
 * Copyright (c) 2020-21 BlueRock Security, Inc.
 * This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
 * See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.

Require Import
Require Import
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.entailsN.
Require Import
Require Import bedrock.lang.proofmode.proofmode.
Early to get the right ident
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.specs.cpp_specs.

#[local] Set Printing Universes.
#[local] Set Printing Coercions.

Wrappers to build function_spec from a WithPrePost

Notation WithPrePostO PROP := (WpSpecO PROP ptr ptr).

#[local] Notation SPEC := (WpSpec_cpp_ptr) (only parsing).

(* A specification for a function *)
Definition SFunction `{Σ : cpp_logic} {cc : calling_conv} {ar : function_arity}
    (ret : type) (targs : list type) (PQ : SPEC)
    : function_spec :=
  {| fs_cc := cc
   ; fs_arity := ar
   ; fs_return := ret
   ; fs_arguments := targs
   ; fs_spec := wp_specD PQ |}.

(* A specification for a constructor *)
Definition SConstructor `{Σ : cpp_logic, resolve : genv} {cc : calling_conv} {ar : function_arity}
    (class : globname) (targs : list type) (PQ : ptr -> SPEC)
    : function_spec :=
  let this_type := Tmut (Tnamed class) in
  SFunction (cc:=cc) (Tmut Tvoid) (Tconst (Tptr this_type) :: targs) (ar:=ar)
            (\arg{this : ptr} "this" this
             \pre this |-> tblockR (Tnamed class) (cQp.mut 1)
             \exact PQ this).

(* A specification for a destructor *)
Definition SDestructor `{Σ : cpp_logic, resolve : genv} {cc : calling_conv}
    (class : globname) (PQ : ptr -> SPEC)
    : function_spec :=
  let this_type := Tmut (Tnamed class) in
^ NOTE the size of an object might be different in the presence of virtual base classes.
  SFunction (cc:=cc) (Tmut Tvoid) (Tconst (Tptr this_type) :: nil)
           (\arg{this} "this" this
            \exact add_post (_at this (tblockR (Tnamed class) (cQp.mut 1))) (PQ this)).

(* A specification for a method *)
Sometimes, especially after a virtual function resolution,

this pointer needs to be adjusted before a call.

#[local] Definition SMethodOptCast_wpp`{Σ : cpp_logic}
    (base_to_derived : option offset) (wpp : ptr -> SPEC)
  : SPEC :=
  \arg{this : ptr} "this"
   (if base_to_derived is Some o then (this ,, o ) else this)
  \exact (wpp this).
#[local] Definition SMethodOptCast `{Σ : cpp_logic} {cc : calling_conv} {ar : function_arity}
    (class : globname) (base_to_derived : option offset) (qual : type_qualifiers)
    (ret : type) (targs : list type) (PQ : ptr -> SPEC) : function_spec :=
  let class_type := Tnamed class in
  let this_type := Tqualified qual class_type in
  SFunction (cc:=cc) ret (Tconst (Tptr this_type) :: targs) (ar:=ar)
    (SMethodOptCast_wpp base_to_derived PQ).
Definition SMethodCast `{Σ : cpp_logic} {cc : calling_conv} {ar : function_arity}
    (class : globname) (base_to_derived : offset) (qual : type_qualifiers)
    (ret : type) (targs : list type) (PQ : ptr -> SPEC) : function_spec :=
  SMethodOptCast (cc:=cc) class (Some base_to_derived) qual ret targs (ar:=ar) PQ.
Definition SMethod `{Σ : cpp_logic} {cc : calling_conv} {ar : function_arity}
    (class : globname) (qual : type_qualifiers) (ret : type) (targs : list type)
    (PQ : ptr -> SPEC) : function_spec :=
  SMethodOptCast (cc:=cc) class None qual ret targs (ar:=ar) PQ.

Section with_cpp.
  Context `{Σ : cpp_logic} {resolve:genv}.

  #[local] Notation _base := (o_base resolve).
  #[local] Notation _derived := (o_derived resolve).

The following monotonicity lemmas are (i) stated so that they don't force a pair of related SPECs to share universes and (ii) proved so that they don't constrain the universes Y1, Y2 from above. The TC instances are strictly less useful, as they necessarily give up on both (i) and (ii).
  Section SFunction.
    Import disable_proofmode_telescopes.
    Context {cc : calling_conv} {ar : function_arity}.
    Context (ret : type) (targs : list type).

