* Copyright (c) 2023 BlueRock Security, Inc.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source
* License. See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.prelude.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.finite.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.elpi.derive.
Module Type Alias.
Variant T := A | B.
Definition t1 := T.
Definition t2 := t1.
Module Import Cmd.
Elpi Command assert_type.
Elpi Accumulate lp:{{/*(*/
pred main i:list argument.
main trm (global (const C)), (trm Ty) :-! coq.env.const C _ CTy, Ty = CTy .
Elpi Export assert_type.
End Cmd.
Module Eq_Dec.
Module Type OnVariant.
#[only(eq_dec)] derive T.
assert_type (T_eq_dec) (EqDecision T).
End OnVariant.
Module Type OnAliasDirect.
#[only(eq_dec)] derive t1.
Fail assert_type (t1_eq_dec) (EqDecision T).
assert_type (t1_eq_dec) (EqDecision t1).
End OnAliasDirect.
Module Type OnAliasIndirect.
#[only(eq_dec)] derive t2.
Fail assert_type (t2_eq_dec) (EqDecision T).
Fail assert_type (t2_eq_dec) (EqDecision t1).
assert_type (t2_eq_dec) (EqDecision t2).
End OnAliasIndirect.
End Eq_Dec.
Module Inhabited.
Module Type OnVariant.
#[only(inhabited)] derive T.
assert_type (T_inhabited) (Inhabited T).
End OnVariant.
Module Type OnAliasDirect.
#[only(inhabited)] derive t1.
Fail assert_type (t1_inhabited) (Inhabited T).
assert_type (t1_inhabited) (Inhabited t1).
End OnAliasDirect.
Module Type OnAliasIndirect.
#[only(inhabited)] derive t2.
Fail assert_type (t2_inhabited) (Inhabited T).
Fail assert_type (t2_inhabited) (Inhabited t1).
assert_type (t2_inhabited) (Inhabited t2).
End OnAliasIndirect.
End Inhabited.
Module Countable.
Module Type OnVariant.
#[only(countable)] derive T.
assert_type (T_countable) (Countable T).
End OnVariant.
Module Type OnAliasDirect.
#[only(countable)] derive t1.
Fail assert_type (t1_countable) (Countable T).
assert_type (t1_countable) (Countable t1).
End OnAliasDirect.
Module Type OnAliasIndirect.
#[only(countable)] derive t2.
Fail assert_type (t2_countable) (Countable T).
Fail assert_type (t2_countable) (Countable t1).
assert_type (t2_countable) (Countable t2).
End OnAliasIndirect.
End Countable.
Module Finite.
Module Type OnVariant.
#[only(finite)] derive T.
assert_type (T_finite) (Finite T).
End OnVariant.
Module Type OnAliasDirect.
#[only(finite)] derive t1.
Fail assert_type (t1_finite) (Finite T).
assert_type (t1_finite) (Finite t1).
End OnAliasDirect.
Module Type OnAliasIndirect.
#[only(finite)] derive t2.
Fail assert_type (t2_finite) (Finite T).
Fail assert_type (t2_finite) (Finite t1).
assert_type (t2_finite) (Finite t2).
End OnAliasIndirect.
End Finite.
End Alias.
Module Type BasicTests.
Variant T1 := A1 | B1 | C1.
#[only(eq_dec)] derive T1.
#[only(inhabited)] derive T1.
#[only(countable)] derive T1.
#[only(finite)] derive T1.
Succeed #[only(finite)] derive
Variant T2 := A2 | B2 | C2.
#[only(eq_dec,inhabited)] derive
Variant T2 := A2 | B2 | C2.
#[only(countable)] derive T2.
#[only(finite)] derive T2.
End BasicTests.
(*Test interop of manual and generated definitions*)
Module Type InteropTests.
Variant T1 := A1 | B1 | C1.
(*Test: Manual EqDecision + generated Finite:*)
#[local] Instance T1_eq_dec : EqDecision T1.
Proof. solve_decision. Defined.
#[only(finite)] derive T1.
(*Search T1. (*Should give one instance T1_eq_dec (plus a finite instance)*)*)
Variant T2 := A2 | B2 | C2.
(*Test: Generated EqDecision + manual Finite + generated Finite:
Should yield only one Finite instance*)
#[only(eq_dec)] derive T2.
#[local] Instance manual_T2_finite : Finite T2.
Proof. solve_finite [A2;B2;C2]. Qed.
#[only(finite)] derive T2.
(*Search T2. (*Should give one instance manual_T2_finite*)*)
End InteropTests.
