
 * Copyright (c) 2019-2024 BlueRock Security, Inc.
 * This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
 * See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.

Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.prelude.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.core.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.notations.

#[local] Open Scope Z_scope.
#[local] Open Scope bs_scope.

Module Export TypeNotationsInterface.
  Declare Custom Entry CPP_type.

  Bind Scope cpp_type_scope with type.
  Bind Scope cpp_type_scope with type_qualifiers.

  (* Injection from constr in case we're printing a subterm we don't recognize *)
  Notation "'{?:' ty '}'"
      := ty
         ( in custom CPP_type at level 0
         , ty constr
         , format "'[hv' {?: ty } ']'"
         , only printing).
  (* Injection into constr in case we're printing this at the top-level *)
  Notation "'{t:' ty '}'"
      := ty
         ( at level 200
         , ty custom CPP_type at level 200
         , format "'[hv' {t: ty } ']'"
         , only printing)
    : cpp_type_scope.
End TypeNotationsInterface.

(* NOTE (JH): tests/type_notation_tests.v contains tests of parsing/printing notations
   as well as Checks whose output is compared against a reference file.

Module Export TypeNotations.
  (* type_qualifiers - leaf nodes get the highest priority *)
  Notation "'mut'" := QM (in custom CPP_type at level 0, only printing).
  Notation "'const'" := QC (in custom CPP_type at level 0, only printing).
  Notation "'volatile'" := QV (in custom CPP_type at level 0, only printing).
  Notation "'const' 'volatile'"
      := QCV
         ( in custom CPP_type at level 0
         , format "'[' const volatile ']'"
         , only printing).

  (* Tqualified types *)
  Notation "'mut' ty"
      := (Tmut ty)
         ( in custom CPP_type at level 100
         , ty custom CPP_type at level 200
         , right associativity
         , format "'[' mut ty ']'"
         , only printing).
  Notation "'const' ty"
      := (Tconst ty)
         ( in custom CPP_type at level 100
         , ty custom CPP_type at level 200
         , right associativity
         , format "'[' const ty ']'"
         , only printing).
  Notation "'volatile' ty"
      := (Tvolatile ty)
         ( in custom CPP_type at level 100
         , ty custom CPP_type at level 200
         , right associativity
         , format "'[' volatile ty ']'"
         , only printing).
  Notation "'const' 'volatile' ty"
      := (Tconst_volatile ty)
         ( in custom CPP_type at level 100
         , ty custom CPP_type at level 200
         , right associativity
         , format "'[' const volatile ty ']'"
         , only printing).

  (* Tnum variants *)
  Notation "'int8'" := Ti8 (in custom CPP_type at level 0, only printing).
  Notation "'uint8'" := Tu8 (in custom CPP_type at level 0, only printing).
  Notation "'int16'" := Ti16 (in custom CPP_type at level 0, only printing).
  Notation "'uint16'" := Tu16 (in custom CPP_type at level 0, only printing).
  Notation "'int32'" := Ti32 (in custom CPP_type at level 0, only printing).
  Notation "'uint32'" := Tu32 (in custom CPP_type at level 0, only printing).
  Notation "'int64'" := Ti64 (in custom CPP_type at level 0, only printing).
  Notation "'uint64'" := Tu64 (in custom CPP_type at level 0, only printing).
  Notation "'int128'" := Ti128 (in custom CPP_type at level 0, only printing).
  Notation "'uint128'" := Tu128 (in custom CPP_type at level 0, only printing).

  (* char_type.t variants *)
  Notation "'char'" := Tchar (in custom CPP_type at level 0, only printing).
  Notation "'wchar'" := Twchar (in custom CPP_type at level 0, only printing).
  Notation "'char8'" := Tchar8 (in custom CPP_type at level 0, only printing).
  Notation "'char16'" := Tchar16 (in custom CPP_type at level 0, only printing).
  Notation "'char32'" := Tchar32 (in custom CPP_type at level 0, only printing).

