 * Copyright (c) 2020-2023 BlueRock Security, Inc.
 * This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
 * See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.

Require Import stdpp.coPset.
Require Import
Require Import
Require Import bedrock.lang.proofmode.proofmode.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.reserved_notation.
Require Import

Derived BI laws, similarly to
They should be upstreamed if appropriate. When upstreaming, add a comment (with the upstream name if different). When bumping Iris, drop lemmas that are now upstream.
Do not extend this module. It exists for backwards compatibility.
Module Export nary.
PersistentN states that predicate P taking N arguments is Persistent
  Notation Persistent1 P := ( a, Persistent (P a)).
  Notation Persistent2 P := ( a, Persistent1 (P a)).
  Notation Persistent3 P := ( a, Persistent2 (P a)).
  Notation Persistent4 P := ( a, Persistent3 (P a)).
  Notation Persistent5 P := ( a, Persistent4 (P a)).
  Notation Persistent6 P := ( a, Persistent5 (P a)).
  Notation Persistent7 P := ( a, Persistent6 (P a)).
  Notation Persistent8 P := ( a, Persistent7 (P a)).

AffineN states that predicate P taking N arguments is Affine
  Notation Affine1 P := ( a, Affine (P a)).
  Notation Affine2 P := ( a, Affine1 (P a)).
  Notation Affine3 P := ( a, Affine2 (P a)).
  Notation Affine4 P := ( a, Affine3 (P a)).
  Notation Affine5 P := ( a, Affine4 (P a)).
  Notation Affine6 P := ( a, Affine5 (P a)).
  Notation Affine7 P := ( a, Affine6 (P a)).
  Notation Affine8 P := ( a, Affine7 (P a)).

AbsorbingN states that predicate P taking N arguments is Absorbing
  Notation Absorbing1 P := ( a, Absorbing (P a)).
  Notation Absorbing2 P := ( a, Absorbing1 (P a)).
  Notation Absorbing3 P := ( a, Absorbing2 (P a)).
  Notation Absorbing4 P := ( a, Absorbing3 (P a)).
  Notation Absorbing5 P := ( a, Absorbing4 (P a)).
  Notation Absorbing6 P := ( a, Absorbing5 (P a)).
  Notation Absorbing7 P := ( a, Absorbing6 (P a)).
  Notation Absorbing8 P := ( a, Absorbing7 (P a)).

TimelessN states that predicate P taking N arguments is Timeless
  Notation Timeless1 P := ( a, Timeless (P a)).
  Notation Timeless2 P := ( a, Timeless1 (P a)).
  Notation Timeless3 P := ( a, Timeless2 (P a)).
  Notation Timeless4 P := ( a, Timeless3 (P a)).
  Notation Timeless5 P := ( a, Timeless4 (P a)).
  Notation Timeless6 P := ( a, Timeless5 (P a)).
  Notation Timeless7 P := ( a, Timeless6 (P a)).
  Notation Timeless8 P := ( a, Timeless7 (P a)).
End nary.

An optional fancy update. Meant to be unfolded.
Definition fupd_if {PROP} `{!FUpd PROP} (b : bool) (E1 E2 : coPset) (P : PROP) : PROP :=
  if b then fupd E1 E2 P else P.
#[global] Arguments fupd_if {_ _} !_ _ _ _%_I / : assert.
#[global] Hint Opaque fupd_if : typeclass_instances.
Notation "|={ E1 , E2 }=>? b P" := (fupd_if b E1 E2 P) : bi_scope.
Notation "|={ E }=>? b P" := (fupd_if b E E P) : bi_scope.

Module bi.

Section fupd_if.
  Context {PROP : bi} `{!BiFUpd PROP}.
  Implicit Types (P : PROP).

  #[global] Instance: Params (@fupd_if) 5 := {}.
  #[local] Notation PROPER R := (
     b E1 E2,
    Proper (R ==> R) (fupd_if (PROP:=PROP) b E1 E2)
  ) (only parsing).
  #[global] Instance fupd_if_ne n : PROPER (dist n).
  Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
  #[global] Instance fupd_if_proper : PROPER equiv.
  Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
  #[global] Instance fupd_if_mono' : PROPER bi_entails.
  Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
  #[global] Instance fupd_if_flip_mono : PROPER (flip bi_entails).
  Proof. solve_proper. Qed.

