
 * Copyright (C) BlueRock Security Inc. 2020-21
 * This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
 * See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.

Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.semantics.values.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.pred.
Require Import bedrock.lang.proofmode.proofmode.
Require Import iris.proofmode.classes.

Proof mode instances

We provide _at, _offsetR, and pureR instances for several proof mode classes. Here's a subset, displayed here for _at:
Additional instances are available in
  • bedrock.proofmode.cpp._at_as_Rep
  • bedrock.proofmode.cpp._at_pureR

Instances for _at

Section _at_instances.
  Context `{Σ : cpp_logic}.
  Implicit Types l : ptr.
  Implicit Types R : Rep.

Feed the introduction pattern "[H1 H2]".
  Lemma test_before l R1 R2 : l |-> (R1 ** R2) |-- l |-> R1 ** l |-> R2.
  Proof. Fail by iIntros "[$$]". Abort.

  #[global] Instance into_sep_at l R R1 R2 :
    IntoSep R R1 R2 IntoSep (l |-> R) (l |-> R1) (l |-> R2).
    intros. rewrite /IntoSep. by rewrite (into_sep R) _at_sep.

  Lemma test_after l R1 R2 : l |-> (R1 ** R2) |-- l |-> R1 ** l |-> R2.
  Proof. by iIntros "[$$]". Abort.

Feed the iSplitL, iSplitR, iCombine tactics.
  Lemma test_before l R1 R2 : l |-> R1 |-- l |-> R2 -* l |-> (R1 ** R2).
  Proof. iIntros "H1 H2". Fail by iSplitL "H1". Abort.
  Lemma test_before l R1 R2 : l |-> R1 |-- l |-> R2 -* l |-> (R1 ** R2).
  Proof. iIntros "H1 H2". Fail by iSplitR "H2". Abort.
  Lemma test_before l R1 R2 : l |-> R1 |-- l |-> R2 -* l |-> (R1 ** R2).
  Proof. iIntros "H1 H2". Fail by iCombine "H1 H2" as "H". Abort.

  #[global] Instance from_sep_at l R R1 R2 :
    FromSep R R1 R2 FromSep (l |-> R) (l |-> R1) (l |-> R2).
    intros. rewrite /FromSep. by rewrite -_at_sep (from_sep R).

  #[global] Instance combine_sep_as_at l R R1 R2 :
    CombineSepAs R1 R2 R CombineSepAs (l |-> R1) (l |-> R2) (l |-> R) | 10.
    intros. rewrite /CombineSepAs. by rewrite -_at_sep H.

  (* CombineSepAs does not have a base instance for bi_sep (unlike FromSep. *)
  #[global] Instance combine_sep_as_at_base l R1 R2 :
    CombineSepAs (l |-> R1) (l |-> R2) (l |-> (R1 ** R2)) | 100.
    intros. rewrite /CombineSepAs. by rewrite -_at_sep.

  Lemma test_after l R1 R2 : l |-> R1 |-- l |-> R2 -* l |-> (R1 ** R2).
  Proof. iIntros "H1 H2". by iSplitL "H1". Abort.
  Lemma test_after l R1 R2 : l |-> R1 |-- l |-> R2 -* l |-> (R1 ** R2).
  Proof. iIntros "H1 H2". by iSplitR "H2". Abort.
  Lemma test_after l R1 R2 : l |-> R1 |-- l |-> R2 -* l |-> (R1 ** R2).
  Proof. iIntros "H1 H2". by iCombine "H1 H2" as "H". Abort.

  Lemma test_before l R1 R2 : l |-> (R1 -* R2) |-- l |-> R1 -* l |-> R2.
  Proof. iIntros "H R1". Fail iApply ("H" with "R1"). Abort.
  Lemma test_before l R : |-- l |-> (R -* R).
  Proof. Fail iIntros "R". Abort.

  #[global] Instance into_wand_at l p q R R1 R2 :
    IntoWand p q R R1 R2 IntoWand p q (l |-> R) (l |-> R1) (l |-> R2).
    intros. rewrite /IntoWand -!_at_intuitionistically_if.
    by rewrite -_at_wand (into_wand p q R).
  #[global] Instance from_wand_at l R R1 R2 :
    FromWand R R1 R2 FromWand (l |-> R) (l |-> R1) (l |-> R2).
    intros. rewrite /FromWand. by rewrite -_at_wand (from_wand R).

  Lemma test_after l R1 R2 : l |-> (R1 -* R2) |-- l |-> R1 -* l |-> R2.
  Proof. iIntros "H R1". iApply ("H" with "R1"). Abort.
  Lemma test_after l R : |-- l |-> (R -* R).
  Proof. iIntros "R". Abort.

Feed the introduction pattern "[]"
  Lemma test_before (p : ptr) : p |-> False |-- False.
  Proof. Fail iIntros "[]". Abort.

  #[global] Instance _at_from_assumption pers (p : ptr) (R : Rep) (Q : Prop) :
    FromAssumption pers R (bi_pure Q) ->
    KnownLFromAssumption pers (p |-> R) (bi_pure Q).
    rewrite /FromAssumption; do 2 red; destruct pers; simpl;
      [ rewrite -_at_intuitionistically | ]; move => ->; by rewrite _at_pure.

  Lemma test_after (p : ptr) : p |-> False |-- False.
  Proof. iIntros "[]". Succeed Qed. Abort.

