* Copyright (c) 2020-2023 BlueRock Security, Inc.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
Require Import bedrock.lang.proofmode.proofmode.
Require Import
Require Import
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.semantics.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.pred.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.path_pred.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.heap_pred.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.destroy.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.wp.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.initializers.
Require Import
Module Type Stmt.
#[local] Arguments wp_test [_ _ _ _] _ _ _.
* Copyright (c) 2020-2023 BlueRock Security, Inc.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
Require Import bedrock.lang.proofmode.proofmode.
Require Import
Require Import
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.semantics.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.pred.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.path_pred.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.heap_pred.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.destroy.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.wp.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.initializers.
Require Import
Module Type Stmt.
#[local] Arguments wp_test [_ _ _ _] _ _ _.
weakest pre-condition for statements
Section with_resolver.
Context `{Σ : cpp_logic} {σ : genv}.
Variable (tu : translation_unit).
#[local] Notation wp := (wp tu).
#[local] Notation interp := (interp tu).
#[local] Notation wp_initialize := (wp_initialize tu).
#[local] Notation default_initialize := (default_initialize tu).
Implicit Types Q : Kpred.
Definition Kfree (free : FreeTemp) : Kpred -> Kpred :=
Kat_exit (interp free).
Lemma Kfree_frame free Q Q' rt :
Q rt -* Q' rt |-- Kfree free Q rt -* Kfree free Q' rt.
iIntros "X". iApply Kat_exit_frame => //.
iIntros (??) "H"; by iApply interp_frame.
Context `{Σ : cpp_logic} {σ : genv}.
Variable (tu : translation_unit).
#[local] Notation wp := (wp tu).
#[local] Notation interp := (interp tu).
#[local] Notation wp_initialize := (wp_initialize tu).
#[local] Notation default_initialize := (default_initialize tu).
Implicit Types Q : Kpred.
Definition Kfree (free : FreeTemp) : Kpred -> Kpred :=
Kat_exit (interp free).
Lemma Kfree_frame free Q Q' rt :
Q rt -* Q' rt |-- Kfree free Q rt -* Kfree free Q' rt.
iIntros "X". iApply Kat_exit_frame => //.
iIntros (??) "H"; by iApply interp_frame.
(* NOTE: this assumes that attributes do not have a semantic
impact on the code. There are some attributes, e.g. <<OMP::for>>
that have a semantic impact on the code, but Clang chooses to
represent these using different AST nodes. *)
Axiom wp_attr : forall ρ attrs s Q,
wp ρ s Q |-- wp ρ (Sattr attrs s) Q.
Axiom wp_expr : forall ρ e Q,
|> wp_discard tu ρ e (fun free => interp free (Q Normal))
|-- wp ρ (Sexpr e) Q.
(* This definition performs allocation of local variables.
Definition wp_decl_var (ρ : region) (x : ident) (ty : type) (init : option Expr)
(k : region -> FreeTemp -> epred)
: mpred :=
Forall (addr : ptr),
let finish frees :=
interp frees (k (Rbind x addr ρ) (FreeTemps.delete ty addr))
match init with
| Some init =>
(* In C++ (and in C) the scope of the name begins immediately after
the name is declared, before it is initialized.
See <> *)
wp_initialize (Rbind x addr ρ) ty addr init finish
| None => default_initialize ty addr finish
Lemma wp_decl_var_frame : forall x ρ init ty (k k' : region -> FreeTemps -> epred),
Forall a (b : _), k a b -* k' a b
|-- wp_decl_var ρ x ty init k -* wp_decl_var ρ x ty init k'.
rewrite /wp_decl_var; intros.
iIntros "X Y" (addr); iSpecialize ("Y" $! addr); iRevert "Y".
[ iApply wp_initialize_frame; [done|]
| iApply default_initialize_frame; [done|] ];
iIntros (?); iApply interp_frame; iApply "X".
(* the variables declared in a destructing declaration must have initializers *)
Record destructuring_declaration (d : VarDecl) : Prop := {}.
Fixpoint wp_destructure (ρ_init : region) (ds : list (BindingDecl' lang.cpp))
(ρ : region) (k : region -> FreeTemps -> epred) (free : FreeTemps) {struct ds} : mpred :=
match ds with
| nil => k ρ free
| Bvar x ty init :: ds =>
Forall p, wp_initialize ρ_init ty p init (fun free' => wp_destructure ρ_init ds (Rbind x p ρ) k (free' >*> free)%free)
| Bbind x _ init :: ds =>
wp_glval tu ρ_init init (fun p free' => wp_destructure ρ_init ds (Rbind x p ρ) k (free' >*> free)%free)
Lemma wp_destructure_frame : forall ds ρ ρ_init m m' free,
Forall a b, m a b -* m' a b
|-- wp_destructure ρ_init ds ρ m free -* wp_destructure ρ_init ds ρ m' free.
induction ds; simpl; intros.
