* Copyright (c) 2020 BlueRock Security, Inc.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
* Copyright (c) 2020 BlueRock Security, Inc.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
Another (incomplete) consistency proof for PTRS, based on Krebbers' PhD thesis, and
other formal models of C++ using structured pointers.
This is more complex than SIMPLE_PTRS_IMPL, but will be necessary to justify VALID_PTR_AXIOMS.
In this model, all valid pointers have an address pinned, but this is not meant
to be guaranteed.
Require Import stdpp.gmap.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.base.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.addr.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.avl.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.bytestring.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.option.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.numbers.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.semantics.sub_module.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.semantics.values.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.model.simple_pointers_utils.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.model.inductive_pointers_utils.
Implicit Types (σ : genv) (z : Z).
#[local] Close Scope nat_scope.
#[local] Open Scope Z_scope.
Import canonical_tu address_sums merge_elems.
Inductive raw_offset_seg : Set :=
| o_field_ (* type-name: *) (f : field)
| o_sub_ (ty : type) (z : Z)
| o_base_ (derived base : globname)
| o_derived_ (base derived : globname)
| o_invalid_.
#[local] Instance raw_offset_seg_eq_dec : EqDecision raw_offset_seg.
Proof. solve_decision. Defined.
#[global] Declare Instance raw_offset_seg_countable : Countable raw_offset_seg.
Definition offset_seg : Set := raw_offset_seg * Z.
#[local] Instance offset_seg_eq_dec : EqDecision offset_seg := _.
#[local] Instance offset_seg_countable : Countable offset_seg := _.
Definition eval_raw_offset_seg σ (ro : raw_offset_seg) : option Z :=
match ro with
| o_field_ f => o_field_off σ f
| o_sub_ ty z => o_sub_off σ ty z
| o_base_ derived base => o_base_off σ derived base
| o_derived_ base derived => o_derived_off σ base derived
| o_invalid_ => None
Definition mk_offset_seg σ (ro : raw_offset_seg) : offset_seg :=
match eval_raw_offset_seg σ ro with
| None => (o_invalid_, 0%Z)
| Some off => (ro, off)
(* This list is reversed.
The list of offsets in [p; o_1; ...; o_n] is represented as [o_n; ... o_1].
This way, we can cons new offsets to the head, and consume them at the tail. *)
Definition raw_offset := list offset_seg.
#[local] Instance raw_offset_eq_dec : EqDecision raw_offset := _.
#[local] Instance raw_offset_countable : Countable raw_offset := _.
Notation isnt o pattern :=
(match o with | pattern => False | _ => True end).
Section roff_canon.
(* Context {σ : genv}. *)
(* We currently ensure the offsets in the destination are correct wrt the source, not that the ones in the source are consistent with each other. *)
Inductive roff_canon : raw_offset -> raw_offset -> Prop :=
| o_nil :
roff_canon [] []
| o_field_canon s d f o :
(* is_Some (o_field_off σ f) -> *) (* not canonicalization's problem? *)
roff_canon s d ->
roff_canon ((o_field_ f, o) :: s) ((o_field_ f, o) :: d)
| o_base_canon s d base derived o :
(* no, because (valid?) normal forms don't use o_derived? *)
(* isnt d ((o_derived_ _ _ , _) :: _) -> *)
roff_canon s d ->
roff_canon ((o_base_ derived base, o) :: s) ((o_base_ derived base, o) :: d)
(* should paths start from the complete object? If
yes, as done by Ramananandro POPL 2012,
o_derived should just cancel out o_base, and this should be omitted. *)
(* | o_derived_wf s d derived base :
isnt d (o_base_ _ _ :: d) ->
roff_canon s d ->
roff_canon (o_derived_ base derived :: s) (o_derived_ base derived :: d) *)
| o_derived_cancel_canon s d derived base o1 o2 :
roff_canon s d ->
(* This premise is a hack, but without it, normalization might not be deterministic. Thankfully, paths can't contain o_derived step, so we're good! *)
(* roff_canon (o_base_ derived base :: s) (o_base_ derived base :: d) -> *)
roff_canon ((o_derived_ base derived, o1) :: (o_base_ derived base, o2) :: s) d
| o_sub_0_canon s d ty :
roff_canon s d ->
roff_canon ((o_sub_ ty 0, 0) :: s) d
| o_sub_canon s d ty1 z o :
match d with
| ((o_sub_ ty2 _, _) :: _) => ty1 <> ty2
| _ => True
end ->
(* In fact, we want 0 < z, but that's a matter of validity, not canonicalization. *)
z <> 0 ->
(* isnt o (o_sub_ _ _) *)
roff_canon s d ->
roff_canon ((o_sub_ ty1 z, o) :: s) ((o_sub_ ty1 z, o) :: d)
| o_sub_merge_canon s d ty z1 z2 o1 o2 :
(* Again, validity would require > 0. *)
z1 + z2 <> 0 ->
roff_canon s ((o_sub_ ty z1, o1) :: d) ->
roff_canon ((o_sub_ ty z2, o2) :: s) ((o_sub_ ty (z1 + z2), o1 + o2) :: d)
End roff_canon.
