
 * Copyright (c) 2022-2024 BlueRock Security, Inc.
 * This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
 * See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.

Functionality to elaborate specifications that are written to take operands (i.e. val) and convert them to take materialized values.
Require Import bedrock.lang.proofmode.proofmode.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.semantics.
Require Export bedrock.lang.cpp.specs.cpp_specs.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.specs.wp_spec_compat.

Section with_cpp.
  Context `{Σ : cpp_logic} {σ : genv}.

Determine if an argument is already materialized in the operand style. If it is, return None, otherwise, return Some (cv, ty) used for primR.
  Definition mtype (t : type) : option (type_qualifiers * type) :=
    let '(cv, t) := decompose_type t in
    pair cv <$> match t with
                | Tnamed cls => None
                | Tref ty
                | Trv_ref ty => Some (Tref $ erase_qualifiers ty)
                | _ => Some (erase_qualifiers t)

  #[local] Notation add_with name t := (fun K => add_with (T:=t) K name).

elaborate ret ts wpp args builds a function specification around wpp assuming that wpp takes the arguments in args (in reverse order) and the remaining arguments in ts.
  Fixpoint elaborate (ret : type) (ts : list type) (ar : function_arity) (args : list val) (wpp : WpSpec_cpp_val) : WpSpec mpredI ptr ptr :=
    match ts with
    | nil =>
        let finish args :=
          match mtype ret with
          | None =>
              wp_spec_bind wpp args (fun rv => WITH (fun pr : ptr => DONE pr [| Vptr pr = rv |]) "pr")
          | Some (cv, t) =>
              wp_spec_bind wpp args (fun rv => WITH (fun pr : ptr =>
                   DONE pr (pr |-> tptsto_fuzzyR t ( (q_const cv) 1) rv)) "pr")
        match ar with
        | Ar_Definite => finish args
        | Ar_Variadic =>
            letI* pv := add_with "pv" ptr in
            letI* := add_arg pv in
            finish (args ++ [Vptr pv])
    | t :: ts =>
        match mtype t with
        | None =>
            letI* pv := add_with "pv" ptr in
            letI* := add_arg pv in
            elaborate ret ts ar (args ++ [Vptr pv]) wpp
        | Some (_, t) => (* arguments are always passed as mutable *)
            letI* pv := add_with "pv" ptr in
            letI* v := add_with "v" val in
            letI* := add_arg pv in
            letI* := add_pre (pv |-> tptsto_fuzzyR t (cQp.mut 1) v) in
            letI* := add_post (pv |-> anyR t (cQp.mut 1)) in
            elaborate ret ts ar (args ++ [v]) wpp

cpp_spec ret ts spec is the elaborated version of the spec (operand-based) spec that is based on materialized values.
  Definition cpp_spec (ret : type) (ts : list type) {ar : function_arity} (wpp : WpSpec_cpp_val) : WpSpec_cpp_ptr :=
    elaborate ret ts ar nil wpp.

  #[global] Instance elaborate_ne ret ts ar : forall vs,
    NonExpansive (elaborate ret ts ar vs).
    induction ts; simpl; intros.
    { case_match; [case_match|]; repeat red; intros; [solve_proper..|].
      do 5 f_equiv; solve_proper. }
    { case_match; repeat red; intros; repeat f_equiv; done. }
  #[global] Instance elaborate_proper ret ts ar vs :
    Proper (equiv ==> equiv) (elaborate ret ts ar vs).
  Proof. exact: ne_proper. Qed.

  #[global] Instance cpp_spec_ne ret ts {ar} : NonExpansive (@cpp_spec ret ts ar).
  Proof. intros. apply elaborate_ne. Qed.
  #[global] Instance cpp_spec_proper ret ts {ar} :
    Proper (equiv ==> equiv) (@cpp_spec ret ts ar).
  Proof. exact: ne_proper. Qed.

  #[global] Instance : Params (@cpp_spec) 6 := {}.

