* Copyright (c) 2020-21 BlueRock Security, Inc.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
* The following code contains code derived from code original to the
* stdpp project. That original code is
* Copyright stdpp developers and contributors
* and used according to the following license.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
* Original stdpp License:
Require Import stdpp.base.
Require Import stdpp.decidable.
Require Import stdpp.countable.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.base.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.option.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.list_numbers.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.finite.
#[local] Open Scope N_scope.
Implicit Types (n : N) (p : positive).
(* XXX: New proofs of existing lemmas, to enable Qed-free `eq_refl` proofs below.
Namespaced to avoid unintended uses outside.
These use tactics, but very carefully to control generated proof terms, and avoid
(say) setoid rewriting with opaque stdlib lemmas. *)
Lemma bool_decide_pack (P : Prop) {dec : Decision P} : P → bool_decide P.
intros HP.
destruct (bool_decide P) eqn:Hd; first exact I.
eapply bool_decide_eq_false_1, HP. eassumption.
Lemma f_equal_help {A B} (f g : A → B) x y : f = g → x = y → f x = g y.
Proof. intros -> ->; reflexivity. Defined.
Section dsig_transparent.
Context {A : Type} {P : A → Prop} `{!∀ x, Decision (P x)}.
Lemma dsig_eq_pi (x y : dsig P) : `x = `y ↔ x = y.
split. 2: { intros ->. reflexivity. }
destruct x as [x Px], y as [y Py]; simpl in *; unfold Is_true in *.
intros E. destruct E.
apply f_equal_help; first reflexivity.
destruct (bool_decide (P x)), Px, Py.
#[global] Instance dsig_eq_dec `{!EqDecision A} : EqDecision (dsig P).
refine (λ x y,
match decide (`x = `y) with
| left E => left _
| right NE => right _
{ apply dsig_eq_pi. assumption. }
intros E%dsig_eq_pi. apply NE, E.
#[global] Program Instance countable_dsig `{Countable A} :
Countable (dsig P) :=
inj_countable proj1_sig (λ x, Hx ← guard (bool_decide (P x)); Some (x ↾ Hx)) _.
Next Obligation.
intros ?? [x Hx]; simpl.
by erewrite (option_guard_True_pi (bool_decide (P x))).
End dsig_transparent.
Module fin.
Definition t n : Set := {m : N | bool_decide (m < n)}.
Definition mk (m : N) {n : N} (prf : m < n) : fin.t n :=
m ↾ bool_decide_pack _ prf.
#[global] Arguments mk m & {n} prf. (* & = infer n from return type. *)
* Copyright (c) 2020-21 BlueRock Security, Inc.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
* The following code contains code derived from code original to the
* stdpp project. That original code is
* Copyright stdpp developers and contributors
* and used according to the following license.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
* Original stdpp License:
Require Import stdpp.base.
Require Import stdpp.decidable.
Require Import stdpp.countable.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.base.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.option.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.list_numbers.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.finite.
#[local] Open Scope N_scope.
Implicit Types (n : N) (p : positive).
(* XXX: New proofs of existing lemmas, to enable Qed-free `eq_refl` proofs below.
Namespaced to avoid unintended uses outside.
These use tactics, but very carefully to control generated proof terms, and avoid
(say) setoid rewriting with opaque stdlib lemmas. *)
Lemma bool_decide_pack (P : Prop) {dec : Decision P} : P → bool_decide P.
intros HP.
destruct (bool_decide P) eqn:Hd; first exact I.
eapply bool_decide_eq_false_1, HP. eassumption.
Lemma f_equal_help {A B} (f g : A → B) x y : f = g → x = y → f x = g y.
Proof. intros -> ->; reflexivity. Defined.
Section dsig_transparent.
Context {A : Type} {P : A → Prop} `{!∀ x, Decision (P x)}.
Lemma dsig_eq_pi (x y : dsig P) : `x = `y ↔ x = y.
split. 2: { intros ->. reflexivity. }
destruct x as [x Px], y as [y Py]; simpl in *; unfold Is_true in *.
intros E. destruct E.
apply f_equal_help; first reflexivity.
destruct (bool_decide (P x)), Px, Py.
