* Copyright (c) 2023-2024 BlueRock Security, Inc.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.prelude.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.core.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.types.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.typing.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.stmt.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.namemap.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.translation_unit.
Import UPoly.
#[local] Open Scope monad_scope.
(* TODO: a little "sloppy" with the errors *)
mlock Definition Bad_allocation_function_args {lang : lang.t} (_ : list (type' lang)) : Error.t := inhabitant.
mlock Definition Can_initialize {lang : lang.t} (dt it : decltype' lang) : Error.t := inhabitant.
Module decltype.
* Copyright (c) 2023-2024 BlueRock Security, Inc.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.prelude.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.core.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.types.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.typing.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.stmt.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.namemap.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.translation_unit.
Import UPoly.
#[local] Open Scope monad_scope.
(* TODO: a little "sloppy" with the errors *)
mlock Definition Bad_allocation_function_args {lang : lang.t} (_ : list (type' lang)) : Error.t := inhabitant.
mlock Definition Can_initialize {lang : lang.t} (dt it : decltype' lang) : Error.t := inhabitant.
Module decltype.
to_exprtype decomposes a declaration type into a value category
and expression type. This is delicate because xvalue references to
function types induce lvalue expressions.
to_valcat is similar, but keeps only the value category. Matching
on to_valcat t is simpler than matching on t when t might be
an xvalue reference to a function type.
Definition to_exprtype {lang} (t : decltype' lang) : ValCat * exprtype' lang :=
match drop_qualifiers t with
| Tref u => (Lvalue, u)
| Trv_ref u =>
match drop_qualifiers u with
| Tfunction _ as f =>
match drop_qualifiers t with
| Tref u => (Lvalue, u)
| Trv_ref u =>
match drop_qualifiers u with
| Tfunction _ as f =>
Both "a function call or an overloaded operator expression,
whose return type is rvalue reference to function" and "a cast
expression to rvalue reference to function type" are lvalue
This also applies to (C-style casts)
NOTE: We return the function type without qualifiers in light
of "A function or reference type is always cv-unqualified."
let* _ := requirePR t in
mret t
| Eif tst thn els t =>
let* _ := of_expr tst >>= require_testable in
let* tthn := of_expr thn >>= require_eq t in
let* tels := of_expr els >>= require_eq t in
mret t
| Eif2 x lete tst thn els t =>
let* lt := of_expr lete in
with_var (localname.anon x) lt $
let* _ := of_expr tst >>= require_testable in
let* tthn := of_expr thn in
let* _ := of_expr els >>= require_eq tthn in
let* _ := guard (t = tthn) in
mret t
| Ethis t =>
let* pt := require_ptr t in
let* _ := ask_this >>= require_eq pt in
mret t
| Enull => mret Tnullptr
| Einitlist es oe t =>
let* _ := traverse (T:=eta list) of_expr es in
let* _ :=
match oe with
| None => mret tt
| Some e => const tt <$> of_expr e
mret t
| Einitlist_union _ oe t =>
let* _ :=
match oe with
| None => mret tt
| Some e => const tt <$> of_expr e
mret t
| Enew (alloc, alloc_ty) aes nf aty osz oinit =>
let* ats := traverse (T:=eta list) of_expr aes in
let* afty := require_functype alloc_ty in
let* _ :=
let* _ := guard (afty.(ft_return) = Tptr Tvoid) in
let* params :=
match afty.(ft_params) return M (list decltype) with
| Tsize_t :: params => mret params
| args => trace (Bad_allocation_function_args args) $ mfail
let* params :=
if nf is new_form.Allocating true then
match params with
| Talign_t :: params => mret params
| _ => trace (Bad_allocation_function_args afty.(ft_params)) mfail
mret params
check_args afty.(ft_arity) params ats
let* _ :=
match osz with
| None => mret tt
| Some sz =>
let* tsz := of_expr sz in
if is_arithmetic tsz then mret tt else mfail
let* _ :=
match oinit with
| None => mret tt
| Some init => let* _ := of_expr init in mret tt (* TODO: check result type against aty *)
mret $ Tptr aty
| Edelete _ (del, del_ty) e ty =>
let* et := of_expr e >>= require_ptr in
let* _ := guard (ty = et) in (* TODO: constness check? *)
mret Tvoid
| Eandclean e => of_expr e
| Ematerialize_temp e vc =>
let* _ := guard (vc <> Prvalue) in
of_exprtype vc <$> (of_expr e >>= requirePR)
| Eatomic _ es t =>
let* tes := traverse (T:=eta list) of_expr es in
mret t
| Estmt s t =>
let* st := of_stmt s in
let* _ := require_eq st (Some t) in
mret t
| Eva_arg e t =>
let* _ := of_expr e in (* TODO: what type should this have? *)
mret $ normalize t
| Epseudo_destructor arr t e =>
let* et := of_expr e >>= arrow_deref arr in
let* _ := require_eq t (drop_qualifiers et) in
mret Tvoid
| Earrayloop_init n e level _ e2 t =>
let* _ := of_expr e in
let* _ :=
with_var (localname.arrayloop_index level) Tsize_t $
with_var (localname.opaque n) t $
of_expr e2 in
mret t
| Earrayloop_index n t =>
let* _ := var_type (localname.arrayloop_index n) >>= require_eq t in
mret t (* always pr-values? *)
| Eopaque_ref n t =>
let* vt := var_type (localname.opaque n) in
let* _ := requireGL t >>= can_initialize vt in
(* ^^ in practice, the type and the recorded variable type
differ by <<const>> qualifiers in instance-specific ways *)
mret t
| Eunsupported _ t => mret t
let* _ :=
match decltype.of_expr e with
| None =>
throw ("shallow failed to typecheck (term, expected)"%bs, e, result)
| Some shallow =>
trace ("type mismatch"%bs, result, shallow) $ require_eq result shallow
mret result.
End fixpoint.
Definition big_op `{Mon : monoid.Monoid m} `{Traverse T} (ls : T m) : m :=
writer.value $ traverse (F:=writer.M m) (T:=T) (writer.tell) ls.
Section var_decl.
Context (of_expr : Expr -> M decltype).
Definition check_binding (d : BindingDecl' lang) : M bindings :=
match d with
| Bvar lname ty init =>
let* _ := of_expr init >>= can_initialize ty in
mret ({| _bindings := [(lname, ty)] |})
| Bbind lname ty init =>
let* _ := (of_expr init >>= requireGL) >>= can_initialize ty in
mret ({| _bindings := [(lname, ty)] |})
Definition check_decl (d : VarDecl' lang) : M bindings :=
trace d
match d with
| Dvar lname ty oinit =>
let* _ :=
match oinit with
| None => mret tt
| Some init =>
let* _ := with_var lname ty $ of_expr init >>= can_initialize ty in
mret tt
mret ({| _bindings := [(lname, ty)] |})
| Ddecompose e v ds =>
let* t := of_expr e in
let* (bindings : list bindings) := with_var v t $ traverse (T:=eta list) check_binding ds in
mret $ big_op bindings
| Dinit _ nm ty oinit =>
let* _ :=
match oinit with
| None => mret tt
| Some init =>
let* _ := of_expr init >>= can_initialize ty in
mret tt
mret monoid.monoid_unit
End var_decl.
Section stmt.
Context (of_expr : Expr -> M decltype).
Notation check_decl := (check_decl of_expr) (only parsing).
Definition check_decls (ds : list (VarDecl' lang)) : M bindings :=
big_op (T:=eta list) <$> traverse (F:=M) (T:=eta list) check_decl ds.
Fixpoint check_stmt_body (s : Stmt' lang) : M (bindings * option decltype) :=
let check_stmt := check_stmt_body in
trace s
match s with
| Sgoto _ => mret (∅, None)
| Slabeled _ s => check_stmt s
| Sexpr e =>
pair monoid.monoid_unit ∘ Some <$> of_expr e
| Sdefault | Scase _ | Sbreak | Scontinue => mret (∅, None)
| Sseq ss =>
(fix block ss :=
match ss with
| nil => mret (∅, None)
| s :: ss =>
let* '(b,d) := check_stmt s in
with_bindings b $ block ss
end) ss
| Sif vd tst thn els =>
let* ds := from_option check_decl (mret monoid.monoid_unit) vd in
let* _ :=
with_bindings ds $
let* _ := of_expr tst >>= require_testable in
let* _ := check_stmt thn in
check_stmt els
in mret (∅, None)
| Sif_consteval thn els =>
let* _ := check_stmt thn in
check_stmt els
| Sswitch vd tst b =>
let* ds := from_option check_decl (mret monoid.monoid_unit) vd in
let _ :=
with_bindings ds $
let* _ := of_expr tst >>= require_eq Tint in (* TODO: BAD *)
check_stmt b
in mret (∅, None)
| Swhile vd tst body =>
let* ds := from_option check_decl (mret monoid.monoid_unit) vd in
let k :=
with_bindings ds $
let* _ := of_expr tst >>= require_testable in
check_stmt body
in mret (∅, None)
| Sdo s tst =>
let* _ := check_stmt s in
let* _ := of_expr tst >>= require_testable in (* TODO *)
mret (∅, None)
| Sfor vd otst oincr body =>
let* '(ds, _) := from_option check_stmt (mret (monoid.monoid_unit, None)) vd in
let* _ :=
with_bindings ds $
let* _ := from_option (fun e => of_expr e >>= require_testable) (mret tt) $ otst in
let* _ := from_option (fun e => let* _ := of_expr e in mret tt) (mret tt) $ oincr in
check_stmt body
in mret (∅, None)
| Sdecl ds =>
let* b := check_decls ds in
mret (b, None)
| Sreturn None =>
let* _ := ask_return >>= require_eq Tvoid in
mret (∅, None)
| Sreturn (Some e) =>
let* ret := ask_return in
let* _ := of_expr e >>= can_initialize ret in
mret (∅, None)
| Sattr _ s =>
check_stmt s (* TODO: confirm scope *)
| Sasm _ _ ins outs args =>
let* _ := traverse (T:=eta list) (fun ab => of_expr ab.2) ins in
let* _ := traverse (T:=eta list) (fun ab => of_expr ab.2) outs in
mret (∅, None)
| Sunsupported _ => mfail
End stmt.
