* Copyright (c) 2024 BlueRock Security, Inc.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.prelude.
Require Export bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.preliminary.
Require Export bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.overloadable.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.notations.
#[local] Set Primitive Projections.
#[local] Notation EqDecision1 T := (∀ (A : Set), EqDecision A -> EqDecision (T A)) (only parsing).
#[local] Notation EqDecision2 T := (∀ (A : Set), EqDecision A -> EqDecision1 (T A)) (only parsing).
#[local] Notation EqDecision3 T := (∀ (A : Set), EqDecision A -> EqDecision2 (T A)) (only parsing).
#[local] Tactic Notation "solve_decision" := intros; solve_decision.
(* The stages of a C++ program *)
Module lang.
Variant t : Set :=
| cpp (* concrete, non-templated code *)
| temp. (* meta, templated code *)
End lang.
* Copyright (c) 2024 BlueRock Security, Inc.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.prelude.
Require Export bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.preliminary.
Require Export bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.overloadable.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.notations.
#[local] Set Primitive Projections.
#[local] Notation EqDecision1 T := (∀ (A : Set), EqDecision A -> EqDecision (T A)) (only parsing).
#[local] Notation EqDecision2 T := (∀ (A : Set), EqDecision A -> EqDecision1 (T A)) (only parsing).
#[local] Notation EqDecision3 T := (∀ (A : Set), EqDecision A -> EqDecision2 (T A)) (only parsing).
#[local] Tactic Notation "solve_decision" := intros; solve_decision.
(* The stages of a C++ program *)
Module lang.
Variant t : Set :=
| cpp (* concrete, non-templated code *)
| temp. (* meta, templated code *)
End lang.
Function types
works and constructors/destructors aren't member functions).
Record function_type_ {decltype : Set} : Set := FunctionType {
ft_cc : calling_conv;
ft_arity : function_arity;
ft_return : decltype;
ft_params : list decltype;
Add Printing Constructor function_type_.
#[global] Arguments function_type_ : clear implicits.
#[global] Arguments FunctionType {_ _ _} _ _ : assert.
#[global] Instance function_type__inhabited {A : Set} {_ : Inhabited A} : Inhabited (function_type_ A).
Proof. solve_inhabited. Qed.
#[global] Instance function_type__eq_dec {A : Set} {_ : EqDecision A} : EqDecision (function_type_ A).
Proof. solve_decision. Defined.
Module function_type.
Import UPoly.
Definition existsb {decltype : Set} (f : decltype -> bool)
(ft : function_type_ decltype) : bool :=
f ft.(ft_return) || existsb f ft.(ft_params).
Definition fmap {decltype decltype' : Set} (f : decltype -> decltype')
(ft : function_type_ decltype) : function_type_ decltype' :=
@FunctionType _ ft.(ft_cc) ft.(ft_arity) (f ft.(ft_return)) (f <$> ft.(ft_params)).
#[global] Arguments fmap _ _ _ & _ : assert.
#[global] Hint Opaque fmap : typeclass_instances.
Definition traverse@{u | } {F : Set -> Type@{u}} `{!FMap F, !MRet F, AP : !Ap F}
{decltype decltype' : Set} (f : decltype -> F decltype')
(ft : function_type_ decltype) : F (function_type_ decltype') :=
@FunctionType _ ft.(ft_cc) ft.(ft_arity)
<$> f ft.(ft_return) <*> traverse (T:=eta list) f ft.(ft_params).
#[global] Arguments traverse _ _ _ _ _ _ & _ _ : assert.
#[global] Hint Opaque traverse : typeclass_instances.
End function_type.
ft_cc : calling_conv;
ft_arity : function_arity;
ft_return : decltype;
ft_params : list decltype;
Add Printing Constructor function_type_.
#[global] Arguments function_type_ : clear implicits.
#[global] Arguments FunctionType {_ _ _} _ _ : assert.
#[global] Instance function_type__inhabited {A : Set} {_ : Inhabited A} : Inhabited (function_type_ A).
Proof. solve_inhabited. Qed.
#[global] Instance function_type__eq_dec {A : Set} {_ : EqDecision A} : EqDecision (function_type_ A).
Proof. solve_decision. Defined.
Module function_type.
Import UPoly.
Definition existsb {decltype : Set} (f : decltype -> bool)
(ft : function_type_ decltype) : bool :=
f ft.(ft_return) || existsb f ft.(ft_params).
Definition fmap {decltype decltype' : Set} (f : decltype -> decltype')
(ft : function_type_ decltype) : function_type_ decltype' :=
@FunctionType _ ft.(ft_cc) ft.(ft_arity) (f ft.(ft_return)) (f <$> ft.(ft_params)).
#[global] Arguments fmap _ _ _ & _ : assert.
#[global] Hint Opaque fmap : typeclass_instances.
Definition traverse@{u | } {F : Set -> Type@{u}} `{!FMap F, !MRet F, AP : !Ap F}
{decltype decltype' : Set} (f : decltype -> F decltype')
(ft : function_type_ decltype) : F (function_type_ decltype') :=
@FunctionType _ ft.(ft_cc) ft.(ft_arity)
<$> f ft.(ft_return) <*> traverse (T:=eta list) f ft.(ft_params).
#[global] Arguments traverse _ _ _ _ _ _ & _ _ : assert.
#[global] Hint Opaque traverse : typeclass_instances.
End function_type.
Variant temp_param_ {type : Set} : Set :=
| Ptype (_ : ident)
| Pvalue (_ : ident) (_ : type)
| Punsupported (_ : bs).
#[global] Arguments temp_param_ : clear implicits.
#[global] Instance temp_param__inhabited {A} : Inhabited (temp_param_ A).
Proof. solve_inhabited. Qed.
#[global] Instance temp_param_eq_dec {A : Set} `{!EqDecision A} : EqDecision (temp_param_ A).
Proof. solve_decision. Defined.
Module temp_param.
Import UPoly.
Definition existsb {type : Set} (f : type -> bool) (p : temp_param_ type) : bool :=
if p is Pvalue _ t then f t else false.
Definition fmap {type type' : Set} (f : type -> type')
(p : temp_param_ type) : temp_param_ type' :=
match p with
| Ptype id => Ptype id
| Pvalue id t => Pvalue id (f t)
| Punsupported msg => Punsupported msg
#[global] Arguments fmap _ _ _ & _ : assert.
#[global] Hint Opaque fmap : typeclass_instances.
Section traverse.
#[local] Set Universe Polymorphism.
#[local] Unset Auto Template Polymorphism.
#[local] Unset Universe Minimization ToSet.
Universe u.
Context {F : Set -> Type@{u}} `{!FMap F, !MRet F, AP : !Ap F}.
Context {type type' : Set}.
Definition traverse (f : type -> F type') (p : temp_param_ type)
: F (temp_param_ type') :=
match p with
| Ptype id => mret $ Ptype id
| Pvalue id t => Pvalue id <$> f t
| Punsupported msg => mret $ Punsupported msg
#[global] Arguments traverse _ & _ : assert.
#[global] Hint Opaque traverse : typeclass_instances.
End traverse.
End temp_param.
Inductive temp_arg_ {name decltype Expr : Set} : Set :=
| Atype (_ : decltype)
| Avalue (_ : Expr)
| Apack (_ : list temp_arg_)
| Atemplate (_ : name)
| Aunsupported (_ : bs).
Arguments temp_arg_ : clear implicits.
#[global] Instance temp_arg__inhabited {A B C : Set} {_ : Inhabited A} : Inhabited (temp_arg_ A B C).
Proof. solve_inhabited. Qed.
[global] Instance temp_arg__eq_dec {A B : Set} {_ : EqDecision A} {_ : EqDecision B} : EqDecision (temp_arg_ A B). Proof. solve_decision. Defined. *)
Module temp_arg.
Import UPoly.
Section existsb.
Context {name type Expr : Set} (e : name -> bool) (f : type -> bool) (g : Expr -> bool).
Fixpoint existsb (a : temp_arg_ name type Expr) : bool :=
match a with
| Atype t => f t
| Avalue e => g e
| Apack ls => List.existsb existsb ls
| Atemplate n => e n
| Aunsupported _ => false
End existsb.
Section fmap.
Context {name name' type type' Expr Expr' : Set}
(e : name -> name') (f : type -> type') (g : Expr -> Expr').
Fixpoint fmap (a : temp_arg_ name type Expr) : temp_arg_ name' type' Expr' :=
match a with
| Atype t => Atype (f t)
| Avalue e => Avalue (g e)
| Apack ls => Apack $ fmap <$> ls
| Atemplate n => Atemplate $ e n
| Aunsupported msg => Aunsupported msg
End fmap.
#[global] Arguments fmap _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ & _ : assert.
Section traverse.
#[local] Set Universe Polymorphism.
#[local] Unset Auto Template Polymorphism.
#[local] Unset Universe Minimization ToSet.
Universe u.
Context {F : Set -> Type@{u}} `{!FMap F, !MRet F, AP : !Ap F}.
Context {name name' type type' Expr Expr' : Set}
(e : name -> F name') (f : type -> F type')
(g : Expr -> F Expr').
Fixpoint traverse (a : temp_arg_ name type Expr) : F (temp_arg_ name' type' Expr') :=
match a with
| Atype t => Atype <$> f t
| Avalue e => Avalue <$> g e
| Apack ls => Apack <$> UPoly.traverse (T:=eta list) (F:=F) traverse ls
| Atemplate n => Atemplate <$> e n
| Aunsupported msg => mret $ Aunsupported msg
#[global] Arguments traverse & _ : assert.