{ iIntros "X"; iApply "X". }
{ iIntros "X H"; case_match.
{ iIntros (p); iSpecialize ("H" $! p); iRevert "H"; iApply wp_initialize_frame => //.
iIntros (?); by iApply IHds. }
{ iRevert "H"; iApply wp_glval_frame => //.
iIntros (??). by iApply IHds. } }
(* static_initialized gn b is ownership of the initialization
state of the global gn.
We use atomic commits to access this state which requires the C++
abstract machine to have access to some state (e.g. the boolean used
in the implementation) to determine the current state. This is simple
using an auth/frag construction where the abstract machine owns
the auth and static_initialized is the frag.
Variant init_state : Set :=
| uninitialized | initializing | initialized.
Parameter static_initialized : forall {σ : genv}, globname -> init_state -> mpred.
#[global] Declare Instance init_state_timeless {σ : genv} : Timeless2 static_initialized.
#[global] Declare Instance init_state_uninitialized_excl {σ : genv} nm : Exclusive0 (static_initialized nm uninitialized).
#[global] Declare Instance init_state_initializing_excl {σ : genv} nm : Exclusive0 (static_initialized nm initializing).
#[global] Declare Instance init_state_initialized_pers {σ : genv} nm : Persistent (static_initialized nm initialized).
#[global] Declare Instance init_state_initialized_affine {σ : genv} nm : Affine (static_initialized nm initialized).
(* This instance allows proving
static_initialized nm initializing ** static_initialized nm i |-- False
#[global] Declare Instance init_state_agree nm : Agree1 (static_initialized nm).
Definition wp_decl (ρ : region) (d : VarDecl) (k : region -> FreeTemps -> epred) : mpred :=
match d with
| Dvar x ty init => wp_decl_var ρ x ty init k
| Ddecompose init x ds =>
let common_type := type_of init in
Forall common_p : ptr,
(* unlike for variables (see wp_decl_var), the variables in a structured binding
are not available in the initializer.
See <> *)
wp_initialize ρ common_type common_p init (fun free =>
(* NOTE: free is used to deallocate temporaries generated in the execution of init.
It should not matter if it is destroyed immediately or after the destructuring occurs.
wp_destructure (Rbind x common_p ρ) ds ρ (fun ρ f => interp free $ k ρ f) (FreeTemps.delete common_type common_p))
| Dinit ts nm ty init =>
let k := k ρ in (* scope does not change *)
let do_init k :=
match init with
| None => default_initialize ty (_global nm) k
| Some init => wp_initialize ρ ty (_global nm) init k
if ts then
let Mouter := ⊤ ∖ ↑pred_ns in
let Minner := ∅ in
(* 1. atomically check the initialization state, mark it
initializing if it is currently uninitialized.
2. perform initialization (non-atomically)
3. mark the state initialized.
AC1 << ∀ i, static_initialized nm i >> @ Mouter , Minner
<< match i with
| uninitialized => static_initialized nm initializing
| initializing =>
(* the C++ thread waits unless the state is either initialized or uninitialized. *)
| _ => static_initialized nm i
, COMM match i with
| uninitialized =>
letI* free := do_init in
AC1 << ∀ i, static_initialized nm i >> @ Mouter , Minner
<< [| i = initializing |] **
static_initialized nm initialized
, COMM k free >>
| _ => k
end >>
Exists i, static_initialized nm i **
if i is uninitialized then
do_init $ fun free => static_initialized nm initialized -* k free
else k
Lemma wp_decl_frame : forall ds ρ m m',
Forall a b, m a b -* m' a b
|-- wp_decl ρ ds m -* wp_decl ρ ds m'.
destruct ds; simpl; intros.
{ iIntros "X". iApply wp_decl_var_frame. iIntros (?); eauto. }
{ iIntros "A X" (p); iSpecialize ("X" $! p); iRevert "X".
iApply wp_initialize_frame; [done|].
iIntros (?). iApply wp_destructure_frame.
iIntros (??); iApply interp_frame; eauto. }
{ case_match.
