* Copyright (c) 2020-2024 BlueRock Security, Inc.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
Require Import Stdlib.Lists.List.
Require Import Stdlib.NArith.NArith.
Require Import Stdlib.Structures.OrderedType.
Require Import Stdlib.micromega.Lia.
Require Stdlib.Strings.Byte.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.base.
Import ListNotations.
* Copyright (c) 2020-2024 BlueRock Security, Inc.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
Require Import Stdlib.Lists.List.
Require Import Stdlib.NArith.NArith.
Require Import Stdlib.Structures.OrderedType.
Require Import Stdlib.micromega.Lia.
Require Stdlib.Strings.Byte.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.base.
Import ListNotations.
Bytestring core definitions. Depends only on the stdlib, and could in
principle be upstreamed.
TODO: Some stdpp dependencies have crept in. Move them out, making
this file compile without
#[local] Set Default Proof Using "Type".
Definition byte_parse (b : Byte.byte) : Byte.byte := b.
Definition byte_print (b : Byte.byte) : Byte.byte := b.
Definition byte_parse (b : Byte.byte) : Byte.byte := b.
Definition byte_print (b : Byte.byte) : Byte.byte := b.
Definition byte_cmp (a b : Byte.byte) : comparison := (Byte.to_N a) (Byte.to_N b).
#[global] Instance byte_compare : Compare Byte.byte := byte_cmp.
Delimit Scope byte_scope with byte.
String Notation Byte.byte byte_parse byte_print : byte_scope.
Bind Scope byte_scope with Byte.byte.
Lemma byte_cmp_refl a : byte_cmp a a = Eq.
Proof. intros. apply N.compare_refl. Qed.
Lemma byte_to_N_inj x y : Byte.to_N x = Byte.to_N y <-> x = y.
split. 2: now intros ->.
intros Heq.
enough (Some x = Some y) as [= ->] by easy.
do 2 rewrite <- Byte.of_to_N.
now rewrite Heq.
Module OT_byte <: OrderedType.OrderedType with Definition t := Byte.byte.
Definition t := Byte.byte.
Definition eq := fun l r => byte_cmp l r = Eq.
Definition lt := fun l r => byte_cmp l r = Lt.
Theorem eq_refl (x : t) : eq x x.
intros; apply N.compare_refl.
Theorem eq_sym (x y : t) : eq x y -> eq y x.
intros Hxy. eapply N.compare_eq in Hxy. unfold eq, byte_cmp.
rewrite Hxy. apply eq_refl.
Theorem eq_trans (x y z : t) : eq x y -> eq y z -> eq x z.
intros Hxy Hyz. eapply N.compare_eq in Hxy. eapply N.compare_eq in Hyz.
unfold eq, byte_cmp. rewrite -> Hxy, Hyz.
apply eq_refl.
Theorem lt_trans (x y z : t) : lt x y -> lt y z -> lt x z.
unfold lt, byte_cmp. rewrite ->!N.compare_lt_iff.
Theorem lt_not_eq (x y : t) : lt x y -> ~ eq x y.
unfold lt, eq, byte_cmp. rewrite ->N.compare_lt_iff, N.compare_eq_iff.
Definition compare (x y : t) : OrderedType.Compare lt eq x y.
refine (match byte_cmp x y as X return byte_cmp x y = X -> OrderedType.Compare lt eq x y with
| Eq => fun pf => OrderedType.EQ pf
| Lt => fun pf => OrderedType.LT pf
| Gt => fun pf => OrderedType.GT _
end Logic.eq_refl).
unfold lt, byte_cmp.
abstract (rewrite N.compare_antisym; apply CompOpp_iff, pf).
Definition eq_dec (x y : t) : {eq x y} + {~ eq x y}.
refine (match byte_cmp x y as Z return byte_cmp x y = Z -> _ with
| Eq => fun pf => left pf
| _ => fun _ => right _
end Logic.eq_refl);
abstract congruence.
End OT_byte.
