
 * Copyright (c) 2019-2023 BlueRock Security, Inc.
 * This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
 * See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.

Require Import Stdlib.ZArith.ZArith.

Require Import bedrock.prelude.bytestring.
Require bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.stmt.
Require Export bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.expr_notations.
Require Export bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.type_notations.

#[local] Open Scope Z_scope.
#[local] Open Scope bs_scope.

Module Export StmtNotationsInterface.
  Declare Custom Entry CPP_stmt.
  Declare Scope CPP_stmt_scope.
  Delimit Scope CPP_stmt_scope with cpp_stmt.

  Bind Scope CPP_stmt_scope with Stmt'.
  Bind Scope CPP_stmt_scope with VarDecl'.

  (* Injection from constr in case we're printing a subterm we don't recognize *)
  Notation "'{?:' s '};'"
      := s
         ( in custom CPP_stmt at level 0
         , s constr
         , format "'[hv' {?: s }; ']'"
         , only printing).
  (* Injection into constr in case we're printing this at the top-level *)
  Notation "'{s:' s '}'"
      := (s)
         ( at level 0
         , s custom CPP_stmt at level 200
         , format "'[hv' {s: s } ']'"
         , only printing)
    : CPP_stmt_scope.
End StmtNotationsInterface.

(* TODO (JH): Investigate which (if any) of the subsequent notations we can make

Module StmtNotations.
  (* Statements that provide their own line break

     NOTES (JH):
     - Stmts will be enclosed in {(stmt: ...)}, so we don't include curly braces here.
     - terminal Stmts will have notations which insert semicolons (and the appropriate
       spacing after them).

  Notation "'//' 'end' 'block'"
      := (Sseq nil)
         ( in custom CPP_stmt at level 0
         , format "'[' // end block ']'"
         , only printing).
  Notation "s"
      := (Sseq (cons s nil))
         ( in custom CPP_stmt at level 0
         , s custom CPP_stmt at level 200
         , format "'[' s ']'"
         , only printing).
  Notation "s1 .. s2 '//' 'end' 'block'"
      := (Sseq (cons s1 .. (cons s2 nil) ..))
         ( in custom CPP_stmt at level 0
         , s1 custom CPP_stmt at level 200
         , s2 custom CPP_stmt at level 200
         , format "'[v' s1 '/' .. '/' s2 '//' // end block ']'"
         , only printing).

  (* TODO (JH): Notations for other VarDecl forms *)
  Notation "ty $ v ;"
      := (Dvar v%bs ty None)
         ( in custom CPP_stmt at level 0
         , ty custom CPP_type at level 200
         , v constr
         , format "'[' ty $ v ; ']'"
         , only printing).
  Notation "ty $ v = e ;"
      := (Dvar v%bs ty (Some e))
         ( in custom CPP_stmt at level 0
         , e custom CPP_expr at level 200
         , ty custom CPP_type at level 200
         , v constr
         , format "'[' ty $ v = e ; ']'"
         , only printing).

  Notation "'//' 'end' 'decl' 'block'"
      := (Sdecl nil)
         ( in custom CPP_stmt at level 0
         , format "// end decl block"
         , only printing).
  Notation "d"
      := (Sdecl (cons d nil))
         ( in custom CPP_stmt at level 0
         , d custom CPP_stmt at level 200
         , format "'[' d ']'"
         , only printing).
  Notation "d1 .. d2"
      := (Sdecl (cons d1 .. (cons d2 nil) ..))
         ( in custom CPP_stmt at level 0
         , d1 custom CPP_stmt at level 200
         , d2 custom CPP_stmt at level 200
         , format "'[v' d1 '/' .. '/' d2 ']'"
         , only printing).

  Notation "'if' ( cond ) { thn } 'else' { els }"
      := (Sif None cond thn els)
         ( in custom CPP_stmt at level 200
         , cond custom CPP_expr at level 200
         , thn custom CPP_stmt at level 200
         , els custom CPP_stmt at level 200
         , format "'[hv' if ( cond ) { '//' thn '//' } else { '//' els '//' } ']'"
         , only printing).
  Notation "'if' ( decl cond ) { thn } 'else' { els }"
      := (Sif (Some decl) cond thn els)
         ( in custom CPP_stmt at level 200
         , decl custom CPP_stmt
         , cond custom CPP_expr at level 200
         , thn custom CPP_stmt at level 200
         , els custom CPP_stmt at level 200
         , format "'[hv' if ( '[hv ' decl '/' cond ']' ) { '//' thn '//' } else { '//' els '//' } ']'"
         , only printing).

  Notation "'while' ( cond ) { body }"
      := (Swhile None cond body)
         ( in custom CPP_stmt at level 200
         , cond custom CPP_expr at level 200
         , body custom CPP_stmt at level 200
         , format "'[hv' while ( cond ) { '//' body '//' } ']'"
         , only printing).
  Notation "'while' ( decl cond ) { body }"
      := (Swhile (Some decl) cond body)
         ( in custom CPP_stmt at level 200
         , decl custom CPP_stmt at level 200
         , cond custom CPP_expr at level 200
         , body custom CPP_stmt at level 200
         , format "'[hv' while ( '[hv ' decl '/' cond ']' ) { '//' body '//' } ']'"
         , only printing).

