* Copyright (C) BlueRock Security Inc. 2019-2021
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
Require Import Stdlib.ZArith.BinInt.
Require Import Stdlib.Lists.List.
Require Import bedrock.lang.proofmode.proofmode.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.base.
Require Import
Require Import
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.semantics.values.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.arr.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.heap_pred.
Import ChargeNotation.
#[local] Open Scope Z_scope.
* Copyright (C) BlueRock Security Inc. 2019-2021
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
Require Import Stdlib.ZArith.BinInt.
Require Import Stdlib.Lists.List.
Require Import bedrock.lang.proofmode.proofmode.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.base.
Require Import
Require Import
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.semantics.values.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.arr.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.heap_pred.
Import ChargeNotation.
#[local] Open Scope Z_scope.
Module zstring.
Definition t := list N.
Bind Scope list_scope with t.
Section with_ct.
Variable ct : char_type.
#[local] Notation Tchar := (Tchar_ ct).
(* size reflects the in-memory footprint of the null-terminated string (i.e. the
length is one greater than that of the string as given by `std::strlen`).
Definition _size (zs : t) : Z :=
Z.of_nat (List.length zs).
#[global] Arguments _size zs : simpl never.
Notation size zs := (_size zs%Z).
(* strlen mirrors the behavior of the standard-library function of the same name
(i.e. the length DOES NOT include the null-terminator).
Definition _strlen (zs : t) : Z :=
(size zs - 1)%Z.
#[global] Arguments _strlen zs : simpl never.
Notation strlen zs := (_strlen zs%Z).
Definition _WF_alt {σ : genv} (zs : t) : Prop :=
let zs' := take (length zs - 1) zs in
last zs = Some 0%N /\ 0%N ∉ zs' /\
List.Forall (λ c, 0 <= c < 2 ^ char_type.bitsN ct)%N zs'.
#[global] Instance _WF_alt_dec {σ : genv} zs : Decision (_WF_alt zs) := _.
Definition _WF {σ : genv} (zs : t) : Prop :=
exists zs', zs = zs' ++ [0]%N /\ not (In 0%N zs') /\
List.Forall (λ c : N, has_type_prop (Vchar c) Tchar) zs.
#[global] Arguments _WF {σ} zs : simpl never.
Lemma _WF_WF_alt {σ : genv} zs : _WF zs <-> _WF_alt zs.
rewrite /_WF /_WF_alt elem_of_list_In; setoid_rewrite <-has_type_prop_char'; split. {
move=> [] zs' [] -> [].
rewrite last_app /= length_app Nat.add_sub take_app_length Forall_app Forall_singleton.
move=> [] Hl [] Hin Hall; exists (take (length zs - 1) zs).
destruct zs as [|z zs] using rev_ind => //= {IHzs}.
move: Hl Hin Hall;
rewrite last_app length_app /=. rewrite Nat.add_sub take_app_length.
rewrite Forall_app Forall_singleton.
intros [= ->]; intros; split_and! => //.
Notation WF zs := (_WF zs%N).
#[global, program] Instance _WF_dec {σ : genv} zs : Decision (_WF zs) :=
cast_if (decide (_WF_alt zs)).
Solve All Obligations with intros; exact /_WF_WF_alt.
(* this definition is less intensional, and seems to work more
smoothly wrt. automation: *)
Definition _WF' {σ : genv} (zs : t) : Prop :=
(exists v, nth_error zs 0 = Some v) /\
(forall i, Z.of_nat i <= strlen zs ->
exists z, nth_error zs i = Some z /\ has_type_prop (Vchar z) Tchar) /\
(forall i, Z.of_nat i < strlen zs ->
exists z, nth_error zs i = Some z /\ z <> 0%N) /\
forall i, Z.of_nat i = strlen zs -> nth_error zs i = Some 0%N.
#[global] Arguments _WF' {σ} zs : simpl never.
Notation WF' zs := (_WF' zs%Z).
Section WF_Theory.
Context {σ : genv}.
Remark not_WF_nil : not (WF []).
rewrite /_WF; intro CONTRA;
destruct CONTRA as [? [CONTRA ?]];
eapply app_cons_not_nil; eauto.
Remark WF_singleton : WF [0%N].
rewrite /_WF; exists []; repeat split.
- intro CONTRA; by inversion CONTRA.
- repeat constructor. apply has_type_prop_char_0.
Lemma WF_singleton_inj :
forall (z : N),
WF [z] ->
z = 0%N.
intros * [zs [Hzs [Hin Hbounds]]].
destruct zs; simpl in *; inversion Hzs.
- reflexivity.
- exfalso; eapply app_cons_not_nil; by eauto.
Lemma WF_nonempty_inj :
forall (zs : t),
WF zs ->
exists z zs', zs = z :: zs'.
move=> zs Hzstring; induction zs; [ | by eauto].
unfold WF in Hzstring.
destruct Hzstring as [? [CONTRA ?]].
now apply app_cons_not_nil in CONTRA.
Lemma WF_cons :
forall (z : N) (zs : t),
(z <> 0)%N ->
has_type_prop (Vchar z) Tchar ->
WF (z :: zs) <->
WF zs.
intros * Hnonzero Hz; split; [intro WF_zs | intro WF_z]; unfold WF in *.
- destruct WF_zs as [zs' [Hzs' [Hin Hbounds]]].
exists (tail zs'); split; destruct zs'=> //=;
[rewrite app_nil_l in Hzs' | | |];
inversion Hzs'=> //.
+ intro; apply Hin=> //=; auto.
+ inversion Hbounds; by subst.
- destruct WF_z as [zs' [Hzs' [Hin Hbounds]]];
exists (z :: zs'); split.
+ by subst.
+ split.
* intro CONTRA; apply Hin; by inversion CONTRA.
* by constructor.
(* Unlike WF_cons, here the explicit tail ++ [0] lets us write a more elegant lemma. *)
Lemma WF_cons' (z : N) (zs : t) :
WF (z :: zs ++ [0%N]) <->
(z <> 0)%N /\ has_type_prop (Vchar z) Tchar /\ WF (zs ++ [0%N]).
rewrite /_WF/=. setoid_rewrite Forall_cons.
- case => [[|z' zs'] [/= [-> Hzs']]]; first by destruct zs.
move: Hzs' => /(app_inj_2 _ _ _ _ eq_refl) [-> _].
move=> [/Decidable.not_or [Hz Hin] [Hz'Bounds Hrest]].
split_and! => //.
by exists zs'.
- case => Hz [HzBounds] [] zs' [] /(app_inj_2 _ _ _ _ eq_refl) [-> _] [Hin].
exists (z :: zs'); split_and! => //.
intros ?%in_inv. naive_solver.