#[global] Hint Opaque traverse : typeclass_instances.
End traverse.
End temp_arg.
Variant function_name_ {type : Set} : Set :=
| Nf (_ : ident)
| Nctor
| Ndtor
| Nop (_ : OverloadableOperator)
| Nop_conv (_ : type)
| Nop_lit (_ : ident)
| Nunsupported_function (_ : bs).
#[global] Arguments function_name_ : clear implicits.
#[global] Instance function_name__inhabited {A} : Inhabited (function_name_ A).
Proof. solve_inhabited. Qed.
#[global] Instance function_name__eq_dec {A : Set} `{!EqDecision A} : EqDecision (function_name_ A).
Proof. solve_decision. Defined.
Module function_name.
Import UPoly.
Definition existsb {type : Set} (f : type -> bool) (n : function_name_ type) : bool :=
if n is Nop_conv t then f t else false.
Definition fmap {type type' : Set} (f : type -> type') (n : function_name_ type) : function_name_ type' :=
match n in function_name_ _ with
| Nf id => Nf id
| Nctor => Nctor
| Ndtor => Ndtor
| Nop oo => Nop oo
| Nop_conv t => Nop_conv (f t)
| Nop_lit s => Nop_lit s
| Nunsupported_function msg => Nunsupported_function msg
#[global] Arguments fmap _ _ _ & _ : assert.
#[global] Hint Opaque fmap : typeclass_instances.
Section traverse.
#[local] Set Universe Polymorphism.
#[local] Unset Auto Template Polymorphism.
#[local] Unset Universe Minimization ToSet.
Universe u.
Context {F : Set -> Type@{u}} `{!FMap F, !MRet F, AP : !Ap F}.
Context {type type' : Set}.
Definition traverse (f : type -> F type')
(n : function_name_ type) : F (function_name_ type') :=
match n with
| Nf id => mret $ Nf id
| Nctor => mret Nctor
| Ndtor => mret Ndtor
| Nop oo => mret $ Nop oo
| Nop_conv t => Nop_conv <$> f t
| Nop_lit s => mret $ Nop_lit s
| Nunsupported_function msg => mret $ Nunsupported_function msg
#[global] Arguments traverse _ & _ : assert.
#[global] Hint Opaque traverse : typeclass_instances.
End traverse.
End function_name.
Module function_qualifiers.
(* This is a compressed tuple.
- <<l>> means <<&>>
- <<r>> means <<&&>>
- <<c>> means <<const>>
- <<v>> means <<volatile>>
Variant t : Set :=
| N | Nl | Nr
| Nc | Ncl | Ncr
| Nv | Nvl | Nvr
| Ncv | Ncvl | Ncvr.
Definition is_const (a : t) :=
match a with
| Nc | Ncl | Ncr | Ncv | Ncvl | Ncvr => true
| _ => false
Definition is_volatile (a : t) :=
match a with
| Nv | Nvl | Nvr | Ncv | Ncvl | Ncvr => true
| _ => false
(* we use Prvalue to represent no annotation *)
Definition vc_of (a : t) : ValCat :=
match a with
| N | Nc | Nv | Ncv => Prvalue
| Nl | Ncl | Nvl | Ncvl => Lvalue
| Nr | Ncr | Nvr | Ncvr => Xvalue
Definition mk (const volatile : bool) (vc : ValCat) : t :=
match const , volatile , vc with
| false , false , Prvalue => N
| false , false , Lvalue => Nl
| false , false , Xvalue => Nr
| false , true , Prvalue => Nv
| false , true , Lvalue => Nvl
| false , true , Xvalue => Nvr
| true , false , Prvalue => Nc
| true , false , Lvalue => Ncl
| true , false , Xvalue => Ncr
| true , true , Prvalue => Ncv
| true , true , Lvalue => Ncvl
| true , true , Xvalue => Ncvr
Definition join (a b : t) : t :=
mk (is_const a || is_const b) (is_volatile a || is_volatile b)
match vc_of a , vc_of b with
| Prvalue , b => b
| a , Prvalue => a
| a , _ => a
#[global] Instance t_inhabited : Inhabited t.
Proof. solve_inhabited. Qed.
#[prefix="", only(tag)] derive t.
Definition compare (a b : t) : comparison := (tag a) (tag b).
Definition to_type_qualifiers (f : t) : type_qualifiers :=
match f with
| N | Nl | Nr => QM
| Nc | Ncl | Ncr => QC
| Nv | Nvl | Nvr => QV
| Ncv | Ncvl | Ncvr => QCV
End function_qualifiers.
| Nf (_ : ident)
| Nctor
| Ndtor
| Nop (_ : OverloadableOperator)
| Nop_conv (_ : type)
| Nop_lit (_ : ident)
| Nunsupported_function (_ : bs).
#[global] Arguments function_name_ : clear implicits.
#[global] Instance function_name__inhabited {A} : Inhabited (function_name_ A).
Proof. solve_inhabited. Qed.
#[global] Instance function_name__eq_dec {A : Set} `{!EqDecision A} : EqDecision (function_name_ A).
Proof. solve_decision. Defined.
Module function_name.
Import UPoly.
Definition existsb {type : Set} (f : type -> bool) (n : function_name_ type) : bool :=
if n is Nop_conv t then f t else false.
Definition fmap {type type' : Set} (f : type -> type') (n : function_name_ type) : function_name_ type' :=
match n in function_name_ _ with
| Nf id => Nf id
| Nctor => Nctor
| Ndtor => Ndtor
| Nop oo => Nop oo
| Nop_conv t => Nop_conv (f t)
| Nop_lit s => Nop_lit s
| Nunsupported_function msg => Nunsupported_function msg
#[global] Arguments fmap _ _ _ & _ : assert.
#[global] Hint Opaque fmap : typeclass_instances.
Section traverse.
#[local] Set Universe Polymorphism.
#[local] Unset Auto Template Polymorphism.
#[local] Unset Universe Minimization ToSet.
Universe u.
Context {F : Set -> Type@{u}} `{!FMap F, !MRet F, AP : !Ap F}.
Context {type type' : Set}.
Definition traverse (f : type -> F type')
(n : function_name_ type) : F (function_name_ type') :=
match n with
| Nf id => mret $ Nf id
| Nctor => mret Nctor
| Ndtor => mret Ndtor
| Nop oo => mret $ Nop oo
| Nop_conv t => Nop_conv <$> f t
| Nop_lit s => mret $ Nop_lit s
| Nunsupported_function msg => mret $ Nunsupported_function msg
#[global] Arguments traverse _ & _ : assert.
#[global] Hint Opaque traverse : typeclass_instances.
End traverse.
End function_name.
Module function_qualifiers.
(* This is a compressed tuple.
- <<l>> means <<&>>
- <<r>> means <<&&>>
- <<c>> means <<const>>
- <<v>> means <<volatile>>
Variant t : Set :=
| N | Nl | Nr
| Nc | Ncl | Ncr
| Nv | Nvl | Nvr
| Ncv | Ncvl | Ncvr.
Definition is_const (a : t) :=
match a with
| Nc | Ncl | Ncr | Ncv | Ncvl | Ncvr => true
| _ => false
Definition is_volatile (a : t) :=
match a with
| Nv | Nvl | Nvr | Ncv | Ncvl | Ncvr => true
| _ => false
(* we use Prvalue to represent no annotation *)
Definition vc_of (a : t) : ValCat :=
match a with
| N | Nc | Nv | Ncv => Prvalue
| Nl | Ncl | Nvl | Ncvl => Lvalue
| Nr | Ncr | Nvr | Ncvr => Xvalue
Definition mk (const volatile : bool) (vc : ValCat) : t :=
match const , volatile , vc with
| false , false , Prvalue => N
| false , false , Lvalue => Nl
| false , false , Xvalue => Nr
| false , true , Prvalue => Nv
| false , true , Lvalue => Nvl
| false , true , Xvalue => Nvr
| true , false , Prvalue => Nc
| true , false , Lvalue => Ncl
| true , false , Xvalue => Ncr
| true , true , Prvalue => Ncv
| true , true , Lvalue => Ncvl
| true , true , Xvalue => Ncvr
Definition join (a b : t) : t :=
mk (is_const a || is_const b) (is_volatile a || is_volatile b)
match vc_of a , vc_of b with
| Prvalue , b => b
| a , Prvalue => a
| a , _ => a
#[global] Instance t_inhabited : Inhabited t.
Proof. solve_inhabited. Qed.
#[prefix="", only(tag)] derive t.
Definition compare (a b : t) : comparison := (tag a) (tag b).
Definition to_type_qualifiers (f : t) : type_qualifiers :=
match f with
| N | Nl | Nr => QM
| Nc | Ncl | Ncr => QC
| Nv | Nvl | Nvr => QV
| Ncv | Ncvl | Ncvr => QCV
End function_qualifiers.
Named things
namespace, struct, union, typedef, variable, member, ...
TODO (Discuss): Do we need to distinguish templated functions by their
return types?
Unnamed things
| Nanon (_ : N)
(* an anonymous namespace. Specialized b/c they are re-declarable so
their position is not relevant *)
| Nanonymous
(* When entities are not named, we use a heuristic that picks the
first named declaration of the type or the first named field.
It is important that we distinguish these from Nid n because
n is a *type name* while the identifiers in these declarations
are object names. Effectively in Nfirst_decl "x", the name
of the type is <<decltype(x)>>.
| Nfirst_decl (_ : ident)
| Nfirst_child (_ : ident)
(* an anonymous namespace. Specialized b/c they are re-declarable so
their position is not relevant *)
| Nanonymous
(* When entities are not named, we use a heuristic that picks the
first named declaration of the type or the first named field.
