* Copyright (c) 2023-2024 BlueRock Security, Inc.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.heap_pred.prelude.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.rep_proofmode.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.arr.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.heap_pred.valid.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.heap_pred.null.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.heap_pred.simple.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.heap_pred.aggregate.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.heap_pred.tptsto.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.heap_pred.uninit.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.heap_pred.prim.
Section with_cpp.
Context `{Σ : cpp_logic} {σ : genv}.
#[global] Instance has_type_has_type_prop_observe v t :
Observe [| has_type_prop v t |] (has_type v t).
Proof. rewrite has_type_has_type_prop. refine _. Qed.
* Copyright (c) 2023-2024 BlueRock Security, Inc.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.heap_pred.prelude.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.rep_proofmode.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.arr.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.heap_pred.valid.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.heap_pred.null.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.heap_pred.simple.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.heap_pred.aggregate.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.heap_pred.tptsto.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.heap_pred.uninit.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.heap_pred.prim.
Section with_cpp.
Context `{Σ : cpp_logic} {σ : genv}.
#[global] Instance has_type_has_type_prop_observe v t :
Observe [| has_type_prop v t |] (has_type v t).
Proof. rewrite has_type_has_type_prop. refine _. Qed.
Definition mut_type (m : Member) (q : cQp.t) : cQp.t * Rtype :=
let '(cv, ty) := decompose_type m.(mem_type) in
let q := if q_const cv && negb m.(mem_mutable) then cQp.c q else q in
(q, to_heap_type ty).
Lemma mut_type_plus f q1 q2 :
(mut_type f (q1 + q2)).1 = ((mut_type f q1).1 + (mut_type f q2).1)%cQp.
Proof. rewrite /mut_type. case_match; case_match; simpl; auto. Qed.
Lemma mut_type_plus_2 f a b :
(mut_type f a).2 = (mut_type f b).2.
Proof. rewrite /mut_type. case_match; case_match; simpl; auto. Qed.
let '(cv, ty) := decompose_type m.(mem_type) in
let q := if q_const cv && negb m.(mem_mutable) then cQp.c q else q in
(q, to_heap_type ty).
Lemma mut_type_plus f q1 q2 :
(mut_type f (q1 + q2)).1 = ((mut_type f q1).1 + (mut_type f q2).1)%cQp.
Proof. rewrite /mut_type. case_match; case_match; simpl; auto. Qed.
Lemma mut_type_plus_2 f a b :
(mut_type f a).2 = (mut_type f b).2.
Proof. rewrite /mut_type. case_match; case_match; simpl; auto. Qed.
Definition qualify (tq : type_qualifiers) (q : cQp.t) : cQp.t :=
if q_const tq then cQp.const q else q.
Lemma qualify_plus t q1 q2
: qualify t (q1 + q2)%cQp = (qualify t q1 + qualify t q2)%cQp.
clear. rewrite /qualify/cQp.add/=. by case_match; eauto.
Lemma qualify_frac q t : cQp.frac (qualify t q) = cQp.frac q.
Proof. rewrite /qualify. case_match; done. Qed.
Lemma qualify_mut q : qualify QM q = q.
Proof. destruct q; reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma qualify_merge_tq cv1 cv2 t
: qualify cv1 (qualify cv2 t) = qualify (merge_tq cv1 cv2) t.
Proof. rewrite /qualify. destruct cv1, cv2 => /=; eauto. Qed.
Lemma join_lists {PROP : bi} {T U} (L : T -> PROP) (R' : U -> PROP)
ls rs :
([∗list] l ∈ ls, L l) ** ([∗list] r ∈ rs, R' r)
-|- [∗list] lr ∈ (inl <$> ls) ++ (inr <$> rs),
match lr with
| inl l => L l
| inr r => R' r
by rewrite big_opL_app !big_opL_fmap.
if q_const tq then cQp.const q else q.
Lemma qualify_plus t q1 q2
: qualify t (q1 + q2)%cQp = (qualify t q1 + qualify t q2)%cQp.
clear. rewrite /qualify/cQp.add/=. by case_match; eauto.
Lemma qualify_frac q t : cQp.frac (qualify t q) = cQp.frac q.
Proof. rewrite /qualify. case_match; done. Qed.
Lemma qualify_mut q : qualify QM q = q.
Proof. destruct q; reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma qualify_merge_tq cv1 cv2 t
: qualify cv1 (qualify cv2 t) = qualify (merge_tq cv1 cv2) t.
Proof. rewrite /qualify. destruct cv1, cv2 => /=; eauto. Qed.