(* WF is prefix-free predicate *)
Lemma WF_eq_prefix_eq a1 a2 :
WF a1
-> WF a2
-> a1 = take (length a1) a2
-> a1 = a2.
move=>[xs [-> [Nin _]]] [xs' [-> [Nin' _]]] H.
f_equal; move: xs' H Nin'.
rewrite length_app //= Nat.add_1_r.
induction xs.
- by case=>[//|??[<-][]];left.
- rewrite -app_comm_cons.
case; first by case: (xs).
move=>a' l' [<-] ? Hin'; f_equal.
apply: IHxs=>//= ?.
+ by apply: Nin; right.
+ by apply: Hin'; right.
End WF_Theory.
Section size_Theory.
Context {σ : genv}.
(* Use rewrite size_unfold/= to reduce away a size application to a
concrete string; if complete reduction is not possible, this is
equivalent to unfolding the size notation.
Lemma size_unfold (zs : t) :
size zs = Unfold _size (size zs).
Proof. by unfold size. Qed.
Lemma size_strlen (zs : t) :
size zs = strlen zs + 1.
Proof. unfold strlen; by rewrite Z.sub_simpl_r. Qed.
Remark size_nil : size [] = 0.
Proof. by rewrite size_unfold. Qed.
Lemma size_cons :
forall (z : N) (zs : t),
size (z :: zs) = 1 + size zs.
Proof. intros *; rewrite !size_unfold/=; by lia. Qed.
Lemma size_cons':
forall (z : N) (zs : t),
(z <> 0)%N ->
WF (z :: zs) ->
Z.to_nat (size (z :: zs)) = S (Z.to_nat (size zs)).
move=> z zs Hz Hzstring; inversion Hzstring as [zs' [Hzs' HIn]];
unfold strlen, size; simpl.
replace ((length zs + 1)%nat - 1)%Z
with (Z.of_nat (length zs))
by lia.
destruct zs=> //=.
Lemma size_app :
forall (zs zs' : t),
size (zs ++ zs') = size zs + size zs'.
intros *; induction zs as [| z zs'' IHzs'']; simpl in *.
- by rewrite size_nil Z.add_0_l.
- by rewrite !size_cons IHzs'' Z.add_assoc.
Lemma size_nil_cons_contra :
forall (z : _) (zs : t),
not (size (z :: zs) = size []).
Proof. intros *; intro CONTRA; unfold size in CONTRA; by inversion CONTRA. Qed.
Lemma size_nonneg : forall (zs : t), (0 <= size zs).
Proof. intros *; destruct zs; unfold size; simpl; by lia. Qed.
Lemma size_neg_inj : forall (zs : t), (0 = size zs)%Z -> zs = [].
Proof. move=> [ | a s] Hlen=> //. Qed.
End size_Theory.
Section strlen_Theory.
Context {σ : genv}.
(* Use rewrite strlen_unfold/= to reduce away a strlen application to a
concrete string; if complete reduction is not possible, this is
equivalent to unfolding the strlen notation.
Lemma strlen_unfold (zs : t) :
strlen zs = Unfold _size (Unfold _strlen (strlen zs)).
Proof. by unfold strlen. Qed.
Lemma strlen_size (zs : t) :
strlen zs = size zs - 1.
Proof. by unfold strlen. Qed.
Remark strlen_nil : strlen [] = -1.
Proof. by rewrite strlen_unfold. Qed.
Lemma strlen_cons (zs : t) :
forall (z : _),
strlen (z :: zs) = 1 + strlen zs.
Proof. intros *; rewrite !strlen_unfold/=; by lia. Qed.
Lemma strlen_cons':
forall (z : N) (zs : t),
(z <> 0)%N ->
WF (z :: zs) ->
Z.to_nat (strlen (z :: zs)) = S (Z.to_nat (strlen zs)).
move=> z zs Hz Hzstring; inversion Hzstring as [zs' [Hzs' HIn]];
unfold strlen, size; simpl.
replace ((length zs + 1)%nat - 1)%Z
with (Z.of_nat (length zs))
by lia.
destruct zs=> //=.
- apply WF_singleton_inj in Hzstring; subst; lia.
- lia.
Lemma strlen_app :
forall (zs zs' : t),
strlen (zs ++ zs') = size zs + strlen zs'.
intros *; induction zs as [| z zs'' IHzs'']; simpl in *.
- rewrite !size_unfold !strlen_unfold/=; by lia.
- by rewrite !strlen_cons !size_cons IHzs'' Z.add_assoc.
Lemma strlen_nil_cons_contra :
forall (z : _) (zs : t),
not (strlen (z :: zs) = strlen []).
intros *.
unfold strlen.
pose proof (size_nil_cons_contra z zs).
by lia.
Lemma strlen_lowerbound : forall (zs : t), (-1 <= strlen zs)%Z.
intros *; destruct zs;
unfold strlen, size;
simpl; by lia.
Lemma strlen_nonneg : forall (zs : t),
WF zs ->
(0 <= strlen zs).
intros * Hzstring.
inversion Hzstring as [zs' [Hzs' HIn]].
rewrite Hzs' strlen_app.
pose proof (strlen_lowerbound zs').
pose proof (size_nonneg zs').
unfold strlen; unfold size at 2.
simpl; by lia.
Lemma strlen_neg_inj : forall (zs : t), (-1 = strlen zs)%Z -> zs = [].
move=> [ | a s] Hlen=> //; exfalso.
pose proof (strlen_nil_cons_contra a s) as H.
apply H; by rewrite strlen_nil.
End strlen_Theory.
Section WFs_equiv_Theory.
Context {σ : genv}.
Section helpers.
Lemma len0_take (zs : t)
(H0 : 0 < List.length zs)
(H : forall i : nat, Z.of_nat i = strlen zs -> nth_error zs i = Some 0%N) :
zs = take (List.length zs - 1) zs ++ [0%N].
rewrite -[zs](firstn_skipn (List.length zs - 1)). f_equal.
{ rewrite length_app length_take length_drop.
set x := List.length zs.
have ->: ((x - 1) `min` x + (x - (x - 1)) - 1 = x - 1)%nat by lia.
by rewrite firstn_skipn. }
elim: zs H0 H; first by inversion 1.
move => z zs IH /= H0 H. have ->: (List.length zs - 0 = List.length zs)%nat by lia.
destruct zs; first by move: (H 0%nat eq_refl); inversion 1.
destruct zs; first by move: (H 1%nat eq_refl); inversion 1.
apply: IH; first by simpl; lia.
case; unfold strlen, size; rewrite /List.length -/List.length; first by lia.
move => n' ?. simpl. move: (H (S (S n'))). apply.
rewrite Nat2Z.inj_succ; unfold strlen, size; rewrite /List.length -/List.length. lia.