It is important that we distinguish these from Nid n because
n is a *type name* while the identifiers in these declarations
are object names. Effectively in Nfirst_decl "x", the name
of the type is <<decltype(x)>>.
| Nfirst_decl (_ : ident)
| Nfirst_child (_ : ident)
| Nunsupported_atomic (_ : bs).
#[global] Arguments atomic_name_ : clear implicits.
#[global] Instance atomic_name__inhabited {A} : Inhabited (atomic_name_ A).
Proof. solve_inhabited. Qed.
Module atomic_name.
Definition existsb {type : Set} (f : type -> bool)
(c : atomic_name_ type) : bool :=
match c with
| Nid _ => false
| Nfunction _ n ts => function_name.existsb f n || List.existsb f ts
| Nanon _
| Nanonymous
| Nfirst_decl _
| Nfirst_child _
| Nunsupported_atomic _ => false
Import UPoly.
Definition fmap {type type' : Set} (f : type -> type')
(c : atomic_name_ type) : atomic_name_ type' :=
match c with
| Nid id => Nid id
| Nfunction qs n ts => Nfunction qs (function_name.fmap f n) (f <$> ts)
| Nanon n => Nanon n
| Nanonymous => Nanonymous
| Nfirst_decl n => Nfirst_decl n
| Nfirst_child n => Nfirst_child n
| Nunsupported_atomic msg => Nunsupported_atomic msg
#[global] Arguments fmap _ _ _ & _ : assert.
Section traverse.
#[local] Set Universe Polymorphism.
#[local] Unset Auto Template Polymorphism.
#[local] Unset Universe Minimization ToSet.
Universe u.
Context {F : Set -> Type@{u}} `{!FMap F, !MRet F, AP : !Ap F}.
Context {type type' : Set}.
Context (f : type -> F type').
#[local] Notation list_traverse := (UPoly.traverse (T:=eta list)).
Definition traverse (c : atomic_name_ type) : F (atomic_name_ type') :=
match c with
| Nid id => mret $ Nid id
| Nfunction qs n ts => Nfunction qs <$> function_name.traverse f n <*> list_traverse f ts
| Nanon n => mret $ Nanon n
| Nanonymous => mret Nanonymous
| Nfirst_decl n => mret $ Nfirst_decl n
| Nfirst_child n => mret $ Nfirst_child n
| Nunsupported_atomic msg => mret $ Nunsupported_atomic msg
#[global] Arguments traverse & _ : assert.
#[global] Hint Opaque traverse : typeclass_instances.
End traverse.
End atomic_name.
Module cast_style.
Variant t : Set :=
| functional
| c
| static | dynamic | reinterpret | const.
#[global] Instance t_eq_dec : EqDecision t.
Proof. solve_decision. Defined.
#[global] Instance t_inhabited : Inhabited t.
Proof. repeat constructor. Qed.
#[prefix="", only(tag)] derive t.
Definition compare (a b : t) : comparison := (tag a) (tag b).
End cast_style.
#[global] Arguments atomic_name_ : clear implicits.
#[global] Instance atomic_name__inhabited {A} : Inhabited (atomic_name_ A).
Proof. solve_inhabited. Qed.
Module atomic_name.
Definition existsb {type : Set} (f : type -> bool)
(c : atomic_name_ type) : bool :=
match c with
| Nid _ => false
| Nfunction _ n ts => function_name.existsb f n || List.existsb f ts
| Nanon _
| Nanonymous
| Nfirst_decl _
| Nfirst_child _
| Nunsupported_atomic _ => false
Import UPoly.
Definition fmap {type type' : Set} (f : type -> type')
(c : atomic_name_ type) : atomic_name_ type' :=
match c with
| Nid id => Nid id
| Nfunction qs n ts => Nfunction qs (function_name.fmap f n) (f <$> ts)
| Nanon n => Nanon n
| Nanonymous => Nanonymous
| Nfirst_decl n => Nfirst_decl n
| Nfirst_child n => Nfirst_child n
| Nunsupported_atomic msg => Nunsupported_atomic msg
#[global] Arguments fmap _ _ _ & _ : assert.
Section traverse.
#[local] Set Universe Polymorphism.
#[local] Unset Auto Template Polymorphism.
#[local] Unset Universe Minimization ToSet.
Universe u.
Context {F : Set -> Type@{u}} `{!FMap F, !MRet F, AP : !Ap F}.
Context {type type' : Set}.
Context (f : type -> F type').
#[local] Notation list_traverse := (UPoly.traverse (T:=eta list)).
Definition traverse (c : atomic_name_ type) : F (atomic_name_ type') :=
match c with
| Nid id => mret $ Nid id
| Nfunction qs n ts => Nfunction qs <$> function_name.traverse f n <*> list_traverse f ts
| Nanon n => mret $ Nanon n
| Nanonymous => mret Nanonymous
| Nfirst_decl n => mret $ Nfirst_decl n
| Nfirst_child n => mret $ Nfirst_child n
| Nunsupported_atomic msg => mret $ Nunsupported_atomic msg
#[global] Arguments traverse & _ : assert.
#[global] Hint Opaque traverse : typeclass_instances.
End traverse.
End atomic_name.
Module cast_style.
Variant t : Set :=
| functional
| c
| static | dynamic | reinterpret | const.
#[global] Instance t_eq_dec : EqDecision t.
Proof. solve_decision. Defined.
#[global] Instance t_inhabited : Inhabited t.
Proof. repeat constructor. Qed.
#[prefix="", only(tag)] derive t.
Definition compare (a b : t) : comparison := (tag a) (tag b).
End cast_style.
Inductive name' {lang : lang.t} : Set :=
| Ninst (c : name') (_ : list (temp_arg_ name' type' Expr'))
| Nglobal (c : atomic_name_ type') (* <<::c>> *)
| Ndependent (t : type') (* <<typename t>> *)
| Nscoped (n : name') (c : atomic_name_ type') (* <<n::c>> *)
| Nunsupported (_ : bs)
| Ninst (c : name') (_ : list (temp_arg_ name' type' Expr'))
| Nglobal (c : atomic_name_ type') (* <<::c>> *)
| Ndependent (t : type') (* <<typename t>> *)
| Nscoped (n : name') (c : atomic_name_ type') (* <<n::c>> *)
| Nunsupported (_ : bs)
with type' {lang : lang.t} : Set :=
| Tparam (_ : ident)
| Tresult_param (_ : ident)
| Tresult_global (on : name')
| Tresult_unop (_ : RUnOp) (_ : type')
| Tresult_binop (_ : RBinOp) (_ _ : type')
| Tresult_call (on : name') (_ : list type')
| Tresult_member_call (on : name') (_ : type') (_ : list type')
| Tresult_parenlist (_ :type') (_ : list type')
| Tresult_member (_ : type') (_ : name')
| Tptr (t : type')
| Tref (t : type')
| Trv_ref (t : type')
| Tnum (sz : int_rank.t) (sgn : signed)
| Tchar_ (_ : char_type.t)
| Tvoid
| Tarray (t : type') (n : N)
| Tincomplete_array (t : type')
| Tvariable_array (t : type') (e : Expr')
| Tnamed (gn : name')
| Tenum (gn : name')
| Tfunction (t : function_type_ type')
| Tbool
| Tmember_pointer (gn : (* classname' *)type') (t : type')
| Tfloat_ (_ : float_type.t)
| Tqualified (q : type_qualifiers) (t : type')
| Tnullptr
| Tarch (osz : option bitsize) (name : bs)
| Tdecltype (_ : Expr')
(* ^^ this is <<decltype(e)>> when <<e>> is an expression, including a parenthesized expression.
(2) in <>
| Texprtype (_ : Expr')
(* ^^ this is <<decltype(e)>> when <<e>> is a variable reference
(1) in <>
| Tunsupported (_ : bs)
a = b
use a different evaluation order than calls
like operator=(a, b)
with Expr' {lang : lang.t} : Set :=
| Eparam (_ : ident)
| Eunresolved_global (_ : name')
| Eunresolved_unop (_ : RUnOp) (e : Expr')
| Eunresolved_binop (_ : RBinOp) (l r : Expr')
| Eunresolved_call (on : name') (_ : list Expr')
| Eunresolved_member_call (on : name') (_ : Expr') (_ : list Expr')
| Eparam (_ : ident)
| Eunresolved_global (_ : name')
| Eunresolved_unop (_ : RUnOp) (e : Expr')
| Eunresolved_binop (_ : RBinOp) (l r : Expr')
| Eunresolved_call (on : name') (_ : list Expr')
| Eunresolved_member_call (on : name') (_ : Expr') (_ : list Expr')
Eunresolved_parenlist (Some T) [arg1;…;argN]
is the initializer
for an uninstantiated direct initializer list declaration T
var(arg1,…,argN)>> with dependent type T
. Making the type optional
simplifies cpp2v---we set it from context in ../mparser.v.
| Eunresolved_parenlist (_ : option type') (_ : list Expr')
| Eunresolved_member (_ : Expr') (_ : name')
| Eunresolved_member (_ : Expr') (_ : name')
NOTE: We might need to support template parameters as object names in
a few constructors (by carrying
Expr ≈ Eparam + Eglobal
instead of
| Evar (_ : localname) (_ : type')
| Eenum_const (gn : name') (_ : ident)
| Eglobal (on : name') (_ : type')
Eglobal_member gn t represents
where gn
is a non-static member of a class, e.g. a field or method.