    Lemma SFunction_mono wpp1 wpp2 :
      wpspec_entails wpp1 wpp2 ->
        (SFunction (cc:=cc) (ar:=ar) ret targs wpp1)
        (SFunction (cc:=cc) (ar:=ar) ret targs wpp2).
      intros Hwpp. iSplit; first by rewrite/type_of_spec. simpl.
      iIntros "!>" (vs K) "wpp". by iApply Hwpp.

    Lemma SFunction_mono_fupd wpp1 wpp2 :
      wpspec_entails_fupd wpp1 wpp2 ->
        (SFunction (cc:=cc) (ar:=ar) ret targs wpp1)
        (SFunction (cc:=cc) (ar:=ar) ret targs wpp2).
      (* (FM-2648) TODO duplicated from SFunction_mono *)
      intros Hwpp. iSplit; first by rewrite/type_of_spec. simpl.
      iIntros "!>" (vs K) "wpp". by iApply Hwpp.

    #[global] Instance: Params (@SFunction) 6 := {}.
    #[global] Instance SFunction_ne : NonExpansive (SFunction (cc:=cc) ret targs).
      intros n wpp1 wpp2 Hwpp. split; by rewrite/type_of_spec/=.

    #[global] Instance SFunction_proper :
      Proper (equiv ==> equiv) (SFunction (cc:=cc) ret targs).
    Proof. exact: ne_proper. Qed.

    #[global] Instance SFunction_mono' :
      Proper (wpspec_entails ==> fs_entails) (SFunction (cc:=cc) ret targs).
    Proof. repeat intro. by apply SFunction_mono. Qed.

    #[global] Instance SFunction_flip_mono' :
      Proper (flip wpspec_entails ==> flip fs_entails)
        (SFunction (cc:=cc) ret targs).
    Proof. solve_proper. Qed.

    #[global] Instance SFunction_mono_fupd' :
      Proper (wpspec_entails_fupd ==> fs_entails_fupd)
        (SFunction (cc:=cc) ret targs).
    Proof. repeat intro. by apply SFunction_mono_fupd. Qed.

    #[global] Instance SFunction_flip_mono_fupd' :
      Proper (flip wpspec_entails_fupd ==> flip fs_entails_fupd)
        (SFunction (cc:=cc) ret targs).
    Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
  End SFunction.

  Section SConstructor.
    Import disable_proofmode_telescopes.
    Context {cc : calling_conv} {ar : function_arity}.
    Context (class : globname) (targs : list type).
    Implicit Types (wpp : ptr WpSpec mpredI ptr ptr).

    Lemma SConstructor_mono wpp1 wpp2 :
      (forall this, wpspec_entails (wpp1 this) (wpp2 this)) ->
        (SConstructor (cc:=cc) class targs (ar:=ar) wpp1)
        (SConstructor (cc:=cc) class targs (ar:=ar) wpp2).
      rewrite /wpspec_entails/wp_specD/=.
      intros Hwpp; apply SFunction_mono => /=.
      iIntros (vs K) "[%this wpp] /="; iExists this.
      rewrite /exact_spec 2!pre_ok -/([]++[this]) 2!arg_ok.
      iDestruct "wpp" as "[$ (% & % & wpp)]".
      iExists _; iFrame; iSplit; [done|].
      by iApply Hwpp.
    #[global] Instance: Params (@SConstructor) 7 := {}.

    Lemma SConstructor_mono_fupd wpp1 wpp2 :
      (forall this, wpspec_entails_fupd (wpp1 this) (wpp2 this)) ->
        (SConstructor (cc:=cc) class targs (ar:=ar) wpp1)
        (SConstructor (cc:=cc) class targs (ar:=ar) wpp2).
      (* (FM-2648) TODO duplicated from SConstructor_mono *)
      rewrite /wpspec_entails_fupd/wp_specD/=.
      intros Hwpp; apply SFunction_mono_fupd => /=.
      iIntros (vs K) "[%this wpp] /="; iExists this.
      rewrite /exact_spec 2!pre_ok -/([]++[this]) 2!arg_ok.
      iDestruct "wpp" as "[$ (% & % & wpp)]".
      iExists _; iFrame; iSplitR; [done|].
      by iApply Hwpp.

