* Copyright (C) BlueRock Security Inc. 2021-2024
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
* The following code contains code derived from code original to the
* stdpp project. That original code is
* Copyright stdpp developers and contributors
* and used according to the following license.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
* Original stdpp License:
Require Export stdpp.list.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.base.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.numbers.
Export bedrock.prelude.base.
* Copyright (C) BlueRock Security Inc. 2021-2024
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
* The following code contains code derived from code original to the
* stdpp project. That original code is
* Copyright stdpp developers and contributors
* and used according to the following license.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
* Original stdpp License:
Require Export stdpp.list.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.base.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.numbers.
Export bedrock.prelude.base.
Lemma Forall2_symmetric_strong {A} (R : relation A) l k :
Forall (fun x => ∀ y, R x y -> R y x) l -> Forall2 R l k -> Forall2 R k l.
intros Hl HR. apply Forall2_same_length_lookup_2.
{ by apply Forall2_length in HR. }
move=>i x y Hx Hy.
apply (Forall_lookup_1 _ _ _ _ Hl Hy).
apply (Forall2_lookup_lr _ _ _ _ _ _ HR Hy Hx).
Lemma list_equiv_reflexive_strong {A} `{!Equiv A} (l k : list A) :
Forall (fun x => x ≡ x) l -> l ≡ l.
Proof. rewrite list_equiv_Forall2. apply Forall_Forall2_diag. Qed.
Lemma list_equiv_symmetric_strong {A} `{!Equiv A} (l k : list A) :
Forall (fun x => ∀ y, x ≡ y -> y ≡ x) l -> l ≡ k -> k ≡ l.
rewrite !list_equiv_Forall2. apply Forall2_symmetric_strong.
Inductive ForallT {A} (P : A -> Type) : list A -> Type :=
| ForallT_nil : ForallT P []
| ForallT_cons x l : P x -> ForallT P l -> ForallT P (x :: l).
Definition ForallT_true {A} (P : A -> Type) (go : ∀ x, P x) : ∀ l, ForallT P l :=
fix go_list l :=
match l with
| [] => ForallT_nil _
| x :: l => ForallT_cons _ _ _ (go x) (go_list l)
(* Upstreamed in *)
#[global] Instance set_unfold_list_bind {A B} (f : A → list B) l P Q y :
(∀ x, SetUnfoldElemOf x l (P x)) → (∀ x, SetUnfoldElemOf y (f x) (Q x)) →
SetUnfoldElemOf y (l ≫= f) (∃ x, Q x ∧ P x).
Proof. constructor. rewrite elem_of_list_bind. naive_solver. Qed.
#[global] Instance list_bind_mono {A B} :
Proper (pointwise_relation _ (⊆) ==> (⊆) ==> (⊆))
(mbind (M := list) (A := A) (B := B)).
Proof. rewrite /pointwise_relation =>f1 f2 Hf xs1 xs2 Hxs. set_solver. Qed.
#[global] Instance list_bind_perm {A B} :
Proper (pointwise_relation _ Permutation ==> Permutation ==> Permutation)
(mbind (M := list) (A := A) (B := B)).
Proof. move =>f1 f2 Hf xs _ <-. elim: xs => [//|x xs IH]; csimpl. by rewrite {}IH (Hf x). Qed.
(* To upstream, based on upstream set_unfold_filter. *)
#[global] Instance set_unfold_list_filter
{A} (P : A → Prop) `{!∀ x, Decision (P x)}
(xs : list A) Q x :
SetUnfoldElemOf x xs Q →
SetUnfoldElemOf x (filter P xs) (P x ∧ Q).
Proof. constructor. rewrite elem_of_list_filter. set_solver. Qed.
#[global] Instance set_unfold_list_difference `{EqDecision A} (x : A) l k P Q :
SetUnfoldElemOf x l P → SetUnfoldElemOf x k Q →
SetUnfoldElemOf x (list_difference l k) (P ∧ ¬ Q).
Proof. constructor. rewrite elem_of_list_difference. set_solver. Qed.
#[global] Instance set_unfold_list_intersection `{EqDecision A} (x : A) l k P Q :
SetUnfoldElemOf x l P → SetUnfoldElemOf x k Q →
SetUnfoldElemOf x (list_intersection l k) (P ∧ Q).
Proof. constructor. rewrite elem_of_list_intersection. set_solver. Qed.
#[global] Instance set_unfold_list_union `{EqDecision A} (x : A) l k P Q :
SetUnfoldElemOf x l P → SetUnfoldElemOf x k Q →
SetUnfoldElemOf x (list_union l k) (P ∨ Q).
Proof. constructor. rewrite elem_of_list_union. set_solver. Qed.
#[global] Instance set_unfold_list_intersection_with `{EqDecision A} (y : A) l k P Q R f :
(∀ x, SetUnfoldElemOf x l (P x)) → (∀ x, SetUnfoldElemOf x k (Q x)) →
(∀ x1 x2, SetUnfold (f x1 x2 = Some y) (R x1 x2)) →
SetUnfoldElemOf y (list_intersection_with f l k) (∃ x1 x2 : A, P x1 ∧ Q x2 ∧ R x1 x2).
Proof. constructor. rewrite elem_of_list_intersection_with. set_solver. Qed.
(* list_union_with does not exist. *)
#[global] Instance set_unfold_in {A} (x : A) l P :
SetUnfoldElemOf x l P → SetUnfold (In x l) P.
Proof. constructor. rewrite -elem_of_list_In. set_solver. Qed.
#[global] Instance set_unfold_list_ret {A} (x y : A) P :
SetUnfold (x = y) P →
SetUnfoldElemOf x (mret (M := list) y) P.
Proof. constructor. rewrite elem_of_list_ret. set_solver. Qed.
#[global] Instance set_unfold_list_mjoin {A} (x : A) (xss : list (list A)) P Q :
(∀ xs, SetUnfoldElemOf x xs (P xs)) → (∀ xs, SetUnfoldElemOf xs xss (Q xs)) →
SetUnfoldElemOf x (mjoin (M := list) xss) (∃ xs, P xs ∧ Q xs).
Proof. constructor. rewrite elem_of_list_join. set_solver. Qed.
#[global] Instance set_unfold_list_omap {A B} (y : B) xs (f : A → option B) P Q :
(∀ x, SetUnfoldElemOf x xs (P x)) → (∀ x, SetUnfold (f x = Some y) (Q x)) →
SetUnfoldElemOf y (omap (M := list) f xs) (∃ x : A, P x ∧ Q x).
