* Copyright (c) 2020-2024 BlueRock Security, Inc.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
* Copyright (c) 2020-2024 BlueRock Security, Inc.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
Definitions for the semantics
Require Import bedrock.prelude.base.
Require Import stdpp.coPset.
Require Import
Require Import bedrock.lang.proofmode.proofmode.
Require Import iris.proofmode.classes.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.semantics.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.pred.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.heap_pred.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.translation_unit.
Require Import
#[local] Set Primitive Projections.
(* expression continuations
* - in full C++, this includes exceptions, but our current semantics
* doesn't treat those.
Definition epred `{cpp_logic} := mpred.
Notation epredO := mpredO (only parsing).
Bind Scope bi_scope with epred.
Declare Scope free_scope.
Delimit Scope free_scope with free.
Reserved Infix "|*|" (at level 30).
Reserved Infix ">*>" (at level 30).
Module FreeTemps.
(* BEGIN FreeTemps.t *)
Inductive t : Set :=
| id (* = fun x => x *)
| delete (ty : decltype) (p : ptr) (* = delete_val ty p *)
(* ^^ this type has qualifiers but is otherwise a runtime type *)
| delete_va (va : list (type * ptr)) (p : ptr)
| seq (f g : t) (* = fun x => f *)
| par (f g : t) (* = fun x => Exists Qf Qg, f Qf ** g Qg ** (Qf -* Qg -* x) *)
(* END FreeTemps.t *)
Module Import notations.
Bind Scope free_scope with t.
Notation "1" := id : free_scope.
Infix ">*>" := seq : free_scope.
Infix "|*|" := par : free_scope.
End notations.
#[local] Open Scope free_scope.
Inductive t_equiv : Equiv t :=
| refl l : l ≡ l
| sym l r : l ≡ r -> r ≡ l
| trans a b c : a ≡ b -> b ≡ c -> a ≡ c
| delete_ref ty p : delete (Tref ty) p ≡ delete (Trv_ref ty) p
| seqA x y z : x >*> (y >*> z) ≡ (x >*> y) >*> z
| seq_id_unitL l : 1 >*> l ≡ l
| seq_id_unitR l : l >*> 1 ≡ l
| seq_proper_ : ∀ {a b}, a ≡ b -> ∀ {c d}, c ≡ d -> a >*> c ≡ b >*> d
| parC l r : l |*| r ≡ r |*| l
| parA x y z : x |*| (y |*| z) ≡ (x |*| y) |*| z
| par_id_unitL l : 1 |*| l ≡ l
| par_proper_ : ∀ {a b}, a ≡ b -> ∀ {c d}, c ≡ d -> a |*| c ≡ b |*| d
Notation t_eq := (≡@{t}) (only parsing).
#[global] Existing Instance t_equiv.
#[global] Instance t_equivalence : Equivalence t_eq :=
Build_Equivalence _ refl sym trans.
#[global] Instance seq_assoc : Assoc equiv seq := seqA.
#[global] Instance seq_left_id : LeftId equiv id seq := seq_id_unitL.
#[global] Instance seq_right_id : RightId equiv id seq := seq_id_unitR.
#[global] Instance seq_proper : Proper (t_eq ==> t_eq ==> t_eq) seq := @seq_proper_.
#[global] Instance par_comm : Comm equiv par := parC.
#[global] Instance par_left_id : LeftId equiv id par := par_id_unitL.
#[global] Instance par_right_id : RightId equiv id par.
Proof. intros x. by rewrite comm left_id. Qed.
#[global] Instance par_proper : Proper (t_eq ==> t_eq ==> t_eq) par := @par_proper_.
Require Import stdpp.coPset.
Require Import
Require Import bedrock.lang.proofmode.proofmode.
Require Import iris.proofmode.classes.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.semantics.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.pred.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.heap_pred.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.translation_unit.
Require Import
#[local] Set Primitive Projections.
(* expression continuations
* - in full C++, this includes exceptions, but our current semantics
* doesn't treat those.
Definition epred `{cpp_logic} := mpred.
Notation epredO := mpredO (only parsing).
Bind Scope bi_scope with epred.
Declare Scope free_scope.
Delimit Scope free_scope with free.
Reserved Infix "|*|" (at level 30).
Reserved Infix ">*>" (at level 30).
Module FreeTemps.
(* BEGIN FreeTemps.t *)
Inductive t : Set :=
| id (* = fun x => x *)
| delete (ty : decltype) (p : ptr) (* = delete_val ty p *)
(* ^^ this type has qualifiers but is otherwise a runtime type *)
| delete_va (va : list (type * ptr)) (p : ptr)
| seq (f g : t) (* = fun x => f *)
| par (f g : t) (* = fun x => Exists Qf Qg, f Qf ** g Qg ** (Qf -* Qg -* x) *)
(* END FreeTemps.t *)
Module Import notations.
Bind Scope free_scope with t.
Notation "1" := id : free_scope.
Infix ">*>" := seq : free_scope.
Infix "|*|" := par : free_scope.
End notations.
#[local] Open Scope free_scope.
Inductive t_equiv : Equiv t :=
| refl l : l ≡ l
| sym l r : l ≡ r -> r ≡ l
| trans a b c : a ≡ b -> b ≡ c -> a ≡ c
| delete_ref ty p : delete (Tref ty) p ≡ delete (Trv_ref ty) p
| seqA x y z : x >*> (y >*> z) ≡ (x >*> y) >*> z
| seq_id_unitL l : 1 >*> l ≡ l
| seq_id_unitR l : l >*> 1 ≡ l
| seq_proper_ : ∀ {a b}, a ≡ b -> ∀ {c d}, c ≡ d -> a >*> c ≡ b >*> d
| parC l r : l |*| r ≡ r |*| l
| parA x y z : x |*| (y |*| z) ≡ (x |*| y) |*| z
| par_id_unitL l : 1 |*| l ≡ l
| par_proper_ : ∀ {a b}, a ≡ b -> ∀ {c d}, c ≡ d -> a |*| c ≡ b |*| d
Notation t_eq := (≡@{t}) (only parsing).
#[global] Existing Instance t_equiv.
#[global] Instance t_equivalence : Equivalence t_eq :=
Build_Equivalence _ refl sym trans.
#[global] Instance seq_assoc : Assoc equiv seq := seqA.
#[global] Instance seq_left_id : LeftId equiv id seq := seq_id_unitL.
#[global] Instance seq_right_id : RightId equiv id seq := seq_id_unitR.
#[global] Instance seq_proper : Proper (t_eq ==> t_eq ==> t_eq) seq := @seq_proper_.
#[global] Instance par_comm : Comm equiv par := parC.
#[global] Instance par_left_id : LeftId equiv id par := par_id_unitL.
#[global] Instance par_right_id : RightId equiv id par.
Proof. intros x. by rewrite comm left_id. Qed.
#[global] Instance par_proper : Proper (t_eq ==> t_eq ==> t_eq) par := @par_proper_.
pars ls is the FreeTemp representing the destruction of each
element in ls *in non-deterministic order*.
seqs ls is the FreeTemp representing the destruction of each
element in ls sequentially from left-to-right, i.e. the first
element in the list is run first.
seqs_rev ls is the FreeTemp representing the destruction of each
element in ls sequentially from right-to-left, i.e. the first
element in the list is destructed last.
Definition seqs_rev : list t -> t := foldl (fun a b => seq b a) 1.
End FreeTemps.
Export FreeTemps.notations.
Notation FreeTemps := FreeTemps.t.
Notation FreeTemp := FreeTemps.t (only parsing).
(* continuations
* C++ statements can terminate in 4 ways.
* note(gmm): technically, they can also raise exceptions; however,
* our current semantics doesn't capture this. if we want to support
* exceptions, we should be able to add another case,
* `k_throw : val -> mpred`.
Variant ReturnType : Set :=
| Normal
| Break
| Continue
| ReturnVal (_ : ptr)
| ReturnVoid
#[global] Instance ReturnType_ihn : Inhabited ReturnType.
Proof. repeat constructor. Qed.
Canonical Structure rt_biIndex : biIndex :=
{| bi_index_type := ReturnType
; bi_index_rel := eq
Definition KpredI `{!cpp_logic thread_info Σ} : bi := monPredI rt_biIndex (@mpredI thread_info Σ).
#[global] Notation Kpred := (bi_car KpredI).
Definition KP `{cpp_logic} (P : ReturnType -> mpred) : Kpred := MonPred P _.
#[global] Arguments KP {_ _ _} _%_I : assert.
#[global] Hint Opaque KP : typeclass_instances.
Section KP.
Context `{Σ : cpp_logic}.
Lemma KP_frame (Q1 Q2 : ReturnType -> mpred) (rt : ReturnType) :
Q1 rt -* Q2 rt
|-- KP Q1 rt -* KP Q2 rt.
Proof. done. Qed.
End KP.
Definition Kreturn_inner `{Σ : cpp_logic, σ : genv} (Q : ptr -> mpred) (rt : ReturnType) : mpred :=
match rt with
| Normal | ReturnVoid => Forall p : ptr, p |-> primR Tvoid (cQp.mut 1) Vvoid -* Q p
| ReturnVal p => Q p
| _ => False
#[global] Arguments Kreturn_inner _ _ _ _ _ !rt /.
Definition Kreturn `{Σ : cpp_logic, σ : genv} (Q : ptr -> mpred) : Kpred :=
KP $ Kreturn_inner Q.
#[global] Hint Opaque Kreturn : typeclass_instances.
Section Kreturn.
Context `{Σ : cpp_logic, σ : genv}.
Lemma Kreturn_frame (Q Q' : ptr -> mpred) (rt : ReturnType) :
Forall p, Q p -* Q' p
|-- Kreturn Q rt -* Kreturn Q' rt.
iIntros "HQ". destruct rt; cbn; auto.
all: iIntros "HR" (?) "R"; iApply "HQ"; by iApply "HR".
End Kreturn.
Definition Kseq_inner `{Σ : cpp_logic} (Q : Kpred -> mpred) (k : Kpred) (rt : ReturnType) : mpred :=
match rt with
| Normal => Q k
| rt => k rt
#[global] Arguments Kseq_inner _ _ _ _ _ !rt /.
Definition Kseq `{Σ : cpp_logic} (Q : Kpred -> mpred) (k : Kpred) : Kpred :=
KP $ Kseq_inner Q k.
#[global] Hint Opaque Kseq : typeclass_instances.
Section Kseq.
Context `{Σ : cpp_logic}.
Lemma Kseq_frame (Q1 Q2 : Kpred -> mpred) (k1 k2 : Kpred) (rt : ReturnType) :
((Forall rt : ReturnType, k1 rt -* k2 rt) -* Q1 k1 -* Q2 k2) |--
(Forall rt : ReturnType, k1 rt -* k2 rt) -*
Kseq Q1 k1 rt -* Kseq Q2 k2 rt.
iIntros "HQ Hk". destruct rt; cbn; try iExact "Hk".
by iApply "HQ".
End Kseq.
(* loop with invariant `I` *)
Definition Kloop_inner `{Σ : cpp_logic} (I : mpred) (Q : Kpred) (rt : ReturnType) : mpred :=
match rt with
| Break | Normal => Q Normal
| Continue => I
| ReturnVal _ | ReturnVoid => Q rt
#[global] Arguments Kloop_inner _ _ _ _ _ !rt /.
Definition Kloop `{Σ : cpp_logic} (I : mpred) (Q : Kpred) : Kpred :=
KP $ Kloop_inner I Q.
#[global] Hint Opaque Kloop : typeclass_instances.
Section Kloop.
Context `{Σ : cpp_logic}.
Lemma Kloop_frame (I1 I2 : mpred) (k1 k2 : Kpred) (rt : ReturnType) :
<affine> (I1 -* I2) |--
<affine> (Forall rt : ReturnType, k1 rt -* k2 rt) -*
Kloop I1 k1 rt -* Kloop I2 k2 rt.
iIntros "HI Hk". destruct rt; cbn.
all: first [ iExact "Hk" | iApply "HI" ].
End Kloop.
Definition Kat_exit `{Σ : cpp_logic} (Q : mpred -> mpred) (k : Kpred) : Kpred :=
KP $ fun rt => Q (k rt).
#[global] Hint Opaque Kat_exit : typeclass_instances.
Section Kat_exit.
Context `{Σ : cpp_logic}.
Lemma Kat_exit_frame (Q Q' : mpred -> mpred) (k k' : Kpred) :
Forall R R' : mpred, (R -* R') -* Q R -* Q' R' |--
Forall rt : ReturnType, (k rt -* k' rt) -*
Kat_exit Q k rt -* Kat_exit Q' k' rt.
iIntros "HQ %rt Hk". destruct rt; cbn.
all: by iApply "HQ".
End Kat_exit.
NOTE KpredI does not embed into mpredI because it doesn't respect
#[global] Instance mpred_Kpred_BiEmbed `{Σ : cpp_logic} : BiEmbed mpredI KpredI := _.
End FreeTemps.
Export FreeTemps.notations.
Notation FreeTemps := FreeTemps.t.
Notation FreeTemp := FreeTemps.t (only parsing).
(* continuations
* C++ statements can terminate in 4 ways.
* note(gmm): technically, they can also raise exceptions; however,
* our current semantics doesn't capture this. if we want to support
* exceptions, we should be able to add another case,
* `k_throw : val -> mpred`.
Variant ReturnType : Set :=
| Normal
| Break
| Continue
| ReturnVal (_ : ptr)
| ReturnVoid
#[global] Instance ReturnType_ihn : Inhabited ReturnType.
Proof. repeat constructor. Qed.
Canonical Structure rt_biIndex : biIndex :=
{| bi_index_type := ReturnType
; bi_index_rel := eq
Definition KpredI `{!cpp_logic thread_info Σ} : bi := monPredI rt_biIndex (@mpredI thread_info Σ).
#[global] Notation Kpred := (bi_car KpredI).
Definition KP `{cpp_logic} (P : ReturnType -> mpred) : Kpred := MonPred P _.
#[global] Arguments KP {_ _ _} _%_I : assert.
#[global] Hint Opaque KP : typeclass_instances.