We distinguish this from Eaddrof (Eglobal gn) because,
when gn refers to a member, &gn
is not a well-formed
program because, in part, C++ has no type for references to members.
| Eglobal_member (gn : name') (ty : type')
| Echar (c : N) (t : type')
| Estring (s : list N) (t : type')
| Eint (n : Z) (t : type')
| Ebool (b : bool)
| Eunop (op : UnOp) (e : Expr') (t : type')
| Ebinop (op : BinOp) (e1 e2 : Expr') (t : type')
| Ederef (e : Expr') (t : type')
| Eaddrof (e : Expr')
| Eassign (e1 e2 : Expr') (t : type')
| Eassign_op (op : BinOp) (e1 e2 : Expr') (t : type')
| Epreinc (e : Expr') (t : type')
| Epostinc (e : Expr') (t : type')
| Epredec (e : Expr') (t : type')
| Epostdec (e : Expr') (t : type')
| Eseqand (e1 e2 : Expr')
| Eseqor (e1 e2 : Expr')
| Ecomma (e1 e2 : Expr')
| Ecall (f : Expr') (es : list Expr')
| Eexplicit_cast (c : cast_style.t) (_ : type') (e : Expr')
| Ecast (c : Cast') (e : Expr')
(* TODO: this use of Cast_ should really use classname as its first argument, but
we can not use that without a match which Coq rejects as not being strictly positive.
GM: the only way I see to solve this problem is to make lang and index rather than
a parameter. Doing that would allow for two different constructors for Ecast
| Emember (arrow : bool) (obj : Expr') (f : atomic_name_ type') (mut : bool) (t : type')
| Emember_ignore (arrow : bool) (obj : Expr') (res : Expr')
| Emember_call (arrow : bool) (method : MethodRef_ name' type' Expr') (obj : Expr') (args : list Expr')
| Eoperator_call (_ : OverloadableOperator) (_ : operator_impl.t name' type') (_ : list Expr')
| Esubscript (e1 : Expr') (e2 : Expr') (t : type')
| Esizeof (_ : type' + Expr') (t : type')
| Ealignof (_ : type' + Expr') (t : type')
| Echar (c : N) (t : type')
| Estring (s : list N) (t : type')
| Eint (n : Z) (t : type')
| Ebool (b : bool)
| Eunop (op : UnOp) (e : Expr') (t : type')
| Ebinop (op : BinOp) (e1 e2 : Expr') (t : type')
| Ederef (e : Expr') (t : type')
| Eaddrof (e : Expr')
| Eassign (e1 e2 : Expr') (t : type')
| Eassign_op (op : BinOp) (e1 e2 : Expr') (t : type')
| Epreinc (e : Expr') (t : type')
| Epostinc (e : Expr') (t : type')
| Epredec (e : Expr') (t : type')
| Epostdec (e : Expr') (t : type')
| Eseqand (e1 e2 : Expr')
| Eseqor (e1 e2 : Expr')
| Ecomma (e1 e2 : Expr')
| Ecall (f : Expr') (es : list Expr')
| Eexplicit_cast (c : cast_style.t) (_ : type') (e : Expr')
| Ecast (c : Cast') (e : Expr')
(* TODO: this use of Cast_ should really use classname as its first argument, but
we can not use that without a match which Coq rejects as not being strictly positive.
GM: the only way I see to solve this problem is to make lang and index rather than
a parameter. Doing that would allow for two different constructors for Ecast
| Emember (arrow : bool) (obj : Expr') (f : atomic_name_ type') (mut : bool) (t : type')
| Emember_ignore (arrow : bool) (obj : Expr') (res : Expr')
| Emember_call (arrow : bool) (method : MethodRef_ name' type' Expr') (obj : Expr') (args : list Expr')
| Eoperator_call (_ : OverloadableOperator) (_ : operator_impl.t name' type') (_ : list Expr')
| Esubscript (e1 : Expr') (e2 : Expr') (t : type')
| Esizeof (_ : type' + Expr') (t : type')
| Ealignof (_ : type' + Expr') (t : type')
NOTE: Eoffsetof carries a type instead of a name to support
dependent types.
Should be gn : classname
| Eoffsetof (gn : type') (_ : ident) (t : type')
| Econstructor (on : name') (args : list Expr') (t : type')
| Elambda (_ : name') (captures : list Expr')
| Eimplicit (e : Expr')
| Eimplicit_init (t : type')
| Eif (e1 e2 e3 : Expr') (t : type')
| Eif2 (n : N) (common cond thn els : Expr') (_ : type')
| Ethis (t : type')
| Enull
| Einitlist (args : list Expr') (default : option Expr') (t : type')
| Einitlist_union (_ : atomic_name_ type') (_ : option Expr') (t : type')
| Enew (new_fn : name' * type') (new_args : list Expr') (pass_align : new_form)
(alloc_ty : type') (array_size : option Expr') (init : option Expr')
| Edelete (is_array : bool) (del_fn : name' * type')
(arg : Expr') (deleted_type : type')
| Eandclean (e : Expr')
| Ematerialize_temp (e : Expr') (vc : ValCat)
(* ^^ Ematerialize_temp is can be an lvalue in the following program:
int x10;
(this is true at least in c++11)
| Eatomic (op : AtomicOp) (args : list Expr') (t : type')
| Estmt (_ : Stmt') (_ : type')
| Eva_arg (e : Expr') (t : type')
| Econstructor (on : name') (args : list Expr') (t : type')
| Elambda (_ : name') (captures : list Expr')
| Eimplicit (e : Expr')
| Eimplicit_init (t : type')
| Eif (e1 e2 e3 : Expr') (t : type')
| Eif2 (n : N) (common cond thn els : Expr') (_ : type')
| Ethis (t : type')
| Enull
| Einitlist (args : list Expr') (default : option Expr') (t : type')
| Einitlist_union (_ : atomic_name_ type') (_ : option Expr') (t : type')
| Enew (new_fn : name' * type') (new_args : list Expr') (pass_align : new_form)
(alloc_ty : type') (array_size : option Expr') (init : option Expr')
| Edelete (is_array : bool) (del_fn : name' * type')
(arg : Expr') (deleted_type : type')
| Eandclean (e : Expr')
| Ematerialize_temp (e : Expr') (vc : ValCat)
(* ^^ Ematerialize_temp is can be an lvalue in the following program:
int x10;
(this is true at least in c++11)
| Eatomic (op : AtomicOp) (args : list Expr') (t : type')
| Estmt (_ : Stmt') (_ : type')
| Eva_arg (e : Expr') (t : type')
TODO: We may have to adjust cpp2v: Either Eva_arg should carry a
decltype, or valcat_of in cpp2v-core and decltype.of_expr here
are unnecessarily complicated.
TODO: Eva_arg _ Tdependent
Docs for
| Epseudo_destructor (is_arrow : bool) (t : type') (e : Expr')
| Earrayloop_init (oname : N) (src : Expr') (level : N) (length : N) (init : Expr') (t : type')
| Earrayloop_index (level : N) (t : type')
| Eopaque_ref (name : N) (t : type')
| Eunsupported (s : bs) (t : type')
with Stmt' {lang : lang.t} : Set :=
| Sseq (_ : list Stmt')
| Sdecl (_ : list VarDecl')
| Sif (_ : option VarDecl') (_ : Expr') (_ _ : Stmt')
| Sif_consteval (_ _ : Stmt')
| Swhile (_ : option VarDecl') (_ : Expr') (_ : Stmt')
| Sfor (_ : option Stmt') (_ : option Expr') (_ : option Expr') (_ : Stmt')
| Sdo (_ : Stmt') (_ : Expr')
| Sswitch (_ : option VarDecl') (_ : Expr') (_ : Stmt')
| Scase (_ : SwitchBranch)
| Sdefault
| Sbreak
| Scontinue
| Sreturn (_ : option Expr')
| Sexpr (_ : Expr')
| Sattr (_ : list ident) (_ : Stmt')
| Sasm (_ : bs) (volatile : bool)
(inputs : list (ident * Expr'))
(outputs : list (ident * Expr'))
(clobbers : list ident)
| Slabeled (_ : ident) (_ : Stmt')
| Sgoto (_ : ident)
| Sunsupported (_ : bs)
with VarDecl' {lang : lang.t} : Set :=
| Dvar (name : localname) (_ : type') (init : option Expr')
| Ddecompose (_ : Expr') (anon_var : ident) (_ : list BindingDecl')
(* initialization of a function-local static. See *)
| Dinit (thread_safe : bool) (name : name') (_ : type') (init : option Expr')
with BindingDecl' {lang : lang.t} : Set :=
| Bvar (name : localname) (_ : type') (init : Expr')
| Bbind (name : localname) (_ : type') (init : Expr')
| Earrayloop_init (oname : N) (src : Expr') (level : N) (length : N) (init : Expr') (t : type')
| Earrayloop_index (level : N) (t : type')
| Eopaque_ref (name : N) (t : type')
| Eunsupported (s : bs) (t : type')
with Stmt' {lang : lang.t} : Set :=
| Sseq (_ : list Stmt')
| Sdecl (_ : list VarDecl')
| Sif (_ : option VarDecl') (_ : Expr') (_ _ : Stmt')
| Sif_consteval (_ _ : Stmt')
| Swhile (_ : option VarDecl') (_ : Expr') (_ : Stmt')
| Sfor (_ : option Stmt') (_ : option Expr') (_ : option Expr') (_ : Stmt')
| Sdo (_ : Stmt') (_ : Expr')
| Sswitch (_ : option VarDecl') (_ : Expr') (_ : Stmt')
| Scase (_ : SwitchBranch)
| Sdefault
| Sbreak
| Scontinue
| Sreturn (_ : option Expr')
| Sexpr (_ : Expr')
| Sattr (_ : list ident) (_ : Stmt')
| Sasm (_ : bs) (volatile : bool)
(inputs : list (ident * Expr'))
(outputs : list (ident * Expr'))
(clobbers : list ident)
| Slabeled (_ : ident) (_ : Stmt')
| Sgoto (_ : ident)
| Sunsupported (_ : bs)
with VarDecl' {lang : lang.t} : Set :=
| Dvar (name : localname) (_ : type') (init : option Expr')
| Ddecompose (_ : Expr') (anon_var : ident) (_ : list BindingDecl')
(* initialization of a function-local static. See *)
| Dinit (thread_safe : bool) (name : name') (_ : type') (init : option Expr')
with BindingDecl' {lang : lang.t} : Set :=
| Bvar (name : localname) (_ : type') (init : Expr')
| Bbind (name : localname) (_ : type') (init : Expr')
with Cast' {lang : lang.t} : Set :=
| Cdependent (_ : type')
| Cbitcast (_ : type')
| Clvaluebitcast (_ : type')
| Cdependent (_ : type')
| Cbitcast (_ : type')
| Clvaluebitcast (_ : type')
TODO (FM-3431): Drop this constructor?
