEqual | OOLessLessEqual | OOGreaterGreaterEqual => rl
    (* Comparison operators -- non-deterministic *)
    | OOEqualEqual | OOExclaimEqual
    | OOLess | OOGreater
    | OOLessEqual | OOGreaterEqual
    | OOSpaceship => nd

    | OOComma => l_nd (* *)
    | OOArrowStar => l_nd (* left-to-right:*)

    | OOSubscript => l_nd
    (* ^^ for primitives, the order is determined by the types, but when overloading
       the "object" is always on the left. *)

    (* Short circuiting *)
    | OOAmpAmp | OOPipePipe => l_nd
    (* ^^ for primitives, the evaluation is based on short-circuiting, but when
       overloading it is left-to-right. <> and

    | OOCall => l_nd
    (* ^^ post-C++17, the evaluation order for calls is the function first and then the
       arguments, sequenced non-deterministically. This holds for <<f(x)>> as well as
       <<(f.*foo)(x)>> (where <<(f.*foo)>> is sequenced before the evaluation of <<x>> *)

    | OONew _ | OODelete _ | OOCoawait => nd
End evaluation_order.

Atomic Builtins


Dispatch type, i.e. virtual or static

Variant dispatch_type : Set := Virtual | Direct.
#[global] Instance: EqDecision dispatch_type.
Proof. solve_decision. Defined.
#[deprecated(since="20230716",note="use [dispatch_type].")]
Notation call_type := dispatch_type (only parsing).

Value categories

Base value categories as of C++11.
Variant ValCat : Set := Lvalue | Prvalue | Xvalue.
#[global] Instance: EqDecision ValCat.
Proof. solve_decision. Defined.
#[global] Instance ValCat_countable : Countable ValCat.
  apply (inj_countable
    (fun vc => match vc with Lvalue => 1 | Prvalue => 2 | Xvalue => 3 end)
    (fun n =>
    match n with
    | 1 => Some Lvalue
    | 2 => Some Prvalue
    | 3 => Some Xvalue
    | _ => None
  abstract (by intros []).

The way an operator call is desugared

Module operator_impl.
  Import UPoly.

  Variant t {obj_name type : Set} : Set :=
    | Func (fn_name : obj_name) (fn_type : type)
    | MFunc (fn_name : obj_name) (_ : dispatch_type) (fn_type : type).
  #[global] Arguments t : clear implicits.

  #[global] Instance t_eq_dec : EqDecision2 t.
  Proof. solve_decision. Defined.

  Definition functype {name type} (i : t name type) : type :=
    match i with
    | Func _ t => t
    | MFunc _ _ t => t

  Definition existsb {name type : Set} (f : name -> bool) (g : type -> bool)
    (i : operator_impl.t name type) : bool :=
    match i with
    | Func fn ft
    | MFunc fn _ ft => f fn || g ft

  Definition fmap {name type name' type' : Set} (f : name -> name') (g : type -> type')
    (i : t name type) : t name' type' :=
    match i with
    | Func fn ft => Func (f fn) (g ft)
    | MFunc fn dt ft => MFunc (f fn) dt (g ft)
  #[global] Arguments fmap _ _ _ _ _ _ & _ : assert.

    Definition traverse@{u | } {F : Set -> Type@{u}} `{!FMap F, !MRet F, AP : !Ap F}
    {name type name' type' : Set} (f : name -> F name') (g : type -> F type')
    (i : t name type) : F (t name' type') :=
    match i with
    | Func fn ft => Func <$> f fn <*> g ft
    | MFunc fn dt ft => (fun fn ft => MFunc fn dt ft) <$> f fn <*> g ft
  #[global] Arguments traverse _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ & _ _ : assert.
  #[global] Hint Opaque traverse : typeclass_instances.

End operator_impl.

Module new_form.
  Variant t : Set :=
  | Allocating (pass_align : bool)
  | NonAllocating.
  #[global] Instance: EqDecision t := ltac:(solve_decision).
End new_form.
#[global] Notation new_form := (new_form.t).

Definition MethodRef_ (obj_name functype Expr : Set) : Set :=
  (obj_name * dispatch_type * functype) + Expr.

Module MethodRef.
  Definition existsb {name functype Expr : Set}
      (f : name -> bool) (g : functype -> bool) (h : Expr -> bool)
      (a : MethodRef_ name functype Expr) : bool :=
    match a with
    | inl p => f p.1.1 || g p.2
    | inr e => h e

  Import UPoly.

  Definition fmap {name name' functype functype' Expr Expr' : Set}
    (f : name -> name') (g : functype -> functype')
    (h : Expr -> Expr')
    (m : MethodRef_ name functype Expr) : MethodRef_ name' functype' Expr' :=
    match m with
    | inl p => inl (f p.1.1, p.1.2, g p.2)
    | inr e => inr (h e)
  #[global] Arguments fmap _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ & _ : assert.

  (* don't use the notation? *)
  Definition traverse@{u | } {F : Set -> Type@{u}} `{FM: FMap F, AP : !Ap@{Set u Set Set} F}
  {name name' functype functype' Expr Expr' : Set}
  (f : name -> F name') (g : functype -> F functype')
  (h : Expr -> F Expr')
  (m : MethodRef_ name functype Expr) : F (MethodRef_ name' functype' Expr') :=
    let _ : Ap F := AP in
    match m return F (MethodRef_ name' functype' Expr') with
    | inl p => ap (Ap:=AP) (UPoly.fmap (FMap:=FM) (fun on t => inl (on, p.1.2, t)) $ f p.1.1) $ g p.2
    | inr e => UPoly.fmap (FMap:=FM) inr $ h e
  #[global] Arguments traverse _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ & _ _ : assert.
  #[global] Hint Opaque traverse : typeclass_instances.

End MethodRef.

Variant SwitchBranch : Set :=
  | Exact (_ : Z)
  | Range (_ _ : Z).
#[global] Instance: EqDecision SwitchBranch.
Proof. solve_decision. Defined.