#[global] Instance dsig_eq_dec `{!EqDecision A} : EqDecision (dsig P).
refine (λ x y,
match decide (`x = `y) with
| left E => left _
| right NE => right _
{ apply dsig_eq_pi. assumption. }
intros E%dsig_eq_pi. apply NE, E.
#[global] Program Instance countable_dsig `{Countable A} :
Countable (dsig P) :=
inj_countable proj1_sig (λ x, Hx ← guard (bool_decide (P x)); Some (x ↾ Hx)) _.
Next Obligation.
intros ?? [x Hx]; simpl.
by erewrite (option_guard_True_pi (bool_decide (P x))).
End dsig_transparent.
Module fin.
Definition t n : Set := {m : N | bool_decide (m < n)}.
Definition mk (m : N) {n : N} (prf : m < n) : fin.t n :=
m ↾ bool_decide_pack _ prf.
#[global] Arguments mk m & {n} prf. (* & = infer n from return type. *)
The lit m notation works if both m and the bound n are ground,
since then eq_refl is a valid proof of m < n.
Notation lit m := (mk m eq_refl).
Lemma t_0_inv : fin.t 0 -> False.
Proof. move=> [x /bool_decide_unpack]. lia. Qed.
Lemma t_inv {n} (i : fin.t n) : 0 < n.
Proof. elim /N.peano_rect: n i => [/fin.t_0_inv []|]. lia. Qed.
Lemma t_0_inv : fin.t 0 -> False.
Proof. move=> [x /bool_decide_unpack]. lia. Qed.
Lemma t_inv {n} (i : fin.t n) : 0 < n.
Proof. elim /N.peano_rect: n i => [/fin.t_0_inv []|]. lia. Qed.
Definition of_N' {n : N} (Hn : 0 < n) (m : N) : fin.t n :=
match decide (m < n)%N with
| left prf => mk m prf
| right _ => mk 0 Hn
Definition of_nat' {n : N} (Hn : 0 < n) (m : nat) : fin.t n :=
of_N' Hn (N.of_nat m).
Definition of_N (p : positive) (m : N) : t (Npos p) :=
of_N' (n := Npos p) eq_refl m.
Definition of_nat (p : positive) (m : nat) : fin.t (Npos p) :=
fin.of_N p (N.of_nat m).
Definition to_N {n} (f : t n) : N := `f.
Lemma to_N_lt {n} (f : t n) : to_N f < n.
Proof. apply (bool_decide_unpack _ (proj2_sig f)). Qed.
Definition t_eq {n} (x1 x2 : t n)
(Heq : to_N x1 = to_N x2) : x1 = x2.
Proof. apply /sig_eq_pi /Heq. Qed.
Lemma to_of_N' {n} (Hn : 0 < n) (m : N) : m < n -> to_N (of_N' Hn m) = m.
Proof. rewrite /fin.of_N' => H. by case_decide. Qed.
Lemma to_of_N_gt' {n} (Hn : 0 < n) (m : N) : n <= m -> to_N (of_N' Hn m) = 0.
Proof. rewrite /fin.of_N' => H. by case_decide; first lia. Qed.
Lemma of_to_N' {n} (Hn : 0 < n) (x : t n) : of_N' Hn (to_N x) = x.
Proof. apply t_eq, to_of_N', to_N_lt. Qed.
Lemma to_of_N (p : positive) (m : N) : m < N.pos p -> to_N (of_N p m) = m.
Proof. apply to_of_N'. Qed.
Lemma of_to_N {p} (x : t (N.pos p)) : of_N p (to_N x) = x.
Proof. apply of_to_N'. Qed.
Lemma to_of_N_gt (p : positive) (m : N) : N.pos p <= m -> to_N (of_N p m) = 0.
Proof. apply to_of_N_gt'. Qed.
Lemma proj1_sig_of_N p (m : N) : m < N.pos p -> proj1_sig (of_N p m) = m.
Proof. apply to_of_N. Qed.
match decide (m < n)%N with
| left prf => mk m prf
| right _ => mk 0 Hn
Definition of_nat' {n : N} (Hn : 0 < n) (m : nat) : fin.t n :=
of_N' Hn (N.of_nat m).