  Notation "'for' '(;;)' { body }"
      := (Sfor None None None body)
         ( in custom CPP_stmt at level 200
         , body custom CPP_stmt at level 200
         , format "'[hv' for (;;) { '//' body '//' } ']'"
         , only printing).
  (* NOTE (JH): init will insert a semicolon since it will be a terminal stmt in realistic ASTs *)
  Notation "'for' ( init ';)' { body }"
      := (Sfor (Some init) None None body)
         ( in custom CPP_stmt at level 200
         , init custom CPP_stmt at level 200
         , body custom CPP_stmt at level 200
         , format "'[hv' for ( init ;) { '//' body '//' } ']'"
         , only printing).
  Notation "'for' '(;' cond ';)' { body }"
      := (Sfor None (Some cond) None body)
         ( in custom CPP_stmt at level 200
         , cond custom CPP_expr at level 200
         , body custom CPP_stmt at level 200
         , format "'[hv' for (; cond ;) { '//' body '//' } ']'"
         , only printing).
  Notation "'for' '(;;' incr ) { body }"
      := (Sfor None None (Some incr) body)
         ( in custom CPP_stmt at level 200
         , incr custom CPP_expr at level 200
         , body custom CPP_stmt at level 200
         , format "'[hv' for (;; incr ) { '//' body '//' } ']'"
         , only printing).
  (* NOTE (JH): init will insert a semicolon since it will be a terminal stmt in realistic ASTs *)
  Notation "'for' ( init cond ';)' { body }"
      := (Sfor (Some init) (Some cond) None body)
         ( in custom CPP_stmt at level 200
         , init custom CPP_stmt at level 200
         , cond custom CPP_expr at level 200
         , body custom CPP_stmt at level 200
         , format "'[hv' for ( init cond ;) { '//' body '//' } ']'"
         , only printing).
  (* NOTE (JH): init will insert a semicolon since it will be a terminal stmt in realistic ASTs *)
  Notation "'for' ( init ; incr ) { body }"
      := (Sfor (Some init) None (Some incr) body)
         ( in custom CPP_stmt at level 200
         , init custom CPP_stmt at level 200
         , incr custom CPP_expr at level 200
         , body custom CPP_stmt at level 200
         , format "'[hv' for ( init ; incr ) { '//' body '//' } ']'"
         , only printing).
  Notation "'for' (; cond ; incr ) { body }"
      := (Sfor None (Some cond) (Some incr) body)
         ( in custom CPP_stmt at level 200
         , cond custom CPP_expr at level 200
         , incr custom CPP_expr at level 200
         , body custom CPP_stmt at level 200
         , format "'[hv' for (; cond ; incr ) { '//' body '//' } ']'"
         , only printing).
  (* NOTE (JH): init will insert a semicolon since it will be a terminal stmt in realistic ASTs *)
  Notation "'for' ( init cond ; incr ) { body }"
      := (Sfor (Some init) (Some cond) (Some incr) body)
         ( in custom CPP_stmt at level 200
         , init custom CPP_stmt at level 200
         , cond custom CPP_expr at level 200
         , incr custom CPP_expr at level 200
         , body custom CPP_stmt at level 200
         , format "'[hv' for ( init cond ; incr ) { '//' body '//' } ']'"
         , only printing).

  Notation "'do' { bod } 'while' ( e ) ;"
      := (Sdo bod e)
         ( in custom CPP_stmt at level 200
         , e custom CPP_expr at level 200
         , bod custom CPP_stmt at level 200
         , format "'[hv' do { '//' bod '//' } while ( e ) ; ']'"
         , only printing).

  (* TODO (JH): Sswitch/Scase/Sdefault *)

  Notation "'break;'"
      := (Sbreak)
         ( in custom CPP_stmt at level 0
         , format "'[' break; ']'"
         , only printing).

  Notation "'continue;'"
      := (Scontinue)
         ( in custom CPP_stmt at level 0
         , format "'[' continue; ']'"
         , only printing).

  Notation "'return;'"
      := (Sreturn None)
         ( in custom CPP_stmt at level 0
         , format "'[' return; ']'"
         , only printing).
  Notation "'return' e ;"
      := (Sreturn (Some e))
         ( in custom CPP_stmt at level 0
         , e custom CPP_expr at level 200
         , format "'[' return e ; ']'"
         , only printing).

  Notation "e ;"
      := (Sexpr e)
         ( in custom CPP_stmt at level 0
         , e custom CPP_expr at level 200
         , format "'[' e ; ']'"
         , only printing).

  Notation "s"
      := (Sattr nil s)
         ( in custom CPP_stmt at level 0
         , s custom CPP_stmt at level 200
         , format "'[' s ']'"
         , only printing).
  Notation "'[[' attr1 , .. , attr2 ']]' s"
      := (Sattr (cons attr1%bs .. (cons attr2%bs nil) ..) s)
         ( in custom CPP_stmt at level 0
         , attr1 constr
         , attr2 constr
         , s custom CPP_stmt at level 200
         , format "'[' [[ '[hv' attr1 , '/' .. , '/' attr2 ']' ]] s ']'"
         , only printing).

  (* TODO (JH): Sasm *)

  Notation "'<LABEL:' lbl > s"
      := (Slabeled lbl%bs s)
         ( in custom CPP_stmt at level 0
         , lbl constr
         , s custom CPP_stmt at level 200
         , format "'[' <LABEL: lbl > s ']'"
         , only printing).

  Notation "'goto' lbl ;"
      := (Sgoto lbl%bs)
         ( in custom CPP_stmt at level 0
         , lbl constr
         , format "'[' goto lbl ; ']'"
         , only printing).

  Notation "'{UNSUPPORTED:' msg '}'"
      := (Sunsupported msg%bs)
         ( in custom CPP_stmt at level 0
         , msg constr
         , format "'[hv ' {UNSUPPORTED: msg } ']'"
         , only printing).
End StmtNotations.