* Copyright (c) 2019-2024 BlueRock Security, Inc.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.prelude.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.core.
Require Export bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.type_notations.
#[local] Open Scope Z_scope.
#[local] Open Scope bs_scope.
Module Export ExprNotationsInterface.
Declare Custom Entry CPP_expr.
Declare Scope CPP_expr_scope.
Delimit Scope CPP_expr_scope with cpp_expr.
Bind Scope CPP_expr_scope with Expr.
Bind Scope CPP_expr_scope with UnOp.
Bind Scope CPP_expr_scope with BinOp.
Bind Scope CPP_expr_scope with BuiltinFn.
(* Injection from constr in case we're printing a subterm we don't recognize *)
Notation "'{?:' e '}'"
:= e
( in custom CPP_expr at level 0
, e constr
, format "'[hv' {?: e } ']'"
, only printing).
(* Injection into constr in case we're printing this at the top-level *)
Notation "'{e:' e '}'"
:= e
( at level 0
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, format "'[hv' {e: e } ']'"
, only printing)
: CPP_expr_scope.
End ExprNotationsInterface.
(* TODO (JH): Investigate which (if any) of the subsequent notations we can make
Module ExprNotations.
(* NOTE: precedences taken from cppreference
Notation "$ v"
:= (Evar v%bs _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 0
, v constr
, format "'[' $ v ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "$ :: v"
:= (Eglobal v%bs _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 0
, v constr
, format "'[' $ :: v ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "$ :: t :: v"
:= (Eenum_const t%bs v%bs)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 0
, t constr
, v constr
, format "'[' $ :: t :: v ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "'ASCII#' ascii_code"
:= (Echar ascii_code%N _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 0
, ascii_code constr
, format "'[' ASCII# ascii_code ']'"
, only printing).
* Copyright (c) 2019-2024 BlueRock Security, Inc.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.prelude.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.core.
Require Export bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.type_notations.
#[local] Open Scope Z_scope.
#[local] Open Scope bs_scope.
Module Export ExprNotationsInterface.
Declare Custom Entry CPP_expr.
Declare Scope CPP_expr_scope.
Delimit Scope CPP_expr_scope with cpp_expr.
Bind Scope CPP_expr_scope with Expr.
Bind Scope CPP_expr_scope with UnOp.
Bind Scope CPP_expr_scope with BinOp.
Bind Scope CPP_expr_scope with BuiltinFn.
(* Injection from constr in case we're printing a subterm we don't recognize *)
Notation "'{?:' e '}'"
:= e
( in custom CPP_expr at level 0
, e constr
, format "'[hv' {?: e } ']'"
, only printing).
(* Injection into constr in case we're printing this at the top-level *)
Notation "'{e:' e '}'"
:= e
( at level 0
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, format "'[hv' {e: e } ']'"
, only printing)
: CPP_expr_scope.
End ExprNotationsInterface.
(* TODO (JH): Investigate which (if any) of the subsequent notations we can make
Module ExprNotations.
(* NOTE: precedences taken from cppreference
Notation "$ v"
:= (Evar v%bs _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 0
, v constr
, format "'[' $ v ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "$ :: v"
:= (Eglobal v%bs _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 0
, v constr
, format "'[' $ :: v ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "$ :: t :: v"
:= (Eenum_const t%bs v%bs)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 0
, t constr
, v constr
, format "'[' $ :: t :: v ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "'ASCII#' ascii_code"
:= (Echar ascii_code%N _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 0
, ascii_code constr
, format "'[' ASCII# ascii_code ']'"
, only printing).
TODO: add an identity inductive type (Estring_pretty?) which is inserted
into the AST and which can serve as an anchor for a String Notation.
