* Copyright (c) 2021 BlueRock Security, Inc.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
* Copyright (c) 2021 BlueRock Security, Inc.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
Functionality to elaborate specifications that are written to take
operands (i.e. val) and convert them to take materialized values.
We implement this using ad-hoc polymorphism (i.e. type classes) because:
1. the implementation requires matching under lambdas.
2. the implementation is complex due to the telescopes.
Require Import
Require Import bedrock.prelude.bytestring_core.
Require Export bedrock.prelude.named_binder.
Require Import
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.specs.spec_notations.
Section with_prop.
Context {PROP : bi} {spec_car : Type}.
Class SpecGen : Type :=
{ add_pre : PROP -> spec_car -> spec_car
; add_post : PROP -> spec_car -> spec_car
; add_with : forall {T : Type@{universes.Quant}}, (T -> spec_car) -> PrimString.string -> spec_car
; add_prepost (P : PROP) (S : spec_car) : spec_car :=
add_pre P (add_post P S)
; add_require (P : Prop) : spec_car -> spec_car :=
add_pre (only_provable P)
; add_persist (P : PROP) : spec_car -> spec_car :=
add_pre (bi_intuitionistically P)
Class WithArg {ARG : Type} : Type :=
{ add_arg : ARG -> spec_car -> spec_car
; add_args : list ARG -> spec_car -> spec_car
Class WithPost {RESULT : Type} : Type :=
{ post_car : Type
; start_post : post_car -> spec_car
; post_with : forall T : Type@{universes.Quant}, (T -> post_car) -> PrimString.string -> post_car
; post_ret : RESULT -> PROP -> post_car
HasVoid T means that the type T has an interpretation for
\post .. (i.e. something to fill in the return value)
Class HasVoid (T : Type) : Type := { _void : T }.
Definition post_void {RESULT} {WP : @WithPost RESULT} {HV : HasVoid RESULT} (P : PROP) : post_car :=
post_ret _void P.
Definition add_named_arg `{WA : WithArg ARG} (nm : bs) : ARG -> spec_car -> spec_car :=
Definition let_pre_spec {T : Type} (x : T) : T := x.
Definition exact_spec {T : Type} (x : T) : T := x.
End with_prop.
#[global] Hint Mode SpecGen - ! : typeclass_instances.
#[global] Hint Mode WithArg ! - : typeclass_instances.
#[global] Hint Mode WithPost - ! - : typeclass_instances.
#[global] Hint Mode HasVoid ! : typeclass_instances.
Arguments SpecGen : clear implicits.
Arguments WithArg : clear implicits.
Arguments WithPost : clear implicits.
Arguments post_with {PROP spec RESULT _} [T] _ : rename.
Arguments add_with {PROP spec _} [T] _ : rename.
#[global] Instance unit_HasVoid : HasVoid unit := { _void := tt }.
Strategy expand
[ add_pre add_require add_arg add_args add_post add_prepost start_post post_with post_ret post_void ].
Definition post_void {RESULT} {WP : @WithPost RESULT} {HV : HasVoid RESULT} (P : PROP) : post_car :=
post_ret _void P.
Definition add_named_arg `{WA : WithArg ARG} (nm : bs) : ARG -> spec_car -> spec_car :=
Definition let_pre_spec {T : Type} (x : T) : T := x.
Definition exact_spec {T : Type} (x : T) : T := x.
End with_prop.
#[global] Hint Mode SpecGen - ! : typeclass_instances.
#[global] Hint Mode WithArg ! - : typeclass_instances.
#[global] Hint Mode WithPost - ! - : typeclass_instances.
#[global] Hint Mode HasVoid ! : typeclass_instances.
Arguments SpecGen : clear implicits.
Arguments WithArg : clear implicits.
Arguments WithPost : clear implicits.
Arguments post_with {PROP spec RESULT _} [T] _ : rename.
Arguments add_with {PROP spec _} [T] _ : rename.
#[global] Instance unit_HasVoid : HasVoid unit := { _void := tt }.
Strategy expand
[ add_pre add_require add_arg add_args add_post add_prepost start_post post_with post_ret post_void ].
Make sure to list all identity functions above. And in the same order, for clarity.
Strategy expand
[ let_pre_spec exact_spec ].
Declare Scope pre_spec_scope.
Delimit Scope pre_spec_scope with pre_spec.