Lemma join_lists {PROP : bi} {T U} (L : T -> PROP) (R' : U -> PROP)
ls rs :
([∗list] l ∈ ls, L l) ** ([∗list] r ∈ rs, R' r)
-|- [∗list] lr ∈ (inl <$> ls) ++ (inr <$> rs),
match lr with
| inl l => L l
| inr r => R' r
by rewrite big_opL_app !big_opL_fmap.
struct_def R cls st q is the ownership of the class where R ty q is
owned for each field and base class
TODO: the use of nil in derivationR is justified only because it can
be weakened, but this should probably be changed so that it tracks
the actual initialized state.
Definition struct_defR (R : Rtype -> cQp.t -> Rep) (cls : globname) (st : Struct) (q : cQp.t) : Rep :=
([** list] base ∈ st.(s_bases),
_base cls base.1 |-> R (Tnamed base.1) q) **
([** list] fld ∈ st.(s_fields),
let f := Field cls fld.(mem_name) in
let qt := mut_type fld q in
_field f |-> R qt.2 qt.1) **
(if has_vtable st then derivationR cls nil q else emp) **
structR cls q.
([** list] base ∈ st.(s_bases),
_base cls base.1 |-> R (Tnamed base.1) q) **
([** list] fld ∈ st.(s_fields),
let f := Field cls fld.(mem_name) in
let qt := mut_type fld q in
_field f |-> R qt.2 qt.1) **
(if has_vtable st then derivationR cls nil q else emp) **
structR cls q.
union_def R cls st q is the ownership of the union where R ty q is
owned for each field and base class
Definition union_defR (R : Rtype -> cQp.t -> Rep) (cls : globname) (st : decl.Union) (q : cQp.t) : Rep :=
Exists o,
unionR cls q o **
match o with
| None => emp
| Some idx =>
Exists m, [| st.(u_fields) !! idx = Some m |] **
let f := _field $ Field cls m.(mem_name) in
let qt := mut_type m q in
f |-> R qt.2 qt.1
Section typeR.
Variable tu : translation_unit.
Variable R : cQp.t -> Rtype -> Rep.
Variable rec : cQp.t -> Rtype -> Rep.
Exists o,
unionR cls q o **
match o with
| None => emp
| Some idx =>
Exists m, [| st.(u_fields) !! idx = Some m |] **
let f := _field $ Field cls m.(mem_name) in
let qt := mut_type m q in
f |-> R qt.2 qt.1
Section typeR.
Variable tu : translation_unit.
Variable R : cQp.t -> Rtype -> Rep.
Variable rec : cQp.t -> Rtype -> Rep.
typeR visits all of the primitive objects of a given object
This currently discards
NOTE: The implementation could/should use qual_norm.
Fixpoint typeR (q : cQp.t) (t : Rtype) : Rep :=
match t with
| Tnum _ _
| Tbool
| Tvoid
| Tchar_ _
| Tfloat_ _
| Tnullptr
| Tptr _
| Tref _
| Trv_ref _
| Tenum _
| Tmember_pointer _ _
| Tarch _ _ => R q t
| Tnamed nm =>
match tu.(types) !! nm with
| Some (Gstruct s) =>
struct_defR (fun ty q => rec q ty) nm s q
| Some (Gunion u) =>
union_defR (fun ty q => rec q ty) nm u q
| _ => False
| Tarray ty n =>
arrayR ty (fun _ => typeR q ty) (replicateN n tt)
| Tincomplete_array _ => False
| Tvariable_array _ _ => False
| Tqualified tq ty => typeR (qualify tq q) ty
| Tfunction _ => False
| Tunsupported _ => False
| Tresult_global _
| Tparam _ | Tresult_param _
| Tresult_unop _ _ | Tresult_binop _ _ _
| Tresult_call _ _ | Tresult_member_call _ _ _
| Tresult_member _ _
| Tdecltype _
| Texprtype _
| Tresult_parenlist _ _ => False
#[local] Instance typeR_timeless
(Trec : forall q ty, Timeless (rec q ty))
(TprimR : forall q ty, Timeless (R q ty)) : forall q ty, Timeless (typeR q ty).
move=> q ty; revert q; induction ty; simpl; intros; refine _.
(*rewrite /struct_defR/union_defR.
repeat (case_match; refine _).
Qed. *) Admitted.
#[local] Instance typeR_valid
(TprimR : forall q ty, Observe validR (R q ty)) : forall q ty, Observe validR (typeR q ty).
move=> q ty; revert q; induction ty; simpl; intros; refine _.
rewrite /struct_defR/union_defR.
repeat (case_match; refine _).