Lemma roff_canon_o_base_inv s d derived base o1 o2 :
roff_canon ((o_base_ derived base, o1) :: s) ((o_base_ derived base, o2) :: d) ->
roff_canon s d.
Proof. inversion 1; auto. Qed.
Lemma roff_canon_o_sub_wf s d ty z o :
roff_canon s ((o_sub_ ty z, o) :: d) ->
z <> 0.
move E: (_ :: _) => d' Hcn.
elim: Hcn E; naive_solver eauto with lia.
Lemma roff_canon_o_sub_no_dup s d o ty1 z ro :
roff_canon s ((o_sub_ ty1 z, ro) :: o :: d) ->
match o with
| (o_sub_ ty2 _, _) => ty1 <> ty2
| _ => True
move E: ((o_sub_ _ _, _) :: _) => d' Hcn.
elim: Hcn z ro E; naive_solver.
Definition offset_seg_cons (os : offset_seg) (oss : list offset_seg) : list offset_seg :=
match os, oss with
| (o_sub_ ty1 n1, off1), _ =>
if decide (n1 = 0 /\ off1 = 0)%Z then oss else
match oss with
| (o_sub_ ty2 n2, off2) :: oss' =>
if decide (ty1 <> ty2)
then os :: oss
else if decide (n2 + n1 = 0 /\ off1 + off2 = 0)%Z
then oss'
else (o_sub_ ty1 (n2 + n1), (off2 + off1)%Z) :: oss'
| _ => os :: oss
| (o_derived_ base1 der1, off1), (o_base_ der2 base2, off2) :: oss' =>
if decide (der1 = der2 /\ base1 = base2)
then oss'
else os :: oss
(* | (o_invalid_, _), _ => (o_invalid_, 0%Z) *)
| (o_invalid_, z), _ => [(o_invalid_, z)]
| _, _ => os :: oss
Definition raw_offset_collapse : raw_offset -> raw_offset :=
foldr offset_seg_cons [].
Arguments raw_offset_collapse !_ /.
Definition raw_offset_wf (ro : raw_offset) : Prop :=
raw_offset_collapse ro = ro.
Arguments raw_offset_wf !_ /.
#[global] Instance raw_offset_wf_pi ro : ProofIrrel (raw_offset_wf ro) := _.
Lemma singleton_raw_offset_wf {os}
(Hn0 : isnt os (o_sub_ _ 0, _)) :
raw_offset_wf [os].
Proof. destruct os as [[] ?] => //=; case_decide; naive_solver. Qed.
#[local] Hint Constructors roff_canon : core.
Theorem canon_wf_0 src dst :
roff_canon src dst ->
roff_canon dst dst.
intros Hrc; induction Hrc; eauto.
inversion IHHrc; eauto 2; last have ?: z0 = 0 by [lia]; subst.
(* Show that o_sub_merge_canon isn't applicable. *)
all: by opose proof* roff_canon_o_sub_wf.
Theorem canon_wf' src dst : roff_canon src dst -> raw_offset_collapse src = dst.
rewrite /raw_offset_wf /raw_offset_collapse => Hc;
induction Hc => //=; rewrite ?IHHc /offset_seg_cons //=.