Proof. constructor. rewrite elem_of_list_omap. set_solver. Qed.
Outside this theory remain elem_of_list_split*, elem_of_list_lookup and
Of those, elem_of_list_lookup seems interesting but might be a breaking
Lemma foldr_cons {A B} (f : A -> B -> B) x y ys : foldr f x (y :: ys) = f y (foldr f x ys).
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma foldr_rev {A B} (f : B -> A -> A) acc l :
foldr f acc (rev l) = foldl (fun acc x => f x acc) acc l.
Proof. move: acc. induction l=>acc //=. by rewrite foldr_app IHl. Qed.
Lemma foldl_rev {A B} (f : A -> B -> A) acc l :
foldl f acc (rev l) = foldr (fun x acc => f acc x) acc l.
Proof. by rewrite -foldr_rev rev_involutive. Qed.
Lemma foldl_left {A B} (f : A -> B -> A) acc l : foldl f acc l = fold_left f l acc.
Proof. move: acc. induction l; cbn; auto. Qed.
(* From stdlib's repeat to stdpp's replicate. *)
Lemma repeat_replicate {A} (x : A) n :
repeat x n = replicate n x.
Proof. by elim: n => [//| n /= ->]. Qed.
Section list.
Context {A : Type}.
Implicit Types (l k xs : list A) (i j : nat).
Lemma fmap_ext_in {B} (f g : A → B) l :
(∀ a : A, a ∈ l → f a = g a) → f <$> l = g <$> l.
elim: l => [//|x l IHl Hext]; cbn; f_equiv.
{ apply Hext, elem_of_cons, or_introl, eq_refl. }
apply IHl => y Hin. apply Hext, elem_of_cons, or_intror, Hin.
List disjointness is decidable
Section disjoint_dec.
Notation Disjoint l k :=
(List.Forall (λ x, List.Forall (x ≠.) k) l) (only parsing).
#[local] Lemma list_disjoint_alt l k : l ## k <-> Disjoint l k.
Proof. rewrite Forall_forall. setoid_rewrite Forall_forall. set_solver. Qed.
#[global] Instance list_disjoint_dec `{EqDecision A} : RelDecision (##@{list A}).
refine (λ l k, cast_if (decide (Disjoint l k)));
by rewrite list_disjoint_alt.
End disjoint_dec.
Notation Disjoint l k :=
(List.Forall (λ x, List.Forall (x ≠.) k) l) (only parsing).
#[local] Lemma list_disjoint_alt l k : l ## k <-> Disjoint l k.
Proof. rewrite Forall_forall. setoid_rewrite Forall_forall. set_solver. Qed.
#[global] Instance list_disjoint_dec `{EqDecision A} : RelDecision (##@{list A}).
refine (λ l k, cast_if (decide (Disjoint l k)));
by rewrite list_disjoint_alt.
End disjoint_dec.
Witnesses for non-disjoint lists
Lemma list_not_disjoint `{EqDecision A} l k :
¬ l ## k <-> exists x, x ∈ l /\ x ∈ k.
split; last set_solver+. rewrite list_disjoint_alt.
move/not_Forall_Exists=>/Exists_exists [] x [] ? /=.
move/not_Forall_Exists=>/Exists_exists [] y [] ? /=.
destruct (decide (x = y)); [by exists x; simplify_eq|done].
Lemma disjoint_cons_r l x k : l ## x :: k <-> x ∉ l /\ l ## k.
Proof. set_solver+. Qed.
Lemma list_alter_insert l i f :
alter f i l = if l !! i is Some x then <[i:=f x]> l else l.
elim: l i => [//|x l IHl] [//|i]; csimpl.
rewrite IHl. by case_match.
Lemma list_filter_empty_iff xs `(∀ x, Decision (P x)) :
filter P xs = [] ↔ List.Forall (λ x, ¬P x) xs.
elim: xs => [//|x xs IH] /=.
rewrite filter_cons Forall_cons.
case_decide; naive_solver.
¬ l ## k <-> exists x, x ∈ l /\ x ∈ k.
split; last set_solver+. rewrite list_disjoint_alt.
move/not_Forall_Exists=>/Exists_exists [] x [] ? /=.
move/not_Forall_Exists=>/Exists_exists [] y [] ? /=.
destruct (decide (x = y)); [by exists x; simplify_eq|done].
Lemma disjoint_cons_r l x k : l ## x :: k <-> x ∉ l /\ l ## k.
Proof. set_solver+. Qed.
Lemma list_alter_insert l i f :
alter f i l = if l !! i is Some x then <[i:=f x]> l else l.
elim: l i => [//|x l IHl] [//|i]; csimpl.
rewrite IHl. by case_match.
Lemma list_filter_empty_iff xs `(∀ x, Decision (P x)) :
filter P xs = [] ↔ List.Forall (λ x, ¬P x) xs.
elim: xs => [//|x xs IH] /=.
rewrite filter_cons Forall_cons.
case_decide; naive_solver.
List variant of
map_filter_insert : ...
filter P (<i:=x> m) =
if decide (P (i, x))
then <i:=x> (filter P m)
else filter P (delete i m) ].
In the P x branch, we cannot reuse <[i:=x]> (filter P m):
x must be inserted not at position i but length (filter P (take i xs)).
Instead, we use an alternative version.
Lemma list_filter_insert i x xs P `(∀ x, Decision (P x)) :
i < length xs →
filter P (<[i:=x]> xs) =
if decide (P x) then
filter P (take i xs) ++ [x] ++ filter P (drop (S i) xs)
filter P (delete i xs).
move=> Hle; rewrite insert_take_drop // delete_take_drop.
by rewrite !(filter_app, filter_cons, filter_nil); case_decide.
i < length xs →
filter P (<[i:=x]> xs) =
if decide (P x) then
filter P (take i xs) ++ [x] ++ filter P (drop (S i) xs)
filter P (delete i xs).
move=> Hle; rewrite insert_take_drop // delete_take_drop.
by rewrite !(filter_app, filter_cons, filter_nil); case_decide.
