
 * Copyright (c) 2020-2024 BlueRock Security, Inc.
 * This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
 * See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.

Require Import bedrock.prelude.elpi.derive.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.base.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.bool.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.list.
Require Export bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.core.
Require Export bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.extras.

Set Primitive Projections.

Section with_lang.
  Context {lang : lang.t}.
  #[local] Notation type := (type' lang).
  #[local] Notation exprtype := (exprtype' lang).
  #[local] Notation decltype := (decltype' lang).

Qualifier normalization

decompose_type t strips any top-level qualifiers from t and returns them, paired with the rest of the type.
The underlying functions qual_norm and qual_norm' are similar (see, e.g., qual_norm_decompose_type).
Section qual_norm.
  Context {A : Type}.
  Variable f : type_qualifiers -> type -> A.

  Fixpoint qual_norm' (q : type_qualifiers) (t : type) : A :=
    match t with
    | Tqualified q' t => qual_norm' (merge_tq q q') t
    | _ => f q t
  #[global] Hint Opaque qual_norm' : typeclass_instances.

  Definition qual_norm : type -> A :=
    qual_norm' QM.
  #[global] Hint Opaque qual_norm : typeclass_instances.
End qual_norm.

Lemma qual_norm'_only_type {T} (f : _ -> T) t : forall q1 q2,
    qual_norm' (fun (_ : type_qualifiers) t => f t) q1 t
    = qual_norm' (fun (_ : type_qualifiers) t => f t) q2 t.
Proof. induction t; simpl; auto. Qed.

Lemma qual_norm_map {T U} (f : T -> U) g ty :
  f (qual_norm g ty) = qual_norm (fun cv t => f (g cv t)) ty.
  unfold qual_norm.
  generalize QM.
  induction ty; simpl; intros; eauto.

Definition decompose_type : type -> type_qualifiers * type :=
  qual_norm (fun q t => (q, t)).
#[global] Hint Opaque decompose_type : typeclass_instances.
#[global] Arguments decompose_type !_ / : simpl nomatch, assert.

take_qualifiers, drop_qualifiers return and remove leading qualifiers.
Definition take_qualifiers : type -> type_qualifiers :=
  qual_norm (fun cv _ => cv).

Fixpoint drop_qualifiers (t : type) : type :=
  match t with
  | Tqualified _ t => drop_qualifiers t
  | _ => t

drop_reference removes any leading reference types.
Fixpoint drop_reference (t : type) : exprtype' lang :=
  match drop_qualifiers t with
  | Tref u | Trv_ref u => drop_reference u
  | _ => t (* We do not normalize qualifiers here to promote sharing *)

Succeed Example TEST_drop_reference : drop_reference (Tconst Tint) = Tconst Tint := eq_refl.
Succeed Example TEST_drop_reference : drop_reference (Tconst (Tref Tint)) = Tint := eq_refl.
Succeed Example TEST_drop_reference : drop_reference (Tconst (Tref (Tconst Tint))) = Tconst Tint := eq_refl.

Smart constructors

Qualify a type, merging nested qualifiers, suppressing QM qualifiers, and ( discarding any cv-qualifiers on reference types.
Definition tqualified' (q : type_qualifiers) (t : type) : type :=
  match t with
  | Tref _ | Trv_ref _ => t
  | _ => match q with QM => t | _ => Tqualified q t end
#[global] Hint Opaque tqualified' : typeclass_instances.
#[global] Arguments tqualified' _ !_ / : simpl nomatch, assert.

Definition tqualified : type_qualifiers -> type -> type :=
  qual_norm' tqualified'.
#[global] Hint Opaque tqualified : typeclass_instances.
#[global] Arguments tqualified _ !_ / : simpl nomatch, assert.

tref, trv_ref implement reference collapsing.
Definition tref := fix tref (acc : type_qualifiers) (t : type) : type :=
  match t with
  | Tref t | Trv_ref t => tref QM t
  | Tqualified q t => tref (merge_tq acc q) t
  | _ => Tref (tqualified acc t)
#[global] Hint Opaque tref : typeclass_instances.
#[global] Arguments tref _ !_ / : simpl nomatch, assert.

Definition trv_ref := fix trv_ref (acc : type_qualifiers) (t : type) : type :=
  match t with
  | Tref t => tref QM t
  | Trv_ref t => trv_ref QM t
  | Tqualified q t => trv_ref (merge_tq acc q) t
  | _ => Trv_ref (tqualified acc t)
#[global] Hint Opaque trv_ref : typeclass_instances.
#[global] Arguments trv_ref _ !_ / : simpl nomatch, assert.

An equivalence relation on types that quotients by "identical to C++". The equations here are dictated by the fact that type is too big for C++.

Inductive type_equiv : Equiv type :=

Qualifier normalization
| Tqualified_id t : Tqualified QM t t
| Tqualified_merge q q' t : Tqualified q (Tqualified q' t) Tqualified (merge_tq q q') t
"An array type whose elements are cv-qualified is also considered to
have the same cv-qualifications as its elements. ... Cv-qualifiers
applied to an array type attach to the underlying element type."
<> *)

| Tqualified_array q t n : Tqualified q (Tarray t n) Tarray (Tqualified q t) n
"A function or reference type is always cv-unqualified."
<> *)

| Tqualified_ref q t : Tqualified q (Tref t) Tref t
| Tqualified_rv_ref q t : Tqualified q (Trv_ref t) Trv_ref t
| Tqualified_func q ft : Tqualified q (Tfunction ft) Tfunction ft
"After producing the list of parameter types, any top-level cv-qualifiers modifying a parameter type are deleted when forming the function type." <>
| Tptr_proper : Proper (equiv ==> equiv) Tptr
| Tref_proper : Proper (equiv ==> equiv) Tref
| Trv_ref_proper : Proper (equiv ==> equiv) Trv_ref
| Tarray_proper : Proper (equiv ==> eq ==> equiv) Tarray
(* | Tfunction_proper cc ar : Proper (equiv ==> equiv ==> equiv) (@Tfunction lang cc ar) *)
| Tmember_pointer_proper gn : Proper (equiv ==> equiv) (Tmember_pointer gn)
| Tqualified_proper q : Proper (equiv ==> equiv) (Tqualified q)
#[global] Existing Instances
#[global] Instance type_equivalence : Equivalence (≡@{type}) :=
  Build_Equivalence _ type_equiv_refl type_equiv_sym type_equiv_trans.

