* Copyright (c) 2020-2023 BlueRock Security, Inc.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.base.
Require Import bedrock.lang.proofmode.proofmode.
Require Import
Require Import
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.arith.z_to_bytes.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.arith.builtins.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.semantics.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.arr.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.builtins.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.heap_pred.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.pred.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.z_to_bytes.
* Copyright (c) 2020-2023 BlueRock Security, Inc.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.base.
Require Import bedrock.lang.proofmode.proofmode.
Require Import
Require Import
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.arith.z_to_bytes.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.arith.builtins.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.semantics.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.arr.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.builtins.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.heap_pred.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.pred.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.z_to_bytes.
mlock Definition rawR `{Σ : cpp_logic, σ : genv} (q : cQp.t) (r : raw_byte) : Rep :=
tptsto_fuzzyR Tbyte q (Vraw r).
#[global] Arguments rawR {_ _ _ _} _ _ : assert. (* mlock bug *)
tptsto_fuzzyR Tbyte q (Vraw r).
#[global] Arguments rawR {_ _ _ _} _ _ : assert. (* mlock bug *)
Definition rawsR `{Σ : cpp_logic, σ : genv} (q : cQp.t) (rs : list raw_byte) : Rep :=
arrayR Tbyte (rawR q) rs.
TODO: The axioms here should be at the level of tptsto, stated in
pred.v, and proved in simple_pred.v with the properties of primR and
anyR derived.
Also, the proof of raw_int_byte_primR below suggest some TODOs for
Axiom primR_to_rawsR : ∀ `{Σ : cpp_logic, σ : genv} ty q v,
primR ty q v -|-
Exists rs, [| raw_bytes_of_val σ ty v rs |] ** type_ptrR ty ** rawsR q rs.
(* ^^ TODO: rewrite this in terms of tptsto *)
Definition decodes {σ : genv} (endianness : endian) (sgn : signed) (l : list N) (z : Z) : Prop :=
List.Forall (fun v => has_type_prop (Vn v) Tbyte) l /\
_Z_from_bytes endianness sgn l = z.
Definition decodes_uint {σ : genv} (l : list N) (z : Z) : Prop :=
Reduce (decodes (genv_byte_order σ) Unsigned l z).
TODO (JH): Determine if we can axiomatize a more specific property and
use it to derive this reasoning principle.
Axiom decode_uint_anyR : ∀ `{Σ : cpp_logic, σ : genv} q sz,
anyR (Tnum sz Unsigned) q -|-
anyR (Tarray Tuchar (int_rank.bytesN sz)) q ** type_ptrR (Tnum sz Unsigned).
(* ^^ should be proven *)
(* JH: TODO: Determine what new axioms we should add here. *)
Axiom raw_byte_of_int_eq : ∀ {σ : genv} sz x rs,
raw_bytes_of_val σ (Tnum sz Unsigned) (Vint x) rs <->
∃ l, decodes_uint l x /\ raw_int_byte <$> l = rs /\ length l = N.to_nat (int_rank.bytesN sz).
Section with_Σ.
Context `{Σ : cpp_logic} {σ : genv}.
arrayR Tbyte (rawR q) rs.
TODO: The axioms here should be at the level of tptsto, stated in
pred.v, and proved in simple_pred.v with the properties of primR and
anyR derived.
Also, the proof of raw_int_byte_primR below suggest some TODOs for
Axiom primR_to_rawsR : ∀ `{Σ : cpp_logic, σ : genv} ty q v,
primR ty q v -|-
Exists rs, [| raw_bytes_of_val σ ty v rs |] ** type_ptrR ty ** rawsR q rs.
(* ^^ TODO: rewrite this in terms of tptsto *)
Definition decodes {σ : genv} (endianness : endian) (sgn : signed) (l : list N) (z : Z) : Prop :=
List.Forall (fun v => has_type_prop (Vn v) Tbyte) l /\
_Z_from_bytes endianness sgn l = z.
Definition decodes_uint {σ : genv} (l : list N) (z : Z) : Prop :=
Reduce (decodes (genv_byte_order σ) Unsigned l z).
TODO (JH): Determine if we can axiomatize a more specific property and
use it to derive this reasoning principle.