Notation "STRING# bytes"
:= (Estring bytes%list _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 0
, bytes constr
, format "'[' STRING# bytes ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "# v"
:= (Eint v%Z _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 0
, v constr
, format "'[' # v ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "# v"
:= (Ebool v)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 0
, v constr
, format "'[' # v ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "'-'" := (Uminus) (in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'!'" := (Unot) (in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'~'" := (Ubnot) (in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'{:unop:UNSUPPORTED:' msg ':}'"
:= (Uunsupported msg%bs)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 0
, msg constr
, format "'[hv ' {:unop:UNSUPPORTED: msg :} ']'"
, only printing).
(* QUESTION (JH): Is this the right level? *)
Notation "op x"
:= (Eunop op x _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 30
, x custom CPP_expr at level 200
, op custom CPP_expr at level 0
, format "'[' op x ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "'+'" := (Badd) (in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'&'" := (Band) (in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'<=>'" := (Bcmp) (in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'/'" := (Bdiv) (in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'=='" := (Beq) (in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'>='" := (Bge) (in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'>'" := (Bgt) (in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'<='" := (Ble) (in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'<'" := (Blt) (in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'*'" := (Bmul) (in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'!='" := (Bneq) (in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'|'" := (Bor) (in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'%'" := (Bmod) (in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'<<'" := (Bshl) (in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
(* NOTE (JH): The following Bshr notation conflicts with parsing nested ptr<ptr<...>>
types, so we leave it disabled and provide explicit notations for the Ebinop and
Eassign_op notations.
(* Notation "'>>'" := (Bshr) (in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing). *)
Notation "'-'" := (Bsub) (in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'^'" := (Bxor) (in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'.*'" := (Bdotp) (in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'->*'" := (Bdotip) (in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'(' x .* y ')'"
:= (Ebinop Bdotp x y _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 40
, x custom CPP_expr at level 200
, y custom CPP_expr at level 200
, format "'[hv ' ( x '/' .* y ) ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "'(' x ->* y ')'"
:= (Ebinop Bdotip x y _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 40
, x custom CPP_expr at level 200
, y custom CPP_expr at level 200
, format "'[hv ' ( x '/' ->* y ) ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "'(' x >> y ')'"
:= (Ebinop Bshr x y _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 70
, x custom CPP_expr at level 200
, y custom CPP_expr at level 200
, format "'[hv ' ( x '/' >> y ) ']'"
, only printing).
(* QUESTION (JH): Is this the right level? Do we need to consider the precedences of the
different operators?
Notation "'(' x bop y ')'"
:= (Ebinop bop x y _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 160
, x custom CPP_expr at level 200
, bop custom CPP_expr at level 0
, y custom CPP_expr at level 200
, format "'[hv ' ( x '/' bop y ) ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "* e"
:= (Ederef e _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 30
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, format "'[' * e ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "& e"
:= (Eaddrof e)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 30
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, format "'[' & e ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "v = e"
:= (Eassign v e _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 160
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, v custom CPP_expr at level 200
, format "'[hv ' v = '/' e ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "v >>= e"
:= (Eassign_op Bshr v e _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 159
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, v custom CPP_expr at level 200
, format "'[hv ' v >>= '/' e ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "v bop = e"
:= (Eassign_op bop v e _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 160
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, v custom CPP_expr at level 200
, bop custom CPP_expr at level 0
, format "'[hv ' v bop = '/' e ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "++ e"
:= (Epreinc e _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 30
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, format "'[' ++ e ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "e ++"
:= (Epostinc e _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 30
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, format "'[' e ++ ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "-- e"
:= (Epredec e _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 30
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, format "'[' -- e ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "e --"
:= (Epostdec e _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 30
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, format "'[' e -- ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "'(' e1 && e2 ')'"
:= (Eseqand e1 e2)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 140
, e1 custom CPP_expr at level 200
, e2 custom CPP_expr at level 200
, format "'[hv ' ( e1 '/' && e2 ) ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "'(' e1 || e2 ')'"
:= (Eseqor e1 e2)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 150
, e1 custom CPP_expr at level 200
, e2 custom CPP_expr at level 200
, format "'[hv ' ( e1 '/' || e2 ) ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "'{:comma:' e1 , e2 ':}'"
:= (Ecomma e1 e2)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 170
, e1 custom CPP_expr at level 200
, e2 custom CPP_expr at level 200
, format "'[hv ' {:comma: e1 , e2 :} ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "e '()'"
:= (Ecall e nil _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 20
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, format "'[' e () ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "e ( a1 , .. , a2 )"
:= (Ecall e (cons a1 (.. (cons a2 nil) .. )) _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 20
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, a1 custom CPP_expr at level 200
, a2 custom CPP_expr at level 200
, format "'[' e ( '[hv' a1 , '/' .. , '/' a2 ']' ) ']'"
, only printing).