Feed the introduction pattern "[H1 H2]".
  Lemma test_before l R1 R2 : l |-> (R1 //\\ R2) |-- l |-> R1.
  Proof. Fail by iIntros "[$ _]". Abort.
  Lemma test_before l R1 R2 : l |-> (R1 //\\ R2) |-- l |-> R2.
  Proof. Fail by iIntros "[_ $]". Abort.

  #[global] Instance into_and_at p l R R1 R2 :
    IntoAnd p R R1 R2 IntoAnd p (l |-> R) (l |-> R1) (l |-> R2).
    intros. rewrite /IntoAnd. rewrite -_at_intuitionistically_if into_and.
    by rewrite _at_intuitionistically_if _at_and.

  Lemma test_after l R1 R2 : l |-> (R1 //\\ R2) |-- l |-> R1.
  Proof. by iIntros "[$ _]". Abort.
  Lemma test_after l R1 R2 : l |-> (R1 //\\ R2) |-- l |-> R2.
  Proof. by iIntros "[_ $]". Abort.

Feed the introduction pattern "[H1|H2]".

  Lemma test_before l R1 R2 : l |-> (R1 \\// R2) |-- (l |-> R1 \\// l |-> R2).
  Proof. Fail by iIntros "[$ | $]". Abort.

  #[global] Instance into_or_at l R R1 R2 :
    IntoOr R R1 R2 -> IntoOr (l |-> R) (l |-> R1) (l |-> R2).
  Proof. intros. rewrite/IntoOr (into_or R) _at_or //. Qed.

  Lemma test_after l R1 R2 : l |-> (R1 \\// R2) |-- (l |-> R1 \\// l |-> R2).
  Proof. by iIntros "[$ | $]". Abort.

Feed the iSplit tactic.
  Lemma test_before l R1 R2 : l |-> R1 //\\ l |-> R2 |-- l |-> (R1 //\\ R2).
  Proof. iIntros "H". Fail iSplit. Abort.

  #[global] Instance from_and_at l R R1 R2 :
    FromAnd R R1 R2 FromAnd (l |-> R) (l |-> R1) (l |-> R2).
    intros. rewrite /FromAnd. by rewrite -_at_and (from_and R).

  Lemma test_after l R1 R2 : l |-> R1 //\\ l |-> R2 |-- l |-> (R1 //\\ R2).
  Proof. iIntros "H". iSplit. Abort.

Feed the iLeft and iRight tactic.

  Lemma test_before l R1 R2 : l |-> R1 |-- l |-> (R1 \\// R2).
  Proof. iIntros "H". Fail iLeft. Abort.

  Lemma test_before l R1 R2 : l |-> R2 |-- l |-> (R1 \\// R2).
  Proof. iIntros "H". Fail iRight. Abort.

  #[global] Instance from_or_at l R R1 R2 :
    FromOr R R1 R2 -> FromOr (l |-> R) (l |-> R1) (l |-> R2).
  Proof. intros. rewrite/FromOr -_at_or (from_or R) //. Qed.

  Lemma test_after l R1 R2 : l |-> R1 |-- l |-> (R1 \\// R2).
  Proof. iIntros "H". by iLeft. Abort.

  Lemma test_after l R1 R2 : l |-> R2 |-- l |-> (R1 \\// R2).
  Proof. iIntros "H". by iRight. Abort.

Feed the iFrame tactic.
  Lemma test_before l R1 R2 : l |-> R1 |-- l |-> R2 -* l |-> (R1 ** R2).
  Proof. iIntros "H1 H2". Fail iFrame "H1". Abort.
  Lemma test_before l R1 R2 : l |-> R1 |-- l |-> R2 -* l |-> (R1 ** R2).
  Proof. iIntros "H1 H2". Fail iFrame "H2". Abort.

  #[global] Instance frame_at p l R R1 R2 :
    Frame p R R1 R2
    Frame p (l |-> R) (l |-> R1) (l |-> R2) | 2. (* Prio 2 to not shadow frame_here. *)
    rewrite/Frame=><-. by rewrite -_at_intuitionistically_if -_at_sep.

  Lemma test_after l R1 R2 : l |-> R1 |-- l |-> R2 -* l |-> (R1 ** R2).
  Proof. iIntros "H1 H2". iFrame "H1". Abort.
  Lemma test_after l R1 R2 : l |-> R1 |-- l |-> R2 -* l |-> (R1 ** R2).
  Proof. iIntros "H1 H2". iFrame "H2". Abort.

Framing between P and _at p (pureR P).
  Lemma test_before l P : l |-> pureR P |-- P.
  Proof. Fail iIntros "$". Abort.
  #[global] Instance frame_at_pureR b l P :
    Frame b (l |-> pureR P) P emp | 2. (* Prio 2 to not shadow frame_here. *)
    rewrite /Frame _at_pureR. by rewrite bi.intuitionistically_if_elim right_id.
  Lemma test_after l P : l |-> pureR P |-- P.
  Proof. by iIntros "$". Abort.

  Lemma test_before l (P : mpred) : P |-- l |-> pureR P.
  Proof. Fail iIntros "$". Abort.
  #[global] Instance frame_pureR_at b l (P : mpred) :
    Frame b P (l |-> pureR P) emp | 2. (* Prio 2 to not shadow frame_here. *)
    rewrite /Frame _at_pureR. by rewrite bi.intuitionistically_if_elim right_id.
  Lemma test_after l (P : mpred) : P |-- l |-> pureR P.
  Proof. by iIntros "$". Abort.