Axiom decode_uint_anyR : ∀ `{Σ : cpp_logic, σ : genv} q sz,
anyR (Tnum sz Unsigned) q -|-
anyR (Tarray Tuchar (int_rank.bytesN sz)) q ** type_ptrR (Tnum sz Unsigned).
(* ^^ should be proven *)
(* JH: TODO: Determine what new axioms we should add here. *)
Axiom raw_byte_of_int_eq : ∀ {σ : genv} sz x rs,
raw_bytes_of_val σ (Tnum sz Unsigned) (Vint x) rs <->
∃ l, decodes_uint l x /\ raw_int_byte <$> l = rs /\ length l = N.to_nat (int_rank.bytesN sz).
Section with_Σ.
Context `{Σ : cpp_logic} {σ : genv}.
#[local] Notation PROPER R S := (
Proper (R ==> eq ==> eq ==> S) (@rawR _ _ _)
) (only parsing).
#[global] Instance rawR_mono : PROPER genv_leq bi_entails.
Proof. rewrite rawR.unlock. solve_proper. Qed.
#[global] Instance rawR_flip_mono : PROPER (flip genv_leq) (flip bi_entails).
Proof. repeat intro. exact: rawR_mono. Qed.
#[global] Instance rawR_proper : PROPER genv_eq equiv.
Proof. intros σ1 σ2 [??] ??? ???. split'; exact: rawR_mono. Qed.
#[global] Instance rawR_timeless : Timeless2 rawR.
Proof. rewrite rawR.unlock. apply _. Qed.
#[global] Instance rawR_cfractional : CFractional1 rawR.
Proof. rewrite rawR.unlock. apply _. Qed.
#[global] Instance rawR_as_cfractional : AsCFractional1 rawR.
Proof. solve_as_cfrac. Qed.
#[global] Instance rawR_cfrac_valid : CFracValid1 rawR.
Proof. rewrite rawR.unlock. solve_cfrac_valid. Qed.
#[global] Instance rawR_wellyped q r :
Observe (pureR (has_type (Vraw r) Tbyte)) (rawR q r).
rewrite -has_type_or_undef_nonundef// rawR.unlock. apply _.
#[global] Instance _at_rawR_wellyped (p : ptr) q r :
Observe (has_type (Vraw r) Tbyte) (p |-> rawR q r).
Proof. apply _at_observe_pureR, _. Qed.
#[global] Instance rawR_type_ptrR q r : Observe (type_ptrR Tbyte) (rawR q r).
Proof. rewrite rawR.unlock. apply _. Qed.
#[global] Instance rawR_nonnull q r : Observe nonnullR (rawR q r).
Proof. rewrite rawR.unlock. apply _. Qed.
#[global] Instance rawR_agree : AgreeCF1 rawR.
intros. rewrite rawR.unlock. iIntros "R1 R2".
iDestruct (observe_2 [| val_related _ _ _ |] with "R1 R2") as %?.
eauto using val_related_Vraw.
Lemma rawR_tptsto_acc (p : ptr) q r :
p |-> rawR q r |--
Exists v', [| val_related Tbyte (Vraw r) v' |] ** tptsto Tbyte q p v' **
(Forall p' q' v', [| val_related Tbyte (Vraw r) v' |] -* tptsto Tbyte q' p' v' -* p' |-> rawR q' r).
rewrite rawR.unlock. by rewrite tptsto_fuzzyR_tptsto_acc.
Lemma rawR_ptr_congP_transport p1 p2 q r :
ptr_congP σ p1 p2 |-- p1 |-> rawR q r -* p2 |-> rawR q r.
iIntros "#P R".
iDestruct (rawR_tptsto_acc with "R") as "(%v' & V & R & HR)".
iDestruct (tptsto_ptr_congP_transport with "P R") as "R".
iApply ("HR" with "V R").
Lemma rawR_offset_congP_transport (p : ptr) o1 o2 q r :
offset_congP σ o1 o2 |--
type_ptr Tbyte (p ,, o2) -*
p ,, o1 |-> rawR q r -*
p ,, o2 |-> rawR q r.
iIntros "#O #T2 R".
iDestruct (observe (type_ptr _ _) with "R") as "#T1".
iApply (rawR_ptr_congP_transport with "[] R").
by iApply offset_ptr_congP.
#[global] Instance rawsR_timeless q rs : Timeless (rawsR q rs).