(* TODO (JH): Determine which casts we actually want to print something for *)
Notation "e"
:= (Ecast _ e)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 0
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, only printing).
Notation "( t ) e"
:= (Eexplicit_cast cast_style.c t e)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 0
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, only printing).
Notation "t ( e )"
:= (Eexplicit_cast cast_style.functional t e)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 0
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, only printing).
Notation "'static_cast<' t '>(' e )"
:= (Eexplicit_cast cast_style.static t e)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 0
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, only printing).
Notation "'const_cast<' t '>(' e )"
:= (Eexplicit_cast cast_style.const t e)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 0
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, only printing).
Notation "'reinterpret_cast<' t '>(' e )"
:= (Eexplicit_cast cast_style.reinterpret t e)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 0
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, only printing).
Notation "'dynamic_cast<' t '>(' e )"
:= (Eexplicit_cast cast_style.dynamic t e)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 0
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, only printing).
Notation "e . fld"
:= (Emember e fld%bs _ _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 20
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, fld constr
, format "'[' e . fld ']'"
, only printing).
(* NOTE (JH): Emember_call (inr ...) ... doesn't seem to be used so we don't
include a notation for it.
Notation "e . fn ()"
:= (Emember_call (inl (fn%bs, _, _)) e nil _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 20
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, fn constr
, format "'[' e . fn () ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "e . fn ( a1 , .. , a2 )"
:= (Emember_call (inl (fn, _, _)) e (cons a1 .. (cons a2 nil) ..) _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 20
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, a1 custom CPP_expr at level 200
, a2 custom CPP_expr at level 200
, fn constr
, format "'[' e . fn ( '[hv' a1 , '/' .. , '/' a2 ']' ) ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "e [ n ]"
:= (Esubscript e n _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 20
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, n custom CPP_expr at level 200
, format "'[' e [ n ] ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "'sizeof(ty:' ty )"
:= (Esizeof (inl ty) _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 200
, ty custom CPP_type at level 200
, format "'[' sizeof(ty: ty ) ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "'sizeof(expr:' e )"
:= (Esizeof (inr e) _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 200
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, format "'[' sizeof(expr: e ) ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "'alignof(ty:' ty )"
:= (Ealignof (inl ty) _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 200
, ty custom CPP_type at level 200
, format "'[' alignof(ty: ty ) ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "'alignof(expr:' e )"
:= (Ealignof (inr e) _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 200
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, format "'[' alignof(expr: e ) ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "'offsetof(' cls , fld ')'"
:= (Eoffsetof cls%bs fld%bs _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 200
, fld constr
, format "'[' offsetof( cls , fld ) ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "'#' cls ()"
:= (Econstructor cls%bs nil _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 20
, cls constr
, format "'[' # cls () ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "'#' cls ( a1 , .. , a2 )"
:= (Econstructor cls%bs (cons a1 .. (cons a2 nil) ..) _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 20
, a1 custom CPP_expr at level 200
, a2 custom CPP_expr at level 200
, cls constr
, format "'[' # cls ( '[hv' a1 , '/' .. , '/' a2 ']' ) ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "e"
:= (Eimplicit e)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 0
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, only printing).
