* Copyright (c) 2023-2024 BlueRock Security, Inc.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.mparser.prelude.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.translation_unit.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.namemap.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.untemp.
Require Export bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.decl.
Require Export bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.decl.
* Copyright (c) 2023-2024 BlueRock Security, Inc.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.mparser.prelude.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.translation_unit.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.namemap.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.untemp.
Require Export bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.decl.
Require Export bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.decl.
We work with an exploded Mtranslation_unit and raw trees for
Definition raw_symbol_table : Type := TM.Raw.tree (template MObjValue).
Definition raw_type_table : Type := TM.Raw.tree (template MGlobDecl).
Definition raw_alias_table : Type := TM.Raw.tree (template Mtype).
Definition raw_instance_table : Type := NM.Raw.tree Mtpreinst.
(* Definition raw_name_table : Type := TM.Raw.tree Mname. *)
Definition t : Type :=
raw_symbol_table -> raw_type_table -> raw_alias_table -> raw_instance_table -> (* raw_name_table -> *)
(raw_symbol_table -> raw_type_table -> raw_alias_table -> raw_instance_table -> (* raw_name_table -> *) Mtranslation_unit) ->
Definition _symbols (f : raw_symbol_table -> raw_symbol_table) : t :=
fun s t a i k => k (f s) t a i.
Definition _types (f : raw_type_table -> raw_type_table) : t :=
fun s t a i k => k s (f t) a i.
Definition _aliases (f : raw_alias_table -> raw_alias_table) : t :=
fun s t a i k => k s t (f a) i.
Definition _instances (f : raw_instance_table -> raw_instance_table) : t :=
fun s t a i k => k s t a (f i).
Definition _names (f : raw_name_table -> raw_name_table) : t :=
fun s t a i n k => k s t a i (f n).
Definition _skip : t :=
fun s t a i k => k s t a i.
Fixpoint decls' (ds : list t) : t :=
match ds with
| nil => fun s t a i k => k s t a i
| d :: ds => fun s t a i k => d s t a i (fun s t a i => decls' ds s t a i k)
TODO: Do we still need
Definition decls (ds : list t) : Mtranslation_unit :=
decls' ds ∅ ∅ ∅ ∅ $ fun s t a i => {|
msymbols := TM.from_raw s;
mtypes := TM.from_raw t;
maliases := TM.from_raw a;
minstances := NM.from_raw i;
End Mtranslation_unit.
#[local] Notation K := Mtranslation_unit.t (only parsing).
#[local] Notation Mtemp_params := (list Mtemp_param).
Definition Dvariable (ps : Mtemp_params) (n : Mname) (t : Mtype) (init : global_init.t lang.temp) : K :=
_symbols <[n := Template ps $ Ovar t init]>.
Definition Dfunction (ps : Mtemp_params) (n : Mname) (f : MFunc) : K :=
_symbols <[n := Template ps $ Ofunction f]>.
Definition Dmethod (ps : Mtemp_params) (n : Mname) (static : bool) (f : MMethod) : K :=
_symbols <[n := Template ps $ if static then Ofunction $ static_method f else Omethod f]>.
Definition Dconstructor (ps : Mtemp_params) (n : Mname) (f : MCtor) : K :=
_symbols <[n := Template ps $ Oconstructor f]>.
Definition Ddestructor (ps : Mtemp_params) (n : Mname) (f : MDtor) : K :=
_symbols <[n := Template ps $ Odestructor f]>.
Definition Dtype (ps : Mtemp_params) (n : Mname) : K :=
_types <[n := Template ps Gtype]>.
Definition Dstruct (ps : Mtemp_params) (n : Mname) (f : option MStruct) : K :=
_types <[n := Template ps $ if f is Some f then Gstruct f else Gtype]>.
Definition Dunion (ps : Mtemp_params) (n : Mname) (f : option MUnion) : K :=
_types <[n := Template ps $ if f is Some f then Gunion f else Gtype]>.
Definition Denum (ps : Mtemp_params) (n : Mname) (u: Mtype) (cs : list ident) : K :=
_types <[n := Template ps $ Genum u cs]>.