    #[global] Instance SConstructor_mono' :
      Proper (pointwise_relation _ wpspec_entails ==> fs_entails)
        (SConstructor (cc:=cc) class targs (ar:=ar)).
    Proof. repeat intro. by apply SConstructor_mono. Qed.

    #[global] Instance SConstructor_flip_mono' :
      Proper (flip (pointwise_relation _ wpspec_entails) ==> flip fs_entails)
        (SConstructor (cc:=cc) class targs (ar:=ar)).
    Proof. solve_proper. Qed.

    #[global] Instance SConstructor_mono_fupd' :
      Proper (pointwise_relation _ wpspec_entails_fupd ==> fs_entails_fupd)
        (SConstructor (cc:=cc) class targs (ar:=ar)).
    Proof. repeat intro. by apply SConstructor_mono_fupd. Qed.

    #[global] Instance SConstructor_flip_mono_fupd' :
      Proper (flip (pointwise_relation _ wpspec_entails_fupd) ==> flip fs_entails_fupd)
        (SConstructor (cc:=cc) class targs (ar:=ar)).
    Proof. solve_proper. Qed.

    #[global] Instance SConstructor_ne n :
      Proper (pointwise_relation _ (dist n) ==> dist n)
        (SConstructor (cc:=cc) class targs (ar:=ar)).
    Proof. intros ???. apply SFunction_ne. repeat f_equiv. Qed.
    #[global] Instance SConstructor_proper :
      Proper (pointwise_relation _ equiv ==> equiv)
        (SConstructor (cc:=cc) class targs (ar:=ar)).
    Proof. intros ???. apply SFunction_proper. repeat f_equiv. Qed.
  End SConstructor.

  Section SDestructor.
    Import disable_proofmode_telescopes.
    Context {cc : calling_conv} (class : globname).
    Implicit Types (wpp : ptr WpSpec mpredI ptr ptr).

    Lemma SDestructor_mono wpp1 wpp2 :
      (forall this, wpspec_entails (wpp1 this) (wpp2 this)) ->
        (SDestructor (cc:=cc) class wpp1)
        (SDestructor (cc:=cc) class wpp2).
      rewrite /wpspec_entails/wp_specD/=/SDestructor.
      intros Hwpp; apply SFunction_mono.
      iIntros (vs K) "[%this wpp] /="; iExists this.
      rewrite -/([]++[λ _: ptr, _]) 2!post_ok.
      rewrite -/([]++[this])%list 2!arg_ok.
      iDestruct "wpp" as "(% & % & wpp)".
      iExists _; iFrame; iSplit; [done|].
      by iApply Hwpp.
    #[global] Instance: Params (@SDestructor) 5 := {}.

    Lemma SDestructor_mono_fupd wpp1 wpp2 :
      (forall this, wpspec_entails_fupd (wpp1 this) (wpp2 this)) ->
        (SDestructor (cc:=cc) class wpp1)
        (SDestructor (cc:=cc) class wpp2).
      (* (FM-2648) TODO duplicated from SDestructor_mono *)
      rewrite /wpspec_entails_fupd/wp_specD/=/SDestructor.
      intros Hwpp; apply SFunction_mono_fupd.
      iIntros (vs K) "[%this wpp] /="; iExists this.
      rewrite -/([]++[λ _: ptr, _]) 2!post_ok.
      rewrite -/([]++[this])%list 2!arg_ok.
      iDestruct "wpp" as "(% & % & wpp)".
      iExists _; iFrame; iSplitR; [done|].
      iMod (Hwpp with "wpp") as "H". iIntros "!>".
      iApply (spec_internal_frame with "[] H").
      iIntros (r) "H tb".
      iMod "H". by iApply ("H" with "tb").

    #[global] Instance SDestructor_mono' :
      Proper (pointwise_relation _ wpspec_entails ==> fs_entails)
        (SDestructor (cc:=cc) class).
    Proof. repeat intro. by apply SDestructor_mono. Qed.

    #[global] Instance SDestructor_flip_mono' :
      Proper (flip(pointwise_relation _ wpspec_entails) ==> flip fs_entails)
        (SDestructor (cc:=cc) class).
    Proof. solve_proper. Qed.