| Cl2r
| Cl2r_bitcast (_ : type')
| Cnoop (_ : type')
| Carray2ptr
| Cfun2ptr
| Cint2ptr (_ : type')
| Cptr2int (_ : type')
| Cptr2bool
| Cintegral (_ : type')
| Cint2bool
| Cfloat2int (_ : type')
| Cint2float (_ : type')
| Cfloat (_ : type') (* conversion between floating point types *)
| Cnull2ptr (_ : type')
| Cnull2memberptr (_ : type')
| Cbuiltin2fun (_ : type') (* OPTIMIZABLE? *)
| C2void
(* These are just annotations on the underlying expression *)
| Cctor (_ : type')
| Cuser (* this is an annotation, the actual member call is the child node *)
| Cdynamic (to : type')
| Cderived2base (path : list type') (END : type')
| Cbase2derived (path : list type') (END : type')
(* If the sub-expression has type <START> then the arguments of
Cderived2base and Cbase2derived contain the path between
<START> and <END> from derived class to base class.
For example, with
class A {};
class B : public A {};
class C : public B {};
class D : public C {};
A cast from <<D>> to <<A>> will be Cderived2base ["C";"B"] "A".
- <<C>> comes from the type of the sub-expression.
A cast from <<A>> to <<D>> will be Cbase2derived ["C";"B"] "D".
- <<A>> comes from the type of the sub-expression.
| Cunsupported (_ : bs) (_ : type')
#[global] Arguments Cast' : clear implicits.
#[global] Arguments name' : clear implicits.
#[global] Arguments type' : clear implicits.
#[global] Arguments Expr' : clear implicits.
#[global] Arguments VarDecl' : clear implicits.
#[global] Arguments BindingDecl' : clear implicits.
#[global] Arguments Stmt' : clear implicits.
#[global] Instance type_inhabited {lang} : Inhabited (type' lang).
Proof. solve_inhabited. Qed.
#[global] Instance Expr_inhabited {lang} : Inhabited (Expr' lang).
Proof. solve_inhabited. Qed.
#[global] Instance name_inhabited {lang} : Inhabited (name' lang).
Proof. apply populate, Nglobal, inhabitant. Qed.
#[global] Instance VarDecl_inhabited {lang} : Inhabited (VarDecl' lang).
Proof. solve_inhabited. Qed.
#[global] Instance BindingDecl_inhabited {lang} : Inhabited (BindingDecl' lang).
Proof. solve_inhabited. Qed.
#[global] Instance Stmt_inhabited {lang} : Inhabited (Stmt' lang).
Proof. apply populate, Sseq, nil. Qed.
#[global] Instance Cast_inhabited {lang} : Inhabited (Cast' lang).
Proof. apply populate, C2void. Qed.
Section eq_dec.
Context {lang : lang.t}.
[local] Notation EQ_DEC T := (∀ x y : T, Decision (x = y)) (only parsing). Lemma name_eq_dec' : EQ_DEC (name' lang) with type_eq_dec' : EQ_DEC (type' lang) with Expr_eq_dec' : EQ_DEC (Expr' lang) with VarDecl_eq_dec' : EQ_DEC (VarDecl' lang) with BindingDecl_eq_dec' : EQ_DEC (BindingDecl' lang) with Stmt_eq_dec' : EQ_DEC (Stmt' lang) with Cast_eq_dec' : EQ_DEC (Cast' lang). Proof. all: intros x y. all: pose (name_eq_dec' : EqDecision _). all: pose (type_eq_dec' : EqDecision _). all: pose (Expr_eq_dec' : EqDecision _). all: pose (VarDecl_eq_dec' : EqDecision _). all: pose (BindingDecl_eq_dec' : EqDecision _). all: pose (Stmt_eq_dec' : EqDecision _). all: pose (Cast_eq_dec' : EqDecision _). all:unfold Decision; decide equality; solve_decision. Defined. global Instance name_eq_dec : EqDecision _ := name_eq_dec'.
[global] Instance type_eq_dec : EqDecision _ := type_eq_dec'. global Instance Expr_eq_dec : EqDecision _ := Expr_eq_dec'.
[global] Instance VarDecl_eq_dec : EqDecision _ := VarDecl_eq_dec'. global Instance BindingDecl_eq_dec : EqDecision _ := BindingDecl_eq_dec'.
[global] Instance Stmt_eq_dec : EqDecision _ := Stmt_eq_dec'. global Instance Cast_eq_dec : EqDecision _ := Cast_eq_dec'.
End eq_dec.
Module Cast.
Definition existsb {lang : lang.t}
(T : type' lang -> bool)
(c : Cast' lang) : bool :=
match c with
| Cdependent t
| Cbitcast t
| Clvaluebitcast t => T t
| Cl2r => false
| Cl2r_bitcast t => T t
| Cnoop t => T t
| Carray2ptr
| Cfun2ptr => false
| Cint2ptr t
| Cptr2int t => T t
| Cptr2bool => false
| Cderived2base path t
| Cbase2derived path t => List.existsb T path || T t
| Cintegral t => T t
| Cint2bool => false
| Cfloat2int t
| Cint2float t
| Cfloat t
| Cnull2ptr t
| Cnull2memberptr t
| Cbuiltin2fun t
| Cctor t => T t
| C2void => false
| Cuser => false
| Cdynamic t => T t
| Cunsupported _ t => T t
End Cast.
Definition is_implicit {lang} (e : Expr' lang) : bool :=
if e is Eimplicit _ then true else false.
Definition globname' := name'.
| Cl2r_bitcast (_ : type')
| Cnoop (_ : type')
| Carray2ptr
| Cfun2ptr
| Cint2ptr (_ : type')
| Cptr2int (_ : type')
| Cptr2bool
| Cintegral (_ : type')
| Cint2bool
| Cfloat2int (_ : type')
| Cint2float (_ : type')
| Cfloat (_ : type') (* conversion between floating point types *)
| Cnull2ptr (_ : type')
| Cnull2memberptr (_ : type')
| Cbuiltin2fun (_ : type') (* OPTIMIZABLE? *)
| C2void
(* These are just annotations on the underlying expression *)
| Cctor (_ : type')
| Cuser (* this is an annotation, the actual member call is the child node *)
| Cdynamic (to : type')
| Cderived2base (path : list type') (END : type')
| Cbase2derived (path : list type') (END : type')
(* If the sub-expression has type <START> then the arguments of
Cderived2base and Cbase2derived contain the path between
<START> and <END> from derived class to base class.
For example, with
class A {};
class B : public A {};
class C : public B {};
class D : public C {};
A cast from <<D>> to <<A>> will be Cderived2base ["C";"B"] "A".
- <<C>> comes from the type of the sub-expression.
A cast from <<A>> to <<D>> will be Cbase2derived ["C";"B"] "D".
- <<A>> comes from the type of the sub-expression.
| Cunsupported (_ : bs) (_ : type')
#[global] Arguments Cast' : clear implicits.
#[global] Arguments name' : clear implicits.
#[global] Arguments type' : clear implicits.
#[global] Arguments Expr' : clear implicits.
#[global] Arguments VarDecl' : clear implicits.
#[global] Arguments BindingDecl' : clear implicits.
#[global] Arguments Stmt' : clear implicits.
#[global] Instance type_inhabited {lang} : Inhabited (type' lang).
Proof. solve_inhabited. Qed.
#[global] Instance Expr_inhabited {lang} : Inhabited (Expr' lang).
Proof. solve_inhabited. Qed.
#[global] Instance name_inhabited {lang} : Inhabited (name' lang).
Proof. apply populate, Nglobal, inhabitant. Qed.
#[global] Instance VarDecl_inhabited {lang} : Inhabited (VarDecl' lang).
Proof. solve_inhabited. Qed.
#[global] Instance BindingDecl_inhabited {lang} : Inhabited (BindingDecl' lang).
Proof. solve_inhabited. Qed.
#[global] Instance Stmt_inhabited {lang} : Inhabited (Stmt' lang).
Proof. apply populate, Sseq, nil. Qed.
#[global] Instance Cast_inhabited {lang} : Inhabited (Cast' lang).
Proof. apply populate, C2void. Qed.
Section eq_dec.
Context {lang : lang.t}.