#[global] Instance Tconst_volatile_proper : Proper (equiv ==> equiv) Tconst_volatile.
Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
#[global] Instance Tconst_proper : Proper (equiv ==> equiv) Tconst.
Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
#[global] Instance Tvolatile_proper : Proper (equiv ==> equiv) Tvolatile.
Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
#[global] Instance Tmut_proper : Proper (equiv ==> equiv) Tmut.
Proof. solve_proper. Qed.

Lemma Tmut_equiv t : Tmut t t.
Proof. by rewrite Tqualified_id. Qed.

It would be nice to make this the default.
#[local] Arguments decompose_type : simpl never.

is_qualified t decides if t has top-level qualifiers.
Note: is_qualified is incompatible with the equivalence on types. Counterexample: Tqualified QM (Tref t) Tref t.
Definition is_qualified (t : type) : bool :=
  if t is Tqualified _ _ then true else false.

Lemma is_qualified_spec t : is_qualified t <-> q t', t = Tqualified q t'.
Proof. split=>Hq. by destruct t; eauto. by destruct Hq as (?&?&->). Qed.

Lemma is_qualified_qual q t : is_qualified (Tqualified q t).
Proof. done. Qed.

Section qual_norm.
  Context {A : Type}.
  Implicit Types (f : type_qualifiers -> type -> A).

  Lemma qual_norm'_unfold f q t :
    qual_norm' f q t =
      if t is Tqualified q' t'
      then qual_norm' f (merge_tq q q') t'
      else f q t.
  Proof. by destruct t. Qed.

We use this relation to state induction principles for things defined in terms of qual_norm' and qual_norm.
Example: elim: (qual_norm_ok _ ty) in a goal involving qual_norm f ty tends to be easier to use than pattern (qual_norm f ty); induction using qual_norm_ind because one need not repeat the function f in the proof script.

  Inductive qual_norm_spec f : type_qualifiers -> type -> A -> Prop :=
  | qual_norm_spec_unqual q t : ~~ is_qualified t -> qual_norm_spec f q t (f q t)
  | qual_norm_spec_qual q q' t' ret :
    qual_norm_spec f (merge_tq q q') t' ret ->
    qual_norm_spec f q (Tqualified q' t') ret
  #[local] Hint Constructors qual_norm_spec : core.

  Lemma qual_norm'_ok f q t : qual_norm_spec f q t (qual_norm' f q t).
    move: q. induction t; intros.
    all: rewrite qual_norm'_unfold; auto.

  Lemma qual_norm'_unqual f q t : ~~ is_qualified t -> qual_norm' f q t = f q t.
    intros. rewrite qual_norm'_unfold. by destruct t.

  Lemma qual_norm'_idemp f q t : qual_norm' (qual_norm' f) q t = qual_norm' f q t.
    induction (qual_norm'_ok f q t).
    { by rewrite !qual_norm'_unqual. }
    { done. }

  Lemma qual_norm_unfold f t :
    qual_norm f t =
      if t is Tqualified q' t'
      then qual_norm' f q' t'
      else f QM t.
    rewrite /qual_norm qual_norm'_unfold. f_equiv.
    by rewrite left_id_L.

  Lemma qual_norm_ok f t : qual_norm_spec f QM t (qual_norm f t).
  Proof. apply qual_norm'_ok. Qed.

  Lemma qual_norm_unqual f t : ~~ is_qualified t -> qual_norm f t = f QM t.
  Proof. apply qual_norm'_unqual. Qed.

  Lemma qual_norm_idemp f t : qual_norm (qual_norm' f) t = qual_norm f t.
  Proof. apply qual_norm'_idemp. Qed.
End qual_norm.

Lemma qual_norm'_bind {A B} (f : type_qualifiers -> type -> A) (g : A -> B) q t :
  g (qual_norm' f q t) = qual_norm' (fun q => g f q) q t.
  induction (qual_norm'_ok f q t).
  { by rewrite qual_norm'_unqual. }
  { done. }
Lemma qual_norm_bind {A B} (f : type_qualifiers -> type -> A) (g : A -> B) t :
  g (qual_norm f t) = qual_norm (fun q => g f q) t.
Proof. apply qual_norm'_bind. Qed.

Lemma qual_norm'_equiv q t : qual_norm' Tqualified q t Tqualified q t.
  induction (qual_norm'_ok Tqualified q t).
  { done. }
  { by rewrite Tqualified_merge. }
Lemma qual_norm_equiv t : qual_norm Tqualified t t.
Proof. by rewrite /qual_norm qual_norm'_equiv Tqualified_id. Qed.

Lemma decompose_type_unfold t :
  decompose_type t =
    if t is Tqualified q t' then
      let p := decompose_type t' in
      (merge_tq q p.1, p.2)
    else (QM, t).
  rewrite /decompose_type qual_norm_unfold.
  destruct t; try done. set pair := fun x y => (x, y).
  move: q. induction t=>?; cbn; try by rewrite right_id_L.
  rewrite left_id_L !IHt /=. f_equal. by rewrite assoc_L.

Inductive decompose_type_spec : type -> type_qualifiers * type -> Prop :=
| decompose_type_spec_unqual t : ~~ is_qualified t -> decompose_type_spec t (QM, t)
| decompose_type_spec_qual q t p :
  decompose_type_spec t p ->
  decompose_type_spec (Tqualified q t) (merge_tq q p.1, p.2)
#[local] Hint Constructors decompose_type_spec : core.

Lemma decompose_type_ok t : decompose_type_spec t (decompose_type t).
  induction t.
  all: rewrite decompose_type_unfold; cbn; auto.