Fixpoint of_expr (e : Expr) : M decltype :=
of_expr_body of_expr check_stmt e
with check_stmt (s : Stmt) : M (option decltype) :=
snd <$> check_stmt_body of_expr s.
Definition Merr : Set -> Set :=
readerT.M ext_tu (trace.M Error.t).
Definition lift_reader {S S' T M} (f : S -> S') (m : readerT.M S' M T) : readerT.M S M T := $ fun s => m (f s).
Definition check_func (f : Func' lang) : Merr unit :=
match f.(f_body) with
| None => mret ()
| Some (Impl body) => $ fun tu =>
const () <$> (with_bindings {| _bindings := f.(f_params) |} $ check_stmt body)
(tu, f.(f_return), None, [])
| Some (Builtin _) => mret ()
Definition classname_to_type : classname' lang -> type' lang :=
match lang with
| lang.cpp => Tnamed
| lang.temp => id
Definition check_method (m : Method' lang) : Merr unit :=
match m.(m_body) with
| Some (UserDefined s) => $ fun tu =>
let this_type := tqualified m.(m_this_qual) $ classname_to_type m.(m_class) in
const () <$> (with_bindings {| _bindings := m.(m_params) |} $ check_stmt s) (tu, m.(m_return), Some this_type, [])
| _ => mret ()
Definition check_ctor (c : Ctor' lang) : Merr unit :=
match c.(c_body) with
| Some (UserDefined (inits, body)) => $ fun tu => (with_bindings {| _bindings := c.(c_params) |} $
let* _ := traverse (T:=eta list) (fun init => of_expr init.(init_init)) inits in
const () <$> check_stmt body) (tu, Tvoid, Some (classname_to_type c.(c_class)), [])
| _ => mret ()
Definition check_dtor (d : Dtor' lang) : Merr unit :=
match d.(d_body) with
| Some (UserDefined body) => $ fun tu => (const () <$> check_stmt body) (tu, Tvoid, Some (classname_to_type d.(d_class)), [])
| _ => mret ()
Definition check_obj_value (o : ObjValue' lang) : Merr unit :=
readerT.trace (breadcrumb o)
match o with
| Ovar _ oinit =>
match oinit with
| global_init.Init init => $ fun tu =>
const () <$> (of_expr init) (tu, Tvoid, None, []) (* Tvoid isn't really correct here *)
| _ => mret tt
| Ofunction f => check_func f
| Omethod m => check_method m
| Oconstructor c => check_ctor c
| Odestructor d => check_dtor d
End with_lang.
End internal.
Definition tu_to_ext {lang} (tu : translation_unit) : @internal.ext_tu lang :=
match lang as lang return _ with
| lang.cpp => {| internal.ext_symbols nm := fmap (M:=fun t => option t) type_of_value $ tu.(symbols) !! nm
; internal.ext_types nm := types tu !! nm |}
| lang.temp => {| internal.ext_symbols nm := None
; internal.ext_types nm := None |}
Definition of_expr {lang} (tu : translation_unit) (e : Expr' lang) : trace.M Error.t (decltype' lang) := (internal.of_expr e) (tu_to_ext tu, Tvoid, None, []).
Definition check_tu (tu : translation_unit) : trace.M Error.t unit :=
let fn (nm_v : name * ObjValue) :=
trace (breadcrumb nm_v.1) $ internal.check_obj_value nm_v.2
let* _ := (traverse (T:=eta list) fn $ NM.elements tu.(symbols)) $ tu_to_ext tu in
mret tt.
End decltype.
Module exprtype.
Section exprtype.
Context {lang : lang.t} (tu : translation_unit).
Definition of_expr (e : Expr' lang) : option (ValCat * exprtype' lang) :=
trace.runO $ decltype.to_exprtype <$> decltype.of_expr tu e.
Definition of_expr_drop (e : Expr' lang) : option (exprtype' lang) :=
trace.runO $ drop_reference <$> decltype.of_expr tu e.
Definition of_expr_check (P : ValCat -> Prop) `{!∀ vc, Decision (P vc)}
(e : Expr' lang) : option (exprtype' lang) :=
of_expr e >>= fun p => guard (P p.1) ;; mret p.2.
End exprtype.
End exprtype.
(an extension).
Promote sharing, rather than normalize qualifiers
Compute a declaration type from a value category and expression
Up to dropping qualifiers on reference and function types, this is
intended to be a partial inverse of to_exprtype.
match vc with
| Lvalue => Tref t
| Xvalue => Trv_ref t
| Prvalue => t
Module internal.
Section with_lang.
Context {lang : lang.t}.
#[local] Notation Expr := (Expr' lang).
#[local] Notation name := (name' lang).
#[local] Notation decltype := (decltype' lang).
#[local] Notation exprtype := (exprtype' lang).
#[local] Notation function_type := (function_type' lang).
#[local] Notation functype := (functype' lang).
#[local] Notation Stmt := (Stmt' lang).
Record ext_tu : Set :=
{ ext_symbols : name -> option decltype
; ext_types : name -> option (GlobDecl' lang) }.
#[local] Definition M : Set -> Type :=
readerT.M (ext_tu * decltype * option exprtype * list (localname * decltype)) (trace.M Error.t).
#[local] Instance M_Ret : MRet M := _.
#[local] Instance M_Ap : Ap M := _.
#[local] Instance M_Bind : MBind M := _.
#[local] Instance M_Fail : MFail M := _.
#[local] Instance M_Throw : Trace Error.t M := _.
#[local] Hint Opaque M : typeclass_instances.
Definition trace {T : Set} {U} (v : T) (m : M U) : M U :=
trace (breadcrumb v) m.
Definition throw {T : Set} {U} (v : T) : M U :=
trace v mfail.
Definition type_of_global (n : name) : M decltype :=
let* osym := readerT.asks (fun '(tu, _, _, _) => tu.(ext_symbols) n) in
match osym with
| Some sym => mret sym
| None => throw ("failed to find global "%bs, n)
Definition global (n : name) : M (GlobDecl' lang) :=
let* osym := readerT.asks (fun '(tu, _, _, _) => tu.(ext_types) n) in
match osym with
| Some gd => mret gd
| None => throw ("failed to find global "%bs, n)
Definition type_of_constant (n : name) (id : bs) : M decltype :=
let* osym := readerT.asks (fun '(tu, _, _, _) => tu.(ext_types) $ Nscoped n (Nid id)) in
match osym with
| Some (Gconstant ty _) => mret ty
| Some ty => throw ("global symbol "%bs, Nscoped n (Nid id), " was not a constant "%bs, ty)
| None => throw ("failed to find global "%bs, Nscoped n (Nid id))
Definition ask_return : M decltype :=
readerT.asks (fun '(_, a,_,_) => a).
Definition ask_this : M exprtype :=
let* rt := readerT.asks (fun '(_,this,_) => this) in
match rt with
| None => mfail
| Some ty => mret ty
Definition of_option {T : Set} (o : option T) : M T :=
match o with
| None => mfail
| Some v => mret v
(* Bindings *)
Record bindings : Set := { _bindings : list (localname * decltype) }.
Instance bindings_empty : Empty bindings := {| _bindings := nil |}.
Definition with_var {T} (x : localname) (t : decltype) : M T -> M T :=
readerT.local (fun '(ret, this, vars) => (ret, this, (x,t) :: vars)).
Definition with_bindings {T} (b : bindings) (m : M T) : M T :=
fold_right (fun xt => with_var xt.1 xt.2) m b.(_bindings).