  #[global] Instance fupd_absorbing b E1 E2 P : Absorbing P -> Absorbing (|={E1,E2}=>?b P).
  Proof. destruct b; cbn; apply _. Qed.

  Lemma fupd_if_intro b E P : P |={E}=>?b P.
  Proof. destruct b; cbn; auto using fupd_intro. Qed.

  Lemma fupd_if_idemp b E P : (|={E}=>?b |={E}=>?b P) ⊣⊢ |={E}=>?b P.
  Proof. destruct b; cbn; auto using fupd_idemp. Qed.

  Lemma fupd_if_mask_subseteq b E1 E2 :
    E2 E1 -> ⊢@{PROP} |={E1,E2}=>?b |={E2,E1}=>?b emp.
  Proof. destruct b; cbn; auto using fupd_mask_subseteq. Qed.

  Lemma fupd_if_mask_intro_subseteq b E1 E2 P :
    E2 E1 -> P |={E1,E2}=>?b |={E2,E1}=>?b P.
  Proof. destruct b; cbn; auto using fupd_mask_intro_subseteq. Qed.

  Lemma fupd_if_mono b E1 E2 P Q : (P Q) -> (|={E1,E2}=>?b P) |={E1,E2}=>?b Q.
  Proof. by apply fupd_if_mono'. Qed.

  Lemma fupd_if_trans b E1 E2 E3 P : (|={E1,E2}=>?b |={E2,E3}=>?b P) |={E1,E3}=>?b P.
  Proof. destruct b; cbn; auto using fupd_trans. Qed.

  Lemma fupd_if_frame_r b E1 E2 P R : (|={E1,E2}=>?b P) R |={E1,E2}=>?b P R.
  Proof. destruct b; cbn; auto using fupd_frame_r. Qed.
  Lemma fupd_if_frame_l b E1 E2 P R : (R |={E1,E2}=>?b P) |={E1,E2}=>?b R P.
  Proof. destruct b; cbn; auto using fupd_frame_l. Qed.

  Lemma fupd_if_elim b E1 E2 E3 P Q :
    (Q |={E2,E3}=>?b P) -> (|={E1,E2}=>?b Q) |={E1,E3}=>?b P.
  Proof. destruct b; cbn; auto using fupd_elim. Qed.
End fupd_if.

Section derived_laws.
  Context {PROP : bi}.

  Lemma affinely_pure φ : <affine> φ ⊣⊢@{PROP} [| φ |].
  Proof. by rewrite only_provable_unfold. Qed.

  Lemma affinely_if_False b : <affine>?b False ⊣⊢@{PROP} False.
  Proof. by destruct b; cbn; rewrite ?bi.affinely_False. Qed.

  Lemma intuitionistically_pure φ : φ ⊣⊢@{PROP} [| φ |].
    by rewrite /bi_intuitionistically bi.persistently_pure affinely_pure.

  Lemma persistently_absorbingly P `{!Persistent P} :
    <pers> P ⊣⊢@{PROP} <absorb> P.
    apply: anti_symm; first by iIntros "#$".
    rewrite {1}(persistent P) /bi_absorbingly. iIntros "[_ $]".

  Lemma entails_curry (P1 P2 Q : PROP) : (P1 P2 Q) (P1 P2 -∗ Q).
  Proof. split; eauto using wand_elim_l', wand_intro_r. Qed.

  Lemma exist_unit (P : () -> PROP) : ( x : (), P x) ⊣⊢ P ().
  Proof. iSplit. iDestruct 1 as ([]) "$". by iIntros "?"; iExists (). Qed.

  Lemma exist_pure_eq_sep {A P} v:
    P v ⊢@{PROP} x : A, x = v P x.
  Proof. iIntros. iExists v; eauto. Qed.

  Lemma exist_and_exist {A B P Q} :
    ( (a : A), P a (b : B), Q a b) ⊣⊢@{PROP} b a, P a Q a b.
  Proof. rewrite exist_exist; f_equiv => a. apply bi.and_exist_l. Qed.