    #[global] Instance SDestructor_mono_fupd' :
      Proper (pointwise_relation _ wpspec_entails_fupd ==> fs_entails_fupd)
        (SDestructor (cc:=cc) class).
    Proof. repeat intro. by apply SDestructor_mono_fupd. Qed.

    #[global] Instance SDestructor_flip_mono_fupd' :
      Proper (flip (pointwise_relation _ wpspec_entails_fupd) ==> flip fs_entails_fupd)
        (SDestructor (cc:=cc) class).
    Proof. solve_proper. Qed.

    #[global] Instance SDestructor_ne n :
      Proper (pointwise_relation _ (dist n) ==> dist n)
        (SDestructor (cc:=cc) class).
    Proof. intros ???. apply SFunction_ne. repeat f_equiv. Qed.
    #[global] Instance SDestructor_proper :
      Proper (pointwise_relation _ equiv ==> equiv)
        (SDestructor (cc:=cc) class).
    Proof. intros ???. apply SFunction_proper. repeat f_equiv. Qed.
  End SDestructor.

  Section SMethod.
    Import disable_proofmode_telescopes.
    Context {cc : calling_conv} {ar : function_arity}.
    Context (class : globname) (qual : type_qualifiers).
    Context (ret : type) (targs : list type).

We could derive SMethod_mono from the following SMethod_wpspec_monoN. We retain this proof because it's easier to understand and it goes through without BiEntailsN.
    #[local] Lemma SMethodOptCast_mono cast wpp1 wpp2 :
      ( this, wpspec_entails (wpp1 this) (wpp2 this)) ->
        (SMethodOptCast (cc:=cc) class cast qual ret targs (ar:=ar) wpp1)
        (SMethodOptCast (cc:=cc) class cast qual ret targs (ar:=ar) wpp2).
      intros Hwpp.
      apply SFunction_mono => vs K.
      rewrite /= /exact_spec.
      f_equiv => this.
      rewrite -(app_nil_l [_]) !arg_ok.
      repeat f_equiv. apply Hwpp.

    #[local] Lemma SMethodOptCast_None_Some_mono (off2 : offset) wpp1 wpp2 :
      (* NOTE (JH): contravariant use of casts *)
      (forall (thisp : ptr), wpspec_entails (wpp1 (thisp ,, off2)) (wpp2 thisp)) ->
        (SMethodOptCast class None qual ret targs wpp1)
        (SMethodOptCast class (Some off2) qual ret targs wpp2).
      intros Hwpp.
      apply SFunction_mono => argps K.
      rewrite /exact_spec !add_with_equiv.
      iIntros "H"; iDestruct "H" as (thisp) "wpp";
        iExists (thisp ,, off2).
      rewrite !add_arg_equiv.
      destruct argps; first by done.
      iDestruct "wpp" as "[$ wpp]".
      by iApply Hwpp.

    #[local] Lemma SMethodOptCast_mono_fupd cast wpp1 wpp2 :
      ( this, wpspec_entails_fupd (wpp1 this) (wpp2 this)) ->
        (SMethodOptCast (cc:=cc) class cast qual ret targs (ar:=ar) wpp1)
        (SMethodOptCast (cc:=cc) class cast qual ret targs (ar:=ar) wpp2).
      (* (FM-2648) TODO duplicated from SMethodOptCast_mono *)
      intros Hwpp.
      apply SFunction_mono_fupd => vs K.
      rewrite /= /exact_spec.
      iDestruct 1 as (this) "wpp". iExists this.
      move: Hwpp.
      rewrite -(app_nil_l [_]) !arg_ok.
      iDestruct "wpp" as "(% & % & wpp)".
      iExists _; iFrame; iSplitR; [done|].
      by iApply Hwpp.

    Lemma SMethodCast_mono cast wpp1 wpp2 :
      ( this, wpspec_entails (wpp1 this) (wpp2 this)) ->
        (SMethodOptCast (cc:=cc) class cast qual ret targs (ar:=ar) wpp1)
        (SMethodOptCast (cc:=cc) class cast qual ret targs (ar:=ar) wpp2).
    Proof. exact: SMethodOptCast_mono. Qed.

    Lemma SMethodCast_None_Some_mono (off2 : offset) wpp1 wpp2 :
      (* NOTE (JH): contravariant use of casts *)
      (forall (thisp : ptr), wpspec_entails (wpp1 (thisp ,, off2)) (wpp2 thisp)) ->
        (SMethodOptCast class None qual ret targs wpp1)
        (SMethodOptCast class (Some off2) qual ret targs wpp2).
    Proof. exact: SMethodOptCast_None_Some_mono. Qed.