Section KP.
Context `{Σ : cpp_logic}.
Lemma KP_frame (Q1 Q2 : ReturnType -> mpred) (rt : ReturnType) :
Q1 rt -* Q2 rt
|-- KP Q1 rt -* KP Q2 rt.
Proof. done. Qed.
End KP.
Definition Kreturn_inner `{Σ : cpp_logic, σ : genv} (Q : ptr -> mpred) (rt : ReturnType) : mpred :=
match rt with
| Normal | ReturnVoid => Forall p : ptr, p |-> primR Tvoid (cQp.mut 1) Vvoid -* Q p
| ReturnVal p => Q p
| _ => False
#[global] Arguments Kreturn_inner _ _ _ _ _ !rt /.
Definition Kreturn `{Σ : cpp_logic, σ : genv} (Q : ptr -> mpred) : Kpred :=
KP $ Kreturn_inner Q.
#[global] Hint Opaque Kreturn : typeclass_instances.
Section Kreturn.
Context `{Σ : cpp_logic, σ : genv}.
Lemma Kreturn_frame (Q Q' : ptr -> mpred) (rt : ReturnType) :
Forall p, Q p -* Q' p
|-- Kreturn Q rt -* Kreturn Q' rt.
iIntros "HQ". destruct rt; cbn; auto.
all: iIntros "HR" (?) "R"; iApply "HQ"; by iApply "HR".
End Kreturn.
Definition Kseq_inner `{Σ : cpp_logic} (Q : Kpred -> mpred) (k : Kpred) (rt : ReturnType) : mpred :=
match rt with
| Normal => Q k
| rt => k rt
#[global] Arguments Kseq_inner _ _ _ _ _ !rt /.
Definition Kseq `{Σ : cpp_logic} (Q : Kpred -> mpred) (k : Kpred) : Kpred :=
KP $ Kseq_inner Q k.
#[global] Hint Opaque Kseq : typeclass_instances.
Section Kseq.
Context `{Σ : cpp_logic}.
Lemma Kseq_frame (Q1 Q2 : Kpred -> mpred) (k1 k2 : Kpred) (rt : ReturnType) :
((Forall rt : ReturnType, k1 rt -* k2 rt) -* Q1 k1 -* Q2 k2) |--
(Forall rt : ReturnType, k1 rt -* k2 rt) -*
Kseq Q1 k1 rt -* Kseq Q2 k2 rt.
iIntros "HQ Hk". destruct rt; cbn; try iExact "Hk".
by iApply "HQ".
End Kseq.
(* loop with invariant `I` *)
Definition Kloop_inner `{Σ : cpp_logic} (I : mpred) (Q : Kpred) (rt : ReturnType) : mpred :=
match rt with
| Break | Normal => Q Normal
| Continue => I
| ReturnVal _ | ReturnVoid => Q rt
#[global] Arguments Kloop_inner _ _ _ _ _ !rt /.
Definition Kloop `{Σ : cpp_logic} (I : mpred) (Q : Kpred) : Kpred :=
KP $ Kloop_inner I Q.
#[global] Hint Opaque Kloop : typeclass_instances.
Section Kloop.
Context `{Σ : cpp_logic}.
Lemma Kloop_frame (I1 I2 : mpred) (k1 k2 : Kpred) (rt : ReturnType) :
<affine> (I1 -* I2) |--
<affine> (Forall rt : ReturnType, k1 rt -* k2 rt) -*
Kloop I1 k1 rt -* Kloop I2 k2 rt.
iIntros "HI Hk". destruct rt; cbn.
all: first [ iExact "Hk" | iApply "HI" ].
End Kloop.
Definition Kat_exit `{Σ : cpp_logic} (Q : mpred -> mpred) (k : Kpred) : Kpred :=
KP $ fun rt => Q (k rt).
#[global] Hint Opaque Kat_exit : typeclass_instances.
Section Kat_exit.
Context `{Σ : cpp_logic}.
Lemma Kat_exit_frame (Q Q' : mpred -> mpred) (k k' : Kpred) :
Forall R R' : mpred, (R -* R') -* Q R -* Q' R' |--
Forall rt : ReturnType, (k rt -* k' rt) -*
Kat_exit Q k rt -* Kat_exit Q' k' rt.
iIntros "HQ %rt Hk". destruct rt; cbn.
all: by iApply "HQ".
End Kat_exit.
NOTE KpredI does not embed into mpredI because it doesn't respect
#[global] Instance mpred_Kpred_BiEmbed `{Σ : cpp_logic} : BiEmbed mpredI KpredI := _.
To model the stack frame in separation logic, we use a notion of regions that are threaded through the semantics.
Inductive region : Set :=
| Remp (this var_arg : option ptr) (ret_type : decltype)
| Rbind (_ : localname) (_ : ptr) (_ : region).
Fixpoint get_location (ρ : region) (b : localname) : option ptr :=
match ρ with
| Remp _ _ _ => None
| Rbind x p rs =>
if decide (b = x) then Some p
else get_location rs b
Fixpoint get_this (ρ : region) : option ptr :=
match ρ with
| Remp this _ _ => this
| Rbind _ _ rs => get_this rs
Fixpoint get_return_type (ρ : region) : decltype :=
match ρ with
| Remp _ _ ty => ty
| Rbind _ _ rs => get_return_type rs
Fixpoint get_va (ρ : region) : option ptr :=
match ρ with
| Remp _ va _ => va
| Rbind _ _ rs => get_va rs
| Remp (this var_arg : option ptr) (ret_type : decltype)
| Rbind (_ : localname) (_ : ptr) (_ : region).
Fixpoint get_location (ρ : region) (b : localname) : option ptr :=
match ρ with
| Remp _ _ _ => None
| Rbind x p rs =>
if decide (b = x) then Some p
else get_location rs b
Fixpoint get_this (ρ : region) : option ptr :=
match ρ with
| Remp this _ _ => this
| Rbind _ _ rs => get_this rs
Fixpoint get_return_type (ρ : region) : decltype :=
match ρ with
| Remp _ _ ty => ty
| Rbind _ _ rs => get_return_type rs
Fixpoint get_va (ρ : region) : option ptr :=
match ρ with
| Remp _ va _ => va
| Rbind _ _ rs => get_va rs
Definition _local (ρ : region) (b : ident) : ptr :=
match get_location ρ b with
| Some p => p
| _ => invalid_ptr
Arguments _local !_ !_ / : simpl nomatch, assert.
match get_location ρ b with
| Some p => p
| _ => invalid_ptr
Arguments _local !_ !_ / : simpl nomatch, assert.
_this ρ returns the ptr that this is bound to.
NOTE because this is const, we actually store the value directly
rather than indirectly representing it in memory.
Definition _this (ρ : region) : ptr :=
match get_this ρ with
| Some p => p
| _ => invalid_ptr
Arguments _this !_ / : assert.
Module WPE.
Section with_cpp.
Context `{Σ : cpp_logic}.
(* the monad for expression evaluation *)
#[local] Definition M (T : Type) : Type :=
(T -> FreeTemps.t -> epred) -> mpred.
match get_this ρ with
| Some p => p
| _ => invalid_ptr
Arguments _this !_ / : assert.
Module WPE.
Section with_cpp.
Context `{Σ : cpp_logic}.
(* the monad for expression evaluation *)
#[local] Definition M (T : Type) : Type :=
(T -> FreeTemps.t -> epred) -> mpred.
#[local] Definition Mrel T : M T -> M T -> Prop :=
(pointwise_relation _ (pointwise_relation _ (⊢)) ==> (⊢))%signature.
(pointwise_relation _ (pointwise_relation _ (⊢)) ==> (⊢))%signature.
This relation is weaker because it requires the argument to respect FreeTemps.t_eq.
#[local] Definition Mequiv T : M T -> M T -> Prop :=
(pointwise_relation _ (FreeTemps.t_eq ==> (⊣⊢)) ==> (⊣⊢))%signature.
#[local] Definition Mframe {T} (a b : M T) : mpred :=
Forall Q Q', (Forall x y, Q x y -* Q' x y) -* a Q -* b Q'.
#[local] Definition Mret {T} (t : T) : M T :=
fun K => K t
#[local] Definition Mmap {T U} (f : T -> U) (t : M T) : M U :=
fun K => t (fun v => K (f v)).
Lemma Mmap_frame_strong {T U} c (f : T -> U) :
Mframe c c
|-- Forall Q Q', (Forall x y, Q (f x) y -* Q' (f x) y) -* Mmap f c Q -* Mmap f c Q'.
rewrite /Mframe/Mmap; iIntros "A" (??) "B".
iApply "A". iIntros (??); iApply "B".
Lemma Mmap_frame {T U} c (f : T -> U) :
Mframe c c |-- Mframe (Mmap f c) (Mmap f c).
rewrite /Mframe/Mmap; iIntros "A" (??) "B".
iApply "A". iIntros (??); iApply "B".
#[local] Definition Mbind {T U} (c : M T) (k : T -> M U) : M U :=
fun K => c (fun v f => k v (fun v' f' => K v' (f' >*> f)%free)).
Lemma Mbind_frame {T U} c (k : T -> M U) :
Mframe c c |-- (Forall x, Mframe (k x) (k x)) -* Mframe (Mbind c k) (Mbind c k).
rewrite /Mframe/Mbind; iIntros "A B" (??) "C".
iApply "A". iIntros (??). iApply "B".
iIntros (??); iApply "C".
(pointwise_relation _ (FreeTemps.t_eq ==> (⊣⊢)) ==> (⊣⊢))%signature.
#[local] Definition Mframe {T} (a b : M T) : mpred :=
Forall Q Q', (Forall x y, Q x y -* Q' x y) -* a Q -* b Q'.
#[local] Definition Mret {T} (t : T) : M T :=
fun K => K t
#[local] Definition Mmap {T U} (f : T -> U) (t : M T) : M U :=
fun K => t (fun v => K (f v)).
Lemma Mmap_frame_strong {T U} c (f : T -> U) :
Mframe c c
|-- Forall Q Q', (Forall x y, Q (f x) y -* Q' (f x) y) -* Mmap f c Q -* Mmap f c Q'.
rewrite /Mframe/Mmap; iIntros "A" (??) "B".
iApply "A". iIntros (??); iApply "B".
Lemma Mmap_frame {T U} c (f : T -> U) :
Mframe c c |-- Mframe (Mmap f c) (Mmap f c).
rewrite /Mframe/Mmap; iIntros "A" (??) "B".
iApply "A". iIntros (??); iApply "B".
#[local] Definition Mbind {T U} (c : M T) (k : T -> M U) : M U :=
fun K => c (fun v f => k v (fun v' f' => K v' (f' >*> f)%free)).
Lemma Mbind_frame {T U} c (k : T -> M U) :
Mframe c c |-- (Forall x, Mframe (k x) (k x)) -* Mframe (Mbind c k) (Mbind c k).
rewrite /Mframe/Mbind; iIntros "A B" (??) "C".
iApply "A". iIntros (??). iApply "B".
iIntros (??); iApply "C".
Indeterminately sequenced computations
Note that FreeTemps.t is sequenced in reverse order of construction to encode the stack discipline guaranteed by C++. (CITATION NEEDED)
Definition nd_seq {T U} (wp1 : M T) (wp2 : M U) : M (T * U) :=
fun K => wp1 (fun v1 f1 => wp2 (fun v2 f2 => K (v1,v2) (f2 >*> f1)%free))
//\\ wp2 (fun v2 f2 => wp1 (fun v1 f1 => K (v1,v2) (f1 >*> f2)%free)).
Lemma nd_seq_frame {T U} wp1 wp2 :
Mframe wp1 wp1 |-- Mframe wp2 wp2 -* Mframe (@nd_seq T U wp1 wp2) (nd_seq wp1 wp2).
iIntros "A B" (??) "C D".
iSplit; [ iDestruct "D" as "[D _]" | iDestruct "D" as "[_ D]" ]; iRevert "D".
{ iApply "A". iIntros (??). iApply "B"; iIntros (??). iApply "C". }
{ iApply "B". iIntros (??). iApply "A"; iIntros (??). iApply "C". }
(* Lifting non-deterministic sequencing to lists.
NOTE: this is like the semantics of argument evaluation in C++.
Fixpoint nd_seqs' {T} (f : nat) (qs : list (M T)) {struct f} : M (list T) :=
match qs with
| nil => Mret nil
| _ :: _ =>
match f with
| 0 => funI _ => False
| S f => fun Q =>
Forall pre post q, [| qs = pre ++ q :: post |] -*
let lpre := length pre in
Mbind q (fun t => Mmap (fun ts => firstn lpre ts ++ t :: skipn lpre ts) (nd_seqs' f (pre ++ post))) Q
Definition nd_seqs {T} qs := @nd_seqs' T (length qs) qs.
Lemma nd_seqs'_frame_strong {T} n : forall (ls : list (M T)) Q Q',
n = length ls ->
Forall x y, [| length x = length ls |] -* Q x y -* Q' x y
|-- ([∗list] m ∈ ls, Mframe m m) -*
nd_seqs' n ls Q -* nd_seqs' n ls Q'.
induction n; simpl; intros.
{ case_match; eauto.
subst. simpl.
iIntros "X _". iApply "X". eauto. }
{ destruct ls. exfalso; simpl in *; congruence.
inversion H.
iIntros "X LS Y" (???) "%P".
iSpecialize ("Y" $! pre).
iSpecialize ("Y" $! post).
iSpecialize ("Y" $! q).
iDestruct ("Y" with "[]") as "Y"; first eauto.
rewrite P.
iDestruct "LS" as "(a&b&c)".
iRevert "Y". rewrite /Mbind.
iApply "b".
iIntros (??).
rewrite /Mmap.
assert (length ls = length (pre ++ post)).
