 * Copyright (c) 2020-2022 BlueRock Security, Inc.
 * This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
 * See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.

Require Export bedrock.lang.algebra.big_op.
Require Export

Require Import
Require Import
Require Import bedrock.lang.proofmode.proofmode.
Import ChargeNotation.


Section big_op.
  Context `{Monoid M o}.
  Implicit Types P : M Prop.
  Infix "`o`" := o (at level 50, left associativity).

  Section list.
    Context {A : Type}.
    Implicit Types xs : list A.
    Implicit Types f : nat A M.

Any P compatible with the monoid and with f is compatible with big_opL o f
    Lemma big_opL_gen (P : M Prop) f xs :
      P monoid_unit ( x y, P x P y P (x `o` y))
      ( k x, xs !! k = Some x P (f k x))
      P ([^o list] kx xs, f k x).
      intros ? Hop. elim: xs f => [ |x xs IH] f /= Hf; first done.
      apply Hop; first by apply Hf. apply IH=>k y Hk. by apply Hf.
  End list.
End big_op.

Section big_andL.
  Context {PROP : bi} {A : Type}.

  Lemma big_andL_frame (xs : list A) (Q Q' : nat A PROP) :
    ( i v, Q i v -* Q' i v)
    ([∧list] i x xs, Q i x) -∗ ([∧list] i x xs, Q' i x).
    iIntros "W L". iInduction xs as [|x xs] "IH" forall (Q Q'); simpl; first done.
    iApply (bi.and_parallel with "L"); iSplit; first by eauto.
    iApply "IH". iIntros (??). by iApply "W".

  Lemma bupd_big_andL `{BiBUpd PROP} (xs : list A) (P : nat A PROP) :
    (|==> [∧ list] i x xs, P i x)
    [∧ list] i x xs, |==> P i x.
    iIntros "Q". iInduction xs as [|x xs] "IH" forall (P); simpl; first done.
    rewrite bupd_and; iApply (bi.and_parallel with "Q"); eauto.

  Lemma fupd_big_andL `{BiFUpd PROP} {E1 E2} (xs : list A) (P : nat A PROP) :
    (|={E1, E2}=> [∧ list] i x xs, P i x)
    [∧ list] i x xs, |={E1, E2}=> P i x.
    iIntros "Q". iInduction xs as [|x xs] "IH" forall (P); simpl; first done.
    rewrite fupd_and; iApply (bi.and_parallel with "Q"); eauto.
End big_andL.

Section big_sepL.
  Context {PROP : bi} {A : Type}.
  Implicit Types xs : list A.
  Implicit Types f : nat A PROP.

In contrast with big_sepL_ne, the lists need not be equal.
  Lemma big_sepL_gen_ne {B} f g (l1 : list A) (l2 : list B) n :
    length l1 = length l2
    ( k y1 y2, l1 !! k = Some y1 l2 !! k = Some y2 f k y1 ≡{n}≡ g k y2)
    ([∗ list] ky l1, f k y)%I ≡{n}≡ ([∗ list] ky l2, g k y)%I.
    intros ? Hf. apply big_opL_gen_proper_2; [done|by apply _| ].
    move=>k. destruct (l1 !! k) eqn:Hl1, (l2 !! k) eqn:Hl2.
    - exact: Hf.
    - apply lookup_lt_Some in Hl1. apply lookup_ge_None_1 in Hl2. lia.
    - apply lookup_ge_None_1 in Hl1. apply lookup_lt_Some in Hl2. lia.
    - done.

In contrast with big_sepL_proper, the lists need not be equal.
  Lemma big_sepL_gen_proper {B} f g (l1 : list A) (l2 : list B) :
    length l1 = length l2
    ( k y1 y2, l1 !! k = Some y1 l2 !! k = Some y2 f k y1 g k y2)
    ([∗ list] ky l1, f k y) ⊣⊢ [∗ list] ky l2, g k y.
    intros ? Hf. apply big_opL_gen_proper_2; [done|by apply _| ].
    move=>k. destruct (l1 !! k) eqn:Hl1, (l2 !! k) eqn:Hl2.
    - exact: Hf.
    - apply lookup_lt_Some in Hl1. apply lookup_ge_None_1 in Hl2. lia.
    - apply lookup_ge_None_1 in Hl1. apply lookup_lt_Some in Hl2. lia.
    - done.

In contrast with big_sepL_mono, the lists need not be equal.
  Lemma big_sepL_gen_mono {B} f g (l1 : list A) (l2 : list B) :
    length l1 = length l2
    ( k y1 y2, l1 !! k = Some y1 l2 !! k = Some y2 f k y1 |-- g k y2)
    ([∗ list] ky l1, f k y) [∗ list] ky l2, g k y.
    intros ? Hf. apply big_opL_gen_proper_2; [done|by apply _| ].
    move=>k. destruct (l1 !! k) eqn:Hl1, (l2 !! k) eqn:Hl2.
    - exact: Hf.
    - apply lookup_lt_Some in Hl1. apply lookup_ge_None_1 in Hl2. lia.
    - apply lookup_ge_None_1 in Hl1. apply lookup_lt_Some in Hl2. lia.
    - done.

