* Copyright (C) BlueRock Security Inc. 2020
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
Require Import stdpp.coPset.
Require Import
Require Import
Require Import
Require Export
Require Import
Require Import
Require Import bedrock.lang.proofmode.proofmode.
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
Local Tactic Notation "iSplit" "?" := repeat iSplit.
* Copyright (C) BlueRock Security Inc. 2020
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
Require Import stdpp.coPset.
Require Import
Require Import
Require Import
Require Export
Require Import
Require Import
Require Import bedrock.lang.proofmode.proofmode.
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
Local Tactic Notation "iSplit" "?" := repeat iSplit.
Atomic accessors and atomic updates
AU_proper [Proper] for [≡] (in [atomic_udpate.v]) AU_update "strong monotonicity" lemmas for changing all components AU_mask_{weaken,strengthen} change masks AU_{apre,apost,ppost}_M change individual components aacc_ppre_M fupd_aacc, AU_fupd compatibility with fancy updates AU_{apre,apost,ppost}_frame_{l,r} frame affine, persistent resources aacc_ppre_frame_{l,r} AU_{apre,apost,ppost}_mono monotonicity aacc_ppost_mono AU_{,flip_}mono' [Proper] for [⊢], [⊣]
Definition atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β Φ : PROP := (|={Eo, Ei}=> ∃.. x, α x ∗ (** OPEN *) ((α x ={Ei, Eo}=∗ P) ∧ (** ABORT *) (∀.. y, β x y ={Ei, Eo}=∗ Φ x y)) (** COMMIT *) )%I.
- ABORT lets the callee give α x back to the caller in exchange for
the public precondition P
- COMMIT lets the callee, if she can change α x to the atomic postcondition β x y (for some y), return β x y to the callee in exchange for the public postcondition Φ x y.
atomic_update Eo Ei α β Φ ≈ (** [†] *) atomic_accessor Eo ei α (atomic_update Eo Ei α β Φ) β Φ
Local Existing Instance atomic_update_pre_mono.
Local Lemma aupd_unfold `{BiFUpd PROP} {TA TB : tele} Eo Ei
(α : TA → PROP) (β Φ : TA → TB → PROP) :
atomic_update Eo Ei α β Φ ⊣⊢
atomic_acc Eo Ei α (atomic_update Eo Ei α β Φ) β Φ.
rewrite atomic.atomic_update_unseal /atomic.atomic_update_def /atomic_update_pre /=.
exact: greatest_fixpoint_unfold.
Laterable assertions
timeless_laterable P : Timeless P → Laterable P later_laterable P : Laterable (▷ P) sep_laterable P Q : Laterable P → Laterable Q → Laterable (P ∗ Q) make_laterable_laterable P : Laterable (make_laterable P) (* so that *) aupd_laterable Eo Ei α β Φ : Laterable (atomic_update Eo Ei α β Φ)
laterable_fupd E : P ⊢ ∃ Q, ▷ Q ∗ □ (▷ Q ={E}=∗ P)
Except at zero
laterable : P ⊢ ∃ Q, ▷ Q ∗ □ (▷ Q -∗ ◇ P)
timeless : ▷ P -∗ ◇ P
Section except_0_fupd.
Context `{BiFUpd PROP}.
Implicit Types P : PROP.
Local Lemma except_0_fupd_simple P E : ◇ P ⊢ |={E}=> P.
Proof. rewrite -fupd_except_0. apply fupd_intro. Qed.
Lemma timeless_fupd `{HP : !Timeless P} E : ▷ P ⊢ |={E}=> P.
Proof. unfold Timeless in HP. rewrite HP. apply except_0_fupd_simple. Qed.
Lemma laterable_fupd `{HP : !Laterable P} E : P ⊢ ∃ Q, ▷ Q ∗ □ (▷ Q ={E}=∗ P).
unfold Laterable in HP. rewrite {1}HP. do 5!f_equiv.
apply except_0_fupd_simple.
End except_0_fupd.
Section atomic_acc.
Context `{BiFUpd PROP} {TA TB : tele}.
Implicit Types (α : TA → PROP).
Implicit Types (β Φ : TA → TB → PROP).
Context `{BiFUpd PROP} {TA TB : tele}.
Implicit Types (α : TA → PROP).
Implicit Types (β Φ : TA → TB → PROP).
Workhorse for rewriting parts of an atomic accessor.
Lemma aacc_update Eo1 Eo2 Ei1 Ei2 α1 α2 P1 P2 β1 β2 Φ1 Φ2 :
Eo1 ⊆ Eo2 → Ei2 ⊆ Ei1 →
atomic_acc Eo1 Ei1 α1 P1 β1 Φ1 ⊢
((□ ∀.. x, α1 x ∗={Ei1}=∗ α2 x) ∗
(P1 ={Eo1}=∗ P2) ∧
((∀.. x y, β2 x y ={Ei2}=∗ β1 x y) ∗
(∀.. x y, Φ1 x y ={Eo1}=∗ Φ2 x y))) -∗
atomic_acc Eo2 Ei2 α2 P2 β2 Φ2.
iIntros (??) "AU (#Apre & PP)". rewrite/atomic_acc.
iMod (fupd_mask_subseteq Eo1) as "CloseO"; first done.
iMod "AU" as (x) "[Hα Close]". iExists x.
iMod ("Apre" with "Hα") as "$".
iMod (fupd_mask_subseteq Ei2) as "CloseI"; first done.
iModIntro. iSplit.
- iIntros "Hα". iMod "CloseI" as "_". iMod ("Apre" with "Hα") as "Hα".
iMod ("Close" with "Hα") as "P". iMod ("PP" with "P") as "$".
iExact "CloseO".
- iIntros (y) "Hβ". iDestruct "PP" as "[_ [Apost Ppost]]".
iMod ("Apost" with "Hβ") as "Hβ". iMod "CloseI" as "_".
iMod ("Close" with "Hβ") as "HΦ". iMod ("Ppost" with "HΦ") as "$".
iExact "CloseO".