Definition of_N (p : positive) (m : N) : t (Npos p) :=
of_N' (n := Npos p) eq_refl m.
Definition of_nat (p : positive) (m : nat) : fin.t (Npos p) :=
fin.of_N p (N.of_nat m).
Definition to_N {n} (f : t n) : N := `f.
Lemma to_N_lt {n} (f : t n) : to_N f < n.
Proof. apply (bool_decide_unpack _ (proj2_sig f)). Qed.
Definition t_eq {n} (x1 x2 : t n)
(Heq : to_N x1 = to_N x2) : x1 = x2.
Proof. apply /sig_eq_pi /Heq. Qed.
Lemma to_of_N' {n} (Hn : 0 < n) (m : N) : m < n -> to_N (of_N' Hn m) = m.
Proof. rewrite /fin.of_N' => H. by case_decide. Qed.
Lemma to_of_N_gt' {n} (Hn : 0 < n) (m : N) : n <= m -> to_N (of_N' Hn m) = 0.
Proof. rewrite /fin.of_N' => H. by case_decide; first lia. Qed.
Lemma of_to_N' {n} (Hn : 0 < n) (x : t n) : of_N' Hn (to_N x) = x.
Proof. apply t_eq, to_of_N', to_N_lt. Qed.
Lemma to_of_N (p : positive) (m : N) : m < N.pos p -> to_N (of_N p m) = m.
Proof. apply to_of_N'. Qed.
Lemma of_to_N {p} (x : t (N.pos p)) : of_N p (to_N x) = x.
Proof. apply of_to_N'. Qed.
Lemma to_of_N_gt (p : positive) (m : N) : N.pos p <= m -> to_N (of_N p m) = 0.
Proof. apply to_of_N_gt'. Qed.
Lemma proj1_sig_of_N p (m : N) : m < N.pos p -> proj1_sig (of_N p m) = m.
Proof. apply to_of_N. Qed.
Declared an instance, because it is not redudant after t is made opaque.
#[global] Instance to_N_inj n : Inj eq eq (to_N (n := n)) := _.
#[global] Instance t_eq_dec n : EqDecision (t n) := _.
#[global] Instance t_countable n : Countable (t n) := _.
#[global] Instance t_pos_inhabited p : Inhabited (t (Npos p)).
Proof. exact (populate (of_N _ 0)). Qed.
(* More flexible variant of t_pos_inhabited. *)
Lemma t_gt_inhabited n (Hn : 0 < n) : Inhabited (t n).
Proof. exact (populate (of_N' Hn 0)). Qed.
#[global] Hint Opaque t : typeclass_instances.
#[global] Instance t_eq_dec n : EqDecision (t n) := _.
#[global] Instance t_countable n : Countable (t n) := _.
#[global] Instance t_pos_inhabited p : Inhabited (t (Npos p)).
Proof. exact (populate (of_N _ 0)). Qed.
(* More flexible variant of t_pos_inhabited. *)
Lemma t_gt_inhabited n (Hn : 0 < n) : Inhabited (t n).
Proof. exact (populate (of_N' Hn 0)). Qed.
#[global] Hint Opaque t : typeclass_instances.
#[program] Definition weaken' {m n} (x : fin.t m) (prf : m <= n) : fin.t n := (fin.to_N x) _.
Next Obligation. move=> m n [/= x /bool_decide_unpack]. lia. Qed.
#[global] Arguments weaken' {m} & {n} x prf. (* & = infer n from return type. *)
(* Alternative:
Notation weaken_alt x := (weaken' x ltac:(vm_decide)).
Goal (weaken_alt (lit 10 : fin.t 11) : fin.t 42) = (lit 10 : fin.t 42).
Proof. vm_decide. Abort.
Goal (weaken_alt (lit 10 : fin.t 11) : fin.t 11) = (lit 10 : fin.t 11).
Proof. vm_decide. Abort.
^ We avoid this alternative because vm_decide's output is significantly larger.
*) (fin.to_N x) _.
Next Obligation. move=> m n [/= x /bool_decide_unpack]. lia. Qed.
#[global] Arguments weaken' {m} & {n} x prf. (* & = infer n from return type. *)
(* Alternative:
Notation weaken_alt x := (weaken' x ltac:(vm_decide)).
