* Copyright (c) 2022-2023 BlueRock Security, Inc.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
* Copyright (c) 2022-2023 BlueRock Security, Inc.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
object_repr.v contains bundled definitions and utilities which are useful
when operating on (or reasoning about) the "object representation" of a C++
object (cf. <>). In BRiCk,
[rawR]/[rawsR] - which are wrappers around [Vraw] [val]ues and lists of them,
respectively - are used to refer to and manipulate these "object representations".
Require Import bedrock.lang.proofmode.proofmode.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.base.
Require Import
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.semantics.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.arr.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.pred.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.heap_pred.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.layout.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.raw.
Section Utilities.
Context `{Σ : cpp_logic} {σ : genv}.
Lemma big_sepL_shift_aux_N {PROP : bi} {p : ptr} {ty : type} (P : ptr -> PROP) (j : N) {n m : N} :
(j <= n)%N ->
([∗list] i ∈ seqN n m, P (p .[ ty ! Z.of_N i ]))
-|- ([∗list] i ∈ seqN j m, P (p .[ ty ! Z.of_N (n - j) ] .[ty ! Z.of_N i ])).
setoid_rewrite o_sub_sub.
intros Hsz.
rewrite {Hsz} (big_sepL_seqN_shift _ _ Hsz).
f_equiv => _ i.
by rewrite N2Z.inj_add.
Lemma big_sepL_shift_aux_nat {PROP : bi} {p : ptr} {ty : type} (P : ptr -> PROP) (j : nat) {n m : nat} :
(j <= n)%nat ->
([∗list] i ∈ seq n m, P (p .[ ty ! Z.of_nat i ]))
-|- ([∗list] i ∈ seq j m, P (p .[ ty ! Z.of_nat (n - j) ] .[ty ! Z.of_nat i ])).
intros Hsz.
setoid_rewrite o_sub_sub.
rewrite {Hsz} (big_sepL_seq_shift _ _ Hsz).
f_equiv => _ i.
by rewrite Nat2Z.inj_add.
Lemma big_sepL_shift_N {PROP : bi} (P : ptr -> PROP) (n m : N) :
forall (p : ptr) (ty : type),
([∗list] i ∈ seqN n m, P (p .[ ty ! Z.of_N i ]))
-|- ([∗list] i ∈ seqN 0 m, P (p .[ ty ! Z.of_N n ] .[ty ! Z.of_N i ])).
intros p ty.
rewrite (big_sepL_shift_aux_N P 0 ltac:(lia)).
f_equiv=> _ i; by rewrite N.sub_0_r.
Lemma big_sepL_shift_nat {PROP : bi} (P : ptr -> PROP) (n m : nat) :
forall (p : ptr) (ty : type),
([∗list] i ∈ seq n m, P (p .[ ty ! Z.of_nat i ]))
-|- ([∗list] i ∈ seq 0 m, P (p .[ ty ! Z.of_nat n ] .[ty ! Z.of_nat i ])).
intros p ty.
rewrite (big_sepL_shift_aux_nat P 0 ltac:(lia)).
f_equiv=> _ i; by rewrite Nat.sub_0_r.
Lemma big_sepL_type_ptr_shift (n m : N) (p : ptr) (ty : type) :
([∗list] i ∈ seqN n m, type_ptr ty (p .[ ty ! Z.of_N i ]))
-|- ([∗list] i ∈ seqN 0 m, type_ptr ty (p .[ ty ! Z.of_N n ] .[ty ! Z.of_N i ] )).
Proof. by apply big_sepL_shift_N. Qed.
Lemma big_sepL_type_ptr_shift' (n m : nat) (p : ptr) (ty : type) :
([∗list] i ∈ seq n m, type_ptr ty (p .[ ty ! Z.of_nat i ]))
-|- ([∗list] i ∈ seq 0 m, type_ptr ty (p .[ ty ! Z.of_nat n ] .[ty ! Z.of_nat i ] )).
Proof. by apply big_sepL_shift_nat. Qed.
End Utilities.
Section rawsR_transport.
Context `{Σ : cpp_logic} {σ : genv}.
Lemma _at_rawsR_ptr_congP_transport (p1 p2 : ptr) (q : cQp.t) (rs : list raw_byte) :
ptr_congP σ p1 p2 ** ([∗list] i ∈ seqN 0 (lengthN rs), type_ptr Tbyte (p2 .[ Tbyte ! Z.of_N i ]))
|-- p1 |-> rawsR q rs -* p2 |-> rawsR q rs.
generalize dependent p2; generalize dependent p1; induction rs;
iIntros (p1 p2) "[#congP tptrs]"; iAssert (ptr_congP σ p1 p2) as "(% & #tptr1 & #tptr2)"=> //.
- rewrite /rawsR !arrayR_nil !_at_sep !_at_only_provable !_at_validR.
iIntros "[_ %]"; iFrame "%"; iApply (type_ptr_valid with "tptr2").
- rewrite /rawsR !arrayR_cons !_at_sep !_at_type_ptrR !_at_offsetR; fold (rawsR q rs).
iIntros "[_ [raw raws]]"; iFrame "#"; iSplitL "raw".
+ iApply (rawR_ptr_congP_transport with "congP"); iFrame "∗".
+ destruct rs.
* rewrite /rawsR !arrayR_nil !_at_sep !_at_only_provable !_at_validR.
iDestruct "raws" as "[#valid %]"; iFrame "%".
iApply type_ptr_valid_plus_one; iFrame "#".
* specialize (IHrs (p1 .[ Tbyte ! 1 ]) (p2 .[ Tbyte ! 1 ])).
iDestruct (observe (type_ptr Tbyte (p1 .[ Tbyte ! 1 ])) with "raws") as "#tptr1'". 1: {
rewrite /rawsR arrayR_cons; apply: _.
iDestruct (observe (type_ptr Tbyte (p2 .[ Tbyte ! 1 ])) with "tptrs") as "#tptr2'". 1: {
rewrite !lengthN_cons !N.add_1_r !seqN_S_start/=; apply: _.
rewrite lengthN_cons N.add_1_r seqN_S_start/=.
rewrite big_sepL_type_ptr_shift; auto.
replace (Z.of_N 1) with 1%Z by lia.
iDestruct "tptrs" as "#[tptr' tptrs]".
iApply (IHrs with "[tptrs]"); iFrame "#∗".
unfold ptr_congP, ptr_cong; iPureIntro.
destruct H as [p [o1 [o2 [Ho1 [Ho2 Hoffset_cong]]]]]; subst.
exists p, (o1 .[ Tbyte ! 1 ]), (o2 .[ Tbyte ! 1 ]).
rewrite ?offset_ptr_dot; intuition.
unfold offset_cong in *.
apply option.same_property_iff in Hoffset_cong as [? [Ho1 Ho2]].
apply option.same_property_iff.
rewrite !eval_offset_dot !eval_o_sub Ho1 Ho2 /=.
by eauto.
End rawsR_transport.
(* Definitions to ease consuming and reasoning about the collection of type_ptr Tbyte
facts induced by type_ptr_obj_repr.
Section raw_type_ptrs.
Context `{Σ : cpp_logic} {σ : genv}.
(* obj_type_ptr ty p collects all of the constituent type_ptr Tbyte facts
for the "object representation" of an object of type ty rooted at p.
Definition raw_type_ptrs_def (ty : type) (p : ptr) : mpred :=
Exists (sz : N),
[| size_of σ ty = Some sz |] **
[∗list] i ∈ seqN 0 sz, type_ptr Tbyte (p .[ Tbyte ! Z.of_N i ]).
Definition raw_type_ptrs_aux : seal (@raw_type_ptrs_def). Proof. by eexists. Qed.
Definition raw_type_ptrs := raw_type_ptrs_aux.(unseal).
Definition raw_type_ptrs_eq : @raw_type_ptrs = _ := raw_type_ptrs_aux.(seal_eq).
(* obj_type_ptr ty p collects all of the constituent type_ptr Tbyte facts
for the "object representation" of an object of type ty rooted at p.
Definition raw_type_ptrsR_def (ty : type) : Rep := as_Rep (raw_type_ptrs ty).
Definition raw_type_ptrsR_aux : seal (@raw_type_ptrsR_def). Proof. by eexists. Qed.
Definition raw_type_ptrsR := raw_type_ptrsR_aux.(unseal).
Definition raw_type_ptrsR_eq : @raw_type_ptrsR = _ := raw_type_ptrsR_aux.(seal_eq).
Lemma type_ptr_raw_type_ptrs :
forall (ty : type) (p : ptr),
is_Some (size_of σ ty) ->
type_ptr ty p |-- raw_type_ptrs ty p.
intros * Hsz; rewrite raw_type_ptrs_eq/raw_type_ptrs_def.
destruct Hsz as [sz Hsz].
iIntros "#tptr"; iExists sz; iFrame "%".
by iApply type_ptr_obj_repr.
Section Instances.
Instance raw_type_ptrs_persistent : forall p ty,
Persistent (raw_type_ptrs ty p).
Proof. rewrite raw_type_ptrs_eq/raw_type_ptrs_def; apply: _. Qed.
Instance raw_type_ptrsR_persistent : forall ty,
Persistent (raw_type_ptrsR ty).
Proof. rewrite raw_type_ptrsR_eq/raw_type_ptrsR_def; apply: _. Qed.