{ have: (length (m :: ls) = length (pre ++ q :: post)) by rewrite P.
rewrite !length_app /=. lia. }
iDestruct (IHn with "[X]") as "X". eassumption.
iDestruct ("X" with "[a c]") as "X".
iSplitL "a"; eauto.
iApply "X". }
simpl. iIntros (??) "%". iApply "X".
revert H0 H1. rewrite !length_app/=.
intros. iPureIntro.
rewrite firstn_length_le; last lia.
rewrite length_skipn. lia. }
Lemma nd_seqs'_frame {T} n : forall (ls : list (M T)),
n = length ls ->
([∗list] m ∈ ls, Mframe m m)
|-- Mframe (nd_seqs' n ls) (nd_seqs' n ls).
induction n; simpl; intros.
{ case_match.
{ subst. simpl.
iIntros "_" (??) "X". iApply "X". }
{ iIntros "?" (??) "? []". } }
{ destruct ls. exfalso; simpl in *; congruence.
inversion H.
iIntros "LS" (??) "X Y"; iIntros (???) "%P".
iSpecialize ("Y" $! pre).
iSpecialize ("Y" $! post).
iSpecialize ("Y" $! q).
iDestruct ("Y" with "[]") as "Y"; first eauto.
rewrite P.
iDestruct "LS" as "(a&b&c)".
iRevert "Y".
iApply (Mbind_frame with "b [a c]"); eauto.
iIntros (?).
iApply Mmap_frame.
rewrite -H1.
iApply IHn.
{ have: (length (m :: ls) = length (pre ++ q :: post)) by rewrite P.
rewrite !length_app /=. lia. }
iSplitL "a"; eauto. }
Lemma nd_seqs_frame : forall {T} (ms : list (_ T)),
([∗list] m ∈ ms, Mframe m m) |-- Mframe (nd_seqs ms) (nd_seqs ms).
Proof. intros. by iApply nd_seqs'_frame. Qed.
(* sanity check on nd_seq and nd_seqs *)
Example nd_seq_example : forall {T} (a b : M T),
Proper (Mrel _) a -> Proper (Mrel _) b ->
Mequiv _ (nd_seqs [a;b]) (Mmap (fun '(a,b) => [a;b]) $ nd_seq a b).
rewrite /nd_seqs/=; intros.
rewrite /Mmap/nd_seq.
repeat intro.
{ iIntros "X".
{ iSpecialize ("X" $! nil [b] a eq_refl).
iRevert "X".
iApply H. repeat intro; simpl.
iIntros "X".
iSpecialize ("X" $! nil nil b eq_refl).
iRevert "X".
iApply H0. repeat intro; simpl.
rewrite /Mret.
rewrite (H1 _ _ _) => //. by rewrite FreeTemps.seq_id_unitL. }
{ iSpecialize ("X" $! [a] nil b eq_refl).
iRevert "X". iApply H0. repeat intro; simpl.
iIntros "X".
iSpecialize ("X" $! nil nil a eq_refl).
iRevert "X".
iApply H. repeat intro; simpl.
rewrite /Mret.
rewrite H1 => //. by rewrite FreeTemps.seq_id_unitL. } }
{ iIntros "X" (pre post m Horder).
destruct pre.
{ inversion Horder; subst.
iDestruct "X" as "[X _]".
rewrite /Mbind. iApply H; last iAssumption.
iIntros (??) => /=.
iIntros "X" (pre' post' m' Horder').
assert (pre' = [] /\ m' = b /\ post' = []) as [?[??]]; last subst.
{ clear - Horder'.
destruct pre'.
- inversion Horder'; subst; auto.
- destruct pre'; inversion Horder'. }
iApply H0; last iAssumption.
iIntros (??) => /=; rewrite /Mret/=.
rewrite H1 => //. by rewrite FreeTemps.seq_id_unitL. }
{ assert (a = m0 /\ b = m /\ pre = [] /\ post = []) as [?[?[??]]]; last subst.
{ clear -Horder.
inversion Horder; subst.
destruct pre; inversion H1; subst; eauto.
destruct pre; inversion H2. }
iDestruct "X" as "[_ X]".
rewrite /Mbind. iApply H0; last iAssumption.
iIntros (??) "H" => /=. iIntros (pre' post' m' Horder')=> /=.
assert (m0 = m' /\ pre' = [] /\ post' = []) as [?[??]]; last subst.
{ destruct pre'; inversion Horder'; subst; eauto.
destruct pre'; inversion H4. }
iApply H; last iAssumption.
iIntros (??). rewrite /=/Mret/=.
rewrite H1 => //.
by rewrite FreeTemps.seq_id_unitL. } }
fun K => wp1 (fun v1 f1 => wp2 (fun v2 f2 => K (v1,v2) (f2 >*> f1)%free))
//\\ wp2 (fun v2 f2 => wp1 (fun v1 f1 => K (v1,v2) (f1 >*> f2)%free)).
Lemma nd_seq_frame {T U} wp1 wp2 :
Mframe wp1 wp1 |-- Mframe wp2 wp2 -* Mframe (@nd_seq T U wp1 wp2) (nd_seq wp1 wp2).
iIntros "A B" (??) "C D".
iSplit; [ iDestruct "D" as "[D _]" | iDestruct "D" as "[_ D]" ]; iRevert "D".
{ iApply "A". iIntros (??). iApply "B"; iIntros (??). iApply "C". }
{ iApply "B". iIntros (??). iApply "A"; iIntros (??). iApply "C". }
(* Lifting non-deterministic sequencing to lists.
NOTE: this is like the semantics of argument evaluation in C++.
Fixpoint nd_seqs' {T} (f : nat) (qs : list (M T)) {struct f} : M (list T) :=
match qs with
| nil => Mret nil
| _ :: _ =>
match f with
| 0 => funI _ => False
| S f => fun Q =>
Forall pre post q, [| qs = pre ++ q :: post |] -*
let lpre := length pre in
Mbind q (fun t => Mmap (fun ts => firstn lpre ts ++ t :: skipn lpre ts) (nd_seqs' f (pre ++ post))) Q
Definition nd_seqs {T} qs := @nd_seqs' T (length qs) qs.
Lemma nd_seqs'_frame_strong {T} n : forall (ls : list (M T)) Q Q',
n = length ls ->
Forall x y, [| length x = length ls |] -* Q x y -* Q' x y
|-- ([∗list] m ∈ ls, Mframe m m) -*
nd_seqs' n ls Q -* nd_seqs' n ls Q'.
induction n; simpl; intros.
{ case_match; eauto.
subst. simpl.
iIntros "X _". iApply "X". eauto. }
{ destruct ls. exfalso; simpl in *; congruence.
inversion H.
iIntros "X LS Y" (???) "%P".
iSpecialize ("Y" $! pre).
iSpecialize ("Y" $! post).
iSpecialize ("Y" $! q).
iDestruct ("Y" with "[]") as "Y"; first eauto.
rewrite P.
iDestruct "LS" as "(a&b&c)".
iRevert "Y". rewrite /Mbind.
iApply "b".
iIntros (??).
rewrite /Mmap.
assert (length ls = length (pre ++ post)).
{ have: (length (m :: ls) = length (pre ++ q :: post)) by rewrite P.
rewrite !length_app /=. lia. }
iDestruct (IHn with "[X]") as "X". eassumption.
iDestruct ("X" with "[a c]") as "X".
iSplitL "a"; eauto.
iApply "X". }
simpl. iIntros (??) "%". iApply "X".
revert H0 H1. rewrite !length_app/=.
intros. iPureIntro.
rewrite firstn_length_le; last lia.
rewrite length_skipn. lia. }
Lemma nd_seqs'_frame {T} n : forall (ls : list (M T)),
n = length ls ->
([∗list] m ∈ ls, Mframe m m)
|-- Mframe (nd_seqs' n ls) (nd_seqs' n ls).
induction n; simpl; intros.
{ case_match.
{ subst. simpl.
iIntros "_" (??) "X". iApply "X". }
{ iIntros "?" (??) "? []". } }
{ destruct ls. exfalso; simpl in *; congruence.
inversion H.
iIntros "LS" (??) "X Y"; iIntros (???) "%P".
iSpecialize ("Y" $! pre).
iSpecialize ("Y" $! post).
iSpecialize ("Y" $! q).
iDestruct ("Y" with "[]") as "Y"; first eauto.
rewrite P.
iDestruct "LS" as "(a&b&c)".
iRevert "Y".
iApply (Mbind_frame with "b [a c]"); eauto.
iIntros (?).
iApply Mmap_frame.
rewrite -H1.
iApply IHn.
{ have: (length (m :: ls) = length (pre ++ q :: post)) by rewrite P.
rewrite !length_app /=. lia. }
iSplitL "a"; eauto. }
Lemma nd_seqs_frame : forall {T} (ms : list (_ T)),
([∗list] m ∈ ms, Mframe m m) |-- Mframe (nd_seqs ms) (nd_seqs ms).
Proof. intros. by iApply nd_seqs'_frame. Qed.
(* sanity check on nd_seq and nd_seqs *)
Example nd_seq_example : forall {T} (a b : M T),
Proper (Mrel _) a -> Proper (Mrel _) b ->
Mequiv _ (nd_seqs [a;b]) (Mmap (fun '(a,b) => [a;b]) $ nd_seq a b).
rewrite /nd_seqs/=; intros.
rewrite /Mmap/nd_seq.
repeat intro.
{ iIntros "X".
{ iSpecialize ("X" $! nil [b] a eq_refl).
iRevert "X".
iApply H. repeat intro; simpl.
iIntros "X".
iSpecialize ("X" $! nil nil b eq_refl).
iRevert "X".
iApply H0. repeat intro; simpl.
rewrite /Mret.
rewrite (H1 _ _ _) => //. by rewrite FreeTemps.seq_id_unitL. }
{ iSpecialize ("X" $! [a] nil b eq_refl).
iRevert "X". iApply H0. repeat intro; simpl.
iIntros "X".
iSpecialize ("X" $! nil nil a eq_refl).
iRevert "X".
iApply H. repeat intro; simpl.
rewrite /Mret.
rewrite H1 => //. by rewrite FreeTemps.seq_id_unitL. } }
{ iIntros "X" (pre post m Horder).
destruct pre.
{ inversion Horder; subst.
iDestruct "X" as "[X _]".
rewrite /Mbind. iApply H; last iAssumption.
iIntros (??) => /=.
iIntros "X" (pre' post' m' Horder').
assert (pre' = [] /\ m' = b /\ post' = []) as [?[??]]; last subst.
{ clear - Horder'.
destruct pre'.
- inversion Horder'; subst; auto.
- destruct pre'; inversion Horder'. }
iApply H0; last iAssumption.
iIntros (??) => /=; rewrite /Mret/=.
rewrite H1 => //. by rewrite FreeTemps.seq_id_unitL. }
{ assert (a = m0 /\ b = m /\ pre = [] /\ post = []) as [?[?[??]]]; last subst.
{ clear -Horder.
inversion Horder; subst.
destruct pre; inversion H1; subst; eauto.
destruct pre; inversion H2. }
iDestruct "X" as "[_ X]".
rewrite /Mbind. iApply H0; last iAssumption.
iIntros (??) "H" => /=. iIntros (pre' post' m' Horder')=> /=.
assert (m0 = m' /\ pre' = [] /\ post' = []) as [?[??]]; last subst.
{ destruct pre'; inversion Horder'; subst; eauto.
destruct pre'; inversion H4. }
iApply H; last iAssumption.
iIntros (??). rewrite /=/Mret/=.
rewrite H1 => //.
by rewrite FreeTemps.seq_id_unitL. } }
Definition Mseq {T U} (wp1 : M T) (wp2 : M U) : M (T * U) :=
Mbind wp1 (fun v => Mmap (fun x => (v, x)) wp2).
Lemma Mseq_frame {T U} wp1 wp2 :
Mframe wp1 wp1 |-- Mframe wp2 wp2 -* Mframe (@Mseq T U wp1 wp2) (Mseq wp1 wp2).
iIntros "A B" (??) "C".
rewrite /Mseq.
iApply (Mbind_frame with "A [B]"); last iAssumption.
iIntros (???) "X". iApply (Mmap_frame with "B"). done.
Mbind wp1 (fun v => Mmap (fun x => (v, x)) wp2).
Lemma Mseq_frame {T U} wp1 wp2 :
Mframe wp1 wp1 |-- Mframe wp2 wp2 -* Mframe (@Mseq T U wp1 wp2) (Mseq wp1 wp2).
iIntros "A B" (??) "C".
rewrite /Mseq.
iApply (Mbind_frame with "A [B]"); last iAssumption.
iIntros (???) "X". iApply (Mmap_frame with "B"). done.
Fixpoint seqs {T} (es : list (M T)) : M (list T) :=
match es with
| nil => Mret []
| e :: es => Mmap (fun '(a,b) => a:: b) (Mseq e (seqs es))
Lemma seqs_frame_strong {T} : forall (ls : list (M T)) Q Q',
([∗list] m ∈ ls, Mframe m m)%I
|-- (Forall x y, [| length x = length ls |] -* Q x y -* Q' x y) -*
(seqs ls Q) -* (seqs ls Q').
induction ls; simpl; intros.
- iIntros "_ X"; iApply "X"; eauto.
- iIntros "[A AS] K".
rewrite /Mbind. iApply "A".
iIntros (??).
iApply (IHls with "AS").
iIntros (???).
iApply "K". simpl. eauto.
match es with
| nil => Mret []
| e :: es => Mmap (fun '(a,b) => a:: b) (Mseq e (seqs es))
Lemma seqs_frame_strong {T} : forall (ls : list (M T)) Q Q',
([∗list] m ∈ ls, Mframe m m)%I
|-- (Forall x y, [| length x = length ls |] -* Q x y -* Q' x y) -*
(seqs ls Q) -* (seqs ls Q').
induction ls; simpl; intros.
- iIntros "_ X"; iApply "X"; eauto.
- iIntros "[A AS] K".
rewrite /Mbind. iApply "A".
iIntros (??).
iApply (IHls with "AS").
iIntros (???).
iApply "K". simpl. eauto.
interleaving of monadic values
Definition Mpar {T U} (wp1 : M T) (wp2 : M U) : M (T * U) :=
fun Q => Exists Q1 Q2, wp1 Q1 ** wp2 Q2 ** (Forall v1 v2 f1 f2, Q1 v1 f1 -* Q2 v2 f2 -* Q (v1,v2) (f1 |*| f2)%free).
