
 * Copyright (c) 2020-23 BlueRock Security, Inc.
 * This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
 * See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.

Semantics of arithmetic operators on primitives. This does not include the semantics of pointer operations because they require side conditions on the abstract machine state.

Require Import bedrock.prelude.base.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.numbers.
Require Export bedrock.lang.cpp.arith.operator.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.semantics.values.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.semantics.promotion.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.semantics.cast.

#[local] Open Scope Z_scope.

Binary Operator Static Semantics

The static (type-level) promotion semantics of binary operators
Notation Tptrdiff_t := Tlonglong (only parsing).

Definition convert_type_op {σ : genv} (tu : translation_unit) (b : BinOp) (ty1 ty2 : type)
  : option (type * type * type) :=
  if is_pointer ty1 && is_pointer ty2 then
    (* pointer-pointer operations *)
    match b with
    | Bsub => Some (ty1, ty2, Tptrdiff_t)
    | _ => None
  else if is_pointer ty1 && is_arithmetic ty2 then
    (* pointer-integer operations *)
    match b with
    | Bsub | Badd =>
      match promote_integral tu ty2 with
      | Some ty2 => Some (ty1, ty2, ty1)
      | _ => None
    | _ => None
  else if is_arithmetic ty1 && is_pointer ty2 then
    (* integer-pointer operations *)
    match b with
    | Bsub | Badd =>
      match promote_integral tu ty1 with
      | Some ty1 => Some (ty1, ty2, ty2)
      | _ => None
    | _ => None
  else if is_arithmetic ty1 && is_arithmetic ty2 then
    (* integer-integer operations *)
    match promote_integral tu ty1 , promote_integral tu ty2 with
    | Some ity1 , Some ity2 =>
      match b with
      | Bshl | Bshr =>
        (* heterogeneous operators *)
        Some (ity1, ity2, ity1)
      | Badd | Bsub | Bmul | Bdiv | Bmod
      | Band | Bor | Bxor =>
        (* homogeneous operators *)
        match promote_arith ity1 ity2 with
        | Some to => Some (to, to, to)
        | _ => None
      | Beq | Bneq
      | Blt | Ble | Bgt | Bge =>
        let same_enum :=
          match drop_qualifiers ty1 , drop_qualifiers ty2 with
          | Tenum nm1 , Tenum nm2 => if bool_decide (nm1 = nm2) then true else false
          | _ , _ => false
        if same_enum then
          (* Technically, this is only permitted for unscoped enumerations;
             however, the dynamic semantics lines up with the comparison on
             scoped enumerations so we do not test.

          Some (drop_qualifiers ty1, drop_qualifiers ty2, Tbool)
          (* homogeneous operators *)
          match promote_arith ity1 ity2 with
          | Some to => Some (to, to, to)
          | _ => None
      | Bcmp => None
      | Bdotp
      | Bdotip
      | Bunsupported _ => None
    | _ , _ => None
  else None.