Eo1 ⊆ Eo2 → Ei2 ⊆ Ei1 →
atomic_acc Eo1 Ei1 α1 P1 β1 Φ1 ⊢
((□ ∀.. x, α1 x ∗={Ei1}=∗ α2 x) ∗
(P1 ={Eo1}=∗ P2) ∧
((∀.. x y, β2 x y ={Ei2}=∗ β1 x y) ∗
(∀.. x y, Φ1 x y ={Eo1}=∗ Φ2 x y))) -∗
atomic_acc Eo2 Ei2 α2 P2 β2 Φ2.
iIntros (??) "AU (#Apre & PP)". rewrite/atomic_acc.
iMod (fupd_mask_subseteq Eo1) as "CloseO"; first done.
iMod "AU" as (x) "[Hα Close]". iExists x.
iMod ("Apre" with "Hα") as "$".
iMod (fupd_mask_subseteq Ei2) as "CloseI"; first done.
iModIntro. iSplit.
- iIntros "Hα". iMod "CloseI" as "_". iMod ("Apre" with "Hα") as "Hα".
iMod ("Close" with "Hα") as "P". iMod ("PP" with "P") as "$".
iExact "CloseO".
- iIntros (y) "Hβ". iDestruct "PP" as "[_ [Apost Ppost]]".
iMod ("Apost" with "Hβ") as "Hβ". iMod "CloseI" as "_".
iMod ("Close" with "Hβ") as "HΦ". iMod ("Ppost" with "HΦ") as "$".
iExact "CloseO".
Easy corollaries of aacc_update
Section updates.
Lemma aacc_mask_weaken Eo1 Eo2 Ei α P β Φ :
Eo1 ⊆ Eo2 → atomic_acc Eo1 Ei α P β Φ ⊢ atomic_acc Eo2 Ei α P β Φ.
iIntros (?) "AU". iApply (aacc_update with "AU"); auto.
iSplit?; [iModIntro|..|iSplitL]; auto.
Lemma aacc_mask_strengthen Ei1 Ei2 Eo α P β Φ :
Ei1 ⊆ Ei2 → atomic_acc Eo Ei2 α P β Φ ⊢ atomic_acc Eo Ei1 α P β Φ.
iIntros (?) "AU". iApply (aacc_update with "AU"); auto.
iSplit?; [iModIntro|..|iSplitL]; auto.
Lemma aacc_apre_fupd α1 α2 Eo Ei P β Φ :
atomic_acc Eo Ei α1 P β Φ ⊢
□ (∀.. x, α1 x ∗={Ei}=∗ α2 x) -∗ atomic_acc Eo Ei α2 P β Φ.
iIntros "AU #?". iApply (aacc_update with "AU"); auto.
iSplit?; [iModIntro|..|iSplitL]; auto.
Lemma aacc_apre_wand α1 α2 Eo Ei P β Φ :
atomic_acc Eo Ei α1 P β Φ ⊢
□ (∀.. x, α1 x ∗-∗ α2 x) -∗ atomic_acc Eo Ei α2 P β Φ.
Proof. rewrite aacc_apre_fupd. repeat f_equiv. apply fupd_iff_intro. Qed.
(* Here and below, we need <affine> because the fancy update will only be used on AU aborts. *)
Lemma aacc_ppre_fupd P1 P2 Eo Ei α β Φ :
atomic_acc Eo Ei α P1 β Φ ⊢
<affine> (P1 ={Eo}=∗ P2) -∗ atomic_acc Eo Ei α P2 β Φ.
iIntros "AU ?". iApply (aacc_update with "AU"); auto.
iSplit?; [iModIntro|..|iSplitR]; auto.
Lemma aacc_ppre_wand P1 P2 Eo Ei α β Φ :
atomic_acc Eo Ei α P1 β Φ ⊢ <affine> (P1 -∗ P2) -∗ atomic_acc Eo Ei α P2 β Φ.
Proof. rewrite aacc_ppre_fupd. repeat f_equiv. apply fupd_intro. Qed.
Lemma aacc_apost_fupd β1 β2 Eo Ei α P Φ :
atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β1 Φ ⊢
<affine> (∀.. x y, β2 x y ={Ei}=∗ β1 x y) -∗ atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β2 Φ.
iIntros "AU ?". iApply (aacc_update with "AU"); auto.
iSplit?; [iModIntro|..|iSplitL]; auto.
Lemma aacc_apost_wand β1 β2 Eo Ei α P Φ :
atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β1 Φ ⊢
<affine> (∀.. x y, β2 x y -∗ β1 x y) -∗ atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β2 Φ.
Proof. rewrite aacc_apost_fupd. repeat f_equiv. apply fupd_intro. Qed.
Lemma aacc_ppost_fupd Φ1 Φ2 Eo Ei α P β :
atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β Φ1 ⊢
<affine> (∀.. x y, Φ1 x y ={Eo}=∗ Φ2 x y) -∗ atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β Φ2.
iIntros "AU ?". iApply (aacc_update with "AU"); auto.
iSplit?; [iModIntro|..|iSplitR]; auto.
Lemma aacc_ppost_wand Φ1 Φ2 Eo Ei α P β :
atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β Φ1 ⊢
<affine> (∀.. x y, Φ1 x y -∗ Φ2 x y) -∗ atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β Φ2.
Proof. rewrite aacc_ppost_fupd. repeat f_equiv. apply fupd_intro. Qed.
End updates.
Lemma aacc_mask_weaken Eo1 Eo2 Ei α P β Φ :
Eo1 ⊆ Eo2 → atomic_acc Eo1 Ei α P β Φ ⊢ atomic_acc Eo2 Ei α P β Φ.
iIntros (?) "AU". iApply (aacc_update with "AU"); auto.
iSplit?; [iModIntro|..|iSplitL]; auto.
Lemma aacc_mask_strengthen Ei1 Ei2 Eo α P β Φ :
Ei1 ⊆ Ei2 → atomic_acc Eo Ei2 α P β Φ ⊢ atomic_acc Eo Ei1 α P β Φ.
iIntros (?) "AU". iApply (aacc_update with "AU"); auto.
iSplit?; [iModIntro|..|iSplitL]; auto.
Lemma aacc_apre_fupd α1 α2 Eo Ei P β Φ :
atomic_acc Eo Ei α1 P β Φ ⊢
□ (∀.. x, α1 x ∗={Ei}=∗ α2 x) -∗ atomic_acc Eo Ei α2 P β Φ.
iIntros "AU #?". iApply (aacc_update with "AU"); auto.
iSplit?; [iModIntro|..|iSplitL]; auto.