Lemma Mpar_frame {T U} wp1 wp2 :
Mframe wp1 wp1 |-- Mframe wp2 wp2 -* Mframe (@Mpar T U wp1 wp2) (Mpar wp1 wp2).
iIntros "A B" (??) "C D".
rewrite /Mpar/Mframe.
iDestruct "D" as (??) "(D1 & D2 & K)".
iExists _, _.
iSplitL "D1 A".
iApply "A". 2: eauto. iIntros (??) "X"; iApply "X".
iSplitL "D2 B".
iApply "B". 2: eauto. iIntros (??) "X"; iApply "X".
iIntros (????) "A B". iApply "C". iApply ("K" with "A B").
fun Q => Exists Q1 Q2, wp1 Q1 ** wp2 Q2 ** (Forall v1 v2 f1 f2, Q1 v1 f1 -* Q2 v2 f2 -* Q (v1,v2) (f1 |*| f2)%free).
Lemma Mpar_frame {T U} wp1 wp2 :
Mframe wp1 wp1 |-- Mframe wp2 wp2 -* Mframe (@Mpar T U wp1 wp2) (Mpar wp1 wp2).
iIntros "A B" (??) "C D".
rewrite /Mpar/Mframe.
iDestruct "D" as (??) "(D1 & D2 & K)".
iExists _, _.
iSplitL "D1 A".
iApply "A". 2: eauto. iIntros (??) "X"; iApply "X".
iSplitL "D2 B".
iApply "B". 2: eauto. iIntros (??) "X"; iApply "X".
iIntros (????) "A B". iApply "C". iApply ("K" with "A B").
lifting Mpar to homogeneous lists
Fixpoint Mpars {T} (f : list (M T)) : M (list T) :=
match f with
| nil => Mret nil
| f :: fs => Mmap (fun '(v, vs) => v :: vs) $ Mpar f (Mpars fs)
Lemma Mpars_frame_strong {T} : forall (ls : list (M T)) Q Q',
([∗list] m ∈ ls, Mframe m m)%I
|-- (Forall x y, [| length x = length ls |] -* Q x y -* Q' x y) -*
(Mpars ls Q) -* (Mpars ls Q').
induction ls; simpl; intros.
- iIntros "_ X"; iApply "X"; eauto.
- iIntros "[A AS] K".
rewrite /Mmap.
rewrite /Mpar.
iIntros "X".
iDestruct "X" as (??) "(L & R & KK)".
iExists _, _. iFrame "L".
iDestruct (IHls with "AS [] R") as "IH".
2: iFrame "IH".
{ instantiate (1:=fun x y => [| length x = length ls |] ** Q2 x y).
iIntros (???) "$". eauto. }
iIntros (????) "? [% ?]".
iApply "K".
{ simpl. eauto. }
iApply ("KK" with "[$] [$]").
match f with
| nil => Mret nil
| f :: fs => Mmap (fun '(v, vs) => v :: vs) $ Mpar f (Mpars fs)
Lemma Mpars_frame_strong {T} : forall (ls : list (M T)) Q Q',
([∗list] m ∈ ls, Mframe m m)%I
|-- (Forall x y, [| length x = length ls |] -* Q x y -* Q' x y) -*
(Mpars ls Q) -* (Mpars ls Q').
induction ls; simpl; intros.
- iIntros "_ X"; iApply "X"; eauto.
- iIntros "[A AS] K".
rewrite /Mmap.
rewrite /Mpar.
iIntros "X".
iDestruct "X" as (??) "(L & R & KK)".
iExists _, _. iFrame "L".
iDestruct (IHls with "AS [] R") as "IH".
2: iFrame "IH".
{ instantiate (1:=fun x y => [| length x = length ls |] ** Q2 x y).
iIntros (???) "$". eauto. }
iIntros (????) "? [% ?]".
iApply "K".
{ simpl. eauto. }
iApply ("KK" with "[$] [$]").
Definition eval2 (eo : evaluation_order.t) {T U} (e1 : M T) (e2 : M U) : M (T * U) :=
match eo with
| evaluation_order.nd => nd_seq e1 e2
| evaluation_order.l_nd => Mseq e1 e2
| evaluation_order.rl => Mmap (fun '(a,b) => (b,a)) $ Mseq e2 e1
match eo with
| evaluation_order.nd => nd_seq e1 e2
| evaluation_order.l_nd => Mseq e1 e2
| evaluation_order.rl => Mmap (fun '(a,b) => (b,a)) $ Mseq e2 e1
evals eo es evaluates es according to the evaluation scheme eo
Definition eval (eo : evaluation_order.t) {T} (es : list (M T)) : M (list T) :=
match eo with
| evaluation_order.nd => nd_seqs es
| evaluation_order.l_nd =>
match es with
| e :: es => Mbind e (fun v => Mmap (fun vs => v :: vs) (nd_seqs es))
| [] => Mret []
| evaluation_order.rl => Mmap (@rev _) (seqs (rev es))
Lemma eval_frame_strong {T} oe : forall (ls : list (M T)) Q Q',
([∗list] m ∈ ls, Mframe m m)%I
|-- (Forall x y, [| length x = length ls |] -* Q x y -* Q' x y) -*
eval oe ls Q -* eval oe ls Q'.
destruct oe; intros.
- rewrite /=/nd_seqs. iIntros "A B".
iApply (nd_seqs'_frame_strong with "B A"). done.
- simpl.
destruct ls; simpl.
{ iIntros "_ X"; iApply "X". done. }
{ iIntros "[X Y] K".
iApply "X". iIntros (??).
iApply (nd_seqs'_frame_strong with "[K] Y"); eauto.
iIntros (???).
rewrite /Mret.
iApply "K". simpl; eauto. }
- simpl.
iIntros "X K".
rewrite /Mmap. iApply (seqs_frame_strong with "[X]").
{ iStopProof. induction ls; simpl; eauto.
iIntros "[$ K]".
iDestruct (IHls with "K") as "$". eauto. }
{ iIntros (???); iApply "K".
rewrite length_rev. eauto. rewrite -(length_rev ls). eauto. }
(* The expressions in the C++ language are categorized into five
* "value categories" as defined in:
* * * - "A glvalue is an expression whose evaluation determines the identity of * an object or function." *
* - "A prvalue is an expression whose evaluation initializes an object or
* computes the value of an operand of an operator, as specified by the
* context in which it appears, or an expression that has type cv void."
* * - "An xvalue is a glvalue that denotes an object whose resources can be * reused (usually because it is near the end of its lifetime)." *
* - "An lvalue is a glvalue that is not an xvalue."
* * - "An rvalue is a prvalue or an xvalue." *
match eo with
| evaluation_order.nd => nd_seqs es
| evaluation_order.l_nd =>
match es with
| e :: es => Mbind e (fun v => Mmap (fun vs => v :: vs) (nd_seqs es))
| [] => Mret []
| evaluation_order.rl => Mmap (@rev _) (seqs (rev es))
Lemma eval_frame_strong {T} oe : forall (ls : list (M T)) Q Q',
([∗list] m ∈ ls, Mframe m m)%I
|-- (Forall x y, [| length x = length ls |] -* Q x y -* Q' x y) -*
eval oe ls Q -* eval oe ls Q'.
destruct oe; intros.
- rewrite /=/nd_seqs. iIntros "A B".
iApply (nd_seqs'_frame_strong with "B A"). done.
- simpl.
destruct ls; simpl.
{ iIntros "_ X"; iApply "X". done. }
{ iIntros "[X Y] K".
iApply "X". iIntros (??).
iApply (nd_seqs'_frame_strong with "[K] Y"); eauto.
iIntros (???).
rewrite /Mret.
iApply "K". simpl; eauto. }
- simpl.
iIntros "X K".
rewrite /Mmap. iApply (seqs_frame_strong with "[X]").
{ iStopProof. induction ls; simpl; eauto.
iIntros "[$ K]".
iDestruct (IHls with "K") as "$". eauto. }
{ iIntros (???); iApply "K".
rewrite length_rev. eauto. rewrite -(length_rev ls). eauto. }
(* The expressions in the C++ language are categorized into five
* "value categories" as defined in:
* * * - "A glvalue is an expression whose evaluation determines the identity of * an object or function." *
* - "A prvalue is an expression whose evaluation initializes an object or
* computes the value of an operand of an operator, as specified by the
* context in which it appears, or an expression that has type cv void."
* * - "An xvalue is a glvalue that denotes an object whose resources can be * reused (usually because it is near the end of its lifetime)." *
* - "An lvalue is a glvalue that is not an xvalue."
* * - "An rvalue is a prvalue or an xvalue." *
(* BEGIN wp_lval *)
(* wp_lval σ E ρ e Q evaluates the expression e in region ρ
* with mask E and continutation Q.
Parameter wp_lval
: forall {resolve:genv}, translation_unit -> region -> Expr -> M ptr.
(* END wp_lval *)
Axiom wp_lval_shift : forall {σ:genv} tu ρ e Q,
(|={top}=> wp_lval tu ρ e (fun v free => |={top}=> Q v free))
⊢ wp_lval tu ρ e Q.
(* Proposal (the same thing for wp_xval)
- this would require has_type (Tref $ Tnamed x) (Vref r) ~ strict_valid_ptr r ** [| aligned (Tnamed x) .. |]
- this would require has_type (Tref $ Tarray x n) (Vptr r) ~ strict_valid_ptr r ** [| aligned x r |]
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - just valid_ptr if n = 0?
^^^^ this is questionable because of materialized references
struct X {};
struct C {
int a;
int& b;
int&& c;
X d;
X& e;
X&& f;
X g1;
X& g1;
* primR_observe_has_type states: primR ty q v |-- has_type v ty.
We use primR (Tref ty) q v to materialize a reference.
It would be nice if we had p |-> primR ty q v |-- has_type (Vref p) (Tref ty), but this
will only work when ty is not a reference type (potentially also <<void>>).
we need.
- has_type (Vref r) (Tref ty) -|- [strict_valid_ptr r ** aligned_ptr_ty ty r] (this rule has a problem with function references because there is no alignment for functions) Two options: 1. functions have 1 alignment 2. there is a special rule for [has_type (Vref r) (Tref (Tfunction ..))] that ignores this - *)
Axiom wp_lval_well_typed : forall {σ:genv} tu ρ e Q,
wp_lval tu ρ e (fun v free => reference_to (type_of e) v -* Q v free)
⊢ wp_lval tu ρ e Q.
Axiom wp_lval_models : forall {σ:genv} tu ρ e Q,
denoteModule tu -* wp_lval tu ρ e Q
⊢ wp_lval tu ρ e Q.
Axiom wp_lval_frame :
forall σ tu1 tu2 ρ e k1 k2,
sub_module tu1 tu2 ->
Forall v f, k1 v f -* k2 v f |-- @wp_lval σ tu1 ρ e k1 -* @wp_lval σ tu2 ρ e k2.
Section wp_lval_proper.
Context {σ : genv}.
#[local] Notation PROPER M R :=
(Proper (M ==> eq ==> eq ==> pointwise_relation _ (pointwise_relation _ R) ==> R) (@wp_lval σ)) (only parsing).
#[global] Declare Instance wp_lval_ne : forall n, PROPER eq (dist n).
#[global] Instance wp_lval_mono : PROPER sub_module (⊢).
repeat red. intros; subst.
iIntros "X". iRevert "X".
iApply wp_lval_frame; eauto.
iIntros (v). iIntros (f). iApply H2.
#[global] Instance wp_lval_flip_mono : PROPER (flip sub_module) (flip (⊢)).
Proof. repeat intro. red. apply: wp_lval_mono; eauto. Qed.
#[global] Instance wp_lval_proper : PROPER eq (⊣⊢).
do 12 intro; subst.
split'; apply wp_lval_mono; try done.
all: by move => ??; rewrite H2.
End wp_lval_proper.
Section wp_lval.
Context {σ : genv} (tu : translation_unit) (ρ : region) (e : Expr).
#[local] Notation WP := (wp_lval tu ρ e) (only parsing).
Implicit Types P : mpred.
Implicit Types Q : ptr → FreeTemps → epred.
Lemma wp_lval_wand Q1 Q2 : WP Q1 |-- (∀ v f, Q1 v f -* Q2 v f) -* WP Q2.
Proof. iIntros "Hwp HK". by iApply (wp_lval_frame with "HK Hwp"). Qed.
Lemma fupd_wp_lval Q : (|={top}=> WP Q) |-- WP Q.
rewrite -{2}wp_lval_shift. apply fupd_elim. rewrite -fupd_intro.
iIntros "Hwp". iApply (wp_lval_wand with "Hwp"). auto.
Lemma wp_lval_fupd Q : WP (λ v f, |={top}=> Q v f) |-- WP Q.
Proof. iIntros "Hwp". by iApply (wp_lval_shift with "[$Hwp]"). Qed.
(* proof mode *)
#[global] Instance elim_modal_fupd_wp_lval p P Q :
ElimModal True p false (|={top}=> P) P (WP Q) (WP Q).
rewrite /ElimModal. rewrite bi.intuitionistically_if_elim/=.
by rewrite fupd_frame_r bi.wand_elim_r fupd_wp_lval.
#[global] Instance elim_modal_bupd_wp_lval p P Q :
ElimModal True p false (|==> P) P (WP Q) (WP Q).
rewrite /ElimModal (bupd_fupd top). exact: elim_modal_fupd_wp_lval.
#[global] Instance add_modal_fupd_wp_lval P Q : AddModal (|={top}=> P) P (WP Q).
rewrite/AddModal. by rewrite fupd_frame_r bi.wand_elim_r fupd_wp_lval.
End wp_lval.
(* wp_lval σ E ρ e Q evaluates the expression e in region ρ
* with mask E and continutation Q.
Parameter wp_lval
: forall {resolve:genv}, translation_unit -> region -> Expr -> M ptr.
(* END wp_lval *)
Axiom wp_lval_shift : forall {σ:genv} tu ρ e Q,
(|={top}=> wp_lval tu ρ e (fun v free => |={top}=> Q v free))
⊢ wp_lval tu ρ e Q.