Notation "'\with' x .. y X" :=
(add_with (fun x => .. (add_with (fun y => X%pre_spec) [binder y]) ..) [binder x]) (only parsing).
Notation "'\with' x .. y X" :=
(add_with (fun x => .. (add_with (fun y => X%pre_spec) _) ..) _) (only printing).
Notation "'\prepost' pp X" := (add_prepost pp%I X%pre_spec).
Notation "'\prepost{' x .. y '}' pp X" :=
(add_with (fun x => .. (add_with (fun y => add_prepost pp%I X%pre_spec) [binder y]) ..) [binder x]) (only parsing).
Notation "'\prepost{' x .. y '}' pp X" :=
(add_with (fun x => .. (add_with (fun y => add_prepost pp%I X%pre_spec) _) ..) _) (only printing).
Notation "'\let' x ':=' e X" := (let_pre_spec (let x := e in X%pre_spec)).
Notation "'\let{' x .. y '}' z ':=' e X" :=
(add_with (fun x => .. (add_with (fun y => let_pre_spec (let z := e in X%pre_spec)) [binder y]) ..) [binder x]) (only parsing).
Notation "'\let{' x .. y '}' z ':=' e X" :=
(add_with (fun x => .. (add_with (fun y => let_pre_spec (let z := e in X%pre_spec)) _) ..) _) (only printing).
Notation "'\arg' nm v X" := (add_named_arg nm%bs v X%pre_spec).
Notation "'\arg{' x .. y } nm v X" :=
(add_with (fun x => .. (add_with (fun y => add_named_arg nm%bs v X%pre_spec) [binder y]) ..) [binder x]) (only parsing).
Notation "'\arg{' x .. y } nm v X" :=
(add_with (fun x => .. (add_with (fun y => add_named_arg nm%bs v X%pre_spec) _) ..) _) (only printing).
Notation "'\args' v X" := (add_args v X%pre_spec).
Notation "'\args{' x .. y } v X" :=
(add_with (fun x => .. (add_with (fun y => add_args v X%pre_spec) [binder y]) ..) [binder x]) (only parsing).
Notation "'\args{' x .. y } v X" :=
(add_with (fun x => .. (add_with (fun y => add_args v X%pre_spec) _) ..) _) (only printing).
Notation "'\require' pre X" := (add_require pre X%pre_spec).
Notation "'\require{' x .. y } pre X" :=
(add_with (fun x => .. (add_with (fun y => add_require pre X%pre_spec) [binder y]) ..) [binder x]) (only parsing).
Notation "'\require{' x .. y } pre X" :=
(add_with (fun x => .. (add_with (fun y => add_require pre X%pre_spec) _) ..) _) (only printing).
Notation "'\persist' pre X" := (add_persist pre%I X%pre_spec).
Notation "'\persist{' x .. y } pre X" :=
(add_with (fun x => .. (add_with (fun y => add_persist pre%I X%pre_spec) [binder y]) ..) [binder x]) (only parsing).
Notation "'\persist{' x .. y } pre X" :=
(add_with (fun x => .. (add_with (fun y => add_persist pre%I X%pre_spec) _) ..) _) (only printing).
Notation "'\pre' pre X" := (add_pre pre%I X%pre_spec).
Notation "'\pre{' x .. y '}' pp X" :=
(add_with (fun x => .. (add_with (fun y => add_pre pp%I X%pre_spec) [binder y]) ..) [binder x]) (only parsing).
Notation "'\pre{' x .. y '}' pp X" :=
(add_with (fun x => .. (add_with (fun y => add_pre pp%I X%pre_spec) _) ..) _) (only printing).
Notation "'\post*' post X" := (add_post post%I X%pre_spec).
Notation "'\post' { x .. y } [ r ] post" :=
(start_post (post_with (fun x => .. (post_with (fun y => post_ret r post%I) [binder y]) ..) [binder x])) (only parsing).
Notation "'\post' { x .. y } [ r ] post" :=
(start_post (post_with (fun x => .. (post_with (fun y => post_ret r post%I) _) ..) _)) (only printing).
Notation "'\post' [ r ] post" :=
(start_post (post_ret r post%I)).
Notation "'\post' post" := (start_post (post_void post%I)).
Notation "'\exact' wpp" := (exact_spec wpp).
[ let_pre_spec exact_spec ].
Declare Scope pre_spec_scope.