Lemma forall_not0 (zs : t)
(H : ∀ i : nat, (i <= strlen zs)%Z →
∃ z : N, nth_error zs i = Some z ∧ has_type_prop (Vchar z) Tchar)
(H' : forall i : nat, (i < strlen zs)%Z ->
∃ z : N, nth_error zs i = Some z /\ z <> 0%N):
List.Forall (fun z : N => z <> 0%N /\ has_type_prop (Vchar z) Tchar) (take (List.length zs - 1) zs).
induction zs; first by constructor.
simpl. have ->: (List.length zs - 0 = List.length zs)%nat by lia. destruct zs.
{ simpl. constructor. }
simpl. constructor.
{ move: (H 0%nat); case.
{ unfold strlen, size; rewrite /List.length -/List.length. lia. }
move => x /= []; inversion 1; subst; intuition.
specialize (H' 0%nat ltac:(rewrite !strlen_cons;
pose proof (strlen_lowerbound zs);
by lia)) as [? [? CONTRA]];
simpl in *; inversion H1; congruence. }
have <-: (List.length zs - 0 = List.length zs)%nat by lia. apply: IHzs.
{ move => h1; exists n. split => //.
destruct zs. 1: {
specialize (H 1%nat ltac:(rewrite strlen_unfold/=; lia))
as [z' [Hnth Htype]].
simpl in Hnth; inversion Hnth; by subst.
move: (H 1%nat); unfold strlen, size; case => //.
{ rewrite /List.length -/List.length. lia. }
by move => x /=; case; inversion 1; subst. }
move => n'; unfold strlen, size; rewrite /List.length -/List.length => h.
move: (H (S (S n'))); case.
{ unfold strlen, size; rewrite /List.length -/List.length. lia. }
move => x /=; case => h1 h2; exists x; split => //.
intros i Hstrlen.
rewrite [strlen (_ :: _ :: _)]strlen_cons in H'.
specialize (H' (S i) ltac:(lia)) as [x [? ?]].
exists x; by intuition.
Lemma nth_error_strlen_contra :
forall (n : nat) (zs : t),
strlen zs < Z.of_nat n ->
forall z, not (nth_error zs n = Some z).
intros n; induction n; intros **.
- destruct zs=> //.
rewrite strlen_cons in H.
pose proof (strlen_lowerbound zs).
by lia.
- destruct zs=> //.
simpl; apply IHn.
rewrite strlen_cons in H.
pose proof (strlen_lowerbound zs).
by lia.
End helpers.
Lemma WFs_equiv (zs : t) : WF' zs <-> WF zs.
(* this is a horrible proof *)
unfold WF, WF'; split.
{ case; case => x h1 []h2 []h3 h4.
exists (take (List.length zs - 1) zs). repeat split.
{ apply: len0_take => //.
clear - h1; case: zs h1 => //= a l _; lia. }
2: {
apply List.Forall_forall; intros z Hin.
pose proof (In_nth_error zs z Hin) as [n Hnth].
assert (n < strlen zs \/ Z.of_nat n = strlen zs \/ strlen zs < n)
as [Hn | [Hn | Hn]] by lia.
- specialize (h2 n ltac:(lia)) as [? ?]; intuition; congruence.
- specialize (h4 n Hn).
rewrite h4 in Hnth; inversion Hnth.
apply has_type_prop_char_0.
- exfalso; eapply nth_error_strlen_contra; by eauto.
suff: List.Forall (fun x => x <> 0%N /\ has_type_prop (σ:=σ) (Vchar x) Tchar)
(take (Datatypes.length zs - 1) zs).
{ clear - zs. elim: zs => //= [_ [] //|a zs IH /=]. rewrite Nat.sub_0_r.
destruct zs as [|z zs]; first done. move => /= /Forall_cons [[??]?].
move => [//|]. simpl in IH. rewrite Nat.sub_0_r in IH. apply IH. done. }
apply: forall_not0. apply h2. apply h3. }
case => zs' []-> h1. split.
{ destruct zs'; simpl; first by exists 0%N.
by exists n. }
{ move => i. unfold strlen, size; rewrite length_app Nat2Z.inj_add /= => h2.
assert (i < List.length zs' \/ i = List.length zs')%nat
as [h2' | h2'] by lia; clear h2. 2: {
subst; exists 0%N; clear h1; split.
- by induction zs'=> //=.
- apply has_type_prop_char_0.
rewrite nth_error_app1 => //.
elim: zs' i h1 h2' => /=; first by lia.
move => a lx IH i h1 h2. destruct i.
{ exists a; split => //.
inversion h1 as [? Hforall].
apply Forall_cons in Hforall.
by intuition. }
case: (IH i). 1: {
- move => X; apply h1; by right.
- destruct h1 as [? Hforall]; by apply List.Forall_inv_tail in Hforall. }
1: by lia.
move => x []h3 h4; exists x => /=; split => //. }
split. 1: {
move => i; unfold strlen, size.
rewrite length_app/=; intros Hi.
assert (i < length zs')%nat as Hzs' by lia; clear Hi.
pose proof (nth_error_app1 zs' [0%N] Hzs') as Hnth.
pose proof (nth_In zs' 0%N Hzs') as Hin.
rewrite Hnth; erewrite nth_error_nth' with (d:=0%N); eauto; eexists;
split; eauto.
intro CONTRA; rewrite CONTRA in Hin.
inversion h1; by congruence.
move => i; unfold strlen, size.
rewrite length_app Nat2Z.inj_add /= => h2.
have ->: i = List.length zs' by lia. clear h2.
rewrite nth_error_app2 //.
have ->: (List.length zs' - List.length zs' = 0)%nat by lia. by [].
Lemma WF'_singleton_inj :
forall (z : N),
WF' [z] ->
z = 0%N.
Proof. intros *; rewrite WFs_equiv; by apply WF_singleton_inj. Qed.
Remark not_WF'_nil : not (WF' []).
Proof. rewrite WFs_equiv; by apply not_WF_nil. Qed.
Lemma WF'_nonempty_inj :
forall (zs : t),
WF' zs ->
exists z zs', zs = z :: zs'.
Proof. intros *; rewrite WFs_equiv; by apply WF_nonempty_inj. Qed.
Lemma WF'_cons :
forall (z : _) (zs : t),
(z <> 0)%N ->
has_type_prop (Vchar z) Tchar ->
WF' (z :: zs) <->
WF' zs.
Proof. intros *; rewrite !WFs_equiv; by apply WF_cons. Qed.
End WFs_equiv_Theory.
Section with_Σ.
Context `{Σ : cpp_logic} `{σ : genv}.
(* The toplevel definition of zstring.bufR: *)
Definition bufR (q : cQp.t) (sz : Z) (zs : t) : Rep :=
[| size zs <= sz |] **
arrayR Tchar (fun c => primR Tchar q (Vchar c)) zs ** [| WF zs |] **
.[Tchar ! size zs]
|-> arrayR Tchar (fun _ => primR Tchar q (Vchar 0)) (repeat () (Z.to_nat (sz - size zs))).