(* Proposal (the same thing for wp_xval)
- this would require has_type (Tref $ Tnamed x) (Vref r) ~ strict_valid_ptr r ** [| aligned (Tnamed x) .. |]
- this would require has_type (Tref $ Tarray x n) (Vptr r) ~ strict_valid_ptr r ** [| aligned x r |]
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - just valid_ptr if n = 0?
^^^^ this is questionable because of materialized references
struct X {};
struct C {
int a;
int& b;
int&& c;
X d;
X& e;
X&& f;
X g1;
X& g1;
* primR_observe_has_type states: primR ty q v |-- has_type v ty.
We use primR (Tref ty) q v to materialize a reference.
It would be nice if we had p |-> primR ty q v |-- has_type (Vref p) (Tref ty), but this
will only work when ty is not a reference type (potentially also <<void>>).
we need.
- has_type (Vref r) (Tref ty) -|- [strict_valid_ptr r ** aligned_ptr_ty ty r] (this rule has a problem with function references because there is no alignment for functions) Two options: 1. functions have 1 alignment 2. there is a special rule for [has_type (Vref r) (Tref (Tfunction ..))] that ignores this - *)
Axiom wp_lval_well_typed : forall {σ:genv} tu ρ e Q,
wp_lval tu ρ e (fun v free => reference_to (type_of e) v -* Q v free)
⊢ wp_lval tu ρ e Q.
Axiom wp_lval_models : forall {σ:genv} tu ρ e Q,
denoteModule tu -* wp_lval tu ρ e Q
⊢ wp_lval tu ρ e Q.
Axiom wp_lval_frame :
forall σ tu1 tu2 ρ e k1 k2,
sub_module tu1 tu2 ->
Forall v f, k1 v f -* k2 v f |-- @wp_lval σ tu1 ρ e k1 -* @wp_lval σ tu2 ρ e k2.
Section wp_lval_proper.
Context {σ : genv}.
#[local] Notation PROPER M R :=
(Proper (M ==> eq ==> eq ==> pointwise_relation _ (pointwise_relation _ R) ==> R) (@wp_lval σ)) (only parsing).
#[global] Declare Instance wp_lval_ne : forall n, PROPER eq (dist n).
#[global] Instance wp_lval_mono : PROPER sub_module (⊢).
repeat red. intros; subst.
iIntros "X". iRevert "X".
iApply wp_lval_frame; eauto.
iIntros (v). iIntros (f). iApply H2.
#[global] Instance wp_lval_flip_mono : PROPER (flip sub_module) (flip (⊢)).
Proof. repeat intro. red. apply: wp_lval_mono; eauto. Qed.
#[global] Instance wp_lval_proper : PROPER eq (⊣⊢).
do 12 intro; subst.
split'; apply wp_lval_mono; try done.
all: by move => ??; rewrite H2.
End wp_lval_proper.
Section wp_lval.
Context {σ : genv} (tu : translation_unit) (ρ : region) (e : Expr).
#[local] Notation WP := (wp_lval tu ρ e) (only parsing).
Implicit Types P : mpred.
Implicit Types Q : ptr → FreeTemps → epred.
Lemma wp_lval_wand Q1 Q2 : WP Q1 |-- (∀ v f, Q1 v f -* Q2 v f) -* WP Q2.
Proof. iIntros "Hwp HK". by iApply (wp_lval_frame with "HK Hwp"). Qed.
Lemma fupd_wp_lval Q : (|={top}=> WP Q) |-- WP Q.
rewrite -{2}wp_lval_shift. apply fupd_elim. rewrite -fupd_intro.
iIntros "Hwp". iApply (wp_lval_wand with "Hwp"). auto.
Lemma wp_lval_fupd Q : WP (λ v f, |={top}=> Q v f) |-- WP Q.
Proof. iIntros "Hwp". by iApply (wp_lval_shift with "[$Hwp]"). Qed.
(* proof mode *)
#[global] Instance elim_modal_fupd_wp_lval p P Q :
ElimModal True p false (|={top}=> P) P (WP Q) (WP Q).
rewrite /ElimModal. rewrite bi.intuitionistically_if_elim/=.
by rewrite fupd_frame_r bi.wand_elim_r fupd_wp_lval.
#[global] Instance elim_modal_bupd_wp_lval p P Q :
ElimModal True p false (|==> P) P (WP Q) (WP Q).
rewrite /ElimModal (bupd_fupd top). exact: elim_modal_fupd_wp_lval.
#[global] Instance add_modal_fupd_wp_lval P Q : AddModal (|={top}=> P) P (WP Q).
rewrite/AddModal. by rewrite fupd_frame_r bi.wand_elim_r fupd_wp_lval.
End wp_lval.
* there are two distinct weakest pre-conditions for this corresponding to the
* standard text:
* "A prvalue is an expression whose evaluation...
* 1. initializes an object, or
* 2. computes the value of an operand of an operator,
* as specified by the context in which it appears,..."
(* BEGIN wp_init *)
(* evaluate a prvalue that "initializes an object".
wp_init tu ρ ty p e Q evaluates e to initialize a value of type ty
at location p in the region ρ. The continuation Q is passed the
FreeTemps.t needed to destroy temporaries created while evaluating e,
but does *not* include the destruction of p.
The type ty and the type of the expression, i.e. type_of e, are related
but not always the same. We call ty the *dynamic type* and type_of e
the *static type*. The two types should always be compatible, but the dynamic
type might have more information. For example, in the expression:
int n = 7;
auto p = new C[n]{};
When running the initializer to initialize the memory returned by new,
the dynamic type will be Tarray "C" 7, while the static type will be
Tarray "C" 0 (the 0 is an artifact of clang).
The memory that is being initialized is already owned by the C++ abstract
machine. Therefore, schematically, a wp_init ty addr e Q looks like the
following: [ addr |-> R ... 1 -* Q ] This choice means that a thread
needs to give up the memory to the abstract machine when it transitions to
running a wp_init. In the case of stack allocation, there is nothing to
do here, but in the case of new, the memory must be given up.
The C++ standard has many forms of initialization (see
<>). The Clang frontend (and therefore our
AST) implements the different forms of initialization through elaboration.
For example, in aggregate pass-by-value the standard states that copy
initialization <> is used; however, the BRiCk AST contains an explicit [Econstructor] in the AST to represent this. This seems necessary to have a uniform representation of the various evoluations of initialization between different standards, e.g. C++14, C++17, etc. NOTE: this is morally [M unit], but we inline the definition of [M] and ellide the [unit] value. *)
Parameter wp_init
: forall {resolve:genv}, translation_unit -> region ->
exprtype -> ptr -> Expr ->
(FreeTemps -> epred) -> (* free -> post *)
mpred. (* pre-condition *)
(* END wp_init *)
Axiom wp_init_shift : forall {σ:genv} tu ρ ty p e Q,
(|={top}=> wp_init tu ρ ty p e (fun frees => |={top}=> Q frees))
⊢ wp_init tu ρ ty p e Q.
Axiom wp_init_models : forall {σ:genv} tu ty ρ p e Q,
denoteModule tu -* wp_init tu ρ ty p e Q
⊢ wp_init tu ρ ty p e Q.
Axiom wp_init_well_typed : forall {σ:genv} tu ty ρ p e Q,
wp_init tu ρ ty p e (fun frees => reference_to ty p -* Q frees)
⊢ wp_init tu ρ ty p e Q.
Axiom wp_init_frame : forall σ tu1 tu2 ρ ty p e k1 k2,
sub_module tu1 tu2 ->
Forall fs, k1 fs -* k2 fs |-- @wp_init σ tu1 ρ ty p e k1 -* @wp_init σ tu2 ρ ty p e k2.
* there are two distinct weakest pre-conditions for this corresponding to the
* standard text:
* "A prvalue is an expression whose evaluation...
* 1. initializes an object, or
* 2. computes the value of an operand of an operator,
* as specified by the context in which it appears,..."
(* BEGIN wp_init *)
(* evaluate a prvalue that "initializes an object".
wp_init tu ρ ty p e Q evaluates e to initialize a value of type ty
at location p in the region ρ. The continuation Q is passed the
FreeTemps.t needed to destroy temporaries created while evaluating e,
but does *not* include the destruction of p.
The type ty and the type of the expression, i.e. type_of e, are related
but not always the same. We call ty the *dynamic type* and type_of e
the *static type*. The two types should always be compatible, but the dynamic
type might have more information. For example, in the expression:
int n = 7;
auto p = new C[n]{};
the dynamic type will be Tarray "C" 7, while the static type will be
Tarray "C" 0 (the 0 is an artifact of clang).
The memory that is being initialized is already owned by the C++ abstract
machine. Therefore, schematically, a wp_init ty addr e Q looks like the
following: [ addr |-> R ... 1 -* Q ] This choice means that a thread
needs to give up the memory to the abstract machine when it transitions to
running a wp_init. In the case of stack allocation, there is nothing to
do here, but in the case of new, the memory must be given up.
The C++ standard has many forms of initialization (see
<>). The Clang frontend (and therefore our
AST) implements the different forms of initialization through elaboration.
For example, in aggregate pass-by-value the standard states that copy
initialization <> is used; however, the BRiCk AST contains an explicit [Econstructor] in the AST to represent this. This seems necessary to have a uniform representation of the various evoluations of initialization between different standards, e.g. C++14, C++17, etc. NOTE: this is morally [M unit], but we inline the definition of [M] and ellide the [unit] value. *)
Parameter wp_init
: forall {resolve:genv}, translation_unit -> region ->
exprtype -> ptr -> Expr ->
(FreeTemps -> epred) -> (* free -> post *)
mpred. (* pre-condition *)
(* END wp_init *)
Axiom wp_init_shift : forall {σ:genv} tu ρ ty p e Q,
(|={top}=> wp_init tu ρ ty p e (fun frees => |={top}=> Q frees))
⊢ wp_init tu ρ ty p e Q.
Axiom wp_init_models : forall {σ:genv} tu ty ρ p e Q,
denoteModule tu -* wp_init tu ρ ty p e Q
⊢ wp_init tu ρ ty p e Q.
Axiom wp_init_well_typed : forall {σ:genv} tu ty ρ p e Q,
wp_init tu ρ ty p e (fun frees => reference_to ty p -* Q frees)
⊢ wp_init tu ρ ty p e Q.
Axiom wp_init_frame : forall σ tu1 tu2 ρ ty p e k1 k2,
sub_module tu1 tu2 ->
Forall fs, k1 fs -* k2 fs |-- @wp_init σ tu1 ρ ty p e k1 -* @wp_init σ tu2 ρ ty p e k2.
Separate from wp_init_frame because it'll likely have to be proved
separately (by induction on the type equivalence).
Axiom wp_init_type_equiv : forall (σ : genv) tu ρ ty1 ty2 p e Q,
ty1 ≡ ty2 -> wp_init tu ρ ty1 p e Q -|- wp_init tu ρ ty2 p e Q.
Section wp_init_proper.
Context {σ : genv}.
#[local] Notation PROPER T R := (
Proper (
T ==> eq ==> equiv ==> eq ==> eq ==>
pointwise_relation _ R ==> R
) (@wp_init σ)
) (only parsing).
#[global] Declare Instance wp_init_ne : forall n, PROPER eq (dist n).
#[global] Instance wp_init_mono : PROPER sub_module bi_entails.
intros tu1 tu2 ? ρ?<- t1 t2 Ht p?<- e?<- Q1 Q2 HQ. iIntros "wp".
iApply wp_init_type_equiv; [done|].
iApply (wp_init_frame with "[] wp"); [done|]. iIntros (?).
iApply HQ.
#[global] Instance wp_init_flip_mono : PROPER (flip sub_module) (flip bi_entails).
Proof. repeat intro. exact: wp_init_mono. Qed.
#[global] Instance wp_init_proper : PROPER eq equiv.
intros tu?<- ρ?<- t1 t2 Ht p?<- e?<- Q1 Q2 HQ.
split'; apply wp_init_mono; try done.
all: by intros f; rewrite HQ.
End wp_init_proper.
Section wp_init.
Context {σ : genv} (tu : translation_unit) (ρ : region) (ty : type) (p : ptr) (e : Expr).
#[local] Notation WP := (wp_init tu ρ ty p e) (only parsing).
Implicit Types P : mpred.
Implicit Types Q : FreeTemps → epred.
Lemma wp_init_wand Q1 Q2 : WP Q1 |-- (∀ fs, Q1 fs -* Q2 fs) -* WP Q2.
Proof. iIntros "Hwp HK". by iApply (wp_init_frame with "HK Hwp"). Qed.
Lemma fupd_wp_init Q : (|={top}=> WP Q) |-- WP Q.
rewrite -{2}wp_init_shift. apply fupd_elim. rewrite -fupd_intro.
iIntros "Hwp". iApply (wp_init_wand with "Hwp"). auto.
Lemma wp_init_fupd Q : WP (λ fs, |={top}=> Q fs) |-- WP Q.
Proof. iIntros "Hwp". by iApply (wp_init_shift with "[$Hwp]"). Qed.
(* proof mode *)
#[global] Instance elim_modal_fupd_wp_init q P Q :
ElimModal True q false (|={top}=> P) P (WP Q) (WP Q).
rewrite /ElimModal. rewrite bi.intuitionistically_if_elim/=.
by rewrite fupd_frame_r bi.wand_elim_r fupd_wp_init.
#[global] Instance elim_modal_bupd_wp_init q P Q :
ElimModal True q false (|==> P) P (WP Q) (WP Q).
rewrite /ElimModal (bupd_fupd top). exact: elim_modal_fupd_wp_init.
#[global] Instance add_modal_fupd_wp_init P Q : AddModal (|={top}=> P) P (WP Q).
rewrite/AddModal. by rewrite fupd_frame_r bi.wand_elim_r fupd_wp_init.
End wp_init.
(* BEGIN wp_prval *)
Definition wp_prval {resolve:genv} (tu : translation_unit) (ρ : region)
(e : Expr) (Q : ptr -> FreeTemps -> epred) : mpred :=
∀ p : ptr, wp_init tu ρ (type_of e) p e (Q p).