Theorem byte_cmp_spec x y : CompareSpec (x = y) ( x y) ( y x) (byte_cmp x y).
unfold byte_cmp,, byte_cmp.
destruct (N.compare_spec (Byte.to_N x) (Byte.to_N y)); constructor; auto.
apply byte_to_N_inj. assumption.
Qed. (Byte.to_N a) (Byte.to_N b).
#[global] Instance byte_compare : Compare Byte.byte := byte_cmp.
Delimit Scope byte_scope with byte.
String Notation Byte.byte byte_parse byte_print : byte_scope.
Bind Scope byte_scope with Byte.byte.
Lemma byte_cmp_refl a : byte_cmp a a = Eq.
Proof. intros. apply N.compare_refl. Qed.
Lemma byte_to_N_inj x y : Byte.to_N x = Byte.to_N y <-> x = y.
split. 2: now intros ->.
intros Heq.
enough (Some x = Some y) as [= ->] by easy.
do 2 rewrite <- Byte.of_to_N.
now rewrite Heq.
Module OT_byte <: OrderedType.OrderedType with Definition t := Byte.byte.
Definition t := Byte.byte.
Definition eq := fun l r => byte_cmp l r = Eq.
Definition lt := fun l r => byte_cmp l r = Lt.
Theorem eq_refl (x : t) : eq x x.
intros; apply N.compare_refl.
Theorem eq_sym (x y : t) : eq x y -> eq y x.
intros Hxy. eapply N.compare_eq in Hxy. unfold eq, byte_cmp.
rewrite Hxy. apply eq_refl.
Theorem eq_trans (x y z : t) : eq x y -> eq y z -> eq x z.
intros Hxy Hyz. eapply N.compare_eq in Hxy. eapply N.compare_eq in Hyz.
unfold eq, byte_cmp. rewrite -> Hxy, Hyz.
apply eq_refl.
Theorem lt_trans (x y z : t) : lt x y -> lt y z -> lt x z.
unfold lt, byte_cmp. rewrite ->!N.compare_lt_iff.
Theorem lt_not_eq (x y : t) : lt x y -> ~ eq x y.
unfold lt, eq, byte_cmp. rewrite ->N.compare_lt_iff, N.compare_eq_iff.
Definition compare (x y : t) : OrderedType.Compare lt eq x y.
refine (match byte_cmp x y as X return byte_cmp x y = X -> OrderedType.Compare lt eq x y with
| Eq => fun pf => OrderedType.EQ pf
| Lt => fun pf => OrderedType.LT pf
| Gt => fun pf => OrderedType.GT _
end Logic.eq_refl).
unfold lt, byte_cmp.
abstract (rewrite N.compare_antisym; apply CompOpp_iff, pf).
Definition eq_dec (x y : t) : {eq x y} + {~ eq x y}.
refine (match byte_cmp x y as Z return byte_cmp x y = Z -> _ with
| Eq => fun pf => left pf
| _ => fun _ => right _
end Logic.eq_refl);
abstract congruence.
End OT_byte.
Theorem byte_cmp_spec x y : CompareSpec (x = y) ( x y) ( y x) (byte_cmp x y).
unfold byte_cmp,, byte_cmp.
destruct (N.compare_spec (Byte.to_N x) (Byte.to_N y)); constructor; auto.
apply byte_to_N_inj. assumption.
bytestrings Many functions on byte strings are meant to be always used
qualified, as they conflict with similar functions from List or String.
All such functions are collected in a module BS, which serves as a namespace:
that is, it is not meant to be imported by clients.
Module Import BS.
Inductive t : Set :=
| EmptyString
| String (_ : Byte.byte) (_ : t).
Definition eq_dec (x y : t) : {x = y} + {x <> y}.
Proof. decide equality. apply Byte.byte_eq_dec. Defined.