Definition Denum_constant (ps : Mtemp_params) (n : Mname)
(gn : Mglobname) (ut : Mexprtype) (v : N + Z) (init : option MExpr) : K :=
_types $ insert n $
let v := match v with inl n => Echar n ut | inr z => Eint z ut end in
let t := Tenum gn in
Template ps $ Gconstant t $ Some $ Ecast (Cintegral t) v.
Definition Dtypedef (ps : Mtemp_params) (n : Mname) (t : Mtype) : K :=
_aliases <[n := Template ps t]>.
Definition Dstatic_assert (msg : option bs) (e : MExpr) : K :=
(* TODO?: the c : Mname argument should actually be a name, but the parser
setup that we have causes it to be inferred as an Mname. To get around this,
we accept an Mname and then convert it into a name. *)
Definition Dinstantiation (c : Mname) (t : Mname) (xs : list Mtemp_arg) : K :=
match $ untempN c with
| inl _ => _skip
| inr c =>
_instances <[c := templates.TPreInst t xs]>
Definition Dname (m : Mname) (n : Mname) : K :=
_skip. (* _names <m := n>. *)
decls' ds ∅ ∅ ∅ ∅ $ fun s t a i => {|
msymbols := TM.from_raw s;
mtypes := TM.from_raw t;
maliases := TM.from_raw a;
minstances := NM.from_raw i;
End Mtranslation_unit.
#[local] Notation K := Mtranslation_unit.t (only parsing).
#[local] Notation Mtemp_params := (list Mtemp_param).
Definition Dvariable (ps : Mtemp_params) (n : Mname) (t : Mtype) (init : global_init.t lang.temp) : K :=
_symbols <[n := Template ps $ Ovar t init]>.
Definition Dfunction (ps : Mtemp_params) (n : Mname) (f : MFunc) : K :=
_symbols <[n := Template ps $ Ofunction f]>.
Definition Dmethod (ps : Mtemp_params) (n : Mname) (static : bool) (f : MMethod) : K :=
_symbols <[n := Template ps $ if static then Ofunction $ static_method f else Omethod f]>.
Definition Dconstructor (ps : Mtemp_params) (n : Mname) (f : MCtor) : K :=
_symbols <[n := Template ps $ Oconstructor f]>.
Definition Ddestructor (ps : Mtemp_params) (n : Mname) (f : MDtor) : K :=
_symbols <[n := Template ps $ Odestructor f]>.
Definition Dtype (ps : Mtemp_params) (n : Mname) : K :=
_types <[n := Template ps Gtype]>.
Definition Dstruct (ps : Mtemp_params) (n : Mname) (f : option MStruct) : K :=
_types <[n := Template ps $ if f is Some f then Gstruct f else Gtype]>.
Definition Dunion (ps : Mtemp_params) (n : Mname) (f : option MUnion) : K :=
_types <[n := Template ps $ if f is Some f then Gunion f else Gtype]>.
Definition Denum (ps : Mtemp_params) (n : Mname) (u: Mtype) (cs : list ident) : K :=
_types <[n := Template ps $ Genum u cs]>.
Definition Denum_constant (ps : Mtemp_params) (n : Mname)
(gn : Mglobname) (ut : Mexprtype) (v : N + Z) (init : option MExpr) : K :=
_types $ insert n $
let v := match v with inl n => Echar n ut | inr z => Eint z ut end in
let t := Tenum gn in
Template ps $ Gconstant t $ Some $ Ecast (Cintegral t) v.
Definition Dtypedef (ps : Mtemp_params) (n : Mname) (t : Mtype) : K :=
_aliases <[n := Template ps t]>.
Definition Dstatic_assert (msg : option bs) (e : MExpr) : K :=
(* TODO?: the c : Mname argument should actually be a name, but the parser
setup that we have causes it to be inferred as an Mname. To get around this,
we accept an Mname and then convert it into a name. *)
Definition Dinstantiation (c : Mname) (t : Mname) (xs : list Mtemp_arg) : K :=
match $ untempN c with
| inl _ => _skip
| inr c =>
_instances <[c := templates.TPreInst t xs]>
Definition Dname (m : Mname) (n : Mname) : K :=
_skip. (* _names <m := n>. *)