Delimit Scope pre_spec_scope with pre_spec.
Notation "'\with' x .. y X" :=
(add_with (fun x => .. (add_with (fun y => X%pre_spec) [binder y]) ..) [binder x]) (only parsing).
Notation "'\with' x .. y X" :=
(add_with (fun x => .. (add_with (fun y => X%pre_spec) _) ..) _) (only printing).
Notation "'\prepost' pp X" := (add_prepost pp%I X%pre_spec).
Notation "'\prepost{' x .. y '}' pp X" :=
(add_with (fun x => .. (add_with (fun y => add_prepost pp%I X%pre_spec) [binder y]) ..) [binder x]) (only parsing).
Notation "'\prepost{' x .. y '}' pp X" :=
(add_with (fun x => .. (add_with (fun y => add_prepost pp%I X%pre_spec) _) ..) _) (only printing).
Notation "'\let' x ':=' e X" := (let_pre_spec (let x := e in X%pre_spec)).
Notation "'\let{' x .. y '}' z ':=' e X" :=
(add_with (fun x => .. (add_with (fun y => let_pre_spec (let z := e in X%pre_spec)) [binder y]) ..) [binder x]) (only parsing).
Notation "'\let{' x .. y '}' z ':=' e X" :=
(add_with (fun x => .. (add_with (fun y => let_pre_spec (let z := e in X%pre_spec)) _) ..) _) (only printing).
Notation "'\arg' nm v X" := (add_named_arg nm%bs v X%pre_spec).
Notation "'\arg{' x .. y } nm v X" :=
(add_with (fun x => .. (add_with (fun y => add_named_arg nm%bs v X%pre_spec) [binder y]) ..) [binder x]) (only parsing).
Notation "'\arg{' x .. y } nm v X" :=
(add_with (fun x => .. (add_with (fun y => add_named_arg nm%bs v X%pre_spec) _) ..) _) (only printing).
Notation "'\args' v X" := (add_args v X%pre_spec).
Notation "'\args{' x .. y } v X" :=
(add_with (fun x => .. (add_with (fun y => add_args v X%pre_spec) [binder y]) ..) [binder x]) (only parsing).
Notation "'\args{' x .. y } v X" :=
(add_with (fun x => .. (add_with (fun y => add_args v X%pre_spec) _) ..) _) (only printing).
Notation "'\require' pre X" := (add_require pre X%pre_spec).
Notation "'\require{' x .. y } pre X" :=
(add_with (fun x => .. (add_with (fun y => add_require pre X%pre_spec) [binder y]) ..) [binder x]) (only parsing).
Notation "'\require{' x .. y } pre X" :=
(add_with (fun x => .. (add_with (fun y => add_require pre X%pre_spec) _) ..) _) (only printing).
Notation "'\persist' pre X" := (add_persist pre%I X%pre_spec).
Notation "'\persist{' x .. y } pre X" :=
(add_with (fun x => .. (add_with (fun y => add_persist pre%I X%pre_spec) [binder y]) ..) [binder x]) (only parsing).
Notation "'\persist{' x .. y } pre X" :=
(add_with (fun x => .. (add_with (fun y => add_persist pre%I X%pre_spec) _) ..) _) (only printing).
Notation "'\pre' pre X" := (add_pre pre%I X%pre_spec).
Notation "'\pre{' x .. y '}' pp X" :=
(add_with (fun x => .. (add_with (fun y => add_pre pp%I X%pre_spec) [binder y]) ..) [binder x]) (only parsing).
Notation "'\pre{' x .. y '}' pp X" :=
(add_with (fun x => .. (add_with (fun y => add_pre pp%I X%pre_spec) _) ..) _) (only printing).
Notation "'\post*' post X" := (add_post post%I X%pre_spec).
Notation "'\post' { x .. y } [ r ] post" :=
(start_post (post_with (fun x => .. (post_with (fun y => post_ret r post%I) [binder y]) ..) [binder x])) (only parsing).
Notation "'\post' { x .. y } [ r ] post" :=
(start_post (post_with (fun x => .. (post_with (fun y => post_ret r post%I) _) ..) _)) (only printing).
Notation "'\post' [ r ] post" :=
(start_post (post_ret r post%I)).
Notation "'\post' post" := (start_post (post_void post%I)).
Notation "'\exact' wpp" := (exact_spec wpp).