Properties of list_fmap
Lemma list_fmap_filter {B} P Q xs (f : A -> B)
`(∀ x, Decision (P x)) `(∀ x, Decision (Q x)) :
(∀ x, P x <-> Q (f x)) →
f <$> filter P xs = filter Q (f <$> xs).
move=> Heq. elim: xs => [//|x xs IH]; csimpl; rewrite !filter_cons.
repeat case_decide; csimpl; rewrite IH; naive_solver.
Lemma list_fmap_id' l (f : A -> A):
(forall x, f x = x) -> f <$> l = l.
Proof. move => ?. elim: l => // ?? {2}<-. csimpl. by f_equal. Qed.
`(∀ x, Decision (P x)) `(∀ x, Decision (Q x)) :
(∀ x, P x <-> Q (f x)) →
f <$> filter P xs = filter Q (f <$> xs).
move=> Heq. elim: xs => [//|x xs IH]; csimpl; rewrite !filter_cons.
repeat case_decide; csimpl; rewrite IH; naive_solver.
Lemma list_fmap_id' l (f : A -> A):
(forall x, f x = x) -> f <$> l = l.
Proof. move => ?. elim: l => // ?? {2}<-. csimpl. by f_equal. Qed.
Properties of list_delete
Lemma list_delete_elem_of_1 l i x y:
l !! i = Some y -> x ≠ y ->
x ∈ l -> x ∈ delete i l.
Proof. move => Hl ?. rewrite {1}(delete_Permutation _ _ _ Hl). set_solver. Qed.
Lemma list_delete_elem_of_2 l x i:
x ∈ delete i l -> x ∈ l.
Proof. elim: l i => // a l IH [ |i]/=; set_solver. Qed.
l !! i = Some y -> x ≠ y ->
x ∈ l -> x ∈ delete i l.
Proof. move => Hl ?. rewrite {1}(delete_Permutation _ _ _ Hl). set_solver. Qed.
Lemma list_delete_elem_of_2 l x i:
x ∈ delete i l -> x ∈ l.
Proof. elim: l i => // a l IH [ |i]/=; set_solver. Qed.
Properties of NoDup
Lemma NoDup_Permutation' l k:
NoDup l -> length l = length k -> (∀ x : A, x ∈ l -> x ∈ k) → l ≡ₚ k.
move => ???. apply submseteq_length_Permutation; last lia.
by apply NoDup_submseteq.
Lemma NoDup_not_in_delete l i x:
NoDup l -> l !! i = Some x -> x ∉ delete i l.
Proof. move => + Hin. by rewrite {1}(delete_Permutation _ _ _ Hin) => /NoDup_cons[??]. Qed.
End list.
#[global] Hint Resolve NoDup_nil_2 | 0 : core.
#[global] Hint Resolve NoDup_cons_2 : core.
#[global] Hint Resolve not_elem_of_nil | 0 : core.
Section lists.
Context {A B : Type}.
Implicit Types (xs : list A) (ys : list B).
Section zip_with.
Context {C : Type}.
Lemma NoDup_zip_with_fst_gen xs ys (f : A -> B -> C) :
(∀ x1 x2 y1 y2, f x1 y1 = f x2 y2 -> x1 = x2) ->
NoDup xs → NoDup (zip_with f xs ys).
move=> Hinj. elim: xs ys => /= [//|x xs IHxs] [//|y ys] /NoDup_cons [Hni Hnd].
apply NoDup_cons, conj, IHxs, Hnd.
intros ?%elem_of_zip_with. naive_solver.
Lemma NoDup_zip_with_fst_inj xs ys (f : A -> B -> C) `{!Inj2 eq eq eq f} :
NoDup xs → NoDup (zip_with f xs ys).
Proof. apply NoDup_zip_with_fst_gen. naive_solver. Qed.
Lemma NoDup_zip_with_snd_gen xs ys (f : A -> B -> C) :
(∀ x1 x2 y1 y2, f x1 y1 = f x2 y2 -> y1 = y2) ->
NoDup ys → NoDup (zip_with f xs ys).
move=> Hinj. elim: xs ys => /= [//|x xs IHxs] [//|y ys] /NoDup_cons [Hni Hnd].
apply NoDup_cons, conj, IHxs, Hnd.
intros ?%elem_of_zip_with. naive_solver.
Lemma NoDup_zip_with_snd_inj xs ys `(f : A -> B -> C) `{!Inj2 eq eq eq f} :
NoDup ys → NoDup (zip_with f xs ys).
Proof. apply NoDup_zip_with_snd_gen. naive_solver. Qed.
End zip_with.
Lemma NoDup_zip_fst xs ys :
NoDup xs → NoDup (zip xs ys).
Proof. exact: NoDup_zip_with_fst_inj. Qed.
Lemma NoDup_zip_snd xs ys :
NoDup ys → NoDup (zip xs ys).
Proof. exact: NoDup_zip_with_snd_inj. Qed.
Lemma elem_of_zip x1 x2 xs ys :
(x1, x2) ∈ zip xs ys → x1 ∈ xs ∧ x2 ∈ ys.
Proof. intros. eauto using elem_of_zip_l, elem_of_zip_r. Qed.
Lemma zip_lookup_Some x y xs ys i :
xs !! i = Some x
-> ys !! i = Some y
-> zip xs ys !! i = Some (x, y).
move: ys i; induction xs; first done.
move=>ys; induction ys; first done.
move=>i; case:(Nat.zero_or_succ i).
- by move=>->/=[->][->].
- by move=>[i'->] /=; apply: IHxs.
NoDup l -> length l = length k -> (∀ x : A, x ∈ l -> x ∈ k) → l ≡ₚ k.
move => ???. apply submseteq_length_Permutation; last lia.
by apply NoDup_submseteq.
Lemma NoDup_not_in_delete l i x:
NoDup l -> l !! i = Some x -> x ∉ delete i l.
Proof. move => + Hin. by rewrite {1}(delete_Permutation _ _ _ Hin) => /NoDup_cons[??]. Qed.
End list.
#[global] Hint Resolve NoDup_nil_2 | 0 : core.
#[global] Hint Resolve NoDup_cons_2 : core.
#[global] Hint Resolve not_elem_of_nil | 0 : core.
Section lists.
Context {A B : Type}.
Implicit Types (xs : list A) (ys : list B).
Section zip_with.
Context {C : Type}.