(* The toplevel definition of zstring.bufR': *)
Definition bufR' (q : cQp.t) (sz : Z) (zs : t) : Rep :=
[| size zs <= sz |] **
arrayR Tchar (fun c => primR Tchar q (Vchar c)) zs ** [| WF' zs |] **
.[Tchar ! size zs]
|-> arrayR Tchar (fun _ => primR Tchar q (Vchar 0)) (repeat () (Z.to_nat (sz - size zs))).
#[global] Instance bufR_WF_observe :
forall q (sz : Z) (zs : t),
Observe [| WF zs |] (bufR q sz zs).
Proof. refine _. Qed.
#[global] Instance bufR'_WF_observe :
forall q (sz : Z) (zs : t),
Observe [| WF' zs |] (bufR' q sz zs).
Proof. refine _. Qed.
Lemma bufRs_equiv (q : cQp.t) (sz : Z) (zs : t) :
bufR q sz zs -|- bufR' q sz zs.
Proof. intros *; by rewrite /bufR/bufR' WFs_equiv. Qed.
(* The toplevel definition of zstring.R: *)
Definition R (q : cQp.t) (zs : t) : Rep :=
arrayR Tchar (fun c => primR Tchar q (Vchar c)) zs ** [| WF zs |].
(* The toplevel definition of zstring.R': *)
Definition R' (q : cQp.t) (zs : t) : Rep :=
arrayR Tchar (fun c => primR Tchar q (Vchar c)) zs ** [| WF' zs |].
#[global] Instance R_WF_observe :
forall q (zs : t),
Observe [| WF zs |] (R q zs).
Proof. refine _. Qed.
#[global] Instance R'_WF'_observe :
forall q (zs : t),
Observe [| WF' zs |] (R' q zs).
Proof. refine _. Qed.
Lemma Rs_equiv :
forall (q : cQp.t) (zs : t),
R q zs -|- R' q zs.
Proof. intros *; by rewrite /R/R' WFs_equiv. Qed.
Section Theory.
#[local] Open Scope string_scope.
Section bufR.
Remark bufR_nil : forall (q : cQp.t) (sz : Z), bufR q sz [] |-- False.
intros *.
iIntros "rest"; rewrite /bufR.
iDestruct "rest" as "(?&?& %CONTRA &?)".
by apply not_WF_nil in CONTRA.
(* TODO (AUTO): Investigate whether or not this hint actually fires. *)
#[global] Instance bufR_sz_contra :
forall (q : cQp.t) (sz : Z) (zs : t),
Observe2 False [| sz < size zs |] (bufR q sz zs).
Proof. intros *; rewrite /Observe2/bufR; iIntros "%H [%CONTRA ?]"; by lia. Qed.
#[global] Instance bufR_singleton :
forall (q : cQp.t) (sz : Z) (z : _),
Observe [| z = 0%N |] (bufR q sz [z]).
intros *; rewrite /Observe/bufR; iIntros "(% & Hz & %HWF & rest)".
iModIntro; iPureIntro; by apply WF_singleton_inj.
Lemma bufR_cons :
forall (q : cQp.t) (sz : Z) (z : _) (zs : t),
z <> 0%N ->
bufR q sz (z :: zs) -|-
primR Tchar q (Vchar z) ** .[Tchar ! 1] |-> bufR q (sz - 1) zs.
intros * Hz; split'.
- rewrite /bufR arrayR_cons.
iIntros "[%Hsz [[? [Hz Hzs]] [%HWF Hrest]]]".
assert (size zs <= sz - 1) by (rewrite size_cons in Hsz; by lia).
iDestruct (observe [| has_type_prop (Vchar z) _ |] with "Hz") as "%".
assert (WF zs) by (apply WF_cons in HWF; assumption).
rewrite !_offsetR_sep !_offsetR_only_provable
size_cons -_offsetR_sub_sub
iFrame "∗%".
- rewrite /bufR arrayR_cons !_offsetR_sep !_offsetR_only_provable;
iIntros "[H [%Hsz [? [%HWF Hrest]]]]".
iDestruct (observe (type_ptrR Tchar) with "H") as "#?".
assert (size (z :: zs) <= sz) by (rewrite size_cons; by lia).
iDestruct (observe [| has_type_prop (Vchar z) _ |] with "H") as "%".
assert (WF (z :: zs)) by (apply WF_cons; assumption).
rewrite size_cons -!_offsetR_sub_sub Z.sub_add_distr.
iFrame "∗#%"; iPureIntro; by lia.
#[global] Instance bufR_cons_cons_head_nonzero :
forall (q : cQp.t) (sz : Z) (z z' : _) (zs : t),
Observe [| z <> 0 |]%N (bufR q sz (z :: z' :: zs)).
intros *.
apply: observe_intro_only_provable.
rewrite /bufR; unfold WF; iIntros "[%Hsz [Hzs [%WF Hrest]]]"; iPureIntro.
destruct WF as [zs' [Hzs' HIn]].
destruct zs'=> //=.
inversion Hzs'.
intro CONTRA; apply HIn; subst.
by constructor.
Lemma bufR_has_type_prop :
forall (q : cQp.t) (sz : Z) (zs : t),
strlen zs < sz ->
bufR q sz zs
|-- bufR q sz zs ** [| List.Forall (fun c => has_type_prop (Vchar c) Tchar) zs |].
intros **; generalize dependent sz; induction zs; intros **.
- rewrite {1}bufR_nil; by iIntros.
- destruct zs=> //=.
+ iIntros "H"; iDestruct (observe [| a = 0 |]%N with "H") as "%H'".
iFrame "∗"; iPureIntro.
try repeat constructor; subst.
apply has_type_prop_char_0.
+ iIntros "H"; iDestruct (observe [| WF (a :: n :: zs) |] with "H") as "%H'".
assert (1 <= size (a :: n :: zs)). {
rewrite -> size_cons in *.
pose proof (size_nonneg (n :: zs)).
by lia.
iDestruct (observe [| a <> 0 |]%N with "H") as "%H''"; iStopProof.
rewrite {1}bufR_cons; auto; rewrite primR_has_type_prop IHzs.
iIntros "[[? %has_type_prop] ?]"; iStopProof.
rewrite _offsetR_sep _offsetR_only_provable.
iIntros "[head [tail %has_type_props]]"; iCombine "head tail" as "H".
rewrite -bufR_cons; [| done]; iFrame "∗"; iPureIntro.
apply Forall_cons_2; auto.
rewrite -> !strlen_cons in *.
pose proof (size_nonneg (n :: zs)).
by lia.