Lemma aacc_apre_wand α1 α2 Eo Ei P β Φ :
atomic_acc Eo Ei α1 P β Φ ⊢
□ (∀.. x, α1 x ∗-∗ α2 x) -∗ atomic_acc Eo Ei α2 P β Φ.
Proof. rewrite aacc_apre_fupd. repeat f_equiv. apply fupd_iff_intro. Qed.
(* Here and below, we need <affine> because the fancy update will only be used on AU aborts. *)
Lemma aacc_ppre_fupd P1 P2 Eo Ei α β Φ :
atomic_acc Eo Ei α P1 β Φ ⊢
<affine> (P1 ={Eo}=∗ P2) -∗ atomic_acc Eo Ei α P2 β Φ.
iIntros "AU ?". iApply (aacc_update with "AU"); auto.
iSplit?; [iModIntro|..|iSplitR]; auto.
Lemma aacc_ppre_wand P1 P2 Eo Ei α β Φ :
atomic_acc Eo Ei α P1 β Φ ⊢ <affine> (P1 -∗ P2) -∗ atomic_acc Eo Ei α P2 β Φ.
Proof. rewrite aacc_ppre_fupd. repeat f_equiv. apply fupd_intro. Qed.
Lemma aacc_apost_fupd β1 β2 Eo Ei α P Φ :
atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β1 Φ ⊢
<affine> (∀.. x y, β2 x y ={Ei}=∗ β1 x y) -∗ atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β2 Φ.
iIntros "AU ?". iApply (aacc_update with "AU"); auto.
iSplit?; [iModIntro|..|iSplitL]; auto.
Lemma aacc_apost_wand β1 β2 Eo Ei α P Φ :
atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β1 Φ ⊢
<affine> (∀.. x y, β2 x y -∗ β1 x y) -∗ atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β2 Φ.
Proof. rewrite aacc_apost_fupd. repeat f_equiv. apply fupd_intro. Qed.
Lemma aacc_ppost_fupd Φ1 Φ2 Eo Ei α P β :
atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β Φ1 ⊢
<affine> (∀.. x y, Φ1 x y ={Eo}=∗ Φ2 x y) -∗ atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β Φ2.
iIntros "AU ?". iApply (aacc_update with "AU"); auto.
iSplit?; [iModIntro|..|iSplitR]; auto.
Lemma aacc_ppost_wand Φ1 Φ2 Eo Ei α P β :
atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β Φ1 ⊢
<affine> (∀.. x y, Φ1 x y -∗ Φ2 x y) -∗ atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β Φ2.
Proof. rewrite aacc_ppost_fupd. repeat f_equiv. apply fupd_intro. Qed.
End updates.
Atomic accessors and the outer mask Attribution: The following are inspired by Iris' interface for
Lemma fupd_aacc Eo Ei α P β Φ :
(|={Eo}=> atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β Φ) ⊢ atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β Φ.
Proof. iIntros "AU". by iMod "AU" as "$". Qed.
Lemma aacc_fupd Eo Ei α P β Φ :
atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β (λ.. x y, |={Eo}=> Φ x y) ⊢ atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β Φ.
iIntros "AU". iApply (aacc_ppost_fupd with "AU").
iIntros "!>" (x y) "HΦ". rewrite !tele_app_bind. iExact "HΦ".
(* PDS: Analog of wp_atomic? *)
(|={Eo}=> atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β Φ) ⊢ atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β Φ.
Proof. iIntros "AU". by iMod "AU" as "$". Qed.
Lemma aacc_fupd Eo Ei α P β Φ :
atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β (λ.. x y, |={Eo}=> Φ x y) ⊢ atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β Φ.
iIntros "AU". iApply (aacc_ppost_fupd with "AU").
iIntros "!>" (x y) "HΦ". rewrite !tele_app_bind. iExact "HΦ".
(* PDS: Analog of wp_atomic? *)
We can frame knowledge into any component of an atomic accessor.
We can't frame arbitrary resources, as in fupd_frame_r, but some
of the rules could be strengthened to framing any Affine R
(dropping the Persistent assumption). Consider framing R into a
public postcondition Φ. We get both R and a conjunction of
updates ABORT //\\ COMMIT and we have to prove ABORT //\\
COMMIT' (where COMMIT' mentions R). To handle the ABORT case,
we need Affine R, but we don't care if it's persistent.
Section framing.
Local Set Default Proof Using "Type*".
Context (R : PROP) `{!Affine R, !Persistent R}.
Context (Eo Ei : coPset) α (P : PROP) β Φ.
Lemma aacc_apre_frame_l :
R ∗ atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β Φ ⊢ atomic_acc Eo Ei (λ.. x, R ∗ α x) P β Φ.
iIntros "[#R AU]". iApply (aacc_apre_wand with "AU"); auto.
iIntros "!>" (x). rewrite tele_app_bind. iSplit. (* R ⊢ (P ∗-∗ R ∗ P) *)
- iIntros "$". iFrame "R".
- iIntros "[_ $]".
Lemma aacc_apre_frame_r :
atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β Φ ∗ R ⊢ atomic_acc Eo Ei (λ.. x, α x ∗ R) P β Φ.
rewrite comm aacc_apre_frame_l.
iIntros "AU". iApply (aacc_apre_wand with "AU"); auto.
iIntros "!>" (x). rewrite !tele_app_bind comm. auto.
Lemma aacc_ppre_frame_l :
R ∗ atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β Φ ⊢ atomic_acc Eo Ei α (R ∗ P) β Φ.
Proof. iIntros "[#R AU]". iApply (aacc_ppre_wand with "AU"); auto. Qed.
Lemma aacc_ppre_frame_r :
atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β Φ ∗ R ⊢ atomic_acc Eo Ei α (P ∗ R) β Φ.
Proof. by rewrite comm aacc_ppre_frame_l [(R ∗ P)%I]comm. Qed.
Lemma aacc_apost_frame_l :
R ∗ atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β Φ ⊢
atomic_acc Eo Ei α P (λ.. x y, R ∗ β x y) Φ.
iIntros "[#R AU]". iApply (aacc_apost_wand with "AU"); auto.
iIntros "!>" (x y). rewrite !tele_app_bind. iIntros "[_ $]".