(*** Test derivation using Countable. *)
#[local] Ltac assert_True :=
match goal with
| |- True => idtac
| |- _ => fail
Module Type DerivingTest.
(*This example uses the default unfolding rule.
It's motivated by functor use cases.*)
Variant _t := A | B | C.
Definition t := _t.
#[only(eq_dec,countable)] derive t.
Goal forall x y : t, if bool_decide (x = y) then True else True.
Proof. by move => x y; case (bool_decide_reflect (x = y)). Qed.
Goal forall x y : t, encode x = encode y -> x = y.
Proof. by move => x y X; apply encode_inj in X. Qed.
Goal match (encode A) (encode B) with
| Eq => True
| Lt => True
| Gt => True
Succeed by vm_compute.
(* Even simpl normalizes this goal - that's nice! *)
by simpl; assert_True.
End DerivingTest.
(*** Test derivation using Finite. *)
Module Type Deriving2Test.
Variant _t := A | B | C (_ : bool) | D (_ : option bool) (_ : bool).
Definition t := _t.
#[global] Instance: EqDecision t.
Proof. solve_decision. Defined.
#[only(inhabited,eq_dec,finite)] derive t.
Print Assumptions t_inhabited.
Print t_inhabited.
Print Assumptions t_finite.
Print t_finite.
Print t_finite_subproof_nodup.
Print t_finite_subproof_elem_of.
(* Test the tactic in isolation. *)
Definition t_finite2 : Finite t.
Proof. solve_finite ([A; B] ++ (C <$> enum _) ++ (D <$> enum _ <*> enum _)). Defined.
Print Assumptions t_finite2.
Print t_finite2_subproof.
Variant _t2 := E | F | G.
Definition t2 := _t2.
#[only(inhabited,eq_dec)] derive t2.
#[only(finite)] derive t2.
(* [global] Instance: EqDecision t. Proof. solve_decision. Defined. *)
Section test.
Context (x : nat).
Variant t3 := H.
#[only(inhabited,eq_dec,finite)] derive t3.
End test.
Goal forall x y : t, if bool_decide (x = y) then True else True.
Proof. by move => x y; case (bool_decide_reflect (x = y)). Qed.
Goal forall x y : t, encode x = encode y -> x = y.
Proof. by move => x y X; apply encode_inj in X. Qed.
(* Eval vm_compute in enum t. *)
Goal match (encode A) (encode B) with
| Eq => True
| Lt => True
| Gt => True
Succeed by vm_compute.
(* simpl normalizes this goal too! *)
by simpl; assert_True.
End Deriving2Test.
Module Type SimpleFiniteTest.
Succeed #[only(finite_type)] derive
Variant feature := A | B | C | D.
Variant feature := A | B | C | D.
#[only(finite_type)] derive feature.
Goal feature.of_N (feature.to_N A) = Some A.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Goal feature.of_N (feature.to_N B) = Some B.
Proof. by rewrite feature.of_to_N. Qed.
End SimpleFiniteTest.
(* TODO: this cannot work due to the synterp phase. *)
Module Type FiniteTest.
Variant feature := A | B | C | D.
#[local] Instance: ToN feature (fun (x : feature) =>
match x with
| A => 0
| B => 1
| C => 3
| D => 5
end)%N := {}.
#[only(finite_type_to_N)] derive feature.
#[export] Instance feature_to_N_inj : Inj eq eq feature.to_N.
Proof. case; case => //. Qed.
Goal feature.of_N (feature.to_N C) = Some C.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Goal feature.of_N (feature.to_N D) = Some D.
Proof. by rewrite feature.of_to_N. Qed.
Goal feature.of_N 3 = Some C.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
End FiniteTest.
Module Type SimpleBitsetTest.
Variant feature := A | B | C | D.
#[only(bitset)] derive feature.
Goal feature_set.to_bits {[ A ]} = 1%N.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Goal feature_set.to_bits {[ C ]} = 4%N.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Goal feature_set.to_bits {[ A; C ]} = 5%N.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
End SimpleBitsetTest.
Module Type BitsetTest.
Variant feature := A | B | C | D.
#[local] Instance: ToBit feature (fun (x : feature) =>
match x with
| A => 0
| B => 1
| C => 3
| D => 5
end)%N := {}.
#[only(bitset_to_bit)] derive feature.
Goal feature_set.to_bits {[ A ]} = 1%N.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Goal feature_set.to_bits {[ C ]} = 8%N.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Goal feature_set.to_bits {[ A; C ]} = 9%N.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
End BitsetTest.