  (* The rest of the types *)
  Notation "'ptr<' ty '>'"
      := (Tptr ty)
         ( in custom CPP_type at level 100
         , ty custom CPP_type at level 200
         , left associativity
         , format "'[' ptr< ty > ']'"
         , only printing).
  Notation "'ref&<' ty '>'"
      := (Tref ty)
         ( in custom CPP_type at level 100
         , ty custom CPP_type at level 200
         , left associativity
         , format "'[' ref&< ty > ']'"
         , only printing).
  Notation "'ref&&<' ty '>'"
      := (Trv_ref ty)
         ( in custom CPP_type at level 100
         , ty custom CPP_type at level 200
         , left associativity
         , format "'[' ref&&< ty > ']'"
         , only printing).
  Notation "'void'" := Tvoid (in custom CPP_type at level 0, only printing).
  Notation "ty [ n ]"
      := (Tarray ty n%N)
         ( in custom CPP_type at level 80
         , ty custom CPP_type
         , n constr
         , format "'[' ty [ n ] ']'", only printing).
  Notation "nm" := (Tnamed nm%bs) (in custom CPP_type at level 0, nm constr, only printing).
  Notation "'extern' cc '???()' '->' rty"
      := (@Tfunction _ (@FunctionType _ cc Ar_Definite rty nil))
         ( in custom CPP_type at level 100
         , cc constr at level 0
         , rty custom CPP_type at level 200
         , format "'[' extern cc ???() -> rty ']'"
         , only printing).
  Notation "'extern' cc '???(' aty1 , .. , aty2 ')' '->' rty"
      := (@Tfunction _ (@FunctionType _ cc Ar_Definite rty (cons aty1 .. (cons aty2 nil) ..)))
         ( in custom CPP_type at level 100
         , cc constr at level 0
         , rty custom CPP_type at level 200
         , aty1 custom CPP_type at level 200
         , aty2 custom CPP_type at level 200
         , format "'[' extern cc ???( '[hv' aty1 , '/' .. , '/' aty2 ']' ) -> rty ']'"
         , only printing).
  Notation "'extern' cc '???()(...)' '->' rty"
      := (@Tfunction _ (@FunctionType _ cc Ar_Variadic rty nil))
         ( in custom CPP_type at level 100
         , cc constr at level 0
         , rty custom CPP_type at level 200
         , format "'[' extern cc ???()(...) -> rty ']'"
         , only printing).
  Notation "'extern' cc '???(' aty1 , .. , aty2 ')(...)' '->' rty"
      := (@Tfunction _ (@FunctionType _ cc Ar_Variadic rty (cons aty1 .. (cons aty2 nil) ..)))
         ( in custom CPP_type at level 100
         , cc constr at level 0
         , rty custom CPP_type at level 200
         , aty1 custom CPP_type at level 200
         , aty2 custom CPP_type at level 200
         , format "'[' extern cc ???( '[hv' aty1 , '/' .. , '/' aty2 ']' )(...) -> rty ']'"
         , only printing).
  Notation "'bool'" := Tbool (in custom CPP_type at level 0, only printing).
  Notation "'ptr[' nm ']<' ty '>'"
      := (Tmember_pointer nm%bs ty)
         ( in custom CPP_type at level 100
         , nm constr
         , ty custom CPP_type
         , left associativity
         , format "'[' ptr[ nm ]< ty > ']'"
         , only printing).
  Notation "'{float:' sz '}'"
      := (Tfloat sz)
         ( in custom CPP_type at level 0
         , sz constr
         , format "'[hv' {float: sz } ']'"
         , only printing).
  Notation "'(' qual ty ')'"
      := (Tqualified qual ty)
         ( in custom CPP_type at level 100
         , qual custom CPP_type at level 0
         , ty custom CPP_type at level 200
         , format "'[' ( qual ty ) ']'"
         , only printing).
  Notation "'nullptr_t'" := Tnullptr (in custom CPP_type at level 0, only printing).
  Notation "'{arch:' nm '}'"
      := (Tarch None nm%bs)
         ( in custom CPP_type at level 0
         , nm constr
         , format "'[hv' {arch: nm } ']'"
         , only printing).
  Notation "'{arch:' nm ';' 'size:' sz '}'"
      := (Tarch (Some sz) nm%bs)
         ( in custom CPP_type at level 0
         , sz constr
         , nm constr
         , format "'[hv' {arch: nm ; size: sz } ']'"
         , only printing).
End TypeNotations.

Module Export TypeNotationsParsing.
  (* type_qualifiers - leaf nodes get the highest priority *)
  Notation "'mut'" := QM (in custom CPP_type at level 0).
  Notation "'const'" := QC (in custom CPP_type at level 0).
  Notation "'volatile'" := QV (in custom CPP_type at level 0).
  Notation "'const' 'volatile'"
      := QCV
         ( in custom CPP_type at level 0
         , format "'' const volatile ''").