{ by [ rewrite decide_True //=; repeat (lia || f_equal)]. }
all: repeat ((case_decide || case_match); destruct_and?; subst => //).
by rewrite !right_id_L.
Theorem canon_wf src dst : roff_canon src dst -> raw_offset_wf dst.
Proof. intros ?%canon_wf_0. exact: canon_wf'. Qed.
Definition raw_offset_merge (o1 o2 : raw_offset) : raw_offset :=
raw_offset_collapse (o1 ++ o2).
Arguments raw_offset_merge !_ _ /.
Definition offset := {ro : raw_offset | raw_offset_wf ro}.
#[global] Instance offset_eq_dec : EqDecision offset := _.
#[local] Definition raw_offset_to_offset (ro : raw_offset) : option offset :=
match decide (raw_offset_wf ro) with
| left Hwf => Some (exist _ ro Hwf)
| right _ => None
#[global] Instance offset_countable : Countable offset.
apply (inj_countable proj1_sig raw_offset_to_offset) => -[ro Hwf] /=.
rewrite /raw_offset_to_offset; case_match => //.
by rewrite (proof_irrel Hwf).
Program Definition o_id : offset := [] ↾ _.
Next Obligation. done. Qed.
Program Definition mkOffset σ (ro : raw_offset_seg)
(Hn0 : isnt ro (o_sub_ _ 0)) : offset :=
[mk_offset_seg σ ro] ↾ singleton_raw_offset_wf _.
Next Obligation.
rewrite /mk_offset_seg; intros ? [] H => //=; repeat case_match => //.
Definition o_invalid σ : offset := mkOffset σ o_invalid_ I.
Definition o_field σ f : offset :=
mkOffset σ (o_field_ f) I.
Definition o_base σ derived base : offset :=
mkOffset σ (o_base_ derived base) I.
Definition o_derived σ base derived : offset :=
mkOffset σ (o_derived_ base derived) I.
Program Definition o_sub σ ty z : offset :=
if decide (z = 0)%Z
match size_of σ ty with
| Some _ => o_id
| None => o_invalid σ
mkOffset σ (o_sub_ ty z) _.
Next Obligation. intros; case_match; simplify_eq/=; case_match; naive_solver. Qed.
Lemma last_last_equiv {X} d {xs : list X} : default d (stdpp.list.last xs) = List.last xs d.
Proof. elim: xs => // x1 xs /= <-. by case_match. Qed.
Section merge_elem.
Context {X} (f : X -> X -> list X).
Context (Hinv : ∀ x1 x2, merge_elems f (f x1 x2) = f x1 x2).
[global] Instance invol_merge_elems: Involutive (merge_elems f). Proof. Admitted. global Instance invol_app_merge_elems: InvolApp (merge_elems f).
End merge_elem.
[local] Arguments merge_elems {X} f !_ /. *)
Definition offset_seg_append : offset_seg -> raw_offset -> raw_offset :=
Lemma offset_seg_cons_inv x1 x2 :
raw_offset_collapse (offset_seg_cons x1 x2) = offset_seg_cons x1 x2.
move=> /= o1 off1 o2 off2.
destruct o1, o2 => //=; by repeat (case_decide; simpl).
Qed. *)
#[local] Definition test xs :=
raw_offset_collapse (raw_offset_collapse xs) = raw_offset_collapse xs.
Section tests.
Ltac start := intros; red; simpl.
Ltac step_true := rewrite ?decide_True //=.
Ltac step_false := rewrite ?decide_False //=.
Ltac res_true := start; repeat step_true.
Ltac res_false := start; repeat step_false.
Goal test []. Proof. res_true. Qed.
Goal `{n1 <> 0 -> test [(o_sub_ ty n1, o1)] }.
Proof. res_false; naive_solver. Qed.
Goal `{n1 <> 0 -> n2 <> 0 -> n2 + n1 <> 0 -> test [(o_sub_ ty n1, o1); (o_sub_ ty n2, o2)] }.
Proof. res_false; naive_solver. Qed.