[local] Notation EQ_DEC T := (∀ x y : T, Decision (x = y)) (only parsing). Lemma name_eq_dec' : EQ_DEC (name' lang) with type_eq_dec' : EQ_DEC (type' lang) with Expr_eq_dec' : EQ_DEC (Expr' lang) with VarDecl_eq_dec' : EQ_DEC (VarDecl' lang) with BindingDecl_eq_dec' : EQ_DEC (BindingDecl' lang) with Stmt_eq_dec' : EQ_DEC (Stmt' lang) with Cast_eq_dec' : EQ_DEC (Cast' lang). Proof. all: intros x y. all: pose (name_eq_dec' : EqDecision _). all: pose (type_eq_dec' : EqDecision _). all: pose (Expr_eq_dec' : EqDecision _). all: pose (VarDecl_eq_dec' : EqDecision _). all: pose (BindingDecl_eq_dec' : EqDecision _). all: pose (Stmt_eq_dec' : EqDecision _). all: pose (Cast_eq_dec' : EqDecision _). all:unfold Decision; decide equality; solve_decision. Defined. global Instance name_eq_dec : EqDecision _ := name_eq_dec'.
[global] Instance type_eq_dec : EqDecision _ := type_eq_dec'. global Instance Expr_eq_dec : EqDecision _ := Expr_eq_dec'.
[global] Instance VarDecl_eq_dec : EqDecision _ := VarDecl_eq_dec'. global Instance BindingDecl_eq_dec : EqDecision _ := BindingDecl_eq_dec'.
[global] Instance Stmt_eq_dec : EqDecision _ := Stmt_eq_dec'. global Instance Cast_eq_dec : EqDecision _ := Cast_eq_dec'.
End eq_dec.
Module Cast.
Definition existsb {lang : lang.t}
(T : type' lang -> bool)
(c : Cast' lang) : bool :=
match c with
| Cdependent t
| Cbitcast t
| Clvaluebitcast t => T t
| Cl2r => false
| Cl2r_bitcast t => T t
| Cnoop t => T t
| Carray2ptr
| Cfun2ptr => false
| Cint2ptr t
| Cptr2int t => T t
| Cptr2bool => false
| Cderived2base path t
| Cbase2derived path t => List.existsb T path || T t
| Cintegral t => T t
| Cint2bool => false
| Cfloat2int t
| Cint2float t
| Cfloat t
| Cnull2ptr t
| Cnull2memberptr t
| Cbuiltin2fun t
| Cctor t => T t
| C2void => false
| Cuser => false
| Cdynamic t => T t
| Cunsupported _ t => T t
End Cast.
Definition is_implicit {lang} (e : Expr' lang) : bool :=
if e is Eimplicit _ then true else false.
Definition globname' := name'.
Type names
Function, data names
An expression's non-reference type
Types as used in declarations (≈ ValCat × exprtype)
Must be Tfunction
We aim to set up all of the types so that they look uniform. The convention can be viewed with the type Expr.- Expr' lang is the syntax that is parametric in the lang.t
- Notation Expr := Expr' lang.cpp
- Notation MExpr := Expr' lang.temp
, for example, see Cast_.
Notation operator_impl' lang := (operator_impl.t (obj_name' lang) (type' lang)).
Notation MethodRef' lang := (MethodRef_ (obj_name' lang) (functype' lang) (Expr' lang)).
Notation function_type' lang := (function_type_ (decltype' lang)).
Notation function_name' lang := (function_name_ (decltype' lang)).
Notation temp_param' lang := (temp_param_ (type' lang)).
Notation temp_arg' lang := (temp_arg_ (name' lang) (decltype' lang) (Expr' lang)).
Notation atomic_name' lang := (atomic_name_ (type' lang)).
Notation MethodRef' lang := (MethodRef_ (obj_name' lang) (functype' lang) (Expr' lang)).
Notation function_type' lang := (function_type_ (decltype' lang)).
Notation function_name' lang := (function_name_ (decltype' lang)).
Notation temp_param' lang := (temp_param_ (type' lang)).
Notation temp_arg' lang := (temp_arg_ (name' lang) (decltype' lang) (Expr' lang)).
Notation atomic_name' lang := (atomic_name_ (type' lang)).
In certain places, C++ requires a class name,
for example, for base classes.
In templates, these names do not have to be resolved, e.g. in CRTP.
template<typename T> struct Foo : T { };To support this, classname lang.temp = type lang.temp
Definition classname' (lang : lang.t) : Set :=
match lang with
| lang.cpp => name' lang
| lang.temp => type' lang
#[global] Instance classname_inh {lang} : Inhabited (classname' lang).
Proof. destruct lang; refine _. Qed.
[global] Instance classname_eq_dec {lang} : EqDecision (classname' lang). Proof. destruct lang; solve_decision. Defined. *)
Module Import LangNotations.
We cannot use these definitions in our notations _and_ preserve
those notations after hitting terms with, e.g., <<eval compute>>.
[local] Notation decltype := type (only parsing). local Notation exprtype := type (only parsing).
[local] Notation obj_name := name (only parsing). local Notation globname := name (only parsing).
(* in core *)
Notation operator_impl lang := (operator_impl.t (obj_name lang) (type lang)).
Notation MethodRef lang := (MethodRef' (obj_name lang) (type lang) (Expr lang)).
Notation function_type lang := (function_type' (decltype lang)).
Notation function_name lang := (function_name' (type lang)).
Notation atomic_name lang := (atomic_name' (type lang) (Expr lang)).
Notation tpreinst lang := (tpreinst' (decltype lang) (Expr lang)).
Notation tinst lang := (tinst' (decltype lang) (Expr lang)).
Notation FunctionBody lang := (FunctionBody' (obj_name lang) (decltype lang) (Expr lang)).
Notation Func lang := (Func' (obj_name lang) (decltype lang) (Expr lang)).
Notation GlobalInit lang := (GlobalInit' (Expr lang)).
Notation GlobalInitializer lang := (GlobalInitializer' (obj_name lang) (decltype lang) (Expr lang)).
Notation InitializerBlock lang := (InitializerBlock' (obj_name lang) (decltype lang) (Expr lang)).
End LangNotations.
match lang with
| lang.cpp => name' lang
| lang.temp => type' lang
#[global] Instance classname_inh {lang} : Inhabited (classname' lang).
Proof. destruct lang; refine _. Qed.
[global] Instance classname_eq_dec {lang} : EqDecision (classname' lang). Proof. destruct lang; solve_decision. Defined. *)
Module Import LangNotations.
We cannot use these definitions in our notations _and_ preserve
those notations after hitting terms with, e.g., <<eval compute>>.
[local] Notation decltype := type (only parsing). local Notation exprtype := type (only parsing).
[local] Notation obj_name := name (only parsing). local Notation globname := name (only parsing).
(* in core *)
Notation operator_impl lang := (operator_impl.t (obj_name lang) (type lang)).
Notation MethodRef lang := (MethodRef' (obj_name lang) (type lang) (Expr lang)).
Notation function_type lang := (function_type' (decltype lang)).
Notation function_name lang := (function_name' (type lang)).
Notation atomic_name lang := (atomic_name' (type lang) (Expr lang)).
Notation tpreinst lang := (tpreinst' (decltype lang) (Expr lang)).
Notation tinst lang := (tinst' (decltype lang) (Expr lang)).
Notation FunctionBody lang := (FunctionBody' (obj_name lang) (decltype lang) (Expr lang)).
Notation Func lang := (Func' (obj_name lang) (decltype lang) (Expr lang)).
Notation GlobalInit lang := (GlobalInit' (Expr lang)).
Notation GlobalInitializer lang := (GlobalInitializer' (obj_name lang) (decltype lang) (Expr lang)).
Notation InitializerBlock lang := (InitializerBlock' (obj_name lang) (decltype lang) (Expr lang)).
End LangNotations.
Notation name := (name' lang.cpp).
Notation globname := (globname' lang.cpp).
Notation obj_name := (obj_name' lang.cpp).
Notation type := (type' lang.cpp).
Notation exprtype := (exprtype' lang.cpp).
Notation decltype := (decltype' lang.cpp).
Notation functype := (functype' lang.cpp).
Notation classname := (classname' lang.cpp).
Notation Cast := (Cast' lang.cpp).
(*Notation operator_impl := (operator_impl' lang.cpp). *)
Notation MethodRef := (MethodRef' lang.cpp).
Notation Expr := (Expr' lang.cpp).
Notation function_type := (function_type' lang.cpp).
Notation VarDecl := (VarDecl' lang.cpp).
Notation BindingDecl := (BindingDecl' lang.cpp).
(*Notation temp_param := (temp_param lang.cpp).
Notation Stemp_arg := (temp_arg lang.cpp). *)
Notation atomic_name := (atomic_name' lang.cpp).
Module field_name.
Definition t lang := (atomic_name' lang).
Definition Id {lang} : bs -> t lang := Nid.
Definition Anon {lang} : _ -> t lang := Nanon.
Definition CaptureVar {lang} : bs -> t lang := Nid.
Definition CaptureThis {lang} : t lang := Nid ".this".
End field_name.
Notation field_name := (field_name.t lang.cpp).
[global] Instance field_name_inh {lang} : Inhabited (field_name.t lang). Proof. rewrite /field_name.t. refine _. Defined. global Instance field_name_eq_dec {lang} : EqDecision (field_name.t lang).
Proof. rewrite /field_name.t. refine _. Defined.
[global] Hint Opaque field_name.t : typeclass_instances. *)
Notation field' := name' (only parsing).