Instance raw_type_ptrs_affine : forall p ty,
Affine (raw_type_ptrs ty p).
Proof. rewrite raw_type_ptrs_eq/raw_type_ptrs_def; apply: _. Qed.
Instance raw_type_ptrsR_affine : forall ty,
Affine (raw_type_ptrsR ty).
Proof. rewrite raw_type_ptrsR_eq/raw_type_ptrsR_def; apply: _. Qed.
Instance raw_type_ptrs_timeless : forall p ty,
Timeless (raw_type_ptrs ty p).
Proof. rewrite raw_type_ptrs_eq/raw_type_ptrs_def; apply: _. Qed.
Instance raw_type_ptrsR_timeless : forall ty,
Timeless (raw_type_ptrsR ty).
Proof. rewrite raw_type_ptrsR_eq/raw_type_ptrsR_def; apply: _. Qed.
Section observations.
Instance raw_type_ptrs_type_ptr_Tbyte_obs (ty : type) (i : N) :
forall (p : ptr) (sz : N),
size_of σ ty = Some sz ->
(i < sz)%N ->
Observe (type_ptr Tbyte (p .[ Tbyte ! i ])) (raw_type_ptrs ty p).
iIntros (p sz Hsz Hi) "#raw_tptrs !>".
rewrite raw_type_ptrs_eq/raw_type_ptrs_def.
iDestruct "raw_tptrs" as (sz') "[%Hsz' tptrs]".
rewrite {}Hsz' in Hsz; inversion Hsz; subst.
induction sz as [| sz' IHsz'] using N.peano_ind; first lia.
iIntros "#tptrs".
assert (i = sz' \/ i < sz')%N as [Hi' | Hi'] by lia;
rewrite seqN_S_end_app big_opL_app; cbn;
iDestruct "tptrs" as "(#tptrs & #tptr & _)";
by [subst | iApply IHsz'].
Lemma raw_type_ptrs_Tarray_elem (i : N) :
forall (p : ptr) ty (cnt sz : N)
(Hcnt : (cnt <> 0)%N) (Hsz : types.size_of σ ty = Some sz) (Hi : i cnt),
raw_type_ptrs (Tarray ty cnt) p |-- raw_type_ptrs ty (p .[Tbyte ! sz * i]).
intros **; iIntros "#raw_tptrs_array".
rewrite raw_type_ptrs_eq/raw_type_ptrs_def.
iDestruct "raw_tptrs_array" as (sz_array) "[%Hsz_array tptrs]".
iExists sz; iSplit; first by iPureIntro.
rewrite -N2Z.inj_mul -(big_sepL_type_ptr_shift (sz * i) sz p Tbyte).
iApply (big_sepL_submseteq with "tptrs").
apply sublist_submseteq.
apply seqN_sublist; first by done.
erewrite size_of_array in Hsz_array; eauto; inversion Hsz_array.
rewrite N.add_0_l -N.mul_succ_r N.mul_comm.
apply N.mul_le_mono_r.
Instance raw_type_ptrs_Tarray_elem_observe (i : N) :
forall (p : ptr) ty (cnt sz : N)
(Hcnt : (cnt <> 0)%N) (Hsz : types.size_of σ ty = Some sz) (Hi : i cnt),
Observe (raw_type_ptrs ty (p .[Tbyte ! sz * i])) (raw_type_ptrs (Tarray ty cnt) p).
Proof. intros **; rewrite (raw_type_ptrs_Tarray_elem i); eauto; by apply: _. Qed.
Instance raw_type_ptrs_blockR_obs (ty : type) :
forall (p : ptr) (sz : N) q,
size_of σ ty = Some sz ->
Observe (raw_type_ptrs ty p) (p |-> blockR sz q).
intros * Hsz.
rewrite blockR_eq/blockR_def raw_type_ptrs_eq/raw_type_ptrs_def !_at_sep.
apply observe_sep_r.
iIntros "anyRs".
rewrite bi.persistently_exist; iExists sz.
rewrite bi.persistently_sep; iSplitR "anyRs";
first by (iModIntro; iPureIntro).
rewrite _at_big_sepL.
unshelve iDestruct (big_sepL_mono with "anyRs") as "H";
[ by exact (fun _ v => <pers> type_ptr Tbyte (p .[Tbyte ! v]))%I
| by intros k v Hlookup; cbn;
rewrite _at_offsetR anyR_type_ptr_observe // _at_pers _at_type_ptrR
| ]; cbn.
rewrite -big_sepL_persistently; iDestruct "H" as "#tptrs"; iModIntro.
(* NOTE (JH): There is probably a better way to relate these *)
clear Hsz; generalize dependent p; induction sz using N.peano_ind=> p;
iIntros "#tptrs"; first by done.
rewrite seqN_S_start N2Nat.inj_succ; cbn.
iDestruct "tptrs" as "[#tptr tptrs]"; iSplitL "tptr".
- by replace (Z.of_nat 0) with 0%Z by lia.
- rewrite big_sepL_type_ptr_shift big_sepL_type_ptr_shift'.
specialize (IHsz (p .[Tbyte ! 1%N])).
by iApply IHsz.
End observations.
End Instances.
Section equivalences.
Lemma _at_raw_type_ptrsR_equiv : forall (p : ptr) ty,
p |-> raw_type_ptrsR ty -|- raw_type_ptrs ty p.
Proof. by intros p ty; rewrite raw_type_ptrsR_eq/raw_type_ptrsR_def _at_as_Rep. Qed.
Lemma raw_type_ptrs_arrayR_Tbyte_emp `(xs : list X) :
forall (ty : type) (p : ptr) (sz : N),
size_of σ ty = Some sz ->
lengthN xs = sz ->
xs <> nil ->
raw_type_ptrs ty p
-|- p |-> arrayR Tbyte (const emp) xs.
intros * Hsz Hlen Hnonnil.
rewrite raw_type_ptrs_eq/raw_type_ptrs_def.
rewrite arrayR_eq/arrayR_def arrR_eq/arrR_def.
- iIntros "P"; iDestruct "P" as (sz') "[%Hsz' #tptrs]".
rewrite !_at_sep !_at_offsetR !_at_only_provable.
assert (is_Some (size_of σ Tbyte)) by eauto; iFrame "%".
rewrite length_fmap -to_nat_lengthN Hlen N_nat_Z.
rewrite Hsz' in Hsz; inversion Hsz; subst.
+ rewrite (big_sepL_lookup _ _ (Nat.pred (length xs))). 2: {
rewrite list_lookup_lookupN.
eapply lookupN_seqN.
intuition eauto.
destruct xs; simpl; [by exfalso; apply Hnonnil |].
rewrite /lengthN/=; lia.
rewrite N.add_0_l Nat2N.inj_pred; fold (lengthN xs).
replace (Z.of_N (lengthN xs))
with (N.pred (lengthN xs) + 1)%Z
by (destruct xs; by [contradiction | rewrite /lengthN/=; lia]).
rewrite -o_sub_sub _at_validR.
by iApply type_ptr_valid_plus_one.
+ rewrite _at_big_sepL.
iApply (big_sepL_mono (fun n _ => type_ptr Tbyte (p .[ Tbyte ! n ]))).
2: {
iStopProof; generalize dependent p; clear -Hnonnil;
destruct xs as [| x xs]; first by contradiction.
generalize dependent x; induction xs as [| x' xs IHxs];
iIntros (x Hnonnil p) "#tptrs"; first done.
specialize (IHxs x' ltac:(auto) (p .[ Tbyte ! 1 ])).
rewrite fmap_cons big_sepL_cons.
replace (lengthN (x :: x' :: xs))
with (N.succ (lengthN (x' :: xs)))
by (rewrite !lengthN_cons; lia).
rewrite seqN_S_start big_sepL_cons.
iDestruct "tptrs" as "[$ tptrs]".
iApply (big_sepL_mono (fun n _ => type_ptr Tbyte (p .[ Tbyte ! 1 ] .[Tbyte ! n ])));
first by (intros **; rewrite o_sub_sub;
by replace (Z.of_nat (S k)) with (1 + k)%Z by lia).
iApply IHxs; iModIntro.
by iApply (big_sepL_type_ptr_shift 1%N).
intros k y Hy.
rewrite list_lookup_fmap in Hy.
destruct (xs !! k); last by done.
inversion Hy; subst.
rewrite _at_offsetR _at_sep _at_emp _at_type_ptrR.
iIntros "$".
- rewrite !_at_sep !_at_offsetR _at_only_provable _at_validR _at_big_sepL.
iIntros "(_ & _ & tptrs)".
iExists sz; iFrame "%"; rewrite -Hlen; clear -Hnonnil.
iDestruct (big_sepL_mono _ (fun n y => type_ptr Tbyte (p .[ Tbyte ! n ])) with "tptrs") as "tptrs".