    Lemma SMethod_mono wpp1 wpp2 :
      ( this, wpspec_entails (wpp1 this) (wpp2 this)) ->
        (SMethod (cc:=cc) class qual ret targs (ar:=ar) wpp1)
        (SMethod (cc:=cc) class qual ret targs (ar:=ar) wpp2).
    Proof. exact: SMethodOptCast_mono. Qed.

    Lemma SMethodCast_mono_fupd cast wpp1 wpp2 :
      ( this, wpspec_entails_fupd (wpp1 this) (wpp2 this)) ->
        (SMethodOptCast (cc:=cc) class cast qual ret targs (ar:=ar) wpp1)
        (SMethodOptCast (cc:=cc) class cast qual ret targs (ar:=ar) wpp2).
    Proof. exact: SMethodOptCast_mono_fupd. Qed.

    Lemma SMethod_mono_fupd wpp1 wpp2 :
      ( this, wpspec_entails_fupd (wpp1 this) (wpp2 this)) ->
        (SMethod (cc:=cc) class qual ret targs (ar:=ar) wpp1)
        (SMethod (cc:=cc) class qual ret targs (ar:=ar) wpp2).
    Proof. exact: SMethodOptCast_mono_fupd. Qed.

    #[local] Lemma SMethodOptCast_wpspec_monoN
        c wpp1 wpp2 vs K n :
      ( this, wpspec_entailsN n (wpp1 this) (wpp2 this)) ->
      SMethodOptCast_wpp c wpp2 vs K ⊢{n}
      SMethodOptCast_wpp c wpp1 vs K.
      move=>Hwpp /=. rewrite /exact_spec. f_equiv=>this.
      rewrite -(app_nil_l [_]) !arg_ok.
      repeat f_equiv. apply Hwpp.

    #[local] Lemma SMethodOptCast_ne cast wpp1 wpp2 n :
      ( this, wpspec_dist n (wpp1 this) (wpp2 this)) ->
      SMethodOptCast (cc:=cc) class cast qual ret targs (ar:=ar) wpp1 ≡{n}≡
      SMethodOptCast (cc:=cc) class cast qual ret targs (ar:=ar) wpp2.
      setoid_rewrite wpspec_dist_entailsN=>Hwpp.
      rewrite/SMethodOptCast. f_equiv=>vs K /=. apply dist_entailsN.
      split; apply SMethodOptCast_wpspec_monoN=>this; by destruct (Hwpp this).

    Lemma SMethodCast_ne cast wpp1 wpp2 n :
      ( this, wpspec_dist n (wpp1 this) (wpp2 this)) ->
      SMethodCast (cc:=cc) class cast qual ret targs (ar:=ar) wpp1 ≡{n}≡
      SMethodCast (cc:=cc) class cast qual ret targs (ar:=ar) wpp2.
    Proof. exact: SMethodOptCast_ne. Qed.

    Lemma SMethod_ne wpp1 wpp2 n :
      ( this, wpspec_dist n (wpp1 this) (wpp2 this)) ->
      SMethod (cc:=cc) class qual ret targs (ar:=ar) wpp1 ≡{n}≡
      SMethod (cc:=cc) class qual ret targs (ar:=ar) wpp2.
    Proof. exact: SMethodOptCast_ne. Qed.

    #[local] Lemma SMethodOptCast_proper cast wpp1 wpp2 :
      ( this, wpspec_equiv (wpp1 this) (wpp2 this)) ->
      SMethodOptCast (cc:=cc) class cast qual ret targs (ar:=ar) wpp1
      SMethodOptCast (cc:=cc) class cast qual ret targs (ar:=ar) wpp2.
      setoid_rewrite wpspec_equiv_spec=>Hwpp. apply function_spec_equiv_split.
      split; apply SMethodCast_mono=>this; by destruct (Hwpp this).
    Lemma SMethodCast_proper cast wpp1 wpp2 :
      ( this, wpspec_equiv (wpp1 this) (wpp2 this)) ->
      SMethodCast (cc:=cc) class cast qual ret targs (ar:=ar) wpp1
      SMethodCast (cc:=cc) class cast qual ret targs (ar:=ar) wpp2.
    Proof. exact: SMethodOptCast_proper. Qed.
    Lemma SMethod_proper wpp1 wpp2 :
      ( this, wpspec_equiv (wpp1 this) (wpp2 this)) ->
      SMethod (cc:=cc) class qual ret targs (ar:=ar) wpp1
      SMethod (cc:=cc) class qual ret targs (ar:=ar) wpp2.
    Proof. exact: SMethodOptCast_proper. Qed.