* Copyright (c) 2023 BlueRock Security, Inc.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source
* License. See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.prelude.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.finite.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.elpi.derive.
Module Type Alias.
Variant T := A | B.
Definition t1 := T.
Definition t2 := t1.
Module Import Cmd.
Elpi Command assert_type.
Elpi Accumulate lp:{{/*(*/
pred main i:list argument.
main trm (global (const C)), (trm Ty) :-! coq.env.const C _ CTy, Ty = CTy .
Elpi Export assert_type.
End Cmd.
Module Eq_Dec.
Module Type OnVariant.
#[only(eq_dec)] derive T.
assert_type (T_eq_dec) (EqDecision T).
End OnVariant.
Module Type OnAliasDirect.
#[only(eq_dec)] derive t1.
Fail assert_type (t1_eq_dec) (EqDecision T).
assert_type (t1_eq_dec) (EqDecision t1).
End OnAliasDirect.
Module Type OnAliasIndirect.
#[only(eq_dec)] derive t2.
Fail assert_type (t2_eq_dec) (EqDecision T).
Fail assert_type (t2_eq_dec) (EqDecision t1).
assert_type (t2_eq_dec) (EqDecision t2).
End OnAliasIndirect.
End Eq_Dec.
Module Inhabited.
Module Type OnVariant.
#[only(inhabited)] derive T.
assert_type (T_inhabited) (Inhabited T).
End OnVariant.
Module Type OnAliasDirect.
#[only(inhabited)] derive t1.
Fail assert_type (t1_inhabited) (Inhabited T).
assert_type (t1_inhabited) (Inhabited t1).
End OnAliasDirect.
Module Type OnAliasIndirect.
#[only(inhabited)] derive t2.
Fail assert_type (t2_inhabited) (Inhabited T).
Fail assert_type (t2_inhabited) (Inhabited t1).
assert_type (t2_inhabited) (Inhabited t2).
End OnAliasIndirect.
End Inhabited.
Module Countable.
Module Type OnVariant.
#[only(countable)] derive T.
assert_type (T_countable) (Countable T).
End OnVariant.
Module Type OnAliasDirect.
#[only(countable)] derive t1.
Fail assert_type (t1_countable) (Countable T).
assert_type (t1_countable) (Countable t1).
End OnAliasDirect.
Module Type OnAliasIndirect.
#[only(countable)] derive t2.
Fail assert_type (t2_countable) (Countable T).
Fail assert_type (t2_countable) (Countable t1).
assert_type (t2_countable) (Countable t2).
End OnAliasIndirect.
End Countable.
Module Finite.
Module Type OnVariant.
#[only(finite)] derive T.
assert_type (T_finite) (Finite T).
End OnVariant.
Module Type OnAliasDirect.
#[only(finite)] derive t1.
Fail assert_type (t1_finite) (Finite T).
assert_type (t1_finite) (Finite t1).
End OnAliasDirect.
Module Type OnAliasIndirect.
#[only(finite)] derive t2.
Fail assert_type (t2_finite) (Finite T).
Fail assert_type (t2_finite) (Finite t1).
assert_type (t2_finite) (Finite t2).
End OnAliasIndirect.
End Finite.
End Alias.
Module Type BasicTests.
Variant T1 := A1 | B1 | C1.
#[only(eq_dec)] derive T1.
#[only(inhabited)] derive T1.
#[only(countable)] derive T1.
#[only(finite)] derive T1.
Succeed #[only(finite)] derive
Variant T2 := A2 | B2 | C2.
#[only(eq_dec,inhabited)] derive
Variant T2 := A2 | B2 | C2.
#[only(countable)] derive T2.
#[only(finite)] derive T2.
End BasicTests.
(*Test interop of manual and generated definitions*)
Module Type InteropTests.
Variant T1 := A1 | B1 | C1.
(*Test: Manual EqDecision + generated Finite:*)
#[local] Instance T1_eq_dec : EqDecision T1.
Proof. solve_decision. Defined.
#[only(finite)] derive T1.
(*Search T1. (*Should give one instance T1_eq_dec (plus a finite instance)*)*)
Variant T2 := A2 | B2 | C2.
(*Test: Generated EqDecision + manual Finite + generated Finite:
Should yield only one Finite instance*)
#[only(eq_dec)] derive T2.
#[local] Instance manual_T2_finite : Finite T2.
Proof. solve_finite [A2;B2;C2]. Qed.
#[only(finite)] derive T2.
(*Search T2. (*Should give one instance manual_T2_finite*)*)
End InteropTests.