2: {
iStopProof; generalize dependent p;
destruct xs as [| x xs]; first by contradiction.
generalize dependent x; induction xs as [| x' xs IHxs];
iIntros (x Hnonnil p) "tptrs"; first by done.
specialize (IHxs x' ltac:(auto) (p .[ Tbyte ! 1 ])).
rewrite fmap_cons big_sepL_cons.
replace (lengthN (x :: x' :: xs))
with (N.succ (lengthN (x' :: xs)))
by (rewrite !lengthN_cons; lia).
rewrite seqN_S_start big_sepL_cons.
iDestruct "tptrs" as "[$ tptrs]".
iDestruct (big_sepL_mono _ (fun n _ => type_ptr Tbyte (p .[ Tbyte ! 1 ] .[Tbyte ! n ]))
with "tptrs") as "tptrs";
first by (intros **; rewrite o_sub_sub;
by replace (Z.of_nat (S k)) with (1 + k)%Z by lia).
iDestruct (IHxs with "tptrs") as "tptrs".
by iApply (big_sepL_type_ptr_shift 1%N).
intros k y Hy.
rewrite list_lookup_fmap in Hy.
destruct (xs !! k); last by done.
inversion Hy; subst.
rewrite _at_offsetR _at_sep _at_emp _at_type_ptrR.
iIntros "[$ _]".
Lemma raw_type_ptrs_array_aux :
forall (ty : type) (cnt : N) (p : ptr) (i sz : N),
size_of σ ty = Some sz ->
([∗list] j ∈ seqN (i * sz) (cnt * sz)%N,
type_ptr Tbyte (p .[ Tbyte ! Z.of_N (i * sz) ] .[ Tbyte ! Z.of_N j ]))
-|- ([∗list] j ∈ seqN i cnt,
raw_type_ptrs ty (p .[ Tbyte ! Z.of_N ((i + j) * sz) ])).
intros ty cnt; induction cnt as [| cnt' IHcnt'] using N.peano_ind=> p i sz Hsz;
first by rewrite N.mul_0_l !seqN_0.
rewrite Nmult_Sn_m {1}/seqN N2Nat.inj_add seq_app -N2Nat.inj_add fmap_app.
fold (seqN (i * sz) sz) (seqN (i * sz + sz)%N (cnt' * sz)).
replace (i * sz + sz)%N with ((i + 1) * sz)%N by lia;
rewrite big_sepL_app.
rewrite seqN_S_start big_sepL_cons -N.add_1_r.
specialize (IHcnt' (p .[ Tbyte ! -sz ]) (i + 1)%N sz Hsz).
rewrite !o_sub_sub in IHcnt'.
split'; iIntros "[P Q]"; iSplitL "P".
- rewrite raw_type_ptrs_eq/raw_type_ptrs_def.
iExists sz; iFrame "%".
iDestruct (big_sepL_type_ptr_shift with "P") as "?"; auto.
rewrite o_sub_sub.
by replace (Z.add (Z.of_N (i * sz)) (Z.of_N (i * sz)))
with (Z.of_N ((i + i) * sz))
by lia.
- iApply big_sepL_mono; last iApply IHcnt'.
+ intros **; simpl.
rewrite o_sub_sub.
by replace (Z.add (-sz) (Z.of_N ((i + 1 + y) * sz)))
with (Z.of_N ((i + y) * sz))
by lia.
+ iApply big_sepL_mono; last by iFrame.
intros **; simpl.
by replace (Z.add (-sz) (Z.of_N ((i + 1) * sz)))
with (Z.of_N (i * sz))
by lia.
- rewrite raw_type_ptrs_eq/raw_type_ptrs_def.
iDestruct "P" as (sz') "[%Hsz' tptrs]".
rewrite Hsz' in Hsz; inversion Hsz; subst.
iApply big_sepL_type_ptr_shift; auto.
rewrite o_sub_sub.
by replace (Z.add (Z.of_N (i * sz)) (Z.of_N (i * sz)))
with (Z.of_N ((i + i) * sz))
by lia.
- iApply big_sepL_mono; last iApply IHcnt'.
+ intros **; simpl.
by replace (Z.add (-sz) (Z.of_N ((i + 1) * sz)))
with (Z.of_N (i * sz))
by lia.
+ iApply big_sepL_mono; last by iFrame.
intros **; simpl.
rewrite o_sub_sub.
by replace (Z.add (-sz) (Z.of_N ((i + 1 + y) * sz)))
with (Z.of_N ((i + y) * sz))
by lia.
Lemma raw_type_ptrs_big_array :
forall (p : ptr) (ty : type) (cnt sz : N),
size_of σ ty = Some sz ->
raw_type_ptrs (Tarray ty cnt) p
-|- [∗list] i ∈ seqN 0 cnt, raw_type_ptrs ty (p .[ Tbyte ! Z.of_N (i * sz) ]).
intros p ty cnt sz Hsz.
pose proof (raw_type_ptrs_array_aux ty cnt p 0 sz Hsz) as Haux.
split'; iIntros "P";
rewrite o_sub_0 in Haux; auto; rewrite offset_ptr_id in Haux;
rewrite raw_type_ptrs_eq/raw_type_ptrs_def.
- iDestruct "P" as (array_sz) "[%Harray_sz tptrs]".
apply size_of_array_shatter in Harray_sz as [sz' [? [Hsz' Harray_sz]]]; subst.
rewrite Hsz' in Hsz; inversion Hsz; subst.
rewrite N.mul_0_l in Haux; rewrite Haux.
iApply big_sepL_mono; last by iFrame.
intros k y Hk=> /=.
by rewrite raw_type_ptrs_eq/raw_type_ptrs_def N.add_0_l.
- pose proof (size_of_array ty cnt sz Hsz).
iExists (cnt * sz)%N; iFrame "%".
iApply Haux.
iApply big_sepL_mono; last by iFrame.
intros k y Hk=> /=.
by rewrite raw_type_ptrs_eq/raw_type_ptrs_def N.add_0_l.
End equivalences.
End raw_type_ptrs.
#[global] Arguments raw_type_ptrs {_ _ Σ σ} _ _.
#[global] Arguments raw_type_ptrsR {_ _ Σ σ} _.
#[global] Hint Opaque raw_type_ptrs raw_type_ptrsR : typeclass_instances.
Section primR_transport.
Context `{Σ : cpp_logic} {σ : genv}.
Lemma _at_primR_ptr_congP_transport p p' ty q v :
ptr_congP σ p p' ** type_ptr ty p' |-- p |-> primR ty q v -* p' |-> primR ty q v.
iIntros "#[cong tptr'] prim".
iDestruct (type_ptr_size with "tptr'") as "%Hsz"; destruct Hsz as [sz Hsz].
iDestruct (type_ptr_raw_type_ptrs with "tptr'") as "raw_tptrs"; eauto.
rewrite raw_type_ptrs_eq/raw_type_ptrs_def.
iDestruct "raw_tptrs" as (sz') "[%Hsz' tptrs]".
rewrite Hsz' in Hsz; inversion Hsz; subst.
rewrite primR_to_rawsR !_at_exists.
iDestruct "prim" as (rs) "H"; iExists rs.
rewrite !_at_sep !_at_only_provable !_at_type_ptrR.
iDestruct "H" as "(%raw_bytes & _ & raws)"; iFrame "#%".
pose proof (raw_bytes_of_val_sizeof raw_bytes) as Hlen.
rewrite Hlen in Hsz'; inversion Hsz'; subst.
rewrite lengthN_fold.
iRevert "raws".
iApply _at_rawsR_ptr_congP_transport.
by iFrame "#".
End primR_transport.
(* Reps which can be encoded as raw bytes enjoy certain transport and cancellation properties *)
Section with_rawable.
Context `{Σ : cpp_logic} {σ : genv}.
Context {X : Type} (R : cQp.t -> X -> Rep).
Context (decode : list raw_byte -> X -> Prop) (encode : X -> list raw_byte -> Prop).
Context (enc_dec_uniq : forall (x x' : X) (raws : list raw_byte),
encode x raws -> decode raws x' -> x = x').
(* NOTE (JH): structs with padding are rawable, but this direction is too strict to permit
the nondeterminism inherent in the representation of padding.
(* Context (dec_enc_uniq : forall (x x' : X) (raws : list raw_byte), *)
(* decode raws x -> encode x raws' -> ). *)
Context (ty : type) (sz : N) (Hsz : size_of σ ty = Some sz) (Hnonzero : (sz <> 0)%N).
Context (Hdecode_sz : forall (x : X) (rs : list raw_byte), decode rs x -> lengthN rs = sz).
Context (Hencode_sz : forall (x : X) (rs : list raw_byte), encode x rs -> lengthN rs = sz).
Context (HR_decode : forall (rs : list raw_byte) (p : ptr) q,
p |-> rawsR q rs ** type_ptr ty p
|-- Exists (x : X),
[| decode rs x |] ** p |-> R q x).
Context (HR_encode : forall (x : X) (p : ptr) q,
p |-> R q x
|-- type_ptr ty p **
Exists (rs : list raw_byte),
[| encode x rs |] ** p |-> rawsR q rs).
#[local] Lemma _at_rawable_R_obj_repr_aux (i : N) :
forall (p : ptr) q (rs : list raw_byte),
p .[ Tbyte ! i ] |-> rawsR q (dropN i rs)
|-- p .[ Tbyte ! i ] |-> arrayR Tbyte (fun tt => anyR Tbyte q)
(replicateN (lengthN rs - i) ()).
intros **; clear Hsz Hdecode_sz Hencode_sz Hnonzero HR_decode HR_encode.
generalize dependent i; generalize dependent p.
induction rs as [| r rs IHrs]; intros p i.