TODO (PDS): The following two instances suggest we should refactor and, perhaps, reproduce some of the monpred proofmode machinery for _at. We're repeating things that the proofmode already knows how to do.
  Lemma test_before l (P : mpred) R : P |-- l |-> (pureR P ** R).
  Proof. Fail iIntros "$". Abort.
  #[global] Instance frame_at_pureR_l l b (P1 P2 Q : mpred) R :
    Frame b P1 (P2 ** l |-> R) Q ->
    Frame b P1 (l |-> (pureR P2 ** R)) Q | 2. (* Prio 2 to not shadow frame_here. *)
  Proof. rewrite/Frame. by rewrite _at_sep _at_pureR. Qed.
  Lemma test_after l (P : mpred) R : P |-- l |-> (pureR P ** R).
  Proof. iIntros "$". Abort.

  Lemma test_before l (P : mpred) R : P |-- l |-> (R ** pureR P).
  Proof. Fail iIntros "$". Abort.
  #[global] Instance frame_at_pureR_r l b (P1 P2 Q : mpred) R :
    Frame b P1 (l |-> R ** P2) Q ->
    Frame b P1 (l |-> (R ** pureR P2)) Q | 2. (* Prio 2 to not shadow frame_here. *)
  Proof. rewrite/Frame. by rewrite _at_sep _at_pureR. Qed.
  Lemma test_after l (P : mpred) R : P |-- l |-> (R ** pureR P).
  Proof. iIntros "$". Abort.

  Lemma test_before {A} l (Φ : A Rep) :
    l |-> (Exists x, Φ x) |-- Exists x, l |-> Φ x.
  Proof. Fail iDestruct 1 as (x) "HΦ". Abort.
  Lemma test_before {A} l (Φ : A Rep) :
    Exists x, l |-> Φ x |-- l |-> (Exists x, Φ x).
  Proof. iDestruct 1 as (x) "HΦ". Fail iExists x. Abort.

  #[global] Instance into_exist_at {A} {f} l R (Φ : A Rep) :
    IntoExist R Φ f IntoExist (l |-> R) (λ x, l |-> Φ x) f.
  Proof. intros H. by rewrite /IntoExist H _at_exists. Qed.
  #[global] Instance from_exist_at {A} l R (Φ : A Rep) :
    FromExist R Φ FromExist (l |-> R) (λ x, l |-> Φ x).
  Proof. intros H. by rewrite/FromExist -H _at_exists. Qed.

  Lemma test_after {A} l (Φ : A Rep) :
    l |-> (Exists x, Φ x) |-- Exists x, l |-> Φ x.
  Proof. iDestruct 1 as (x) "HΦ". Abort.
  Lemma test_after {A} l (Φ : A Rep) :
    Exists x, l |-> Φ x |-- l |-> (Exists x, Φ x).
  Proof. iDestruct 1 as (x) "HΦ". iExists x. Abort.

  Lemma test_before {A} l (Φ : A Rep) :
    l |-> (Forall x, Φ x) |-- Forall x, l |-> Φ x.
  Proof. iIntros "HΦ" (x). Fail iSpecialize ("HΦ" $! x). Abort.
  Lemma test_before {A} l (Φ : A Rep) :
    Forall x, l |-> Φ x |-- l |-> Forall x, Φ x.
  Proof. Fail iIntros "HΦ" (x). Abort.

  #[global] Instance into_forall_at {A} l R (Φ : A Rep) :
    IntoForall R Φ IntoForall (l |-> R) (λ x, l |-> Φ x).
  Proof. intros H. by rewrite /IntoForall H _at_forall. Qed.
  #[global] Instance from_forall_at {A} l R (Φ : A Rep) name :
    FromForall R Φ name FromForall (l |-> R) (λ x, l |-> Φ x) name.
  Proof. intros H. by rewrite /FromForall -_at_forall H. Qed.

  Lemma test_after {A} l (Φ : A Rep) :
    l |-> (Forall x, Φ x) |-- Forall x, l |-> Φ x.
  Proof. iIntros "HΦ" (x). iSpecialize ("HΦ" $! x). Abort.
  Lemma test_after {A} l (Φ : A Rep) :
    Forall x, l |-> Φ x |-- l |-> Forall x, Φ x.
  Proof. iIntros "H" (x). iApply "H". Abort.

  (* ElimModal instance.
     NOTE Instances like this one that generate sub-derivations using pureR require
     corresponding instances for pureR (see below).

  #[global] Instance _at_elim_modal (pt : ptr) ϕ p p' P P' Q Q' :
    ElimModal ϕ p p' P P' (pureR Q) (pureR Q') ->
    ElimModal ϕ p p' (_at pt P) (_at pt P') Q Q'.
    intros H HPQ. apply H, bi.wand_intro_r in HPQ.
    rewrite -!_at_intuitionistically_if HPQ !_at_wand !_at_pureR.
    iIntros "[A B]". by iApply "A".

  (* IntoPure instance. *)
  Lemma test_before {P : Prop} (p : ptr) : _at p (bi_pure P) |-- True.
  Proof. Fail iIntros "%". Abort.

  #[global] Instance _at_into_pure {p P T} : IntoPure P T -> IntoPure (_at p P) T.
  Proof. by red; intros ->; rewrite _at_pure. Qed.

  Lemma test_after {P : Prop} (p : ptr) : _at p (bi_pure P) |-- True.
  Proof. iIntros "%". Abort.

  Lemma test_before {P : Prop} (p : ptr) : ⊢@{mpredI} _at p (bi_pure P).
  Proof. iIntros. Fail iPureIntro. Abort.

  #[global] Instance _at_from_pure {a p R T} (H : FromPure a R T) : FromPure a (_at p R) T.
  Proof. by red; red in H; rewrite -H _at_affinely_if _at_pure. Qed.