{ iIntros "F H".
iApply (atomic_commit1_ppost_wand with "H").
iIntros "!>" ([ | | ]); eauto.
first [ iApply wp_initialize_frame
| iApply default_initialize_frame ] => //;
iIntros (?) "H";
iApply (atomic_commit1_ppost_wand with "H");
iIntros "!>" (?); eauto. }
{ iIntros "F H".
iDestruct "H" as (i) "H"; iExists i.
iDestruct "H" as "[$ H]".
case_match; try solve [ iApply "F"; eauto ].
iRevert "H".
first [ iApply wp_initialize_frame
| iApply default_initialize_frame ] => //;
iIntros (?) "X Y"; iApply "F"; iApply "X"; done. } }
(* wp_decls ρ_init ds ρ K evalutes the declarations in ds
using the environment ρ_init and binds the declarations
in ρ (which it passes to K) *)
Fixpoint wp_decls_def (ρ : region) (ds : list VarDecl)
(k : region -> FreeTemps -> epred) : mpred :=
match ds with
| nil => |={⊤}=> k ρ
| d :: ds => |={⊤}=> |> wp_decl ρ d (fun ρ free => wp_decls_def ρ ds (fun ρ free' => k ρ (free' >*> free)%free))
Definition wp_decls_aux : seal (@wp_decls_def). Proof. by eexists. Qed.
Definition wp_decls := wp_decls_aux.(unseal).
Definition wp_decls_eq : @wp_decls = _ := wp_decls_aux.(seal_eq).
Lemma wp_decls_frame : forall ds ρ (Q Q' : region -> FreeTemps -> epred),
Forall a (b : _), Q a b -* Q' a b
|-- wp_decls ρ ds Q -* wp_decls ρ ds Q'.
rewrite wp_decls_eq.
induction ds; simpl; intros.
- iIntros "a H". iMod "H". iIntros "!>". iRevert "H".
iApply "a".
- iIntros "a b". iMod "b". iIntros "!> !>". iRevert "b".
iApply wp_decl_frame.
iIntros (??). iApply IHds. iIntros (??) "X". by iApply "a".
Lemma wp_decls_shift ρ ds (Q : region -> FreeTemps -> epred) :
(|={top}=> wp_decls ρ ds (funI ρ free => |={top}=> Q ρ free)) |--
wp_decls ρ ds Q.
rewrite wp_decls_eq /=.
elim: ds ρ Q => [|d ds IH] ρ Q /=.
- by iIntros ">>H".
- iIntros ">>H !> !>".
iApply (wp_decl_frame with "[] H").
iIntros (??) "H". iApply IH. by iModIntro.
Lemma fupd_wp_decls ρ ds (Q : region -> FreeTemps -> epred) :
(|={top}=> wp_decls ρ ds Q) |-- wp_decls ρ ds Q.
rewrite -{2}wp_decls_shift; f_equiv.
iApply wp_decls_frame. by iIntros "* $".
Lemma wp_decls_fupd ρ ds (Q : region -> FreeTemps -> epred) :
wp_decls ρ ds (funI ρ free => |={top}=> Q ρ free) |--
wp_decls ρ ds Q.
Proof. iIntros "H". iApply wp_decls_shift. by iModIntro. Qed.
Fixpoint wp_block_def (ρ : region) (ss : list Stmt) (Q : Kpred) : mpred :=
match ss with
| nil => |={top}=> |> |={top}=> Q Normal
| Sdecl ds :: ss =>
wp_decls ρ ds (funI ρ free =>
|={top}=> |> |={top}=> wp_block_def ρ ss (Kfree free Q))
| s :: ss =>
|={top}=> |> |={top}=> wp ρ s (Kseq (wp_block_def ρ ss) (|={top}=> Q))
Definition wp_block_aux : seal (@wp_block_def). Proof. by eexists. Qed.
Definition wp_block := wp_block_aux.(unseal).
Definition wp_block_eq : @wp_block = _ := wp_block_aux.(seal_eq).
(* Show wp_block satisfies the fixpoint equation. *)
Lemma wp_block_unfold (ρ : region) (ss : list Stmt) (Q : Kpred) :
wp_block ρ ss Q =
(match ss with
| nil => |={top}=> |> |={top}=> Q Normal
| Sdecl ds :: ss =>
wp_decls ρ ds (funI ρ free =>
|={top}=> |> |={top}=> wp_block ρ ss (Kfree free Q))
| s :: ss =>
|={top}=> |> |={top}=> wp ρ s (Kseq (wp_block ρ ss) (|={top}=> Q))
Proof. rewrite !wp_block_eq; by destruct ss. Qed.
Lemma wp_block_frame : forall ss ρ (Q Q' : Kpred),
(Forall rt, Q rt -* Q' rt)
|-- wp_block ρ ss Q -* wp_block ρ ss Q'.
induction ss as [|s ss]; simpl; intros. {
rewrite !wp_block_unfold.
by iIntros "Hcnt HQ"; iMod "HQ"; iApply "Hcnt".
assert ((Forall rt, Q rt -* Q' rt) |--
(|={⊤}▷=> wp ρ s (Kseq (wp_block ρ ss) (|={⊤}=> Q))) -*
(|={⊤}▷=> wp ρ s (Kseq (wp_block ρ ss) (|={⊤}=> Q')))) as Himpl.