- rewrite replicateN_0 dropN_nil /rawsR !arrayR_nil.
- destruct i as [| i' _] using N.peano_ind=>//.
+ rewrite -> o_sub_0 in *; auto.
specialize (IHrs (p .[ Tbyte ! 1 ]) 0%N).
rewrite -> offset_ptr_id in *.
rewrite -> N.sub_0_r in *.
rewrite lengthN_cons replicateN_succ /rawsR !arrayR_cons
!_at_sep !_at_offsetR.
iIntros "(#tptr & raw & raws)".
iFrame "#"; iSplitL "raw".
* rewrite rawR.unlock. by rewrite anyR_tptsto_fuzzyR_val_2.
* rewrite o_sub_0 in IHrs; auto; rewrite offset_ptr_id in IHrs.
iApply IHrs.
rewrite dropN_zero /rawsR _at_type_ptrR; iFrame "#∗".
+ replace (dropN (N.succ i') (r :: rs))
with (dropN i' rs)
by (rewrite -N.add_1_r dropN_cons_succ//).
rewrite lengthN_cons.
replace (lengthN rs + 1 - N.succ i')%N
with (lengthN rs - i')%N
by lia.
specialize (IHrs (p .[ Tbyte ! 1 ]) i').
rewrite o_sub_sub in IHrs.
replace (1 + Z.of_N i')%Z with (Z.of_N (N.succ i')) in IHrs by lia.
by iApply IHrs.
Lemma _at_rawable_R_arrayR_anyR :
forall (p : ptr) q (x : X),
p |-> R q x
|-- p |-> arrayR Tbyte (fun tt => anyR Tbyte q) (replicateN sz ()).
Proof using encode ty Hsz Hencode_sz Hnonzero HR_encode.
intros **.
rewrite HR_encode.
iIntros "[#tptr H]"; iDestruct "H" as (rs) "[%Hrs raws]".
pose proof (_at_rawable_R_obj_repr_aux 0 p q rs) as Haux.
rewrite o_sub_0 in Haux; auto; rewrite offset_ptr_id in Haux.
rewrite dropN_zero N.sub_0_r (Hencode_sz x) in Haux; last by assumption.
by iApply Haux.
Lemma _at_rawable_R_anyR :
forall (p : ptr) q (x : X),
p |-> R q x
|-- p |-> anyR (Tarray Tbyte sz) q.
Proof using encode ty Hsz Hencode_sz Hnonzero HR_encode.
intros **; rewrite anyR_array repeatN_replicateN.
by apply _at_rawable_R_arrayR_anyR.
Lemma R_ptr_congP_transport_via_rawsR :
forall (p p' : ptr) q (x : X),
ptr_congP σ p p' ** type_ptr ty p' |-- p |-> R q x -* p' |-> R q x.
Proof using decode encode enc_dec_uniq sz Hdecode_sz Hencode_sz Hsz HR_decode HR_encode Hnonzero.
intros p p' q x; rewrite HR_encode.
iIntros "#[cong tptr'] [#tptr H]"; iDestruct "H" as (rs) "[%Henc raws]".
iDestruct (type_ptr_raw_type_ptrs with "tptr'") as "#raw_tptrs'"; auto.
assert (rs <> []) as Hrs_nonnil
by (intro CONTRA; subst; specialize (Hencode_sz x [] Henc);
apply Hnonzero; rewrite -Hencode_sz; by apply lengthN_nil).
rewrite raw_type_ptrs_eq/raw_type_ptrs_def.
iDestruct "raw_tptrs'" as (sz') "[%Hsz' tptrs']".
rewrite Hsz in Hsz'; inversion Hsz'; subst.
assert (sz' = lengthN rs) as -> by (by erewrite <- Hencode_sz).
iDestruct (_at_rawsR_ptr_congP_transport with "[$] [$]") as "raws'".
iCombine "raws' tptr'" as "H".
iDestruct (HR_decode with "H") as "H".
iDestruct "H" as (x') "[%Hdec R]".
by rewrite (enc_dec_uniq x x' rs).
End with_rawable.
Section blockR_transport.
Context `{Σ : cpp_logic} {σ : genv}.
Lemma blockR_ptr_congP_transport_raw (sz : N) :
forall (p p' : ptr) (ty : type) q,
size_of σ ty = Some sz ->
ptr_congP σ p p' ** raw_type_ptrs ty p'
|-- p |-> blockR sz q -* p' |-> blockR sz q.
iIntros (p p' ty q Hty) "[#cong #raw_tptrs'] block".
iDestruct (raw_type_ptrs_blockR_obs with "block") as "#raw_tptrs"; eauto.
assert (sz = 0 \/ 0 < sz)%N as [Hsz | Hsz] by lia.
- subst; rewrite blockR_eq/blockR_def !_at_sep !_at_offsetR/=.
rewrite o_sub_0; eauto; rewrite !offset_ptr_id !_at_emp.
iDestruct "block" as "[_ $]".
rewrite _at_validR.
iDestruct "cong" as "#(cong & tptr & tptr')".
by iApply type_ptr_valid.
- rewrite blockR_eq/blockR_def !_at_sep !_at_offsetR.
iDestruct "block" as "[block_valid block]"; iSplit.
+ iDestruct (raw_type_ptrs_type_ptr_Tbyte_obs
ty (N.pred sz) p' sz Hty ltac:(lia)
with "raw_tptrs'")
as "#tptr_end'".
rewrite !_at_validR.
iDestruct (type_ptr_valid_plus_one with "tptr_end'") as "valid_end'".
rewrite o_sub_sub.
by have ->: (N.pred sz + 1)%Z = Z.of_N sz by lia.
+ rewrite !_at_big_sepL.
(* TODO: find a strengthened big_sepL lemma for monotonicity in a given context *)
rewrite raw_type_ptrs_eq/raw_type_ptrs_def.
iDestruct "raw_tptrs" as (sz') "[%Hty' tptrs]".
iDestruct "raw_tptrs'" as (sz'') "[%Hty'' tptrs']".
rewrite Hty' in Hty; inversion Hty; subst; clear Hty.
rewrite Hty'' in Hty'; inversion Hty'; subst; clear Hty' Hty''.
iClear "block_valid".
iDestruct "cong" as "-#cong".
iDestruct "tptrs" as "-#tptrs".
iDestruct "tptrs'" as "-#tptrs'".
iRevert "block"; iStopProof.
generalize dependent p'; generalize dependent p;
induction sz as [| sz' IHsz'] using N.peano_ind;
first by lia.
assert (sz' = 0 \/ 0 < sz')%N as [Hsz' | Hsz'] by lia. 1: {
iIntros (p p') "#(cong & tptrs & tptrs')"; subst.
rewrite !N2Nat.inj_succ/= o_sub_0; eauto; rewrite !offset_ptr_id !_offsetR_id.
iIntros "[any $]"; iRevert "any".
iApply _at_anyR_ptr_congP_transport.
by iFrame "cong"; iDestruct "cong" as "(_&_&$)".
iIntros (p p') "#(cong & tptrs & tptrs')".
rewrite !seqN_S_start !N2Nat.inj_succ/=.
rewrite o_sub_0; eauto; rewrite !_offsetR_id !offset_ptr_id.
iDestruct "tptrs" as "[tptr tptrs]".
iDestruct "tptrs'" as "[tptr' tptrs']".
iIntros "[any REST]"; iSplitL "any".
* iRevert "any"; iApply _at_anyR_ptr_congP_transport.
by iFrame "cong tptr'".
* rewrite !(big_sepL_type_ptr_shift 1 sz'); eauto.
specialize (IHsz' Hsz' (p .[ Tbyte ! 1%N ]) (p' .[ Tbyte ! 1%N ])).
iDestruct (IHsz' with "[]") as "IH".
-- iFrame "tptrs tptrs'"; unfold ptr_congP.
iDestruct "cong" as "(%Hcong & _ & _)".
++ iPureIntro; unfold ptr_cong in *.
destruct Hcong as [p'' [o1 [o2 [-> [-> Hcong]]]]].
exists p'', (o1 .[ Tbyte ! 1%N ]), (o2 .[ Tbyte ! 1%N ]).
rewrite !offset_ptr_dot; intuition.
unfold offset_cong in *.
rewrite -> option.same_property_iff in *.
destruct Hcong as [z [Ho1 Ho2]].
exists (z + 1)%Z; rewrite !eval_offset_dot !eval_o_sub.
by rewrite Ho1 Ho2//=.
++ iSplitL "tptrs"; destruct sz' using N.peano_ind; try lia;
rewrite seqN_S_start/= o_sub_0; eauto; rewrite !offset_ptr_id.
** by iDestruct "tptrs" as "[$ _]".
** by iDestruct "tptrs'" as "[$ _]".
-- setoid_rewrite _at_offsetR.
rewrite !(big_sepL_shift_nat (λ p, p |-> anyR Tbyte q) 1 (N.to_nat sz')).
by iRevert "REST".
(* NOTE (JH): In practice this will likely be difficult to use due to the
type_ptr ty p' obligation.
Lemma blockR_ptr_congP_transport (sz : N) :
forall (p p' : ptr) (ty : type) q,
size_of σ ty = Some sz ->
ptr_congP σ p p' ** type_ptr ty p ** type_ptr ty p'
|-- p |-> blockR sz q -* p' |-> blockR sz q.
intros **; iIntros "(cong & _ & tptr')".
rewrite type_ptr_raw_type_ptrs; eauto.
by iApply blockR_ptr_congP_transport_raw; eauto.