Specification implications
NOTE: these can be strengthened to include extra information about well-typed values. (this includes valid_ptr on `this` if it exists ) NOTE: this should do the extra plumbing to avoid K, though it isn't clear how to do this NOTE: this can be strengthened with extra fancy updates.
  Definition spec_impl {A R} (Q P : WpSpec mpredI A R) : mpredI :=
    wpspec_wand Q P.

  Definition spec_entails {A R} (Q P : WpSpec mpredI A R) : Prop :=
    wpspec_entails Q P.

  #[global] Instance spec_entails_refl A R : Reflexive (@spec_entails A R).
  Proof. exact: wpspec_relation_refl. Qed.
  #[global] Instance spec_entails_trans A R : Transitive (@spec_entails A R).
  Proof. exact: wpspec_relation_trans. Qed.

  Lemma spec_entails_impl {A R} Q P :
    (|-- @spec_impl A R P Q)
    wpspec_entails P Q.
    rewrite /spec_impl/wpspec_relation; split; intros H **; first iApply H.
    iIntros (??). iApply H.

  Lemma elab_impl (Q P : WpSpec mpredI val val) ret ts ar :
    spec_impl Q P -∗ spec_impl (cpp_spec ret ts (ar:=ar) Q) (cpp_spec ret ts (ar:=ar) P).
    rewrite /spec_impl/wp_specD/cpp_spec.
    assert (forall ps xs Ps Qs,
               ( (vs : list val) (K : val mpred), spec_internal P [] [] [] vs K -∗ spec_internal Q [] [] [] vs K) -∗
                (vs : list ptr) (K : ptr mpred),
                 spec_internal (elaborate ret ts ar ps P) xs Ps Qs vs K -∗ spec_internal (elaborate ret ts ar ps Q) xs Ps Qs vs K).
    { induction ts; simpl; intros.
      { repeat case_match; rewrite /wp_spec_bind/=;
          try solve [ iIntros "H" (??) "[$ P]";
                      iRevert "P"; iApply list_sep_into_frame;
                      iApply "H"
                    | iIntros "H" (??) "P";
                      iDestruct "P" as (x) "[% P]";
                      iExists x; iFrame "%";
                      iRevert "P"; iApply list_sep_into_frame;
                      iApply "H"; eauto ]. }
      { repeat case_match; rewrite /wp_spec_bind/=.
        { iIntros "H" (??) "P".
          iDestruct "P" as (x y) "P".
          iExists x, y.
          iDestruct (IHts with "H") as "H".
          by iApply "H". }
        { iIntros "H" (??) "P".
          iDestruct "P" as (x) "P".
          iExists x.
          iDestruct (IHts with "H") as "H".
          by iApply "H". } } }
    { eauto. }

  Lemma elab_entails (Q P : WpSpec mpredI val val) ret ts ar :
    spec_entails Q P ->
    spec_entails (cpp_spec ret ts (ar:=ar) Q) (cpp_spec ret ts (ar:=ar) P).
  Proof. intros H%spec_entails_impl. iApply elab_impl. iApply H. Qed.

  #[global] Instance cpp_spec_mono ret ts ar :
    Proper (spec_entails ==> spec_entails) (cpp_spec ret ts (ar:=ar)).
  Proof. intros ???. exact: elab_entails. Qed.

  Definition spec_entails_fupd {A R} (Q P : WpSpec mpredI A R) :=
    wpspec_entails_fupd Q P.

  Definition spec_impl_fupd {A R} (Q P : WpSpec mpredI A R) : mpredI :=
    wpspec_wand_fupd Q P.

  Lemma spec_entails_impl_fupd {A R} Q P :
    (|-- @spec_impl_fupd A R P Q)
    spec_entails_fupd P Q.
    rewrite /spec_impl_fupd/spec_entails_fupd; split; intros H **; first iApply H.
    iIntros (??). iApply H.

  Lemma list_sep_into_frame_fupd : forall ls (P P' : mpred),
    (P -∗ |={top}=> P') list_sep_into ls P -∗ |={top}=> list_sep_into ls P'.
    intros. iIntros "A".
    rewrite (list_sep_into_take _ P) (list_sep_into_take _ P').
    iIntros "[X $]". iApply "A"; done.