Fixpoint print (b : t) : list Byte.byte :=
match b with
| EmptyString => nil
| String b bs => b :: print bs
Fixpoint parse (b : list Byte.byte) : t :=
match b with
| nil => EmptyString
| b :: bs => String b (parse bs)
Lemma print_parse_inv (x : t) :
parse (print x) = x.
induction x; simpl; intros; auto.
f_equal; auto.
Lemma parse_print_inv (x : list Byte.byte) :
print (parse x) = x.
induction x; simpl; intros; auto.
f_equal; auto.
Lemma print_empty : print EmptyString = [].
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma parse_nil : parse [] = EmptyString.
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma print_string b s : print (String b s) = b :: print s.
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma parse_cons b l : parse (b :: l) = String b (parse l).
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma print_nil_inv s : print s = [] -> s = EmptyString.
Proof. by destruct s. Qed.
Lemma parse_nil_inv l : parse l = EmptyString -> l = [].
Proof. by destruct l. Qed.
Lemma print_cons_inv s b l :
print s = b :: l -> exists t, s = String b t /\ l = print t.
destruct s as [|b' t]; [done|]. cbn. move=>[]<- ?. by eexists.
Lemma parse_string_inv l b s :
parse l = String b s -> exists k, l = b :: k /\ s = parse k.
destruct l as [|b' k]; [done|]. cbn. move=>[]<- ?. by eexists.
#[global] Instance print_inj : Inj (=) (=) print.
move=>s t. elim: t s=>[|b t IH] s /=.
{ apply print_nil_inv. }
{ intros (u & -> & ?)%print_cons_inv. by rewrite (IH u). }
#[global] Instance parse_inj : Inj (=) (=) parse.
move=>l k. elim: k l=>[|b k IH] l /=.
{ apply parse_nil_inv. }
{ intros (k' & -> & ?)%parse_string_inv. by rewrite (IH k'). }
Fixpoint rev_append (s t : BS.t) {struct s} : BS.t :=
match s with
| EmptyString => t
| String b s => rev_append s (String b t)
Definition rev (s : BS.t) : BS.t := rev_append s EmptyString.
Definition append_tailrec (s t : BS.t) : BS.t := rev_append (rev s) t.
Fixpoint append (s t : BS.t) {struct s} : BS.t :=
match s with
| EmptyString => t
| String b s => String b (append s t)
Module Bytestring_notations is exported below, and contains
notations that can be safely exported.
Module Import Bytestring_notations.
Notation bs := BS.t.
Declare Scope bs_scope.
Delimit Scope bs_scope with bs.
Bind Scope bs_scope with bs.
Notation "x ++ y" := (append x y) : bs_scope.
String Notation bs BS.parse BS.print : bs_scope.
End Bytestring_notations.
#[local] Notation Byte b := (String b EmptyString) (only parsing).
Lemma print_rev_append s t :
print (rev_append s t) = List.rev_append (print s) (print t).
Proof. by elim: s t; cbn. Qed.
Lemma print_rev s : print (rev s) = reverse (print s).
Proof. by rewrite /rev print_rev_append. Qed.
Lemma print_append_tailrec s t : print (append_tailrec s t) = print s ++ print t.
rewrite /append_tailrec print_rev_append print_rev.
rewrite rev_append_rev rev_alt.
by rewrite -/(reverse (reverse (print s))) reverse_involutive.
Lemma print_append s t : print (s ++ t) = print s ++ print t.
Proof. elim: s t=>//= b s IH t. by f_equiv. Qed.
Lemma append_alt s t : (s ++ t)%bs = append_tailrec s t.
Proof. apply (inj print). by rewrite print_append print_append_tailrec. Qed.
#[global] Instance append_left_id : LeftId (=) EmptyString append.
Proof. done. Qed.
#[global] Instance append_right_id : RightId (=) EmptyString append.
intros s. apply (inj print).
by rewrite print_append print_empty right_id_L.
Lemma rev_empty : rev "" = ""%bs.
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma rev_string b s : rev (String b s) = (rev s ++ Byte b)%bs.
apply (inj print). rewrite !(print_rev, print_append, print_string).
by rewrite reverse_cons print_empty.