(* END wp_prval *)
#[global] Instance wp_prval_ne : forall σ n,
Proper (eq ==> eq ==> eq ==> pointwise_relation _ (pointwise_relation _ (dist n)) ==> dist n) (@wp_prval σ).
Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
ty1 ≡ ty2 -> wp_init tu ρ ty1 p e Q -|- wp_init tu ρ ty2 p e Q.
Section wp_init_proper.
Context {σ : genv}.
#[local] Notation PROPER T R := (
Proper (
T ==> eq ==> equiv ==> eq ==> eq ==>
pointwise_relation _ R ==> R
) (@wp_init σ)
) (only parsing).
#[global] Declare Instance wp_init_ne : forall n, PROPER eq (dist n).
#[global] Instance wp_init_mono : PROPER sub_module bi_entails.
intros tu1 tu2 ? ρ?<- t1 t2 Ht p?<- e?<- Q1 Q2 HQ. iIntros "wp".
iApply wp_init_type_equiv; [done|].
iApply (wp_init_frame with "[] wp"); [done|]. iIntros (?).
iApply HQ.
#[global] Instance wp_init_flip_mono : PROPER (flip sub_module) (flip bi_entails).
Proof. repeat intro. exact: wp_init_mono. Qed.
#[global] Instance wp_init_proper : PROPER eq equiv.
intros tu?<- ρ?<- t1 t2 Ht p?<- e?<- Q1 Q2 HQ.
split'; apply wp_init_mono; try done.
all: by intros f; rewrite HQ.
End wp_init_proper.
Section wp_init.
Context {σ : genv} (tu : translation_unit) (ρ : region) (ty : type) (p : ptr) (e : Expr).
#[local] Notation WP := (wp_init tu ρ ty p e) (only parsing).
Implicit Types P : mpred.
Implicit Types Q : FreeTemps → epred.
Lemma wp_init_wand Q1 Q2 : WP Q1 |-- (∀ fs, Q1 fs -* Q2 fs) -* WP Q2.
Proof. iIntros "Hwp HK". by iApply (wp_init_frame with "HK Hwp"). Qed.
Lemma fupd_wp_init Q : (|={top}=> WP Q) |-- WP Q.
rewrite -{2}wp_init_shift. apply fupd_elim. rewrite -fupd_intro.
iIntros "Hwp". iApply (wp_init_wand with "Hwp"). auto.
Lemma wp_init_fupd Q : WP (λ fs, |={top}=> Q fs) |-- WP Q.
Proof. iIntros "Hwp". by iApply (wp_init_shift with "[$Hwp]"). Qed.
(* proof mode *)
#[global] Instance elim_modal_fupd_wp_init q P Q :
ElimModal True q false (|={top}=> P) P (WP Q) (WP Q).
rewrite /ElimModal. rewrite bi.intuitionistically_if_elim/=.
by rewrite fupd_frame_r bi.wand_elim_r fupd_wp_init.
#[global] Instance elim_modal_bupd_wp_init q P Q :
ElimModal True q false (|==> P) P (WP Q) (WP Q).
rewrite /ElimModal (bupd_fupd top). exact: elim_modal_fupd_wp_init.
#[global] Instance add_modal_fupd_wp_init P Q : AddModal (|={top}=> P) P (WP Q).
rewrite/AddModal. by rewrite fupd_frame_r bi.wand_elim_r fupd_wp_init.
End wp_init.
(* BEGIN wp_prval *)
Definition wp_prval {resolve:genv} (tu : translation_unit) (ρ : region)
(e : Expr) (Q : ptr -> FreeTemps -> epred) : mpred :=
∀ p : ptr, wp_init tu ρ (type_of e) p e (Q p).
(* END wp_prval *)
#[global] Instance wp_prval_ne : forall σ n,
Proper (eq ==> eq ==> eq ==> pointwise_relation _ (pointwise_relation _ (dist n)) ==> dist n) (@wp_prval σ).
Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
TODO prove instances for wp_prval
(* BEGIN wp_operand *)
(* evaluate a prvalue that "computes the value of an operand of an operator"
Parameter wp_operand : forall {resolve:genv}, translation_unit -> region -> Expr -> M val.
(* END wp_operand *)
Axiom wp_operand_shift : forall {σ:genv} tu ρ e Q,
(|={top}=> wp_operand tu ρ e (fun v free => |={top}=> Q v free))
⊢ wp_operand (resolve:=σ) tu ρ e Q.
Axiom wp_operand_models : forall {σ:genv} tu ρ e Q,
denoteModule tu -* wp_operand tu ρ e Q
⊢ wp_operand tu ρ e Q.
Axiom wp_operand_frame :
forall σ tu1 tu2 ρ e k1 k2,
sub_module tu1 tu2 ->
Forall v f, k1 v f -* k2 v f |-- @wp_operand σ tu1 ρ e k1 -* @wp_operand σ tu2 ρ e k2.
C++ evaluation semantics guarantees that all expressions of type t that
evaluate without UB evaluate to a well-typed value of type t
Axiom wp_operand_well_typed : forall {σ : genv} tu ρ e Q,
wp_operand tu ρ e (fun v frees => has_type v (type_of e) -* Q v frees)
|-- wp_operand tu ρ e Q.
Section wp_operand_proper.
Context {σ : genv}.
#[local] Notation PROPER M R :=
(Proper (M ==> eq ==> eq ==> pointwise_relation _ (pointwise_relation _ R) ==> R) (@wp_operand σ)) (only parsing).
#[global] Declare Instance wp_operand_ne : forall n, PROPER eq (dist n).
#[global] Instance wp_operand_mono : PROPER sub_module (⊢).
repeat red. intros; subst.
iIntros "X". iRevert "X".
iApply wp_operand_frame; eauto.
iIntros (v). iIntros (f). iApply H2.
#[global] Instance wp_operand_flip_mono : PROPER (flip sub_module) (flip (⊢)).
Proof. repeat intro. red. apply wp_operand_mono => //. Qed.
#[global] Instance wp_operand_proper : PROPER eq (⊣⊢).
do 12 intro; subst.
split'; apply wp_operand_mono; try done.
all: by move => ??; rewrite H2.
End wp_operand_proper.
Section wp_operand.
Context {σ : genv} (tu : translation_unit) (ρ : region) (e : Expr).
#[local] Notation WP := (wp_operand tu ρ e) (only parsing).
Implicit Types P : mpred.
Implicit Types Q : val → FreeTemps → epred.
Lemma wp_operand_wand Q1 Q2 : WP Q1 |-- (∀ v f, Q1 v f -* Q2 v f) -* WP Q2.
Proof. iIntros "Hwp HK". by iApply (wp_operand_frame with "HK Hwp"). Qed.
Lemma fupd_wp_operand Q : (|={top}=> WP Q) |-- WP Q.
rewrite -{2}wp_operand_shift. apply fupd_elim. rewrite -fupd_intro.
iIntros "Hwp". iApply (wp_operand_wand with "Hwp"). auto.
Lemma wp_operand_fupd Q : WP (λ v f, |={top}=> Q v f) |-- WP Q.
Proof. iIntros "Hwp". by iApply (wp_operand_shift with "[$Hwp]"). Qed.
(* proof mode *)
#[global] Instance elim_modal_fupd_wp_operand p P Q :
ElimModal True p false (|={top}=> P) P (WP Q) (WP Q).
rewrite /ElimModal. rewrite bi.intuitionistically_if_elim/=.
by rewrite fupd_frame_r bi.wand_elim_r fupd_wp_operand.
#[global] Instance elim_modal_bupd_wp_operand p P Q :
ElimModal True p false (|==> P) P (WP Q) (WP Q).
rewrite /ElimModal (bupd_fupd top). exact: elim_modal_fupd_wp_operand.
#[global] Instance add_modal_fupd_wp_operand P Q : AddModal (|={top}=> P) P (WP Q).
rewrite/AddModal. by rewrite fupd_frame_r bi.wand_elim_r fupd_wp_operand.
End wp_operand.
wp_operand tu ρ e (fun v frees => has_type v (type_of e) -* Q v frees)
|-- wp_operand tu ρ e Q.
Section wp_operand_proper.
Context {σ : genv}.
#[local] Notation PROPER M R :=
(Proper (M ==> eq ==> eq ==> pointwise_relation _ (pointwise_relation _ R) ==> R) (@wp_operand σ)) (only parsing).
#[global] Declare Instance wp_operand_ne : forall n, PROPER eq (dist n).
#[global] Instance wp_operand_mono : PROPER sub_module (⊢).
repeat red. intros; subst.
iIntros "X". iRevert "X".
iApply wp_operand_frame; eauto.
iIntros (v). iIntros (f). iApply H2.
#[global] Instance wp_operand_flip_mono : PROPER (flip sub_module) (flip (⊢)).
Proof. repeat intro. red. apply wp_operand_mono => //. Qed.
#[global] Instance wp_operand_proper : PROPER eq (⊣⊢).
do 12 intro; subst.
split'; apply wp_operand_mono; try done.
all: by move => ??; rewrite H2.
End wp_operand_proper.
Section wp_operand.
Context {σ : genv} (tu : translation_unit) (ρ : region) (e : Expr).
#[local] Notation WP := (wp_operand tu ρ e) (only parsing).
Implicit Types P : mpred.
Implicit Types Q : val → FreeTemps → epred.
Lemma wp_operand_wand Q1 Q2 : WP Q1 |-- (∀ v f, Q1 v f -* Q2 v f) -* WP Q2.
Proof. iIntros "Hwp HK". by iApply (wp_operand_frame with "HK Hwp"). Qed.
Lemma fupd_wp_operand Q : (|={top}=> WP Q) |-- WP Q.
rewrite -{2}wp_operand_shift. apply fupd_elim. rewrite -fupd_intro.
iIntros "Hwp". iApply (wp_operand_wand with "Hwp"). auto.
Lemma wp_operand_fupd Q : WP (λ v f, |={top}=> Q v f) |-- WP Q.
Proof. iIntros "Hwp". by iApply (wp_operand_shift with "[$Hwp]"). Qed.
(* proof mode *)
#[global] Instance elim_modal_fupd_wp_operand p P Q :
ElimModal True p false (|={top}=> P) P (WP Q) (WP Q).
rewrite /ElimModal. rewrite bi.intuitionistically_if_elim/=.
by rewrite fupd_frame_r bi.wand_elim_r fupd_wp_operand.
#[global] Instance elim_modal_bupd_wp_operand p P Q :
ElimModal True p false (|==> P) P (WP Q) (WP Q).
rewrite /ElimModal (bupd_fupd top). exact: elim_modal_fupd_wp_operand.
#[global] Instance add_modal_fupd_wp_operand P Q : AddModal (|={top}=> P) P (WP Q).
rewrite/AddModal. by rewrite fupd_frame_r bi.wand_elim_r fupd_wp_operand.
End wp_operand.
boolean operands
Definition wp_test {σ : genv} (tu : translation_unit) (ρ : region) (e : Expr) (Q : bool -> FreeTemps -> epred) : mpred :=
wp_operand tu ρ e (fun v free =>
match is_true v with
| Some c => Q c free
| None => ERROR (is_true_None v)
#[global] Hint Opaque wp_test : br_opacity.
#[global] Arguments wp_test /.
#[global] Instance wp_test_ne : forall σ n,
Proper (eq ==> eq ==> eq ==> pointwise_relation _ (pointwise_relation _ (dist n)) ==> dist n) (@wp_test σ).
Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
Lemma wp_test_frame {σ : genv} tu ρ test (Q Q' : _ -> _ -> epred) :
Forall b free, Q b free -* Q' b free |-- wp_test tu ρ test Q -* wp_test tu ρ test Q'.
rewrite /wp_test.
iIntros "Q".
iApply wp_operand_frame; first reflexivity.
iIntros (??); case_match; eauto.
wp_operand tu ρ e (fun v free =>
match is_true v with
| Some c => Q c free
| None => ERROR (is_true_None v)
#[global] Hint Opaque wp_test : br_opacity.
#[global] Arguments wp_test /.
#[global] Instance wp_test_ne : forall σ n,
Proper (eq ==> eq ==> eq ==> pointwise_relation _ (pointwise_relation _ (dist n)) ==> dist n) (@wp_test σ).
Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
Lemma wp_test_frame {σ : genv} tu ρ test (Q Q' : _ -> _ -> epred) :
Forall b free, Q b free -* Q' b free |-- wp_test tu ρ test Q -* wp_test tu ρ test Q'.
rewrite /wp_test.
iIntros "Q".
iApply wp_operand_frame; first reflexivity.
iIntros (??); case_match; eauto.
(* evaluate an expression as an xvalue *)
Parameter wp_xval
: forall {resolve:genv}, translation_unit -> region -> Expr -> M ptr.
Axiom wp_xval_shift : forall {σ:genv} tu ρ e Q,
(|={top}=> wp_xval tu ρ e (fun v free => |={top}=> Q v free))
⊢ wp_xval tu ρ e Q.
Axiom wp_xval_models : forall {σ:genv} tu ρ e Q,
denoteModule tu -* wp_xval tu ρ e Q
⊢ wp_xval tu ρ e Q.
Axiom wp_xval_frame : forall σ tu1 tu2 ρ e k1 k2,
sub_module tu1 tu2 ->
Forall v f, k1 v f -* k2 v f |-- @wp_xval σ tu1 ρ e k1 -* @wp_xval σ tu2 ρ e k2.
Section wp_xval_proper.
Context {σ : genv}.
#[local] Notation PROPER M R :=
(Proper (M ==> eq ==> eq ==> pointwise_relation _ (pointwise_relation _ R) ==> R) wp_xval) (only parsing).
#[global] Declare Instance wp_xval_ne n : PROPER eq (dist n).
#[global] Instance wp_xval_mono : PROPER sub_module (⊢).
repeat red. intros; subst.
iIntros "X". iRevert "X".
iApply wp_xval_frame; eauto.
iIntros (v). iIntros (f). iApply H2 => //.
#[global] Instance wp_xval_flip_mono : PROPER (flip sub_module) (flip (⊢)).