Lemma is_qualified_decompose_type t : ~~ is_qualified (decompose_type t).2.
Proof. by induction (decompose_type_ok t). Qed.

Lemma decompose_type_unqual t : ~~ is_qualified t -> decompose_type t = (QM, t).
Proof. apply qual_norm_unqual. Qed.

Lemma decompose_type_qual q t :
  decompose_type (Tqualified q t) =
    let p := decompose_type t in
    (merge_tq q p.1, p.2).
Proof. by rewrite decompose_type_unfold. Qed.

Lemma decompose_type_idemp t :
  decompose_type (decompose_type t).2 = (QM, (decompose_type t).2).
Proof. rewrite decompose_type_unqual; eauto using is_qualified_decompose_type. Qed.

Lemma decompose_type_equiv t : let p := decompose_type t in Tqualified p.1 p.2 t.
  elim: (decompose_type_ok t); cbn.
  { intros. by rewrite Tqualified_id. }
  { intros ???? <-. by rewrite Tqualified_merge. }

Lemma qual_norm'_decompose_type {A} (f : type_qualifiers -> type -> A) q t :
  qual_norm' f q t =
    let p := decompose_type t in
    f (merge_tq q p.1) p.2.
  move: q. induction t=>? /=; try by rewrite right_id_L.
  rewrite decompose_type_unfold IHt /=. by rewrite assoc_L.

Lemma qual_norm_decompose_type {A} (f : type_qualifiers -> type -> A) t :
  qual_norm f t =
    let p := decompose_type t in
    f p.1 p.2.
  rewrite /qual_norm qual_norm'_decompose_type. cbn.
  by rewrite left_id_L.

Lemma is_qualified_drop_qualifiers ty : ~~ is_qualified (drop_qualifiers ty).
Proof. by induction ty. Qed.
#[local] Hint Resolve is_qualified_drop_qualifiers | 0 : core. (* TODO: make this global? *)

Lemma drop_qualifiers_unqual t : ~~ is_qualified t -> drop_qualifiers t = t.
Proof. by destruct t; cbn; auto. Qed.

Lemma drop_qualifiers_qual_norm' q t : drop_qualifiers t = qual_norm' (fun _ t => t) q t.
  elim: (qual_norm'_ok _ q t).
  { intros. by rewrite drop_qualifiers_unqual. }
  { done. }
Lemma drop_qualifiers_qual_norm t : drop_qualifiers t = qual_norm (fun _ t => t) t.
Proof. apply drop_qualifiers_qual_norm'. Qed.
Lemma drop_qualifiers_decompose_type t : drop_qualifiers t = (decompose_type t).2.
Proof. by rewrite drop_qualifiers_qual_norm qual_norm_decompose_type. Qed.

Lemma drop_qualifiers_idemp t : drop_qualifiers (drop_qualifiers t) = drop_qualifiers t.
Proof. by rewrite drop_qualifiers_unqual. Qed.

Lemma unqual_drop_qualifiers ty tq ty' : drop_qualifiers ty <> Tqualified tq ty'.
Proof. by induction ty. Qed.

Variant qual_norm_decomp_spec {A} (f : type_qualifiers type A) t : A -> Prop :=
| QualNormDecomp q' t' : (q', t') = decompose_type t -> qual_norm_decomp_spec f t (f q' t')

Lemma qual_norm_decomp_ok {A} (f : type_qualifiers type A) t : qual_norm_decomp_spec f t (qual_norm f t).
  rewrite qual_norm_decompose_type.
  by constructor; rewrite -?surjective_pairing -?drop_qualifiers_decompose_type.

Erasing qualifiers

erase_qualifiers t erases *all* qualifiers that occur everywhere in the type.
NOTE we currently use this because we do not track constness in the logic, this is somewhat reasonable because we often opt to express this in separation logic. And the type system also enforces some of the other criteria.
Fixpoint erase_qualifiers (t : type) : type :=
  match t with
  | Tptr t => Tptr (erase_qualifiers t)
  | Tref t => Tref (erase_qualifiers t)
  | Trv_ref t => Trv_ref (erase_qualifiers t)
  | Tnum _ _
  | Tchar_ _
  | Tbool
  | Tvoid
  | Tfloat_ _
  | Tnamed _
  | Tenum _ => t
  | Tarray t sz => Tarray (erase_qualifiers t) sz
  | Tincomplete_array t => Tincomplete_array (erase_qualifiers t)
  | Tvariable_array t e => Tvariable_array (erase_qualifiers t) e
  | Tfunction ft => Tfunction $ FunctionType (ft_cc:=ft.(ft_cc)) (ft_arity:=ft.(ft_arity)) (erase_qualifiers ft.(ft_return)) ( erase_qualifiers ft.(ft_params))
  | Tmember_pointer cls t => Tmember_pointer cls (erase_qualifiers t)
  | Tqualified _ t => erase_qualifiers t
  | Tnullptr => Tnullptr
  | Tarch sz nm => Tarch sz nm
  | Tunsupported msg => Tunsupported msg
  | Tparam _
  | Tresult_param _
  | Tresult_global _
  | Tresult_unop _ _ | Tresult_binop _ _ _ | Tresult_call _ _ | Tresult_member_call _ _ _
  | Tresult_parenlist _ _
  | Tresult_member _ _
  | Tdecltype _ => t (* TODO: it isn't clear what erase_qualifiers means on meta types *)
  | Texprtype _ => t (* TODO: it isn't clear what erase_qualifiers means on meta types *)

Lemma is_qualified_erase_qualifiers ty : ~~ is_qualified (erase_qualifiers ty).
Proof. by induction ty. Qed.
#[local] Hint Resolve is_qualified_erase_qualifiers | 0 : core. (* TODO: global *)

Lemma erase_qualifiers_qual_norm' q t :
  erase_qualifiers t = qual_norm' (fun _ t => erase_qualifiers t) q t.
Proof. by elim: (qual_norm'_ok _ q t). Qed.
Lemma erase_qualifiers_qual_norm t :
  erase_qualifiers t = qual_norm (fun _ t => erase_qualifiers t) t.
Proof. apply erase_qualifiers_qual_norm'. Qed.
Lemma erase_qualifiers_decompose_type t :
  erase_qualifiers t = erase_qualifiers (decompose_type t).2.
Proof. by rewrite erase_qualifiers_qual_norm qual_norm_decompose_type. Qed.