End blockR_transport.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.base.
Require Import
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.semantics.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.arr.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.pred.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.heap_pred.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.layout.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.raw.
Section Utilities.
Context `{Σ : cpp_logic} {σ : genv}.
Lemma big_sepL_shift_aux_N {PROP : bi} {p : ptr} {ty : type} (P : ptr -> PROP) (j : N) {n m : N} :
(j <= n)%N ->
([∗list] i ∈ seqN n m, P (p .[ ty ! Z.of_N i ]))
-|- ([∗list] i ∈ seqN j m, P (p .[ ty ! Z.of_N (n - j) ] .[ty ! Z.of_N i ])).
setoid_rewrite o_sub_sub.
intros Hsz.
rewrite {Hsz} (big_sepL_seqN_shift _ _ Hsz).
f_equiv => _ i.
by rewrite N2Z.inj_add.
Lemma big_sepL_shift_aux_nat {PROP : bi} {p : ptr} {ty : type} (P : ptr -> PROP) (j : nat) {n m : nat} :
(j <= n)%nat ->
([∗list] i ∈ seq n m, P (p .[ ty ! Z.of_nat i ]))
-|- ([∗list] i ∈ seq j m, P (p .[ ty ! Z.of_nat (n - j) ] .[ty ! Z.of_nat i ])).
intros Hsz.
setoid_rewrite o_sub_sub.
rewrite {Hsz} (big_sepL_seq_shift _ _ Hsz).
f_equiv => _ i.
by rewrite Nat2Z.inj_add.
Lemma big_sepL_shift_N {PROP : bi} (P : ptr -> PROP) (n m : N) :
forall (p : ptr) (ty : type),
([∗list] i ∈ seqN n m, P (p .[ ty ! Z.of_N i ]))
-|- ([∗list] i ∈ seqN 0 m, P (p .[ ty ! Z.of_N n ] .[ty ! Z.of_N i ])).
intros p ty.
rewrite (big_sepL_shift_aux_N P 0 ltac:(lia)).
f_equiv=> _ i; by rewrite N.sub_0_r.
Lemma big_sepL_shift_nat {PROP : bi} (P : ptr -> PROP) (n m : nat) :
forall (p : ptr) (ty : type),
([∗list] i ∈ seq n m, P (p .[ ty ! Z.of_nat i ]))
-|- ([∗list] i ∈ seq 0 m, P (p .[ ty ! Z.of_nat n ] .[ty ! Z.of_nat i ])).
intros p ty.
rewrite (big_sepL_shift_aux_nat P 0 ltac:(lia)).
f_equiv=> _ i; by rewrite Nat.sub_0_r.
Lemma big_sepL_type_ptr_shift (n m : N) (p : ptr) (ty : type) :
([∗list] i ∈ seqN n m, type_ptr ty (p .[ ty ! Z.of_N i ]))
-|- ([∗list] i ∈ seqN 0 m, type_ptr ty (p .[ ty ! Z.of_N n ] .[ty ! Z.of_N i ] )).
Proof. by apply big_sepL_shift_N. Qed.
Lemma big_sepL_type_ptr_shift' (n m : nat) (p : ptr) (ty : type) :
([∗list] i ∈ seq n m, type_ptr ty (p .[ ty ! Z.of_nat i ]))
-|- ([∗list] i ∈ seq 0 m, type_ptr ty (p .[ ty ! Z.of_nat n ] .[ty ! Z.of_nat i ] )).
Proof. by apply big_sepL_shift_nat. Qed.
End Utilities.
Section rawsR_transport.
Context `{Σ : cpp_logic} {σ : genv}.
Lemma _at_rawsR_ptr_congP_transport (p1 p2 : ptr) (q : cQp.t) (rs : list raw_byte) :
ptr_congP σ p1 p2 ** ([∗list] i ∈ seqN 0 (lengthN rs), type_ptr Tbyte (p2 .[ Tbyte ! Z.of_N i ]))
|-- p1 |-> rawsR q rs -* p2 |-> rawsR q rs.
generalize dependent p2; generalize dependent p1; induction rs;
iIntros (p1 p2) "[#congP tptrs]"; iAssert (ptr_congP σ p1 p2) as "(% & #tptr1 & #tptr2)"=> //.
- rewrite /rawsR !arrayR_nil !_at_sep !_at_only_provable !_at_validR.
iIntros "[_ %]"; iFrame "%"; iApply (type_ptr_valid with "tptr2").
- rewrite /rawsR !arrayR_cons !_at_sep !_at_type_ptrR !_at_offsetR; fold (rawsR q rs).
iIntros "[_ [raw raws]]"; iFrame "#"; iSplitL "raw".
+ iApply (rawR_ptr_congP_transport with "congP"); iFrame "∗".
+ destruct rs.
* rewrite /rawsR !arrayR_nil !_at_sep !_at_only_provable !_at_validR.
iDestruct "raws" as "[#valid %]"; iFrame "%".
iApply type_ptr_valid_plus_one; iFrame "#".
* specialize (IHrs (p1 .[ Tbyte ! 1 ]) (p2 .[ Tbyte ! 1 ])).
iDestruct (observe (type_ptr Tbyte (p1 .[ Tbyte ! 1 ])) with "raws") as "#tptr1'". 1: {
rewrite /rawsR arrayR_cons; apply: _.
iDestruct (observe (type_ptr Tbyte (p2 .[ Tbyte ! 1 ])) with "tptrs") as "#tptr2'". 1: {
rewrite !lengthN_cons !N.add_1_r !seqN_S_start/=; apply: _.
rewrite lengthN_cons N.add_1_r seqN_S_start/=.
rewrite big_sepL_type_ptr_shift; auto.
replace (Z.of_N 1) with 1%Z by lia.
iDestruct "tptrs" as "#[tptr' tptrs]".
iApply (IHrs with "[tptrs]"); iFrame "#∗".
unfold ptr_congP, ptr_cong; iPureIntro.
destruct H as [p [o1 [o2 [Ho1 [Ho2 Hoffset_cong]]]]]; subst.
exists p, (o1 .[ Tbyte ! 1 ]), (o2 .[ Tbyte ! 1 ]).
rewrite ?offset_ptr_dot; intuition.
unfold offset_cong in *.
apply option.same_property_iff in Hoffset_cong as [? [Ho1 Ho2]].
apply option.same_property_iff.
rewrite !eval_offset_dot !eval_o_sub Ho1 Ho2 /=.
by eauto.
End rawsR_transport.
(* Definitions to ease consuming and reasoning about the collection of type_ptr Tbyte
facts induced by type_ptr_obj_repr.
Section raw_type_ptrs.
Context `{Σ : cpp_logic} {σ : genv}.
(* obj_type_ptr ty p collects all of the constituent type_ptr Tbyte facts
for the "object representation" of an object of type ty rooted at p.
Definition raw_type_ptrs_def (ty : type) (p : ptr) : mpred :=
Exists (sz : N),
[| size_of σ ty = Some sz |] **
[∗list] i ∈ seqN 0 sz, type_ptr Tbyte (p .[ Tbyte ! Z.of_N i ]).
Definition raw_type_ptrs_aux : seal (@raw_type_ptrs_def). Proof. by eexists. Qed.
Definition raw_type_ptrs := raw_type_ptrs_aux.(unseal).
Definition raw_type_ptrs_eq : @raw_type_ptrs = _ := raw_type_ptrs_aux.(seal_eq).
(* obj_type_ptr ty p collects all of the constituent type_ptr Tbyte facts
for the "object representation" of an object of type ty rooted at p.
Definition raw_type_ptrsR_def (ty : type) : Rep := as_Rep (raw_type_ptrs ty).
Definition raw_type_ptrsR_aux : seal (@raw_type_ptrsR_def). Proof. by eexists. Qed.
Definition raw_type_ptrsR := raw_type_ptrsR_aux.(unseal).
Definition raw_type_ptrsR_eq : @raw_type_ptrsR = _ := raw_type_ptrsR_aux.(seal_eq).
Lemma type_ptr_raw_type_ptrs :
forall (ty : type) (p : ptr),
is_Some (size_of σ ty) ->
type_ptr ty p |-- raw_type_ptrs ty p.
intros * Hsz; rewrite raw_type_ptrs_eq/raw_type_ptrs_def.
destruct Hsz as [sz Hsz].
iIntros "#tptr"; iExists sz; iFrame "%".
by iApply type_ptr_obj_repr.
Section Instances.
Instance raw_type_ptrs_persistent : forall p ty,
Persistent (raw_type_ptrs ty p).
Proof. rewrite raw_type_ptrs_eq/raw_type_ptrs_def; apply: _. Qed.
Instance raw_type_ptrsR_persistent : forall ty,
Persistent (raw_type_ptrsR ty).
Proof. rewrite raw_type_ptrsR_eq/raw_type_ptrsR_def; apply: _. Qed.
Instance raw_type_ptrs_affine : forall p ty,
Affine (raw_type_ptrs ty p).
Proof. rewrite raw_type_ptrs_eq/raw_type_ptrs_def; apply: _. Qed.