  (* Variant of elab_impl allowing for fancy updates; neither statement implies the other.
  TODO: maybe the proof could be merged with elab_impl's, by using a _conditional_ fancy update `|={ E }=>?b` and abstracting over `b`. *)

  Lemma elab_impl_fupd (Q P : WpSpec mpredI val val) ret ts ar :
    wpspec_wand_fupd Q P -∗
    wpspec_wand_fupd (cpp_spec ret ts (ar:=ar) Q) (cpp_spec ret ts (ar:=ar) P).
    rewrite /wpspec_wand_fupd/wp_specD/cpp_spec/=.
    assert (forall ps xs Ps Qs,
              ( (vs : list val) (K : val mpred),
                spec_internal P [] [] [] vs K -∗ |={}=> spec_internal Q [] [] [] vs (λ v, |={}=> K v)) -∗
               (vs : list ptr) (K : ptr mpred),
                spec_internal (elaborate ret ts ar ps P) xs Ps Qs vs K -∗
                |={}=> spec_internal (elaborate ret ts ar ps Q) xs Ps Qs vs (λ v, |={}=> K v)).
    { induction ts; simpl; intros.
      { repeat case_match; rewrite /wp_spec_bind/=.
        - iIntros "H" (??) "[$ P]".
          iRevert "P"; iApply list_sep_into_frame_fupd.
          iIntros "P".
          iDestruct ("H" with "P") as ">Q".
          iIntros "!>". iRevert "Q".
          iApply spec_internal_frame.
          iIntros (r) ">Q". iIntros (r') "L !>". by iApply "Q".
        - iIntros "H" (??) "[$ P]".
          iRevert "P"; iApply list_sep_into_frame_fupd.
          iIntros "P".
          iDestruct ("H" with "P") as ">Q".
          iIntros "!>". iRevert "Q".
          iApply spec_internal_frame.
          iIntros (r) ">Q". iIntros (r') "L !>". by iApply "Q".
        - iIntros "H" (??) "(%x & % & P)".
          iExists x; iFrame "%".
          iRevert "P"; iApply list_sep_into_frame_fupd.
          iIntros "P".
          iDestruct ("H" with "P") as ">Q".
          iIntros "!>". iRevert "Q".
          iApply spec_internal_frame.
          iIntros (r) ">Q". iIntros (r') "L !>". by iApply "Q".
        - iIntros "H" (??) "(%x & % & P)".
          iExists x; iFrame "%".
          iRevert "P"; iApply list_sep_into_frame_fupd.
          iIntros "P".
          iDestruct ("H" with "P") as ">Q".
          iIntros "!>". iRevert "Q".
          iApply spec_internal_frame.
          iIntros (r) ">Q". iIntros (r') "L !>". by iApply "Q". }
      { repeat case_match; rewrite /wp_spec_bind/=.
        { iIntros "H" (??) "P".
          iDestruct "P" as (x y) "P".
          iExists x, y.
          iDestruct (IHts with "H") as "H".
          by iApply "H". }
        { iIntros "H" (??) "P".
          iDestruct "P" as (x) "P".
          iExists x.
          iDestruct (IHts with "H") as "H".
          by iApply "H". } } }
    { eauto. }

  Lemma elab_entails_fupd (Q P : WpSpec mpredI val val) ret ts ar :
    spec_entails_fupd Q P ->
    spec_entails_fupd (cpp_spec ret ts (ar:=ar) Q) (cpp_spec ret ts (ar:=ar) P).
  Proof. intros H%spec_entails_impl_fupd. iApply elab_impl_fupd. iApply H. Qed.

  #[global] Instance cpp_spec_mono_fupd ret ts ar :
    Proper (spec_entails_fupd ==> spec_entails_fupd) (cpp_spec ret ts (ar:=ar)).
  Proof. intros ???. exact: elab_entails_fupd. Qed.
End with_cpp.