  Lemma test_after {P : Prop} (p : ptr) : ⊢@{mpredI} _at p (bi_pure P).
  Proof. iIntros. iPureIntro. Abort.

  (* IsExcept0 *)
  #[global] Instance is_except0_at {R p} (H : IsExcept0 R) : IsExcept0 (_at p R).
  Proof. red. by rewrite -_at_except_0 H. Qed.

End _at_instances.

Instances for _offsetR

Section _offsetR_instances.
  Context `{Σ : cpp_logic}.
  Implicit Types o : offset.
  Implicit Types R : Rep.
  Implicit Types P : mpred.

Feed the introduction pattern "[H1 H2]".
  Lemma test_before o R1 R2 : o |-> (R1 ** R2) |-- o |-> R1 ** o |-> R2.
  Proof. Fail by iIntros "[$$]". Abort.

  #[global] Instance into_sep_offsetR o R R1 R2 :
    IntoSep R R1 R2 IntoSep (o |-> R) (o |-> R1) (o |-> R2).
    intros. rewrite /IntoSep. by rewrite (into_sep R) _offsetR_sep.

  Lemma test_after o R1 R2 : o |-> (R1 ** R2) |-- o |-> R1 ** o |-> R2.
  Proof. by iIntros "[$$]". Abort.

Feed the introduction pattern "[H1|H2]".

  Lemma test_before o R1 R2 : o |-> (R1 \\// R2) |-- (o |-> R1 \\// o |-> R2).
  Proof. Fail by iIntros "[$|$]". Abort.

  #[global] Instance into_or_offsetR o R R1 R2 :
    IntoOr R R1 R2 -> IntoOr (o |-> R) (o |-> R1) (o |-> R2).
  Proof. intros. rewrite /IntoOr. by rewrite (into_or R) _offsetR_or. Qed.

  Lemma test_after o R1 R2 : o |-> (R1 \\// R2) |-- (o |-> R1 \\// o |-> R2).
  Proof. by iIntros "[$|$]". Abort.

Feed the iSplitL, iSplitR, iCombine tactics.
  Lemma test_before o R1 R2 : o |-> R1 |-- o |-> R2 -* o |-> (R1 ** R2).
  Proof. iIntros "H1 H2". Fail by iSplitL "H1". Abort.
  Lemma test_before o R1 R2 : o |-> R1 |-- o |-> R2 -* o |-> (R1 ** R2).
  Proof. iIntros "H1 H2". Fail by iSplitR "H2". Abort.
  Lemma test_before o R1 R2 : o |-> R1 |-- o |-> R2 -* o |-> (R1 ** R2).
  Proof. iIntros "H1 H2". Fail by iCombine "H1 H2" as "H". Abort.

  #[global] Instance from_sep_offsetR o R R1 R2 :
    FromSep R R1 R2 FromSep (o |-> R) (o |-> R1) (o |-> R2).
    intros. rewrite /FromSep. by rewrite -_offsetR_sep (from_sep R).

  #[global] Instance combine_sep_as_offsetR o R R1 R2 :
    CombineSepAs R1 R2 R CombineSepAs (o |-> R1) (o |-> R2) (o |-> R) | 10.
    intros. rewrite /CombineSepAs. by rewrite -_offsetR_sep H.

  (* CombineSepAs does not have a base instance for bi_sep (unlike FromSep. *)
  #[global] Instance combine_sep_as_at_offsetR o R1 R2 :
    CombineSepAs (o |-> R1) (o |-> R2) (o |-> (R1 ** R2)) | 100.
    intros. rewrite /CombineSepAs. by rewrite -_offsetR_sep.

  Lemma test_after o R1 R2 : o |-> R1 |-- o |-> R2 -* o |-> (R1 ** R2).
  Proof. iIntros "H1 H2". by iSplitL "H1". Abort.
  Lemma test_after o R1 R2 : o |-> R1 |-- o |-> R2 -* o |-> (R1 ** R2).
  Proof. iIntros "H1 H2". by iSplitR "H2". Abort.
  Lemma test_after o R1 R2 : o |-> R1 |-- o |-> R2 -* o |-> (R1 ** R2).
  Proof. iIntros "H1 H2". by iCombine "H1 H2" as "H". Abort.

Feed the iLeft and iRight tactics.
  Lemma test_before o R1 R2 : o |-> R1 |-- o |-> (R1 \\// R2).
  Proof. iIntros "H". Fail by iLeft. Abort.

  Lemma test_before o R1 R2 : o |-> R2 |-- o |-> (R1 \\// R2).
  Proof. iIntros "H". Fail by iRight. Abort.

  #[global] Instance from_or_offsetR o R R1 R2 :
    FromOr R R1 R2 -> FromOr (o |-> R) (o |-> R1) (o |-> R2).
  Proof. intros. rewrite /FromOr. by rewrite -_offsetR_or (from_or R). Qed.

  Lemma test_after o R1 R2 : o |-> R1 |-- o |-> (R1 \\// R2).
  Proof. iIntros "H". by iLeft. Abort.

  Lemma test_after o R1 R2 : o |-> R2 |-- o |-> (R1 \\// R2).
  Proof. iIntros "H". by iRight. Abort.

  Lemma test_before o R1 R2 : o |-> (R1 -* R2) |-- o |-> R1 -* o |-> R2.
  Proof. iIntros "H R1". Fail iApply ("H" with "R1"). Abort.
  Lemma test_before o R : |-- o |-> (R -* R).
  Proof. Fail iIntros "R". Abort.