Proof. apply _. Qed.
#[global] Instance rawsR_cfractional : CFractional1 rawsR.
Proof. apply _. Qed.
#[global] Instance rawsR_as_fractional : AsCFractional1 rawsR.
Proof. solve_as_cfrac. Qed.
Lemma rawsR_observe_frac_valid q rs :
(0 < length rs) ->
Observe [| cQp.frac q ≤ 1 |]%Qp (rawsR q rs).
intros Hlen; rewrite /rawsR; induction rs;
by [ simpl in Hlen; lia
| rewrite arrayR_cons; apply _].
Lemma rawsR_observe_agree q1 q2 rs1 rs2 :
length rs1 = length rs2 ->
Observe2 [| rs1 = rs2 |] (rawsR q1 rs1) (rawsR q2 rs2).
generalize dependent rs2; induction rs1 as [| r1 ? ?]; intros * Hlen.
- destruct rs2; [| simpl in Hlen; lia].
rewrite /Observe2; iIntros "? ? !>"; by iPureIntro.
- destruct rs2 as [| r2 ?]; [simpl in Hlen; lia |].
rewrite !length_cons in Hlen; inversion Hlen.
rewrite /rawsR !arrayR_cons;
fold (rawsR q1 rs1);
fold (rawsR q2 rs2).
iIntros "(Htype_ptrR1 & HrawR1 & HrawsR1) (Htype_ptrR2 & HrawR2 & HrawsR2)".
iDestruct (observe_2 [| r1 = r2 |] with "HrawR1 HrawR2") as %->.
specialize (IHrs1 rs2 ltac:(auto)).
iDestruct (observe_2 [| rs1 = rs2 |] with "HrawsR1 HrawsR2") as %->.
iModIntro; by iPureIntro.
Lemma raw_int_byte_primR' q r n :
raw_int_byte n = r ->
rawR q r -|- primR Tbyte q (Vn n).
intros <-. rewrite primR_to_rawsR. split'.
- iIntros "R". iExists [raw_int_byte n].
rewrite /rawsR arrayR_singleton.
iDestruct (observe (type_ptrR Tbyte) with "R") as "#T". iFrame "R T".
- iIntros "(% & %Hraw & #T & R)".
- iIntros "(% & %Hraw & #T & R)".
TODO: Missing axioms allowing us to invert raw_bytes_of_val σ
Tbyte (Vn n) rs to learn rs the singleton raw_int_byte n ::
Lemma raw_int_byte_primR q n : rawR q (raw_int_byte n) -|- primR Tbyte q (Vn n).
Proof. exact: raw_int_byte_primR'. Qed.
Lemma raw_int_byte_primR q n : rawR q (raw_int_byte n) -|- primR Tbyte q (Vn n).
Proof. exact: raw_int_byte_primR'. Qed.
TODO: determine whether this is correct with respect to pointers
Lemma decode_uint_primR q sz (x : Z) :
primR (Tnum sz Unsigned) q (Vint x) -|-
Exists (rs : list raw_byte) (l : list N),
primR (Tnum sz Unsigned) q (Vint x) -|-
Exists (rs : list raw_byte) (l : list N),
[| decodes_uint l x |] **
[| raw_int_byte <$> l = rs |] **
[| length l = N.to_nat (int_rank.bytesN sz) |] **
type_ptrR (Tnum sz Unsigned) **
arrayR Tbyte (fun c => primR Tbyte q (Vint c)) (Z.of_N <$> l).
rewrite primR_to_rawsR. f_equiv=>rs. rewrite raw_byte_of_int_eq. split'.
- iIntros "(%Hraw & T & Rs)". destruct Hraw as (l & Hdec & Hrs & Hlen).
iExists l. iFrame (Hdec Hrs Hlen) "T".
rewrite -{}Hrs /rawsR arrayR_eq/arrayR_def. rewrite arrR_mono//.
decompose_Forall. apply Forall_forall=>b ? /=.
by rewrite raw_int_byte_primR.
- iIntros "(%l & %Hdec & %Hrs & %Hlen & #T & Rs)". iFrame "T".
iSplit; eauto. rewrite -{}Hrs /rawsR arrayR_eq/arrayR_def. rewrite arrR_mono//.
decompose_Forall. apply Forall_forall=>b ? /=.
by rewrite raw_int_byte_primR.