Unlike big_sepL_delete and big_sepL_delete', this one uses delete, but is restricted to comprehensions that do not use the list index. Unlike big_sepL_difference_singleton, this works on lists with duplicates. TODO: This name would make more sense if the upstream lemmas were renamed, say, into big_sepL_delete_{if,ne}.
  Lemma big_sepL_delete_delete xs i x (f : A PROP)
    (Hl : xs !! i = Some x) :
    ([∗ list] k xs, f k) ⊣⊢ f x [∗ list] k delete i xs, f k.
    rewrite big_sepL_delete; last exact: Hl. f_equiv.
    elim: xs i Hl => [//|x' xs IHxs] [|i] /= Hl. {
      rewrite left_id. by apply big_sepL_proper.
    f_equiv. rewrite -(IHxs i Hl). apply big_sepL_proper => k y Hl'.
    rewrite (decide_ext (S k = S i) (k = i)) //. lia.

In contrast with big_sepL_timeless, big_sepL_persistent, and big_sepL_affine, the following offer xs !! k = Some x in their premisses.
  Lemma big_sepL_gen_timeless `{!Timeless (emp%I : PROP)} f xs :
    ( k x, xs !! k = Some x Timeless (f k x))
    Timeless ([∗ list] kx xs, f k x).
  Proof. apply big_opL_gen; apply _. Qed.
  Lemma big_sepL_gen_persistent f xs :
    ( k x, xs !! k = Some x Persistent (f k x))
    Persistent ([∗ list] kx xs, f k x).
  Proof. apply big_opL_gen; apply _. Qed.
  Lemma big_sepL_gen_affine f xs :
    ( k x, xs !! k = Some x Affine (f k x))
    Affine ([∗ list] kx xs, f k x).
  Proof. apply big_opL_gen; apply _. Qed.

  Lemma big_sepL_hd `{Inhabited A} f xs :
    xs <> [] ->
    ([∗ list] kx xs, f k x) f 0 (hd inhabitant xs) ** True.
  Proof. case: xs => [//|x xs] _ /=. iIntros "[$ $]". Qed.

  Lemma bi_opL_sep_forall (P : A -> PROP) xs
    `{!Persistent1 P} `{!Affine1 P} :
    ([∗ list] x xs, P x) ⊣⊢ x, [| x xs |] -∗ P x.
    elim: xs => [//= |x xs /= -> ]. {
      iSplit; last by iIntros.
      iIntros "_ !>" (x []%elem_of_nil).
    iSplit. {
      iIntros "[#P #W] !>" (? [->|?]%elem_of_cons);
        [ iApply "P" | by iApply "W"].
    iIntros "#W". iSplitL; last iIntros "!>" (??).
    all: iApply ("W" with "[%]"); set_solver.

  Lemma bi_opL_sep_and (P : A -> PROP) xs
    `{BiAffine PROP} `{!Persistent1 P} :
    ([∗ list] x xs, P x) ⊣⊢ [∧list] x xs, P x.
    elim: xs => [//= |x xs /= -> ]. { by rewrite bi.True_emp. }
    iSplit; iIntros. { by rewrite bi.sep_and. }
    by rewrite bi.persistent_and_sep_1.
End big_sepL.

Lemma big_sepL_mono_elem {PROP : bi} {A : Type} (Φ Ψ : A PROP) (l : list A):
  ( (y : A), y l -> Φ y Ψ y)
   ([∗ list] y l, Φ y) ([∗ list] y l, Ψ y).
  intros Hin. apply big_sepL_mono => k y Hl. eapply Hin, elem_of_list_lookup_2, Hl.

Lemma big_sepL_difference_singleton {PROP : bi} `{EqDecision A} (x : A)
    (f : A -> PROP) (l : list A) :
  x l ->
  NoDup l ->
  ([∗ list] i l, f i) ⊣⊢ f x [∗ list] i list_difference l [x], f i.
  intros [j Hl]%elem_of_list_lookup_1 HnoDup.
  by rewrite big_sepL_delete_delete // (list_difference_delete j).

Lemma big_sepL_difference_two {PROP : bi} {A} `{EqDecision A} (f : A -> PROP) l x y:
  x <> y ->
  x l ->
  y l ->
  NoDup l -> (* we only need x to be not duplicated *)
  ([∗ list] i l, f i) ⊣⊢ f x f y [∗ list] i list_difference l [x; y], f i.
  intros Hneq H1l H2l Hnd.
  rewrite (big_sepL_difference_singleton x) //.
  rewrite (big_sepL_difference_singleton y); [| set_solver | exact: NoDup_list_difference].
  by rewrite (list_difference_app_r l [x] [y]).

(* This adjusts the initial index, but we pass the same arguments to P *)
Lemma big_sepL_seqN_shift {PROP : bi} (P : N -> PROP) (j : N) {n m : N} :
  (j <= n)%N ->
  ([∗list] i seqN n m, P i) ⊣⊢ [∗list] i seqN j m, P (n - j + i)%N.
  intros Le.
  rewrite -[in seqN n m](N.sub_add _ _ Le) -fmap_add_seqN.
  apply big_sepL_fmap.