Proof. repeat intro. red. rewrite wp_xval_mono => // ????; apply H2 => //. Qed.
#[global] Instance wp_xval_proper : PROPER eq (⊣⊢).
do 12 intro; subst.
split'; apply wp_xval_mono; try done.
all: by move => ??; rewrite H2.
End wp_xval_proper.
Section wp_xval.
Context {σ : genv} (tu : translation_unit) (ρ : region) (e : Expr).
#[local] Notation WP := (wp_xval tu ρ e) (only parsing).
Implicit Types P : mpred.
Implicit Types Q : ptr → FreeTemps → epred.
Lemma wp_xval_wand Q1 Q2 : WP Q1 |-- (∀ v f, Q1 v f -* Q2 v f) -* WP Q2.
Proof. iIntros "Hwp HK". by iApply (wp_xval_frame with "HK Hwp"). Qed.
Lemma fupd_wp_xval Q : (|={top}=> WP Q) |-- WP Q.
rewrite -{2}wp_xval_shift. apply fupd_elim. rewrite -fupd_intro.
iIntros "Hwp". iApply (wp_xval_wand with "Hwp"). auto.
Lemma wp_xval_fupd Q : WP (λ v f, |={top}=> Q v f) |-- WP Q.
Proof. iIntros "Hwp". by iApply (wp_xval_shift with "[$Hwp]"). Qed.
(* proof mode *)
#[global] Instance elim_modal_fupd_wp_xval p P Q :
ElimModal True p false (|={top}=> P) P (WP Q) (WP Q).
rewrite /ElimModal. rewrite bi.intuitionistically_if_elim/=.
by rewrite fupd_frame_r bi.wand_elim_r fupd_wp_xval.
#[global] Instance elim_modal_bupd_wp_xval p P Q :
ElimModal True p false (|==> P) P (WP Q) (WP Q).
rewrite /ElimModal (bupd_fupd top). exact: elim_modal_fupd_wp_xval.
#[global] Instance add_modal_fupd_wp_xval P Q : AddModal (|={top}=> P) P (WP Q).
rewrite/AddModal. by rewrite fupd_frame_r bi.wand_elim_r fupd_wp_xval.
End wp_xval.
(* Opaque wrapper of False: this represents a False obtained by a ValCat mismatch in wp_glval. *)
Definition wp_glval_mismatch {resolve : genv} (r : region) (vc : ValCat) (e : Expr)
: (ptr -> FreeTemps -> mpred) -> mpred := funI _ => |={top}=> False.
#[global] Arguments wp_glval_mismatch : simpl never.
(* evaluate an expression as a generalized lvalue *)
(* In some cases we need to evaluate a glvalue.
This makes some weakest pre-condition axioms a bit shorter.
Definition wp_glval {σ} (tu : translation_unit) ρ (e : Expr) : M ptr :=
match valcat_of e with
| Lvalue => wp_lval (resolve:=σ) tu ρ e
| Xvalue => wp_xval (resolve:=σ) tu ρ e
| vc => wp_glval_mismatch ρ vc e
#[global] Instance wp_glval_ne σ n :
Proper (eq ==> eq ==> eq ==> pointwise_relation _ (pointwise_relation _ (dist n)) ==> dist n)
(@wp_glval σ).
do 12 intro. rewrite /wp_glval; subst.
case_match; try solve_proper.
- wp_glval_shift and fupd_wp_glval are not sound without a later
- wp_glval_models isn't sound without denoteModule tu in the
Lemma wp_glval_frame {σ : genv} tu1 tu2 r e Q Q' :
sub_module tu1 tu2 ->
(Forall v free, Q v free -* Q' v free) |-- wp_glval tu1 r e Q -* wp_glval tu2 r e Q'.
rewrite /wp_glval. case_match.
- by apply wp_lval_frame.
- auto.
- by apply wp_xval_frame.
#[global] Instance Proper_wp_glval σ :
Proper (sub_module ==> eq ==> eq ==> Mrel _) (@wp_glval σ).
solve_proper_prepare. case_match; try solve_proper.
Section wp_glval.
Context {σ : genv} (tu : translation_unit) (ρ : region).
#[local] Notation wp_glval := (wp_glval tu ρ) (only parsing).
#[local] Notation wp_lval := (wp_lval tu ρ) (only parsing).
#[local] Notation wp_xval := (wp_xval tu ρ) (only parsing).
Implicit Types P : mpred.
Implicit Types Q : ptr → FreeTemps → epred.
Lemma wp_glval_lval e Q :
valcat_of e = Lvalue -> wp_glval e Q -|- wp_lval e Q.
Proof. by rewrite /wp_glval=>->. Qed.
Lemma wp_glval_xval e Q :
valcat_of e = Xvalue -> wp_glval e Q -|- wp_xval e Q.
Proof. by rewrite /wp_glval=>->. Qed.
Lemma wp_glval_prval e Q :
valcat_of e = Prvalue -> wp_glval e Q -|- |={top}=> False.
Proof. by rewrite /wp_glval=>->. Qed.
Lemma wp_glval_wand e Q Q' :
wp_glval e Q |-- (Forall v free, Q v free -* Q' v free) -* wp_glval e Q'.
iIntros "A B". iRevert "A". by iApply wp_glval_frame.
Lemma fupd_wp_glval e Q :
(|={top}=> wp_glval e Q) |-- wp_glval e Q.
rewrite /wp_glval/wp_glval_mismatch. case_match;
auto using fupd_wp_lval, fupd_wp_xval.
by iIntros ">>$".
Lemma wp_glval_fupd e Q :
wp_glval e (fun v f => |={top}=> Q v f) |-- wp_glval e Q.
rewrite /wp_glval/wp_glval_mismatch. case_match;
auto using wp_lval_fupd, wp_xval_fupd.
(* proof mode *)
#[global] Instance elim_modal_fupd_wp_glval p e P Q :
ElimModal True p false (|={top}=> P) P (wp_glval e Q) (wp_glval e Q).
rewrite /ElimModal. rewrite bi.intuitionistically_if_elim/=.
by rewrite fupd_frame_r bi.wand_elim_r fupd_wp_glval.
#[global] Instance elim_modal_bupd_wp_glval p e P Q :
ElimModal True p false (|==> P) P (wp_glval e Q) (wp_glval e Q).
rewrite /ElimModal (bupd_fupd top). exact: elim_modal_fupd_wp_glval.
#[global] Instance add_modal_fupd_wp_glval e P Q : AddModal (|={top}=> P) P (wp_glval e Q).
rewrite/AddModal. by rewrite fupd_frame_r bi.wand_elim_r fupd_wp_glval.
End wp_glval.
Discarded values.
Sometimes expressions are evaluated only for their side-effects.
The definition [wp_discard] captures this and allows us to express some
rules more concisely. The value category used to evaluate the expression
is computed from the expression using [valcat_of].
Section wp_discard.
Context {σ : genv} (tu : translation_unit).
Variable (ρ : region).
Definition wp_discard (e : Expr) (Q : FreeTemps -> mpred) : mpred :=
match valcat_of e with
| Lvalue => wp_lval tu ρ e (fun _ => Q)
| Prvalue =>
let ty := type_of e in
if is_value_type ty then
wp_operand tu ρ e (fun _ free => Q free)
Forall p, wp_init tu ρ (type_of e) p e (fun frees => Q (FreeTemps.delete ty p >*> frees)%free)
| Xvalue => wp_xval tu ρ e (fun _ => Q)
Lemma fupd_wp_discard e Q :
(|={top}=> wp_discard e Q) |-- wp_discard e Q.
rewrite /wp_discard. repeat case_match; iIntros ">$".
Lemma wp_discard_fupd e Q :
wp_discard e (fun f => |={top}=> Q f) |-- wp_discard e Q.
rewrite /wp_discard. repeat case_match;
auto using wp_lval_fupd, wp_xval_fupd, wp_operand_fupd.
f_equiv; intro; auto using wp_init_fupd.
(* proof mode *)
#[global] Instance elim_modal_fupd_wp_discard p e P Q :
ElimModal True p false (|={top}=> P) P (wp_discard e Q) (wp_discard e Q).
rewrite /ElimModal. rewrite bi.intuitionistically_if_elim/=.
by rewrite fupd_frame_r bi.wand_elim_r fupd_wp_discard.
#[global] Instance elim_modal_bupd_wp_discard p e P Q :
ElimModal True p false (|==> P) P (wp_discard e Q) (wp_discard e Q).
rewrite /ElimModal (bupd_fupd top). exact: elim_modal_fupd_wp_discard.
#[global] Instance add_modal_fupd_wp_discard e P Q : AddModal (|={top}=> P) P (wp_discard e Q).
rewrite/AddModal. by rewrite fupd_frame_r bi.wand_elim_r fupd_wp_discard.
End wp_discard.
#[global] Instance wp_discard_ne σ n :
Proper (eq ==> eq ==> eq ==> pointwise_relation _ (dist n) ==> dist n) (@wp_discard σ).
Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
Lemma wp_discard_frame {σ : genv} tu1 tu2 ρ e k1 k2:
sub_module tu1 tu2 ->
Forall f, k1 f -* k2 f |-- wp_discard tu1 ρ e k1 -* wp_discard tu2 ρ e k2.
rewrite /wp_discard.
destruct (valcat_of e) => /=.
- intros. rewrite -wp_lval_frame; eauto.
iIntros "h" (v f) "x"; iApply "h"; iFrame.
- intros. case_match.
+ iIntros "h"; iApply wp_operand_frame; eauto.
iIntros (??); iApply "h".
+ iIntros "a b" (p).
iSpecialize ("b" $! p).
iRevert "b"; iApply wp_init_frame; eauto.
iIntros (?); iApply "a".
- intros. rewrite -wp_xval_frame; eauto.
iIntros "h" (v f) "x"; iApply "h"; iFrame.
#[global] Instance wp_discard_mono σ :
Proper (sub_module ==> eq ==> eq ==> pointwise_relation _ (⊢) ==> (⊢))
(@wp_discard σ).
repeat red; intros; subst.
iIntros "X"; iRevert "X"; iApply wp_discard_frame; eauto.
iIntros (?); iApply H2; reflexivity.
#[global] Instance wp_discard_flip_mono σ :
Proper (flip sub_module ==> eq ==> eq ==> pointwise_relation _ (flip (⊢)) ==> flip (⊢))
(@wp_discard σ).
Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
Context {σ : genv} (tu : translation_unit).
Variable (ρ : region).
Definition wp_discard (e : Expr) (Q : FreeTemps -> mpred) : mpred :=
match valcat_of e with
| Lvalue => wp_lval tu ρ e (fun _ => Q)
| Prvalue =>
let ty := type_of e in
if is_value_type ty then
wp_operand tu ρ e (fun _ free => Q free)
Forall p, wp_init tu ρ (type_of e) p e (fun frees => Q (FreeTemps.delete ty p >*> frees)%free)
| Xvalue => wp_xval tu ρ e (fun _ => Q)
Lemma fupd_wp_discard e Q :
(|={top}=> wp_discard e Q) |-- wp_discard e Q.
rewrite /wp_discard. repeat case_match; iIntros ">$".
Lemma wp_discard_fupd e Q :
wp_discard e (fun f => |={top}=> Q f) |-- wp_discard e Q.
rewrite /wp_discard. repeat case_match;
auto using wp_lval_fupd, wp_xval_fupd, wp_operand_fupd.
f_equiv; intro; auto using wp_init_fupd.
(* proof mode *)
#[global] Instance elim_modal_fupd_wp_discard p e P Q :
ElimModal True p false (|={top}=> P) P (wp_discard e Q) (wp_discard e Q).
rewrite /ElimModal. rewrite bi.intuitionistically_if_elim/=.
by rewrite fupd_frame_r bi.wand_elim_r fupd_wp_discard.
#[global] Instance elim_modal_bupd_wp_discard p e P Q :
ElimModal True p false (|==> P) P (wp_discard e Q) (wp_discard e Q).
rewrite /ElimModal (bupd_fupd top). exact: elim_modal_fupd_wp_discard.
#[global] Instance add_modal_fupd_wp_discard e P Q : AddModal (|={top}=> P) P (wp_discard e Q).
rewrite/AddModal. by rewrite fupd_frame_r bi.wand_elim_r fupd_wp_discard.
End wp_discard.
#[global] Instance wp_discard_ne σ n :
Proper (eq ==> eq ==> eq ==> pointwise_relation _ (dist n) ==> dist n) (@wp_discard σ).
Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
Lemma wp_discard_frame {σ : genv} tu1 tu2 ρ e k1 k2:
sub_module tu1 tu2 ->
Forall f, k1 f -* k2 f |-- wp_discard tu1 ρ e k1 -* wp_discard tu2 ρ e k2.
rewrite /wp_discard.
destruct (valcat_of e) => /=.
- intros. rewrite -wp_lval_frame; eauto.
iIntros "h" (v f) "x"; iApply "h"; iFrame.
- intros. case_match.
+ iIntros "h"; iApply wp_operand_frame; eauto.
iIntros (??); iApply "h".
+ iIntros "a b" (p).
iSpecialize ("b" $! p).
iRevert "b"; iApply wp_init_frame; eauto.
iIntros (?); iApply "a".
- intros. rewrite -wp_xval_frame; eauto.
iIntros "h" (v f) "x"; iApply "h"; iFrame.
#[global] Instance wp_discard_mono σ :
Proper (sub_module ==> eq ==> eq ==> pointwise_relation _ (⊢) ==> (⊢))
(@wp_discard σ).
repeat red; intros; subst.
iIntros "X"; iRevert "X"; iApply wp_discard_frame; eauto.
iIntros (?); iApply H2; reflexivity.
#[global] Instance wp_discard_flip_mono σ :
Proper (flip sub_module ==> eq ==> eq ==> pointwise_relation _ (flip (⊢)) ==> flip (⊢))
(@wp_discard σ).
Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
(* evaluate a statement *)
Parameter wp
: forall {resolve:genv}, translation_unit -> region -> Stmt -> KpredI -> mpred.