#[local] Instance bindings_monoid : monoid.Monoid bindings :=
{| monoid.monoid_unit := bindings_empty
; monoid.monoid_op a b := {| _bindings := a.(_bindings) ++ b.(_bindings) |} |}.
Definition var_type (n : localname) : M decltype :=
let* vars := readerT.asks (fun '(_,_,vars) => vars) in
match List.find (fun x => bool_decide (x.1 = n)) vars with
| None => throw ("failed to find variable "%bs, n, " in "%bs, vars)
| Some t => mret t.2
| Lvalue => Tref t
| Xvalue => Trv_ref t
| Prvalue => t
Module internal.
Section with_lang.
Context {lang : lang.t}.
#[local] Notation Expr := (Expr' lang).
#[local] Notation name := (name' lang).
#[local] Notation decltype := (decltype' lang).
#[local] Notation exprtype := (exprtype' lang).
#[local] Notation function_type := (function_type' lang).
#[local] Notation functype := (functype' lang).
#[local] Notation Stmt := (Stmt' lang).
Record ext_tu : Set :=
{ ext_symbols : name -> option decltype
; ext_types : name -> option (GlobDecl' lang) }.
#[local] Definition M : Set -> Type :=
readerT.M (ext_tu * decltype * option exprtype * list (localname * decltype)) (trace.M Error.t).
#[local] Instance M_Ret : MRet M := _.
#[local] Instance M_Ap : Ap M := _.
#[local] Instance M_Bind : MBind M := _.
#[local] Instance M_Fail : MFail M := _.
#[local] Instance M_Throw : Trace Error.t M := _.
#[local] Hint Opaque M : typeclass_instances.
Definition trace {T : Set} {U} (v : T) (m : M U) : M U :=
trace (breadcrumb v) m.
Definition throw {T : Set} {U} (v : T) : M U :=
trace v mfail.
Definition type_of_global (n : name) : M decltype :=
let* osym := readerT.asks (fun '(tu, _, _, _) => tu.(ext_symbols) n) in
match osym with
| Some sym => mret sym
| None => throw ("failed to find global "%bs, n)
Definition global (n : name) : M (GlobDecl' lang) :=
let* osym := readerT.asks (fun '(tu, _, _, _) => tu.(ext_types) n) in
match osym with
| Some gd => mret gd
| None => throw ("failed to find global "%bs, n)
Definition type_of_constant (n : name) (id : bs) : M decltype :=
let* osym := readerT.asks (fun '(tu, _, _, _) => tu.(ext_types) $ Nscoped n (Nid id)) in
match osym with
| Some (Gconstant ty _) => mret ty
| Some ty => throw ("global symbol "%bs, Nscoped n (Nid id), " was not a constant "%bs, ty)
| None => throw ("failed to find global "%bs, Nscoped n (Nid id))
Definition ask_return : M decltype :=
readerT.asks (fun '(_, a,_,_) => a).
Definition ask_this : M exprtype :=
let* rt := readerT.asks (fun '(_,this,_) => this) in
match rt with
| None => mfail
| Some ty => mret ty
Definition of_option {T : Set} (o : option T) : M T :=
match o with
| None => mfail
| Some v => mret v
(* Bindings *)
Record bindings : Set := { _bindings : list (localname * decltype) }.
Instance bindings_empty : Empty bindings := {| _bindings := nil |}.
Definition with_var {T} (x : localname) (t : decltype) : M T -> M T :=
readerT.local (fun '(ret, this, vars) => (ret, this, (x,t) :: vars)).
Definition with_bindings {T} (b : bindings) (m : M T) : M T :=
fold_right (fun xt => with_var xt.1 xt.2) m b.(_bindings).
#[local] Instance bindings_monoid : monoid.Monoid bindings :=
{| monoid.monoid_unit := bindings_empty
; monoid.monoid_op a b := {| _bindings := a.(_bindings) ++ b.(_bindings) |} |}.
Definition var_type (n : localname) : M decltype :=
let* vars := readerT.asks (fun '(_,_,vars) => vars) in
match List.find (fun x => bool_decide (x.1 = n)) vars with
| None => throw ("failed to find variable "%bs, n, " in "%bs, vars)
| Some t => mret t.2
The declaration type of an explicit cast to type t or a call to
a function or overloaded operator returning type t or a
__builtin_va_arg of type t.
Function return type
Definition from_function_type (ft : function_type) : decltype :=
normalize ft.(ft_return).
Definition from_functype (t : functype) : M decltype :=
match t with
| Tfunction ft => mret $ from_function_type ft
| _ => mfail
Definition require_functype (t : decltype) : M function_type :=
match t with
| Tfunction ft => mret ft
| _ => mfail
Definition require_mfunctype (t : decltype) : M (decltype * function_type) :=
match t with
| Tmember_pointer nm ft => pair nm <$> require_functype ft
| _ => mfail
Section fixpoint.
Context (of_expr : Expr -> M decltype).
Context (of_stmt : Stmt -> M (option decltype)).
Definition of_unop (op : UnOp) (t : exprtype) : M decltype :=
match op with
| Uminus | Uplus =>
if is_arithmetic t then mret t else mfail (* TODO: check this *)
| Unot => if is_arithmetic t then mret Tbool else mfail
| Ubnot => if is_arithmetic t then mret t else mfail
| Uunsupported _ => mfail
Definition of_binop (op : BinOp) (l r : decltype) (t : exprtype) : M decltype :=
match op with
| Bdotp =>
normalize ft.(ft_return).
Definition from_functype (t : functype) : M decltype :=
match t with
| Tfunction ft => mret $ from_function_type ft
| _ => mfail
Definition require_functype (t : decltype) : M function_type :=
match t with
| Tfunction ft => mret ft
| _ => mfail
Definition require_mfunctype (t : decltype) : M (decltype * function_type) :=
match t with
| Tmember_pointer nm ft => pair nm <$> require_functype ft
| _ => mfail
Section fixpoint.
Context (of_expr : Expr -> M decltype).
Context (of_stmt : Stmt -> M (option decltype)).
Definition of_unop (op : UnOp) (t : exprtype) : M decltype :=
match op with
| Uminus | Uplus =>
if is_arithmetic t then mret t else mfail (* TODO: check this *)
| Unot => if is_arithmetic t then mret Tbool else mfail
| Ubnot => if is_arithmetic t then mret t else mfail
| Uunsupported _ => mfail
Definition of_binop (op : BinOp) (l r : decltype) (t : exprtype) : M decltype :=
match op with
| Bdotp =>
The value category of e1.*e2 is (i) that of e1 (xvalue
or lvalue) when e2 points to a field and (ii) prvalue when
e2 points to a method.
We need only address (i) here because when e2 is a method,
the result of e1.*e2 must be immediately applied, and
cpp2v emits Emember_call rather than Ebinop for indirect
method calls.
match l with
| Trv_ref _ => mret $ Trv_ref t
| _ => mret $ Tref t
| Bdotip => mret $ Tref t (* derived from Bdotp *)
| _ => mret t
Definition of_member (Et : bool * exprtype) (mut : bool) (t : decltype) : M decltype :=
let '(ref, et) := to_exprtype t in
match ref with
| Lvalue | Xvalue => mret $ Tref et
| Prvalue =>
let oty := Et.2 in
let qual :=
let '(ocv, _) := decompose_type oty in
CV (if mut then false else q_const ocv) (q_volatile ocv)
let ty := tqualified qual et in
if Et.1 then mret $ Trv_ref ty else mret $ Tref ty
Definition of_subscript (t1 t2 : decltype) (t : exprtype) : M decltype :=
(* we need to handle arrays and pointers.
Arrays can be lvalues or xvalues.
let arithmetic t := guard (Is_true $ is_arithmetic t) in
match drop_qualifiers t1 , drop_qualifiers t2 with
| Tref aty , other => const (tref QM) <$> arithmetic other <*> of_option (array_type aty)
| Trv_ref aty , other => const (trv_ref QM) <$> arithmetic other <*> of_option (array_type aty)
| Tptr ety , other => const (Tref ety) <$> arithmetic other
| other , Tref aty => const (tref QM) <$> arithmetic other <*> of_option (array_type aty)
| other , Trv_ref aty => const (trv_ref QM) <$> arithmetic other <*> of_option (array_type aty)
| other , Tptr ety => const (Tref ety) <$> arithmetic other
| _ , _ => mfail
Definition requireL (t : decltype) : M exprtype :=
match t with
| Tref t => mret t
| _ => mfail
Definition requireGL_get (t : decltype) : M (bool * exprtype) :=
match t with
| Tref t => mret (false, t)
| Trv_ref t => mret (true, t)
| _ => mfail
Definition requireGL (t : decltype) : M exprtype :=
match t with
| Tref t | Trv_ref t => mret t
| _ => mfail
Definition requirePR (t : decltype) : M exprtype :=
match t with
| Tref _ | Trv_ref _ => mfail
| _ => mret t
Definition requireR (t : decltype) : M exprtype :=
match t with
| Tref _ => mfail
| _ => mret t
Definition require_eq {T : Set} {_ : EqDecision T} (l : T) (r : T) : M unit :=
trace ("require equal "%bs, l, " = "%bs, r) $
const () <$> guard (l = r).