#[local] Instance typeR_nonnull
(TR : forall q ty, Observe nonnullR (R q ty)) :
forall ty, ~zero_sized_array ty -> forall q, Observe nonnullR (typeR q ty).
induction ty; try solve [ simpl; intros; refine _ ].
{ simpl; intros; revert H. rewrite /qual_norm/=. case_bool_decide => //.
have->: n = ((n - 1) + 1)%N by lia.
rewrite replicateN_succ.
rewrite arrayR_cons. refine _. }
{ simpl; intros.
case_match; refine _.
case_match; refine _. }
{ intros. eapply IHty.
by rewrite -zero_sized_array_qual in H. }
#[local] Instance typeR_cfractional
(Trec : forall ty, CFractional (fun q => rec q ty))
(TprimR : forall ty, CFractional (fun q => R q ty)) : forall ty, CFractional (fun q => typeR q ty).
induction ty; simpl; refine _.
{ case_match; refine _.
case_match; refine _.
{ rewrite /union_defR.
red; intros.
{ iIntros "A".
iDestruct "A" as ([|]) "[[L R] A]".
iDestruct "A" as (?) "[% A]".
rewrite mut_type_plus Trec _offsetR_sep.
iDestruct "A" as "[La Ra]".
iSplitL "L La".
{ iExists _; iFrame.
iExists _; iFrame "%".
erewrite mut_type_plus_2. eauto. }
{ iExists _; iFrame.
iExists _; iFrame "%".
erewrite mut_type_plus_2. eauto. }
{ iSplitL "L". iExists _; iFrame.
iExists _; iFrame. } }
{ iIntros "[L R]".
iDestruct "L" as (?) "[Lu L]".
iDestruct "R" as (?) "[Ru R]".
iDestruct (unionR_agree with "Lu Ru") as "%"; subst.
iExists _.
iCombine "Lu Ru" as "$".
case_match; eauto.
iDestruct "L" as (?) "[% L]".
iDestruct "R" as (?) "[% R]".
iExists _; iFrame "%".
rewrite mut_type_plus.
rewrite (mut_type_plus_2 _ q1 q2).
rewrite (mut_type_plus_2 _ (q1 + q2) q2).
rewrite Trec.
have->: m = m0 by congruence.
iFrame. } }
{ rewrite /struct_defR.
repeat eapply cfractional_sep; refine _.
{ eapply cfractional_big_sepL; intros.
eapply _offsetR_cfractional.
red. intros. rewrite mut_type_plus. rewrite Trec.
erewrite (mut_type_plus_2 _ q1 _).
erewrite (mut_type_plus_2 _ q2 _). reflexivity. }
{ case_match; refine _. eapply derivationR_cfractional. } } }
{ intro. intros.
rewrite qualify_plus. apply IHty. }
End typeR.
Lemma typeR_mono' R R' rec rec' tu tu' :
sub_module tu tu' ->
forall ty (o : offset) q,
□ (Forall (o : offset) a b, o |-> R a b -* o |-> R' a b)
|-- □ (Forall (o : offset) a b, o |-> rec a b -* o |-> rec' a b) -*
o |-> typeR tu R rec q ty -* o |-> typeR tu' R' rec' q ty.
induction ty; simpl; intros; iIntros "#A #B";
try solve [ iApply "A" | iIntros "[]" ].
- iStopProof.
revert o.
induction (replicateN n ()); simpl; intros.
{ rewrite !arrayR_nil. iIntros "#? $". }
{ rewrite !arrayR_cons !_offsetR_sep !_offsetR_offsetR.
iIntros "#[H1 H2] [$ [L R]]".
iSplitL "L".
{ iApply IHty; eauto. }
iApply IHl; eauto. }
- case_match; try iIntros "[]".
case_match; try iIntros "[]".
+ have->: (types tu' !! gn = Some (Gunion u)) by apply (sub_module_preserves_gunion _ _ _ _ H H0).
rewrite /union_defR !_offsetR_exists.
iIntros "C".
iDestruct "C" as (which) "C".
iExists _.
rewrite !_offsetR_sep.
iDestruct "C" as "[$ C]".
case_match; eauto.
rewrite !_offsetR_exists.
iDestruct "C" as (c) "C".
iExists c.
rewrite !_offsetR_sep !_offsetR_offsetR.
iDestruct "C" as "[$ C]".
iApply "B"; iFrame.