Lemma aacc_apost_frame_r :
atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β Φ ∗ R ⊢
atomic_acc Eo Ei α P (λ.. x y, β x y ∗ R) Φ.
rewrite comm aacc_apost_frame_l.
iIntros "AU". iApply (aacc_apost_wand with "AU"); auto.
iIntros "!>" (x y). rewrite !tele_app_bind comm. auto.
Lemma aacc_ppost_frame_l :
R ∗ atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β Φ ⊢
atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β (λ.. x y, R ∗ Φ x y).
iIntros "[#R AU]". iApply (aacc_ppost_wand with "AU"); auto.
iIntros "!>" (x y). rewrite !tele_app_bind. iIntros "$". iFrame "R".
Lemma aacc_ppost_frame_r :
atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β Φ ∗ R ⊢
atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β (λ.. x y, Φ x y ∗ R).
rewrite comm aacc_ppost_frame_l.
iIntros "AU". iApply (aacc_ppost_wand with "AU"); auto.
iIntros "!>" (x y). rewrite !tele_app_bind comm. auto.
End framing.
Local Set Default Proof Using "Type*".
Context (R : PROP) `{!Affine R, !Persistent R}.
Context (Eo Ei : coPset) α (P : PROP) β Φ.
Lemma aacc_apre_frame_l :
R ∗ atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β Φ ⊢ atomic_acc Eo Ei (λ.. x, R ∗ α x) P β Φ.
iIntros "[#R AU]". iApply (aacc_apre_wand with "AU"); auto.
iIntros "!>" (x). rewrite tele_app_bind. iSplit. (* R ⊢ (P ∗-∗ R ∗ P) *)
- iIntros "$". iFrame "R".
- iIntros "[_ $]".
Lemma aacc_apre_frame_r :
atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β Φ ∗ R ⊢ atomic_acc Eo Ei (λ.. x, α x ∗ R) P β Φ.
rewrite comm aacc_apre_frame_l.
iIntros "AU". iApply (aacc_apre_wand with "AU"); auto.
iIntros "!>" (x). rewrite !tele_app_bind comm. auto.
Lemma aacc_ppre_frame_l :
R ∗ atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β Φ ⊢ atomic_acc Eo Ei α (R ∗ P) β Φ.
Proof. iIntros "[#R AU]". iApply (aacc_ppre_wand with "AU"); auto. Qed.
Lemma aacc_ppre_frame_r :
atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β Φ ∗ R ⊢ atomic_acc Eo Ei α (P ∗ R) β Φ.
Proof. by rewrite comm aacc_ppre_frame_l [(R ∗ P)%I]comm. Qed.
Lemma aacc_apost_frame_l :
R ∗ atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β Φ ⊢
atomic_acc Eo Ei α P (λ.. x y, R ∗ β x y) Φ.
iIntros "[#R AU]". iApply (aacc_apost_wand with "AU"); auto.
iIntros "!>" (x y). rewrite !tele_app_bind. iIntros "[_ $]".
Lemma aacc_apost_frame_r :
atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β Φ ∗ R ⊢
atomic_acc Eo Ei α P (λ.. x y, β x y ∗ R) Φ.
rewrite comm aacc_apost_frame_l.
iIntros "AU". iApply (aacc_apost_wand with "AU"); auto.
iIntros "!>" (x y). rewrite !tele_app_bind comm. auto.
Lemma aacc_ppost_frame_l :
R ∗ atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β Φ ⊢
atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β (λ.. x y, R ∗ Φ x y).
iIntros "[#R AU]". iApply (aacc_ppost_wand with "AU"); auto.
iIntros "!>" (x y). rewrite !tele_app_bind. iIntros "$". iFrame "R".
Lemma aacc_ppost_frame_r :
atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β Φ ∗ R ⊢
atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β (λ.. x y, Φ x y ∗ R).
rewrite comm aacc_ppost_frame_l.
iIntros "AU". iApply (aacc_ppost_wand with "AU"); auto.
iIntros "!>" (x y). rewrite !tele_app_bind comm. auto.
End framing.
Lemma aacc_apre_mono α1 α2 Eo Ei P β Φ :
(∀.. x, α1 x ⊣⊢ α2 x) →
atomic_acc Eo Ei α1 P β Φ ⊢ atomic_acc Eo Ei α2 P β Φ.
rewrite tforall_forall.
iIntros (Hα) "AU". iApply (aacc_apre_wand with "AU"); auto.
(* PDS: Proofmode vs telescopes: should be able to iApply here. *)
iIntros "!>" (x). iApply Hα.
Lemma aacc_ppre_mono P1 P2 Eo Ei α β Φ :
(P1 ⊢ P2) → atomic_acc Eo Ei α P1 β Φ ⊢ atomic_acc Eo Ei α P2 β Φ.
iIntros (Hα) "AU". iApply (aacc_ppre_wand with "AU"); auto. iApply Hα.
Lemma aacc_apost_mono β1 β2 Eo Ei α P Φ :
(∀.. x y, β2 x y ⊢ β1 x y) →
atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β1 Φ ⊢ atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β2 Φ.
iIntros (Hβ) "AU". iApply (aacc_apost_wand with "AU"); auto.
(* PDS: Proofmode vs telescopes: should be able to iApply here. *)
iIntros "!>" (x y).
move: Hβ=>/tforall_forall/(_ x) /tforall_forall/(_ y)=>Hβ.
iApply Hβ.
Lemma aacc_ppost_mono Φ1 Φ2 Eo Ei α P β :
(∀.. x y, Φ1 x y ⊢ Φ2 x y) →
atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β Φ1 ⊢ atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β Φ2.
iIntros (HΦ) "AU". iApply (aacc_ppost_wand with "AU"); auto.
(* PDS: Proofmode vs telescopes: should be able to iApply here. *)
iIntros "!>" (x y).
move: HΦ=>/tforall_forall/(_ x) /tforall_forall/(_ y)=>HΦ.
iApply HΦ.
Section proofmode.
(∀.. x, α1 x ⊣⊢ α2 x) →
atomic_acc Eo Ei α1 P β Φ ⊢ atomic_acc Eo Ei α2 P β Φ.
rewrite tforall_forall.
iIntros (Hα) "AU". iApply (aacc_apre_wand with "AU"); auto.