(* determine if this type can be used in an <<if>> *)
Definition require_testable (t : exprtype) : M unit :=
match t with
| Tnum _ _
| Tptr _
| Tbool
| Tnullptr
| Tchar_ _
| Tfloat_ _ => mret ()
| _ => mfail
Definition require_ptr (t : decltype) : M exprtype :=
match t with
| Tptr t => mret t
| _ => mfail
Definition arrow_deref (arrow : bool) : decltype -> M exprtype :=
if arrow then require_ptr else requireGL.
Definition arrow_deref_get (arrow : bool) : decltype -> M (bool * exprtype) :=
if arrow then fun t => pair false <$> require_ptr t else requireGL_get.
Notation "a >=> b" := (a >>= b) (at level 61, left associativity).
(* TODO upstream *)
Definition is_const (t : exprtype) : bool :=
qual_norm (fun cv _ => q_const cv) t.
Definition is_volatile (t : exprtype) : bool :=
qual_norm (fun cv _ => q_volatile cv) t.
Definition qualifiers {lang} (t : type' lang) : type_qualifiers :=
qual_norm (fun cv _ => cv) t.
Succeed Example _0 : bool_decide (tq_le QM QC) := I.
(* END upstream *)
Definition can_initialize (dt : decltype) (t : decltype) : M unit :=
let ref_conv dt t :=
qual_norm (fun dq dt => qual_norm (fun q t =>
let* _ := guard (tq_le q dq) in
let* _ := guard (dt = t) in
mret ()
) t) dt
trace (Can_initialize dt t) $
match drop_qualifiers dt , drop_qualifiers t with
| Tref dt , Tref t
| Trv_ref dt , Trv_ref t =>
ref_conv dt t
| Tref dt , Trv_ref t =>
if is_const dt
then ref_conv dt t
else mfail
| dt , t =>
let* _ := guard (dt = t) in mret ()
Fixpoint check_args (ar : function_arity) (ts : list decltype) (tes : list decltype) : M unit :=
match ts , tes with
| nil , nil => mret ()
| t :: ts , te :: tes =>
(* toplevel qualifiers on arguments are ignored *)
let* _ := can_initialize t te in
check_args ar ts tes
| nil , te :: tes =>
match ar with
| Ar_Variadic => mret () (* TODO: should check that all arguments can be passed as variadic arguments *)
| _ => mfail
| _ , _ => mfail
Definition gl_or_ptr (t : decltype) : M (ValCat * exprtype) :=
match t with
| Tptr t => mret (Prvalue, t)
| Tref t => mret (Lvalue, t)
| Trv_ref t => mret (Xvalue, t)
| _ => mfail
Definition vc_to_type (vc : ValCat) : exprtype -> decltype :=
match vc with
| Prvalue => Tptr
| Lvalue => Tref
| Xvalue => Trv_ref
Fixpoint check_list' (from : name) (ts : list exprtype) (result : name) : M () :=
let* (gd : GlobDecl' lang) := global from in
match gd with
| Gstruct st =>
let check nm :=
List.existsb (fun '(b, _) => bool_decide (type_of_classname (lang:=lang) b = Tnamed (lang:=lang) nm)) st.(s_bases)
match ts with
| nil =>
if check result then
mret tt
throw ("invalid base class "%bs, from, result)
| Tnamed next :: ts =>
if check next then
check_list' next ts result
throw ("invalid base class "%bs, from, result)
| t :: _ =>
throw ("invalid class in chain "%bs, t)
| _ =>
throw ("not a class "%bs, from)
Definition check_list (from : exprtype) (ts : list exprtype) (result : exprtype) : M () :=
match drop_qualifiers from , drop_qualifiers result with
| Tnamed bc , Tnamed rc =>
check_list' bc ts rc
| _ , _ =>
throw ("cast does not start and end on named types "%bs, from, result)
Definition of_cast (c : Cast' lang) (base : decltype) : M decltype :=
let require_float t :=
match t with
| Tfloat_ _ => mret tt
| _ => throw ("floating point required"%bs, t)
let require_integral t :=
match t with
| Tnum _ _ | Tbool | Tchar_ _ => mret tt
| _ => throw ("integral type required"%bs, t)
match c with
| Cdependent t
| Cbitcast t
| Clvaluebitcast t => mret t
| Cl2r =>
let* et := requireGL base in
(* let* _ := requirePR dt >>= require_eq (drop_qualifiers et) in *)
mret $ drop_qualifiers et
| Cl2r_bitcast t =>
let* et := requireGL base in
(* let* _ := requirePR dt >>= require_eq (drop_qualifiers et) in *)
mret $ drop_qualifiers t
| Cnoop t => mret t
| Carray2ptr =>
let k cv base :=
match base with
| Tarray ty _
| Tincomplete_array ty
| Tvariable_array ty _ =>
let res := Tptr $ tqualified cv ty in
(* let* _ := require_eq t res in *)
mret res
| _ => mfail
requireGL base >>= qual_norm k
| Cfun2ptr =>
let* base := requireL base in
let* _ := require_functype base in
(* let* _ := require_eq t (Tptr base) in *)
mret $ Tptr base
| Cint2ptr t
| Cptr2int t => mret t
| Cptr2bool => mret Tbool
| Cderived2base ls t =>
let* '(bvc, bt) := gl_or_ptr base in
qual_norm (fun cv t =>
let* '(rvc, rt) := gl_or_ptr t in
let* _ := guard (bvc = rvc \/ (bvc = Lvalue /\ rvc = Xvalue)) in
let* _ := check_list bt ls rt in
mret $ vc_to_type rvc $ tqualified cv rt) t
| Cbase2derived ls t =>
let* '(bvc, bt) := gl_or_ptr base in
qual_norm (fun cv t =>
let* '(rvc, rt) := gl_or_ptr t in
let* _ := guard (bvc = rvc \/ (bvc = Lvalue /\ rvc = Xvalue)) in
let* _ := check_list rt ls bt in
mret $ vc_to_type rvc $ tqualified cv rt) t
| Cintegral t => mret t
| Cint2bool => mret Tbool
| Cnull2ptr t =>
let* _ :=
match (to_exprtype base).2 with
| Tnullptr | Tnum _ _ => mret tt
| _ => throw ("source of null2ptr cast must be nullptr or integral type"%bs, base)
let* _ :=
match t with
| Tptr _ | Tnullptr => mret ()
| _ => throw ("destination of null2ptr cast must be a pointer"%bs, t)
mret t
| Cfloat2int t =>
let* _ := require_float base in
let* _ := require_integral t in
mret t
| Cint2float t =>
let* _ := require_integral base in
let* _ := require_float t in
mret t
| Cfloat t =>
let* _ := require_float base in
let* _ := require_float t in
mret t
| Cnull2memberptr t
| Cbuiltin2fun t
| Cctor t => mret t
| C2void => mret Tvoid
| Cuser => mret base
| Cdynamic to => mret to
| Cunsupported _ to => mret to
Definition not_const (t : exprtype) : M _ :=
guard (Is_true $ qual_norm (fun cv _ => negb $ q_const cv) t).
Definition not_volatile (t : exprtype) : M _ :=
guard (Is_true $ qual_norm (fun cv _ => negb $ q_const cv) t).