(* Goal `{test (o_sub_ ty n1, o1); (o_sub_ ty n2, o2); (o_field_ f, o3) }.
Proof. res_true. Qed.
Goal `{test (o_field_ f, o1); (o_sub_ ty n1, o2); (o_sub_ ty n2, o3) }.
Proof. res_true. Qed.
Goal `{ty1 ≠ ty2 → test (o_sub_ ty1 n1, o1); (o_sub_ ty2 n2, o2); (o_field_ f, o3) }.
Proof. res_false. Qed.
Goal `{ty1 ≠ ty2 → test (o_sub_ ty1 n1, o1); (o_sub_ ty1 n2, o2); (o_sub_ ty2 n3, o3); (o_field_ f, o4) }.
Proof. start. step_false. step_true. step_false. Qed. *)
End tests.
(* This is probably sound, since it allows temporary underflows. *)
Definition eval_offset_seg (os : offset_seg) : option Z :=
match os with
| (o_invalid_, _) => None
| (_, z) => Some z
Definition eval_raw_offset (o : raw_offset) : option Z :=
foldr (liftM2 Z.add) (Some 0) (map eval_offset_seg o).
Definition eval_offset (_ : genv) (o : offset) : option Z :=
eval_raw_offset (`o).
(* This is probably not generally applicable. *)
Local Arguments liftM2 {_ _ _ _ _ _} _ !_ !_ / : simpl nomatch.
Lemma eval_offset_nil :
forall {σ : genv} (wf : raw_offset_wf []),
eval_offset σ ([] ↾ wf) = Some 0.
Proof. by unfold eval_offset, eval_raw_offset; simpl. Qed.
Lemma eval_o_sub σ ty (i : Z) :
eval_offset _ (o_sub _ ty i) =
(* This order enables reducing for known ty. *)
(fun n => Z.of_N n * i) <$> size_of _ ty.
rewrite /o_sub/eval_offset/eval_raw_offset/=.
rewrite /= /mkOffset /mk_offset_seg/=/o_sub_off/=.
case_decide; subst => //=;
case: size_of=> [sz|] //=.
by f_equiv; lia.
by rewrite (comm_L _ i) right_id_L.
Lemma eval_o_field σ f n cls st :
f = Field cls n ->
glob_def σ cls = Some (Gstruct st) ->
st.(s_layout) = POD \/ st.(s_layout) = Standard ->
eval_offset σ (o_field σ f) = offset_of σ cls n.
move => -> _ _. cbn.
rewrite/mk_offset_seg /eval_raw_offset_seg /o_field_off /=.
case: offset_of => [off|//] /=. by rewrite right_id_L.
Class InvolApp {X} (f : list X → list X) :=
invol_app : ∀ xs1 xs2,
f (xs1 ++ xs2) = f (f xs1 ++ f xs2).
Class Involutive {X} (f : X → X) :=
invol : ∀ x, f (f x) = f x.
#[global] Instance raw_offset_collapse_involutive : Involutive raw_offset_collapse.
#[global] Instance raw_offset_collapse_invol_app : InvolApp raw_offset_collapse.
Program Definition __o_dot : offset → offset → offset :=
λ o1 o2, (raw_offset_merge (proj1_sig o1) (proj1_sig o2)) ↾ _.
Next Obligation.
move=> o1 o2 /=.
exact: raw_offset_collapse_involutive.
Lemma __o_dot_nil_r :
forall o (wf_o : raw_offset_wf o) (wf_nil : raw_offset_wf []),
__o_dot (o ↾ wf_o) ([] ↾ wf_nil) = o ↾ wf_o.
intros **.
unfold __o_dot, raw_offset_merge, raw_offset_collapse; simpl.
induction o=> //=.
- rewrite (proof_irrel (__o_dot_obligation_1 ([] ↾ wf_o) ([] ↾ wf_nil))).
by rewrite (proof_irrel wf_o).