Lemma NoDup_zip_with_fst_gen xs ys (f : A -> B -> C) :
(∀ x1 x2 y1 y2, f x1 y1 = f x2 y2 -> x1 = x2) ->
NoDup xs → NoDup (zip_with f xs ys).
move=> Hinj. elim: xs ys => /= [//|x xs IHxs] [//|y ys] /NoDup_cons [Hni Hnd].
apply NoDup_cons, conj, IHxs, Hnd.
intros ?%elem_of_zip_with. naive_solver.
Lemma NoDup_zip_with_fst_inj xs ys (f : A -> B -> C) `{!Inj2 eq eq eq f} :
NoDup xs → NoDup (zip_with f xs ys).
Proof. apply NoDup_zip_with_fst_gen. naive_solver. Qed.
Lemma NoDup_zip_with_snd_gen xs ys (f : A -> B -> C) :
(∀ x1 x2 y1 y2, f x1 y1 = f x2 y2 -> y1 = y2) ->
NoDup ys → NoDup (zip_with f xs ys).
move=> Hinj. elim: xs ys => /= [//|x xs IHxs] [//|y ys] /NoDup_cons [Hni Hnd].
apply NoDup_cons, conj, IHxs, Hnd.
intros ?%elem_of_zip_with. naive_solver.
Lemma NoDup_zip_with_snd_inj xs ys `(f : A -> B -> C) `{!Inj2 eq eq eq f} :
NoDup ys → NoDup (zip_with f xs ys).
Proof. apply NoDup_zip_with_snd_gen. naive_solver. Qed.
End zip_with.
Lemma NoDup_zip_fst xs ys :
NoDup xs → NoDup (zip xs ys).
Proof. exact: NoDup_zip_with_fst_inj. Qed.
Lemma NoDup_zip_snd xs ys :
NoDup ys → NoDup (zip xs ys).
Proof. exact: NoDup_zip_with_snd_inj. Qed.
Lemma elem_of_zip x1 x2 xs ys :
(x1, x2) ∈ zip xs ys → x1 ∈ xs ∧ x2 ∈ ys.
Proof. intros. eauto using elem_of_zip_l, elem_of_zip_r. Qed.
Lemma zip_lookup_Some x y xs ys i :
xs !! i = Some x
-> ys !! i = Some y
-> zip xs ys !! i = Some (x, y).
move: ys i; induction xs; first done.
move=>ys; induction ys; first done.
move=>i; case:(Nat.zero_or_succ i).
- by move=>->/=[->][->].
- by move=>[i'->] /=; apply: IHxs.
Lemma mapM_fmap_Forall_Some_inv (f : A -> option B) (g : B -> A) l k :
mapM f l = Some k ->
Forall (fun x => ∀ y, f x = Some y -> g y = x) l ->
g <$> k = l.
intros Hmap Hl. have Hlen := length_mapM _ _ _ Hmap.
apply mapM_Some_1 in Hmap. elim: Hl k Hmap Hlen; intros.
- by rewrite (nil_length_inv k).
- decompose_Forall_hyps. auto with f_equal.
Lemma Forall_fmap_fmap_1 (f : A -> B) (g : B -> A) l :
Forall (fun x => g (f x) = x) l -> g <$> (f <$> l) = l.
intros. rewrite -list_fmap_compose -{2}(list_fmap_id l).
exact: Forall_fmap_ext_1.
Lemma Forall_fmap_fmap (f : A -> B) (g : B -> A) l :
Forall (fun x => g (f x) = x) l <-> g <$> (f <$> l) = l.
split; first apply Forall_fmap_fmap_1.
rewrite -list_fmap_compose -{2}(list_fmap_id l).
by rewrite -Forall_fmap_ext.
End lists.
Section list_difference.
Context `{EqDecision A}.
Implicit Types l k : list A.
Implicit Types x y : A.
Lemma list_difference_nil_r l : list_difference l [] = l.
Proof. induction l; simpl; auto with f_equal. Qed.
Lemma list_difference_cons_r y l k :
list_difference l (y :: k) =
list_difference (list_difference l [y]) k.
induction l as [|x l IH]; [done | ].
rewrite [RHS]/=. case_decide as Hy.
{ simpl. rewrite decide_True; set_solver. }
rewrite [RHS]/=. case_decide as Hk; simpl.
- rewrite decide_True; set_solver.
- rewrite IH decide_False; set_solver.
Lemma list_difference_app_r l k1 k2 :
list_difference l (k1 ++ k2) = list_difference (list_difference l k1) k2.
revert l. induction k1 as [|y k1 IH]=>l; simpl.
- by rewrite list_difference_nil_r.
- by rewrite (list_difference_cons_r y) IH -(list_difference_cons_r y).
Lemma list_difference_singleton_not_in l x :
x ∉ l -> list_difference l [x] = l.
elim: l => /= [//|y l IHl] /not_elem_of_cons [Hne Hni].
rewrite decide_False.
2: { by intros ->%elem_of_list_singleton. }
f_equal. apply IHl, Hni.
End list_difference.
#[deprecated(note="Use [list_difference_singleton_not_in].")]
Notation list_difference_id := list_difference_singleton_not_in.
Lemma tail_length {A} (l : list A):
length (tail l) <= length l <= length (tail l) + 1.
induction l; simpl; by lia.
Lemma tail_length_eq {A} (l : list A):
0 < length l ->
length (tail l) + 1 = length l.
intros H.
destruct l; simpl in *; by lia.
Lemma list_ne_length {A} (xs : list A) : length xs ≠ 0 -> xs <> [].
Proof. by move=> ? /(f_equal length). Qed.
(* Make take 0 xs reduce with cbn *)
#[global] Arguments take : simpl nomatch.
Lemma head_Some_elem_of {A} (x : A) (xs : list A) : head xs = Some x → x ∈ xs.
Proof. destruct xs => [//|[->]]. by apply elem_of_cons; left. Qed.
Lemma list_empty_eq_ext {A} (xs : list A) :
(∀ x : A, x ∈ xs ↔ False) ↔ xs = [].
Proof. case: xs; set_solver. Qed.
Lemma list_singleton_eq_ext {A} (x : A) xs (HnoDup : NoDup xs) :
(∀ y, y ∈ xs ↔ y = x) ↔ xs = [x].
split => [H | -> y]; last by set_solver.
apply symmetry, Permutation_singleton_l, NoDup_Permutation;
[apply NoDup_singleton|done|..] => z.