Definition supports_inc_dec (t : exprtype) : M _ :=
match t with
| Tnum _ _
| Tchar_ _
| Tfloat_ _
| Tptr _ => mret ()
| _ => throw "can not increment or decrement bool"%bs
Definition of_expr_body (e : Expr) : M decltype :=
trace e $
let* result :=
match e return M decltype with
| Eparam X => mret $ Tresult_param X
| Eunresolved_global on => mret $ Tresult_global on
| Eunresolved_unop o e => Tresult_unop o <$> of_expr e
| Eunresolved_binop o l r => Tresult_binop o <$> of_expr l <*> of_expr r
| Eunresolved_call on es => Tresult_call on <$> traverse (T:=eta list) of_expr es
| Eunresolved_member_call on obj es => Tresult_member_call on <$> of_expr obj <*> traverse (T:=eta list) of_expr es
| Eunresolved_parenlist (Some t) es => Tresult_parenlist t <$> traverse (T:=eta list) of_expr es
| Eunresolved_parenlist None _ => mfail
| Eunresolved_member obj fld => Tresult_member <$> of_expr obj <*> mret fld
| Evar ln t =>
let* vt := var_type ln in
let* _ := require_eq t vt in
mret $ tref QM t
| Eenum_const n c =>
let* ct := type_of_constant n c in
let* _ := require_eq (Tenum n) ct in
mret $ Tenum n
| Eglobal nm ty =>
1. fields are not included, these are necessary for <<sizeof()>> (see cxx/bitvector)
let* from_env := type_of_global nm in
trace ("from_env = ", from_env))*)
mret $ tref QM (normalize_type ty)
| Eglobal_member nm ty =>
match nm with
| Nscoped cls _ =>
mret $ Tmember_pointer (Tnamed cls) ty
| _ => mfail
| Echar _ t =>
match t with
| Tchar_ _
| Tuchar | Tschar => mret t
| _ => mfail
| Estring chars t =>
mret $ Tref $ Tarray (Tconst t) (1 + list_numbers.lengthN chars)
| Eint _ t =>
let* _ := guard (t ∈ [Tchar;Tuchar;Tschar;Tshort;Tushort;Tint;Tuint;Tlong;Tulong;Tlonglong;Tulonglong]) in
mret t
| Ebool _ => mret Tbool
| Eunop op e t =>
let* et := of_expr e >>= requirePR in
let* t' := of_unop op et >>= requirePR in
let* _ := guard (t = t') in
mret t
| Ebinop op l r t =>
(* TODO (NAMES): i still need to check that the operation is permitted at this type *)
let* lt := of_expr l in
let* rt := of_expr r in
of_binop op lt rt t
| Ederef e t =>
let* t' := of_expr e >>= require_ptr in
let* _ := guard (t = t') in (* TODO: redundant type *)
mret $ Tref t
| Eaddrof e =>
let* t := of_expr e >>= requireGL in
mret $ Tptr t
| Eassign le re t =>
let* lt := of_expr le >>= requireL in
let* rt := of_expr re >>= requireR in
let* _ := not_const lt in
let* _ := require_eq (drop_qualifiers lt) rt in
let* _ := require_eq lt t in
mret $ Tref lt
| Eassign_op op le re t =>
(* TODO (NAMES): i still need to check that the operation is permitted at this type *)
let* lt := of_expr le >>= requireL in
let* rt := of_expr re >>= requireR in
let* _ := guard (qualifiers lt = QM) in (* <<volatile>> accesses are not allowed to use <<op=>> *)
let* _ := require_eq lt t in
mret $ Tref lt
| Epreinc e t
| Epredec e t =>
let* lt := of_expr e >>= requireL in
let* _ := require_eq lt t in (* TODO: redundant type *)
let* _ := supports_inc_dec lt in
mret $ Tref lt
| Epostinc e t
| Epostdec e t =>
let* lt := of_expr e >>= requireL in
let* _ := require_eq lt t in (* TODO: redundant type *)
let* _ := supports_inc_dec lt in
mret lt
| Eseqand le re
| Eseqor le re =>
let* _ := of_expr le >>= require_testable in
let* _ := of_expr re >>= require_testable in
mret Tbool
| Ecomma e1 e2 =>
let* _ := of_expr e1 in
of_expr e2
| Ecall f es =>
let* ft := of_expr f >=> require_ptr >=> require_functype in
let* ts := traverse (T:=eta list) of_expr es in
let* _ :=
trace ("checking arguments "%bs, ft.(ft_arity), ft.(ft_params), ts) $
check_args ft.(ft_arity) ft.(ft_params) ts in
mret ft.(ft_return)
| Eexplicit_cast _ t e =>
let cast_result :=
qual_norm (fun cv t =>
match t with
| Tnamed _
| Tarray _ _
| Tincomplete_array _
| Tvariable_array _ _
| Tenum _ => tqualified cv t
| _ => t
let* ct := of_expr e in
let* _ := require_eq ct (cast_result t) in
(* ^^ in the case of pr-values, type qualifiers do not need to match *)
mret $ cast_result t
(* ^ we return t to match the shallow checker, but we would
probably prefer dropping qualifiers *)
| Ecast c e => of_expr e >>= of_cast c
| Emember arrow e _ mut t =>
(* TODO NAMES TYPING: Emember false Xvalue is an Xvalue *)
let* edt := of_expr e >>= arrow_deref_get arrow in
of_member edt mut t
| Emember_ignore arrow eobj e =>
let* _ := of_expr eobj >>= if arrow then require_ptr else mret in
of_expr e
| Emember_call arrow f obj es =>
let* objT := of_expr obj >>= arrow_deref arrow in
let* tes := traverse (T:=eta list) of_expr es in
let* ft :=
match f with
| inl (_, _, ft) => require_functype ft
| inr e =>
let* ft := of_expr e in
match ft with
| Tmember_pointer cls (Tfunction ft) =>
mret ft
| _ => mfail
let* _ :=
trace ("checking arguments "%bs, ft.(ft_arity), ft.(ft_params), tes) $
check_args ft.(ft_arity) ft.(ft_params) tes in
mret ft.(ft_return)
| Eoperator_call _ f es =>
let* tes := traverse (T:=eta list) of_expr es in
let* '(result, fargs) :=
match f with
| operator_impl.Func _ ft =>
let* ft := require_functype ft in
mret (ft.(ft_return), ft.(ft_params))
| operator_impl.MFunc _ _ ft =>
(* TODO: the type of the member function does not currently
contain the Tmember_pointer type *)
let* objT :=
match tes with
| obj :: _ => mret [obj]
| _ => mret []
let* ft := require_functype ft in
mret (ft.(ft_return), objT ++ ft.(ft_params))
let* _ := check_args Ar_Definite fargs tes in
mret result
| Esubscript e1 e2 t =>
let* t1 := of_expr e1 in
let* t2 := of_expr e2 in
of_subscript t1 t2 t
| Esizeof te t
| Ealignof te t =>
let* _ :=
match te with
| inl t => mret ()
| inr e => const () <$> of_expr e
(* TODO NAMES TYPING: the expression can refer to a field. *)
const Tsize_t <$> guard (t = Tsize_t)
| Eoffsetof _ _ t => mret t
| Econstructor f es t =>
(* TODO: check the type of the constructor f *)
let* tes := traverse (T:=eta list) of_expr es in
mret t
| Elambda n es =>
let* tes := traverse (T:=eta list) of_expr es in
(* TODO: check the arguments to the constructor / the fields *)
mret $ Tnamed n
| Eimplicit e => of_expr e
| Eimplicit_init t =>
| Trv_ref _ => mret $ Trv_ref t
| _ => mret $ Tref t
| Bdotip => mret $ Tref t (* derived from Bdotp *)
| _ => mret t
Definition of_member (Et : bool * exprtype) (mut : bool) (t : decltype) : M decltype :=
let '(ref, et) := to_exprtype t in
match ref with
| Lvalue | Xvalue => mret $ Tref et
| Prvalue =>
let oty := Et.2 in
let qual :=
let '(ocv, _) := decompose_type oty in
CV (if mut then false else q_const ocv) (q_volatile ocv)
let ty := tqualified qual et in
if Et.1 then mret $ Trv_ref ty else mret $ Tref ty
Definition of_subscript (t1 t2 : decltype) (t : exprtype) : M decltype :=
(* we need to handle arrays and pointers.
Arrays can be lvalues or xvalues.
let arithmetic t := guard (Is_true $ is_arithmetic t) in
match drop_qualifiers t1 , drop_qualifiers t2 with
| Tref aty , other => const (tref QM) <$> arithmetic other <*> of_option (array_type aty)
| Trv_ref aty , other => const (trv_ref QM) <$> arithmetic other <*> of_option (array_type aty)
| Tptr ety , other => const (Tref ety) <$> arithmetic other
| other , Tref aty => const (tref QM) <$> arithmetic other <*> of_option (array_type aty)
| other , Trv_ref aty => const (trv_ref QM) <$> arithmetic other <*> of_option (array_type aty)
| other , Tptr ety => const (Tref ety) <$> arithmetic other
| _ , _ => mfail
Definition requireL (t : decltype) : M exprtype :=
match t with
| Tref t => mret t
| _ => mfail
Definition requireGL_get (t : decltype) : M (bool * exprtype) :=
match t with
| Tref t => mret (false, t)
| Trv_ref t => mret (true, t)
| _ => mfail
Definition requireGL (t : decltype) : M exprtype :=
match t with
| Tref t | Trv_ref t => mret t
| _ => mfail
Definition requirePR (t : decltype) : M exprtype :=
match t with
| Tref _ | Trv_ref _ => mfail
| _ => mret t
Definition requireR (t : decltype) : M exprtype :=
match t with
| Tref _ => mfail
| _ => mret t
Definition require_eq {T : Set} {_ : EqDecision T} (l : T) (r : T) : M unit :=
trace ("require equal "%bs, l, " = "%bs, r) $
const () <$> guard (l = r).
(* determine if this type can be used in an <<if>> *)
Definition require_testable (t : exprtype) : M unit :=
match t with
| Tnum _ _
| Tptr _
| Tbool
| Tnullptr
| Tchar_ _
| Tfloat_ _ => mret ()
| _ => mfail
Definition require_ptr (t : decltype) : M exprtype :=
match t with
| Tptr t => mret t
| _ => mfail
Definition arrow_deref (arrow : bool) : decltype -> M exprtype :=
if arrow then require_ptr else requireGL.