  #[global] Instance into_wand_offsetR o p q R R1 R2 :
    IntoWand p q R R1 R2 IntoWand p q (o |-> R) (o |-> R1) (o |-> R2).
    intros. rewrite /IntoWand -!_offsetR_intuitionistically_if.
    by rewrite -_offsetR_wand (into_wand p q R).
  #[global] Instance from_wand_offsetR o R R1 R2 :
    FromWand R R1 R2 FromWand (o |-> R) (o |-> R1) (o |-> R2).
    intros. rewrite /FromWand. by rewrite -_offsetR_wand (from_wand R).

  Lemma test_after o R1 R2 : o |-> (R1 -* R2) |-- o |-> R1 -* o |-> R2.
  Proof. iIntros "H R1". iApply ("H" with "R1"). Abort.
  Lemma test_after o R : |-- o |-> (R -* R).
  Proof. iIntros "R". Abort.

Feed the introduction pattern "[]"
  Lemma test_before (o : offset) : o |-> False |-- False.
  Proof. Fail iIntros "[]". Abort.

  #[global] Instance _offsetR_from_assumption pers (o : offset) (R : Rep) (Q : Prop) :
    FromAssumption pers R (bi_pure Q) ->
    KnownLFromAssumption pers (o |-> R) (bi_pure Q).
    rewrite /FromAssumption; do 2 red; destruct pers; simpl;
      [ rewrite -_offsetR_intuitionistically | ]; move => ->; by rewrite _offsetR_pure.

  Lemma test_after (o : offset) : o |-> False |-- False.
  Proof. iIntros "[]". Succeed Qed. Abort.

Feed the introduction pattern "[H1 H2]".
  Lemma test_before o R1 R2 : o |-> (R1 //\\ R2) |-- o |-> R1.
  Proof. Fail by iIntros "[$ _]". Abort.
  Lemma test_before o R1 R2 : o |-> (R1 //\\ R2) |-- o |-> R2.
  Proof. Fail by iIntros "[_ $]". Abort.

  #[global] Instance into_and_offsetR p o R R1 R2 :
    IntoAnd p R R1 R2 IntoAnd p (o |-> R) (o |-> R1) (o |-> R2).
    intros. rewrite /IntoAnd. rewrite -_offsetR_intuitionistically_if into_and.
    by rewrite _offsetR_intuitionistically_if _offsetR_and.

  Lemma test_before o R1 R2 : o |-> (R1 //\\ R2) |-- o |-> R1.
  Proof. by iIntros "[$ _]". Abort.
  Lemma test_before o R1 R2 : o |-> (R1 //\\ R2) |-- o |-> R2.
  Proof. by iIntros "[_ $]". Abort.

Feed the iSplit tactic.
  Lemma test_before o R1 R2 : o |-> R1 //\\ o |-> R2 |-- o |-> (R1 //\\ R2).
  Proof. iIntros "H". Fail iSplit. Abort.

  #[global] Instance from_and_offsetR o R R1 R2 :
    FromAnd R R1 R2 FromAnd (o |-> R) (o |-> R1) (o |-> R2).
    intros. rewrite /FromAnd. by rewrite -_offsetR_and (from_and R).

  Lemma test_after o R1 R2 : o |-> R1 //\\ o |-> R2 |-- o |-> (R1 //\\ R2).
  Proof. iIntros "H". iSplit. Abort.

Feed the iFrame tactic.
  Lemma test_before o R1 R2 : o |-> R1 |-- o |-> R2 -* o |-> (R1 ** R2).
  Proof. iIntros "H1 H2". Fail iFrame "H1". Abort.
  Lemma test_before o R1 R2 : o |-> R1 |-- o |-> R2 -* o |-> (R1 ** R2).
  Proof. iIntros "H1 H2". Fail iFrame "H2". Abort.

  #[global] Instance frame_offsetR p o R R1 R2 :
    Frame p R R1 R2
    Frame p (o |-> R) (o |-> R1) (o |-> R2) | 2. (* Prio 2 to not shadow frame_here. *)
    rewrite/Frame=><-. by rewrite -_offsetR_intuitionistically_if -_offsetR_sep.

  Lemma test_after o R1 R2 : o |-> R1 |-- o |-> R2 -* o |-> (R1 ** R2).
  Proof. iIntros "H1 H2". iFrame "H1". Abort.
  Lemma test_after o R1 R2 : o |-> R1 |-- o |-> R2 -* o |-> (R1 ** R2).
  Proof. iIntros "H1 H2". iFrame "H2". Abort.

Framing between P and _offsetR o (pureR P).

  Lemma test_before (p : ptr) o R : p |-> o |-> R |-- p ,, o |-> R.
  Proof. Fail by iIntros "$". Abort.
  #[global] Instance frame_at_offsetR_1 b (p : ptr) o R P (Q : mpred) :
    Frame b (p ,, o |-> R) P Q ->
    Frame b (p |-> o |-> R) P Q | 2. (* Prio 2 to not shadow frame_here. *)
  Proof. by rewrite/Frame _at_offsetR=>->. Qed.
  Lemma test_after (p : ptr) o R : p |-> o |-> R |-- p ,, o |-> R.
  Proof. by iIntros "$". Abort.