{ iIntros "X >H !> !>". iMod "H"; iModIntro.
iApply (wp_frame with "[X] H"); first by reflexivity.
iAssert (Forall rt, (|={⊤}=> Q) rt -* (|={⊤}=> Q') rt)%I with "[X]" as "X". {
setoid_rewrite monPred_at_fupd.
iIntros (?) ">H !>". by iApply "X".
iIntros (rt); destruct rt => //=.
by iApply IHss. }
rewrite !wp_block_unfold.
iIntros "X"; destruct s; try by iApply (Himpl with "X").
iApply wp_decls_frame.
iIntros (??) ">H !> !>". iMod "H"; iModIntro.
iApply (IHss with "[X] H"); iIntros (?).
iApply Kfree_frame. iApply "X".
Lemma wp_block_shift ρ ds (Q : Kpred) :
(|={top}=> wp_block ρ ds (|={top}=> Q)) |--
wp_block ρ ds Q.
elim: ds ρ Q => [|d ds IH] ρ Q /=; rewrite !wp_block_unfold /=.
- iIntros ">>H !> !> /=". by iMod "H" as ">$".
- iAssert (
(|={⊤}=> |={⊤}▷=> wp ρ d (Kseq (wp_block ρ ds) (|={⊤}=> |={⊤}=> Q))) -∗
|={⊤}▷=> wp ρ d (Kseq (wp_block ρ ds) (|={⊤}=> Q)))%I as "W". {
iIntros ">>H !> !> !>". iMod "H". iApply (wp_frame with "[] H"). done.
iIntros (?) "H".
iApply (Kseq_frame with "[] [] H").
{ iApply wp_block_frame. }
iIntros (?) "H". by rewrite fupd_idemp.
destruct d; try by iExact "W".
iIntros "{W} H". iApply wp_decls_shift. iMod "H"; iModIntro.
iApply (wp_decls_frame with "[] H"); iIntros (??) ">H !> !> !> !>".
iApply IH. iMod "H"; iModIntro.
iApply (wp_block_frame with "[] H"); iIntros (rt) "H !> /=".
rewrite monPred_at_fupd. iApply (interp_shift with "H").
Lemma fupd_wp_block ρ ds Q :
(|={top}=> wp_block ρ ds Q) |-- wp_block ρ ds Q.
rewrite -{2}wp_block_shift; f_equiv.
iApply wp_block_frame. by iIntros "* $".
Lemma wp_block_fupd ρ ds Q :
wp_block ρ ds (|={top}=> Q) |--
wp_block ρ ds Q.
Proof. iIntros "H". iApply wp_block_shift. by iModIntro. Qed.
(* proof mode *)
#[global] Instance elim_modal_fupd_wp_block p P ρ body Q :
ElimModal True p false (|={top}=> P) P (wp_block ρ body Q) (wp_block ρ body Q).
rewrite /ElimModal. rewrite bi.intuitionistically_if_elim/=.
by rewrite fupd_frame_r bi.wand_elim_r fupd_wp_block.
#[global] Instance elim_modal_bupd_wp_lval p P Q ρ body :
ElimModal True p false (|==> P) P (wp_block ρ body Q) (wp_block ρ body Q).
rewrite /ElimModal (bupd_fupd top). exact: elim_modal_fupd_wp_block.
#[global] Instance add_modal_fupd_wp_lval P Q ρ body :
AddModal (|={top}=> P) P (wp_block ρ body Q).
rewrite/AddModal. by rewrite fupd_frame_r bi.wand_elim_r fupd_wp_block.
Axiom wp_seq : forall ρ Q ss,
wp_block ρ ss Q |-- wp ρ (Sseq ss) Q.
Axiom wp_if : forall ρ e thn els Q,
|> Unfold WPE.wp_test (wp_test tu ρ e (fun c free =>
interp free $
if c
then wp ρ thn Q
else wp ρ els Q))
|-- wp ρ (Sif None e thn els) Q.
Axiom wp_if_decl : forall ρ d e thn els Q,
wp ρ (Sseq (Sdecl (d :: nil) :: Sif None e thn els :: nil)) Q
|-- wp ρ (Sif (Some d) e thn els) Q.
(* The loops are phrased using 1-step unfoldings and invariant rules are
proved using Löb induction.
C++ (and C) allow optimizing away certain infinite loops,
e.g. <<while (1);>> can be optimized to <<;>>.