    #[global] Instance: Params (@SMethodCast) 9 := {}.
    #[global] Instance: Params (@SMethod) 8 := {}.
    #[global] Instance SMethodCast_ne' cast n :
      Proper (dist (A:=ptr -d> WithPrePostO mpredI) n ==> dist n)
        (SMethodCast (cc:=cc) class cast qual ret targs (ar:=ar)).
    Proof. repeat intro. by apply SMethodCast_ne. Qed.
    #[global] Instance SMethod_ne' n :
      Proper (dist (A:=ptr -d> WithPrePostO mpredI) n ==> dist n)
        (SMethod (cc:=cc) class qual ret targs (ar:=ar)).
    Proof. repeat intro. by apply SMethod_ne. Qed.

    #[global] Instance SMethodCast_proper' cast :
      Proper (equiv (A:=ptr -d> WithPrePostO mpredI) ==> equiv)
        (SMethodCast (cc:=cc) class cast qual ret targs (ar:=ar)).
    Proof. exact: ne_proper. Qed.
    #[global] Instance SMethod_proper' :
      Proper (equiv (A:=ptr -d> WithPrePostO mpredI) ==> equiv)
        (SMethod (cc:=cc) class qual ret targs (ar:=ar)).
    Proof. exact: ne_proper. Qed.

    #[global] Instance SMethodCast_mono' cast :
      Proper (pointwise_relation _ wpspec_entails ==> fs_entails)
        (SMethodCast (cc:=cc) class cast qual ret targs (ar:=ar)).
    Proof. repeat intro. by apply SMethodCast_mono. Qed.
    #[global] Instance SMethod_mono' :
      Proper (pointwise_relation _ wpspec_entails ==> fs_entails)
        (SMethod (cc:=cc) class qual ret targs (ar:=ar)).
    Proof. repeat intro. by apply SMethod_mono. Qed.

    #[global] Instance SMethodCast_flip_mono' cast :
      Proper (flip (pointwise_relation _ wpspec_entails) ==> flip fs_entails)
        (SMethodCast (cc:=cc) class cast qual ret targs (ar:=ar)).
    Proof. repeat intro. by apply SMethodCast_mono. Qed.
    #[global] Instance SMethod_flip_mono' :
      Proper (flip (pointwise_relation _ wpspec_entails) ==> flip fs_entails)
        (SMethod (cc:=cc) class qual ret targs (ar:=ar)).
    Proof. repeat intro. by apply SMethod_mono. Qed.

    #[global] Instance SMethodCast_mono_fupd' cast :
      Proper (pointwise_relation _ wpspec_entails_fupd ==> fs_entails_fupd)
        (SMethodCast (cc:=cc) class cast qual ret targs (ar:=ar)).
    Proof. repeat intro. by apply SMethodCast_mono_fupd. Qed.
    #[global] Instance SMethod_mono_fupd' :
      Proper (pointwise_relation _ wpspec_entails_fupd ==> fs_entails_fupd)
        (SMethod (cc:=cc) class qual ret targs (ar:=ar)).
    Proof. repeat intro. by apply SMethod_mono_fupd. Qed.

    #[global] Instance SMethodCast_flip_mono_fupd' cast :
      Proper (flip (pointwise_relation _ wpspec_entails_fupd) ==> flip fs_entails_fupd)
        (SMethodCast (cc:=cc) class cast qual ret targs (ar:=ar)).
    Proof. repeat intro. by apply SMethodCast_mono_fupd. Qed.
    #[global] Instance SMethod_flip_mono_fupd' :
      Proper (flip (pointwise_relation _ wpspec_entails_fupd) ==> flip fs_entails_fupd)
        (SMethod (cc:=cc) class qual ret targs (ar:=ar)).
    Proof. repeat intro. by apply SMethod_mono_fupd. Qed.
  End SMethod.

End with_cpp.