TODO (PDS): Both the preceding and the following would make TC resolution diverge. Hint Cut might help, as might enabling the IPM's monPred framing instances to apply to _at.
  Section todo.
    Lemma test_before (p : ptr) o R : p ,, o |-> R |-- p |-> o |-> R.
    Proof. Fail by iIntros "$". Abort.
TODO (proofmode): Given p ,, o |-> R we should be able to frame to get p |-> o |-> R.
    Lemma frame_at_offsetR_2 b (p : ptr) o R P (Q : mpred) :
      Frame b (p |-> o |-> R) P Q ->
      Frame b (p ,, o |-> R) P Q.
    Proof. by rewrite/Frame _at_offsetR=>->. Qed.
    Existing Instance frame_at_offsetR_2 | 2. (* Prio 2 to not shadow frame_here. *)
    Lemma test_after (p : ptr) o R : p ,, o |-> R |-- p |-> o |-> R.
    Proof. by iIntros "$". Abort.
  End todo.

  Lemma test_before {A} o (R : A Rep) :
    o |-> (Exists x, R x) |-- Exists x, o |-> R x.
  Proof. Fail iDestruct 1 as (x) "R". Abort.
  Lemma test_before {A} o (R : A Rep) :
    Exists x, o |-> R x |-- o |-> (Exists x, R x).
  Proof. iDestruct 1 as (x) "R". Fail iExists x. Abort.

  #[global] Instance into_exist_offsetR {A} o R1 (R2 : A Rep) name :
    IntoExist R1 R2 name IntoExist (o |-> R1) (λ x, o |-> R2 x) name.
  Proof. intros H. by rewrite /IntoExist H _offsetR_exists. Qed.
  #[global] Instance from_exist_offsetR {A} o R1 (R2 : A Rep) :
    FromExist R1 R2 FromExist (o |-> R1) (λ x, o |-> R2 x).
  Proof. intros H. by rewrite/FromExist -H _offsetR_exists. Qed.

  Lemma test_after {A} o (R : A Rep) :
    o |-> (Exists x, R x) |-- Exists x, o |-> R x.
  Proof. iDestruct 1 as (x) "R". Abort.
  Lemma test_after {A} o (R : A Rep) :
    Exists x, o |-> R x |-- o |-> (Exists x, R x).
  Proof. iDestruct 1 as (x) "R". iExists x. Abort.

  Lemma test_before {A} o (R : A Rep) :
    o |-> (Forall x, R x) |-- Forall x, o |-> R x.
  Proof. iIntros "R" (x). Fail iSpecialize ("R" $! x). Abort.
  Lemma test_before {A} o (R : A Rep) :
    Forall x, o |-> R x |-- o |-> Forall x, R x.
  Proof. Fail iIntros "R" (x). Abort.

  #[global] Instance into_forall_offsetR {A} o R1 (R2 : A Rep) :
    IntoForall R1 R2 IntoForall (o |-> R1) (λ x, o |-> R2 x).
  Proof. intros H. by rewrite /IntoForall H _offsetR_forall. Qed.
  #[global] Instance from_forall_offsetR {A} o R1 (R2 : A Rep) name :
    FromForall R1 R2 name FromForall (o |-> R1) (λ x, o |-> R2 x) name.
  Proof. intros H. by rewrite /FromForall -_offsetR_forall H. Qed.

  Lemma test_after {A} o (R : A Rep) :
    o |-> (Forall x, R x) |-- Forall x, o |-> R x.
  Proof. iIntros "R" (x). iSpecialize ("R" $! x). Abort.
  Lemma test_after {A} o (R : A Rep) :
    Forall x, o |-> R x |-- o |-> Forall x, R x.
  Proof. iIntros "R" (x). iApply "R". Abort.

  (* FromPure *)
  Lemma test_before {P : Prop} (o : offset) : |-- _offsetR o (bi_pure P).
  Proof. iIntros. Fail iPureIntro. Abort.

  #[global] Instance _offsetR_from_pure {a o R T} (H : FromPure a R T) : FromPure a (_offsetR o R) T.
  Proof. by red; red in H; rewrite -H _offsetR_affinely_if _offsetR_pure. Qed.

  Lemma test_after {P : Prop} (o : offset) : |-- _offsetR o (bi_pure P).
  Proof. iIntros. iPureIntro. Abort.

  (* IntoPure *)
  #[global] Instance _offsetR_into_pure {p} {P : Rep} {T} : IntoPure P T -> IntoPure (_offsetR p P) T.
  Proof. red; intros ->; by rewrite _offsetR_pure. Qed.

  Lemma test_after {P : Prop} (o : offset) : _offsetR o (bi_pure P) |-- True.
  Proof. iIntros "%". Abort.

  (* IsExcept0 *)
  #[global] Instance is_except0_offsetR {R o} (H : IsExcept0 R) : IsExcept0 (_offsetR o R).
  Proof. red. by rewrite -_offsetR_except_0 H. Qed.

End _offsetR_instances.

Instances for pureR

Section pureR_instances.
  Context `{Σ : cpp_logic}.
  Implicit Types R : Rep.
  Implicit Types P : mpred.

Feed the introduction pattern "[H1 H2]".
  Lemma test_before P1 P2 : pureR (P1 ** P2) |-- pureR P1 ** pureR P2.
  Proof. Fail by iIntros "[$$]". Abort.

  #[global] Instance into_sep_pureR P P1 P2 :
    IntoSep P P1 P2 IntoSep (pureR P) (pureR P1) (pureR P2).
    intros. rewrite /IntoSep. by rewrite (into_sep P) pureR_sep.

  Lemma test_after P1 P2 : pureR (P1 ** P2) |-- pureR P1 ** pureR P2.
  Proof. by iIntros "[$$]". Abort.