Lemma rev_involutive s : rev (rev s) = s.
Proof. apply (inj print). by rewrite !print_rev reverse_involutive. Qed.
Lemma rev_app s t : rev (s ++ t) = (rev t ++ rev s)%bs.
apply (inj print). by rewrite !(print_rev, print_append, reverse_app).
Definition concat_aux (rsep : bs) :=
fix concat_aux (rl : list bs) (acc : bs) {struct rl} : bs :=
match rl with
| nil => acc
| s :: nil => append s acc
| s :: (_ :: _) as rl =>
let acc := append_tailrec s acc in
let acc := rev_append rsep acc in
concat_aux rl acc
Definition concat (sep : bs) (l : list bs) : bs :=
concat_aux (rev sep) (reverse l) EmptyString.
Notation bs := BS.t.
Declare Scope bs_scope.
Delimit Scope bs_scope with bs.
Bind Scope bs_scope with bs.
Notation "x ++ y" := (append x y) : bs_scope.
String Notation bs BS.parse BS.print : bs_scope.
End Bytestring_notations.
#[local] Notation Byte b := (String b EmptyString) (only parsing).
Lemma print_rev_append s t :
print (rev_append s t) = List.rev_append (print s) (print t).
Proof. by elim: s t; cbn. Qed.
Lemma print_rev s : print (rev s) = reverse (print s).
Proof. by rewrite /rev print_rev_append. Qed.
Lemma print_append_tailrec s t : print (append_tailrec s t) = print s ++ print t.
rewrite /append_tailrec print_rev_append print_rev.
rewrite rev_append_rev rev_alt.
by rewrite -/(reverse (reverse (print s))) reverse_involutive.
Lemma print_append s t : print (s ++ t) = print s ++ print t.
Proof. elim: s t=>//= b s IH t. by f_equiv. Qed.
Lemma append_alt s t : (s ++ t)%bs = append_tailrec s t.
Proof. apply (inj print). by rewrite print_append print_append_tailrec. Qed.
#[global] Instance append_left_id : LeftId (=) EmptyString append.
Proof. done. Qed.
#[global] Instance append_right_id : RightId (=) EmptyString append.
intros s. apply (inj print).
by rewrite print_append print_empty right_id_L.
Lemma rev_empty : rev "" = ""%bs.
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma rev_string b s : rev (String b s) = (rev s ++ Byte b)%bs.
apply (inj print). rewrite !(print_rev, print_append, print_string).
by rewrite reverse_cons print_empty.
Lemma rev_involutive s : rev (rev s) = s.
Proof. apply (inj print). by rewrite !print_rev reverse_involutive. Qed.
Lemma rev_app s t : rev (s ++ t) = (rev t ++ rev s)%bs.
apply (inj print). by rewrite !(print_rev, print_append, reverse_app).
Definition concat_aux (rsep : bs) :=
fix concat_aux (rl : list bs) (acc : bs) {struct rl} : bs :=
match rl with
| nil => acc
| s :: nil => append s acc
| s :: (_ :: _) as rl =>
let acc := append_tailrec s acc in
let acc := rev_append rsep acc in
concat_aux rl acc
Definition concat (sep : bs) (l : list bs) : bs :=
concat_aux (rev sep) (reverse l) EmptyString.
Building strings in linear time
Module Buf.
Inductive t : Set :=
| Empty
| Byte (_ : Byte.byte)
| String (_ : bs)
| Append (_ _ : t)
| Concat (_ : t) (_ : list t).
Definition concat_aux (contents_aux : t -> bs -> bs) (sep : t) :=
fix concat_aux (l : list t) (acc : bs) : bs :=
match l with
| nil => acc
| b :: nil => contents_aux b acc
| b :: (_ :: _) as l =>
let acc := concat_aux l acc in
let acc := contents_aux sep acc in
contents_aux b acc
Fixpoint contents_aux (b : t) (acc : bs) {struct b} : bs :=
match b with
| Empty => acc
| Byte b => BS.String b acc
| String s => BS.append_tailrec s acc
| Append b1 b2 =>
let acc := contents_aux b2 acc in
contents_aux b1 acc
| Concat sep bufs => concat_aux contents_aux sep bufs acc
Definition contents (b : t) : bs := contents_aux b BS.EmptyString.