Notation "ty '{{VALUE' 'INIT}}'"
:= (Eimplicit_init ty)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 0
, ty custom CPP_type at level 200
, format "'[' ty {{VALUE INIT}} ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "c ? t : e"
:= (Eif c t e _ _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 160
, c custom CPP_expr at level 200
, t custom CPP_expr at level 200
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, format "'[hv ' c '/' ? t '/' : e ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "'this'" := (Ethis _) (in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'nullptr'" := (Enull) (in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
(* NOTE: Einitlist nil (Some _) _ corresponds to an ill-formed program
(cf. the Lt case of wp_array_init_fill)
Notation "( ty ){}"
:= (Einitlist nil None ty)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 100
, ty custom CPP_type at level 200
, format "'[' ( ty ){} ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "( ty ){ e1 , .. , e2 }"
:= (Einitlist (cons e1 .. (cons e2 nil) ..) None ty)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 100
, e1 custom CPP_expr at level 200
, e2 custom CPP_expr at level 200
, ty custom CPP_type at level 200
, format "'[' ( ty ){ '[hv' e1 , '/' .. , '/' e2 ']' } ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "( ty ){ e1 , .. , e2 '}{default:' edefault '}'"
:= (Einitlist (cons e1 .. (cons e2 nil) ..) (Some edefault) ty)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 100
, e1 custom CPP_expr at level 200
, e2 custom CPP_expr at level 200
, edefault custom CPP_expr at level 200
, ty custom CPP_type at level 200
, format "'[' ( ty ){ '[hv' e1 , '/' .. , '/' e2 ']' }{default: '/' edefault } ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "'new' ty"
:= (Enew _ nil _ ty None _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 30
, ty custom CPP_type at level 200
, format "'[' new ty ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "'new' ( a1 , .. , a2 ) ty"
:= (Enew _ (cons a1 .. (cons a2 nil) ..) _ ty None _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 30
, a1 custom CPP_expr at level 200
, a2 custom CPP_expr at level 200
, ty custom CPP_type at level 200
, format "'[' new ( '[hv' a1 , '/' .. , '/' a2 ']' ) ty ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "'new' ty [ esz ]"
:= (Enew _ nil _ ty (Some esz) _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 30
, esz custom CPP_expr at level 200
, ty custom CPP_type at level 200
, format "'[' new ty [ esz ] ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "'new' ( a1 , .. , a2 ) ty [ esz ]"
:= (Enew _ (cons a1 .. (cons a2 nil) ..) _ ty (Some esz) _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 30
, a1 custom CPP_expr at level 200
, a2 custom CPP_expr at level 200
, esz custom CPP_expr at level 200
, ty custom CPP_type at level 200
, format "'[' new ( '[hv' a1 , '/' .. , '/' a2 ']' ) ty [ esz ] ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "'delete' e"
:= (Edelete false _ e _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 30
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, format "'[' delete e ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "'delete[]' e"
:= (Edelete true _ e _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 30
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, format "'[' delete[] e ']'"
, only printing).
(* QUESTION (JH): should we have notations which display sequence points? *)
Notation "e"
:= (Eandclean e)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 0
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, only printing).
Notation "e"
:= (Ematerialize_temp e _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 0
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, only printing).