Feed the iSplitL, iSplitR, iCombine tactics.
  Lemma test_before P1 P2 : pureR P1 |-- pureR P2 -* pureR (P1 ** P2).
  Proof. iIntros "H1 H2". Fail by iSplitL "H1". Abort.
  Lemma test_before P1 P2 : pureR P1 |-- pureR P2 -* pureR (P1 ** P2).
  Proof. iIntros "H1 H2". Fail by iSplitR "H2". Abort.
  Lemma test_before P1 P2 : pureR P1 |-- pureR P2 -* pureR (P1 ** P2).
  Proof. iIntros "H1 H2". Fail by iCombine "H1 H2" as "H". Abort.

  #[global] Instance from_sep_pureR P P1 P2 :
    FromSep P P1 P2 FromSep (pureR P) (pureR P1) (pureR P2).
    intros. rewrite /FromSep. by rewrite -pureR_sep (from_sep P).

  #[global] Instance combine_sep_as_pureR P P1 P2 :
    CombineSepAs P1 P2 P CombineSepAs (pureR P1) (pureR P2) (pureR P) | 10.
    intros. rewrite /CombineSepAs. by rewrite -pureR_sep H.

  (* CombineSepAs does not have a base instance for bi_sep (unlike FromSep. *)
  #[global] Instance combine_sep_as_pureR_base P1 P2 :
    CombineSepAs (pureR P1) (pureR P2) (pureR (P1 ** P2)) | 100.
    intros. rewrite /CombineSepAs. by rewrite -pureR_sep.

  Lemma test_after P1 P2 : pureR P1 |-- pureR P2 -* pureR (P1 ** P2).
  Proof. iIntros "H1 H2". by iSplitL "H1". Abort.
  Lemma test_after P1 P2 : pureR P1 |-- pureR P2 -* pureR (P1 ** P2).
  Proof. iIntros "H1 H2". by iSplitR "H2". Abort.
  Lemma test_after P1 P2 : pureR P1 |-- pureR P2 -* pureR (P1 ** P2).
  Proof. iIntros "H1 H2". by iCombine "H1 H2" as "H". Abort.

  Lemma test_before P1 P2 : pureR (P1 -* P2) |-- pureR P1 -* pureR P2.
  Proof. iIntros "H P1". Fail iApply ("H" with "P1"). Abort.
  Lemma test_before P : |-- pureR (P -* P).
  Proof. Fail iIntros "P". Abort.

  #[global] Instance into_wand_pureR p q P P1 P2 :
    IntoWand p q P P1 P2 IntoWand p q (pureR P) (pureR P1) (pureR P2).
    intros. rewrite /IntoWand -!pureR_intuitionistically_if.
    by rewrite -pureR_wand (into_wand p q P).
  #[global] Instance from_wand_pureR P P1 P2 :
    FromWand P P1 P2 FromWand (pureR P) (pureR P1) (pureR P2).
    intros. rewrite /FromWand. by rewrite -pureR_wand (from_wand P).

  Lemma test_after P1 P2 : pureR (P1 -* P2) |-- pureR P1 -* pureR P2.
  Proof. iIntros "H P1". iApply ("H" with "P1"). Abort.
  Lemma test_after P : |-- pureR (P -* P).
  Proof. iIntros "P". Abort.

Feed the introduction pattern "[H1 H2]".
  Lemma test_before P1 P2 : pureR (P1 //\\ P2) |-- pureR P1.
  Proof. Fail by iIntros "[$ _]". Abort.
  Lemma test_before P1 P2 : pureR (P1 //\\ P2) |-- pureR P2.
  Proof. Fail by iIntros "[_ $]". Abort.

  #[global] Instance into_and_pureR p P P1 P2 :
    IntoAnd p P P1 P2 IntoAnd p (pureR P) (pureR P1) (pureR P2).
    intros. rewrite /IntoAnd. rewrite -pureR_intuitionistically_if into_and.
    by rewrite pureR_intuitionistically_if pureR_and.

  Lemma test_before P1 P2 : pureR (P1 //\\ P2) |-- pureR P1.
  Proof. by iIntros "[$ _]". Abort.
  Lemma test_before P1 P2 : pureR (P1 //\\ P2) |-- pureR P2.
  Proof. by iIntros "[_ $]". Abort.

Feed the iSplit tactic.
  Lemma test_before P1 P2 : pureR P1 //\\ pureR P2 |-- pureR (P1 //\\ P2).
  Proof. iIntros "H". Fail iSplit. Abort.

  #[global] Instance from_and_pureR P P1 P2 :
    FromAnd P P1 P2 FromAnd (pureR P) (pureR P1) (pureR P2).
    intros. rewrite /FromAnd. by rewrite -pureR_and (from_and P).

  Lemma test_after P1 P2 : pureR P1 //\\ pureR P2 |-- pureR (P1 //\\ P2).
  Proof. iIntros "H". iSplit. Abort.

Feed the iFrame tactic.
  Lemma test_before P1 P2 : pureR P1 |-- pureR P2 -* pureR (P1 ** P2).
  Proof. iIntros "H1 H2". Fail iFrame "H1". Abort.
  Lemma test_before P1 P2 : pureR P1 |-- pureR P2 -* pureR (P1 ** P2).
  Proof. iIntros "H1 H2". Fail iFrame "H2". Abort.

  #[global] Instance frame_pureR p P P1 P2 :
    Frame p P P1 P2
    Frame p (pureR P) (pureR P1) (pureR P2) | 2. (* Prio 2 to not shadow frame_here. *)
    rewrite/Frame=><-. by rewrite -pureR_intuitionistically_if -pureR_sep.