These loop rules are not sound for use with compilations that use this
(* loop with invariant `I` *)
Definition Kloop_inner (I : mpred) (Q : Kpred) (rt : ReturnType) : mpred :=
match rt with
| Break => Q Normal
| Normal | Continue => I
| rt => Q rt
#[global] Arguments Kloop_inner _ _ !rt /.
Definition Kloop (I : mpred) (Q : Kpred) : Kpred :=
KP $ Kloop_inner I Q.
Definition while_unroll ρ test body :=
wp ρ (Sif None test body Sbreak).
Axiom wp_while_unroll : forall ρ test body Q,
while_unroll ρ test body (Kloop (|> wp ρ (Swhile None test body) Q) Q)
|-- wp ρ (Swhile None test body) Q.
Theorem wp_while_inv I : forall ρ test body Q,
I |-- while_unroll ρ test body (Kloop (|> I) Q) ->
I |-- wp ρ (Swhile None test body) Q.
iLöb as "IH".
iIntros "I".
iApply wp_while_unroll.
rewrite {2}H.
iRevert "I"; iApply wp_frame; first reflexivity.
iIntros (rt) "K"; destruct rt; simpl; eauto.
- iApply "IH"; eauto.
- iApply "IH"; eauto.
(* for backwards compatibility *)
Lemma wp_while_inv_nolater I : forall ρ test body Q,
I |-- Unfold while_unroll (while_unroll ρ test body (Kloop I Q)) ->
I |-- wp ρ (Swhile None test body) Q.
iApply wp_while_inv.
rewrite {1}H.
iApply wp_frame; first reflexivity.
iIntros (rt); destruct rt; simpl; eauto.
`while (T x = e) body` desugars to `{ T x = e; while (x) body }`
Axiom wp_while_decl : forall ρ d test body Q,
wp ρ (Sseq (Sdecl (d :: nil) :: Swhile None test body :: nil)) Q
|-- wp ρ (Swhile (Some d) test body) Q.
wp ρ (Sseq (Sdecl (d :: nil) :: Swhile None test body :: nil)) Q
|-- wp ρ (Swhile (Some d) test body) Q.
Definition Kpost_inner I Q (rt : ReturnType) :=
match rt with
| Normal | Continue => I
| _ => Q rt
#[global] Arguments Kpost_inner _ _ !rt /.
Definition Kpost I Q :=
KP $ Kpost_inner I Q.
Definition for_unroll ρ test incr body (Q : Kpred) :=
let Kinc :=
Kpost (match incr with
| None => Q Normal
| Some incr => wp_discard tu ρ incr (fun free => interp free $ Q Normal)
end) Q
match test with
| None => wp ρ body
| Some test => wp ρ (Sif None test body Sbreak)
end Kinc.
Axiom wp_for_unroll : forall ρ test incr body Q,
for_unroll ρ test incr body (Kloop (|> wp ρ (Sfor None test incr body) Q) Q)
|-- wp ρ (Sfor None test incr body) Q.
Theorem wp_for_inv I : forall ρ test incr body Q,
I |-- for_unroll ρ test incr body (Kloop (|> I) Q) ->
I |-- wp ρ (Sfor None test incr body) Q.
iLöb as "IH".
iIntros "I".
iApply wp_for_unroll.
rewrite {2}H /for_unroll.
iRevert "I"; case_match; (iApply wp_frame; first reflexivity).
all: iIntros (rt); destruct rt; simpl; eauto.
all: case_match.
all: try (iApply wp_discard_frame; first reflexivity;
iIntros (?); iApply interp_frame;
iIntros "I !>"; iApply "IH"; eauto).
all: iIntros "I !>"; iApply "IH"; eauto.
Lemma wp_for_inv_nolater I : forall ρ test incr body Q,
I |-- Unfold for_unroll (for_unroll ρ test incr body (Kloop (|> I) Q)) ->
I |-- wp ρ (Sfor None test incr body) Q.
apply wp_for_inv.
rewrite {1}H /for_unroll/=.
iIntros "X"; iRevert "X".
case_match; simpl.
all: iApply wp_frame; first reflexivity.
all: iIntros (rt); destruct rt; simpl; eauto.
all: case_match.
all: try (iApply wp_discard_frame; first reflexivity;
iIntros (?); iApply interp_frame).
match rt with
| Normal | Continue => I
| _ => Q rt
#[global] Arguments Kpost_inner _ _ !rt /.
Definition Kpost I Q :=
KP $ Kpost_inner I Q.