(* TODO (AUTO): Fix this once we add the correct observations for arrayR *)
#[global] Instance bufR_type_ptrR_observe :
forall q (sz : Z) (zs : t),
Observe (type_ptrR Tchar) (bufR q sz zs).
move=> q sz zs; rewrite /bufR; destruct zs.
- rewrite /Observe. iIntros "[? [? [%CONTRA ?]]]";
exfalso; now apply not_WF_nil.
- rewrite arr.arrayR_cons; refine _.
#[global] Instance bufR_validR_end_observe :
forall q (sz : Z) (zs : t),
Observe (.[Tchar ! sz] |-> validR) (bufR q sz zs).
move=> q sz zs; rewrite /bufR/Observe.
iIntros "[%Hsz [array [%HWF rest]]]".
iAssert (arrayR Tchar (fun c => primR Tchar q (Vchar c))
(zs ++ repeat 0%N (Z.to_nat (sz - size zs))))
with "[array rest]" as "array'". 2: {
assert (Z.to_nat sz <= length (zs ++ repeat 0%N (Z.to_nat (sz - size zs))))%nat
as AUX. 1: {
rewrite length_app repeat_length.
unfold strlen in Hsz.
unfold size in *.
pose proof (arrayR_valid_obs (λ c : N, primR Tchar q (Vchar c)) Tchar (Z.to_nat sz)
(zs ++ repeat 0%N (Z.to_nat (sz - size zs)))
iDestruct (observe (.[ Tchar ! sz ] |-> validR) with "array'")
as "#?"; auto.
rewrite in H; auto.
pose proof (size_nonneg zs).
rewrite arrayR_eq/arrayR_def fmap_app arrR_append length_fmap; unfold size.
rewrite arrR_proper; [by iFrame |].
generalize (Z.to_nat (sz - length zs)); intros n.
induction n=> //=.
setoid_rewrite IHn.
rewrite /fmap.
#[global] Instance bufR_validR_inbounds_observe :
forall q sz (z : Z) (zs : t),
(0 <= z <= sz)%Z ->
Observe (.[Tchar ! z] |-> validR) (bufR q sz zs).
intros **; generalize dependent zs; induction z; intros **; simpl in *.
- rewrite ->o_sub_0 by eauto; rewrite _offsetR_id; refine _.
- assert (Z.pos p < sz \/ Z.pos p = sz)%Z
as [Hp | Hp] by lia; last by (rewrite Hp; refine _).
unfold Observe, bufR.
move: H Hp; generalize (Z.pos p).
iIntros (z H Hz) "[%SZ [zs [_ zeros]]]".
assert (z <= length zs \/ length zs < z)%Z
as [Hz' | Hz'] by lia.
+ iClear "zeros".
iDestruct (observe (.[ Tchar ! z] |-> validR) with "zs")
as "#valid"; last by iFrame "#".
pose proof (arrayR_valid_obs
(fun c => primR Tchar q (Vchar c))
Tchar (Z.to_nat z) zs ltac:(lia)).
by rewrite -> in H0 by lia.
+ iClear "zs".
iDestruct (observe (.[Tchar ! z] |-> validR) with "zeros")
as "#valid"; last by iFrame "#".
assert (exists z', size zs + z' = z /\ 0 <= z')
as [z' [Hz'' Hneg]]
by (exists (z - size zs)%Z; unfold size; lia);
rewrite -_offsetR_sub_sub; apply _offsetR_observe.
pose proof (arrayR_valid_obs
(fun c => primR Tchar q (Vchar 0))
Tchar (Z.to_nat z')
(repeat () (Z.to_nat (sz - size zs)))
ltac:(rewrite repeat_length; lia)).
by rewrite -> in H0 by lia.
- by lia.
End bufR.
Section bufR'.
#[local] Ltac lift_WF2WF' H :=
intros **; rewrite -!bufRs_equiv; by apply H.
Remark bufR'_nil : forall (q : cQp.t) (sz : Z), bufR' q sz [] |-- False.
Proof. lift_WF2WF' bufR_nil. Qed.
(* TODO (AUTO): Investigate whether or not this hint actually fires. *)
#[global] Instance bufR'_sz_contra :
forall (q : cQp.t) (sz : Z) (zs : t),
Observe2 False [| sz < size zs |] (bufR' q sz zs).
Proof. lift_WF2WF' bufR_sz_contra. Qed.
#[global] Instance bufR'_singleton :
forall (q : cQp.t) (sz : Z) (z : _),
0 <= sz ->
Observe [| z = 0 |]%N (bufR' q sz [z]).
Proof. lift_WF2WF' bufR_singleton. Qed.
Lemma bufR'_cons :
forall (q : cQp.t) (sz : Z) (z : _) (zs : t),
z <> 0%N ->
bufR' q sz (z :: zs) -|-
primR Tchar q (Vchar z) ** .[Tchar ! 1] |-> bufR' q (sz - 1) zs.
Proof. lift_WF2WF' bufR_cons. Qed.
#[global] Instance bufR'_cons_cons_head_nonzero :
forall (q : cQp.t) (sz : Z) (z z' : _) (zs : t),
Observe [| z <> 0 |]%N (bufR' q sz (z :: z' :: zs)).
Proof. lift_WF2WF' bufR_cons_cons_head_nonzero. Qed.
Lemma bufR'_has_type_prop :
forall (q : cQp.t) (sz : Z) (zs : t),
strlen zs < sz ->
bufR' q sz zs
|-- bufR' q sz zs ** [| List.Forall (fun c => has_type_prop (Vchar c) Tchar) zs |].
Proof. lift_WF2WF' bufR_has_type_prop. Qed.
#[global] Instance bufR'_type_ptrR_observe :
forall q (sz : Z) (zs : t),
Observe (type_ptrR Tchar) (bufR' q sz zs).
Proof. lift_WF2WF' bufR_type_ptrR_observe. Qed.
#[global] Instance bufR'_validR_end_observe :
forall q (sz : Z) (zs : t),
Observe (.[Tchar ! sz] |-> validR) (bufR' q sz zs).
Proof. lift_WF2WF' bufR_validR_end_observe. Qed.
#[global] Instance bufR'_validR_inbounds_observe :
forall q sz (z : Z) (zs : t),
(0 <= z <= sz)%Z ->
Observe (.[Tchar ! z] |-> validR) (bufR' q sz zs).
Proof. lift_WF2WF' bufR_validR_inbounds_observe. Qed.
End bufR'.
Lemma bufR_unfold :
forall (q : cQp.t) (sz : Z) (zs : t),
bufR q sz zs -|-
[| size zs <= sz |] ** R q zs **
.[ Tchar ! size zs] |-> arrayR Tchar (fun _ => primR Tchar q (Vchar 0))
(repeat () (Z.to_nat (sz - size zs))).
intros **; split'.
- rewrite /bufR/R; iIntros "(%&?&%&?)"; by iFrame "∗%".