Lemma big_sepL_seq_shift {PROP : bi} (P : nat -> PROP) (j : nat) {n m : nat} :
  j <= n ->
  ([∗list] i seq n m, P i) ⊣⊢ [∗list] i seq j m, P (n - j + i).
  intros Le.
  rewrite -[in seq n m](Nat.sub_add _ _ Le) -fmap_add_seq.
  apply big_sepL_fmap.

Lemma big_sepM_lookup_acc' {PROP : bi} `{EqDecision K} `{Countable K} {A}
    (Φ : K -> A -> PROP) (m : gmap K A) (i : K) (x : A) :
  m !! i = Some x
  ([∗ map] ky m, Φ k y)
   Φ i x (Forall x', (Φ i x' -∗ ([∗ map] ky <[i:=x']> m, Φ k y))).
  rewrite big_sepM_delete=> //. apply bi.sep_mono_r.
  iIntros "map_without" (x') "Phi'".
  rewrite big_sepM_insert_delete.
  by iFrame.

Lemma big_sepM2_lookup_acc' {PROP : bi} `{EqDecision K} `{Countable K} {A B}
    (Φ : K -> A -> B -> PROP) (m1 : gmap K A) (m2 : gmap K B) (i : K) (x : A) :
  m1 !! i = Some x
  ([∗ map] ky;z m1;m2, Φ k y z)
   ( y, ([| m2 !! i = Some y |] Φ i x y))
   ( x' y',
      (Φ i x' y' -∗ ([∗ map] kx;y <[i:=x']> m1; <[i:=y']> m2, Φ k x y))).
  rewrite big_sepM2_delete_l=> //.
  iIntros "(% & % & Ha & Hb)".
  iSplitL "Ha".
  - iExists _; by iFrame.
  - iIntros (x' y') "HΦ".
    rewrite big_sepM2_insert_delete; iFrame.

Powers in BIs


Notation "P ^^ n" := (P ^^{bi_sep} n) : bi_scope.

Section power.
  Context {PROP : bi}.
  Implicit Types (P : PROP).
  #[local] Notation "(⊢)" := (⊢@{PROP}) (only parsing).
  #[local] Open Scope N_scope.

  #[local] Notation MONO R op :=
    (Proper (R%signature ==> eq ==> R) (power op)) (only parsing).

  #[global] Instance power_sep_mono : MONO (⊢) bi_sep.
  Proof. apply: power_proper. Qed.
  #[global] Instance power_and_mono : MONO (⊢) bi_and.
  Proof. apply: power_proper. Qed.
  #[global] Instance power_or_mono : MONO (⊢) bi_or.
  Proof. apply: power_proper. Qed.

  #[global] Instance power_sep_flip_mono : MONO (flip (⊢)) bi_sep.
  Proof. apply: power_proper. Qed.
  #[global] Instance power_and_flip_mono : MONO (flip (⊢)) bi_and.
  Proof. apply: power_proper. Qed.
  #[global] Instance power_or_flip_mono : MONO (flip (⊢)) bi_or.
  Proof. apply: power_proper. Qed.

Avoid exotic goals like Timeless emp, Affine True when n a

non-zero constructor.

  #[local] Lemma power_closed' `{Monoid M o} (P : M -> Prop) x n :
    TCOr (NNonZero n) (P monoid_unit) ->
    Proper (equiv ==> iff) P ->
    ( x1 x2, P x1 -> P x2 -> P (o x1 x2)) ->
    P x -> P (x ^^{o} n).
    destruct 1; intros. exact: power_closed_nonzero. exact: power_closed.

  #[local] Notation CLOSED R o :=
    ( (P : PROP) n, R P -> R (P ^^{o} n)) (only parsing).
  #[local] Notation CLOSED' R u o :=
    ( P n, TCOr (NNonZero n) (R (u : PROP)) -> R P -> R (P ^^{o} n)) (only parsing).

  #[global] Instance power_sep_timeless : CLOSED' Timeless emp bi_sep.
  Proof. intros. apply: power_closed'. Qed.
  #[global] Instance power_and_timeless : CLOSED Timeless bi_and.
  Proof. intros. apply: power_closed. Qed.
  #[global] Instance power_or_timeless : CLOSED Timeless bi_or.
  Proof. intros. apply: power_closed. Qed.

  #[global] Instance power_sep_persistent : CLOSED Persistent bi_sep.
  Proof. intros. apply: power_closed. Qed.
  #[global] Instance power_and_persistent : CLOSED Persistent bi_and.
  Proof. intros. apply: power_closed. Qed.
  #[global] Instance power_or_persistent : CLOSED Persistent bi_or.
  Proof. intros. apply: power_closed. Qed.

  #[global] Instance power_sep_affine : CLOSED Affine bi_sep.
  Proof. intros. apply: power_closed. Qed.
  #[global] Instance power_and_affine : CLOSED' Affine True%I bi_and.
  Proof. intros. apply: power_closed'. Qed.
  #[global] Instance power_or_affine : CLOSED Affine bi_or.
  Proof. intros. apply: power_closed. Qed.

End power.