Lemma erase_qualifiers_idemp t : erase_qualifiers (erase_qualifiers t) = erase_qualifiers t.
  move: t. fix IHt 1=>t.
  destruct t; cbn; auto with f_equal.
  { (* functions *) rewrite IHt. f_equal. f_equal. induction (ft_params t); cbn; auto with f_equal. }

Lemma drop_erase_qualifiers t : drop_qualifiers (erase_qualifiers t) = erase_qualifiers t.
Proof. by rewrite drop_qualifiers_unqual. Qed.
Lemma erase_drop_qualifiers t : erase_qualifiers (drop_qualifiers t) = erase_qualifiers t.
Proof. induction t; cbn; auto. Qed.

#[deprecated(since="20230531", note="Use [drop_erase_qualifiers].")]
Notation drop_erase := drop_erase_qualifiers.
#[deprecated(since="20230531", note="Use [erase_drop_qualifiers].")]
Notation erase_drop := drop_erase_qualifiers.

Lemma unqual_erase_qualifiers ty tq ty' : erase_qualifiers ty <> Tqualified tq ty'.
Proof. by induction ty. Qed.

Qualifier simplification tactic

(* Lemmas for all type constructors; in constructor order for easy review. *)
Lemma drop_qualifiers_Tptr : forall [ty ty'],
    drop_qualifiers ty = Tptr ty' -> erase_qualifiers ty = Tptr (erase_qualifiers ty').
Proof. induction ty; simpl; intros; try congruence; eauto. Qed.
Lemma drop_qualifiers_Tref : forall [ty ty'],
    drop_qualifiers ty = Tref ty' -> erase_qualifiers ty = Tref (erase_qualifiers ty').
Proof. induction ty; simpl; intros; try congruence; eauto. Qed.
Lemma drop_qualifiers_Trv_ref : forall [ty ty'],
    drop_qualifiers ty = Trv_ref ty' -> erase_qualifiers ty = Trv_ref (erase_qualifiers ty').
Proof. induction ty; simpl; intros; try congruence; eauto. Qed.
Lemma drop_qualifiers_Tnum : forall [ty sz sgn],
    drop_qualifiers ty = Tnum sz sgn -> erase_qualifiers ty = Tnum sz sgn.
Proof. by induction ty. Qed.
Lemma drop_qualifiers_Tchar_ : forall [ty ct],
    drop_qualifiers ty = Tchar_ ct -> erase_qualifiers ty = Tchar_ ct.
Proof. by induction ty. Qed.
Lemma drop_qualifiers_Tvoid : forall [ty],
    drop_qualifiers ty = Tvoid -> erase_qualifiers ty = Tvoid.
Proof. induction ty; simpl; intros; try congruence; eauto. Qed.
Lemma drop_qualifiers_Tarray : forall [ty ty' n],
    drop_qualifiers ty = Tarray ty' n -> erase_qualifiers ty = Tarray (erase_qualifiers ty') n.
Proof. induction ty; simpl; intros; try congruence; eauto. Qed.
Lemma drop_qualifiers_Tnamed : forall [ty n],
    drop_qualifiers ty = Tnamed n -> erase_qualifiers ty = Tnamed n.
Proof. induction ty; simpl; intros; try congruence; eauto. Qed.
Lemma drop_qualifiers_Tenum : forall [ty nm],
    drop_qualifiers ty = Tenum nm -> erase_qualifiers ty = Tenum nm.
Proof. induction ty; simpl; intros; try congruence; eauto. Qed.
Lemma drop_qualifiers_Tfunction : forall [ty c ar ty' tArgs],
    drop_qualifiers ty = Tfunction (@FunctionType _ c ar ty' tArgs) ->
    erase_qualifiers ty = Tfunction (@FunctionType _ c ar (erase_qualifiers ty') (map erase_qualifiers tArgs)).
Proof. induction ty; simpl; intros; try congruence; eauto. inversion H; subst. done. Qed.
Lemma drop_qualifiers_Tbool : forall [ty],
    drop_qualifiers ty = Tbool -> erase_qualifiers ty = Tbool.
Proof. induction ty; simpl; intros; try congruence; eauto. Qed.
Lemma drop_qualifiers_Tmember_pointer : forall [ty cls ty'],
    drop_qualifiers ty = Tmember_pointer cls ty' ->
    erase_qualifiers ty = Tmember_pointer cls (erase_qualifiers ty').
Proof. induction ty; simpl; intros; try congruence; eauto. Qed.
Lemma drop_qualifiers_Tfloat : forall [ty sz],
    drop_qualifiers ty = Tfloat_ sz -> erase_qualifiers ty = Tfloat_ sz.
Proof. induction ty; simpl; intros; try congruence; eauto. Qed.
(* Omit Tqualified on purpose *)
Lemma drop_qualifiers_Tnullptr : forall [ty],
    drop_qualifiers ty = Tnullptr -> erase_qualifiers ty = Tnullptr.
Proof. induction ty; simpl; intros; try congruence; eauto. Qed.

simplify instances where you have drop_qualifiers ty = Txxx .. for some Txxx.
(* Same order as above, for easier review. *)
Ltac simpl_drop_qualifiers :=
  match goal with
  | H : drop_qualifiers _ = _ |- _ => first
          [ rewrite (drop_qualifiers_Tptr H)
          | rewrite (drop_qualifiers_Tref H)
          | rewrite (drop_qualifiers_Trv_ref H)
          | rewrite (drop_qualifiers_Tnum H)
          | rewrite (drop_qualifiers_Tchar_ H)
          | rewrite (drop_qualifiers_Tvoid H)
          | rewrite (drop_qualifiers_Tarray H)
          | rewrite (drop_qualifiers_Tnamed H)
          | rewrite (drop_qualifiers_Tenum H)
          | rewrite (drop_qualifiers_Tfunction H)
          | rewrite (drop_qualifiers_Tbool H)
          | rewrite (drop_qualifiers_Tmember_pointer H)
          | rewrite (drop_qualifiers_Tfloat H)
          | rewrite (drop_qualifiers_Tnullptr H)

is_ref t decides if t a reference type
Note: is_ref is incompatible with the equivalence on types. Counterexample: Tqualified QM (Tref t) Tref t.
Definition is_ref (t : type) : bool :=
  if t is (Tref _ | Trv_ref _) then true else false.