- rewrite /bufR/R; iIntros "[% [[? %] ?]]"; by iFrame "∗%".
Lemma bufR'_unfold :
forall (q : cQp.t) (sz : Z) (cstr : t),
bufR' q sz cstr -|-
[| size cstr <= sz |] ** R' q cstr **
.[ Tchar ! size cstr] |-> arrayR Tchar (fun _ => primR Tchar q (Vchar 0))
(repeat () (Z.to_nat (sz - size cstr))).
Proof. intros **; rewrite -!bufRs_equiv -!Rs_equiv; by apply bufR_unfold. Qed.
Section R_Theory.
Lemma R_bufR_equiv :
forall q (zs : t),
R q zs ≡ bufR q (size zs) zs.
intros **; rewrite /R/bufR; split'.
- iIntros "[array %HWF]".
assert (size zs <= size zs) by lia.
rewrite Z.sub_diag/= arrayR_nil.
iDestruct (observe (.[Tchar ! size zs] |-> validR) with "array") as "#?". 1: {
unfold size; apply arrayR_valid_obs; by lia.
rewrite _offsetR_sep _offsetR_only_provable;
iFrame "#∗%"; iPureIntro; by eauto.
- iIntros "[%Hzs [array [%HWF rest]]]"; by iFrame "∗%".
#[local] Ltac try_lift_bufR H :=
intros **; rewrite !R_bufR_equiv; eapply H; eauto.
Remark R_nil : forall (q : cQp.t), R q [] |-- False.
Proof. try_lift_bufR bufR_nil. Qed.
#[global] Instance R_singleton :
forall (q : cQp.t) (z : _),
Observe [| z = 0 |]%N (R q [z]).
Proof. try_lift_bufR bufR_singleton. Qed.
Lemma R_cons :
forall (q : cQp.t) (z : _) (zs : t),
z <> 0%N ->
R q (z :: zs) -|-
primR Tchar q (Vchar z) ** .[Tchar ! 1] |-> R q zs.
intros **; rewrite !R_bufR_equiv.
replace (size zs) with ((size (z :: zs)) - 1)
by (rewrite size_cons; lia).
eapply bufR_cons; eauto.
#[global] Instance R_cons_cons_head_nonzero :
forall (q : cQp.t) (z z' : _) (zs : t),
Observe [| z <> 0 |]%N (R q (z :: z' :: zs)).
Proof. try_lift_bufR bufR_cons_cons_head_nonzero. Qed.
Lemma R_has_type_prop :
forall (q : cQp.t) (zs : t),
R q zs
|-- R q zs ** [| List.Forall (fun c => has_type_prop (Vchar c) Tchar) zs |].
try_lift_bufR bufR_has_type_prop.
unfold strlen; by lia.
(* TODO (AUTO): Fix this once we add the correct observations for arrayR *)
#[global] Instance R_type_ptrR_observe :
forall q (zs : t),
Observe (type_ptrR Tchar) (R q zs).
Proof. try_lift_bufR bufR_type_ptrR_observe. Qed.
#[global] Instance R_validR_end_observe :
forall q (zs : t),
Observe (.[Tchar ! size zs] |-> validR) (R q zs).
Proof. try_lift_bufR bufR_validR_end_observe. Qed.
#[global] Instance R_validR_end_observe' :
forall q (zs : t),
Observe (.[Tchar ! strlen zs] |-> .[Tchar ! 1] |-> validR) (R q zs).
intros *; pose proof (R_validR_end_observe q zs).
rewrite _offsetR_sub_sub; unfold size, strlen in *.
unfold size in *.
by replace (length zs - 1 + 1)%Z
with (Z.of_nat (length zs))
by lia.
#[global] Instance R_validR_inbounds_observe :
forall q (z : Z) (zs : t),
(0 <= z <= size zs)%Z ->
Observe (.[Tchar ! z] |-> validR) (R q zs).
intros * Hsize; unfold R; unfold size in Hsize.
apply observe_sep_l.
pose proof (arrayR_valid_obs
(fun c => primR Tchar q (Vchar c))
Tchar (Z.to_nat z) zs ltac:(lia)).
by rewrite -> in H by lia.
End R_Theory.
Section R'_Theory.
#[local] Ltac lift_WF2WF' H :=
intros **; rewrite -!Rs_equiv; by apply H.
Lemma R'_bufR'_equiv :
forall q (zs : t),
R' q zs ≡ bufR' q (size zs) zs.
Proof. intros **; rewrite -Rs_equiv -bufRs_equiv; by apply R_bufR_equiv. Qed.
Remark R'_nil : forall (q : cQp.t), R' q [] |-- False.
Proof. lift_WF2WF' R_nil. Qed.
#[global] Instance R'_singleton :
forall (q : cQp.t) (z : _),
Observe [| z = 0 |]%N (R' q [z]).
Proof. lift_WF2WF' R_singleton. Qed.
Lemma R'_cons :
forall (q : cQp.t) (z : _) (zs : t),
z <> 0%N ->
R' q (z :: zs) -|-
primR Tchar q (Vchar z) ** .[Tchar ! 1] |-> R' q zs.
Proof. lift_WF2WF' R_cons. Qed.
#[global] Instance R'_cons_cons_head_nonzero :
forall (q : cQp.t) (z z' : _) (zs : t),
Observe [| z <> 0 |]%N (R' q (z :: z' :: zs)).
Proof. lift_WF2WF' R_cons_cons_head_nonzero. Qed.
Lemma R'_has_type_prop :
forall (q : cQp.t) (zs : t),
R' q zs
|-- R' q zs ** [| List.Forall (fun c => has_type_prop (Vchar c) Tchar) zs |].
Proof. lift_WF2WF' R_has_type_prop. Qed.
#[global] Instance R'_type_ptrR_observe :
forall q (zs : t),
Observe (type_ptrR Tchar) (R' q zs).
Proof. lift_WF2WF' R_type_ptrR_observe. Qed.
#[global] Instance R'_validR_end_observe :
forall q (zs : t),
Observe (.[Tchar ! size zs] |-> validR) (R' q zs).
Proof. lift_WF2WF' R_validR_end_observe. Qed.
#[global] Instance R'_validR_end_observe' :
forall q (zs : t),
Observe (.[Tchar ! strlen zs] |-> .[Tchar ! 1] |-> validR) (R' q zs).
Proof. lift_WF2WF' R_validR_end_observe'. Qed.
#[global] Instance R'_validR_inbounds_observe :
forall q (z : Z) (zs : t),
(0 <= z <= size zs)%Z ->
Observe (.[Tchar ! z] |-> validR) (R' q zs).
Proof. lift_WF2WF' R_validR_inbounds_observe. Qed.
End R'_Theory.
Lemma R_unfold :
forall (q : cQp.t) (zs : t),
R q zs
-|- arrayR Tchar (fun c => primR Tchar q (Vchar c)) zs ** [| WF zs |].