(* PDS: Proofmode vs telescopes: should be able to iApply here. *)
iIntros "!>" (x). iApply Hα.
Lemma aacc_ppre_mono P1 P2 Eo Ei α β Φ :
(P1 ⊢ P2) → atomic_acc Eo Ei α P1 β Φ ⊢ atomic_acc Eo Ei α P2 β Φ.
iIntros (Hα) "AU". iApply (aacc_ppre_wand with "AU"); auto. iApply Hα.
Lemma aacc_apost_mono β1 β2 Eo Ei α P Φ :
(∀.. x y, β2 x y ⊢ β1 x y) →
atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β1 Φ ⊢ atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β2 Φ.
iIntros (Hβ) "AU". iApply (aacc_apost_wand with "AU"); auto.
(* PDS: Proofmode vs telescopes: should be able to iApply here. *)
iIntros "!>" (x y).
move: Hβ=>/tforall_forall/(_ x) /tforall_forall/(_ y)=>Hβ.
iApply Hβ.
Lemma aacc_ppost_mono Φ1 Φ2 Eo Ei α P β :
(∀.. x y, Φ1 x y ⊢ Φ2 x y) →
atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β Φ1 ⊢ atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β Φ2.
iIntros (HΦ) "AU". iApply (aacc_ppost_wand with "AU"); auto.
(* PDS: Proofmode vs telescopes: should be able to iApply here. *)
iIntros "!>" (x y).
move: HΦ=>/tforall_forall/(_ x) /tforall_forall/(_ y)=>HΦ.
iApply HΦ.
Section proofmode.
We prove no Frame instances. Atomic preconditions and atomic
postconditions seem incompatible with Frame. Framing in the public
precondition seems useless, and an instance would slow down IPM
framing. We want a Frame instance for public postconditions.
PDS: Proving various Frame instances for public postconditions is
easy. Writing them so they work, or debugging the typeclass
resolution problems that arise is not (at least for me).
We don't need an IsExecpt0 instance for atomic_acc, which
lets the IPM strip laters from, e.g., timeless propositions when the
goal is an atomic accessor. It's covered by the forwarding instance
elim_modal_acc, the IsExcept0 instance for fancy updates, and
the fact that the proof mode strips laters using ElimModal.
Lemma test_is_except_0 Q Eo Ei α P β Φ `{!Timeless Q} :
▷ Q ⊢ atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β Φ.
Proof. iIntros ">Q". Abort.
▷ Q ⊢ atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β Φ.
Proof. iIntros ">Q". Abort.
Lemma test_before Eo Ei α P β Φ :
atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β Φ ⊢ |={Eo}=> emp.
Proof. iIntros "AU". Fail iMod "AU". Abort.
Global Instance elim_mod_aacc φ E Q Q' Eo Ei α β P Φ :
(∀ R, ElimModal φ false false (|={E,Ei}=> R) R Q Q') →
ElimModal (φ ∧ Eo ⊆ E) false false
(atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β Φ)
(∃.. x, α x ∗
(α x ={Ei,E}=∗ P) ∧
(∀.. y, β x y ={Ei,E}=∗ Φ x y)) Q Q'.
intros ?. rewrite/ElimModal. simpl. iIntros ([??]) "[AU HQ]".
rewrite (aacc_mask_weaken _ E)// /atomic_acc. iMod "AU".
by iApply "HQ".
Lemma test_after Eo Ei α P β Φ :
atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β Φ ⊢ |={Eo}=> emp.
Proof. iIntros "AU". iMod "AU". Abort.
atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β Φ ⊢ |={Eo}=> emp.
Proof. iIntros "AU". Fail iMod "AU". Abort.
Global Instance elim_mod_aacc φ E Q Q' Eo Ei α β P Φ :
(∀ R, ElimModal φ false false (|={E,Ei}=> R) R Q Q') →
ElimModal (φ ∧ Eo ⊆ E) false false
(atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β Φ)
(∃.. x, α x ∗
(α x ={Ei,E}=∗ P) ∧
(∀.. y, β x y ={Ei,E}=∗ Φ x y)) Q Q'.
intros ?. rewrite/ElimModal. simpl. iIntros ([??]) "[AU HQ]".
rewrite (aacc_mask_weaken _ E)// /atomic_acc. iMod "AU".
by iApply "HQ".
Lemma test_after Eo Ei α P β Φ :
atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β Φ ⊢ |={Eo}=> emp.
Proof. iIntros "AU". iMod "AU". Abort.
Let the proof mode specialization pattern [> H1 ... Hn] add
fancy updates when the goal is an atomic accessor.
Lemma test_before R Q Eo Ei α P β Φ :
(R -∗ atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β Φ) ⊢ Q -∗ atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β Φ.
Proof. iIntros "HR Q". Fail iSpecialize ("HR" with "[> Q]"). Abort.
Global Instance add_modal_fupd_aacc R Eo Ei α P β Φ :
AddModal (|={Eo}=> R) R (atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β Φ).
Proof. rewrite/atomic_acc. apply _. Qed.
Lemma test_after R Q Eo Ei α P β Φ :
(R -∗ atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β Φ) ⊢ Q -∗ atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β Φ.
Proof. iIntros "HR Q". iSpecialize ("HR" with "[> Q]"). Abort.
End proofmode.
End atomic_acc.
(R -∗ atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β Φ) ⊢ Q -∗ atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β Φ.
Proof. iIntros "HR Q". Fail iSpecialize ("HR" with "[> Q]"). Abort.
Global Instance add_modal_fupd_aacc R Eo Ei α P β Φ :
AddModal (|={Eo}=> R) R (atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β Φ).
Proof. rewrite/atomic_acc. apply _. Qed.
Lemma test_after R Q Eo Ei α P β Φ :
(R -∗ atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β Φ) ⊢ Q -∗ atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β Φ.
Proof. iIntros "HR Q". iSpecialize ("HR" with "[> Q]"). Abort.
End proofmode.
End atomic_acc.
Section atomic_update.
Context `{BiFUpd PROP} {TA TB : tele}.
Implicit Types (α : TA → PROP).
Implicit Types (β Φ : TA → TB → PROP).
