
 * Copyright (C) BlueRock Security Inc. 2020-2022
 * SPDX-License-Identifier:AGPL-3.0-or-later

Require Import stdpp.decidable.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.semantics.genv.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.semantics.subtyping.

Dispatching to a virtual function contains two pieces: 1. Finding the correct function to invoke 2. Fixing up the dispatch object. Consider the following example ```c++ struct A { virtual void foo() = 0; }; struct B : public A { virtual void foo() { } };
A* a = new B(); a->foo(); // same as static_cast<B*>(a)->B::foo() ``` NOTE in order to dispatch to the overridden function the dispatch function also introduces a cast to get a pointer of the correct type.

Section dispatch.
  Context (σ : genv).

  Definition list_get {T} (t : name) (l : list (name * T)) : option T :=
    snd <$> List.find (fun '(t',_) => bool_decide (t = t')) l.

dispatch path fn = Some (impl_class, impl_path, impl_fn) dispatches fn (the name of a member function on Tnamed base) given the path path (which is mdc..base. NOTE: path takes the form of the path argument to identity. NOTE: base_to_derived impl_class impl_path is the cast used to construct the new `this` pointer.
  • impl_class is the name of the class that is providing the implementation
  • impl_fn is the name of the function to call
  • impl_path is the path from (base..impl].
Some examples assuming: ```c++ struct A { virtual void f(); }; struct B : public A { virtual void f(); }; struct C : public B { }; ```
  #[local] Fixpoint dispatch (base : globname) (path : list globname) (fn : obj_name)
    : option (globname * list globname * obj_name) :=
    match path with
    | nil =>
        (* virtual dispatch is not allowed on uninitialized objects *)
    | bottom :: nil =>
        (* to perform virtual dispatch, the identity must be a
           path from base to a most-derived-class *)

        if bool_decide (bottom = base)
        then Some (base, [], fn)
        else None
    | next :: rest =>
        dispatch base rest fn ≫= fun rr =>
          match glob_def σ next with
          | Some (Gstruct st) =>
              let '(_, _, override) := rr in
              match list_get override st.(s_overrides) with
              | Some cand' => Some (next, rest, cand')
              | None => Some rr
          | _ => None

  Section tu.
    Variable tu : translation_unit.

    #[local] Fixpoint tu_dispatch (base : globname) (path : list globname) (fn : obj_name)
      : option (globname * list globname * obj_name) :=
      match path with
      | nil =>
          (* virtual dispatch is not allowed on uninitialized objects *)
      | bottom :: nil =>
          (* to perform virtual dispatch, the identity must be a
           path from base to a most-derived-class *)

          if bool_decide (bottom = base)
          then Some (base, [], fn)
          else None
      | next :: rest =>
          tu_dispatch base rest fn ≫= fun rr =>
            match tu.(types) !! next with
            | Some (Gstruct st) =>
                let '(_, _, override) := rr in
                match list_get override st.(s_overrides) with
                | Some cand' => Some (next, rest, cand')
                | None => Some rr
            | _ => None

    Theorem tu_dispatch_ok (MOD : tu σ) : forall path base fn a b c,
        tu_dispatch base path fn = Some (a,b,c) -> dispatch base path fn = Some (a,b,c).
      induction path; simpl; intros; try congruence.
      destruct path; eauto.
      destruct (tu_dispatch base (g :: path) fn) eqn:Heq.
      { destruct p. destruct p.
        apply IHpath in Heq. rewrite Heq. clear IHpath Heq.
        simpl in *.
        do 2 (case_match; try congruence).
        revert select (_ !! _ = _) => /glob_def_genv_compat_struct.
        unfold glob_def. move => ->. case_match; eauto. }
      { inversion H. }

  End tu.

End dispatch.