+ have->: (types tu' !! gn = Some (Gstruct s)) by apply (sub_module_preserves_gstruct _ _ _ _ H H0).
rewrite /struct_defR !_offsetR_sep.
iIntros "[X [Y [$ $]]]".
iSplitL "X".
{ iStopProof. induction (s_bases s); simpl; eauto.
iIntros "[#[X Y] [B C]]".
rewrite !_offsetR_sep !_offsetR_offsetR.
iSplitL "B".
{ iApply "Y"; eauto. }
iApply IHl.
iFrame "#∗". }
{ iStopProof. induction (s_fields s); simpl; eauto.
iIntros "[#[X Y] [B C]]".
rewrite !_offsetR_sep !_offsetR_offsetR.
iSplitL "B".
{ iApply "Y"; eauto. }
iApply IHl.
iFrame "#∗". }
- iApply IHty; eauto.
Lemma typeR_mono R R' rec rec' tu tu' :
sub_module tu tu' ->
forall ty q,
□ (Forall (o : offset) a b, o |-> R a b -* o |-> R' a b)
|-- □ (Forall (o : offset) a b, o |-> rec a b -* o |-> rec' a b) -*
typeR tu R rec q ty -* typeR tu' R' rec' q ty.
iIntros "#? #?".
rewrite -(_offsetR_id (typeR _ _ rec _ _)) -(_offsetR_id (typeR _ _ rec' _ _)).
iApply typeR_mono'; eauto.
Section everywhereR.
Variable tu : translation_unit.
Variable R : cQp.t -> Rtype -> Rep.
Fixpoint everywhereR_f (f : nat) {struct f} : cQp.t -> Rtype -> Rep :=
match f with
| 0 => fun _ _ => False%I
| S f => typeR tu R (fun ty q => everywhereR_f f ty q)
#[local] Instance everywhereR_f_timeless
(TprimR : forall ty q, Timeless (R q ty)) : forall f ty q, Timeless (everywhereR_f f q ty).
induction f; simpl; refine _.
intros. apply typeR_timeless; eauto.
#[local] Instance everywhereR_f_valid
(TprimR : forall ty q, Observe validR (R q ty)) : forall f ty q, Observe validR (everywhereR_f f q ty).
induction f; simpl; refine _.
intros. apply typeR_valid; eauto.
#[local] Instance everywhereR_f_nonnull
(TR : forall q ty, Observe nonnullR (R q ty)) :
forall f ty, ~zero_sized_array ty -> forall q, Observe nonnullR (everywhereR_f f q ty).
induction f; simpl; refine _.
intros. apply typeR_nonnull; eauto.
#[local] Instance everywhereR_f_cfractional
(TprimR : forall ty, CFractional (fun q => R q ty)) : forall f ty, CFractional (fun q => everywhereR_f f q ty).
induction f; simpl; refine _.
intros. apply typeR_cfractional; eauto.
Lemma everywhereR_f_mono' f : forall f',
f <= f' ->
forall q (o : offset) ty,
o |-> everywhereR_f f q ty |-- o |-> everywhereR_f f' q ty.
induction f; simpl; intros; eauto.
- iIntros "[]".
- destruct f'; try lia.
iApply typeR_mono'; eauto.
+ reflexivity.
+ iModIntro.
iIntros (???). iApply IHf. lia.
Definition everywhereR q t : Rep :=
Exists f, everywhereR_f f q t.
Lemma everywhereR_unfold (q : cQp.t) ty :
everywhereR q ty -|- typeR tu R (fun q ty => everywhereR q ty) q ty.
rewrite /everywhereR.
{ iIntros "A"; iDestruct "A" as (f) "A".
revert q ty. induction f; simpl; intros.
- iIntros "[]".
- iApply typeR_mono; eauto.
+ reflexivity.
+ iModIntro; iIntros (???) "A"; iExists _; eauto. }
{ iIntros; iStopProof.
revert q.
induction ty; simpl; intros;
try solve [ iIntros "A"; iExists 1; simpl; auto ].
{ iIntros "B".
rewrite arrayR_eq/arrayR_def arrR_eq/arrR_def /=.
iDestruct "B" as "[V [S B]]".
assert (forall q ls (O : _ -> offset),
([∗list] i↦Ri ∈ ((λ _ : (), typeR tu R (λ (q0 : cQp.t) (ty0 : type), Exists f, everywhereR_f f q0 ty0) q ty) <$> ls), O i |-> (type_ptrR ty ** Ri))
|-- Exists f, [∗list] i↦Ri ∈ ((λ _ : (), typeR tu R (λ (q0 : cQp.t) (ty0 : type), everywhereR_f f q0 ty0) q ty) <$> ls), O i |-> (type_ptrR ty ** Ri)).