Instance raw_type_ptrsR_affine : forall ty,
Affine (raw_type_ptrsR ty).
Proof. rewrite raw_type_ptrsR_eq/raw_type_ptrsR_def; apply: _. Qed.
Instance raw_type_ptrs_timeless : forall p ty,
Timeless (raw_type_ptrs ty p).
Proof. rewrite raw_type_ptrs_eq/raw_type_ptrs_def; apply: _. Qed.
Instance raw_type_ptrsR_timeless : forall ty,
Timeless (raw_type_ptrsR ty).
Proof. rewrite raw_type_ptrsR_eq/raw_type_ptrsR_def; apply: _. Qed.
Section observations.
Instance raw_type_ptrs_type_ptr_Tbyte_obs (ty : type) (i : N) :
forall (p : ptr) (sz : N),
size_of σ ty = Some sz ->
(i < sz)%N ->
Observe (type_ptr Tbyte (p .[ Tbyte ! i ])) (raw_type_ptrs ty p).
iIntros (p sz Hsz Hi) "#raw_tptrs !>".
rewrite raw_type_ptrs_eq/raw_type_ptrs_def.
iDestruct "raw_tptrs" as (sz') "[%Hsz' tptrs]".
rewrite {}Hsz' in Hsz; inversion Hsz; subst.
induction sz as [| sz' IHsz'] using N.peano_ind; first lia.
iIntros "#tptrs".
assert (i = sz' \/ i < sz')%N as [Hi' | Hi'] by lia;
rewrite seqN_S_end_app big_opL_app; cbn;
iDestruct "tptrs" as "(#tptrs & #tptr & _)";
by [subst | iApply IHsz'].
Lemma raw_type_ptrs_Tarray_elem (i : N) :
forall (p : ptr) ty (cnt sz : N)
(Hcnt : (cnt <> 0)%N) (Hsz : types.size_of σ ty = Some sz) (Hi : i cnt),
raw_type_ptrs (Tarray ty cnt) p |-- raw_type_ptrs ty (p .[Tbyte ! sz * i]).
intros **; iIntros "#raw_tptrs_array".
rewrite raw_type_ptrs_eq/raw_type_ptrs_def.
iDestruct "raw_tptrs_array" as (sz_array) "[%Hsz_array tptrs]".
iExists sz; iSplit; first by iPureIntro.
rewrite -N2Z.inj_mul -(big_sepL_type_ptr_shift (sz * i) sz p Tbyte).
iApply (big_sepL_submseteq with "tptrs").
apply sublist_submseteq.
apply seqN_sublist; first by done.
erewrite size_of_array in Hsz_array; eauto; inversion Hsz_array.
rewrite N.add_0_l -N.mul_succ_r N.mul_comm.
apply N.mul_le_mono_r.
Instance raw_type_ptrs_Tarray_elem_observe (i : N) :
forall (p : ptr) ty (cnt sz : N)
(Hcnt : (cnt <> 0)%N) (Hsz : types.size_of σ ty = Some sz) (Hi : i cnt),
Observe (raw_type_ptrs ty (p .[Tbyte ! sz * i])) (raw_type_ptrs (Tarray ty cnt) p).
Proof. intros **; rewrite (raw_type_ptrs_Tarray_elem i); eauto; by apply: _. Qed.
Instance raw_type_ptrs_blockR_obs (ty : type) :
forall (p : ptr) (sz : N) q,
size_of σ ty = Some sz ->
Observe (raw_type_ptrs ty p) (p |-> blockR sz q).
intros * Hsz.
rewrite blockR_eq/blockR_def raw_type_ptrs_eq/raw_type_ptrs_def !_at_sep.
apply observe_sep_r.
iIntros "anyRs".
rewrite bi.persistently_exist; iExists sz.
rewrite bi.persistently_sep; iSplitR "anyRs";
first by (iModIntro; iPureIntro).
rewrite _at_big_sepL.
unshelve iDestruct (big_sepL_mono with "anyRs") as "H";
[ by exact (fun _ v => <pers> type_ptr Tbyte (p .[Tbyte ! v]))%I
| by intros k v Hlookup; cbn;
rewrite _at_offsetR anyR_type_ptr_observe // _at_pers _at_type_ptrR
| ]; cbn.
rewrite -big_sepL_persistently; iDestruct "H" as "#tptrs"; iModIntro.
(* NOTE (JH): There is probably a better way to relate these *)
clear Hsz; generalize dependent p; induction sz using N.peano_ind=> p;
iIntros "#tptrs"; first by done.
rewrite seqN_S_start N2Nat.inj_succ; cbn.
iDestruct "tptrs" as "[#tptr tptrs]"; iSplitL "tptr".
- by replace (Z.of_nat 0) with 0%Z by lia.
- rewrite big_sepL_type_ptr_shift big_sepL_type_ptr_shift'.
specialize (IHsz (p .[Tbyte ! 1%N])).
by iApply IHsz.
End observations.
End Instances.
Section equivalences.
Lemma _at_raw_type_ptrsR_equiv : forall (p : ptr) ty,
p |-> raw_type_ptrsR ty -|- raw_type_ptrs ty p.
Proof. by intros p ty; rewrite raw_type_ptrsR_eq/raw_type_ptrsR_def _at_as_Rep. Qed.
Lemma raw_type_ptrs_arrayR_Tbyte_emp `(xs : list X) :
forall (ty : type) (p : ptr) (sz : N),
size_of σ ty = Some sz ->
lengthN xs = sz ->
xs <> nil ->
raw_type_ptrs ty p
-|- p |-> arrayR Tbyte (const emp) xs.
intros * Hsz Hlen Hnonnil.
rewrite raw_type_ptrs_eq/raw_type_ptrs_def.
rewrite arrayR_eq/arrayR_def arrR_eq/arrR_def.
- iIntros "P"; iDestruct "P" as (sz') "[%Hsz' #tptrs]".
rewrite !_at_sep !_at_offsetR !_at_only_provable.
assert (is_Some (size_of σ Tbyte)) by eauto; iFrame "%".
rewrite length_fmap -to_nat_lengthN Hlen N_nat_Z.
rewrite Hsz' in Hsz; inversion Hsz; subst.
+ rewrite (big_sepL_lookup _ _ (Nat.pred (length xs))). 2: {
rewrite list_lookup_lookupN.
eapply lookupN_seqN.
intuition eauto.
destruct xs; simpl; [by exfalso; apply Hnonnil |].
rewrite /lengthN/=; lia.
rewrite N.add_0_l Nat2N.inj_pred; fold (lengthN xs).
replace (Z.of_N (lengthN xs))
with (N.pred (lengthN xs) + 1)%Z
by (destruct xs; by [contradiction | rewrite /lengthN/=; lia]).
rewrite -o_sub_sub _at_validR.
by iApply type_ptr_valid_plus_one.
+ rewrite _at_big_sepL.
iApply (big_sepL_mono (fun n _ => type_ptr Tbyte (p .[ Tbyte ! n ]))).
2: {
iStopProof; generalize dependent p; clear -Hnonnil;
destruct xs as [| x xs]; first by contradiction.
generalize dependent x; induction xs as [| x' xs IHxs];
iIntros (x Hnonnil p) "#tptrs"; first done.
specialize (IHxs x' ltac:(auto) (p .[ Tbyte ! 1 ])).
rewrite fmap_cons big_sepL_cons.
replace (lengthN (x :: x' :: xs))
with (N.succ (lengthN (x' :: xs)))
by (rewrite !lengthN_cons; lia).
rewrite seqN_S_start big_sepL_cons.
iDestruct "tptrs" as "[$ tptrs]".
iApply (big_sepL_mono (fun n _ => type_ptr Tbyte (p .[ Tbyte ! 1 ] .[Tbyte ! n ])));
first by (intros **; rewrite o_sub_sub;
by replace (Z.of_nat (S k)) with (1 + k)%Z by lia).
iApply IHxs; iModIntro.
by iApply (big_sepL_type_ptr_shift 1%N).
intros k y Hy.
rewrite list_lookup_fmap in Hy.
destruct (xs !! k); last by done.
inversion Hy; subst.
rewrite _at_offsetR _at_sep _at_emp _at_type_ptrR.
iIntros "$".
- rewrite !_at_sep !_at_offsetR _at_only_provable _at_validR _at_big_sepL.
iIntros "(_ & _ & tptrs)".
iExists sz; iFrame "%"; rewrite -Hlen; clear -Hnonnil.
iDestruct (big_sepL_mono _ (fun n y => type_ptr Tbyte (p .[ Tbyte ! n ])) with "tptrs") as "tptrs".
2: {
iStopProof; generalize dependent p;
destruct xs as [| x xs]; first by contradiction.
generalize dependent x; induction xs as [| x' xs IHxs];
iIntros (x Hnonnil p) "tptrs"; first by done.
specialize (IHxs x' ltac:(auto) (p .[ Tbyte ! 1 ])).
rewrite fmap_cons big_sepL_cons.
replace (lengthN (x :: x' :: xs))
with (N.succ (lengthN (x' :: xs)))
by (rewrite !lengthN_cons; lia).
rewrite seqN_S_start big_sepL_cons.
iDestruct "tptrs" as "[$ tptrs]".
iDestruct (big_sepL_mono _ (fun n _ => type_ptr Tbyte (p .[ Tbyte ! 1 ] .[Tbyte ! n ]))
with "tptrs") as "tptrs";
first by (intros **; rewrite o_sub_sub;
by replace (Z.of_nat (S k)) with (1 + k)%Z by lia).
iDestruct (IHxs with "tptrs") as "tptrs".
by iApply (big_sepL_type_ptr_shift 1%N).
intros k y Hy.
rewrite list_lookup_fmap in Hy.
destruct (xs !! k); last by done.
inversion Hy; subst.
rewrite _at_offsetR _at_sep _at_emp _at_type_ptrR.
iIntros "[$ _]".