Notation "'__builtin_alloca'" := (Bin_alloca) ( in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'__builtin_alloca_with_align'" := (Bin_alloca_with_align) ( in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'__builtin_launder'" := (Bin_launder) ( in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'__builtin_expect'" := (Bin_expect) ( in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'__builtin_unreachable'" := (Bin_unreachable) ( in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'__builtin_trap'" := (Bin_trap) ( in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'__builtin_bswap16'" := (Bin_bswap16) ( in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'__builtin_bswap32'" := (Bin_bswap32) ( in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'__builtin_bswap64'" := (Bin_bswap64) ( in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'__builtin_bzero'" := (Bin_bzero) ( in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'__builtin_memcmp'" := (Bin_memcmp) ( in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'__builtin_memset'" := (Bin_memset) ( in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'__builtin_ffs'" := (Bin_ffs) ( in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'__builtin_ffsl'" := (Bin_ffsl) ( in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'__builtin_ffsll'" := (Bin_ffsll) ( in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'__builtin_clz'" := (Bin_clz) ( in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'__builtin_clzl'" := (Bin_clzl) ( in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'__builtin_clzll'" := (Bin_clzll) ( in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'__builtin_ctz'" := (Bin_ctz) ( in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'__builtin_ctzl'" := (Bin_ctzl) ( in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'__builtin_ctzll'" := (Bin_ctzll) ( in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'__builtin_popcount'" := (Bin_popcount) ( in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'__builtin_popcountl'" := (Bin_popcountl) ( in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'__builtin_UNKNOWN_' nm"
:= (Bin_unknown nm%bs)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 0
, nm constr
, format "'[' __builtin_UNKNOWN_ nm ']'"
, only printing).
(* TODO (JH): Eatomic *)
Notation "'__builtin_vaarg(' e , t )"
:= (Eva_arg e t)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 0
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, t custom CPP_expr at level 200
, format "'[' __builtin_vaarg( e , t ) ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "e ->~ ty ()"
:= (Epseudo_destructor true ty e)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 0
, ty custom CPP_type at level 200
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, format "'[' e ->~ ty () ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "e .~ ty ()"
:= (Epseudo_destructor false ty e)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 0
, ty custom CPP_type at level 200
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, format "'[' e .~ ty () ']'"
, only printing).
(* TODO (JH): Earrayloop_init/Earrayloop_index/Eopaque_ref *)
Notation "'{UNSUPPORTED:' msg '}'"
:= (Eunsupported msg%bs _ _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 0
, msg constr
, format "'[hv ' {UNSUPPORTED: msg } ']'"
, only printing).
End ExprNotations.
:= (Estring bytes%list _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 0
, bytes constr
, format "'[' STRING# bytes ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "# v"
:= (Eint v%Z _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 0
, v constr
, format "'[' # v ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "# v"
:= (Ebool v)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 0
, v constr
, format "'[' # v ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "'-'" := (Uminus) (in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'!'" := (Unot) (in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'~'" := (Ubnot) (in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'{:unop:UNSUPPORTED:' msg ':}'"
:= (Uunsupported msg%bs)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 0
, msg constr
, format "'[hv ' {:unop:UNSUPPORTED: msg :} ']'"
, only printing).
(* QUESTION (JH): Is this the right level? *)
Notation "op x"
:= (Eunop op x _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 30
, x custom CPP_expr at level 200
, op custom CPP_expr at level 0
, format "'[' op x ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "'+'" := (Badd) (in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'&'" := (Band) (in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'<=>'" := (Bcmp) (in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'/'" := (Bdiv) (in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'=='" := (Beq) (in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'>='" := (Bge) (in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'>'" := (Bgt) (in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'<='" := (Ble) (in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'<'" := (Blt) (in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'*'" := (Bmul) (in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'!='" := (Bneq) (in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'|'" := (Bor) (in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'%'" := (Bmod) (in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'<<'" := (Bshl) (in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
(* NOTE (JH): The following Bshr notation conflicts with parsing nested ptr<ptr<...>>
types, so we leave it disabled and provide explicit notations for the Ebinop and
Eassign_op notations.
(* Notation "'>>'" := (Bshr) (in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing). *)
Notation "'-'" := (Bsub) (in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'^'" := (Bxor) (in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'.*'" := (Bdotp) (in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'->*'" := (Bdotip) (in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'(' x .* y ')'"
:= (Ebinop Bdotp x y _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 40
, x custom CPP_expr at level 200
, y custom CPP_expr at level 200
, format "'[hv ' ( x '/' .* y ) ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "'(' x ->* y ')'"
:= (Ebinop Bdotip x y _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 40
, x custom CPP_expr at level 200
, y custom CPP_expr at level 200
, format "'[hv ' ( x '/' ->* y ) ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "'(' x >> y ')'"
:= (Ebinop Bshr x y _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 70
, x custom CPP_expr at level 200
, y custom CPP_expr at level 200
, format "'[hv ' ( x '/' >> y ) ']'"
, only printing).