{ induction ls; simpl; intros.
{ iIntros "_"; iExists 0; eauto. }
rewrite IHls !_offsetR_sep.
iIntros "[[#A B] C]".
iDestruct "C" as (f') "C".
rewrite IHty.
iDestruct "B" as (f) "B".
rewrite (everywhereR_f_mono' f (S $ f `max` f')); last lia.
iDestruct (IHls (fun i => O (S i)) with "[C]") as "C".
rewrite !big_sepL_fmap. iClear "A". iStopProof.
f_equiv. red. intros. red. intros.
rewrite !_offsetR_sep.
iIntros "[$ A]".
iApply typeR_mono'. reflexivity. 3: iApply "A".
{ iIntros "!>" (???). iIntros "A"; iExists _. eauto. } }
{ iDestruct "C" as (ff) "C".
iExists (S $ ff `max` (f `max` f')).
rewrite !_offsetR_sep. iFrame "#".
iSplitL "B".
{ iClear "A"; iStopProof. iApply typeR_mono'; eauto. reflexivity.
iIntros "!>" (???). iApply everywhereR_f_mono'. lia. }
Opaque everywhereR_f.
iClear "A". rewrite !big_sepL_fmap.
f_equiv. red; intros; red; intros.
rewrite !_offsetR_sep.
iApply typeR_mono'. reflexivity. eauto.
{ iIntros "!>" (???). iApply everywhereR_f_mono'. lia. } }
Transparent everywhereR_f. }
iDestruct (H with "B") as "B".
iDestruct "B" as (f) "B". iExists (S f).
simpl. iFrame.
rewrite arrayR_eq/arrayR_def arrR_eq/arrR_def.
iFrame. rewrite !length_fmap. done. }
{ case_match; try iIntros "[]".
case_match; try iIntros "[]".
{ rewrite /union_defR.
iIntros "A"; iDestruct "A" as (o) "[? A]".
{ iDestruct "A" as (?) "(%&A)".
iDestruct "A" as (f) "A".
iExists (S f); simpl.
rewrite H /union_defR.
iExists o. subst.
by iFrame. }
{ iExists 1. simpl.
rewrite H /union_defR.
iExists None. iFrame. } }
{ rewrite /struct_defR.
transitivity (Exists f, everywhereR_f (S f) q (Tnamed gn)); last first.
{ iIntros "X"; iDestruct "X" as (?) "?"; iExists _; eauto. }
simpl. rewrite H/struct_defR.
iIntros "[A[B $]]".
rewrite join_lists.
setoid_rewrite join_lists.
match goal with
| |- context [ ([∗list] _ ∈ ?L , _)%I ] => induction L
end; simpl.
{ iIntros "_"; iExists 0%nat; done. }
{ rewrite IHl; clear IHl.
iIntros "[A B]"; iDestruct "B" as (f') "B".
destruct a;
(iDestruct "A" as (f) "A";
iExists (max f f');
iSplitL "A";
[ iApply everywhereR_f_mono'; [ | eauto ]; lia
| iStopProof; f_equiv; do 2 intro;
case_match; apply everywhereR_f_mono'; lia ]). } } }
{ iIntros "A".
iDestruct (IHty with "A") as (f) "A".
iExists f.
destruct f; simpl; eauto. } }
Lemma everywhereR_Tqualified t tq q :
everywhereR q (Tqualified tq t) -|- everywhereR (qualify tq q) t.
by rewrite !everywhereR_unfold.
End everywhereR.
End with_cpp.
match t with
| Tnum _ _
| Tbool
| Tvoid
| Tchar_ _
| Tfloat_ _
| Tnullptr
| Tptr _
| Tref _
| Trv_ref _
| Tenum _
| Tmember_pointer _ _
| Tarch _ _ => R q t
| Tnamed nm =>
match tu.(types) !! nm with
| Some (Gstruct s) =>
struct_defR (fun ty q => rec q ty) nm s q
| Some (Gunion u) =>
union_defR (fun ty q => rec q ty) nm u q
| _ => False
| Tarray ty n =>
arrayR ty (fun _ => typeR q ty) (replicateN n tt)
| Tincomplete_array _ => False
| Tvariable_array _ _ => False
| Tqualified tq ty => typeR (qualify tq q) ty
| Tfunction _ => False
| Tunsupported _ => False
| Tresult_global _
| Tparam _ | Tresult_param _
| Tresult_unop _ _ | Tresult_binop _ _ _
| Tresult_call _ _ | Tresult_member_call _ _ _
| Tresult_member _ _
| Tdecltype _
| Texprtype _
| Tresult_parenlist _ _ => False
#[local] Instance typeR_timeless
(Trec : forall q ty, Timeless (rec q ty))
(TprimR : forall q ty, Timeless (R q ty)) : forall q ty, Timeless (typeR q ty).
move=> q ty; revert q; induction ty; simpl; intros; refine _.