Definition arrow_deref_get (arrow : bool) : decltype -> M (bool * exprtype) :=
if arrow then fun t => pair false <$> require_ptr t else requireGL_get.
Notation "a >=> b" := (a >>= b) (at level 61, left associativity).
(* TODO upstream *)
Definition is_const (t : exprtype) : bool :=
qual_norm (fun cv _ => q_const cv) t.
Definition is_volatile (t : exprtype) : bool :=
qual_norm (fun cv _ => q_volatile cv) t.
Definition qualifiers {lang} (t : type' lang) : type_qualifiers :=
qual_norm (fun cv _ => cv) t.
Succeed Example _0 : bool_decide (tq_le QM QC) := I.
(* END upstream *)
Definition can_initialize (dt : decltype) (t : decltype) : M unit :=
let ref_conv dt t :=
qual_norm (fun dq dt => qual_norm (fun q t =>
let* _ := guard (tq_le q dq) in
let* _ := guard (dt = t) in
mret ()
) t) dt
trace (Can_initialize dt t) $
match drop_qualifiers dt , drop_qualifiers t with
| Tref dt , Tref t
| Trv_ref dt , Trv_ref t =>
ref_conv dt t
| Tref dt , Trv_ref t =>
if is_const dt
then ref_conv dt t
else mfail
| dt , t =>
let* _ := guard (dt = t) in mret ()
Fixpoint check_args (ar : function_arity) (ts : list decltype) (tes : list decltype) : M unit :=
match ts , tes with
| nil , nil => mret ()
| t :: ts , te :: tes =>
(* toplevel qualifiers on arguments are ignored *)
let* _ := can_initialize t te in
check_args ar ts tes
| nil , te :: tes =>
match ar with
| Ar_Variadic => mret () (* TODO: should check that all arguments can be passed as variadic arguments *)
| _ => mfail
| _ , _ => mfail
Definition gl_or_ptr (t : decltype) : M (ValCat * exprtype) :=
match t with
| Tptr t => mret (Prvalue, t)
| Tref t => mret (Lvalue, t)
| Trv_ref t => mret (Xvalue, t)
| _ => mfail
Definition vc_to_type (vc : ValCat) : exprtype -> decltype :=
match vc with
| Prvalue => Tptr
| Lvalue => Tref
| Xvalue => Trv_ref
Fixpoint check_list' (from : name) (ts : list exprtype) (result : name) : M () :=
let* (gd : GlobDecl' lang) := global from in
match gd with
| Gstruct st =>
let check nm :=
List.existsb (fun '(b, _) => bool_decide (type_of_classname (lang:=lang) b = Tnamed (lang:=lang) nm)) st.(s_bases)
match ts with
| nil =>
if check result then
mret tt
throw ("invalid base class "%bs, from, result)
| Tnamed next :: ts =>
if check next then
check_list' next ts result
throw ("invalid base class "%bs, from, result)
| t :: _ =>
throw ("invalid class in chain "%bs, t)
| _ =>
throw ("not a class "%bs, from)
Definition check_list (from : exprtype) (ts : list exprtype) (result : exprtype) : M () :=
match drop_qualifiers from , drop_qualifiers result with
| Tnamed bc , Tnamed rc =>
check_list' bc ts rc
| _ , _ =>
throw ("cast does not start and end on named types "%bs, from, result)
Definition of_cast (c : Cast' lang) (base : decltype) : M decltype :=
let require_float t :=
match t with
| Tfloat_ _ => mret tt
| _ => throw ("floating point required"%bs, t)
let require_integral t :=
match t with
| Tnum _ _ | Tbool | Tchar_ _ => mret tt
| _ => throw ("integral type required"%bs, t)
match c with
| Cdependent t
| Cbitcast t
| Clvaluebitcast t => mret t
| Cl2r =>
let* et := requireGL base in
(* let* _ := requirePR dt >>= require_eq (drop_qualifiers et) in *)
mret $ drop_qualifiers et
| Cl2r_bitcast t =>
let* et := requireGL base in
(* let* _ := requirePR dt >>= require_eq (drop_qualifiers et) in *)
mret $ drop_qualifiers t
| Cnoop t => mret t
| Carray2ptr =>
let k cv base :=
match base with
| Tarray ty _
| Tincomplete_array ty
| Tvariable_array ty _ =>
let res := Tptr $ tqualified cv ty in
(* let* _ := require_eq t res in *)
mret res
| _ => mfail
requireGL base >>= qual_norm k
| Cfun2ptr =>
let* base := requireL base in
let* _ := require_functype base in
(* let* _ := require_eq t (Tptr base) in *)
mret $ Tptr base
| Cint2ptr t
| Cptr2int t => mret t
| Cptr2bool => mret Tbool
| Cderived2base ls t =>
let* '(bvc, bt) := gl_or_ptr base in
qual_norm (fun cv t =>
let* '(rvc, rt) := gl_or_ptr t in
let* _ := guard (bvc = rvc \/ (bvc = Lvalue /\ rvc = Xvalue)) in
let* _ := check_list bt ls rt in
mret $ vc_to_type rvc $ tqualified cv rt) t
| Cbase2derived ls t =>
let* '(bvc, bt) := gl_or_ptr base in
qual_norm (fun cv t =>
let* '(rvc, rt) := gl_or_ptr t in
let* _ := guard (bvc = rvc \/ (bvc = Lvalue /\ rvc = Xvalue)) in
let* _ := check_list rt ls bt in
mret $ vc_to_type rvc $ tqualified cv rt) t
| Cintegral t => mret t
| Cint2bool => mret Tbool
| Cnull2ptr t =>
let* _ :=
match (to_exprtype base).2 with
| Tnullptr | Tnum _ _ => mret tt
| _ => throw ("source of null2ptr cast must be nullptr or integral type"%bs, base)
let* _ :=
match t with
| Tptr _ | Tnullptr => mret ()
| _ => throw ("destination of null2ptr cast must be a pointer"%bs, t)
mret t
| Cfloat2int t =>
let* _ := require_float base in
let* _ := require_integral t in
mret t
| Cint2float t =>
let* _ := require_integral base in
let* _ := require_float t in
mret t
| Cfloat t =>
let* _ := require_float base in
let* _ := require_float t in
mret t
| Cnull2memberptr t
| Cbuiltin2fun t
| Cctor t => mret t
| C2void => mret Tvoid
| Cuser => mret base
| Cdynamic to => mret to
| Cunsupported _ to => mret to
Definition not_const (t : exprtype) : M _ :=
guard (Is_true $ qual_norm (fun cv _ => negb $ q_const cv) t).
Definition not_volatile (t : exprtype) : M _ :=
guard (Is_true $ qual_norm (fun cv _ => negb $ q_const cv) t).