#[global] Declare Instance wp_ne : forall σ n,
Proper (eq ==> eq ==> eq ==> dist n ==> dist n) (@wp σ).
Axiom wp_shift : forall σ tu ρ s Q,
(|={top}=> wp tu ρ s (|={top}=> Q))
⊢ wp (resolve:=σ) tu ρ s Q.
Axiom wp_models : forall σ tu ρ s Q,
denoteModule tu -* wp tu ρ s Q
⊢ wp (resolve:=σ) tu ρ s Q.
Axiom wp_frame : forall {σ : genv} tu1 tu2 ρ s (k1 k2 : KpredI),
sub_module tu1 tu2 ->
(Forall rt : ReturnType, k1 rt -* k2 rt) |-- wp tu1 ρ s k1 -* wp tu2 ρ s k2.
#[global] Instance Proper_wp {σ} :
Proper (sub_module ==> eq ==> eq ==> (⊢) ==> (⊢))
(@wp σ).
repeat red; intros; subst.
iIntros "X"; iRevert "X"; iApply wp_frame; eauto.
iIntros (rt). iApply H2.
Section wp.
Context {σ : genv} (tu : translation_unit) (ρ : region) (s : Stmt).
#[local] Notation WP := (wp tu ρ s) (only parsing).
Implicit Types P : mpred.
Implicit Types Q : KpredI.
Lemma wp_wand (k1 k2 : KpredI) :
WP k1 |-- (Forall rt, k1 rt -* k2 rt) -* WP k2.
iIntros "Hwp Hk". by iApply (wp_frame _ _ _ _ k1 with "[$Hk] Hwp").
Lemma fupd_wp k : (|={top}=> WP k) |-- WP k.
rewrite -{2}wp_shift. apply fupd_elim. rewrite -fupd_intro.
iIntros "Hwp". iApply (wp_wand with "Hwp").
iIntros (?) "X". iModIntro; eauto.
Lemma wp_fupd k : WP (|={top}=> k) |-- WP k.
Proof. iIntros "Hwp". by iApply (wp_shift with "[$Hwp]"). Qed.
(* proof mode *)
#[global] Instance elim_modal_fupd_wp p P k :
ElimModal True p false (|={top}=> P) P (WP k) (WP k).
rewrite /ElimModal. rewrite bi.intuitionistically_if_elim/=.
by rewrite fupd_frame_r bi.wand_elim_r fupd_wp.
#[global] Instance elim_modal_bupd_wp p P k :
ElimModal True p false (|==> P) P (WP k) (WP k).
rewrite /ElimModal (bupd_fupd top). exact: elim_modal_fupd_wp.
#[global] Instance add_modal_fupd_wp P k : AddModal (|={top}=> P) P (WP k).
rewrite/AddModal. by rewrite fupd_frame_r bi.wand_elim_r fupd_wp.
End wp.
(* this is the low-level specification of C++ code blocks.
* addr represents the address of the entry point of the code.
* note: the list ptr will be related to the register set.
Parameter wp_fptr
: forall (tt : type_table) (fun_type : type) (* TODO: function type *)
(addr : ptr) (ls : list ptr) (Q : ptr -> epred), mpred.
(* (bind n last for consistency with NonExpansive). *)
#[global] Declare Instance wp_fptr_ne :
`{forall n, Proper (pointwise_relation _ (dist n) ==> dist n) (@wp_fptr t ft addr ls)}.
Axiom wp_fptr_complete_type : forall te ft a ls Q,
wp_fptr te ft a ls Q
|-- wp_fptr te ft a ls Q **
[| exists cc ar tret targs, ft = Tfunction (@FunctionType _ cc ar tret targs) |].
(* A type is callable against a type table if all of its arguments and return
type are complete_types.
This effectively means that there is enough information to determine the
calling convention.
Definition callable_type (tt : type_table) (t : type) : Prop :=
match t with
| Tfunction ft => complete_type tt ft.(ft_return) /\ List.Forall (complete_type tt) ft.(ft_params)
| _ => False
(* this axiom states that the type environment for an wp_fptr can be
narrowed as long as the new type environment small/tt2 is smaller than
the old type environment (big/tt1), and ft
is still a *complete type* in the new type environment small/tt2.
NOTE: This is informally justified by the fact that (in the absence
of ODR) the implementation of the function is encapsulated and only
the public interface (the type) is needed to know how to call the function.
Axiom wp_fptr_strengthen : forall tt1 tt2 ft a ls Q,
callable_type tt2.(types) ft ->
sub_module tt2 tt1 ->
wp_fptr tt1.(types) ft a ls Q |-- wp_fptr tt2.(types) ft a ls Q.
(* this axiom is the standard rule of consequence for weakest
Axiom wp_fptr_frame_fupd : forall tt1 tt2 ft a ls Q1 Q2,
type_table_le tt1 tt2 ->
(Forall v, Q1 v -* |={top}=> Q2 v)
|-- @wp_fptr tt1 ft a ls Q1 -* @wp_fptr tt2 ft a ls Q2.
Lemma wp_fptr_frame : forall tt ft a ls Q1 Q2,
(Forall v, Q1 v -* Q2 v)
|-- wp_fptr tt ft a ls Q1 -* wp_fptr tt ft a ls Q2.
intros. iIntros "H". iApply wp_fptr_frame_fupd; first reflexivity.
iIntros (v) "? !>". by iApply "H".
(* the following two axioms say that we can perform fupd's
around the weakeast pre-condition. *)
Axiom wp_fptr_fupd : forall te ft a ls Q,
wp_fptr te ft a ls (λ v, |={top}=> Q v) |-- wp_fptr te ft a ls Q.
Axiom fupd_spec : forall te ft a ls Q,
(|={top}=> wp_fptr te ft a ls Q) |-- wp_fptr te ft a ls Q.
Lemma wp_fptr_shift te ft a ls Q :
(|={top}=> wp_fptr te ft a ls (λ v, |={top}=> Q v)) |-- wp_fptr te ft a ls Q.
by rewrite fupd_spec wp_fptr_fupd.
#[global] Instance Proper_wp_fptr : forall tt ft a ls,
Proper (pointwise_relation _ lentails ==> lentails) (@wp_fptr tt ft a ls).
repeat red; intros.
iApply wp_fptr_frame.
iIntros (v); iApply H.
Section wp_fptr.
Context {tt : type_table} {tf : type} (addr : ptr) (ls : list ptr).
#[local] Notation WP := (wp_fptr tt tf addr ls) (only parsing).
Implicit Types Q : ptr → epred.
Lemma wp_fptr_wand_fupd Q1 Q2 : WP Q1 |-- (∀ v, Q1 v -* |={top}=> Q2 v) -* WP Q2.
iIntros "Hwp HK".
iApply (wp_fptr_frame_fupd with "HK Hwp").
Lemma wp_fptr_wand Q1 Q2 : WP Q1 |-- (∀ v, Q1 v -* Q2 v) -* WP Q2.
iIntros "Hwp HK".
iApply (wp_fptr_frame with "HK Hwp").
End wp_fptr.
wp_mfptr tt this_ty fty .. is the analogue of wp_fptr for member functions.
NOTE this includes constructors and destructors.
NOTE the current implementation desugars this to wp_fptr but this is not
accurate according to the standard because a member function can not
be cast to a regular function that takes an extra parameter.
We could fix this by splitting wp_fptr more, but we are deferring that
for now.
In practice we assume that the AST is well-typed, so the only way to
exploit this is to use reinterpret_cast< > to cast a function pointer
to an member pointer or vice versa.
Definition wp_mfptr (tt : type_table) (this_type : exprtype) (fun_type : functype)
: ptr -> list ptr -> (ptr -> epred) -> mpred :=
wp_fptr tt (Tmember_func this_type fun_type).
(* (bind n last for consistency with NonExpansive). *)
#[global] Declare Instance wp_mfptr_ne :
`{forall n, Proper (pointwise_relation _ (dist n) ==> dist n) (@wp_mfptr t ft addr this ls)}.
Lemma wp_mfptr_frame_fupd_strong tt1 tt2 t t0 v l Q1 Q2 :
type_table_le tt1 tt2 ->
(Forall v, Q1 v -* |={top}=> Q2 v)
|-- wp_mfptr tt1 t t0 v l Q1 -* wp_mfptr tt2 t t0 v l Q2.
Proof. apply wp_fptr_frame_fupd. Qed.
Lemma wp_mfptr_shift tt t t0 v l Q :
(|={top}=> wp_mfptr tt t t0 v l (λ v, |={top}=> Q v)) |-- wp_mfptr tt t t0 v l Q.
Proof. apply wp_fptr_shift. Qed.
Lemma wp_mfptr_frame:
∀ (t : type) (l : list ptr) (v : ptr) (t0 : type) (t1 : type_table) (Q Q' : ptr -> _),
Forall v, Q v -* Q' v |-- wp_mfptr t1 t t0 v l Q -* wp_mfptr t1 t t0 v l Q'.
Proof. intros; apply wp_fptr_frame. Qed.
Lemma wp_mfptr_frame_fupd :
∀ (t : type) (l : list ptr) (v : ptr) (t0 : type) (t1 : type_table) (Q Q' : ptr -> _),
(Forall v, Q v -* |={top}=> Q' v) |-- wp_mfptr t1 t t0 v l Q -* wp_mfptr t1 t t0 v l Q'.
Proof. intros; apply wp_fptr_frame_fupd; reflexivity. Qed.
End with_cpp.
: ptr -> list ptr -> (ptr -> epred) -> mpred :=
wp_fptr tt (Tmember_func this_type fun_type).
(* (bind n last for consistency with NonExpansive). *)
#[global] Declare Instance wp_mfptr_ne :
`{forall n, Proper (pointwise_relation _ (dist n) ==> dist n) (@wp_mfptr t ft addr this ls)}.
Lemma wp_mfptr_frame_fupd_strong tt1 tt2 t t0 v l Q1 Q2 :
type_table_le tt1 tt2 ->
(Forall v, Q1 v -* |={top}=> Q2 v)
|-- wp_mfptr tt1 t t0 v l Q1 -* wp_mfptr tt2 t t0 v l Q2.
Proof. apply wp_fptr_frame_fupd. Qed.
Lemma wp_mfptr_shift tt t t0 v l Q :
(|={top}=> wp_mfptr tt t t0 v l (λ v, |={top}=> Q v)) |-- wp_mfptr tt t t0 v l Q.
Proof. apply wp_fptr_shift. Qed.
Lemma wp_mfptr_frame:
∀ (t : type) (l : list ptr) (v : ptr) (t0 : type) (t1 : type_table) (Q Q' : ptr -> _),
Forall v, Q v -* Q' v |-- wp_mfptr t1 t t0 v l Q -* wp_mfptr t1 t t0 v l Q'.
Proof. intros; apply wp_fptr_frame. Qed.
Lemma wp_mfptr_frame_fupd :
∀ (t : type) (l : list ptr) (v : ptr) (t0 : type) (t1 : type_table) (Q Q' : ptr -> _),
(Forall v, Q v -* |={top}=> Q' v) |-- wp_mfptr t1 t t0 v l Q -* wp_mfptr t1 t t0 v l Q'.
Proof. intros; apply wp_fptr_frame_fupd; reflexivity. Qed.
End with_cpp.
#[global] Instance: Params (@wp_lval) 4 := {}.
#[global] Instance: Params (@wp_init) 4 := {}.
#[global] Instance: Params (@wp_prval) 4 := {}.
#[global] Instance: Params (@wp_operand) 4 := {}.
#[global] Instance: Params (@wp_test) 4 := {}.
#[global] Instance: Params (@wp_xval) 4 := {}.
#[global] Instance: Params (@wp_glval) 4 := {}.
#[global] Instance: Params (@wp_discard) 4 := {}.
#[global] Instance: Params (@wp) 4 := {}.
#[global] Instance: Params (@wp_init) 4 := {}.
#[global] Instance: Params (@wp_prval) 4 := {}.
#[global] Instance: Params (@wp_operand) 4 := {}.
#[global] Instance: Params (@wp_test) 4 := {}.
#[global] Instance: Params (@wp_xval) 4 := {}.
#[global] Instance: Params (@wp_glval) 4 := {}.
#[global] Instance: Params (@wp_discard) 4 := {}.
#[global] Instance: Params (@wp) 4 := {}.
Also forbid rewriting in the extra arguments except the continuation.
Keep in sync with Proper instances.
TODO: maybe be more uniform in the future.
#[global] Instance: Params (@wp_fptr) 7 := {}.
#[global] Instance: Params (@wp_mfptr) 8 := {}.
#[deprecated(since="20241102",note="use [wp_mfptr].")]
Notation mspec := wp_mfptr.
#[deprecated(since="20241102",note="use [wp_mfptr_frame_fupd_strong].")]
Notation mspec_frame_fupd_strong := wp_mfptr_frame_fupd_strong.
#[deprecated(since="20241102",note="use [wp_mfptr_shift].")]
Notation mspec_shift := wp_mfptr_shift.
#[deprecated(since="20241102",note="use [wp_mfptr_frame].")]
Notation mspec_frame := wp_mfptr_frame.
#[deprecated(since="20241102",note="use [wp_mfptr_frame].")]
Notation mspec_frame_fupd := wp_mfptr_frame_fupd.
End WPE.
Export WPE.
Export stdpp.coPset.
#[global] Instance: Params (@wp_mfptr) 8 := {}.
#[deprecated(since="20241102",note="use [wp_mfptr].")]
Notation mspec := wp_mfptr.
#[deprecated(since="20241102",note="use [wp_mfptr_frame_fupd_strong].")]
Notation mspec_frame_fupd_strong := wp_mfptr_frame_fupd_strong.
#[deprecated(since="20241102",note="use [wp_mfptr_shift].")]
Notation mspec_shift := wp_mfptr_shift.
#[deprecated(since="20241102",note="use [wp_mfptr_frame].")]
Notation mspec_frame := wp_mfptr_frame.
#[deprecated(since="20241102",note="use [wp_mfptr_frame].")]
Notation mspec_frame_fupd := wp_mfptr_frame_fupd.
End WPE.
Export WPE.
Export stdpp.coPset.