(*rewrite /struct_defR/union_defR.
repeat (case_match; refine _).
Qed. *) Admitted.
#[local] Instance typeR_valid
(TprimR : forall q ty, Observe validR (R q ty)) : forall q ty, Observe validR (typeR q ty).
move=> q ty; revert q; induction ty; simpl; intros; refine _.
rewrite /struct_defR/union_defR.
repeat (case_match; refine _).
#[local] Instance typeR_nonnull
(TR : forall q ty, Observe nonnullR (R q ty)) :
forall ty, ~zero_sized_array ty -> forall q, Observe nonnullR (typeR q ty).
induction ty; try solve [ simpl; intros; refine _ ].
{ simpl; intros; revert H. rewrite /qual_norm/=. case_bool_decide => //.
have->: n = ((n - 1) + 1)%N by lia.
rewrite replicateN_succ.
rewrite arrayR_cons. refine _. }
{ simpl; intros.
case_match; refine _.
case_match; refine _. }
{ intros. eapply IHty.
by rewrite -zero_sized_array_qual in H. }
#[local] Instance typeR_cfractional
(Trec : forall ty, CFractional (fun q => rec q ty))
(TprimR : forall ty, CFractional (fun q => R q ty)) : forall ty, CFractional (fun q => typeR q ty).
induction ty; simpl; refine _.
{ case_match; refine _.
case_match; refine _.
{ rewrite /union_defR.
red; intros.
{ iIntros "A".
iDestruct "A" as ([|]) "[[L R] A]".
iDestruct "A" as (?) "[% A]".
rewrite mut_type_plus Trec _offsetR_sep.
iDestruct "A" as "[La Ra]".
iSplitL "L La".
{ iExists _; iFrame.
iExists _; iFrame "%".
erewrite mut_type_plus_2. eauto. }
{ iExists _; iFrame.
iExists _; iFrame "%".
erewrite mut_type_plus_2. eauto. }
{ iSplitL "L". iExists _; iFrame.
iExists _; iFrame. } }
{ iIntros "[L R]".
iDestruct "L" as (?) "[Lu L]".
iDestruct "R" as (?) "[Ru R]".
iDestruct (unionR_agree with "Lu Ru") as "%"; subst.
iExists _.
iCombine "Lu Ru" as "$".
case_match; eauto.
iDestruct "L" as (?) "[% L]".
iDestruct "R" as (?) "[% R]".
iExists _; iFrame "%".
rewrite mut_type_plus.
rewrite (mut_type_plus_2 _ q1 q2).
rewrite (mut_type_plus_2 _ (q1 + q2) q2).
rewrite Trec.
have->: m = m0 by congruence.
iFrame. } }
{ rewrite /struct_defR.
repeat eapply cfractional_sep; refine _.
{ eapply cfractional_big_sepL; intros.
eapply _offsetR_cfractional.
red. intros. rewrite mut_type_plus. rewrite Trec.
erewrite (mut_type_plus_2 _ q1 _).
erewrite (mut_type_plus_2 _ q2 _). reflexivity. }
{ case_match; refine _. eapply derivationR_cfractional. } } }
{ intro. intros.
rewrite qualify_plus. apply IHty. }
End typeR.
Lemma typeR_mono' R R' rec rec' tu tu' :
sub_module tu tu' ->
forall ty (o : offset) q,
□ (Forall (o : offset) a b, o |-> R a b -* o |-> R' a b)
|-- □ (Forall (o : offset) a b, o |-> rec a b -* o |-> rec' a b) -*
o |-> typeR tu R rec q ty -* o |-> typeR tu' R' rec' q ty.
induction ty; simpl; intros; iIntros "#A #B";
try solve [ iApply "A" | iIntros "[]" ].
- iStopProof.
revert o.
induction (replicateN n ()); simpl; intros.
{ rewrite !arrayR_nil. iIntros "#? $". }
{ rewrite !arrayR_cons !_offsetR_sep !_offsetR_offsetR.
iIntros "#[H1 H2] [$ [L R]]".
iSplitL "L".