Definition supports_inc_dec (t : exprtype) : M _ :=
match t with
| Tnum _ _
| Tchar_ _
| Tfloat_ _
| Tptr _ => mret ()
| _ => throw "can not increment or decrement bool"%bs
Definition of_expr_body (e : Expr) : M decltype :=
trace e $
let* result :=
match e return M decltype with
| Eparam X => mret $ Tresult_param X
| Eunresolved_global on => mret $ Tresult_global on
| Eunresolved_unop o e => Tresult_unop o <$> of_expr e
| Eunresolved_binop o l r => Tresult_binop o <$> of_expr l <*> of_expr r
| Eunresolved_call on es => Tresult_call on <$> traverse (T:=eta list) of_expr es
| Eunresolved_member_call on obj es => Tresult_member_call on <$> of_expr obj <*> traverse (T:=eta list) of_expr es
| Eunresolved_parenlist (Some t) es => Tresult_parenlist t <$> traverse (T:=eta list) of_expr es
| Eunresolved_parenlist None _ => mfail
| Eunresolved_member obj fld => Tresult_member <$> of_expr obj <*> mret fld
| Evar ln t =>
let* vt := var_type ln in
let* _ := require_eq t vt in
mret $ tref QM t
| Eenum_const n c =>
let* ct := type_of_constant n c in
let* _ := require_eq (Tenum n) ct in
mret $ Tenum n
| Eglobal nm ty =>
1. fields are not included, these are necessary for <<sizeof()>> (see cxx/bitvector)
let* from_env := type_of_global nm in
trace ("from_env = ", from_env))*)
mret $ tref QM (normalize_type ty)
| Eglobal_member nm ty =>
match nm with
| Nscoped cls _ =>
mret $ Tmember_pointer (Tnamed cls) ty
| _ => mfail
| Echar _ t =>
match t with
| Tchar_ _
| Tuchar | Tschar => mret t
| _ => mfail
| Estring chars t =>
mret $ Tref $ Tarray (Tconst t) (1 + list_numbers.lengthN chars)
| Eint _ t =>
let* _ := guard (t ∈ [Tchar;Tuchar;Tschar;Tshort;Tushort;Tint;Tuint;Tlong;Tulong;Tlonglong;Tulonglong]) in
mret t
| Ebool _ => mret Tbool
| Eunop op e t =>
let* et := of_expr e >>= requirePR in
let* t' := of_unop op et >>= requirePR in
let* _ := guard (t = t') in
mret t
| Ebinop op l r t =>
(* TODO (NAMES): i still need to check that the operation is permitted at this type *)
let* lt := of_expr l in
let* rt := of_expr r in
of_binop op lt rt t
| Ederef e t =>
let* t' := of_expr e >>= require_ptr in
let* _ := guard (t = t') in (* TODO: redundant type *)
mret $ Tref t
| Eaddrof e =>
let* t := of_expr e >>= requireGL in
mret $ Tptr t
| Eassign le re t =>
let* lt := of_expr le >>= requireL in
let* rt := of_expr re >>= requireR in
let* _ := not_const lt in
let* _ := require_eq (drop_qualifiers lt) rt in
let* _ := require_eq lt t in
mret $ Tref lt
| Eassign_op op le re t =>
(* TODO (NAMES): i still need to check that the operation is permitted at this type *)
let* lt := of_expr le >>= requireL in
let* rt := of_expr re >>= requireR in
let* _ := guard (qualifiers lt = QM) in (* <<volatile>> accesses are not allowed to use <<op=>> *)
let* _ := require_eq lt t in
mret $ Tref lt
| Epreinc e t
| Epredec e t =>
let* lt := of_expr e >>= requireL in
let* _ := require_eq lt t in (* TODO: redundant type *)
let* _ := supports_inc_dec lt in
mret $ Tref lt
| Epostinc e t
| Epostdec e t =>
let* lt := of_expr e >>= requireL in
let* _ := require_eq lt t in (* TODO: redundant type *)
let* _ := supports_inc_dec lt in
mret lt
| Eseqand le re
| Eseqor le re =>
let* _ := of_expr le >>= require_testable in
let* _ := of_expr re >>= require_testable in
mret Tbool
| Ecomma e1 e2 =>
let* _ := of_expr e1 in
of_expr e2
| Ecall f es =>
let* ft := of_expr f >=> require_ptr >=> require_functype in
let* ts := traverse (T:=eta list) of_expr es in
let* _ :=
trace ("checking arguments "%bs, ft.(ft_arity), ft.(ft_params), ts) $
check_args ft.(ft_arity) ft.(ft_params) ts in
mret ft.(ft_return)
| Eexplicit_cast _ t e =>
let cast_result :=
qual_norm (fun cv t =>
match t with
| Tnamed _
| Tarray _ _
| Tincomplete_array _
| Tvariable_array _ _
| Tenum _ => tqualified cv t
| _ => t
let* ct := of_expr e in
let* _ := require_eq ct (cast_result t) in
(* ^^ in the case of pr-values, type qualifiers do not need to match *)
mret $ cast_result t
(* ^ we return t to match the shallow checker, but we would
probably prefer dropping qualifiers *)
| Ecast c e => of_expr e >>= of_cast c
| Emember arrow e _ mut t =>
(* TODO NAMES TYPING: Emember false Xvalue is an Xvalue *)
let* edt := of_expr e >>= arrow_deref_get arrow in
of_member edt mut t
| Emember_ignore arrow eobj e =>
let* _ := of_expr eobj >>= if arrow then require_ptr else mret in
of_expr e
| Emember_call arrow f obj es =>
let* objT := of_expr obj >>= arrow_deref arrow in
let* tes := traverse (T:=eta list) of_expr es in
let* ft :=
match f with
| inl (_, _, ft) => require_functype ft
| inr e =>
let* ft := of_expr e in
match ft with
| Tmember_pointer cls (Tfunction ft) =>
mret ft
| _ => mfail
let* _ :=
trace ("checking arguments "%bs, ft.(ft_arity), ft.(ft_params), tes) $
check_args ft.(ft_arity) ft.(ft_params) tes in
mret ft.(ft_return)
| Eoperator_call _ f es =>
let* tes := traverse (T:=eta list) of_expr es in
let* '(result, fargs) :=
match f with
| operator_impl.Func _ ft =>
let* ft := require_functype ft in
mret (ft.(ft_return), ft.(ft_params))
| operator_impl.MFunc _ _ ft =>
(* TODO: the type of the member function does not currently
contain the Tmember_pointer type *)
let* objT :=
match tes with
| obj :: _ => mret [obj]
| _ => mret []
let* ft := require_functype ft in
mret (ft.(ft_return), objT ++ ft.(ft_params))
let* _ := check_args Ar_Definite fargs tes in
mret result
| Esubscript e1 e2 t =>
let* t1 := of_expr e1 in
let* t2 := of_expr e2 in
of_subscript t1 t2 t
| Esizeof te t
| Ealignof te t =>
let* _ :=
match te with
| inl t => mret ()
| inr e => const () <$> of_expr e
(* TODO NAMES TYPING: the expression can refer to a field. *)
const Tsize_t <$> guard (t = Tsize_t)
| Eoffsetof _ _ t => mret t
| Econstructor f es t =>
(* TODO: check the type of the constructor f *)
let* tes := traverse (T:=eta list) of_expr es in
mret t
| Elambda n es =>
let* tes := traverse (T:=eta list) of_expr es in
(* TODO: check the arguments to the constructor / the fields *)
mret $ Tnamed n
| Eimplicit e => of_expr e
| Eimplicit_init t =>
"References cannot be value-initialized".
let* _ := requirePR t in
mret t
| Eif tst thn els t =>
let* _ := of_expr tst >>= require_testable in
let* tthn := of_expr thn >>= require_eq t in
let* tels := of_expr els >>= require_eq t in
mret t
| Eif2 x lete tst thn els t =>
let* lt := of_expr lete in
with_var (localname.anon x) lt $
let* _ := of_expr tst >>= require_testable in
let* tthn := of_expr thn in
let* _ := of_expr els >>= require_eq tthn in
let* _ := guard (t = tthn) in
mret t
| Ethis t =>
let* pt := require_ptr t in
let* _ := ask_this >>= require_eq pt in
mret t
| Enull => mret Tnullptr
| Einitlist es oe t =>
let* _ := traverse (T:=eta list) of_expr es in
let* _ :=
match oe with
| None => mret tt
| Some e => const tt <$> of_expr e
mret t
| Einitlist_union _ oe t =>
let* _ :=
match oe with
| None => mret tt
| Some e => const tt <$> of_expr e
mret t
| Enew (alloc, alloc_ty) aes nf aty osz oinit =>
let* ats := traverse (T:=eta list) of_expr aes in
let* afty := require_functype alloc_ty in
let* _ :=
let* _ := guard (afty.(ft_return) = Tptr Tvoid) in
let* params :=
match afty.(ft_params) return M (list decltype) with
| Tsize_t :: params => mret params
| args => trace (Bad_allocation_function_args args) $ mfail
let* params :=
if nf is new_form.Allocating true then
match params with
| Talign_t :: params => mret params
| _ => trace (Bad_allocation_function_args afty.(ft_params)) mfail
mret params
check_args afty.(ft_arity) params ats
let* _ :=
match osz with
| None => mret tt
| Some sz =>
let* tsz := of_expr sz in
if is_arithmetic tsz then mret tt else mfail
let* _ :=
match oinit with
| None => mret tt
| Some init => let* _ := of_expr init in mret tt (* TODO: check result type against aty *)
mret $ Tptr aty
| Edelete _ (del, del_ty) e ty =>
let* et := of_expr e >>= require_ptr in
let* _ := guard (ty = et) in (* TODO: constness check? *)
mret Tvoid
| Eandclean e => of_expr e
| Ematerialize_temp e vc =>
let* _ := guard (vc <> Prvalue) in
of_exprtype vc <$> (of_expr e >>= requirePR)
| Eatomic _ es t =>
let* tes := traverse (T:=eta list) of_expr es in
mret t
| Estmt s t =>
let* st := of_stmt s in
let* _ := require_eq st (Some t) in
mret t
| Eva_arg e t =>
let* _ := of_expr e in (* TODO: what type should this have? *)
mret $ normalize t
| Epseudo_destructor arr t e =>
let* et := of_expr e >>= arrow_deref arr in
let* _ := require_eq t (drop_qualifiers et) in
mret Tvoid
| Earrayloop_init n e level _ e2 t =>
let* _ := of_expr e in
let* _ :=
with_var (localname.arrayloop_index level) Tsize_t $
with_var (localname.opaque n) t $
of_expr e2 in
mret t
| Earrayloop_index n t =>
let* _ := var_type (localname.arrayloop_index n) >>= require_eq t in
mret t (* always pr-values? *)
| Eopaque_ref n t =>
let* vt := var_type (localname.opaque n) in
let* _ := requireGL t >>= can_initialize vt in
(* ^^ in practice, the type and the recorded variable type
differ by <<const>> qualifiers in instance-specific ways *)
mret t
| Eunsupported _ t => mret t
let* _ :=
match decltype.of_expr e with
| None =>
throw ("shallow failed to typecheck (term, expected)"%bs, e, result)
| Some shallow =>
trace ("type mismatch"%bs, result, shallow) $ require_eq result shallow
mret result.