  (* Provided just for uniformity with and_exist_and_r. *)
  Lemma and_exist_and_l {A P Q R} :
     P ( a : A, Q a R a) ⊣⊢@{PROP} ( a : A, P Q a R a).
  Proof. apply bi.and_exist_l. Qed.

  Lemma and_exist_and_r {A P Q R} :
    ( a : A, P a Q a) R ⊣⊢@{PROP} ( a : A, P a Q a R).
  Proof. rewrite bi.and_exist_r; f_equiv=> a. by rewrite -assoc. Qed.

Useful when proving Fractional instances involving existentials.
  Lemma exist_sep_1 {A} (Φ Ψ : A PROP) : ( a, Φ a Ψ a) ( a, Φ a) ( a, Ψ a).
    rewrite bi.sep_exist_r. f_equiv=>a. f_equiv.
    apply bi.exist_intro.

  Lemma exist_sep_2 {A} (Φ Ψ : A PROP) :
    ( a1 a2, Φ a1 Ψ a2 -∗ a1 = a2)
    ( a, Φ a) ( a, Ψ a) ( a, Φ a Ψ a).
    iIntros (Hag) "[A1 A2]".
    iDestruct "A1" as (a1) "Φ".
    iDestruct "A2" as (a2) "Ψ".
    iDestruct (Hag with "Φ Ψ") as %->.
    iExists a2; iFrame.

  Lemma exist_sep {A} (Φ Ψ : A PROP)
    (Hag : a1 a2, Φ a1 Ψ a2 -∗ a1 = a2) :
    ( a, Φ a Ψ a) ⊣⊢ ( a, Φ a) ( a, Ψ a).
  Proof. apply (anti_symm (⊢)); eauto using exist_sep_1, exist_sep_2. Qed.

  Lemma exist_and_1 {A} (Φ Ψ : A PROP) : ( a, Φ a Ψ a) ( a, Φ a) ( a, Ψ a).
    rewrite bi.and_exist_r. f_equiv=>a. f_equiv.
    apply bi.exist_intro.

  Lemma exist_and_2 {A} (Φ Ψ : A PROP)
    (Hag : a1 a2, Φ a1 Ψ a2 a1 = a2) :
    ( a, Φ a) ( a, Ψ a) ( a, Φ a Ψ a).
    rewrite bi.and_exist_l. f_equiv=> a1.
    rewrite bi.and_exist_r.
    iDestruct 1 as (a2) "H".
    iSplit; last by iDestruct "H" as "[_ $]".
    by iDestruct (Hag with "[H]") as %->; last iDestruct "H" as "[$ _]".

  Lemma exist_and {A} (Φ Ψ : A PROP)
    (Hag : a1 a2, Φ a1 Ψ a2 a1 = a2) :
    ( a, Φ a Ψ a) ⊣⊢ ( a, Φ a) ( a, Ψ a).
  Proof. apply (anti_symm (⊢)); eauto using exist_and_1, exist_and_2. Qed.

  Lemma exist_split {A B} (Φ : A * B PROP) :
    ( ab, Φ ab) ⊣⊢ ( a b, Φ (a, b)).
    iDestruct 1 as ([a b]) "A"; by iExists a, b.
    iDestruct 1 as (a b) "A"; by iExists (a, b).

  Lemma forall_sep_bot {A} (Φ1 Φ2 : A PROP) (R : relation A) (bot : A) :
    ( x, R bot x) Proper (R ==> (⊢)) Φ1 Proper (R ==> (⊢)) Φ2
    ( a, Φ1 a Φ2 a) ( a, Φ1 a) ( a, Φ2 a).
    intros. rewrite (forall_elim bot). f_equiv; auto using forall_intro.