Lemma is_ref_spec t : is_ref t <-> t', t = Tref t' \/ t = Trv_ref t'.
Proof. split=>Href. by destruct t; eauto. by destruct Href as (?&[-> | ->]). Qed.

Lemma is_ref_unqualified t : is_ref t -> ~~ is_qualified t.
Proof. by destruct t. Qed.

Lemma is_ref_drop_qualifiers t : is_ref t -> is_ref (drop_qualifiers t).
Proof. by destruct t. Qed.

is_QM cv decides if cv is the neutral qualifier QM
Definition is_QM (cv : type_qualifiers) : bool :=
  if cv is QM then true else false.

Lemma is_QM_spec cv : is_QM cv <-> cv = QM.
Proof. by destruct cv. Qed.
Lemma is_QM_bool_decide cv : is_QM cv = bool_decide (cv = QM).
Proof. by destruct cv. Qed.

Variant tqualified'_spec : type_qualifiers -> type -> type -> Prop :=
| tqualified'_spec_ref q t : is_ref t -> tqualified'_spec q t t
| tqualified'_spec_unqual t : ~~ is_ref t -> tqualified'_spec QM t t
| tqualified'_spec_qual q t : ~~ is_ref t -> ~~ is_QM q -> tqualified'_spec q t (Tqualified q t)
#[local] Hint Constructors tqualified'_spec : core.

Lemma tqualified'_ok q t : tqualified'_spec q t (tqualified' q t).
  rewrite /tqualified'. destruct (boolP (is_ref t)); [by destruct t; auto|].
  destruct t; try done.
  all: destruct (boolP (is_QM q)); by destruct q; auto.

Lemma tqualified'_equiv q t : tqualified' q t Tqualified q t.
  case: (tqualified'_ok q t).
  { intros ?? (?&[-> | ->])%is_ref_spec.
    by rewrite Tqualified_ref. by rewrite Tqualified_rv_ref. }
  { intros. by rewrite Tqualified_id. }
  { done. }

#[global] Instance: Params (@tqualified') 1 := {}.
#[global] Instance tqualified'_proper q : Proper (equiv ==> equiv) (tqualified' q).
Proof. intros t1 t2 Ht. by rewrite !tqualified'_equiv Ht. Qed.

Lemma tqualified'_ref q t : is_ref t -> tqualified' q t = t.
Proof. by destruct t. Qed.

Lemma tqualified'_QM t : tqualified' QM t = t.
Proof. by destruct t. Qed.

Lemma tqualified'_non_ref q t : ~~ is_ref t -> ~~ is_QM q -> tqualified' q t = Tqualified q t.
Proof. by destruct t, q. Qed.

Lemma tqualified_ok q t : qual_norm_spec tqualified' q t (tqualified q t).
Proof. apply qual_norm'_ok. Qed.

Lemma tqualified_equiv q t : tqualified q t Tqualified q t.
  induction (tqualified_ok q t).
  { by rewrite tqualified'_equiv. }
  { by rewrite Tqualified_merge. }

#[global] Instance: Params (@tqualified) 1 := {}.
#[global] Instance tqualified_proper q : Proper (equiv ==> equiv) (tqualified q).
Proof. intros t1 t2 Ht. by rewrite !tqualified_equiv Ht. Qed.

Lemma tqualified_tqualified' q t : tqualified q t tqualified' q t.
Proof. by rewrite tqualified_equiv tqualified'_equiv. Qed.

Lemma tqualified_qual_norm' q t : tqualified q t = qual_norm' tqualified' q t.
Proof. done. Qed.

Lemma tqualified_decompose_type q t :
  tqualified q t =
    let p := decompose_type t in
    tqualified' (merge_tq q p.1) p.2.
  by rewrite tqualified_qual_norm' qual_norm'_decompose_type.

Lemma tqualified_unqual q t : ~~ is_qualified t -> tqualified q t = tqualified' q t.
Proof. intros. by rewrite /tqualified qual_norm'_unqual. Qed.

Lemma tqualified_idemp q1 q2 t :
  tqualified q1 (tqualified q2 t) = tqualified (merge_tq q1 q2) t.
  elim: (tqualified_ok q2 t) q1; last first.
  { intros ????? IH ?. rewrite {}IH /=. by rewrite !assoc_L. }
  intros q2' t' ? q1. destruct (tqualified'_ok q2' t').
  - rewrite !tqualified_unqual//. by rewrite !tqualified'_ref.
  - rewrite !tqualified_unqual//. by rewrite right_id_L.
  - done.

Lemma drop_qualifiers_tqualified q t :
  drop_qualifiers (tqualified q t) = drop_qualifiers t.
  induction (tqualified_ok q t).
  { by destruct (tqualified'_ok q t). }
  { done. }

Lemma erase_qualifiers_tqualified q t :
  erase_qualifiers (tqualified q t) = erase_qualifiers t.
  induction (tqualified_ok q t).
  { by destruct (tqualified'_ok q t). }
  { done. }

Inductive tref_spec : type_qualifiers -> type -> type -> Prop :=
| tref_spec_nonref_unqual q t : ~~ is_ref t -> ~~ is_qualified t -> tref_spec q t (Tref $ tqualified q t)
| tref_spec_ref q t ret : tref_spec QM t ret -> tref_spec q (Tref t) ret
| tref_spec_rv_ref q t ret : tref_spec QM t ret -> tref_spec q (Trv_ref t) ret
| tref_spec_qual q q' t ret : tref_spec (merge_tq q q') t ret -> tref_spec q (Tqualified q' t) ret
#[local] Hint Constructors tref_spec : core.