(* QUESTION (JH): Is this the right level? Do we need to consider the precedences of the
different operators?
Notation "'(' x bop y ')'"
:= (Ebinop bop x y _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 160
, x custom CPP_expr at level 200
, bop custom CPP_expr at level 0
, y custom CPP_expr at level 200
, format "'[hv ' ( x '/' bop y ) ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "* e"
:= (Ederef e _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 30
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, format "'[' * e ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "& e"
:= (Eaddrof e)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 30
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, format "'[' & e ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "v = e"
:= (Eassign v e _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 160
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, v custom CPP_expr at level 200
, format "'[hv ' v = '/' e ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "v >>= e"
:= (Eassign_op Bshr v e _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 159
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, v custom CPP_expr at level 200
, format "'[hv ' v >>= '/' e ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "v bop = e"
:= (Eassign_op bop v e _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 160
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, v custom CPP_expr at level 200
, bop custom CPP_expr at level 0
, format "'[hv ' v bop = '/' e ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "++ e"
:= (Epreinc e _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 30
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, format "'[' ++ e ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "e ++"
:= (Epostinc e _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 30
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, format "'[' e ++ ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "-- e"
:= (Epredec e _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 30
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, format "'[' -- e ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "e --"
:= (Epostdec e _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 30
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, format "'[' e -- ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "'(' e1 && e2 ')'"
:= (Eseqand e1 e2)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 140
, e1 custom CPP_expr at level 200
, e2 custom CPP_expr at level 200
, format "'[hv ' ( e1 '/' && e2 ) ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "'(' e1 || e2 ')'"
:= (Eseqor e1 e2)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 150
, e1 custom CPP_expr at level 200
, e2 custom CPP_expr at level 200
, format "'[hv ' ( e1 '/' || e2 ) ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "'{:comma:' e1 , e2 ':}'"
:= (Ecomma e1 e2)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 170
, e1 custom CPP_expr at level 200
, e2 custom CPP_expr at level 200
, format "'[hv ' {:comma: e1 , e2 :} ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "e '()'"
:= (Ecall e nil _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 20
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, format "'[' e () ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "e ( a1 , .. , a2 )"
:= (Ecall e (cons a1 (.. (cons a2 nil) .. )) _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 20
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, a1 custom CPP_expr at level 200
, a2 custom CPP_expr at level 200
, format "'[' e ( '[hv' a1 , '/' .. , '/' a2 ']' ) ']'"
, only printing).
(* TODO (JH): Determine which casts we actually want to print something for *)
Notation "e"
:= (Ecast _ e)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 0
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, only printing).
Notation "( t ) e"
:= (Eexplicit_cast cast_style.c t e)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 0
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, only printing).
Notation "t ( e )"
:= (Eexplicit_cast cast_style.functional t e)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 0
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, only printing).
Notation "'static_cast<' t '>(' e )"
:= (Eexplicit_cast cast_style.static t e)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 0
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, only printing).
Notation "'const_cast<' t '>(' e )"
:= (Eexplicit_cast cast_style.const t e)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 0
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, only printing).
Notation "'reinterpret_cast<' t '>(' e )"
:= (Eexplicit_cast cast_style.reinterpret t e)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 0
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, only printing).
Notation "'dynamic_cast<' t '>(' e )"
:= (Eexplicit_cast cast_style.dynamic t e)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 0
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, only printing).
Notation "e . fld"
:= (Emember e fld%bs _ _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 20
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, fld constr
, format "'[' e . fld ']'"
, only printing).
(* NOTE (JH): Emember_call (inr ...) ... doesn't seem to be used so we don't
include a notation for it.