Definition for_unroll ρ test incr body (Q : Kpred) :=
let Kinc :=
Kpost (match incr with
| None => Q Normal
| Some incr => wp_discard tu ρ incr (fun free => interp free $ Q Normal)
end) Q
match test with
| None => wp ρ body
| Some test => wp ρ (Sif None test body Sbreak)
end Kinc.
Axiom wp_for_unroll : forall ρ test incr body Q,
for_unroll ρ test incr body (Kloop (|> wp ρ (Sfor None test incr body) Q) Q)
|-- wp ρ (Sfor None test incr body) Q.
Theorem wp_for_inv I : forall ρ test incr body Q,
I |-- for_unroll ρ test incr body (Kloop (|> I) Q) ->
I |-- wp ρ (Sfor None test incr body) Q.
iLöb as "IH".
iIntros "I".
iApply wp_for_unroll.
rewrite {2}H /for_unroll.
iRevert "I"; case_match; (iApply wp_frame; first reflexivity).
all: iIntros (rt); destruct rt; simpl; eauto.
all: case_match.
all: try (iApply wp_discard_frame; first reflexivity;
iIntros (?); iApply interp_frame;
iIntros "I !>"; iApply "IH"; eauto).
all: iIntros "I !>"; iApply "IH"; eauto.
Lemma wp_for_inv_nolater I : forall ρ test incr body Q,
I |-- Unfold for_unroll (for_unroll ρ test incr body (Kloop (|> I) Q)) ->
I |-- wp ρ (Sfor None test incr body) Q.
apply wp_for_inv.
rewrite {1}H /for_unroll/=.
iIntros "X"; iRevert "X".
case_match; simpl.
all: iApply wp_frame; first reflexivity.
all: iIntros (rt); destruct rt; simpl; eauto.
all: case_match.
all: try (iApply wp_discard_frame; first reflexivity;
iIntros (?); iApply interp_frame).
`for (init; test; incr) body` desugars to `{ init; for (; test; incr) body }`
Axiom wp_for_init : forall ρ init test incr b Q,
wp ρ (Sseq (init :: Sfor None test incr b :: nil)) Q
|-- wp ρ (Sfor (Some init) test incr b) Q.
wp ρ (Sseq (init :: Sfor None test incr b :: nil)) Q
|-- wp ρ (Sfor (Some init) test incr b) Q.
Definition do_unroll ρ body test (Q : Kpred) :=
wp ρ body (Kpost (Unfold WPE.wp_test (wp_test tu ρ test (fun c free => interp free $ if c then Q Continue else Q Break))) Q).
Axiom wp_do_unroll : forall ρ body test Q,
do_unroll ρ body test (Kloop (|> wp ρ (Sdo body test) Q) Q)
|-- wp ρ (Sdo body test) Q.
Theorem wp_do_inv I : forall ρ body test Q,
I |-- do_unroll ρ body test (Kloop (|> I) Q) ->
I |-- wp ρ (Sdo body test) Q.
iLöb as "IH".
iIntros "I".
iApply wp_do_unroll.
rewrite {2}H /do_unroll.
iRevert "I"; iApply wp_frame; first reflexivity.
iIntros (rt) "K"; destruct rt; simpl; eauto.
{ iRevert "K"; iApply wp_test_frame; iIntros (??).
iApply interp_frame; case_match; eauto.
iIntros "? !>"; iApply "IH"; eauto. }
{ iRevert "K"; iApply wp_test_frame; iIntros (??).
iApply interp_frame; case_match; eauto.
iIntros "? !>"; iApply "IH"; eauto. }
Lemma wp_do_inv_nolater I : forall ρ body test Q,
I |-- Unfold do_unroll (do_unroll ρ body test (Kloop I Q)) ->
I |-- wp ρ (Sdo body test) Q.
apply wp_do_inv.
rewrite {1}H /do_unroll.
iIntros "X"; iRevert "X".
iApply wp_frame; first reflexivity.
iIntros (rt); destruct rt; simpl; eauto.
all: iApply wp_test_frame; iIntros (??).
all: iApply interp_frame; case_match; eauto.
(* the semantics of return is like an initialization
* expression.
Axiom wp_return_void : forall ρ Q,
get_return_type ρ = Tvoid ->
Q ReturnVoid |-- wp ρ (Sreturn None) Q.
Axiom wp_return : forall ρ e (Q : Kpred),
(let rty := get_return_type ρ in
Forall p, wp_initialize ρ rty p e (fun frees =>
interp frees (Q (ReturnVal p))))
|-- wp ρ (Sreturn (Some e)) Q.