Lemma tref_ok q t : tref_spec q t (tref q t).
Proof. revert q. induction t; auto. Qed.

Lemma tref_equiv' q t : tref q t ≡ Tref (Tqualified q t).
  elim: (tref_ok q t).
  { intros. by rewrite tqualified_equiv. }
  { intros ???? ->. by rewrite Tqualified_id Tqualified_ref Tref_ref. }
  { intros ???? ->. by rewrite Tqualified_id Tqualified_rv_ref Tref_rv_ref. }
  { intros. by rewrite Tqualified_merge. }
Lemma tref_equiv t : tref QM t ≡ Tref t.
Proof. by rewrite tref_equiv' Tqualified_id. Qed.

[global] Instance: Params (@tref) 1 := {}. global Instance tref_proper q : Proper (equiv ==> equiv) (tref q).
Proof. intros t1 t2 Ht. by rewrite !tref_equiv' Ht. Qed.

Lemma tref_unfold q t :
  tref q t =
    qual_norm' (fun q' t' =>
      match t' with
      | Tref t'' | Trv_ref t'' => tref QM t''
      | _ => Tref (tqualified q' t')
    ) q t.
Proof. move: q. by induction t; cbn. Qed.

Inductive trv_ref_spec : type_qualifiers -> type -> type -> Prop :=
| trv_ref_nonref_unqual q t : ~~ is_ref t -> ~~ is_qualified t -> trv_ref_spec q t (Trv_ref $ tqualified q t)
| trv_ref_spec_ref q t : trv_ref_spec q (Tref t) (tref QM t)
| trv_ref_spec_rv_ref q t ret : trv_ref_spec QM t ret -> trv_ref_spec q (Trv_ref t) ret
| trv_ref_spec_qual q q' t ret : trv_ref_spec (merge_tq q q') t ret -> trv_ref_spec q (Tqualified q' t) ret
#[local] Hint Constructors trv_ref_spec : core.

Lemma trv_ref_ok q t : trv_ref_spec q t (trv_ref q t).
Proof. revert q; induction t; auto. Qed.

Lemma trv_ref_equiv' q t : trv_ref q t ≡ Trv_ref (Tqualified q t).
  elim: (trv_ref_ok q t).
  { intros. by rewrite tqualified_equiv. }
  { intros. by rewrite tref_equiv' Tqualified_id Tqualified_ref Trv_ref_ref. }
  { intros ???? ->. by rewrite Tqualified_id Tqualified_rv_ref Trv_ref_rv_ref. }
  { intros. by rewrite Tqualified_merge. }
Lemma trv_ref_equiv t : trv_ref QM t ≡ Trv_ref t.
Proof. by rewrite trv_ref_equiv' Tqualified_id. Qed.

[global] Instance: Params (@trv_ref) 1 := {}. global Instance trv_ref_proper q : Proper (equiv ==> equiv) (trv_ref q).
Proof. intros t1 t2 Ht. by rewrite !trv_ref_equiv' Ht. Qed.

Lemma trv_ref_unfold q t :
  trv_ref q t =
    qual_norm' (fun q' t' =>
      match t' with
      | Tref t'' => tref QM t''
      | Trv_ref t'' => trv_ref QM t''
      | _ => Trv_ref (tqualified q' t')
    ) q t.
Proof. move: q. by induction t; cbn. Qed.

Type normalization

Definition to_arg_type : type -> type :=
  qual_norm (fun cv t =>
               match t with
               | Tarray ety _
               | Tvariable_array ety _
               | Tincomplete_array ety => Tptr ety
               | _ => t (* the outer qualifiers do not factor into the type *)

Lemma to_arg_type_idempotent : forall t, to_arg_type (to_arg_type t) = to_arg_type t.
  rewrite /to_arg_type/=/qual_norm/=. intro t.
  rewrite !qual_norm'_decompose_type.
  destruct (decompose_type t) eqn:Heq.
  simpl. destruct t1; simpl; eauto.
  generalize (is_qualified_decompose_type t). rewrite Heq. auto.

normalization of types
  • compresses adjacent Tqualified constructors
  • drops (irrelevant) qualifiers on function arguments
Fixpoint normalize_type' (cv : type_qualifiers) (t : type) : type :=
  let normalize_type := normalize_type' QM in
  match t with
  | Tptr t => tqualified cv $ Tptr (normalize_type t)
  | Tref t => Tref (normalize_type t)
  | Trv_ref t => Trv_ref (normalize_type t)
  | Tarray t n => Tarray (normalize_type' cv t) n
  | Tincomplete_array t => Tincomplete_array (normalize_type' cv t)
  | Tvariable_array t e => Tvariable_array (normalize_type' cv t) e
  | Tfunction ft =>
    Tfunction $ FunctionType (ft_cc:=ft.(ft_cc)) (ft_arity:=ft.(ft_arity))
      (normalize_type ft.(ft_return))
      ( (fun t => to_arg_type $ normalize_type' QM t) ft.(ft_params))
  | Tmember_pointer gn t => Tmember_pointer gn (normalize_type t)
  | Tqualified q t => normalize_type' (merge_tq cv q) t
  | Tnum _ _
  | Tchar_ _
  | Tbool
  | Tvoid
  | Tnamed _
  | Tenum _
  | Tnullptr
  | Tfloat_ _
  | Tarch _ _ => tqualified cv t
  | Tunsupported _ => tqualified cv t
  | Tparam _
  | Tresult_param _
  | Tresult_global _
  | Tresult_unop _ _ | Tresult_binop _ _ _ | Tresult_call _ _ | Tresult_member_call _ _ _
  | Tresult_parenlist _ _
  | Tresult_member _ _
  | Tdecltype _ => tqualified cv t
  | Texprtype _ => tqualified cv t
Notation normalize_type := (normalize_type' QM).

Definition normalize_arg_type (t : type) : type :=
  to_arg_type $ normalize_type t.