Notation "e . fn ()"
:= (Emember_call (inl (fn%bs, _, _)) e nil _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 20
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, fn constr
, format "'[' e . fn () ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "e . fn ( a1 , .. , a2 )"
:= (Emember_call (inl (fn, _, _)) e (cons a1 .. (cons a2 nil) ..) _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 20
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, a1 custom CPP_expr at level 200
, a2 custom CPP_expr at level 200
, fn constr
, format "'[' e . fn ( '[hv' a1 , '/' .. , '/' a2 ']' ) ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "e [ n ]"
:= (Esubscript e n _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 20
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, n custom CPP_expr at level 200
, format "'[' e [ n ] ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "'sizeof(ty:' ty )"
:= (Esizeof (inl ty) _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 200
, ty custom CPP_type at level 200
, format "'[' sizeof(ty: ty ) ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "'sizeof(expr:' e )"
:= (Esizeof (inr e) _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 200
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, format "'[' sizeof(expr: e ) ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "'alignof(ty:' ty )"
:= (Ealignof (inl ty) _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 200
, ty custom CPP_type at level 200
, format "'[' alignof(ty: ty ) ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "'alignof(expr:' e )"
:= (Ealignof (inr e) _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 200
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, format "'[' alignof(expr: e ) ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "'offsetof(' cls , fld ')'"
:= (Eoffsetof cls%bs fld%bs _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 200
, fld constr
, format "'[' offsetof( cls , fld ) ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "'#' cls ()"
:= (Econstructor cls%bs nil _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 20
, cls constr
, format "'[' # cls () ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "'#' cls ( a1 , .. , a2 )"
:= (Econstructor cls%bs (cons a1 .. (cons a2 nil) ..) _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 20
, a1 custom CPP_expr at level 200
, a2 custom CPP_expr at level 200
, cls constr
, format "'[' # cls ( '[hv' a1 , '/' .. , '/' a2 ']' ) ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "e"
:= (Eimplicit e)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 0
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, only printing).
Notation "ty '{{VALUE' 'INIT}}'"
:= (Eimplicit_init ty)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 0
, ty custom CPP_type at level 200
, format "'[' ty {{VALUE INIT}} ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "c ? t : e"
:= (Eif c t e _ _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 160
, c custom CPP_expr at level 200
, t custom CPP_expr at level 200
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, format "'[hv ' c '/' ? t '/' : e ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "'this'" := (Ethis _) (in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'nullptr'" := (Enull) (in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
(* NOTE: Einitlist nil (Some _) _ corresponds to an ill-formed program
(cf. the Lt case of wp_array_init_fill)
Notation "( ty ){}"
:= (Einitlist nil None ty)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 100
, ty custom CPP_type at level 200
, format "'[' ( ty ){} ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "( ty ){ e1 , .. , e2 }"
:= (Einitlist (cons e1 .. (cons e2 nil) ..) None ty)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 100
, e1 custom CPP_expr at level 200
, e2 custom CPP_expr at level 200
, ty custom CPP_type at level 200
, format "'[' ( ty ){ '[hv' e1 , '/' .. , '/' e2 ']' } ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "( ty ){ e1 , .. , e2 '}{default:' edefault '}'"
:= (Einitlist (cons e1 .. (cons e2 nil) ..) (Some edefault) ty)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 100
, e1 custom CPP_expr at level 200
, e2 custom CPP_expr at level 200
, edefault custom CPP_expr at level 200
, ty custom CPP_type at level 200
, format "'[' ( ty ){ '[hv' e1 , '/' .. , '/' e2 ']' }{default: '/' edefault } ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "'new' ty"
:= (Enew _ nil _ ty None _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 30
, ty custom CPP_type at level 200
, format "'[' new ty ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "'new' ( a1 , .. , a2 ) ty"
:= (Enew _ (cons a1 .. (cons a2 nil) ..) _ ty None _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 30
, a1 custom CPP_expr at level 200
, a2 custom CPP_expr at level 200
, ty custom CPP_type at level 200
, format "'[' new ( '[hv' a1 , '/' .. , '/' a2 ']' ) ty ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "'new' ty [ esz ]"
:= (Enew _ nil _ ty (Some esz) _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 30
, esz custom CPP_expr at level 200
, ty custom CPP_type at level 200
, format "'[' new ty [ esz ] ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "'new' ( a1 , .. , a2 ) ty [ esz ]"
:= (Enew _ (cons a1 .. (cons a2 nil) ..) _ ty (Some esz) _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 30
, a1 custom CPP_expr at level 200
, a2 custom CPP_expr at level 200
, esz custom CPP_expr at level 200
, ty custom CPP_type at level 200
, format "'[' new ( '[hv' a1 , '/' .. , '/' a2 ']' ) ty [ esz ] ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "'delete' e"
:= (Edelete false _ e _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 30
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, format "'[' delete e ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "'delete[]' e"
:= (Edelete true _ e _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 30
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, format "'[' delete[] e ']'"
, only printing).