Lemma not_elem_of_list_lookup {A} {i} {xs : list A} {x} y :
xs !! i = Some x → y ∉ xs → x ≠ y.
Proof. intros Hl Hni ->. eapply Hni, elem_of_list_lookup_2, Hl. Qed.
Lemma list_difference_delete `{EqDecision A} i (x : A) (xs : list A) :
xs !! i = Some x →
NoDup xs -> (* Needed because list_difference xs [x] removes all occurrences of x. *)
list_difference xs [x] = delete i xs.
elim: xs i => [//|y xs /= IHxs] [[->] |i /= Hl] /NoDup_cons [Hni HnoDup] /=. {
by rewrite decide_True ?list_difference_singleton_not_in ?elem_of_list_singleton.
rewrite decide_False ?(IHxs i) // elem_of_list_singleton.
by have := not_elem_of_list_lookup _ Hl Hni.
Lemma list_remove_delete `{EqDecision A} i (x : A) (xs : list A) :
xs !! i = Some x →
NoDup xs -> (* Needed because i might not be the first occurrence. *)
list_remove x xs = Some (delete i xs).
elim: xs i => /= [|y xs IHxs] // [/= [->]|i /= Hl] //= /NoDup_cons [Hni HnoDup].
{ by rewrite decide_True. }
rewrite decide_False ?(IHxs i Hl) //.
by have := not_elem_of_list_lookup _ Hl Hni.
Lemma list_difference_remove `{EqDecision A} (x : A) (xs : list A) :
x ∈ xs →
NoDup xs ->
list_remove x xs = Some (list_difference xs [x]).
intros [i Hl]%elem_of_list_lookup_1 HnoDup.
by rewrite !(list_remove_delete i, list_difference_delete i).
Lemma map_fmap : @map = @fmap _ _.
Proof. done. Qed.
#[global] Instance map_inj A B (f : A -> B) : Inj eq eq f -> Inj eq eq (map f).
Proof. rewrite map_fmap. apply list_fmap_eq_inj. Qed.
mapM f l = Some k ->
Forall (fun x => ∀ y, f x = Some y -> g y = x) l ->
g <$> k = l.
intros Hmap Hl. have Hlen := length_mapM _ _ _ Hmap.
apply mapM_Some_1 in Hmap. elim: Hl k Hmap Hlen; intros.
- by rewrite (nil_length_inv k).
- decompose_Forall_hyps. auto with f_equal.
Lemma Forall_fmap_fmap_1 (f : A -> B) (g : B -> A) l :
Forall (fun x => g (f x) = x) l -> g <$> (f <$> l) = l.
intros. rewrite -list_fmap_compose -{2}(list_fmap_id l).
exact: Forall_fmap_ext_1.
Lemma Forall_fmap_fmap (f : A -> B) (g : B -> A) l :
Forall (fun x => g (f x) = x) l <-> g <$> (f <$> l) = l.
split; first apply Forall_fmap_fmap_1.
rewrite -list_fmap_compose -{2}(list_fmap_id l).
by rewrite -Forall_fmap_ext.
End lists.
Section list_difference.
Context `{EqDecision A}.
Implicit Types l k : list A.
Implicit Types x y : A.
Lemma list_difference_nil_r l : list_difference l [] = l.
Proof. induction l; simpl; auto with f_equal. Qed.
Lemma list_difference_cons_r y l k :
list_difference l (y :: k) =
list_difference (list_difference l [y]) k.
induction l as [|x l IH]; [done | ].
rewrite [RHS]/=. case_decide as Hy.
{ simpl. rewrite decide_True; set_solver. }
rewrite [RHS]/=. case_decide as Hk; simpl.
- rewrite decide_True; set_solver.
- rewrite IH decide_False; set_solver.
Lemma list_difference_app_r l k1 k2 :
list_difference l (k1 ++ k2) = list_difference (list_difference l k1) k2.
revert l. induction k1 as [|y k1 IH]=>l; simpl.
- by rewrite list_difference_nil_r.
- by rewrite (list_difference_cons_r y) IH -(list_difference_cons_r y).
Lemma list_difference_singleton_not_in l x :
x ∉ l -> list_difference l [x] = l.
elim: l => /= [//|y l IHl] /not_elem_of_cons [Hne Hni].
rewrite decide_False.
2: { by intros ->%elem_of_list_singleton. }
f_equal. apply IHl, Hni.
End list_difference.
#[deprecated(note="Use [list_difference_singleton_not_in].")]
Notation list_difference_id := list_difference_singleton_not_in.
Lemma tail_length {A} (l : list A):
length (tail l) <= length l <= length (tail l) + 1.
induction l; simpl; by lia.
Lemma tail_length_eq {A} (l : list A):
0 < length l ->
length (tail l) + 1 = length l.
intros H.
destruct l; simpl in *; by lia.
Lemma list_ne_length {A} (xs : list A) : length xs ≠ 0 -> xs <> [].
Proof. by move=> ? /(f_equal length). Qed.
(* Make take 0 xs reduce with cbn *)
#[global] Arguments take : simpl nomatch.
Lemma head_Some_elem_of {A} (x : A) (xs : list A) : head xs = Some x → x ∈ xs.
Proof. destruct xs => [//|[->]]. by apply elem_of_cons; left. Qed.
Lemma list_empty_eq_ext {A} (xs : list A) :
(∀ x : A, x ∈ xs ↔ False) ↔ xs = [].
Proof. case: xs; set_solver. Qed.
Lemma list_singleton_eq_ext {A} (x : A) xs (HnoDup : NoDup xs) :
(∀ y, y ∈ xs ↔ y = x) ↔ xs = [x].
split => [H | -> y]; last by set_solver.
apply symmetry, Permutation_singleton_l, NoDup_Permutation;
[apply NoDup_singleton|done|..] => z.
Lemma not_elem_of_list_lookup {A} {i} {xs : list A} {x} y :
xs !! i = Some x → y ∉ xs → x ≠ y.
Proof. intros Hl Hni ->. eapply Hni, elem_of_list_lookup_2, Hl. Qed.
Lemma list_difference_delete `{EqDecision A} i (x : A) (xs : list A) :
xs !! i = Some x →
NoDup xs -> (* Needed because list_difference xs [x] removes all occurrences of x. *)
list_difference xs [x] = delete i xs.
elim: xs i => [//|y xs /= IHxs] [[->] |i /= Hl] /NoDup_cons [Hni HnoDup] /=. {
by rewrite decide_True ?list_difference_singleton_not_in ?elem_of_list_singleton.
rewrite decide_False ?(IHxs i) // elem_of_list_singleton.
by have := not_elem_of_list_lookup _ Hl Hni.