Axiom wp_return_frame : forall ρ rv (Q Q' : Kpred),
match rv with
| None => Q ReturnVoid -* Q' ReturnVoid
| Some _ =>
(* NOTE unsound in the presence of exceptions *)
Forall v, Q (ReturnVal v) -* Q' (ReturnVal v)
end |-- wp ρ (Sreturn rv) Q -* wp ρ (Sreturn rv) Q'.
Axiom wp_break : forall ρ Q,
|> Q Break |-- wp ρ Sbreak Q.
Axiom wp_break_frame : forall ρ (Q Q' : Kpred),
Q Break -* Q' Break |-- wp ρ Sbreak Q -* wp ρ Sbreak Q'.
Axiom wp_continue : forall ρ Q,
|> Q Continue |-- wp ρ Scontinue Q.
Axiom wp_continue_frame : forall ρ (Q Q' : Kpred),
Q Continue -* Q' Continue |-- wp ρ Scontinue Q -* wp ρ Scontinue Q'.
|> Q Continue |-- wp ρ Scontinue Q.
Axiom wp_continue_frame : forall ρ (Q Q' : Kpred),
Q Continue -* Q' Continue |-- wp ρ Scontinue Q -* wp ρ Scontinue Q'.
(* compute the Prop that is known if this switch branch is taken *)
Definition wp_switch_branch (s : SwitchBranch) (v : Z) : Prop :=
match s with
| Exact i => v = i
| Range low high => low <= v <= high
(* This performs a syntactic check on s to ensure that there are no case or default
statements. This is used to avoid missing one of these statements which would compromise
the soundness of wp_switch_block
Fixpoint no_case (s : Stmt) : bool :=
match s with
| Sseq ls => forallb no_case ls
| Sdecl _ => true
| Sif _ _ a b
| Sif_consteval a b => no_case a && no_case b
| Swhile _ _ s => no_case s
| Sfor _ _ _ s => no_case s
| Sdo s _ => no_case s
| Sattr _ s => no_case s
| Sswitch _ _ _ => true
| Scase _
| Sdefault => false
| Sbreak
| Scontinue
| Sreturn _
| Sexpr _
| Sasm _ _ _ _ _ => true
| Slabeled _ s => no_case s
| Sgoto _ => true
| Sunsupported _ => false
Fixpoint get_cases (ls : list Stmt) : list SwitchBranch :=
match ls with
| Scase sb :: ls =>
sb :: get_cases ls
| _ :: ls => get_cases ls
| nil => nil
Definition default_from_cases (ls : list SwitchBranch) (v : Z) : Prop :=
(fold_right (fun sb P => ~wp_switch_branch sb v /\ P) True ls).
apply the wp calculation to the body of a switch
NOTE that the semantics of switch statements is *very* conservative in the
current setup. In particular.
1. We do not support using a case to jump over a variable declaration
2. We do not support case statements that jump into the bodies of loops,
i.e. Duft's device.
Supporting 1 should not be difficult in principle.
Full support for 2 seems to require a more sophisticated setup for wp.
In other work, this sort of thing is handled as essentially unstructured
We interpret the semantics of wp_switch_block by el
Fixpoint wp_switch_block (Ldef : option (Z -> Prop)) (ls : list Stmt)
: option (list ((Z -> Prop) * list Stmt)) :=
match ls with
| Scase sb :: ls =>
(fun x => (wp_switch_branch sb, ls) :: x) <$> wp_switch_block Ldef ls
| Sdefault :: ls =>
match Ldef with
| None =>
(* NOTE in this case there were multiple default statements which is
not legal *)
| Some def =>
(fun x => (def, ls) :: x) <$> wp_switch_block None ls
| Sdecl _ :: ls' =>
(* NOTE this check ensures that we never case past a declaration which
could be problematic from a soundness point of view.
if no_case (Sseq ls') then
wp_switch_block Ldef ls'
| s :: ls' =>
if no_case s then
wp_switch_block Ldef ls'
| nil =>
match Ldef with
| None => Some nil
| Some def => Some ((def, nil) :: nil)
Definition Kswitch_inner (k : Kpred) (rt : ReturnType) : mpred :=
match rt with
| Break => k Normal
| rt => k rt
#[global] Arguments Kswitch_inner _ !rt /.
Definition Kswitch (k : Kpred) : Kpred :=
KP $ Kswitch_inner k.
Axiom wp_switch_decl : forall ρ d e ls Q,
wp ρ (Sseq (Sdecl (d :: nil) :: Sswitch None e ls :: nil)) Q
|-- wp ρ (Sswitch (Some d) e ls) Q.
(* An error to say that a `switch` block with body is not supported *)
Record switch_block (body : list Stmt) : Prop := {}.