Goal (weaken_alt (lit 10 : fin.t 11) : fin.t 42) = (lit 10 : fin.t 42).
Proof. vm_decide. Abort.
Goal (weaken_alt (lit 10 : fin.t 11) : fin.t 11) = (lit 10 : fin.t 11).
Proof. vm_decide. Abort.
^ We avoid this alternative because vm_decide's output is significantly larger.
weaken_bool_decide is equivalent to weaken'.
But instead of (m <= n) we take bool_decide (m <= n) = true, because
that is provable by eq_refl when m and n are ground.
#[program] Definition weaken_bool_decide {m n} (x : fin.t m)
(prf : bool_decide (m <= n) = true) : fin.t n :=
weaken' x _.
Next Obligation. intros. exact: bool_decide_eq_true_1. Qed.
#[global] Arguments weaken_bool_decide {m} & {n} x prf. (* & = infer n from return type. *)
(prf : bool_decide (m <= n) = true) : fin.t n :=
weaken' x _.
Next Obligation. intros. exact: bool_decide_eq_true_1. Qed.
#[global] Arguments weaken_bool_decide {m} & {n} x prf. (* & = infer n from return type. *)
The weaken x notation converts x : fin.t m to fin.t n.
This assumes both m and n are ground, so that then eq_refl is a valid
argument for prf.
Notation weaken x := (weaken_bool_decide x eq_refl).
Goal (weaken (lit 10 : fin.t 11) : fin.t 42) = (lit 10 : fin.t 42).
Proof. vm_decide. Abort.
Goal (weaken (lit 10 : fin.t 11) : fin.t 11) = (lit 10 : fin.t 11).
Proof. vm_decide. Abort.
(* 0; 1; 2 ... n - 1 *)
Definition seq (n : N) : list (t n) :=
match n with
| N0 => []
| Npos max => fin.of_N max <$> seqN 0 (Npos max)
Lemma seq_lenN n : lengthN (seq n) = n.
Proof. case: n => [//| p]. by rewrite fmap_lengthN seqN_lengthN. Qed.
Lemma seq_len n : length (seq n) = N.to_nat n.
Proof. by rewrite length_lengthN seq_lenN. Qed.
Lemma seq_NoDup n : NoDup (seq n).
apply NoDup_fmap_1 with (f := to_N).
destruct n; [constructor | ].
rewrite -list_fmap_compose (fmap_ext_in _ id) ?list_fmap_id.
{ apply NoDup_seqN. }
move=> a /elem_of_seqN Hin /=.
apply to_of_N. lia.
Lemma elem_of_seq n {i : t n} : i ∈ seq n.
destruct n. { by destruct t_0_inv. }
apply elem_of_list_fmap; exists (to_N i); split.
{ by rewrite of_to_N. }
apply elem_of_seqN. case: i => /= i /bool_decide_unpack. lia.
Lemma seq_lookupN n t : fin.seq n !! fin.to_N t = Some t.
rewrite /fin.seq. case_match. { destruct (t_0_inv t). }
rewrite list_lookupN_fmap lookupN_seqN_lt; last by apply to_N_lt.
by rewrite N.add_0_l //= fin.of_to_N.
#[global, refine] Instance t_finite n : Finite (t n) :=
{ enum := seq n; }.
Proof. solve [apply seq_NoDup]. solve [apply elem_of_seq]. Defined.
Lemma enum_unfold n : enum (fin.t n) = fin.seq n.
Proof. done. Qed.
Goal (weaken (lit 10 : fin.t 11) : fin.t 42) = (lit 10 : fin.t 42).
Proof. vm_decide. Abort.
Goal (weaken (lit 10 : fin.t 11) : fin.t 11) = (lit 10 : fin.t 11).
Proof. vm_decide. Abort.
(* 0; 1; 2 ... n - 1 *)
Definition seq (n : N) : list (t n) :=
match n with
| N0 => []
| Npos max => fin.of_N max <$> seqN 0 (Npos max)
Lemma seq_lenN n : lengthN (seq n) = n.
Proof. case: n => [//| p]. by rewrite fmap_lengthN seqN_lengthN. Qed.
Lemma seq_len n : length (seq n) = N.to_nat n.