{ iApply IHty; eauto. }
iApply IHl; eauto. }
- case_match; try iIntros "[]".
case_match; try iIntros "[]".
+ have->: (types tu' !! gn = Some (Gunion u)) by apply (sub_module_preserves_gunion _ _ _ _ H H0).
rewrite /union_defR !_offsetR_exists.
iIntros "C".
iDestruct "C" as (which) "C".
iExists _.
rewrite !_offsetR_sep.
iDestruct "C" as "[$ C]".
case_match; eauto.
rewrite !_offsetR_exists.
iDestruct "C" as (c) "C".
iExists c.
rewrite !_offsetR_sep !_offsetR_offsetR.
iDestruct "C" as "[$ C]".
iApply "B"; iFrame.
+ have->: (types tu' !! gn = Some (Gstruct s)) by apply (sub_module_preserves_gstruct _ _ _ _ H H0).
rewrite /struct_defR !_offsetR_sep.
iIntros "[X [Y [$ $]]]".
iSplitL "X".
{ iStopProof. induction (s_bases s); simpl; eauto.
iIntros "[#[X Y] [B C]]".
rewrite !_offsetR_sep !_offsetR_offsetR.
iSplitL "B".
{ iApply "Y"; eauto. }
iApply IHl.
iFrame "#∗". }
{ iStopProof. induction (s_fields s); simpl; eauto.
iIntros "[#[X Y] [B C]]".
rewrite !_offsetR_sep !_offsetR_offsetR.
iSplitL "B".
{ iApply "Y"; eauto. }
iApply IHl.
iFrame "#∗". }
- iApply IHty; eauto.
Lemma typeR_mono R R' rec rec' tu tu' :
sub_module tu tu' ->
forall ty q,
□ (Forall (o : offset) a b, o |-> R a b -* o |-> R' a b)
|-- □ (Forall (o : offset) a b, o |-> rec a b -* o |-> rec' a b) -*
typeR tu R rec q ty -* typeR tu' R' rec' q ty.
iIntros "#? #?".
rewrite -(_offsetR_id (typeR _ _ rec _ _)) -(_offsetR_id (typeR _ _ rec' _ _)).
iApply typeR_mono'; eauto.
Section everywhereR.
Variable tu : translation_unit.
Variable R : cQp.t -> Rtype -> Rep.
Fixpoint everywhereR_f (f : nat) {struct f} : cQp.t -> Rtype -> Rep :=
match f with
| 0 => fun _ _ => False%I
| S f => typeR tu R (fun ty q => everywhereR_f f ty q)
#[local] Instance everywhereR_f_timeless
(TprimR : forall ty q, Timeless (R q ty)) : forall f ty q, Timeless (everywhereR_f f q ty).
induction f; simpl; refine _.
intros. apply typeR_timeless; eauto.
#[local] Instance everywhereR_f_valid
(TprimR : forall ty q, Observe validR (R q ty)) : forall f ty q, Observe validR (everywhereR_f f q ty).
induction f; simpl; refine _.
intros. apply typeR_valid; eauto.
#[local] Instance everywhereR_f_nonnull
(TR : forall q ty, Observe nonnullR (R q ty)) :
forall f ty, ~zero_sized_array ty -> forall q, Observe nonnullR (everywhereR_f f q ty).
induction f; simpl; refine _.
intros. apply typeR_nonnull; eauto.
#[local] Instance everywhereR_f_cfractional
(TprimR : forall ty, CFractional (fun q => R q ty)) : forall f ty, CFractional (fun q => everywhereR_f f q ty).
induction f; simpl; refine _.
intros. apply typeR_cfractional; eauto.
Lemma everywhereR_f_mono' f : forall f',
f <= f' ->
forall q (o : offset) ty,
o |-> everywhereR_f f q ty |-- o |-> everywhereR_f f' q ty.
induction f; simpl; intros; eauto.
- iIntros "[]".
- destruct f'; try lia.
iApply typeR_mono'; eauto.
+ reflexivity.
+ iModIntro.
iIntros (???). iApply IHf. lia.
Definition everywhereR q t : Rep :=
Exists f, everywhereR_f f q t.
Lemma everywhereR_unfold (q : cQp.t) ty :
everywhereR q ty -|- typeR tu R (fun q ty => everywhereR q ty) q ty.
rewrite /everywhereR.
{ iIntros "A"; iDestruct "A" as (f) "A".
revert q ty. induction f; simpl; intros.