Proof. intros **; split'; by rewrite /R. Qed.
Lemma R'_unfold :
forall (q : cQp.t) (zs : t),
R' q zs
-|- arrayR Tchar (fun c => primR Tchar q (Vchar c)) zs ** [| WF' zs |].
Proof. intros **; split'; by rewrite /R'. Qed.
End Theory.
End with_Σ.
End with_ct.
(* refresh notation outside of the section *)
Notation size zs := (_size zs%Z).
Notation strlen zs := (_strlen zs%Z).
Notation WF zs := (_WF zs%Z).
Notation WF' zs := (_WF' zs%Z).
End zstring.
Section zstring_pure_hint_test_pre.
(* TODO (AUTO; cc/ @paolo): globally setting this prevents the use
of the Fail vernacular.
Goal not True.
(* by auto. *)
(* > In nested Ltac calls to "by (tactic)" and "tactics.done", last call failed. *)
(* > No applicable tactic. *)
Fail (by auto).
(* > In nested Ltac calls to "by (tactic)" and "tactics.done", last call failed. *)
(* > No applicable tactic. *)
#[local] Unset Ltac Backtrace.
Goal forall {σ : genv}, not (zstring.WF char_type.Cchar []).
Proof. Fail (by auto with pure). Abort.
forall z z' z'' zs n,
zstring.strlen zs = n ->
zstring.strlen (z :: z' :: z'' :: zs) = 3 + n.
Proof. intros * Hzs. Fail (by auto with pure). Abort.
End zstring_pure_hint_test_pre.
(* TODO (AUTO; JH): talk with @janno w.r.t the appropriate way to package these; hopefully
further porting work will elucidate the appropriate export strategy.
#[global] Hint Resolve
(* WF lemmas *)
zstring.not_WF_nil zstring.WF_cons zstring.WFs_equiv
zstring.WF_singleton zstring.WF_singleton_inj
(* Bound Lemmas *)
zstring.strlen_nonneg zstring.strlen_lowerbound
(* Symbolic reasoning about size/strlen; check out the
zstring.{size, strlen}_unfold* lemmas if you wish to
manually reduce applications which involve ground terms.
zstring.strlen_cons zstring.strlen_cons'
zstring.size_cons zstring.size_cons'
: pure.
Section zstring_pure_hint_test_post.
#[local] Unset Ltac Backtrace.
Goal forall {σ : genv}, not (zstring.WF char_type.Cchar []).
Proof. by auto with pure. Abort.
forall z z' z'' zs n,
zstring.strlen zs = n ->
zstring.strlen (z :: z' :: z'' :: zs) = 3 + n.
Proof. intros * Hzs. Fail (by auto with pure). Abort.
End zstring_pure_hint_test_post.
Definition t := list N.
Bind Scope list_scope with t.
Section with_ct.
Variable ct : char_type.
#[local] Notation Tchar := (Tchar_ ct).
(* size reflects the in-memory footprint of the null-terminated string (i.e. the
length is one greater than that of the string as given by `std::strlen`).
Definition _size (zs : t) : Z :=
Z.of_nat (List.length zs).
#[global] Arguments _size zs : simpl never.
Notation size zs := (_size zs%Z).
(* strlen mirrors the behavior of the standard-library function of the same name
(i.e. the length DOES NOT include the null-terminator).
Definition _strlen (zs : t) : Z :=
(size zs - 1)%Z.
#[global] Arguments _strlen zs : simpl never.
Notation strlen zs := (_strlen zs%Z).
Definition _WF_alt {σ : genv} (zs : t) : Prop :=
let zs' := take (length zs - 1) zs in
last zs = Some 0%N /\ 0%N ∉ zs' /\
List.Forall (λ c, 0 <= c < 2 ^ char_type.bitsN ct)%N zs'.
#[global] Instance _WF_alt_dec {σ : genv} zs : Decision (_WF_alt zs) := _.
Definition _WF {σ : genv} (zs : t) : Prop :=
exists zs', zs = zs' ++ [0]%N /\ not (In 0%N zs') /\
List.Forall (λ c : N, has_type_prop (Vchar c) Tchar) zs.
#[global] Arguments _WF {σ} zs : simpl never.
Lemma _WF_WF_alt {σ : genv} zs : _WF zs <-> _WF_alt zs.
rewrite /_WF /_WF_alt elem_of_list_In; setoid_rewrite <-has_type_prop_char'; split. {
move=> [] zs' [] -> [].
rewrite last_app /= length_app Nat.add_sub take_app_length Forall_app Forall_singleton.
move=> [] Hl [] Hin Hall; exists (take (length zs - 1) zs).
destruct zs as [|z zs] using rev_ind => //= {IHzs}.
move: Hl Hin Hall;
rewrite last_app length_app /=. rewrite Nat.add_sub take_app_length.
rewrite Forall_app Forall_singleton.
intros [= ->]; intros; split_and! => //.
Notation WF zs := (_WF zs%N).
#[global, program] Instance _WF_dec {σ : genv} zs : Decision (_WF zs) :=
cast_if (decide (_WF_alt zs)).
Solve All Obligations with intros; exact /_WF_WF_alt.
(* this definition is less intensional, and seems to work more
smoothly wrt. automation: *)
Definition _WF' {σ : genv} (zs : t) : Prop :=
(exists v, nth_error zs 0 = Some v) /\
(forall i, Z.of_nat i <= strlen zs ->
exists z, nth_error zs i = Some z /\ has_type_prop (Vchar z) Tchar) /\
(forall i, Z.of_nat i < strlen zs ->
exists z, nth_error zs i = Some z /\ z <> 0%N) /\
forall i, Z.of_nat i = strlen zs -> nth_error zs i = Some 0%N.
#[global] Arguments _WF' {σ} zs : simpl never.
Notation WF' zs := (_WF' zs%Z).
Section WF_Theory.
Context {σ : genv}.
Remark not_WF_nil : not (WF []).
rewrite /_WF; intro CONTRA;
destruct CONTRA as [? [CONTRA ?]];
eapply app_cons_not_nil; eauto.
Remark WF_singleton : WF [0%N].
rewrite /_WF; exists []; repeat split.
- intro CONTRA; by inversion CONTRA.
- repeat constructor. apply has_type_prop_char_0.
Lemma WF_singleton_inj :
forall (z : N),
WF [z] ->
z = 0%N.
intros * [zs [Hzs [Hin Hbounds]]].
destruct zs; simpl in *; inversion Hzs.
- reflexivity.
- exfalso; eapply app_cons_not_nil; by eauto.
Lemma WF_nonempty_inj :
forall (zs : t),
WF zs ->
exists z zs', zs = z :: zs'.
move=> zs Hzstring; induction zs; [ | by eauto].
unfold WF in Hzstring.
destruct Hzstring as [? [CONTRA ?]].
now apply app_cons_not_nil in CONTRA.