Context `{BiFUpd PROP} {TA TB : tele}.
Implicit Types (α : TA → PROP).
Implicit Types (β Φ : TA → TB → PROP).
Workhorse for rewriting parts of an atomic update.
Lemma aupd_update Eo1 Eo2 Ei1 Ei2 α1 α2 β1 β2 Φ1 Φ2 :
Eo1 ⊆ Eo2 → Ei2 ⊆ Ei1 →
atomic_update Eo1 Ei1 α1 β1 Φ1 ⊢
((□ ∀.. x, α1 x ∗={Ei1}=∗ α2 x) ∗
(∀.. x y, β2 x y ={Ei2}=∗ β1 x y) ∗
(∀.. x y, Φ1 x y ={Eo1}=∗ Φ2 x y)) -∗
atomic_update Eo2 Ei2 α2 β2 Φ2.
iIntros (??) "AU (#Apre & Apost & Ppost)". iAuIntro. rewrite {1}aupd_aacc.
iApply (aacc_update with "AU"); auto.
iSplit?; [iModIntro|iIntros "$ !>"|..]; eauto with iFrame.
Eo1 ⊆ Eo2 → Ei2 ⊆ Ei1 →
atomic_update Eo1 Ei1 α1 β1 Φ1 ⊢
((□ ∀.. x, α1 x ∗={Ei1}=∗ α2 x) ∗
(∀.. x y, β2 x y ={Ei2}=∗ β1 x y) ∗
(∀.. x y, Φ1 x y ={Eo1}=∗ Φ2 x y)) -∗
atomic_update Eo2 Ei2 α2 β2 Φ2.
iIntros (??) "AU (#Apre & Apost & Ppost)". iAuIntro. rewrite {1}aupd_aacc.
iApply (aacc_update with "AU"); auto.
iSplit?; [iModIntro|iIntros "$ !>"|..]; eauto with iFrame.
Easy corollaries of aupd_update
Section updates.
Lemma aupd_mask_weaken Eo1 Eo2 Ei α β Φ :
Eo1 ⊆ Eo2 → atomic_update Eo1 Ei α β Φ ⊢ atomic_update Eo2 Ei α β Φ.
iIntros (?) "AU". iApply (aupd_update with "AU"); auto.
iSplit?; [iModIntro|..|iSplitR]; auto.
Lemma aupd_mask_strengthen Ei1 Ei2 Eo α β Φ :
Ei1 ⊆ Ei2 → atomic_update Eo Ei2 α β Φ ⊢ atomic_update Eo Ei1 α β Φ.
iIntros (?) "AU". iApply (aupd_update with "AU"); auto.
iSplit?; [iModIntro|..|iSplitR]; auto.
Lemma aupd_apre_fupd α1 α2 Eo Ei β Φ :
atomic_update Eo Ei α1 β Φ ⊢
□ (∀.. x, α1 x ∗={Ei}=∗ α2 x) -∗ atomic_update Eo Ei α2 β Φ.
iIntros "AU #?". iApply (aupd_update with "AU"); auto.
iSplit?; [iModIntro|..|iSplitR]; auto.
Lemma aupd_apre_wand α1 α2 Eo Ei β Φ :
atomic_update Eo Ei α1 β Φ ⊢
□ (∀.. x, α1 x ∗-∗ α2 x) -∗ atomic_update Eo Ei α2 β Φ.
Proof. rewrite aupd_apre_fupd. repeat f_equiv. apply fupd_iff_intro. Qed.
Lemma aupd_apost_fupd β1 β2 Eo Ei α Φ :
atomic_update Eo Ei α β1 Φ ⊢
(∀.. x y, β2 x y ={Ei}=∗ β1 x y) -∗ atomic_update Eo Ei α β2 Φ.
iIntros "AU ?". iApply (aupd_update with "AU"); auto.
iSplit?; [iModIntro|..|iSplitL]; auto.
Lemma aupd_apost_wand β1 β2 Eo Ei α Φ :
atomic_update Eo Ei α β1 Φ ⊢
(∀.. x y, β2 x y -∗ β1 x y) -∗ atomic_update Eo Ei α β2 Φ.
Proof. rewrite aupd_apost_fupd. repeat f_equiv. apply fupd_intro. Qed.
Lemma aupd_ppost_fupd Φ1 Φ2 Eo Ei α β :
atomic_update Eo Ei α β Φ1 ⊢
(∀.. x y, Φ1 x y ={Eo}=∗ Φ2 x y) -∗ atomic_update Eo Ei α β Φ2.
iIntros "AU ?". iApply (aupd_update with "AU"); auto.
iSplit?; [iModIntro|..|iSplitR]; auto.
Lemma aupd_ppost_wand Φ1 Φ2 Eo Ei α β :
atomic_update Eo Ei α β Φ1 ⊢
(∀.. x y, Φ1 x y -∗ Φ2 x y) -∗ atomic_update Eo Ei α β Φ2.
Proof. rewrite aupd_ppost_fupd. repeat f_equiv. apply fupd_intro. Qed.
End updates.
Lemma aupd_mask_weaken Eo1 Eo2 Ei α β Φ :
Eo1 ⊆ Eo2 → atomic_update Eo1 Ei α β Φ ⊢ atomic_update Eo2 Ei α β Φ.
iIntros (?) "AU". iApply (aupd_update with "AU"); auto.
iSplit?; [iModIntro|..|iSplitR]; auto.
Lemma aupd_mask_strengthen Ei1 Ei2 Eo α β Φ :
Ei1 ⊆ Ei2 → atomic_update Eo Ei2 α β Φ ⊢ atomic_update Eo Ei1 α β Φ.
iIntros (?) "AU". iApply (aupd_update with "AU"); auto.
iSplit?; [iModIntro|..|iSplitR]; auto.
Lemma aupd_apre_fupd α1 α2 Eo Ei β Φ :
atomic_update Eo Ei α1 β Φ ⊢
□ (∀.. x, α1 x ∗={Ei}=∗ α2 x) -∗ atomic_update Eo Ei α2 β Φ.
iIntros "AU #?". iApply (aupd_update with "AU"); auto.
iSplit?; [iModIntro|..|iSplitR]; auto.