- iIntros "[]".
- iApply typeR_mono; eauto.
+ reflexivity.
+ iModIntro; iIntros (???) "A"; iExists _; eauto. }
{ iIntros; iStopProof.
revert q.
induction ty; simpl; intros;
try solve [ iIntros "A"; iExists 1; simpl; auto ].
{ iIntros "B".
rewrite arrayR_eq/arrayR_def arrR_eq/arrR_def /=.
iDestruct "B" as "[V [S B]]".
assert (forall q ls (O : _ -> offset),
([∗list] i↦Ri ∈ ((λ _ : (), typeR tu R (λ (q0 : cQp.t) (ty0 : type), Exists f, everywhereR_f f q0 ty0) q ty) <$> ls), O i |-> (type_ptrR ty ** Ri))
|-- Exists f, [∗list] i↦Ri ∈ ((λ _ : (), typeR tu R (λ (q0 : cQp.t) (ty0 : type), everywhereR_f f q0 ty0) q ty) <$> ls), O i |-> (type_ptrR ty ** Ri)).
{ induction ls; simpl; intros.
{ iIntros "_"; iExists 0; eauto. }
rewrite IHls !_offsetR_sep.
iIntros "[[#A B] C]".
iDestruct "C" as (f') "C".
rewrite IHty.
iDestruct "B" as (f) "B".
rewrite (everywhereR_f_mono' f (S $ f `max` f')); last lia.
iDestruct (IHls (fun i => O (S i)) with "[C]") as "C".
rewrite !big_sepL_fmap. iClear "A". iStopProof.
f_equiv. red. intros. red. intros.
rewrite !_offsetR_sep.
iIntros "[$ A]".
iApply typeR_mono'. reflexivity. 3: iApply "A".
{ iIntros "!>" (???). iIntros "A"; iExists _. eauto. } }
{ iDestruct "C" as (ff) "C".
iExists (S $ ff `max` (f `max` f')).
rewrite !_offsetR_sep. iFrame "#".
iSplitL "B".
{ iClear "A"; iStopProof. iApply typeR_mono'; eauto. reflexivity.
iIntros "!>" (???). iApply everywhereR_f_mono'. lia. }
Opaque everywhereR_f.
iClear "A". rewrite !big_sepL_fmap.
f_equiv. red; intros; red; intros.
rewrite !_offsetR_sep.
iApply typeR_mono'. reflexivity. eauto.
{ iIntros "!>" (???). iApply everywhereR_f_mono'. lia. } }
Transparent everywhereR_f. }
iDestruct (H with "B") as "B".
iDestruct "B" as (f) "B". iExists (S f).
simpl. iFrame.
rewrite arrayR_eq/arrayR_def arrR_eq/arrR_def.
iFrame. rewrite !length_fmap. done. }
{ case_match; try iIntros "[]".
case_match; try iIntros "[]".
{ rewrite /union_defR.
iIntros "A"; iDestruct "A" as (o) "[? A]".
{ iDestruct "A" as (?) "(%&A)".
iDestruct "A" as (f) "A".
iExists (S f); simpl.
rewrite H /union_defR.
iExists o. subst.
by iFrame. }
{ iExists 1. simpl.
rewrite H /union_defR.
iExists None. iFrame. } }
{ rewrite /struct_defR.
transitivity (Exists f, everywhereR_f (S f) q (Tnamed gn)); last first.
{ iIntros "X"; iDestruct "X" as (?) "?"; iExists _; eauto. }
simpl. rewrite H/struct_defR.
iIntros "[A[B $]]".
rewrite join_lists.
setoid_rewrite join_lists.
match goal with
| |- context [ ([∗list] _ ∈ ?L , _)%I ] => induction L
end; simpl.
{ iIntros "_"; iExists 0%nat; done. }
{ rewrite IHl; clear IHl.
iIntros "[A B]"; iDestruct "B" as (f') "B".
destruct a;
(iDestruct "A" as (f) "A";
iExists (max f f');
iSplitL "A";
[ iApply everywhereR_f_mono'; [ | eauto ]; lia
| iStopProof; f_equiv; do 2 intro;
case_match; apply everywhereR_f_mono'; lia ]). } } }
{ iIntros "A".
iDestruct (IHty with "A") as (f) "A".
iExists f.
destruct f; simpl; eauto. } }
Lemma everywhereR_Tqualified t tq q :
everywhereR q (Tqualified tq t) -|- everywhereR (qualify tq q) t.
by rewrite !everywhereR_unfold.
End everywhereR.
End with_cpp.