Proof. by rewrite length_lengthN seq_lenN. Qed.
Lemma seq_NoDup n : NoDup (seq n).
apply NoDup_fmap_1 with (f := to_N).
destruct n; [constructor | ].
rewrite -list_fmap_compose (fmap_ext_in _ id) ?list_fmap_id.
{ apply NoDup_seqN. }
move=> a /elem_of_seqN Hin /=.
apply to_of_N. lia.
Lemma elem_of_seq n {i : t n} : i ∈ seq n.
destruct n. { by destruct t_0_inv. }
apply elem_of_list_fmap; exists (to_N i); split.
{ by rewrite of_to_N. }
apply elem_of_seqN. case: i => /= i /bool_decide_unpack. lia.
Lemma seq_lookupN n t : fin.seq n !! fin.to_N t = Some t.
rewrite /fin.seq. case_match. { destruct (t_0_inv t). }
rewrite list_lookupN_fmap lookupN_seqN_lt; last by apply to_N_lt.
by rewrite N.add_0_l //= fin.of_to_N.
#[global, refine] Instance t_finite n : Finite (t n) :=
{ enum := seq n; }.
Proof. solve [apply seq_NoDup]. solve [apply elem_of_seq]. Defined.
Lemma enum_unfold n : enum (fin.t n) = fin.seq n.
Proof. done. Qed.
Conversion to and from the "indexed fin" type fin from the stdlib.
#[program] Definition to_idx_fin' {m : N} (f : fin.t m) {n : nat} (_ : m = N.of_nat n) : fin n :=
nat_to_fin (p := N.to_nat (fin.to_N f)) _.
Next Obligation. move=> m [f /bool_decide_unpack] /=. lia. Qed.
#[global] Arguments to_idx_fin' {m} f & {n} prf. (* & = infer n from return type. *)
Notation to_idx_fin x := (to_idx_fin' x eq_refl).
#[program] Definition of_idx_fin' {m : nat} (f : fin m) {n : N} (_ : n = N.of_nat m) : fin.t n := (N.of_nat (fin_to_nat f)) _.
Next Obligation. move=> m f n ->. have := fin_to_nat_lt f. lia. Qed.
#[global] Arguments of_idx_fin' {m} f & {n} prf. (* & = infer n from return type. *)
Notation of_idx_fin x := (of_idx_fin' x eq_refl).
Lemma of_to_idx_fin_cancel {m : N} {n : nat} (f : fin.t m) (E : m = N.of_nat n) :
of_idx_fin' (to_idx_fin' f E) E = f.
Proof. apply /t_eq. by rewrite /= fin_to_nat_to_fin Qed.
Lemma to_of_idx_fin_cancel {m : N} {n : nat} (f : fin n) (E : m = N.of_nat n) :
to_idx_fin' (of_idx_fin' f E) E = f.
rewrite /to_idx_fin' /of_idx_fin' /= Fin.of_nat_ext {E}
exact: fin_to_nat_lt.
exact: nat_to_fin_to_nat.
Definition decode `{Finite A} (f : fin.t (N.of_nat (card A))) : A :=
decode_fin (to_idx_fin f).
#[global] Arguments decode & {A _ _} f. (* & = infer A from return type. *)
nat_to_fin (p := N.to_nat (fin.to_N f)) _.
Next Obligation. move=> m [f /bool_decide_unpack] /=. lia. Qed.
#[global] Arguments to_idx_fin' {m} f & {n} prf. (* & = infer n from return type. *)
Notation to_idx_fin x := (to_idx_fin' x eq_refl).
#[program] Definition of_idx_fin' {m : nat} (f : fin m) {n : N} (_ : n = N.of_nat m) : fin.t n := (N.of_nat (fin_to_nat f)) _.
Next Obligation. move=> m f n ->. have := fin_to_nat_lt f. lia. Qed.
#[global] Arguments of_idx_fin' {m} f & {n} prf. (* & = infer n from return type. *)
Notation of_idx_fin x := (of_idx_fin' x eq_refl).
Lemma of_to_idx_fin_cancel {m : N} {n : nat} (f : fin.t m) (E : m = N.of_nat n) :
of_idx_fin' (to_idx_fin' f E) E = f.