Lemma aupd_apre_wand α1 α2 Eo Ei β Φ :
atomic_update Eo Ei α1 β Φ ⊢
□ (∀.. x, α1 x ∗-∗ α2 x) -∗ atomic_update Eo Ei α2 β Φ.
Proof. rewrite aupd_apre_fupd. repeat f_equiv. apply fupd_iff_intro. Qed.
Lemma aupd_apost_fupd β1 β2 Eo Ei α Φ :
atomic_update Eo Ei α β1 Φ ⊢
(∀.. x y, β2 x y ={Ei}=∗ β1 x y) -∗ atomic_update Eo Ei α β2 Φ.
iIntros "AU ?". iApply (aupd_update with "AU"); auto.
iSplit?; [iModIntro|..|iSplitL]; auto.
Lemma aupd_apost_wand β1 β2 Eo Ei α Φ :
atomic_update Eo Ei α β1 Φ ⊢
(∀.. x y, β2 x y -∗ β1 x y) -∗ atomic_update Eo Ei α β2 Φ.
Proof. rewrite aupd_apost_fupd. repeat f_equiv. apply fupd_intro. Qed.
Lemma aupd_ppost_fupd Φ1 Φ2 Eo Ei α β :
atomic_update Eo Ei α β Φ1 ⊢
(∀.. x y, Φ1 x y ={Eo}=∗ Φ2 x y) -∗ atomic_update Eo Ei α β Φ2.
iIntros "AU ?". iApply (aupd_update with "AU"); auto.
iSplit?; [iModIntro|..|iSplitR]; auto.
Lemma aupd_ppost_wand Φ1 Φ2 Eo Ei α β :
atomic_update Eo Ei α β Φ1 ⊢
(∀.. x y, Φ1 x y -∗ Φ2 x y) -∗ atomic_update Eo Ei α β Φ2.
Proof. rewrite aupd_ppost_fupd. repeat f_equiv. apply fupd_intro. Qed.
End updates.
Lemma aupd_fupd Eo Ei α β Φ :
atomic_update Eo Ei α β (λ.. x y, |={Eo}=> Φ x y) ⊢
atomic_update Eo Ei α β Φ.
iIntros "AU". iApply (aupd_update with "AU"); auto.
iSplit?; [iModIntro|..|iSplitR]; auto.
iIntros (x y) "HΦ". rewrite !tele_app_bind. iExact "HΦ".
Section framing.
Local Set Default Proof Using "Type*".
Context (R : PROP) `{!Affine R, !Persistent R}.
Context (Eo Ei : coPset) α β Φ.
Lemma aupd_apre_frame_l :
R ∗ atomic_update Eo Ei α β Φ ⊢ atomic_update Eo Ei (λ.. x, R ∗ α x) β Φ.
iIntros "[#R AU]". iApply (aupd_apre_wand with "AU"); auto.
iIntros "!>" (x). rewrite tele_app_bind. iSplit. (* R ⊢ (P ∗-∗ R ∗ P) *)
- iIntros "$". iFrame "R".
- iIntros "[_ $]".
Lemma aupd_apre_frame_r :
atomic_update Eo Ei α β Φ ∗ R ⊢ atomic_update Eo Ei (λ.. x, α x ∗ R) β Φ.
rewrite comm aupd_apre_frame_l.
iIntros "AU". iApply (aupd_apre_wand with "AU"); auto.
iIntros "!>" (x). rewrite !tele_app_bind comm. auto.
Lemma aupd_apost_frame_l :
R ∗ atomic_update Eo Ei α β Φ ⊢
atomic_update Eo Ei α (λ.. x y, R ∗ β x y) Φ.
iIntros "[#R AU]". iApply (aupd_apost_wand with "AU"); auto.
iIntros (x y). rewrite !tele_app_bind. iIntros "[_ $]".
Lemma aupd_apost_frame_r :
atomic_update Eo Ei α β Φ ∗ R ⊢
atomic_update Eo Ei α (λ.. x y, β x y ∗ R) Φ.
rewrite comm aupd_apost_frame_l.
iIntros "AU". iApply (aupd_apost_wand with "AU"); auto.
iIntros (x y). rewrite !tele_app_bind comm. auto.
Lemma aupd_ppost_frame_l :
R ∗ atomic_update Eo Ei α β Φ ⊢
atomic_update Eo Ei α β (λ.. x y, R ∗ Φ x y).
iIntros "[#R AU]". iApply (aupd_ppost_wand with "AU"); auto.
iIntros (x y). rewrite !tele_app_bind. iIntros "$". iFrame "R".
Lemma aupd_ppost_frame_r :
atomic_update Eo Ei α β Φ ∗ R ⊢
atomic_update Eo Ei α β (λ.. x y, Φ x y ∗ R).
rewrite comm aupd_ppost_frame_l.
iIntros "AU". iApply (aupd_ppost_wand with "AU"); auto.
iIntros (x y). rewrite !tele_app_bind comm. auto.
End framing.
Lemma aupd_apre_mono α1 α2 Eo Ei β Φ :
(∀.. x, α1 x ⊣⊢ α2 x) →
atomic_update Eo Ei α1 β Φ ⊢ atomic_update Eo Ei α2 β Φ.
rewrite tforall_forall.
iIntros (Hα) "AU". iApply (aupd_apre_wand with "AU"); auto.
(* PDS: Proofmode vs telescopes: should be able to iApply here. *)
iIntros "!>" (x). iApply Hα.
Lemma aupd_apost_mono β1 β2 Eo Ei α Φ :
(∀.. x y, β2 x y ⊢ β1 x y) →
atomic_update Eo Ei α β1 Φ ⊢ atomic_update Eo Ei α β2 Φ.
iIntros (Hβ) "AU". iApply (aupd_apost_wand with "AU"); auto.
(* PDS: Proofmode vs telescopes: should be able to iApply here. *)
iIntros (x y).
move: Hβ=>/tforall_forall/(_ x) /tforall_forall/(_ y)=>Hβ.
iApply Hβ.
Lemma aupd_ppost_mono Φ1 Φ2 Eo Ei α β :
(∀.. x y, Φ1 x y ⊢ Φ2 x y) →
atomic_update Eo Ei α β Φ1 ⊢ atomic_update Eo Ei α β Φ2.
iIntros (HΦ) "AU". iApply (aupd_ppost_wand with "AU"); auto.