End fixpoint.
Definition big_op `{Mon : monoid.Monoid m} `{Traverse T} (ls : T m) : m :=
writer.value $ traverse (F:=writer.M m) (T:=T) (writer.tell) ls.
Section var_decl.
Context (of_expr : Expr -> M decltype).
Definition check_binding (d : BindingDecl' lang) : M bindings :=
match d with
| Bvar lname ty init =>
let* _ := of_expr init >>= can_initialize ty in
mret ({| _bindings := [(lname, ty)] |})
| Bbind lname ty init =>
let* _ := (of_expr init >>= requireGL) >>= can_initialize ty in
mret ({| _bindings := [(lname, ty)] |})
Definition check_decl (d : VarDecl' lang) : M bindings :=
trace d
match d with
| Dvar lname ty oinit =>
let* _ :=
match oinit with
| None => mret tt
| Some init =>
let* _ := with_var lname ty $ of_expr init >>= can_initialize ty in
mret tt
mret ({| _bindings := [(lname, ty)] |})
| Ddecompose e v ds =>
let* t := of_expr e in
let* (bindings : list bindings) := with_var v t $ traverse (T:=eta list) check_binding ds in
mret $ big_op bindings
| Dinit _ nm ty oinit =>
let* _ :=
match oinit with
| None => mret tt
| Some init =>
let* _ := of_expr init >>= can_initialize ty in
mret tt
mret monoid.monoid_unit
End var_decl.
Section stmt.
Context (of_expr : Expr -> M decltype).
Notation check_decl := (check_decl of_expr) (only parsing).
Definition check_decls (ds : list (VarDecl' lang)) : M bindings :=
big_op (T:=eta list) <$> traverse (F:=M) (T:=eta list) check_decl ds.
Fixpoint check_stmt_body (s : Stmt' lang) : M (bindings * option decltype) :=
let check_stmt := check_stmt_body in
trace s
match s with
| Sgoto _ => mret (∅, None)
| Slabeled _ s => check_stmt s
| Sexpr e =>
pair monoid.monoid_unit ∘ Some <$> of_expr e
| Sdefault | Scase _ | Sbreak | Scontinue => mret (∅, None)
| Sseq ss =>
(fix block ss :=
match ss with
| nil => mret (∅, None)
| s :: ss =>
let* '(b,d) := check_stmt s in
with_bindings b $ block ss
end) ss
| Sif vd tst thn els =>
let* ds := from_option check_decl (mret monoid.monoid_unit) vd in
let* _ :=
with_bindings ds $
let* _ := of_expr tst >>= require_testable in
let* _ := check_stmt thn in
check_stmt els
in mret (∅, None)
| Sif_consteval thn els =>
let* _ := check_stmt thn in
check_stmt els
| Sswitch vd tst b =>
let* ds := from_option check_decl (mret monoid.monoid_unit) vd in
let _ :=
with_bindings ds $
let* _ := of_expr tst >>= require_eq Tint in (* TODO: BAD *)
check_stmt b
in mret (∅, None)
| Swhile vd tst body =>
let* ds := from_option check_decl (mret monoid.monoid_unit) vd in
let k :=
with_bindings ds $
let* _ := of_expr tst >>= require_testable in
check_stmt body
in mret (∅, None)
| Sdo s tst =>
let* _ := check_stmt s in
let* _ := of_expr tst >>= require_testable in (* TODO *)
mret (∅, None)
| Sfor vd otst oincr body =>
let* '(ds, _) := from_option check_stmt (mret (monoid.monoid_unit, None)) vd in
let* _ :=
with_bindings ds $
let* _ := from_option (fun e => of_expr e >>= require_testable) (mret tt) $ otst in
let* _ := from_option (fun e => let* _ := of_expr e in mret tt) (mret tt) $ oincr in
check_stmt body
in mret (∅, None)
| Sdecl ds =>
let* b := check_decls ds in
mret (b, None)
| Sreturn None =>
let* _ := ask_return >>= require_eq Tvoid in
mret (∅, None)
| Sreturn (Some e) =>
let* ret := ask_return in
let* _ := of_expr e >>= can_initialize ret in
mret (∅, None)
| Sattr _ s =>
check_stmt s (* TODO: confirm scope *)
| Sasm _ _ ins outs args =>
let* _ := traverse (T:=eta list) (fun ab => of_expr ab.2) ins in
let* _ := traverse (T:=eta list) (fun ab => of_expr ab.2) outs in
mret (∅, None)
| Sunsupported _ => mfail
End stmt.
Fixpoint of_expr (e : Expr) : M decltype :=
of_expr_body of_expr check_stmt e
with check_stmt (s : Stmt) : M (option decltype) :=
snd <$> check_stmt_body of_expr s.
Definition Merr : Set -> Set :=
readerT.M ext_tu (trace.M Error.t).
Definition lift_reader {S S' T M} (f : S -> S') (m : readerT.M S' M T) : readerT.M S M T := $ fun s => m (f s).
Definition check_func (f : Func' lang) : Merr unit :=
match f.(f_body) with
| None => mret ()
| Some (Impl body) => $ fun tu =>
const () <$> (with_bindings {| _bindings := f.(f_params) |} $ check_stmt body)
(tu, f.(f_return), None, [])
| Some (Builtin _) => mret ()
Definition classname_to_type : classname' lang -> type' lang :=
match lang with
| lang.cpp => Tnamed
| lang.temp => id
Definition check_method (m : Method' lang) : Merr unit :=
match m.(m_body) with
| Some (UserDefined s) => $ fun tu =>
let this_type := tqualified m.(m_this_qual) $ classname_to_type m.(m_class) in
const () <$> (with_bindings {| _bindings := m.(m_params) |} $ check_stmt s) (tu, m.(m_return), Some this_type, [])
| _ => mret ()
Definition check_ctor (c : Ctor' lang) : Merr unit :=
match c.(c_body) with
| Some (UserDefined (inits, body)) => $ fun tu => (with_bindings {| _bindings := c.(c_params) |} $
let* _ := traverse (T:=eta list) (fun init => of_expr init.(init_init)) inits in
const () <$> check_stmt body) (tu, Tvoid, Some (classname_to_type c.(c_class)), [])
| _ => mret ()
Definition check_dtor (d : Dtor' lang) : Merr unit :=
match d.(d_body) with
| Some (UserDefined body) => $ fun tu => (const () <$> check_stmt body) (tu, Tvoid, Some (classname_to_type d.(d_class)), [])
| _ => mret ()
Definition check_obj_value (o : ObjValue' lang) : Merr unit :=
readerT.trace (breadcrumb o)
match o with
| Ovar _ oinit =>
match oinit with
| global_init.Init init => $ fun tu =>
const () <$> (of_expr init) (tu, Tvoid, None, []) (* Tvoid isn't really correct here *)
| _ => mret tt
| Ofunction f => check_func f
| Omethod m => check_method m
| Oconstructor c => check_ctor c
| Odestructor d => check_dtor d
End with_lang.
End internal.
Definition tu_to_ext {lang} (tu : translation_unit) : @internal.ext_tu lang :=
match lang as lang return _ with
| lang.cpp => {| internal.ext_symbols nm := fmap (M:=fun t => option t) type_of_value $ tu.(symbols) !! nm
; internal.ext_types nm := types tu !! nm |}
| lang.temp => {| internal.ext_symbols nm := None
; internal.ext_types nm := None |}
Definition of_expr {lang} (tu : translation_unit) (e : Expr' lang) : trace.M Error.t (decltype' lang) := (internal.of_expr e) (tu_to_ext tu, Tvoid, None, []).
Definition check_tu (tu : translation_unit) : trace.M Error.t unit :=
let fn (nm_v : name * ObjValue) :=
trace (breadcrumb nm_v.1) $ internal.check_obj_value nm_v.2
let* _ := (traverse (T:=eta list) fn $ NM.elements tu.(symbols)) $ tu_to_ext tu in
mret tt.
End decltype.
Module exprtype.
Section exprtype.
Context {lang : lang.t} (tu : translation_unit).
Definition of_expr (e : Expr' lang) : option (ValCat * exprtype' lang) :=
trace.runO $ decltype.to_exprtype <$> decltype.of_expr tu e.
Definition of_expr_drop (e : Expr' lang) : option (exprtype' lang) :=
trace.runO $ drop_reference <$> decltype.of_expr tu e.
Definition of_expr_check (P : ValCat -> Prop) `{!∀ vc, Decision (P vc)}
(e : Expr' lang) : option (exprtype' lang) :=
of_expr e >>= fun p => guard (P p.1) ;; mret p.2.
End exprtype.
End exprtype.