End with_Σ.
Module Endian.
Section with_Σ.
Context `{Σ : cpp_logic} {σ : genv}.
Lemma decodes_uint_to_end :
forall endianness sz l v,
length l = N.to_nat (bitsize.bytesN sz) ->
decodes endianness Unsigned l v ->
decodes_uint l (to_end endianness sz v).
move=> endianness sz l v Hsz [Hbyte Hdecode].
rewrite /decodes in Hdecode.
rewrite /decodes_uint/to_end/to_little_end/to_big_end.
split; first assumption.
repeat case_match; eauto;
rewrite z_to_bytes._Z_from_bytes_eq/z_to_bytes._Z_from_bytes_def;
rewrite z_to_bytes._Z_from_bytes_eq/z_to_bytes._Z_from_bytes_def in Hdecode;
[ | replace l with (rev (rev l)) by (apply rev_involutive)];
erewrite z_to_bytes._Z_from_bytes_unsigned_le_bswap; eauto.
by destruct sz.
rewrite /bitsize.bytesNat length_rev.
destruct sz; simpl in *; lia.
Lemma decodes_Z_to_bytes_Unsigned:
forall sz (n : nat) (endianness : endian) (z : Z),
(int_rank.bytesNat sz = n)%N ->
has_type_prop z (Tnum sz Unsigned) ->
decodes endianness Unsigned (_Z_to_bytes n endianness Unsigned z) z.
intros * Hsz Hty; subst.
rewrite /decodes.
2: {
erewrite _Z_from_to_bytes_roundtrip; try reflexivity.
move: Hty.
rewrite -has_int_type.
destruct sz; rewrite/int_rank.bytesN; simpl in *; split; try lia.
exact: _Z_to_bytes_has_type_prop.
Lemma raw_bytes_of_val_to_end_raw_int_byte (endianness : endian) sz (z : Z) :
has_type_prop z (Tnum sz Unsigned) ->
raw_bytes_of_val σ (Tnum sz Unsigned) (to_end endianness (int_rank.bitsize sz) z)
(map raw_int_byte (_Z_to_bytes (int_rank.bytesNat sz) endianness Unsigned z)).
rewrite raw_byte_of_int_eq.
exists (_Z_to_bytes (N.to_nat $ int_rank.bytesN sz) endianness Unsigned z).
2: by rewrite _Z_to_bytes_length //.
apply: decodes_uint_to_end.
{ rewrite _Z_to_bytes_length. by destruct sz. }
apply: (decodes_Z_to_bytes_Unsigned sz); try reflexivity.
by destruct sz.
Lemma raw_bytes_of_val_to_big_end_raw_int_byte sz (z : Z) :
has_type_prop z (Tnum sz Unsigned) ->
raw_bytes_of_val σ (Tnum sz Unsigned) (to_big_end (int_rank.bitsize sz) z)
(map raw_int_byte (_Z_to_bytes (int_rank.bytesNat sz) Big Unsigned z)).
intros H; apply (raw_bytes_of_val_to_end_raw_int_byte Big) in H.
by rewrite /to_end/= in H.
Lemma raw_bytes_of_val_to_little_end_raw_int_byte sz (z : Z) :
has_type_prop z (Tnum sz Unsigned) ->
raw_bytes_of_val σ (Tnum sz Unsigned) (to_little_end (int_rank.bitsize sz) z)
(map raw_int_byte (_Z_to_bytes (int_rank.bytesNat sz) Little Unsigned z)).
intros H; apply (raw_bytes_of_val_to_end_raw_int_byte Little) in H.
rewrite /to_end/= in H.
by destruct sz.
End with_Σ.
End Endian.
[| raw_int_byte <$> l = rs |] **
[| length l = N.to_nat (int_rank.bytesN sz) |] **
type_ptrR (Tnum sz Unsigned) **
arrayR Tbyte (fun c => primR Tbyte q (Vint c)) (Z.of_N <$> l).
rewrite primR_to_rawsR. f_equiv=>rs. rewrite raw_byte_of_int_eq. split'.