(* QUESTION (JH): should we have notations which display sequence points? *)
Notation "e"
:= (Eandclean e)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 0
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, only printing).
Notation "e"
:= (Ematerialize_temp e _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 0
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, only printing).
Notation "'__builtin_alloca'" := (Bin_alloca) ( in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'__builtin_alloca_with_align'" := (Bin_alloca_with_align) ( in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'__builtin_launder'" := (Bin_launder) ( in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'__builtin_expect'" := (Bin_expect) ( in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'__builtin_unreachable'" := (Bin_unreachable) ( in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'__builtin_trap'" := (Bin_trap) ( in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'__builtin_bswap16'" := (Bin_bswap16) ( in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'__builtin_bswap32'" := (Bin_bswap32) ( in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'__builtin_bswap64'" := (Bin_bswap64) ( in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'__builtin_bzero'" := (Bin_bzero) ( in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'__builtin_memcmp'" := (Bin_memcmp) ( in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'__builtin_memset'" := (Bin_memset) ( in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'__builtin_ffs'" := (Bin_ffs) ( in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'__builtin_ffsl'" := (Bin_ffsl) ( in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'__builtin_ffsll'" := (Bin_ffsll) ( in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'__builtin_clz'" := (Bin_clz) ( in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'__builtin_clzl'" := (Bin_clzl) ( in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'__builtin_clzll'" := (Bin_clzll) ( in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'__builtin_ctz'" := (Bin_ctz) ( in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'__builtin_ctzl'" := (Bin_ctzl) ( in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'__builtin_ctzll'" := (Bin_ctzll) ( in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'__builtin_popcount'" := (Bin_popcount) ( in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'__builtin_popcountl'" := (Bin_popcountl) ( in custom CPP_expr at level 0, only printing).
Notation "'__builtin_UNKNOWN_' nm"
:= (Bin_unknown nm%bs)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 0
, nm constr
, format "'[' __builtin_UNKNOWN_ nm ']'"
, only printing).
(* TODO (JH): Eatomic *)
Notation "'__builtin_vaarg(' e , t )"
:= (Eva_arg e t)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 0
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, t custom CPP_expr at level 200
, format "'[' __builtin_vaarg( e , t ) ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "e ->~ ty ()"
:= (Epseudo_destructor true ty e)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 0
, ty custom CPP_type at level 200
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, format "'[' e ->~ ty () ']'"
, only printing).
Notation "e .~ ty ()"
:= (Epseudo_destructor false ty e)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 0
, ty custom CPP_type at level 200
, e custom CPP_expr at level 200
, format "'[' e .~ ty () ']'"
, only printing).
(* TODO (JH): Earrayloop_init/Earrayloop_index/Eopaque_ref *)
Notation "'{UNSUPPORTED:' msg '}'"
:= (Eunsupported msg%bs _ _)
( in custom CPP_expr at level 0
, msg constr
, format "'[hv ' {UNSUPPORTED: msg } ']'"
, only printing).
End ExprNotations.