- rewrite (proof_irrel (__o_dot_obligation_1 ((a :: o) ↾ wf_o) ([] ↾ wf_nil))). 1: {
unfold raw_offset_wf, raw_offset_collapse, raw_offset_merge; simpl.
rewrite app_nil_r.
unfold raw_offset_merge, raw_offset_collapse in wf_o; simpl in wf_o.
rewrite wf_o.
unfold raw_offset_merge, raw_offset_collapse; simpl; rewrite app_nil_r.
unfold raw_offset_wf, raw_offset_collapse in wf_o; simpl in wf_o.
rewrite wf_o; intros wf_o'.
by erewrite (proof_irrel wf_o).
Inductive root_ptr : Set :=
| nullptr_
| global_ptr_ (tu : translation_unit_canon) (o : obj_name)
| alloc_ptr_ (a : alloc_id) (va : vaddr).
#[local] Instance root_ptr_eq_dec : EqDecision root_ptr.
Proof. solve_decision. Defined.
#[global] Declare Instance root_ptr_countable : Countable root_ptr.
#[global] Instance global_ptr__inj : Inj2 (=) (=) (=) global_ptr_.
Proof. by intros ???? [=]. Qed.
Definition root_ptr_alloc_id (rp : root_ptr) : option alloc_id :=
match rp with
| nullptr_ => Some null_alloc_id
| global_ptr_ tu o => Some (global_ptr_encode_aid o)
| alloc_ptr_ aid _ => Some aid
Definition root_ptr_vaddr (rp : root_ptr) : option vaddr :=
match rp with
| nullptr_ => Some 0%N
| global_ptr_ tu o => Some (global_ptr_encode_vaddr o)
| alloc_ptr_ aid va => Some va
Inductive ptr_ : Set :=
| invalid_ptr_
| fun_ptr_ (tu : translation_unit_canon) (o : obj_name)
| offset_ptr (p : root_ptr) (o : offset).
Definition ptr := ptr_.
#[global] Instance ptr_eq_dec : EqDecision ptr.
Proof. solve_decision. Defined.
#[global] Declare Instance ptr_countable : Countable ptr.
#[global] Instance offset_ptr_inj : Inj2 (=) (=) (=) offset_ptr.
Proof. by intros ???? [=]. Qed.
Definition ptr_alloc_id (p : ptr) : option alloc_id :=
match p with
| invalid_ptr_ => None
| fun_ptr_ tu o => Some (global_ptr_encode_aid o)
| offset_ptr p o => root_ptr_alloc_id p
Definition ptr_vaddr (p : ptr) : option vaddr :=
match p with
| invalid_ptr_ => None
| fun_ptr_ tu o => Some (global_ptr_encode_vaddr o)
| offset_ptr p o =>
(λ off ova, ova ≫= offset_vaddr off)
(root_ptr_vaddr p)
(snd <$> `o)
Definition lift_root_ptr (rp : root_ptr) : ptr := offset_ptr rp o_id.
Definition invalid_ptr := invalid_ptr_.
Definition fun_ptr tu o := fun_ptr_ (canonical_tu.tu_to_canon tu) o.
Definition null_alloc_id : alloc_id := null_alloc_id.
Definition nullptr := lift_root_ptr nullptr_.
Definition global_ptr (tu : translation_unit) o :=
lift_root_ptr (global_ptr_ (canonical_tu.tu_to_canon tu) o).
Definition alloc_ptr a oid := lift_root_ptr (alloc_ptr_ a oid).
Lemma global_ptr_nonnull tu o : global_ptr tu o <> nullptr.
Proof. done. Qed.
#[global] Instance global_ptr_inj tu : Inj (=) (=) (global_ptr tu) := _.
(* Some proofs using these helpers could be shortened, tactic-wise, but I find
them clearer this way, and they work in both models. *)
Lemma ptr_vaddr_global_ptr tu o :
ptr_vaddr (global_ptr tu o) = Some (global_ptr_encode_vaddr o).
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma ptr_alloc_id_global_ptr tu o :
ptr_alloc_id (global_ptr tu o) = Some (global_ptr_encode_aid o).
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma global_ptr_nonnull_addr tu o : ptr_vaddr (global_ptr tu o) <> Some 0%N.
Proof. rewrite ptr_vaddr_global_ptr. (* done. Qed. *) Admitted. (* TODO *)
Lemma global_ptr_nonnull_aid tu o : ptr_alloc_id (global_ptr tu o) <> Some null_alloc_id.