(* Definition field' lang : Set := name' lang. *)
Definition Field' {lang} : classname' lang -> field_name.t lang -> field' lang :=
match lang with
| lang.cpp => Nscoped
| lang.temp => fun t c =>
(* NOTE: this match implements a canonicalization to avoid
Ndependent (Tnamed nm), instead rewriting it to simply nm *)
match t with
| Tenum nm
| Tnamed nm => Nscoped nm c
| Tparam _ | Tdecltype _ => Nscoped (Ndependent t) c
| _ => Nunsupported "Field failed"
Notation field := (field' lang.cpp) (only parsing).
Notation Field := (@Field' lang.cpp).
Definition f_type {lang} (t : field' lang) : globname' lang :=
match t with
| Nscoped n _ => n
| _ => Nunsupported "not a field"
Definition f_name {lang} (t : field' lang) : atomic_name' lang :=
match t with
| Nscoped _ n => n
| _ => Nunsupported_atomic "not a field"
#[global] Bind Scope cpp_field_scope with field'.
#[global] Bind Scope cpp_name_scope with name'.
#[global] Bind Scope cpp_name_scope with globname'.
#[global] Bind Scope cpp_name_scope with obj_name'.
#[global] Bind Scope cpp_name_scope with classname'.
Notation globname := (globname' lang.cpp).
Notation obj_name := (obj_name' lang.cpp).
Notation type := (type' lang.cpp).
Notation exprtype := (exprtype' lang.cpp).
Notation decltype := (decltype' lang.cpp).
Notation functype := (functype' lang.cpp).
Notation classname := (classname' lang.cpp).
Notation Cast := (Cast' lang.cpp).
(*Notation operator_impl := (operator_impl' lang.cpp). *)
Notation MethodRef := (MethodRef' lang.cpp).
Notation Expr := (Expr' lang.cpp).
Notation function_type := (function_type' lang.cpp).
Notation VarDecl := (VarDecl' lang.cpp).
Notation BindingDecl := (BindingDecl' lang.cpp).
(*Notation temp_param := (temp_param lang.cpp).
Notation Stemp_arg := (temp_arg lang.cpp). *)
Notation atomic_name := (atomic_name' lang.cpp).
Module field_name.
Definition t lang := (atomic_name' lang).
Definition Id {lang} : bs -> t lang := Nid.
Definition Anon {lang} : _ -> t lang := Nanon.
Definition CaptureVar {lang} : bs -> t lang := Nid.
Definition CaptureThis {lang} : t lang := Nid ".this".
End field_name.
Notation field_name := (field_name.t lang.cpp).
[global] Instance field_name_inh {lang} : Inhabited (field_name.t lang). Proof. rewrite /field_name.t. refine _. Defined. global Instance field_name_eq_dec {lang} : EqDecision (field_name.t lang).
Proof. rewrite /field_name.t. refine _. Defined.
[global] Hint Opaque field_name.t : typeclass_instances. *)
Notation field' := name' (only parsing).
(* Definition field' lang : Set := name' lang. *)
Definition Field' {lang} : classname' lang -> field_name.t lang -> field' lang :=
match lang with
| lang.cpp => Nscoped
| lang.temp => fun t c =>
(* NOTE: this match implements a canonicalization to avoid
Ndependent (Tnamed nm), instead rewriting it to simply nm *)
match t with
| Tenum nm
| Tnamed nm => Nscoped nm c
| Tparam _ | Tdecltype _ => Nscoped (Ndependent t) c
| _ => Nunsupported "Field failed"
Notation field := (field' lang.cpp) (only parsing).
Notation Field := (@Field' lang.cpp).
Definition f_type {lang} (t : field' lang) : globname' lang :=
match t with
| Nscoped n _ => n
| _ => Nunsupported "not a field"
Definition f_name {lang} (t : field' lang) : atomic_name' lang :=
match t with
| Nscoped _ n => n
| _ => Nunsupported_atomic "not a field"
#[global] Bind Scope cpp_field_scope with field'.
#[global] Bind Scope cpp_name_scope with name'.
#[global] Bind Scope cpp_name_scope with globname'.
#[global] Bind Scope cpp_name_scope with obj_name'.
#[global] Bind Scope cpp_name_scope with classname'.
Notation Tconst_volatile := (Tqualified QCV).
Notation Tconst := (Tqualified QC).
Notation Tvolatile := (Tqualified QV).
Notation Tmut := (Tqualified QM).
Notation Tmut_volatile := Tvolatile (only parsing).
Notation Tchar := (Tchar_ char_type.Cchar).
Notation Twchar := (Tchar_ char_type.Cwchar).
Notation Tchar8 := (Tchar_ char_type.C8).
Notation Tchar16 := (Tchar_ char_type.C16).
Notation Tchar32 := (Tchar_ char_type.C32).
#[deprecated(since="20240624", note="use [Tschar].")]
Notation Ti8 := (Tnum int_rank.Ichar Signed) (only parsing).
#[deprecated(since="20240624", note="use [Tuchar].")]
Notation Tu8 := (Tnum int_rank.Ichar Unsigned) (only parsing).
#[deprecated(since="20240624", note="use [Tshort].")]
Notation Ti16 := (Tnum int_rank.Ishort Signed) (only parsing).
#[deprecated(since="20240624", note="use [Tushort].")]
Notation Tu16 := (Tnum int_rank.Ishort Unsigned) (only parsing).
#[deprecated(since="20240624", note="use [Tint].")]
Notation Ti32 := (Tnum int_rank.Iint Signed) (only parsing).
#[deprecated(since="20240624", note="use [Tuint].")]
Notation Tu32 := (Tnum int_rank.Iint Unsigned) (only parsing).
#[deprecated(since="20240624", note="use [Tlong] or [Tlonglong].")]
Notation Ti64 := (Tnum int_rank.Ilonglong Signed) (only parsing).
#[deprecated(since="20240624", note="use [Tulong] or [Tulonglong].")]
Notation Tu64 := (Tnum int_rank.Ilonglong Unsigned) (only parsing).
#[deprecated(since="20240624", note="use [Tint128_t].")]
Notation Ti128 := (Tnum int_rank.I128 Signed) (only parsing).
#[deprecated(since="20240624", note="use [Tuint128_t].")]
Notation Tu128 := (Tnum int_rank.I128 Unsigned) (only parsing).
Notation Tschar := (Tnum int_rank.Ichar Signed).
Notation Tuchar := (Tnum int_rank.Ichar Unsigned).
Notation Tushort := (Tnum int_rank.Ishort Unsigned).
Notation Tshort := (Tnum int_rank.Ishort Signed).
Notation Tint := (Tnum int_rank.Iint Signed).
Notation Tuint := (Tnum int_rank.Iint Unsigned).
Notation Tulong := (Tnum int_rank.Ilong Unsigned) (only parsing).
Notation Tlong := (Tnum int_rank.Ilong Signed) (only parsing).
Notation Tulonglong := (Tnum int_rank.Ilonglong Unsigned).
Notation Tlonglong := (Tnum int_rank.Ilonglong Signed).
Notation Tuint128_t := (Tnum int_rank.I128 Unsigned).
Notation Tint128_t := (Tnum int_rank.I128 Signed).
Notation Tfloat16 := (Tfloat_ float_type.Ffloat16).
Notation Tfloat := (Tfloat_ float_type.Ffloat).
Notation Tdouble := (Tfloat_ float_type.Fdouble).
Notation Tlongdouble := (Tfloat_ float_type.Flongdouble).
Notation Tfloat128 := (Tfloat_ float_type.Ffloat128).
(* TODO: This is determined by the compiler. *)
Notation Tsize_t := Tulong (only parsing).
(* NOTE Use Tbyte when talking about the offsets for "raw bytes" *)
Notation Tbyte := (Tnum int_rank.Ichar Unsigned) (only parsing).
Notation Tconst := (Tqualified QC).
Notation Tvolatile := (Tqualified QV).
Notation Tmut := (Tqualified QM).
Notation Tmut_volatile := Tvolatile (only parsing).
Notation Tchar := (Tchar_ char_type.Cchar).
Notation Twchar := (Tchar_ char_type.Cwchar).
Notation Tchar8 := (Tchar_ char_type.C8).
Notation Tchar16 := (Tchar_ char_type.C16).
Notation Tchar32 := (Tchar_ char_type.C32).
#[deprecated(since="20240624", note="use [Tschar].")]
Notation Ti8 := (Tnum int_rank.Ichar Signed) (only parsing).
#[deprecated(since="20240624", note="use [Tuchar].")]
Notation Tu8 := (Tnum int_rank.Ichar Unsigned) (only parsing).
#[deprecated(since="20240624", note="use [Tshort].")]
Notation Ti16 := (Tnum int_rank.Ishort Signed) (only parsing).
#[deprecated(since="20240624", note="use [Tushort].")]
Notation Tu16 := (Tnum int_rank.Ishort Unsigned) (only parsing).
#[deprecated(since="20240624", note="use [Tint].")]
Notation Ti32 := (Tnum int_rank.Iint Signed) (only parsing).
#[deprecated(since="20240624", note="use [Tuint].")]
Notation Tu32 := (Tnum int_rank.Iint Unsigned) (only parsing).
#[deprecated(since="20240624", note="use [Tlong] or [Tlonglong].")]
Notation Ti64 := (Tnum int_rank.Ilonglong Signed) (only parsing).
#[deprecated(since="20240624", note="use [Tulong] or [Tulonglong].")]
Notation Tu64 := (Tnum int_rank.Ilonglong Unsigned) (only parsing).