Lemma raw_type_ptrs_array_aux :
forall (ty : type) (cnt : N) (p : ptr) (i sz : N),
size_of σ ty = Some sz ->
([∗list] j ∈ seqN (i * sz) (cnt * sz)%N,
type_ptr Tbyte (p .[ Tbyte ! Z.of_N (i * sz) ] .[ Tbyte ! Z.of_N j ]))
-|- ([∗list] j ∈ seqN i cnt,
raw_type_ptrs ty (p .[ Tbyte ! Z.of_N ((i + j) * sz) ])).
intros ty cnt; induction cnt as [| cnt' IHcnt'] using N.peano_ind=> p i sz Hsz;
first by rewrite N.mul_0_l !seqN_0.
rewrite Nmult_Sn_m {1}/seqN N2Nat.inj_add seq_app -N2Nat.inj_add fmap_app.
fold (seqN (i * sz) sz) (seqN (i * sz + sz)%N (cnt' * sz)).
replace (i * sz + sz)%N with ((i + 1) * sz)%N by lia;
rewrite big_sepL_app.
rewrite seqN_S_start big_sepL_cons -N.add_1_r.
specialize (IHcnt' (p .[ Tbyte ! -sz ]) (i + 1)%N sz Hsz).
rewrite !o_sub_sub in IHcnt'.
split'; iIntros "[P Q]"; iSplitL "P".
- rewrite raw_type_ptrs_eq/raw_type_ptrs_def.
iExists sz; iFrame "%".
iDestruct (big_sepL_type_ptr_shift with "P") as "?"; auto.
rewrite o_sub_sub.
by replace (Z.add (Z.of_N (i * sz)) (Z.of_N (i * sz)))
with (Z.of_N ((i + i) * sz))
by lia.
- iApply big_sepL_mono; last iApply IHcnt'.
+ intros **; simpl.
rewrite o_sub_sub.
by replace (Z.add (-sz) (Z.of_N ((i + 1 + y) * sz)))
with (Z.of_N ((i + y) * sz))
by lia.
+ iApply big_sepL_mono; last by iFrame.
intros **; simpl.
by replace (Z.add (-sz) (Z.of_N ((i + 1) * sz)))
with (Z.of_N (i * sz))
by lia.
- rewrite raw_type_ptrs_eq/raw_type_ptrs_def.
iDestruct "P" as (sz') "[%Hsz' tptrs]".
rewrite Hsz' in Hsz; inversion Hsz; subst.
iApply big_sepL_type_ptr_shift; auto.
rewrite o_sub_sub.
by replace (Z.add (Z.of_N (i * sz)) (Z.of_N (i * sz)))
with (Z.of_N ((i + i) * sz))
by lia.
- iApply big_sepL_mono; last iApply IHcnt'.
+ intros **; simpl.
by replace (Z.add (-sz) (Z.of_N ((i + 1) * sz)))
with (Z.of_N (i * sz))
by lia.
+ iApply big_sepL_mono; last by iFrame.
intros **; simpl.
rewrite o_sub_sub.
by replace (Z.add (-sz) (Z.of_N ((i + 1 + y) * sz)))
with (Z.of_N ((i + y) * sz))
by lia.
Lemma raw_type_ptrs_big_array :
forall (p : ptr) (ty : type) (cnt sz : N),
size_of σ ty = Some sz ->
raw_type_ptrs (Tarray ty cnt) p
-|- [∗list] i ∈ seqN 0 cnt, raw_type_ptrs ty (p .[ Tbyte ! Z.of_N (i * sz) ]).
intros p ty cnt sz Hsz.
pose proof (raw_type_ptrs_array_aux ty cnt p 0 sz Hsz) as Haux.
split'; iIntros "P";
rewrite o_sub_0 in Haux; auto; rewrite offset_ptr_id in Haux;
rewrite raw_type_ptrs_eq/raw_type_ptrs_def.
- iDestruct "P" as (array_sz) "[%Harray_sz tptrs]".
apply size_of_array_shatter in Harray_sz as [sz' [? [Hsz' Harray_sz]]]; subst.
rewrite Hsz' in Hsz; inversion Hsz; subst.
rewrite N.mul_0_l in Haux; rewrite Haux.
iApply big_sepL_mono; last by iFrame.
intros k y Hk=> /=.
by rewrite raw_type_ptrs_eq/raw_type_ptrs_def N.add_0_l.
- pose proof (size_of_array ty cnt sz Hsz).
iExists (cnt * sz)%N; iFrame "%".
iApply Haux.
iApply big_sepL_mono; last by iFrame.
intros k y Hk=> /=.
by rewrite raw_type_ptrs_eq/raw_type_ptrs_def N.add_0_l.
End equivalences.
End raw_type_ptrs.
#[global] Arguments raw_type_ptrs {_ _ Σ σ} _ _.
#[global] Arguments raw_type_ptrsR {_ _ Σ σ} _.
#[global] Hint Opaque raw_type_ptrs raw_type_ptrsR : typeclass_instances.
Section primR_transport.
Context `{Σ : cpp_logic} {σ : genv}.
Lemma _at_primR_ptr_congP_transport p p' ty q v :
ptr_congP σ p p' ** type_ptr ty p' |-- p |-> primR ty q v -* p' |-> primR ty q v.
iIntros "#[cong tptr'] prim".
iDestruct (type_ptr_size with "tptr'") as "%Hsz"; destruct Hsz as [sz Hsz].
iDestruct (type_ptr_raw_type_ptrs with "tptr'") as "raw_tptrs"; eauto.
rewrite raw_type_ptrs_eq/raw_type_ptrs_def.
iDestruct "raw_tptrs" as (sz') "[%Hsz' tptrs]".
rewrite Hsz' in Hsz; inversion Hsz; subst.
rewrite primR_to_rawsR !_at_exists.
iDestruct "prim" as (rs) "H"; iExists rs.
rewrite !_at_sep !_at_only_provable !_at_type_ptrR.
iDestruct "H" as "(%raw_bytes & _ & raws)"; iFrame "#%".
pose proof (raw_bytes_of_val_sizeof raw_bytes) as Hlen.
rewrite Hlen in Hsz'; inversion Hsz'; subst.
rewrite lengthN_fold.
iRevert "raws".
iApply _at_rawsR_ptr_congP_transport.
by iFrame "#".
End primR_transport.
(* Reps which can be encoded as raw bytes enjoy certain transport and cancellation properties *)
Section with_rawable.
Context `{Σ : cpp_logic} {σ : genv}.
Context {X : Type} (R : cQp.t -> X -> Rep).
Context (decode : list raw_byte -> X -> Prop) (encode : X -> list raw_byte -> Prop).
Context (enc_dec_uniq : forall (x x' : X) (raws : list raw_byte),
encode x raws -> decode raws x' -> x = x').
(* NOTE (JH): structs with padding are rawable, but this direction is too strict to permit
the nondeterminism inherent in the representation of padding.
(* Context (dec_enc_uniq : forall (x x' : X) (raws : list raw_byte), *)
(* decode raws x -> encode x raws' -> ). *)
Context (ty : type) (sz : N) (Hsz : size_of σ ty = Some sz) (Hnonzero : (sz <> 0)%N).
Context (Hdecode_sz : forall (x : X) (rs : list raw_byte), decode rs x -> lengthN rs = sz).
Context (Hencode_sz : forall (x : X) (rs : list raw_byte), encode x rs -> lengthN rs = sz).
Context (HR_decode : forall (rs : list raw_byte) (p : ptr) q,
p |-> rawsR q rs ** type_ptr ty p
|-- Exists (x : X),
[| decode rs x |] ** p |-> R q x).
Context (HR_encode : forall (x : X) (p : ptr) q,
p |-> R q x
|-- type_ptr ty p **
Exists (rs : list raw_byte),
[| encode x rs |] ** p |-> rawsR q rs).
#[local] Lemma _at_rawable_R_obj_repr_aux (i : N) :
forall (p : ptr) q (rs : list raw_byte),
p .[ Tbyte ! i ] |-> rawsR q (dropN i rs)
|-- p .[ Tbyte ! i ] |-> arrayR Tbyte (fun tt => anyR Tbyte q)
(replicateN (lengthN rs - i) ()).
intros **; clear Hsz Hdecode_sz Hencode_sz Hnonzero HR_decode HR_encode.
generalize dependent i; generalize dependent p.
induction rs as [| r rs IHrs]; intros p i.
- rewrite replicateN_0 dropN_nil /rawsR !arrayR_nil.
- destruct i as [| i' _] using N.peano_ind=>//.