  Lemma and_forall {A} (P Q : A -> PROP) :
    ( x : A, P x) ( x : A, Q x) ⊣⊢ ( x : A, P x Q x).
    apply (anti_symm _).
    { apply forall_intro => a. apply and_intro;
        (etrans; last apply forall_elim);
        trivial using and_elim_l, and_elim_r. }
    { apply and_intro; apply forall_intro => x;
        (etrans; last apply forall_elim); apply forall_mono=>{}x;
        trivial using and_elim_l, and_elim_r. }

  Lemma and_wand_distr_l (P Q R : PROP) :
    (P -∗ Q) (P -∗ R) ⊣⊢ (P -∗ (Q R)).
    apply (anti_symm _).
    { apply wand_intro_r, and_intro;
        (etrans; last apply (wand_elim_l P)); f_equiv;
        trivial using and_elim_l, and_elim_r. }
    { apply and_intro; f_equiv; trivial using and_elim_l, and_elim_r. }

  Lemma wand_wand (P Q R : PROP) : (P -∗ Q -∗ R) ⊣⊢ (Q -∗ P -∗ R).
  Proof. by rewrite !wand_curry comm. Qed.

  Lemma wand_wand_swap (P Q R : PROP) : (P Q -∗ R) -> (Q P -∗ R).
  Proof. intros HW. apply wand_intro_l, wand_elim_l', HW. Qed.

  Lemma and_wand_distr_r (P Q R : PROP) :
    (P -∗ R) (Q -∗ R) ⊣⊢ (P Q -∗ R).
    apply (anti_symm _).
    { apply wand_wand_swap, or_elim; apply wand_wand_swap; trivial using and_elim_l, and_elim_r. }
    { apply and_intro; apply wand_mono; trivial using or_intro_l, or_intro_r. }

  Lemma equiv_wand_iff_l (P Q R : PROP) `{!Persistent P, !Affine P} :
    (P Q ∗-∗ R)
    ((P -∗ Q) ⊣⊢ (P -∗ R)).
    split; intros H.
    { iSplit; iIntros "W #P"; iApply (H with "P (W P)"). }
    iIntros "P". iSplit; iIntros "A"; iRevert "P"; iApply H; eauto.

Lemmas about modalities.

  Lemma forall_affinely_bot {A} (Φ : A PROP) (R : relation A) (bot : A) :
    ( x, R bot x) Proper (R ==> (⊢)) Φ
    ( a, <affine> (Φ a)) <affine> ( a, Φ a).
    intros. rewrite (forall_elim bot). f_equiv. auto using forall_intro.

  Lemma forall_intuitionistically_bot `{!BiPersistentlyForall PROP}
      {A} (Φ : A PROP) (R : relation A) (bot : A) :
    ( x, R bot x) Proper (R ==> (⊢)) Φ
    ( a, (Φ a)) ( a, Φ a).
    intros Hbot ?. rewrite /bi_intuitionistically.
    rewrite persistently_forall. apply (forall_affinely_bot _ _ _ Hbot).

  Lemma intuitionistically_if_forall b {A} (Φ : A PROP) :
    □?b ( x : A, Φ x) x : A, □?b Φ x.
    destruct b; simpl.
    - iApply intuitionistically_forall.
    - iIntros "$".
  Lemma forall_intuitionistically_if_bot `{!BiPersistentlyForall PROP}
      b {A} (Φ : A PROP) (R : relation A) (bot : A) :
    ( x, R bot x) Proper (R ==> (⊢)) Φ
    ( a, □?b (Φ a)) □?b ( a, Φ a).
    intros. destruct b; [|done]. exact: forall_intuitionistically_bot.

  Lemma intuitionistically_and_sep P Q : (P Q) ⊣⊢@{PROP} P Q.
    by rewrite bi.intuitionistically_and bi.and_sep_intuitionistically.

  Lemma persistent_sep_distr_l (P Q R : PROP) `{!Persistent P, !Affine P} :
    P Q R ⊣⊢ (P Q) (P R).
    rewrite {1}(persistent_sep_dup P).
    iSplit; iIntros "[[$$] [$$]]".

  Lemma persistent_sep_distr_r (P Q R : PROP) `{!Persistent R, !Affine R} :
    (P Q) R ⊣⊢ (P R) (Q R).
  Proof. rewrite !(comm bi_sep _ R). exact: persistent_sep_distr_l. Qed.