Proof. rewrite ptr_alloc_id_global_ptr. (* done. Qed. *) Admitted. (* TODO *)
#[global] Instance global_ptr_addr_inj tu : Inj (=) (=) (λ o, ptr_vaddr (global_ptr tu o)).
Proof. intros ??. rewrite !ptr_vaddr_global_ptr. by intros ?%(inj _)%(inj _). Qed.
#[global] Instance global_ptr_aid_inj tu : Inj (=) (=) (λ o, ptr_alloc_id (global_ptr tu o)).
Proof. intros ??. rewrite !ptr_alloc_id_global_ptr. by intros ?%(inj _)%(inj _). Qed.
Lemma ptr_vaddr_nullptr : ptr_vaddr nullptr = Some 0%N.
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma ptr_alloc_id_nullptr : ptr_alloc_id nullptr = Some null_alloc_id.
Proof. done. Qed.
(* Instance ptr_equiv : Equiv ptr := (=).
Instance offset_equiv : Equiv offset := (=).
Instance ptr_equivalence : Equivalence (≡@{ptr}) := _.
Instance offset_equivalence : Equivalence (==@{offset}) := _.
Instance ptr_equiv_dec : RelDecision (≡@{ptr}) := _.
Instance offset_equiv_dec : RelDecision (==@{offset}) := _. *)
(* Instance dot_assoc : Assoc (≡) o_dot := _. *)
(* Instance dot_proper : Proper ((≡) ==> (≡) ==> (≡)) o_dot := _. *)
Definition __offset_ptr (p : ptr) (o : offset) : ptr :=
match p with
| offset_ptr p' o' => offset_ptr p' (__o_dot o' o)
| invalid_ptr_ => invalid_ptr_ (* too eager! *)
| fun_ptr_ _ _ =>
match `o with
| [] => p
| _ => invalid_ptr_
(* Duplicated. *)
#[global] Notation "p ., o" := (_dot p (o_field _ o))
(at level 11, left associativity, only parsing) : stdpp_scope.
#[local] Ltac UNFOLD_dot := rewrite _dot.unlock/DOT_dot/=.
(* eval_offset respects the monoidal structure of offsets *)
Lemma eval_offset_dot : ∀ σ (o1 o2 : offset),
eval_offset σ (o1 ,, o2) =
add_opt (eval_offset σ o1) (eval_offset σ o2).
intros **; UNFOLD_dot.
destruct o1 as [[] ?]; destruct o2 as [[] ?]=> //=.
- unfold __o_dot, raw_offset_merge, raw_offset_collapse; simpl.
unfold eval_offset, eval_raw_offset; simpl.
unfold raw_offset_wf, raw_offset_collapse in r0; simpl in r0.
rewrite r0/=.
destruct (eval_offset_seg o);
destruct (foldr (liftM2 Z.add) (Some 0) (map eval_offset_seg l))=> //.
- rewrite __o_dot_nil_r.
unfold eval_offset, eval_raw_offset=> /=.
destruct (liftM2 Z.add (eval_offset_seg o)
(foldr (liftM2 Z.add) (Some 0) (map eval_offset_seg l)))=> //.
unfold add_opt; simpl.
by rewrite Z.add_0_r.
- unfold __o_dot, raw_offset_merge, raw_offset_collapse, eval_offset, eval_raw_offset.
unfold proj1_sig; rewrite foldr_app.
unfold raw_offset_wf, raw_offset_collapse in *.
rewrite !foldr_fmap.
rewrite r0.
#[global] Instance id_dot : LeftId (=) o_id o_dot.
Proof. UNFOLD_dot. intros o. apply /sig_eq_pi. by case: o. Qed.
Lemma __o_dot_id : RightId (=) o_id __o_dot.
intros o. apply /sig_eq_pi.
rewrite /= /raw_offset_merge (right_id []).
by case: o.
#[global] Instance dot_id : RightId (=) o_id o_dot.
Proof. UNFOLD_dot. apply __o_dot_id. Qed.