Fixpoint normalize_type'_idempotent ty {struct ty}: forall cv1 cv2,
  normalize_type' cv1 (normalize_type' cv2 ty) = normalize_type' (merge_tq cv1 cv2) ty
with to_arg_type_normalize_type'_idempotent ty {struct ty} : forall cv,
  normalize_type' QM (to_arg_type $ normalize_type' cv ty) = to_arg_type (normalize_type' cv ty).
  { destruct ty; simpl; try solve [ destruct cv1, cv2; clear; eauto ].
    all: try solve [ intros; f_equal; apply normalize_type'_idempotent ].
    { destruct cv1, cv2; simpl; f_equal; try first [ apply normalize_type'_idempotent
                                                  | f_equal; apply normalize_type'_idempotent ]. }
    { intros. do 2 f_equal. apply normalize_type'_idempotent.
      induction (ft_params t); simpl; f_equal; [ | apply IHl ].
      rewrite to_arg_type_normalize_type'_idempotent.
      by rewrite to_arg_type_idempotent. }
    { intros; rewrite normalize_type'_idempotent.
      by rewrite assoc_L. } }
  { destruct ty; simpl; try solve [ destruct cv; clear; eauto ].
    all: try by destruct cv; rewrite /=/to_arg_type/=/qual_norm/=; rewrite normalize_type'_idempotent.
    all: try by rewrite /=/to_arg_type/=/qual_norm/=; rewrite normalize_type'_idempotent.
    { rewrite /=/to_arg_type/=/qual_norm/=; rewrite normalize_type'_idempotent.
      intros. do 2 f_equal.
      induction (ft_params t); simpl; f_equal; [ | apply IHl ].
      rewrite to_arg_type_normalize_type'_idempotent.
      etrans; [ eapply to_arg_type_idempotent | ]. done. }
    { intros. rewrite to_arg_type_normalize_type'_idempotent. done. } }

Lemma normalize_type_idempotent ty : normalize_type (normalize_type ty) = normalize_type ty.
Proof. apply normalize_type'_idempotent. Qed.

Definition normalize_arg_type_idempotent : forall t,
    normalize_arg_type (normalize_arg_type t) = normalize_arg_type t.
  by intros; rewrite /normalize_arg_type to_arg_type_normalize_type'_idempotent to_arg_type_idempotent.

Qualifier-aware type operations

unptr t returns the type of the object that a value of type t points to or None if t is not a pointer type.
Definition unptr (t : exprtype) : option exprtype :=
  match drop_qualifiers t with
  | Tptr p => Some p
  | _ => None

(* array_type t extracts element type of the array or fails. *)
Definition array_type : exprtype -> option exprtype :=
  qual_norm (fun cv ty =>
               match ty with
               | Tarray ety _
               | Tincomplete_array ety
               | Tvariable_array ety _ => Some $ tqualified cv ety
               | _ => None

class_name t returns the name of the class that this type refers to
Definition class_name (t : type) : option (name' lang) :=
  match drop_qualifiers t with
  | Tnamed gn => Some gn
  | _ => None

is_arithmetic ty states whether ty is an arithmetic type
Definition is_arithmetic (ty : type) : bool :=
  match drop_qualifiers ty with
  | Tnum _ _
  | Tchar_ _
  | Tfloat_ _
  | Tenum _
  | Tbool => true
  | _ => false

(* as_function ty returns the function_type' if ty is a function type. *)
Definition as_function {lang} (ty : functype' lang) : option (function_type' lang) :=
  match ty with
  | Tfunction ft => Some ft
  | _ => None

(* extracts the parameter information from a function type *)
Definition args_for {lang} (ft : function_type' lang)
  : list (decltype' lang) * function_arity :=
  (ft.(ft_params), ft.(ft_arity)).

is_pointer ty is true if ty is a pointer type
Definition is_pointer (ty : type) : bool :=
  match drop_qualifiers ty with
  | Tptr _ | Tnullptr => true
  | _ => false

Lemma is_pointer_not_arithmetic : forall ty, is_pointer ty = true -> is_arithmetic ty = false.
Proof. induction ty; simpl; intros; eauto. Qed.
Lemma is_arithmetic_not_pointer : forall ty, is_arithmetic ty = true -> is_pointer ty = false.
Proof. induction ty; simpl; intros; eauto. Qed.

Definition scalar_type (ty : type) : bool :=
  match drop_qualifiers ty with
  | Tnullptr | Tptr _
  | Tmember_pointer _ _
  | Tfloat_ _
  | Tchar_ _
  | Tbool
  | Tnum _ _ | Tenum _ => true
  | _ => false
Lemma scalar_type_erase_drop ty :
  scalar_type (erase_qualifiers ty) = scalar_type (drop_qualifiers ty).
Proof. by induction ty. Qed.

is_value_type t returns true if t has value semantics. A value type is one that can be represented by val.
NOTE: The only difference between a value type and a scalar type is that Tvoid is a value type and not a scalar type.
Definition is_value_type (t : type) : bool :=
  match drop_qualifiers t with
  | Tnum _ _
  | Tchar_ _
  | Tbool
  | Tptr _
  | Tnullptr
  | Tfloat_ _
  | Tmember_pointer _ _
NOTE: In C++ the the underlying type of an enumeration must be an integral type. This definition pre-supposes t a valid enumeration.
  | Tenum _ (* enum types are value types *)
  | Tvoid => true
  | _ => false

Lemma is_value_type_erase_qualifiers ty :
  is_value_type (erase_qualifiers ty) = is_value_type ty.
Proof. induction ty; cbn; auto. Qed.
Lemma is_value_type_drop_qualifiers ty :
  is_value_type (drop_qualifiers ty) = is_value_type ty.
Proof. induction ty; cbn; auto. Qed.