- iIntros "(%Hraw & T & Rs)". destruct Hraw as (l & Hdec & Hrs & Hlen).
iExists l. iFrame (Hdec Hrs Hlen) "T".
rewrite -{}Hrs /rawsR arrayR_eq/arrayR_def. rewrite arrR_mono//.
decompose_Forall. apply Forall_forall=>b ? /=.
by rewrite raw_int_byte_primR.
- iIntros "(%l & %Hdec & %Hrs & %Hlen & #T & Rs)". iFrame "T".
iSplit; eauto. rewrite -{}Hrs /rawsR arrayR_eq/arrayR_def. rewrite arrR_mono//.
decompose_Forall. apply Forall_forall=>b ? /=.
by rewrite raw_int_byte_primR.
End with_Σ.
Module Endian.
Section with_Σ.
Context `{Σ : cpp_logic} {σ : genv}.
Lemma decodes_uint_to_end :
forall endianness sz l v,
length l = N.to_nat (bitsize.bytesN sz) ->
decodes endianness Unsigned l v ->
decodes_uint l (to_end endianness sz v).
move=> endianness sz l v Hsz [Hbyte Hdecode].
rewrite /decodes in Hdecode.
rewrite /decodes_uint/to_end/to_little_end/to_big_end.
split; first assumption.
repeat case_match; eauto;
rewrite z_to_bytes._Z_from_bytes_eq/z_to_bytes._Z_from_bytes_def;
rewrite z_to_bytes._Z_from_bytes_eq/z_to_bytes._Z_from_bytes_def in Hdecode;
[ | replace l with (rev (rev l)) by (apply rev_involutive)];
erewrite z_to_bytes._Z_from_bytes_unsigned_le_bswap; eauto.
by destruct sz.
rewrite /bitsize.bytesNat length_rev.
destruct sz; simpl in *; lia.
Lemma decodes_Z_to_bytes_Unsigned:
forall sz (n : nat) (endianness : endian) (z : Z),
(int_rank.bytesNat sz = n)%N ->
has_type_prop z (Tnum sz Unsigned) ->
decodes endianness Unsigned (_Z_to_bytes n endianness Unsigned z) z.
intros * Hsz Hty; subst.
rewrite /decodes.
2: {
erewrite _Z_from_to_bytes_roundtrip; try reflexivity.
move: Hty.
rewrite -has_int_type.
destruct sz; rewrite/int_rank.bytesN; simpl in *; split; try lia.
exact: _Z_to_bytes_has_type_prop.
Lemma raw_bytes_of_val_to_end_raw_int_byte (endianness : endian) sz (z : Z) :
has_type_prop z (Tnum sz Unsigned) ->
raw_bytes_of_val σ (Tnum sz Unsigned) (to_end endianness (int_rank.bitsize sz) z)
(map raw_int_byte (_Z_to_bytes (int_rank.bytesNat sz) endianness Unsigned z)).
rewrite raw_byte_of_int_eq.
exists (_Z_to_bytes (N.to_nat $ int_rank.bytesN sz) endianness Unsigned z).
2: by rewrite _Z_to_bytes_length //.
apply: decodes_uint_to_end.
{ rewrite _Z_to_bytes_length. by destruct sz. }
apply: (decodes_Z_to_bytes_Unsigned sz); try reflexivity.
by destruct sz.
Lemma raw_bytes_of_val_to_big_end_raw_int_byte sz (z : Z) :
has_type_prop z (Tnum sz Unsigned) ->
raw_bytes_of_val σ (Tnum sz Unsigned) (to_big_end (int_rank.bitsize sz) z)
(map raw_int_byte (_Z_to_bytes (int_rank.bytesNat sz) Big Unsigned z)).
intros H; apply (raw_bytes_of_val_to_end_raw_int_byte Big) in H.
by rewrite /to_end/= in H.
Lemma raw_bytes_of_val_to_little_end_raw_int_byte sz (z : Z) :
has_type_prop z (Tnum sz Unsigned) ->
raw_bytes_of_val σ (Tnum sz Unsigned) (to_little_end (int_rank.bitsize sz) z)
(map raw_int_byte (_Z_to_bytes (int_rank.bytesNat sz) Little Unsigned z)).
intros H; apply (raw_bytes_of_val_to_end_raw_int_byte Little) in H.
rewrite /to_end/= in H.
by destruct sz.
End with_Σ.
End Endian.