Lemma list_remove_delete `{EqDecision A} i (x : A) (xs : list A) :
xs !! i = Some x →
NoDup xs -> (* Needed because i might not be the first occurrence. *)
list_remove x xs = Some (delete i xs).
elim: xs i => /= [|y xs IHxs] // [/= [->]|i /= Hl] //= /NoDup_cons [Hni HnoDup].
{ by rewrite decide_True. }
rewrite decide_False ?(IHxs i Hl) //.
by have := not_elem_of_list_lookup _ Hl Hni.
Lemma list_difference_remove `{EqDecision A} (x : A) (xs : list A) :
x ∈ xs →
NoDup xs ->
list_remove x xs = Some (list_difference xs [x]).
intros [i Hl]%elem_of_list_lookup_1 HnoDup.
by rewrite !(list_remove_delete i, list_difference_delete i).
Lemma map_fmap : @map = @fmap _ _.
Proof. done. Qed.
#[global] Instance map_inj A B (f : A -> B) : Inj eq eq f -> Inj eq eq (map f).
Proof. rewrite map_fmap. apply list_fmap_eq_inj. Qed.
Basic theory about the ap/<*> combinator for lists.
Section ap.
Context {A B C : Type}.
Implicit Types (g : B -> C) (f : A -> B) (x : A).
Implicit Types (gs : list (B -> C)) (fs : list (A -> B)) (xs : list A).
#[local] Notation ap := UPoly.ap (only parsing).
#[global] Instance ap_Permutation : Proper ((≡ₚ@{A -> B}) ==> (≡ₚ) ==> (≡ₚ)) ap.
Proof. rewrite /ap. solve_proper. Qed.
Lemma elem_of_list_ap fs xs y : y ∈ fs <*> xs <-> (∃ f x, y = f x /\ f ∈ fs /\ x ∈ xs).
Proof. rewrite /ap/monad_ap. set_solver. Qed.
#[global] Instance set_unfold_list_ap fs xs (P : (A -> B) -> Prop) (Q : A -> Prop) (y : B) :
(∀ f, SetUnfoldElemOf f fs (P f)) -> (∀ x, SetUnfoldElemOf x xs (Q x)) ->
SetUnfoldElemOf y (fs <*> xs) (∃ f x, y = f x /\ P f /\ Q x).
Proof. constructor. rewrite elem_of_list_ap. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma ap_nil_l xs : (nil (A := A -> B)) <*> xs = [].
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma ap_nil_r fs : fs <*> [] = [].
Proof. by elim: fs. Qed.
Lemma ap_cons_l f fs xs : (f :: fs) <*> xs = (f <$> xs) ++ (fs <*> xs).
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma ap_cons_r_p fs x xs : fs <*> (x :: xs) ≡ₚ ((.$ x) <$> fs) ++ (fs <*> xs).
elim: fs =>// f fs IH. rewrite !ap_cons_l IH. csimpl. f_equiv.
by rewrite assoc (comm app (fmap f xs)) assoc.
Lemma list_ap_singleton_l f xs : [f] <*> xs = f <$> xs.
Proof. by rewrite ap_cons_l ap_nil_l right_id_L. Qed.
Lemma list_ap_singleton_r fs x : fs <*> [x] = (.$ x) <$> fs. (* interchange *)
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma ap_app_l fs1 fs2 xs : (fs1 ++ fs2) <*> xs = (fs1 <*> xs) ++ (fs2 <*> xs).
elim: fs1=>// f fs1 IH. csimpl. by rewrite !ap_cons_l IH assoc.
Lemma ap_app_r fs xs1 xs2 : fs <*> (xs1 ++ xs2) ≡ₚ (fs <*> xs1) ++ (fs <*> xs2).
elim: xs1=>[|x1 xs1 IH].
{ by rewrite ap_nil_r !left_id_L. }
{ rewrite [(_ :: _) ++ _]/=. by rewrite !ap_cons_r_p IH assoc. }
End ap.
#[deprecated(since="2023-09-03", note="Use [ap_nil_l].")]
Notation list_ap_nil_l := ap_nil_l (only parsing).
#[deprecated(since="2023-09-03", note="Use [ap_nil_r].")]
Notation list_ap_nil_r := ap_nil_r (only parsing).
#[deprecated(since="2023-09-03", note="Use [ap_cons_l].")]
Notation list_ap_cons_l := ap_cons_l (only parsing).
#[deprecated(since="2023-09-03", note="Use [ap_cons_r_p].")]
Notation list_ap_cons_r_p := ap_cons_r_p (only parsing).
Lemma list_ap_compose {A B C} (gs : list (B -> C)) (fs : list (A -> B)) (xs : list A) :
compose <$> gs <*> fs <*> xs = gs <*> (fs <*> xs).
elim: gs => // g gs IH.
rewrite fmap_cons ap_cons_l ap_app_l {}IH. rewrite ap_cons_l. f_equiv.
elim: fs => // f fs IH.
rewrite fmap_cons ap_cons_l {}IH list_fmap_compose. by rewrite ap_cons_l fmap_app.
Section ap.
Context {A B C : Type}.
Implicit Types (g : B -> C) (f : A -> B) (x : A).
Implicit Types (gs : list (B -> C)) (fs : list (A -> B)) (xs : list A).
#[local] Notation ap := UPoly.ap (only parsing).
#[global] Instance ap_Permutation : Proper ((≡ₚ@{A -> B}) ==> (≡ₚ) ==> (≡ₚ)) ap.
Proof. rewrite /ap. solve_proper. Qed.
Lemma elem_of_list_ap fs xs y : y ∈ fs <*> xs <-> (∃ f x, y = f x /\ f ∈ fs /\ x ∈ xs).
Proof. rewrite /ap/monad_ap. set_solver. Qed.
#[global] Instance set_unfold_list_ap fs xs (P : (A -> B) -> Prop) (Q : A -> Prop) (y : B) :
(∀ f, SetUnfoldElemOf f fs (P f)) -> (∀ x, SetUnfoldElemOf x xs (Q x)) ->
SetUnfoldElemOf y (fs <*> xs) (∃ f x, y = f x /\ P f /\ Q x).
