* Copyright (C) BlueRock Security Inc. 2020 Gregory Malecha
* SPDX-License-Identifier:AGPL-3.0-or-later
* This file defines various class relationships that are used in C++,
* mostly around sub-typing and virtual dispatch.
* todo: this should build on Tahina's work
Require Import stdpp.fin_maps.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.semantics.genv.
Section extends.
Context {σ : genv}.
* Copyright (C) BlueRock Security Inc. 2020 Gregory Malecha
* SPDX-License-Identifier:AGPL-3.0-or-later
* This file defines various class relationships that are used in C++,
* mostly around sub-typing and virtual dispatch.
* todo: this should build on Tahina's work
Require Import stdpp.fin_maps.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.semantics.genv.
Section extends.
Context {σ : genv}.
class_derives σ derived path
- derived is the derived class name
- path is the path from the derived class (head of the list) to the base class (end of the list)
- class_derives "::A" [], class_derives "::B" [], class_derives "::C" []
- class_derives "::B" ["::A"], class_derives "::C" ["::B"]
- class_derives "::C" ["::B","::A"]
Inductive class_derives (derived : name) : forall (path : list name), Prop :=
| Derives_here {st}
{_ : σ.(genv_tu).(types) !! derived = Some (Gstruct st)}
: class_derives derived []
| Derives_base base st li rest
{_ : σ.(genv_tu).(types) !! derived = Some (Gstruct st)}
{_ : (base, li) ∈ st.(s_bases)}
(_ : class_derives base rest)
: class_derives derived (base :: rest)
(* this does not currently support `virtual` inheritence. *)
| Derives_here {st}
{_ : σ.(genv_tu).(types) !! derived = Some (Gstruct st)}
: class_derives derived []
| Derives_base base st li rest
{_ : σ.(genv_tu).(types) !! derived = Some (Gstruct st)}
{_ : (base, li) ∈ st.(s_bases)}
(_ : class_derives base rest)
: class_derives derived (base :: rest)
(* this does not currently support `virtual` inheritence. *)
class_derives is closed under prefixes.
Lemma class_derives_drop path1 path2 : forall derived,
class_derives derived (path1 ++ path2) ->
class_derives derived path1.
induction path1 => /= ? H.
{ inversion H; subst; try econstructor; eauto. }
{ inversion H; subst. econstructor; eauto. }
End extends.
Lemma class_derives_drop path1 path2 : forall derived,
class_derives derived (path1 ++ path2) ->
class_derives derived path1.
induction path1 => /= ? H.
{ inversion H; subst; try econstructor; eauto. }
{ inversion H; subst. econstructor; eauto. }
End extends.
The following instance enables TC resolution to prove
class_derives σ derived base when the translation unit tu and
class names derived, base are ground.
Existing Class class_derives.
#[global] Hint Mode class_derives - + + : typeclass_instances.
Section tu.
Variable tu : translation_unit.
Fixpoint tu_class_derives (derived : name) (path : list name) : bool :=
match tu.(types) !! derived with
| Some (Gstruct st) =>
match path with
| nil => true
| base :: rest =>
if bool_decide (base ∈ (fst <$> st.(s_bases))) then
tu_class_derives base rest
else false
| _ => false
Context {σ : genv} {M : tu ⊧ σ}.
Theorem tu_class_derives_sound : forall path derived,
tu_class_derives derived path -> class_derives derived path.
Proof using M.
induction path =>///=.
{ intros; case_match.
{ repeat case_match => //.
revert select (_ !! _ = _) => /glob_def_genv_compat_struct ?.
econstructor. eassumption. }
{ inversion H. } }
{ intros; repeat (case_bool_decide || case_match) =>//.
revert select (_ !! _ = _) => /glob_def_genv_compat_struct ?.
revert select (_ ∈ _) => Helem.
eapply elem_of_list_fmap_2 in Helem.
destruct Helem as [[??][??]]. simplify_eq.
econstructor; try eassumption.
by apply IHpath. }
End tu.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (class_derives _ _) =>
eapply tu_class_derives_sound; [ eassumption | vm_compute; exact I ] : typeclass_instances.
#[global] Hint Mode class_derives - + + : typeclass_instances.
Section tu.
Variable tu : translation_unit.
Fixpoint tu_class_derives (derived : name) (path : list name) : bool :=
match tu.(types) !! derived with
| Some (Gstruct st) =>
match path with
| nil => true
| base :: rest =>
if bool_decide (base ∈ (fst <$> st.(s_bases))) then
tu_class_derives base rest
else false
| _ => false
Context {σ : genv} {M : tu ⊧ σ}.
Theorem tu_class_derives_sound : forall path derived,
tu_class_derives derived path -> class_derives derived path.
Proof using M.
induction path =>///=.
{ intros; case_match.
{ repeat case_match => //.
revert select (_ !! _ = _) => /glob_def_genv_compat_struct ?.
econstructor. eassumption. }
{ inversion H. } }
{ intros; repeat (case_bool_decide || case_match) =>//.
revert select (_ !! _ = _) => /glob_def_genv_compat_struct ?.
revert select (_ ∈ _) => Helem.
eapply elem_of_list_fmap_2 in Helem.
destruct Helem as [[??][??]]. simplify_eq.
econstructor; try eassumption.
by apply IHpath. }
End tu.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (class_derives _ _) =>
eapply tu_class_derives_sound; [ eassumption | vm_compute; exact I ] : typeclass_instances.