+ rewrite -> o_sub_0 in *; auto.
specialize (IHrs (p .[ Tbyte ! 1 ]) 0%N).
rewrite -> offset_ptr_id in *.
rewrite -> N.sub_0_r in *.
rewrite lengthN_cons replicateN_succ /rawsR !arrayR_cons
!_at_sep !_at_offsetR.
iIntros "(#tptr & raw & raws)".
iFrame "#"; iSplitL "raw".
* rewrite rawR.unlock. by rewrite anyR_tptsto_fuzzyR_val_2.
* rewrite o_sub_0 in IHrs; auto; rewrite offset_ptr_id in IHrs.
iApply IHrs.
rewrite dropN_zero /rawsR _at_type_ptrR; iFrame "#∗".
+ replace (dropN (N.succ i') (r :: rs))
with (dropN i' rs)
by (rewrite -N.add_1_r dropN_cons_succ//).
rewrite lengthN_cons.
replace (lengthN rs + 1 - N.succ i')%N
with (lengthN rs - i')%N
by lia.
specialize (IHrs (p .[ Tbyte ! 1 ]) i').
rewrite o_sub_sub in IHrs.
replace (1 + Z.of_N i')%Z with (Z.of_N (N.succ i')) in IHrs by lia.
by iApply IHrs.
Lemma _at_rawable_R_arrayR_anyR :
forall (p : ptr) q (x : X),
p |-> R q x
|-- p |-> arrayR Tbyte (fun tt => anyR Tbyte q) (replicateN sz ()).
Proof using encode ty Hsz Hencode_sz Hnonzero HR_encode.
intros **.
rewrite HR_encode.
iIntros "[#tptr H]"; iDestruct "H" as (rs) "[%Hrs raws]".
pose proof (_at_rawable_R_obj_repr_aux 0 p q rs) as Haux.
rewrite o_sub_0 in Haux; auto; rewrite offset_ptr_id in Haux.
rewrite dropN_zero N.sub_0_r (Hencode_sz x) in Haux; last by assumption.
by iApply Haux.
Lemma _at_rawable_R_anyR :
forall (p : ptr) q (x : X),
p |-> R q x
|-- p |-> anyR (Tarray Tbyte sz) q.
Proof using encode ty Hsz Hencode_sz Hnonzero HR_encode.
intros **; rewrite anyR_array repeatN_replicateN.
by apply _at_rawable_R_arrayR_anyR.
Lemma R_ptr_congP_transport_via_rawsR :
forall (p p' : ptr) q (x : X),
ptr_congP σ p p' ** type_ptr ty p' |-- p |-> R q x -* p' |-> R q x.
Proof using decode encode enc_dec_uniq sz Hdecode_sz Hencode_sz Hsz HR_decode HR_encode Hnonzero.
intros p p' q x; rewrite HR_encode.
iIntros "#[cong tptr'] [#tptr H]"; iDestruct "H" as (rs) "[%Henc raws]".
iDestruct (type_ptr_raw_type_ptrs with "tptr'") as "#raw_tptrs'"; auto.
assert (rs <> []) as Hrs_nonnil
by (intro CONTRA; subst; specialize (Hencode_sz x [] Henc);
apply Hnonzero; rewrite -Hencode_sz; by apply lengthN_nil).
rewrite raw_type_ptrs_eq/raw_type_ptrs_def.
iDestruct "raw_tptrs'" as (sz') "[%Hsz' tptrs']".
rewrite Hsz in Hsz'; inversion Hsz'; subst.
assert (sz' = lengthN rs) as -> by (by erewrite <- Hencode_sz).
iDestruct (_at_rawsR_ptr_congP_transport with "[$] [$]") as "raws'".
iCombine "raws' tptr'" as "H".
iDestruct (HR_decode with "H") as "H".
iDestruct "H" as (x') "[%Hdec R]".
by rewrite (enc_dec_uniq x x' rs).
End with_rawable.
Section blockR_transport.
Context `{Σ : cpp_logic} {σ : genv}.
Lemma blockR_ptr_congP_transport_raw (sz : N) :
forall (p p' : ptr) (ty : type) q,
size_of σ ty = Some sz ->
ptr_congP σ p p' ** raw_type_ptrs ty p'
|-- p |-> blockR sz q -* p' |-> blockR sz q.
iIntros (p p' ty q Hty) "[#cong #raw_tptrs'] block".
iDestruct (raw_type_ptrs_blockR_obs with "block") as "#raw_tptrs"; eauto.
assert (sz = 0 \/ 0 < sz)%N as [Hsz | Hsz] by lia.
- subst; rewrite blockR_eq/blockR_def !_at_sep !_at_offsetR/=.
rewrite o_sub_0; eauto; rewrite !offset_ptr_id !_at_emp.
iDestruct "block" as "[_ $]".
rewrite _at_validR.
iDestruct "cong" as "#(cong & tptr & tptr')".
by iApply type_ptr_valid.
- rewrite blockR_eq/blockR_def !_at_sep !_at_offsetR.
iDestruct "block" as "[block_valid block]"; iSplit.
+ iDestruct (raw_type_ptrs_type_ptr_Tbyte_obs
ty (N.pred sz) p' sz Hty ltac:(lia)
with "raw_tptrs'")
as "#tptr_end'".
rewrite !_at_validR.
iDestruct (type_ptr_valid_plus_one with "tptr_end'") as "valid_end'".
rewrite o_sub_sub.
by have ->: (N.pred sz + 1)%Z = Z.of_N sz by lia.
+ rewrite !_at_big_sepL.
(* TODO: find a strengthened big_sepL lemma for monotonicity in a given context *)
rewrite raw_type_ptrs_eq/raw_type_ptrs_def.
iDestruct "raw_tptrs" as (sz') "[%Hty' tptrs]".
iDestruct "raw_tptrs'" as (sz'') "[%Hty'' tptrs']".
rewrite Hty' in Hty; inversion Hty; subst; clear Hty.
rewrite Hty'' in Hty'; inversion Hty'; subst; clear Hty' Hty''.
iClear "block_valid".
iDestruct "cong" as "-#cong".
iDestruct "tptrs" as "-#tptrs".
iDestruct "tptrs'" as "-#tptrs'".
iRevert "block"; iStopProof.
generalize dependent p'; generalize dependent p;
induction sz as [| sz' IHsz'] using N.peano_ind;
first by lia.
assert (sz' = 0 \/ 0 < sz')%N as [Hsz' | Hsz'] by lia. 1: {
iIntros (p p') "#(cong & tptrs & tptrs')"; subst.
rewrite !N2Nat.inj_succ/= o_sub_0; eauto; rewrite !offset_ptr_id !_offsetR_id.
iIntros "[any $]"; iRevert "any".
iApply _at_anyR_ptr_congP_transport.
by iFrame "cong"; iDestruct "cong" as "(_&_&$)".
iIntros (p p') "#(cong & tptrs & tptrs')".
rewrite !seqN_S_start !N2Nat.inj_succ/=.
rewrite o_sub_0; eauto; rewrite !_offsetR_id !offset_ptr_id.
iDestruct "tptrs" as "[tptr tptrs]".
iDestruct "tptrs'" as "[tptr' tptrs']".
iIntros "[any REST]"; iSplitL "any".
* iRevert "any"; iApply _at_anyR_ptr_congP_transport.
by iFrame "cong tptr'".
* rewrite !(big_sepL_type_ptr_shift 1 sz'); eauto.
specialize (IHsz' Hsz' (p .[ Tbyte ! 1%N ]) (p' .[ Tbyte ! 1%N ])).
iDestruct (IHsz' with "[]") as "IH".
-- iFrame "tptrs tptrs'"; unfold ptr_congP.
iDestruct "cong" as "(%Hcong & _ & _)".
++ iPureIntro; unfold ptr_cong in *.
destruct Hcong as [p'' [o1 [o2 [-> [-> Hcong]]]]].
exists p'', (o1 .[ Tbyte ! 1%N ]), (o2 .[ Tbyte ! 1%N ]).
rewrite !offset_ptr_dot; intuition.
unfold offset_cong in *.
rewrite -> option.same_property_iff in *.
destruct Hcong as [z [Ho1 Ho2]].
exists (z + 1)%Z; rewrite !eval_offset_dot !eval_o_sub.
by rewrite Ho1 Ho2//=.
++ iSplitL "tptrs"; destruct sz' using N.peano_ind; try lia;
rewrite seqN_S_start/= o_sub_0; eauto; rewrite !offset_ptr_id.
** by iDestruct "tptrs" as "[$ _]".
** by iDestruct "tptrs'" as "[$ _]".
-- setoid_rewrite _at_offsetR.
rewrite !(big_sepL_shift_nat (λ p, p |-> anyR Tbyte q) 1 (N.to_nat sz')).
by iRevert "REST".
(* NOTE (JH): In practice this will likely be difficult to use due to the
type_ptr ty p' obligation.
Lemma blockR_ptr_congP_transport (sz : N) :
forall (p p' : ptr) (ty : type) q,
size_of σ ty = Some sz ->
ptr_congP σ p p' ** type_ptr ty p ** type_ptr ty p'
|-- p |-> blockR sz q -* p' |-> blockR sz q.
intros **; iIntros "(cong & _ & tptr')".
rewrite type_ptr_raw_type_ptrs; eauto.
by iApply blockR_ptr_congP_transport_raw; eauto.
End blockR_transport.