  (* Tqualified types *)
  Notation "'mut' ty"
      := (Tmut ty)
         ( in custom CPP_type at level 100
         , ty custom CPP_type at level 200
         , right associativity
         , format "'' mut ty ''").
  Notation "'const' ty"
      := (Tconst ty)
         ( in custom CPP_type at level 100
         , ty custom CPP_type at level 200
         , right associativity
         , format "'' const ty ''").
  Notation "'volatile' ty"
      := (Tmut_volatile ty)
         ( in custom CPP_type at level 100
         , ty custom CPP_type at level 200
         , right associativity
         , format "'' volatile ty ''").
  Notation "'const' 'volatile' ty"
      := (Tconst_volatile ty)
         ( in custom CPP_type at level 100
         , ty custom CPP_type at level 200
         , right associativity
         , format "'' const volatile ty ''").

  (* Tnum variants *)
  Notation "'int8'" := Ti8 (in custom CPP_type at level 0).
  Notation "'uint8'" := Tu8 (in custom CPP_type at level 0).
  Notation "'int16'" := Ti16 (in custom CPP_type at level 0).
  Notation "'uint16'" := Tu16 (in custom CPP_type at level 0).
  Notation "'int32'" := Ti32 (in custom CPP_type at level 0).
  Notation "'uint32'" := Tu32 (in custom CPP_type at level 0).
  Notation "'int64'" := Ti64 (in custom CPP_type at level 0).
  Notation "'uint64'" := Tu64 (in custom CPP_type at level 0).
  Notation "'int128'" := Ti128 (in custom CPP_type at level 0).
  Notation "'uint128'" := Tu128 (in custom CPP_type at level 0).

  (* The rest of the types *)
  Notation "'ptr<' ty '>'"
      := (Tptr ty)
         ( in custom CPP_type at level 100
         , ty custom CPP_type at level 200
         , left associativity
         , format "'' ptr< ty > ''").
  Notation "'ref&<' ty '>'"
      := (Tref ty)
         ( in custom CPP_type at level 100
         , ty custom CPP_type at level 200
         , left associativity
         , format "'' ref&< ty > ''").
  Notation "'ref&&<' ty '>'"
      := (Trv_ref ty)
         ( in custom CPP_type at level 100
         , ty custom CPP_type at level 200
         , left associativity
         , format "'' ref&&< ty > ''").
  Notation "'void'" := Tvoid (in custom CPP_type at level 0).
  Notation "ty  n "
      := (Tarray ty nbs) (in custom CPP_type at level 0, nm constr).
  Notation "'extern' cc '???()' '->' rty"
      := (@Tfunction cc Ar_Definite rty nil)
         ( in custom CPP_type at level 100
         , cc constr at level 0
         , rty custom CPP_type at level 200
         , format "'' extern cc ???() -> rty ''").
  Notation "'extern' cc '???(' aty1 , .. , aty2 ')' '->' rty"
      := (@Tfunction cc Ar_Definite rty (cons aty1 .. (cons aty2 nil) ..))
         ( in custom CPP_type at level 100
         , cc constr at level 0
         , rty custom CPP_type at level 200
         , aty1 custom CPP_type at level 200
         , aty2 custom CPP_type at level 200
         , format "'' extern cc ???( '[hv' aty1 , '/' .. , '/' aty2 ']' ) -> rty ''").
  Notation "'extern' cc '???()(...)' '->' rty"
      := (@Tfunction cc Ar_Variadic rty nil)
         ( in custom CPP_type at level 100
         , cc constr at level 0
         , rty custom CPP_type at level 200
         , format "'' extern cc ???()(...) -> rty ''").
  Notation "'extern' cc '???(' aty1 , .. , aty2 ')(...)' '->' rty"
      := (@Tfunction cc Ar_Variadic rty (cons aty1 .. (cons aty2 nil) ..))
         ( in custom CPP_type at level 100
         , cc constr at level 0
         , rty custom CPP_type at level 200
         , aty1 custom CPP_type at level 200
         , aty2 custom CPP_type at level 200
         , format "'' extern cc ???( '[hv' aty1 , '/' .. , '/' aty2 ']' )(...) -> rty ''").
  Notation "'bool'" := Tbool (in custom CPP_type at level 0).
  Notation "'ptr' nm '<' ty '>'"
      := (Tmember_pointer nmbs)
         ( in custom CPP_type at level 0
         , nm constr
         , format "'hv' arch:{{ nm }} ''").
  Notation "'arch:{{' nm ';' 'size:' sz '}}'"
      := (Tarch (Some sz) nm*)