#[global] Instance empty : base.Empty t := Empty.
#[global] Instance monoid : monoid.Monoid t := {
monoid.monoid_unit := Empty;
monoid.monoid_op := Append;
End Buf.
Fixpoint prefix (s1 s2 : bs) {struct s1} : bool :=
match s1 with
| EmptyString => true
| String x xs =>
match s2 with
| EmptyString => false
| String y ys =>
if Byte.byte_eq_dec x y then prefix xs ys
else false
Inductive t : Set :=
| Empty
| Byte (_ : Byte.byte)
| String (_ : bs)
| Append (_ _ : t)
| Concat (_ : t) (_ : list t).
Definition concat_aux (contents_aux : t -> bs -> bs) (sep : t) :=
fix concat_aux (l : list t) (acc : bs) : bs :=
match l with
| nil => acc
| b :: nil => contents_aux b acc
| b :: (_ :: _) as l =>
let acc := concat_aux l acc in
let acc := contents_aux sep acc in
contents_aux b acc
Fixpoint contents_aux (b : t) (acc : bs) {struct b} : bs :=
match b with
| Empty => acc
| Byte b => BS.String b acc
| String s => BS.append_tailrec s acc
| Append b1 b2 =>
let acc := contents_aux b2 acc in
contents_aux b1 acc
| Concat sep bufs => concat_aux contents_aux sep bufs acc
Definition contents (b : t) : bs := contents_aux b BS.EmptyString.
#[global] Instance empty : base.Empty t := Empty.
#[global] Instance monoid : monoid.Monoid t := {
monoid.monoid_unit := Empty;
monoid.monoid_op := Append;
End Buf.
Fixpoint prefix (s1 s2 : bs) {struct s1} : bool :=
match s1 with
| EmptyString => true
| String x xs =>
match s2 with
| EmptyString => false
| String y ys =>
if Byte.byte_eq_dec x y then prefix xs ys
else false
substring n m s returns the substring of s that starts
at position n and of length m;
if this does not make sense it returns ""
Fixpoint substring (n m : nat) (s : bs) : bs :=
match n, m, s with
| O, O, _ => BS.EmptyString
| O, S m', BS.EmptyString => s
| O, S m', BS.String c s' => BS.String c (substring 0 m' s')
| S n', _, BS.EmptyString => s
| S n', _, BS.String c s' => substring n' m s'
Fixpoint index (n : nat) (s1 s2 : bs) {struct s2} : option nat :=
match s2 with
| EmptyString =>
match n with
| 0 => match s1 with
| "" => Some 0
| String _ _ => None
| S _ => None
| String _ s2' =>
match n with
| 0 =>
if prefix s1 s2
then Some 0
else match index 0 s1 s2' with
| Some n0 => Some (S n0)
| None => None
| S n' => match index n' s1 s2' with
| Some n0 => Some (S n0)
| None => None
Fixpoint length (l : bs) : nat :=
match l with
| EmptyString => 0
| String _ l => S (length l)
Lemma print_length (s : bs) :
List.length (print s) = length s.
induction s; simpl.
- easy.
- now rewrite IHs.
Fixpoint contains (start : nat) (keys : list bs) (fullname : bs) :bool :=
match keys with
| kh::ktl =>
match index start kh fullname with
| Some n => contains (n + length kh) ktl fullname
| None => false
| [] => true
Definition eqb (a b : bs) : bool :=
if eq_dec a b then true else false.
#[deprecated(since="2021-09-21", note="Use [byte_to_N_inj].")]
Notation to_N_inj := byte_to_N_inj.