#[global] Instance dot_assoc : Assoc (=) o_dot.
intros o1 o2 o3. apply /sig_eq_pi.
move: o1 o2 o3 => [ro1 /= wf1]
[ro2 /= wf2] [ro3 /= wf3].
rewrite /raw_offset_merge.
rewrite -{1}wf1 -{2}wf3.
rewrite -!invol_app; f_equiv.
apply: assoc.
Implicit Types (p : ptr) (o : offset).
Lemma offset_ptr_id p : p ,, o_id = p.
Proof. UNFOLD_dot. case: p => // p o. by rewrite /__offset_ptr __o_dot_id. Qed.
Lemma offset_ptr_dot p o1 o2 : p ,, (o1 ,, o2) = p ,, o1 ,, o2.
(* TO FIX: collapse function pointers with offsets less eagerly. *)
destruct p; rewrite //= ?assoc //=.
move: o1 o2 => [o1 /= +] [o2 /= +]; rewrite /raw_offset_wf => WF1 WF2.
repeat (case_match; simplify_eq/= => //).
by rewrite H in WF2.
Lemma o_sub_0 σ ty :
is_Some (size_of σ ty) ->
o_sub σ ty 0 = o_id.
Proof. rewrite /o_sub; case_decide=>// -[?]; by case: size_of. Qed.
Lemma ptr_alloc_id_offset {p o} :
let p' := p ,, o in
is_Some (ptr_alloc_id p') -> ptr_alloc_id p' = ptr_alloc_id p.
Proof. UNFOLD_dot. by destruct p, o as [[] ?] => //= /is_Some_None []. Qed.
Axiom ptr_vaddr_o_sub_eq : forall p σ ty n1 n2 sz,
size_of σ ty = Some sz -> (sz > 0)%N ->
same_property ptr_vaddr (p ,, o_sub _ ty n1) (p ,, o_sub _ ty n2) ->
n1 = n2.
Arguments mk_offset_seg _ !_ /.
Lemma o_dot_sub σ (z1 z2 : Z) ty :
o_sub σ ty z1 ,, o_sub σ ty z2 = o_sub σ ty (z1 + z2).
intros. apply /sig_eq_pi => /=.
rewrite /o_sub /= /mkOffset. repeat case_decide => //=.
all: subst; try lia.
all: rewrite ?Z.add_0_r ?Z.add_0_l.
all: rewrite /mk_offset_seg /= /o_sub_off; case: size_of => [sz|] //=.
all: try by rewrite decide_False //=; lia.
all: repeat (case_decide; try (lia || by auto)).
repeat (lia || f_equiv).
Lemma o_base_derived σ p base derived :
directly_derives σ derived base ->
p ,, o_base σ derived base ,, o_derived σ base derived = p.
rewrite -offset_ptr_dot; UNFOLD_dot.
intros Hsome. destruct p => //=.
(* TODO: this model collapses invalid offsets on fun_ptr_ to invalid pointers too eagerly. *)
apply (sig_eq_pi _) => /=.
move: Hsome => [?].
rewrite /o_base_off /o_derived_off parent_offset.unlock.
destruct parent_offset_tu => //= -[_] /=.
rewrite /raw_offset_merge/=.
rewrite /raw_offset_collapse /=.
rewrite foldr_app /=.
(* TODO: here we should prove that cancellation works out, but the
ill-behaved normalization makes this too complex. *)
Lemma o_derived_base σ p base derived :
directly_derives σ derived base ->
p ,, o_derived σ base derived ,, o_base σ derived base = p.
rewrite -offset_ptr_dot; UNFOLD_dot.
intros Hsome. destruct p => //=.
case_match => //.
Fail repeat case_match; naive_solver.
(* TODO: this model collapses invalid offsets on fun_ptr_ to invalid
pointers too eagerly. *)
case: o => o. rewrite /raw_offset_wf => Hwf.
apply (sig_eq_pi _) => /=.
move: Hsome => [?].
rewrite /o_base_off /o_derived_off parent_offset.unlock.
destruct parent_offset_tu => //= -[_] /=.
rewrite decide_True //=.
rewrite /raw_offset_merge/= app_nil_r //.
all: done.