Proof. apply /t_eq. by rewrite /= fin_to_nat_to_fin Qed.
Lemma to_of_idx_fin_cancel {m : N} {n : nat} (f : fin n) (E : m = N.of_nat n) :
to_idx_fin' (of_idx_fin' f E) E = f.
rewrite /to_idx_fin' /of_idx_fin' /= Fin.of_nat_ext {E}
exact: fin_to_nat_lt.
exact: nat_to_fin_to_nat.
Definition decode `{Finite A} (f : fin.t (N.of_nat (card A))) : A :=
decode_fin (to_idx_fin f).
#[global] Arguments decode & {A _ _} f. (* & = infer A from return type. *)
Eta-rule for
Prove the natural elimination principle you would get from a sigma type.
However, to prove ∀ x ; fin.t n, ..., it's much simpler to use
move=> x /bool_decide_unpack.
Qed because reduction gets stuck, and this seems hard to fix.
Lemma t_sig_rect (P : ∀ n, fin.t n -> Type)
(Hp : ∀ n m (H : m < n), P n ( m H)) :
∀ n (x : fin.t n), P n x.
Proof. intros n m. rewrite ->(is_mk m). apply Hp. Qed.
(Hp : ∀ n m (H : m < n), P n ( m H)) :
∀ n (x : fin.t n), P n x.
Proof. intros n m. rewrite ->(is_mk m). apply Hp. Qed.
Eta-rule for zero
"Smart constructor" fin.succ
#[program] Definition succ {n} (x : fin.t n) :
fin.t (N.succ n) := (N.succ (to_N x)) _.
Next Obligation.
intros n x.
apply (N_succ_lt_mono_inv _ _), to_N_lt.
fin.t (N.succ n) := (N.succ (to_N x)) _.
Next Obligation.
intros n x.
apply (N_succ_lt_mono_inv _ _), to_N_lt.
Eta-rule for fin.succ
Lemma is_succ {x n} {Hl : bool_decide (N.succ x < N.succ n)} :
N.succ x ↾ Hl = fin.succ ( x (proj1 (N_succ_lt_mono_inv _ _) (bool_decide_unpack _ Hl))).
Proof. exact: t_eq. Qed.
N.succ x ↾ Hl = fin.succ ( x (proj1 (N_succ_lt_mono_inv _ _) (bool_decide_unpack _ Hl))).
Proof. exact: t_eq. Qed.
Peano-like elimination principle.
Qed because reduction gets stuck, and this seems hard to fix.
Lemma t_rect (P : ∀ n, fin.t n -> Type)
(Hz : ∀ n, P (N.succ n)
(Hs : ∀ n (x : fin.t n), P (N.succ n) (fin.succ x)) :
∀ n (x : fin.t n), P n x.
apply t_sig_rect => n m Hnm. unfold mk.
destruct n as [|n] using N.peano_rect; last clear IHn. {
exfalso; abstract lia.
destruct m as [|m] using N.peano_rect; last clear IHm. {
rewrite ->is_zero. apply Hz.
rewrite ->is_succ. apply Hs.
End fin.
(* XXX *)
Module Type Test.
Fact test1 : 0 1 eq_refl = 0 ↾ I.
Proof eq_refl.
Fact test2 : decide ( 0 1 eq_refl = 0 1 eq_refl) = left eq_refl.
Proof eq_refl.
End Test.
(Hz : ∀ n, P (N.succ n)
(Hs : ∀ n (x : fin.t n), P (N.succ n) (fin.succ x)) :
∀ n (x : fin.t n), P n x.
apply t_sig_rect => n m Hnm. unfold mk.
destruct n as [|n] using N.peano_rect; last clear IHn. {
exfalso; abstract lia.
destruct m as [|m] using N.peano_rect; last clear IHm. {
rewrite ->is_zero. apply Hz.
rewrite ->is_succ. apply Hs.
End fin.
(* XXX *)
Module Type Test.
Fact test1 : 0 1 eq_refl = 0 ↾ I.
Proof eq_refl.
Fact test2 : decide ( 0 1 eq_refl = 0 1 eq_refl) = left eq_refl.
Proof eq_refl.
End Test.