Proof. constructor. rewrite elem_of_list_ap. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma ap_nil_l xs : (nil (A := A -> B)) <*> xs = [].
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma ap_nil_r fs : fs <*> [] = [].
Proof. by elim: fs. Qed.
Lemma ap_cons_l f fs xs : (f :: fs) <*> xs = (f <$> xs) ++ (fs <*> xs).
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma ap_cons_r_p fs x xs : fs <*> (x :: xs) ≡ₚ ((.$ x) <$> fs) ++ (fs <*> xs).
elim: fs =>// f fs IH. rewrite !ap_cons_l IH. csimpl. f_equiv.
by rewrite assoc (comm app (fmap f xs)) assoc.
Lemma list_ap_singleton_l f xs : [f] <*> xs = f <$> xs.
Proof. by rewrite ap_cons_l ap_nil_l right_id_L. Qed.
Lemma list_ap_singleton_r fs x : fs <*> [x] = (.$ x) <$> fs. (* interchange *)
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma ap_app_l fs1 fs2 xs : (fs1 ++ fs2) <*> xs = (fs1 <*> xs) ++ (fs2 <*> xs).
elim: fs1=>// f fs1 IH. csimpl. by rewrite !ap_cons_l IH assoc.
Lemma ap_app_r fs xs1 xs2 : fs <*> (xs1 ++ xs2) ≡ₚ (fs <*> xs1) ++ (fs <*> xs2).
elim: xs1=>[|x1 xs1 IH].
{ by rewrite ap_nil_r !left_id_L. }
{ rewrite [(_ :: _) ++ _]/=. by rewrite !ap_cons_r_p IH assoc. }
End ap.
#[deprecated(since="2023-09-03", note="Use [ap_nil_l].")]
Notation list_ap_nil_l := ap_nil_l (only parsing).
#[deprecated(since="2023-09-03", note="Use [ap_nil_r].")]
Notation list_ap_nil_r := ap_nil_r (only parsing).
#[deprecated(since="2023-09-03", note="Use [ap_cons_l].")]
Notation list_ap_cons_l := ap_cons_l (only parsing).
#[deprecated(since="2023-09-03", note="Use [ap_cons_r_p].")]
Notation list_ap_cons_r_p := ap_cons_r_p (only parsing).
Lemma list_ap_compose {A B C} (gs : list (B -> C)) (fs : list (A -> B)) (xs : list A) :
compose <$> gs <*> fs <*> xs = gs <*> (fs <*> xs).
elim: gs => // g gs IH.
rewrite fmap_cons ap_cons_l ap_app_l {}IH. rewrite ap_cons_l. f_equiv.
elim: fs => // f fs IH.
rewrite fmap_cons ap_cons_l {}IH list_fmap_compose. by rewrite ap_cons_l fmap_app.
The applicative functor laws follow easily.
In stating them, we ignore our conventions to prefer singleton lists
over mret and to prefer f <$> _ over [f] <*> _. We use a module
type to avoid cluttering the environment with lemmas ignoring those
Module Type TEST.
Lemma list_ap_id {A} (xs : list A) : mret id <*> xs = xs.
Proof. by rewrite list_ap_singleton_l list_fmap_id. Qed.
Lemma list_ap_compose {A B C} (gs : list (B -> C)) (fs : list (A -> B)) (xs : list A) :
mret compose <*> gs <*> fs <*> xs = gs <*> (fs <*> xs).
Proof. by rewrite list_ap_singleton_l list_ap_compose. Qed.
Lemma list_ap_morphism {A B} (f : A -> B) (x : A) : mret f <*> mret x =@{list B} mret (f x).
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma list_ap_interchange {A B} (fs : list (A -> B)) (x : A) :
fs <*> mret x = mret (.$ x) <*> fs.
Proof. by rewrite list_ap_singleton_r list_ap_singleton_l. Qed.
Lemma list_ap_id {A} (xs : list A) : mret id <*> xs = xs.
Proof. by rewrite list_ap_singleton_l list_fmap_id. Qed.
Lemma list_ap_compose {A B C} (gs : list (B -> C)) (fs : list (A -> B)) (xs : list A) :
mret compose <*> gs <*> fs <*> xs = gs <*> (fs <*> xs).
Proof. by rewrite list_ap_singleton_l list_ap_compose. Qed.
Lemma list_ap_morphism {A B} (f : A -> B) (x : A) : mret f <*> mret x =@{list B} mret (f x).
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma list_ap_interchange {A B} (fs : list (A -> B)) (x : A) :
fs <*> mret x = mret (.$ x) <*> fs.
Proof. by rewrite list_ap_singleton_r list_ap_singleton_l. Qed.
Theory supporting NoDup_fmap_ap and (conjectured) n-ary variants.
Section NoDup_ap.
Context {A B C : Type}.
Implicit Types (g : B -> C) (f : A -> B) (x : A).
Implicit Types (gs : list (B -> C)) (fs : list (A -> B)) (xs : list A).
Section NoDup_ap.
Context {A B C : Type}.
Implicit Types (g : B -> C) (f : A -> B) (x : A).
Implicit Types (gs : list (B -> C)) (fs : list (A -> B)) (xs : list A).
pairwise_disj_funs fs is our key "induction hypothesis" when n varies.
It asserts that all functions in fs have disjoint images, combining
injectivity and NoDup xs.
TODO: combine with PairwiseDisjoint? Unclear this is close enough to
Definition pairwise_disj_funs fs :=
(∀ (f1 f2 : A -> B) x1 x2,
f1 x1 = f2 x2 -> f1 ∈ fs -> f2 ∈ fs -> f1 = f2 ∧ x1 = x2).
Lemma pairwise_disj_funs_inj fs f :
pairwise_disj_funs fs -> f ∈ fs -> Inj eq eq f.
Proof. intros HF Hin a1 a2 He. by apply (HF f f). Qed.
Lemma pairwise_disj_funs_cons fs f :
pairwise_disj_funs (f :: fs) -> pairwise_disj_funs fs.
intros HFFS ?? **. apply (HFFS f1 f2) => //; by rewrite elem_of_cons; right.