(*** Test derivation using Countable. *)
#[local] Ltac assert_True :=
match goal with
| |- True => idtac
| |- _ => fail
Module Type DerivingTest.
(*This example uses the default unfolding rule.
It's motivated by functor use cases.*)
Variant _t := A | B | C.
Definition t := _t.
#[only(eq_dec,countable)] derive t.
Goal forall x y : t, if bool_decide (x = y) then True else True.
Proof. by move => x y; case (bool_decide_reflect (x = y)). Qed.
Goal forall x y : t, encode x = encode y -> x = y.
Proof. by move => x y X; apply encode_inj in X. Qed.
Goal match (encode A) (encode B) with
| Eq => True
| Lt => True
| Gt => True
Succeed by vm_compute.
(* Even simpl normalizes this goal - that's nice! *)
by simpl; assert_True.
End DerivingTest.
(*** Test derivation using Finite. *)
Module Type Deriving2Test.
Variant _t := A | B | C (_ : bool) | D (_ : option bool) (_ : bool).
Definition t := _t.
#[global] Instance: EqDecision t.
Proof. solve_decision. Defined.
#[only(inhabited,eq_dec,finite)] derive t.
Print Assumptions t_inhabited.
Print t_inhabited.
Print Assumptions t_finite.
Print t_finite.
Print t_finite_subproof_nodup.
Print t_finite_subproof_elem_of.
(* Test the tactic in isolation. *)
Definition t_finite2 : Finite t.
Proof. solve_finite ([A; B] ++ (C <$> enum _) ++ (D <$> enum _ <*> enum _)). Defined.
Print Assumptions t_finite2.
Print t_finite2_subproof.
Variant _t2 := E | F | G.
Definition t2 := _t2.
#[only(inhabited,eq_dec)] derive t2.
#[only(finite)] derive t2.
(* [global] Instance: EqDecision t. Proof. solve_decision. Defined. *)
Section test.
Context (x : nat).
Variant t3 := H.
#[only(inhabited,eq_dec,finite)] derive t3.
End test.
Goal forall x y : t, if bool_decide (x = y) then True else True.
Proof. by move => x y; case (bool_decide_reflect (x = y)). Qed.
Goal forall x y : t, encode x = encode y -> x = y.
Proof. by move => x y X; apply encode_inj in X. Qed.
(* Eval vm_compute in enum t. *)
Goal match (encode A) (encode B) with
| Eq => True
| Lt => True
| Gt => True
Succeed by vm_compute.
(* simpl normalizes this goal too! *)
by simpl; assert_True.
End Deriving2Test.
Module Type SimpleFiniteTest.
Succeed #[only(finite_type)] derive
Variant feature := A | B | C | D.
Variant feature := A | B | C | D.
#[only(finite_type)] derive feature.
Goal feature.of_N (feature.to_N A) = Some A.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Goal feature.of_N (feature.to_N B) = Some B.
Proof. by rewrite feature.of_to_N. Qed.
End SimpleFiniteTest.
(* TODO: this cannot work due to the synterp phase. *)
Module Type FiniteTest.
Variant feature := A | B | C | D.
#[local] Instance: ToN feature (fun (x : feature) =>
match x with
| A => 0
| B => 1
| C => 3
| D => 5
end)%N := {}.
#[only(finite_type_to_N)] derive feature.
#[export] Instance feature_to_N_inj : Inj eq eq feature.to_N.
Proof. case; case => //. Qed.
Goal feature.of_N (feature.to_N C) = Some C.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Goal feature.of_N (feature.to_N D) = Some D.
Proof. by rewrite feature.of_to_N. Qed.
Goal feature.of_N 3 = Some C.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
End FiniteTest.
Module Type SimpleBitsetTest.
Variant feature := A | B | C | D.
#[only(bitset)] derive feature.
Goal feature_set.to_bits {[ A ]} = 1%N.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Goal feature_set.to_bits {[ C ]} = 4%N.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Goal feature_set.to_bits {[ A; C ]} = 5%N.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
End SimpleBitsetTest.
Module Type BitsetTest.
Variant feature := A | B | C | D.
#[local] Instance: ToBit feature (fun (x : feature) =>
match x with
| A => 0
| B => 1
| C => 3
| D => 5
end)%N := {}.
#[only(bitset_to_bit)] derive feature.
Goal feature_set.to_bits {[ A ]} = 1%N.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Goal feature_set.to_bits {[ C ]} = 8%N.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Goal feature_set.to_bits {[ A; C ]} = 9%N.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
End BitsetTest.