Lemma is_value_type_qual_norm' q t :
  is_value_type t = qual_norm' (fun _ t' => is_value_type t') q t.
Proof. by elim: (qual_norm'_ok _ q t). Qed.
Lemma is_value_type_qual_norm t :
  is_value_type t = qual_norm (fun _ t' => is_value_type t') t.
Proof. apply is_value_type_qual_norm'. Qed.
Lemma is_value_type_decompose_type t :
  is_value_type t = is_value_type (decompose_type t).2.
Proof. by rewrite is_value_type_qual_norm qual_norm_decompose_type. Qed.

For use in init_validR
Fixpoint zero_sized_array ty : bool :=
  qual_norm (fun _ t => match t with
                     | Tarray ety n =>
                         if bool_decide (n = 0%N) then true
                         else zero_sized_array ety
                     | _ => false
                     end) ty.
#[global] Arguments zero_sized_array !_ /.

Lemma zero_sized_array_unfold t : forall q,
    zero_sized_array t =
    qual_norm' (fun _ t =>
                  match t with
                  | Tarray t n => if bool_decide (n = 0%N) then true else zero_sized_array t
                  | _ => false
                  end) q t.
  induction t; simpl; intros; auto.
  { rewrite qual_norm_unfold. rewrite /qual_norm/=.
    rewrite -IHt. rewrite {2}/zero_sized_array.
    destruct q0; auto. }
Lemma zero_sized_array_erase_qualifiers t :
  zero_sized_array t = zero_sized_array (erase_qualifiers t).
  induction t; simpl; auto.
  { rewrite !qual_norm_unfold -IHt. done. }
  { rewrite qual_norm_unfold.
    rewrite -IHt.
    erewrite zero_sized_array_unfold. done. }
Lemma zero_sized_array_qual ty : forall t,
    zero_sized_array ty = zero_sized_array (Tqualified t ty).
  intros. rewrite (zero_sized_array_erase_qualifiers (Tqualified _ _)) /=.
  apply zero_sized_array_erase_qualifiers.

is_reference_type t returns true if t is a (possibly cv-qualified) reference type.
as_ref' f x t applies f u if t is a (possibly cv-qualified) reference type with underlying type u, defaulting to x if t is not a reference type.
The special cases as_ref t : type and as_ref_option : option type return the underlying type u (defaulting, respectively, to a dummy type and to None).

Definition as_ref' {A} (f : exprtype' lang -> A) (x : A) (t : type) : A :=
  if drop_qualifiers t is (Tref u | Trv_ref u) then f u else x.
Notation as_ref := (as_ref' (fun u => u) Tvoid).
Notation as_ref_option := (as_ref' Some None).

Lemma as_ref'_erase_qualifiers {A} (f : exprtype' lang -> A) (x : A) t :
  as_ref' f x (erase_qualifiers t) = as_ref' (f erase_qualifiers) x t.
Proof. induction t; cbn; auto. Qed.
Lemma as_ref_erase_qualifiers t :
  as_ref (erase_qualifiers t) = erase_qualifiers (as_ref t).
Proof. induction t; cbn; auto. Qed.

Section as_ref'.
  Context {A : Type} (f : exprtype' lang -> A) (x : A).
  #[local] Notation as_ref' := (as_ref' f x).

  Lemma as_ref_drop_qualifiers t : as_ref' (drop_qualifiers t) = as_ref' t.
  Proof. induction t; cbn; auto. Qed.
  Lemma as_ref_qual_norm' q t : as_ref' t = qual_norm' (fun _ t => as_ref' t) q t.
  Proof. by elim: (qual_norm'_ok _ q t). Qed.
  Lemma as_ref_qual_norm t : as_ref' t = qual_norm (fun _ t => as_ref' t) t.
  Proof. apply as_ref_qual_norm'. Qed.
  Lemma as_ref_decompose_type t : as_ref' t = as_ref' (decompose_type t).2.
  Proof. by rewrite as_ref_qual_norm qual_norm_decompose_type. Qed.
End as_ref'.

is_aggregate_type t returns true if t is a (possibly qualified) structure or array type.

Heap Types

The C++ memory is typed, but loosely so with respect to cv-qualifiers. For example, the C++ runtime invariant does *not* guarantee that a value stored in a memory cell of type int* points to a memory cell that is mutable. Generally, this will be true, but constructs such as const_cast<> and casting through pointers explicitly circumvent this. To track this, the C++ abstract machine tracks locations with "heap types" which are decltypes with all qualifiers erased and top-level references normalized to Tref.
Concrete examples of the above are:
TODO: this probably belongs in syntax/types.v.
Definition heap_type : Set := type.
Definition is_heap_type (t : type) : bool :=
     bool_decide (t = erase_qualifiers t)
  && (is_value_type t || match t with
                        | Tref _ => true
                        | _ => false

(* get the heap_type representation of the given type *)
Definition to_heap_type (t : type) : heap_type :=
  match erase_qualifiers t with
  | Trv_ref t => Tref t
  | t => t
Lemma to_heap_type_qualified cv t : to_heap_type (Tqualified cv t) = to_heap_type t.
Proof. done. Qed.

Lemma heap_type_not_qualified cv t : is_heap_type (Tqualified cv t) -> False.
  rewrite /is_heap_type. case_bool_decide => /=; eauto.
  exfalso; eapply unqual_erase_qualifiers; eauto.

Definition is_volatile : type -> bool :=
  qual_norm (fun cv _ => q_volatile cv).

(* Tmember_func ty fty constructs the function type for a
     member function that takes a this parameter of ty

   TODO technically the this parameter is const.

Definition Tmember_func {lang} (ty : exprtype' lang) (fty : functype' lang) : functype' lang :=
  match fty with
  | Tfunction ft => Tfunction $ {| ft_cc := ft.(ft_cc) ; ft_arity := ft.(ft_arity)
                                ; ft_return := ft.(ft_return) ; ft_params := Tptr ty :: ft.(ft_params) |}
  | _ => fty

End with_lang.

Notation normalize_type := (normalize_type' QM).
Notation as_ref := (as_ref' (fun u => u) Tvoid).
Notation as_ref_option := (as_ref' Some None).
#[global] Hint Resolve is_qualified_decompose_type | 0 : core.
#[global] Hint Resolve is_qualified_drop_qualifiers | 0 : core.