#[deprecated(since="20240624", note="use [Tint128_t].")]
Notation Ti128 := (Tnum int_rank.I128 Signed) (only parsing).
#[deprecated(since="20240624", note="use [Tuint128_t].")]
Notation Tu128 := (Tnum int_rank.I128 Unsigned) (only parsing).
Notation Tschar := (Tnum int_rank.Ichar Signed).
Notation Tuchar := (Tnum int_rank.Ichar Unsigned).
Notation Tushort := (Tnum int_rank.Ishort Unsigned).
Notation Tshort := (Tnum int_rank.Ishort Signed).
Notation Tint := (Tnum int_rank.Iint Signed).
Notation Tuint := (Tnum int_rank.Iint Unsigned).
Notation Tulong := (Tnum int_rank.Ilong Unsigned) (only parsing).
Notation Tlong := (Tnum int_rank.Ilong Signed) (only parsing).
Notation Tulonglong := (Tnum int_rank.Ilonglong Unsigned).
Notation Tlonglong := (Tnum int_rank.Ilonglong Signed).
Notation Tuint128_t := (Tnum int_rank.I128 Unsigned).
Notation Tint128_t := (Tnum int_rank.I128 Signed).
Notation Tfloat16 := (Tfloat_ float_type.Ffloat16).
Notation Tfloat := (Tfloat_ float_type.Ffloat).
Notation Tdouble := (Tfloat_ float_type.Fdouble).
Notation Tlongdouble := (Tfloat_ float_type.Flongdouble).
Notation Tfloat128 := (Tfloat_ float_type.Ffloat128).
(* TODO: This is determined by the compiler. *)
Notation Tsize_t := Tulong (only parsing).
(* NOTE Use Tbyte when talking about the offsets for "raw bytes" *)
Notation Tbyte := (Tnum int_rank.Ichar Unsigned) (only parsing).
Fixpoint is_dependentN {lang} (n : name' lang) : bool :=
match n with
| Ninst n xs => is_dependentN n || existsb (temp_arg.existsb is_dependentN is_dependentT is_dependentE) xs
| Nglobal c => atomic_name.existsb is_dependentT c
| Ndependent t => is_dependentT t
| Nscoped n c => is_dependentN n || atomic_name.existsb is_dependentT c
| Nunsupported _ => false
with is_dependentT {lang} (t : type' lang) : bool :=
match t with
| Tparam _
| Tresult_param _
| Tresult_global _
| Tresult_unop _ _
| Tresult_binop _ _ _
| Tresult_call _ _
| Tresult_member_call _ _ _
| Tresult_parenlist _ _ => true
| Tresult_member _ _ => true
| Tptr t
| Tref t
| Trv_ref t => is_dependentT t
| Tnum _ _
| Tchar_ _
| Tvoid => false
| Tarray t _
| Tincomplete_array t => is_dependentT t
| Tvariable_array t e => is_dependentT t || is_dependentE e
| Tnamed n
| Tenum n => is_dependentN n
| Tfunction ft => function_type.existsb is_dependentT ft
| Tbool => false
| Tmember_pointer gn t => is_dependentT gn || is_dependentT t
| Tfloat_ _ => false
| Tqualified _ t => is_dependentT t
| Tnullptr
| Tarch _ _ => false
| Tdecltype e => is_dependentE e
| Texprtype e => is_dependentE e
| Tunsupported _ => false
with is_dependentE {lang} (e : Expr' lang) : bool :=
match e with
| Eparam _
| Eunresolved_global _
| Eunresolved_unop _ _
| Eunresolved_binop _ _ _
| Eunresolved_call _ _
| Eunresolved_member_call _ _ _
| Eunresolved_parenlist _ _
| Eunresolved_member _ _ => true
| Evar _ t => is_dependentT t
| Eenum_const n _ => is_dependentN n
| Eglobal n t => is_dependentN n || is_dependentT t
| Eglobal_member n t => is_dependentN n || is_dependentT t
| Echar _ t
| Estring _ t
| Eint _ t => is_dependentT t
| Ebool _ => false
| Eunop _ e t => is_dependentE e || is_dependentT t
| Ebinop _ e1 e2 t => is_dependentE e1 || is_dependentE e2 || is_dependentT t
| Ederef e t => is_dependentE e || is_dependentT t
| Eaddrof e => is_dependentE e
| Eassign e1 e2 t => is_dependentE e1 || is_dependentE e2 || is_dependentT t
| Eassign_op _ e1 e2 t => is_dependentE e1 || is_dependentE e2 || is_dependentT t
| Epreinc e t => is_dependentE e || is_dependentT t
| Epostinc e t => is_dependentE e || is_dependentT t
| Epredec e t => is_dependentE e || is_dependentT t
| Epostdec e t => is_dependentE e || is_dependentT t
| Eseqand e1 e2 => is_dependentE e1 || is_dependentE e2
| Eseqor e1 e2 => is_dependentE e1 || is_dependentE e2
| Ecomma e1 e2 => is_dependentE e1 || is_dependentE e2
| Ecall e es => is_dependentE e || existsb is_dependentE es
| Eexplicit_cast _ t e => is_dependentE e || is_dependentT t
| Ecast c e => Cast.existsb is_dependentT c || is_dependentE e
| Emember _ e f _ t => is_dependentE e || atomic_name.existsb is_dependentT f || is_dependentT t
| Emember_ignore _ e e' => is_dependentE e || is_dependentE e'
| Emember_call _ m e es => MethodRef.existsb is_dependentN is_dependentT is_dependentE m || is_dependentE e || existsb is_dependentE es
| Eoperator_call _ i es => operator_impl.existsb is_dependentN is_dependentT i || existsb is_dependentE es
| Esubscript e1 e2 t => is_dependentE e1 || is_dependentE e2 || is_dependentT t
| Esizeof te t
| Ealignof te t => sum.existsb is_dependentT is_dependentE te || is_dependentT t
| Eoffsetof gn _ t => is_dependentT gn || is_dependentT t
| Econstructor n es t => is_dependentN n || existsb is_dependentE es || is_dependentT t
| Elambda n es => is_dependentN n || existsb is_dependentE es
| Eimplicit e => is_dependentE e
| Eimplicit_init t => is_dependentT t
| Eif e1 e2 e3 t => is_dependentE e1 || is_dependentE e2 || is_dependentE e3 || is_dependentT t
| Eif2 _ e1 e2 e3 e4 t => is_dependentE e1 || is_dependentE e2 || is_dependentE e3 || is_dependentE e4 || is_dependentT t
| Ethis t => is_dependentT t
| Enull => false
| Einitlist es eo t => existsb is_dependentE es || option.existsb is_dependentE eo || is_dependentT t
| Einitlist_union f oe t => option.existsb is_dependentE oe || is_dependentT t
| Enew p es _ t e1 e2 => is_dependentN p.1 || is_dependentT p.2 || existsb is_dependentE es || is_dependentT t || option.existsb is_dependentE e1 || option.existsb is_dependentE e2
| Edelete _ p e t => is_dependentN p.1 || is_dependentT p.2 || is_dependentE e || is_dependentT t
| Eandclean e => is_dependentE e
| Ematerialize_temp e _ => is_dependentE e
| Eatomic _ es t => existsb is_dependentE es || is_dependentT t
| Estmt s t => is_dependentS s || is_dependentT t
| Eva_arg e t => is_dependentE e || is_dependentT t
| Epseudo_destructor _ t e => is_dependentT t || is_dependentE e
| Earrayloop_init _ e1 _ _ e2 t => is_dependentE e1 || is_dependentE e2 || is_dependentT t
| Earrayloop_index _ t => is_dependentT t
| Eopaque_ref _ t => is_dependentT t
| Eunsupported _ t => is_dependentT t
with is_dependentVD {lang} (vd : VarDecl' lang) : bool :=
match vd with
| Dvar _ t oe => is_dependentT t || option.existsb is_dependentE oe
| Ddecompose e _ lvd => is_dependentE e || List.existsb is_dependentBD lvd
| Dinit _ n t oe => is_dependentN n || is_dependentT t || option.existsb is_dependentE oe
with is_dependentBD {lang} (bd : BindingDecl' lang) : bool :=
match bd with
| Bvar _ t e
| Bbind _ t e => is_dependentT t || is_dependentE e
with is_dependentS {lang} (s : Stmt' lang) : bool :=
match s with
| Sseq ss => List.existsb is_dependentS ss
| Sdecl ds => List.existsb is_dependentVD ds
| Sif ovd e thn els =>
option.existsb is_dependentVD ovd || is_dependentE e || is_dependentS thn || is_dependentS els
| Sif_consteval thn els =>
is_dependentS thn || is_dependentS els
| Swhile ovd e b =>
option.existsb is_dependentVD ovd || is_dependentE e || is_dependentS b
| Sfor os oe1 oe2 s =>
option.existsb is_dependentS os || option.existsb is_dependentE oe1 || option.existsb is_dependentE oe2 || is_dependentS s
| Sdo b t => is_dependentS b || is_dependentE t
| Sswitch ovd e s =>
option.existsb is_dependentVD ovd || is_dependentE e || is_dependentS s
| Scase _
| Sdefault
| Sbreak
| Scontinue => false
| Sreturn oe => option.existsb is_dependentE oe
| Sexpr e => is_dependentE e
| Sattr _ s => is_dependentS s
| Sasm _ _ ins outs _ =>
List.existsb (is_dependentE ∘ snd) ins || List.existsb (is_dependentE ∘ snd) outs
| Slabeled _ s => is_dependentS s
| Sgoto _ => false
| Sunsupported _ => false