Axiom wp_switch : forall ρ e b Q,
match wp_switch_block (Some $ default_from_cases (get_cases b)) b with
| None => UNSUPPORTED (switch_block b)
| Some cases =>
wp_operand tu ρ e (fun v free => interp free $
Exists vv : Z, [| v = Vint vv |] **
[∧list] x ∈ cases, [| x.1 vv |] -* wp_block ρ x.2 (Kswitch Q))
|-- wp ρ (Sswitch None e (Sseq b)) Q.
(* note: case and default statements are only meaningful inside of switch.
* this is handled by wp_switch_block.
Axiom wp_case : forall ρ sb Q, Q Normal |-- wp ρ (Scase sb) Q.
Axiom wp_default : forall ρ Q, Q Normal |-- wp ρ Sdefault Q.
End with_resolver.
(* ideally, we would like to use the following line, but cbn does not seem to
like the !.
Arguments wp_decl_var _ _ _ _ !_ _ /. *)
#[global] Arguments wp_decl_var _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ /.
#[global] Arguments wp_decl _ _ _ _ _ _ _ /. (* ! should occur on d *)
#[global,deprecated(since="20240204",note="use [wp_for_inv_nolater].")]
Notation wp_for := wp_for_inv_nolater (only parsing).
#[global,deprecated(since="20240204",note="use [wp_do_inv_nolater].")]
Notation wp_do := wp_do_inv_nolater (only parsing).
#[global,deprecated(since="20240204",note="use [wp_while_inv_nolater].")]
Notation wp_while := wp_while_inv_nolater (only parsing).
End Stmt.
Declare Module S : Stmt.
Export S.
: option (list ((Z -> Prop) * list Stmt)) :=
match ls with
| Scase sb :: ls =>
(fun x => (wp_switch_branch sb, ls) :: x) <$> wp_switch_block Ldef ls
| Sdefault :: ls =>
match Ldef with
| None =>
(* NOTE in this case there were multiple default statements which is
not legal *)
| Some def =>
(fun x => (def, ls) :: x) <$> wp_switch_block None ls
| Sdecl _ :: ls' =>
(* NOTE this check ensures that we never case past a declaration which
could be problematic from a soundness point of view.
if no_case (Sseq ls') then
wp_switch_block Ldef ls'
| s :: ls' =>
if no_case s then
wp_switch_block Ldef ls'
| nil =>
match Ldef with
| None => Some nil
| Some def => Some ((def, nil) :: nil)
Definition Kswitch_inner (k : Kpred) (rt : ReturnType) : mpred :=
match rt with
| Break => k Normal
| rt => k rt
#[global] Arguments Kswitch_inner _ !rt /.
Definition Kswitch (k : Kpred) : Kpred :=
KP $ Kswitch_inner k.
Axiom wp_switch_decl : forall ρ d e ls Q,
wp ρ (Sseq (Sdecl (d :: nil) :: Sswitch None e ls :: nil)) Q
|-- wp ρ (Sswitch (Some d) e ls) Q.
(* An error to say that a `switch` block with body is not supported *)
Record switch_block (body : list Stmt) : Prop := {}.
Axiom wp_switch : forall ρ e b Q,
match wp_switch_block (Some $ default_from_cases (get_cases b)) b with
| None => UNSUPPORTED (switch_block b)
| Some cases =>
wp_operand tu ρ e (fun v free => interp free $
Exists vv : Z, [| v = Vint vv |] **
[∧list] x ∈ cases, [| x.1 vv |] -* wp_block ρ x.2 (Kswitch Q))
|-- wp ρ (Sswitch None e (Sseq b)) Q.
(* note: case and default statements are only meaningful inside of switch.
* this is handled by wp_switch_block.
Axiom wp_case : forall ρ sb Q, Q Normal |-- wp ρ (Scase sb) Q.
Axiom wp_default : forall ρ Q, Q Normal |-- wp ρ Sdefault Q.
End with_resolver.
(* ideally, we would like to use the following line, but cbn does not seem to
like the !.
Arguments wp_decl_var _ _ _ _ !_ _ /. *)
#[global] Arguments wp_decl_var _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ /.
#[global] Arguments wp_decl _ _ _ _ _ _ _ /. (* ! should occur on d *)
#[global,deprecated(since="20240204",note="use [wp_for_inv_nolater].")]
Notation wp_for := wp_for_inv_nolater (only parsing).
#[global,deprecated(since="20240204",note="use [wp_do_inv_nolater].")]
Notation wp_do := wp_do_inv_nolater (only parsing).
#[global,deprecated(since="20240204",note="use [wp_while_inv_nolater].")]
Notation wp_while := wp_while_inv_nolater (only parsing).
End Stmt.
Declare Module S : Stmt.
Export S.