End BS.
Export Bytestring_notations.
Fixpoint bs_cmp (xs ys : bs) : comparison :=
match xs , ys with
| BS.EmptyString , BS.EmptyString => Eq
| BS.EmptyString , _ => Lt
| _ , BS.EmptyString => Gt
| BS.String x xs , BS.String y ys =>
match byte_cmp x y with
| Eq => bs_cmp xs ys
| x => x
#[global] Instance bs_compare : Compare bs := bs_cmp.
Module OT_bs <: OrderedType.OrderedType with Definition t := bs.
Definition t := bs.
Definition eq := @eq bs.
Definition lt := fun l r => bs_cmp l r = Lt.
Theorem lm x y : CompareSpec (x = y) (lt x y) (lt y x) (bs_cmp x y).
revert y; induction x; destruct y; simpl.
- constructor; reflexivity.
- constructor. reflexivity.
- constructor. reflexivity.
- unfold lt; simpl.
destruct (byte_cmp_spec b b0); simpl.
+ subst. destruct (IHx y); constructor; eauto.
destruct (byte_cmp_spec b0 b0); try congruence.
red in H0. rewrite OT_byte.eq_refl in H0. congruence.
+ constructor; auto.
+ red in H. rewrite H. constructor; auto.
Definition compare (x y : t) : OrderedType.Compare lt eq x y.
refine (
match bs_cmp x y as X return bs_cmp x y = X -> OrderedType.Compare lt eq x y with
| Eq => fun pf => OrderedType.EQ _
| Lt => fun pf => OrderedType.LT pf
| Gt => fun pf => OrderedType.GT _
end (Logic.eq_refl));
abstract (generalize (lm x y); rewrite pf; inversion 1; auto).
Theorem eq_refl (x : t) : eq x x.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Theorem eq_sym (x y : t) : eq x y -> eq y x.
Proof. eapply eq_sym. Qed.
Theorem eq_trans (x y z : t) : eq x y -> eq y z -> eq x z.
Proof. eapply eq_trans. Qed.
Theorem lt_trans (x y z : t) : lt x y -> lt y z -> lt x z.
unfold lt.
revert y z.
induction x; destruct y; simpl; try congruence.
- destruct z; congruence.
- destruct (byte_cmp_spec b b0); subst.
+ destruct z; auto.
destruct (byte_cmp b0 b); auto.
+ destruct z; auto.
red in H.
destruct (byte_cmp b0 b1) eqn:?.
* generalize (byte_cmp_spec b0 b1).
rewrite Heqc. inversion 1.
subst. rewrite H. auto.
* generalize (OT_byte.lt_trans _ _ _ H Heqc). unfold
intro X; rewrite X. auto.
* congruence.
+ congruence.
Theorem lt_not_eq (x y : t) : lt x y -> ~ eq x y.
unfold lt, eq.
intros Heq ->.
induction y; simpl in *; try congruence.
rewrite ->byte_cmp_refl in Heq. auto.
Definition eq_dec := BS.eq_dec.
End OT_bs.
(* The Arguments line for Byte.to_bits speeds up simpl quite considerably,
especially when simpl makes no progress. *)
#[global] Arguments Byte.to_bits !_ / : simpl nomatch.
match n, m, s with
| O, O, _ => BS.EmptyString
| O, S m', BS.EmptyString => s
| O, S m', BS.String c s' => BS.String c (substring 0 m' s')
| S n', _, BS.EmptyString => s
| S n', _, BS.String c s' => substring n' m s'
Fixpoint index (n : nat) (s1 s2 : bs) {struct s2} : option nat :=
match s2 with
| EmptyString =>
match n with
| 0 => match s1 with
| "" => Some 0
| String _ _ => None
| S _ => None
| String _ s2' =>
match n with
| 0 =>
if prefix s1 s2
then Some 0
else match index 0 s1 s2' with
| Some n0 => Some (S n0)
| None => None
| S n' => match index n' s1 s2' with
| Some n0 => Some (S n0)
| None => None
Fixpoint length (l : bs) : nat :=
match l with
| EmptyString => 0
| String _ l => S (length l)
Lemma print_length (s : bs) :
List.length (print s) = length s.
induction s; simpl.