Lemma NoDup_fmap_fun fs x :
NoDup fs ->
pairwise_disj_funs fs ->
NoDup ((λ f, f x) <$> fs).
elim: fs => [//|f fs IH]. rewrite fmap_cons !NoDup_cons => -[Hni Hfs] HFFS.
split. { red in HFFS. set_solver. }
exact /IH /pairwise_disj_funs_cons.
Lemma NoDup_ap fs xs :
pairwise_disj_funs fs ->
NoDup fs -> NoDup xs ->
NoDup (fs <*> xs).
move=> HF. elim: fs HF xs => [//|f fs IH] HFFS [|x xs].
{ by rewrite ap_nil_r. }
move=> /NoDup_cons [Hf Hfs] /NoDup_cons [Hx Hxs].
have ? : Inj eq eq f. { eapply pairwise_disj_funs_inj. done. exact: elem_of_list_here. }
have HFS : pairwise_disj_funs fs by exact: pairwise_disj_funs_cons.
specialize (IH HFS); red in HFFS.
rewrite ap_cons_l ap_cons_r_p fmap_cons.
rewrite !(NoDup_app, NoDup_cons, NoDup_fmap).
split_and!; eauto using NoDup_fmap_fun.
all: set_solver -HFS IH Hfs Hxs.
End NoDup_ap.
Section NoDup_fmap_ap.
Context {A B C : Type}.
Implicit Types (f : A -> B -> C) (xs : list A) (ys : list B).
Lemma elem_of_list_fmap_ap f z xs ys :
z ∈ f <$> xs <*> ys ↔ (∃ x y, z = f x y ∧ x ∈ xs ∧ y ∈ ys).
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
(* Potentially redundant, strictly speaking, but produces smaller and simpler goals. *)
(* We use cost 1 to be preferred to set_unfold_list_fmap and allow extensions. *)
#[global] Instance set_unfold_list_fmap_ap z f xs ys P Q :
(∀ x, SetUnfoldElemOf x xs (P x)) →
(∀ y, SetUnfoldElemOf y ys (Q y)) →
SetUnfoldElemOf z (f <$> xs <*> ys) (∃ x y, z = f x y ∧ P x ∧ Q y) | 1.
Proof. constructor. rewrite elem_of_list_fmap_ap. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma pairwise_disj_funs_fmap f xs :
Inj2 eq eq eq f ->
NoDup xs ->
pairwise_disj_funs (f <$> xs).
Proof. rewrite /pairwise_disj_funs. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma NoDup_fmap_ap `{!Inj2 eq eq eq f} xs ys
(Hxs : NoDup xs) (Hys : NoDup ys) : NoDup (f <$> xs <*> ys).
destruct ys as [|y ys]; first by rewrite ap_nil_r.
have IhnB : Inhabited B by constructor.
apply /NoDup_ap => //. exact: pairwise_disj_funs_fmap.
exact: NoDup_fmap_2.
End NoDup_fmap_ap.
(∀ (f1 f2 : A -> B) x1 x2,
f1 x1 = f2 x2 -> f1 ∈ fs -> f2 ∈ fs -> f1 = f2 ∧ x1 = x2).
Lemma pairwise_disj_funs_inj fs f :
pairwise_disj_funs fs -> f ∈ fs -> Inj eq eq f.
Proof. intros HF Hin a1 a2 He. by apply (HF f f). Qed.
Lemma pairwise_disj_funs_cons fs f :
pairwise_disj_funs (f :: fs) -> pairwise_disj_funs fs.
intros HFFS ?? **. apply (HFFS f1 f2) => //; by rewrite elem_of_cons; right.
Lemma NoDup_fmap_fun fs x :
NoDup fs ->
pairwise_disj_funs fs ->
NoDup ((λ f, f x) <$> fs).
elim: fs => [//|f fs IH]. rewrite fmap_cons !NoDup_cons => -[Hni Hfs] HFFS.
split. { red in HFFS. set_solver. }
exact /IH /pairwise_disj_funs_cons.
Lemma NoDup_ap fs xs :
pairwise_disj_funs fs ->
NoDup fs -> NoDup xs ->
NoDup (fs <*> xs).
move=> HF. elim: fs HF xs => [//|f fs IH] HFFS [|x xs].
{ by rewrite ap_nil_r. }
move=> /NoDup_cons [Hf Hfs] /NoDup_cons [Hx Hxs].
have ? : Inj eq eq f. { eapply pairwise_disj_funs_inj. done. exact: elem_of_list_here. }
have HFS : pairwise_disj_funs fs by exact: pairwise_disj_funs_cons.
specialize (IH HFS); red in HFFS.
rewrite ap_cons_l ap_cons_r_p fmap_cons.
rewrite !(NoDup_app, NoDup_cons, NoDup_fmap).
split_and!; eauto using NoDup_fmap_fun.
all: set_solver -HFS IH Hfs Hxs.
End NoDup_ap.
Section NoDup_fmap_ap.
Context {A B C : Type}.
Implicit Types (f : A -> B -> C) (xs : list A) (ys : list B).
Lemma elem_of_list_fmap_ap f z xs ys :
z ∈ f <$> xs <*> ys ↔ (∃ x y, z = f x y ∧ x ∈ xs ∧ y ∈ ys).
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
(* Potentially redundant, strictly speaking, but produces smaller and simpler goals. *)
(* We use cost 1 to be preferred to set_unfold_list_fmap and allow extensions. *)
#[global] Instance set_unfold_list_fmap_ap z f xs ys P Q :
(∀ x, SetUnfoldElemOf x xs (P x)) →
(∀ y, SetUnfoldElemOf y ys (Q y)) →
SetUnfoldElemOf z (f <$> xs <*> ys) (∃ x y, z = f x y ∧ P x ∧ Q y) | 1.
Proof. constructor. rewrite elem_of_list_fmap_ap. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma pairwise_disj_funs_fmap f xs :
Inj2 eq eq eq f ->
NoDup xs ->
pairwise_disj_funs (f <$> xs).
Proof. rewrite /pairwise_disj_funs. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma NoDup_fmap_ap `{!Inj2 eq eq eq f} xs ys
(Hxs : NoDup xs) (Hys : NoDup ys) : NoDup (f <$> xs <*> ys).
destruct ys as [|y ys]; first by rewrite ap_nil_r.
have IhnB : Inhabited B by constructor.
apply /NoDup_ap => //. exact: pairwise_disj_funs_fmap.
exact: NoDup_fmap_2.
End NoDup_fmap_ap.