(* PDS: Proofmode vs telescopes: should be able to iApply here. *)
iIntros (x y).
move: HΦ=>/tforall_forall/(_ x) /tforall_forall/(_ y)=>HΦ.
iApply HΦ.
(∀.. x, α1 x ⊣⊢ α2 x) →
atomic_update Eo Ei α1 β Φ ⊢ atomic_update Eo Ei α2 β Φ.
rewrite tforall_forall.
iIntros (Hα) "AU". iApply (aupd_apre_wand with "AU"); auto.
(* PDS: Proofmode vs telescopes: should be able to iApply here. *)
iIntros "!>" (x). iApply Hα.
Lemma aupd_apost_mono β1 β2 Eo Ei α Φ :
(∀.. x y, β2 x y ⊢ β1 x y) →
atomic_update Eo Ei α β1 Φ ⊢ atomic_update Eo Ei α β2 Φ.
iIntros (Hβ) "AU". iApply (aupd_apost_wand with "AU"); auto.
(* PDS: Proofmode vs telescopes: should be able to iApply here. *)
iIntros (x y).
move: Hβ=>/tforall_forall/(_ x) /tforall_forall/(_ y)=>Hβ.
iApply Hβ.
Lemma aupd_ppost_mono Φ1 Φ2 Eo Ei α β :
(∀.. x y, Φ1 x y ⊢ Φ2 x y) →
atomic_update Eo Ei α β Φ1 ⊢ atomic_update Eo Ei α β Φ2.
iIntros (HΦ) "AU". iApply (aupd_ppost_wand with "AU"); auto.
(* PDS: Proofmode vs telescopes: should be able to iApply here. *)
iIntros (x y).
move: HΦ=>/tforall_forall/(_ x) /tforall_forall/(_ y)=>HΦ.
iApply HΦ.
Properties relevant to automation
Lemma aupd_obs_fupd P Eo Ei α β Φ :
atomic_update Eo Ei α β Φ ⊢
(∀.. x, α x ={Ei}=∗ α x ∗ P) ={Eo}=∗ atomic_update Eo Ei α β Φ ∗ P.
iIntros "AU Obs". iMod "AU" as (x) "[Hα Close]".
iMod ("Obs" with "Hα") as "[Hα $]". by iMod ("Close" with "Hα") as "$".
Lemma aupd_obs_wand P Eo Ei α β Φ :
atomic_update Eo Ei α β Φ ⊢
(∀.. x, α x -∗ α x ∗ P) ={Eo}=∗ atomic_update Eo Ei α β Φ ∗ P.
iIntros "AU Obs". iApply (aupd_obs_fupd with "AU [Obs]").
iIntros (x) "Hα !>". by iApply "Obs".
Lemma aupd_obs P Eo Ei α β Φ :
(∀.. x, α x ⊢ α x ∗ P) →
atomic_update Eo Ei α β Φ ⊢ |={Eo}=> atomic_update Eo Ei α β Φ ∗ P.
rewrite tforall_forall. iIntros (Hobs) "AU".
iMod (aupd_obs_wand P with "AU []") as "$"; auto.
iIntros (x). iApply Hobs.
atomic_update Eo Ei α β Φ ⊢
(∀.. x, α x ={Ei}=∗ α x ∗ P) ={Eo}=∗ atomic_update Eo Ei α β Φ ∗ P.
iIntros "AU Obs". iMod "AU" as (x) "[Hα Close]".
iMod ("Obs" with "Hα") as "[Hα $]". by iMod ("Close" with "Hα") as "$".
Lemma aupd_obs_wand P Eo Ei α β Φ :
atomic_update Eo Ei α β Φ ⊢
(∀.. x, α x -∗ α x ∗ P) ={Eo}=∗ atomic_update Eo Ei α β Φ ∗ P.
iIntros "AU Obs". iApply (aupd_obs_fupd with "AU [Obs]").
iIntros (x) "Hα !>". by iApply "Obs".
Lemma aupd_obs P Eo Ei α β Φ :
(∀.. x, α x ⊢ α x ∗ P) →
atomic_update Eo Ei α β Φ ⊢ |={Eo}=> atomic_update Eo Ei α β Φ ∗ P.
rewrite tforall_forall. iIntros (Hobs) "AU".
iMod (aupd_obs_wand P with "AU []") as "$"; auto.
iIntros (x). iApply Hobs.
PDS: This is intended to help with zeta390.
Our aim is to change an atomic precondition based on knowledge
gleaned from it. A common place where this can be used is to
manifest pointers outside of atomic updates, e.g.
[[ AU << this ., _foo |-> ... >> ... ]]
[[ valid_ptr (this ., _foo) ** AU << this ., _foo |-> ... >> ...]].
Lemma aupd_normalize (P : PROP) `{!Affine P, !Persistent P} α α' Eo Ei β Φ :
(∀.. x, α x ⊣⊢ α' x ∗ P) →
atomic_update Eo Ei α β Φ ⊢ |={Eo}=> atomic_update Eo Ei α' β Φ ∗ P.
rewrite tforall_forall=>Obs. iIntros "AU".
iMod (aupd_obs P with "AU") as "[AU #P]".
{ rewrite tforall_forall=>x. rewrite (Obs x). iIntros "[$ #$]". }
iFrame "P". iModIntro. iApply (aupd_apre_wand with "AU").
iIntros "!>" (x). rewrite (Obs x). iSplit.
by iIntros "[$ _]". by iIntros "$"; iFrame "P".
End auto.
End atomic_update.
(∀.. x, α x ⊣⊢ α' x ∗ P) →
atomic_update Eo Ei α β Φ ⊢ |={Eo}=> atomic_update Eo Ei α' β Φ ∗ P.
rewrite tforall_forall=>Obs. iIntros "AU".
iMod (aupd_obs P with "AU") as "[AU #P]".
{ rewrite tforall_forall=>x. rewrite (Obs x). iIntros "[$ #$]". }
iFrame "P". iModIntro. iApply (aupd_apre_wand with "AU").
iIntros "!>" (x). rewrite (Obs x). iSplit.
by iIntros "[$ _]". by iIntros "$"; iFrame "P".
End auto.
End atomic_update.