- easy.
- now rewrite IHs.
Fixpoint contains (start : nat) (keys : list bs) (fullname : bs) :bool :=
match keys with
| kh::ktl =>
match index start kh fullname with
| Some n => contains (n + length kh) ktl fullname
| None => false
| [] => true
Definition eqb (a b : bs) : bool :=
if eq_dec a b then true else false.
#[deprecated(since="2021-09-21", note="Use [byte_to_N_inj].")]
Notation to_N_inj := byte_to_N_inj.
End BS.
Export Bytestring_notations.
Fixpoint bs_cmp (xs ys : bs) : comparison :=
match xs , ys with
| BS.EmptyString , BS.EmptyString => Eq
| BS.EmptyString , _ => Lt
| _ , BS.EmptyString => Gt
| BS.String x xs , BS.String y ys =>
match byte_cmp x y with
| Eq => bs_cmp xs ys
| x => x
#[global] Instance bs_compare : Compare bs := bs_cmp.
Module OT_bs <: OrderedType.OrderedType with Definition t := bs.
Definition t := bs.
Definition eq := @eq bs.
Definition lt := fun l r => bs_cmp l r = Lt.
Theorem lm x y : CompareSpec (x = y) (lt x y) (lt y x) (bs_cmp x y).
revert y; induction x; destruct y; simpl.
- constructor; reflexivity.
- constructor. reflexivity.
- constructor. reflexivity.
- unfold lt; simpl.
destruct (byte_cmp_spec b b0); simpl.
+ subst. destruct (IHx y); constructor; eauto.
destruct (byte_cmp_spec b0 b0); try congruence.
red in H0. rewrite OT_byte.eq_refl in H0. congruence.
+ constructor; auto.
+ red in H. rewrite H. constructor; auto.
Definition compare (x y : t) : OrderedType.Compare lt eq x y.
refine (
match bs_cmp x y as X return bs_cmp x y = X -> OrderedType.Compare lt eq x y with
| Eq => fun pf => OrderedType.EQ _
| Lt => fun pf => OrderedType.LT pf
| Gt => fun pf => OrderedType.GT _
end (Logic.eq_refl));
abstract (generalize (lm x y); rewrite pf; inversion 1; auto).
Theorem eq_refl (x : t) : eq x x.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Theorem eq_sym (x y : t) : eq x y -> eq y x.
Proof. eapply eq_sym. Qed.
Theorem eq_trans (x y z : t) : eq x y -> eq y z -> eq x z.
Proof. eapply eq_trans. Qed.
Theorem lt_trans (x y z : t) : lt x y -> lt y z -> lt x z.
unfold lt.
revert y z.
induction x; destruct y; simpl; try congruence.
- destruct z; congruence.
- destruct (byte_cmp_spec b b0); subst.
+ destruct z; auto.
destruct (byte_cmp b0 b); auto.
+ destruct z; auto.
red in H.
destruct (byte_cmp b0 b1) eqn:?.
* generalize (byte_cmp_spec b0 b1).
rewrite Heqc. inversion 1.
subst. rewrite H. auto.
* generalize (OT_byte.lt_trans _ _ _ H Heqc). unfold
intro X; rewrite X. auto.
* congruence.
+ congruence.
Theorem lt_not_eq (x y : t) : lt x y -> ~ eq x y.
unfold lt, eq.
intros Heq ->.
induction y; simpl in *; try congruence.
rewrite ->byte_cmp_refl in Heq. auto.
Definition eq_dec := BS.eq_dec.
End OT_bs.
(* The Arguments line for Byte.to_bits speeds up simpl quite considerably,
especially when simpl makes no progress. *)
#[global] Arguments Byte.to_bits !_ / : simpl nomatch.