  Lemma test_after P1 P2 : pureR P1 |-- pureR P2 -* pureR (P1 ** P2).
  Proof. iIntros "H1 H2". iFrame "H1". Abort.
  Lemma test_after P1 P2 : pureR P1 |-- pureR P2 -* pureR (P1 ** P2).
  Proof. iIntros "H1 H2". iFrame "H2". Abort.

  Lemma test_before {A} (P : A mpred) :
    pureR (Exists x, P x) |-- Exists x, pureR (P x).
  Proof. Fail iDestruct 1 as (x) "P". Abort.
  Lemma test_before {A} (P : A mpred) :
    Exists x, pureR (P x) |-- pureR (Exists x, P x).
  Proof. iDestruct 1 as (x) "P". Fail iExists x. Abort.

  #[global] Instance into_exist_pureR {A} P1 (P2 : A mpred) name :
    IntoExist P1 P2 name IntoExist (pureR P1) (λ x, pureR (P2 x)) name.
  Proof. intros H. by rewrite /IntoExist H pureR_exist. Qed.
  #[global] Instance from_exist_pureR {A} P1 (P2 : A mpred) :
    FromExist P1 P2 FromExist (pureR P1) (λ x, pureR (P2 x)).
  Proof. intros H. by rewrite/FromExist -H pureR_exist. Qed.

  Lemma test_after {A} (P : A mpred) :
    pureR (Exists x, P x) |-- Exists x, pureR (P x).
  Proof. iDestruct 1 as (x) "P". Abort.
  Lemma test_after {A} (P : A mpred) :
    Exists x, pureR (P x) |-- pureR (Exists x, P x).
  Proof. iDestruct 1 as (x) "P". iExists x. Abort.

  Lemma test_before {A} (P : A mpred) :
    pureR (Forall x, P x) |-- Forall x, pureR (P x).
  Proof. iIntros "P" (x). Fail iSpecialize ("P" $! x). Abort.
  Lemma test_before {A} (P : A mpred) :
    Forall x, pureR (P x) |-- pureR (Forall x, P x).
  Proof. Fail iIntros "P" (x). Abort.

  #[global] Instance into_forall_pureR {A} P1 (P2 : A mpred) :
    IntoForall P1 P2 IntoForall (pureR P1) (λ x, pureR (P2 x)).
  Proof. intros H. by rewrite /IntoForall H pureR_forall. Qed.
  #[global] Instance from_forall_pureR {A} P1 (P2 : A mpred) name :
    FromForall P1 P2 name FromForall (pureR P1) (λ x, pureR (P2 x)) name.
  Proof. intros H. by rewrite /FromForall -pureR_forall H. Qed.

  Lemma test_after {A} (P : A mpred) :
    pureR (Forall x, P x) |-- Forall x, pureR (P x).
  Proof. iIntros "P" (x). iSpecialize ("P" $! x). Abort.
  Lemma test_after {A} (P : A mpred) :
    Forall x, pureR (P x) |-- pureR (Forall x, P x).
  Proof. iIntros "P" (x). iApply "P". Abort.

Feeding the iInv tactic to open invariants written pureR Inv or offset |-> pureR Inv doesn't currently seem possible. The generality of the proof mode's IntoAcc and accessor wrt arbitrary modalities doesn't work well with monPred. We can specialize those to fancy updates (which covers all invariant-related IntoAcc instances in Iris), but a problem remains. The underlying lemma coq_tactics.tac_inv_elim generates an entailment involving monPred that the tactic iInv seems unable to handle.

  #[global] Instance is_except0_pureR {P} (H : IsExcept0 P) : IsExcept0 (pureR P).
    red. red in H. apply Rep_entails_at => p.
      by rewrite !_at_pureR !_at_except_0 !_at_pureR.

  Lemma test_before {P : Prop} (p : ptr) : p |-> pureR (bi_pure P) |-- True.
  Proof. Fail iIntros "%". Abort.

  #[global] Instance into_pure_pureR {P T} (H : IntoPure P T) : IntoPure (pureR P) T.
  Proof. red. apply Rep_entails_at => p. by rewrite H !_at_pure _at_pureR. Qed.

  Lemma test_after {P : Prop} (p : ptr) : p |-> pureR (bi_pure P) |-- True.
  Proof. iIntros "%". Abort.

  (* FromPure *)
  Lemma test_before {P : Prop} (p : ptr) : |-- p |-> pureR (bi_pure P).
  Proof. iIntros. Fail iPureIntro. Abort.

  #[global] Instance from_pure_pureR {a P T} (H : FromPure a P T) : FromPure a (pureR P) T.
    apply Rep_entails_at => p. by rewrite _at_affinely_if _at_pure _at_pureR.

  Lemma test_after {P : Prop} (p : ptr) : |-- p |-> pureR (bi_pure P).
  Proof. iIntros. iPureIntro. Abort.

Feed the introduction pattern "[]"
  Lemma test_before (o : offset) : o |-> pureR False |-- False.
  Proof. Fail iIntros "[]". Abort.

  #[global] Instance pureR_from_assumption pers P (Q : Prop) :
    FromAssumption pers P (bi_pure Q) ->
    KnownLFromAssumption pers (pureR P) (bi_pure Q).
    rewrite /FromAssumption; do 2 red; destruct pers; simpl;
      [ rewrite -pureR_intuitionistically | ]; move => ->; eauto.

  Lemma test_after (o : offset) : o |-> pureR False |-- False.
  Proof. iIntros "[]". Succeed Qed. Abort.

End pureR_instances.