  Lemma persistent_sep_and_distr_l P Q1 Q2 `{!Persistent P} `{!Affine P} :
    P (Q1 Q2) ⊣⊢@{PROP}
    (P Q1) (P Q2).
    iSplit. by iIntros "[$ $]".
    iIntros "H"; iSplit. by iDestruct "H" as "[[$ _] _]".
    iDestruct "H" as "[[_ $]_]".
    iDestruct "H" as "[_ [_ $]]".

  Lemma persistent_sep_and_distr_r {P1 P2 Q} `{!Persistent Q} `{!Affine Q} :
    (P1 P2) Q ⊣⊢@{PROP}
    (P1 Q) (P2 Q).
  Proof. rewrite !(comm bi_sep _ Q). exact: persistent_sep_and_distr_l. Qed.

  Lemma bupd_pure `{!BiBUpd PROP, !BiPlainly PROP, !BiBUpdPlainly PROP} (P : Prop) :
    (|==> P) ⊣⊢@{PROP} P.
  Proof. apply (anti_symm _); first exact: bupd_elim. apply bupd_intro. Qed.
End derived_laws.

Section only_provable_derived_laws.
  Context {PROP : bi}.

  Lemma exist_only_provable_eq_sep {A P} v:
    P v ⊢@{PROP} x : A, [| x = v |] P x.
  Proof. iIntros. iExists v; eauto. Qed.

  Lemma exist_sep_only_provable {A} (Φ Ψ : A PROP)
    (Hag : a1 a2, Φ a1 Ψ a2 -∗ [| a1 = a2 |]) :
    ( a, Φ a Ψ a) ⊣⊢ ( a, Φ a) ( a, Ψ a).
    apply exist_sep.
    iIntros (??) "Q R". by iDestruct (Hag with "Q R") as %->.

  Lemma exist_and_only_provable {A} (Φ Ψ : A PROP)
    (Hag : a1 a2, Φ a1 Ψ a2 [| a1 = a2 |]) :
    ( a, Φ a Ψ a) ⊣⊢ ( a, Φ a) ( a, Ψ a).
    apply exist_and.
    iIntros (??) "Q". by iDestruct (Hag with "Q") as %->.

  Lemma exist_and_agree {A : Type} (Θ Φ Ψ : A PROP)
      `{ a, Affine (Θ a), a, Persistent (Θ a)}
    (Hagree : a1 a2, Θ a1 Θ a2 [| a1 = a2 |]) :
    ( a, Θ a (Φ a Ψ a)) ⊣⊢ ( a, Θ a Φ a) ( a, Θ a Ψ a).
    apply (anti_symm _).
    - rewrite -exist_and_1. f_equiv=>a. iDestruct 1 as "[$ $]".
    - rewrite and_exist_l. f_equiv=> a2. iIntros "H".
      iAssert (Θ a2) as "#Ha"; first by iDestruct "H" as "[_ [$ _]]".
      iFrame "Ha". iSplit; last by iDestruct "H" as "[_ [_ $]]".
      rewrite and_exist_r. iDestruct "H" as (a1) "[[Ha2 R] _]".
      by iDestruct (Hagree a1 a2 with "[$Ha2]") as "->".

  Lemma exist_sep_agree {A : Type} (Θ Φ Ψ : A PROP)
      `{ a, Affine (Θ a), a, Persistent (Θ a)}
    (Hagree : a1 a2, Θ a1 Θ a2 [| a1 = a2 |]) :
    ( a, Θ a (Φ a Ψ a)) ⊣⊢ ( a, Θ a Φ a) ( a, Θ a Ψ a).
    rewrite -exist_sep //.
    - f_equiv => a. exact: persistent_sep_distr_l.
    - iIntros (??) "[A _] [B _]".
      by iDestruct (Hagree with "[$A $B]") as %->.
End only_provable_derived_laws.

Section embed_derived_laws.
  Context `{BiEmbed PROP1 PROP2}.
  Local Notation embed := (embed (A:=PROP1) (B:=PROP2)).

  Global Instance embed_fractional (P : Qp PROP1) :
    Fractional P Fractional (λ q, embed (P q)).
  Proof. intros ???. by rewrite -embed_sep fractional. Qed.
End embed_derived_laws.
End bi.