Lemma WF_cons :
forall (z : N) (zs : t),
(z <> 0)%N ->
has_type_prop (Vchar z) Tchar ->
WF (z :: zs) <->
WF zs.
intros * Hnonzero Hz; split; [intro WF_zs | intro WF_z]; unfold WF in *.
- destruct WF_zs as [zs' [Hzs' [Hin Hbounds]]].
exists (tail zs'); split; destruct zs'=> //=;
[rewrite app_nil_l in Hzs' | | |];
inversion Hzs'=> //.
+ intro; apply Hin=> //=; auto.
+ inversion Hbounds; by subst.
- destruct WF_z as [zs' [Hzs' [Hin Hbounds]]];
exists (z :: zs'); split.
+ by subst.
+ split.
* intro CONTRA; apply Hin; by inversion CONTRA.
* by constructor.
(* Unlike WF_cons, here the explicit tail ++ [0] lets us write a more elegant lemma. *)
Lemma WF_cons' (z : N) (zs : t) :
WF (z :: zs ++ [0%N]) <->
(z <> 0)%N /\ has_type_prop (Vchar z) Tchar /\ WF (zs ++ [0%N]).
rewrite /_WF/=. setoid_rewrite Forall_cons.
- case => [[|z' zs'] [/= [-> Hzs']]]; first by destruct zs.
move: Hzs' => /(app_inj_2 _ _ _ _ eq_refl) [-> _].
move=> [/Decidable.not_or [Hz Hin] [Hz'Bounds Hrest]].
split_and! => //.
by exists zs'.
- case => Hz [HzBounds] [] zs' [] /(app_inj_2 _ _ _ _ eq_refl) [-> _] [Hin].
exists (z :: zs'); split_and! => //.
intros ?%in_inv. naive_solver.
(* WF is prefix-free predicate *)
Lemma WF_eq_prefix_eq a1 a2 :
WF a1
-> WF a2
-> a1 = take (length a1) a2
-> a1 = a2.
move=>[xs [-> [Nin _]]] [xs' [-> [Nin' _]]] H.
f_equal; move: xs' H Nin'.
rewrite length_app //= Nat.add_1_r.
induction xs.
- by case=>[//|??[<-][]];left.
- rewrite -app_comm_cons.
case; first by case: (xs).
move=>a' l' [<-] ? Hin'; f_equal.
apply: IHxs=>//= ?.
+ by apply: Nin; right.
+ by apply: Hin'; right.
End WF_Theory.
Section size_Theory.
Context {σ : genv}.
(* Use rewrite size_unfold/= to reduce away a size application to a
concrete string; if complete reduction is not possible, this is
equivalent to unfolding the size notation.
Lemma size_unfold (zs : t) :
size zs = Unfold _size (size zs).
Proof. by unfold size. Qed.
Lemma size_strlen (zs : t) :
size zs = strlen zs + 1.
Proof. unfold strlen; by rewrite Z.sub_simpl_r. Qed.
Remark size_nil : size [] = 0.
Proof. by rewrite size_unfold. Qed.
Lemma size_cons :
forall (z : N) (zs : t),
size (z :: zs) = 1 + size zs.
Proof. intros *; rewrite !size_unfold/=; by lia. Qed.
Lemma size_cons':
forall (z : N) (zs : t),
(z <> 0)%N ->
WF (z :: zs) ->
Z.to_nat (size (z :: zs)) = S (Z.to_nat (size zs)).
move=> z zs Hz Hzstring; inversion Hzstring as [zs' [Hzs' HIn]];
unfold strlen, size; simpl.
replace ((length zs + 1)%nat - 1)%Z
with (Z.of_nat (length zs))
by lia.
destruct zs=> //=.
Lemma size_app :
forall (zs zs' : t),
size (zs ++ zs') = size zs + size zs'.
intros *; induction zs as [| z zs'' IHzs'']; simpl in *.
- by rewrite size_nil Z.add_0_l.
- by rewrite !size_cons IHzs'' Z.add_assoc.
Lemma size_nil_cons_contra :
forall (z : _) (zs : t),
not (size (z :: zs) = size []).
Proof. intros *; intro CONTRA; unfold size in CONTRA; by inversion CONTRA. Qed.
Lemma size_nonneg : forall (zs : t), (0 <= size zs).
Proof. intros *; destruct zs; unfold size; simpl; by lia. Qed.
Lemma size_neg_inj : forall (zs : t), (0 = size zs)%Z -> zs = [].
Proof. move=> [ | a s] Hlen=> //. Qed.
End size_Theory.
Section strlen_Theory.
Context {σ : genv}.
(* Use rewrite strlen_unfold/= to reduce away a strlen application to a
concrete string; if complete reduction is not possible, this is
equivalent to unfolding the strlen notation.
Lemma strlen_unfold (zs : t) :
strlen zs = Unfold _size (Unfold _strlen (strlen zs)).
Proof. by unfold strlen. Qed.
Lemma strlen_size (zs : t) :
strlen zs = size zs - 1.
Proof. by unfold strlen. Qed.
Remark strlen_nil : strlen [] = -1.
Proof. by rewrite strlen_unfold. Qed.
Lemma strlen_cons (zs : t) :
forall (z : _),
strlen (z :: zs) = 1 + strlen zs.
Proof. intros *; rewrite !strlen_unfold/=; by lia. Qed.
Lemma strlen_cons':
forall (z : N) (zs : t),
(z <> 0)%N ->
WF (z :: zs) ->
Z.to_nat (strlen (z :: zs)) = S (Z.to_nat (strlen zs)).
move=> z zs Hz Hzstring; inversion Hzstring as [zs' [Hzs' HIn]];
unfold strlen, size; simpl.
replace ((length zs + 1)%nat - 1)%Z
with (Z.of_nat (length zs))
by lia.
destruct zs=> //=.
- apply WF_singleton_inj in Hzstring; subst; lia.
- lia.
Lemma strlen_app :
forall (zs zs' : t),
strlen (zs ++ zs') = size zs + strlen zs'.
intros *; induction zs as [| z zs'' IHzs'']; simpl in *.
- rewrite !size_unfold !strlen_unfold/=; by lia.
- by rewrite !strlen_cons !size_cons IHzs'' Z.add_assoc.
Lemma strlen_nil_cons_contra :
forall (z : _) (zs : t),
not (strlen (z :: zs) = strlen []).
intros *.
unfold strlen.
pose proof (size_nil_cons_contra z zs).
by lia.
Lemma strlen_lowerbound : forall (zs : t), (-1 <= strlen zs)%Z.
intros *; destruct zs;
unfold strlen, size;
simpl; by lia.
Lemma strlen_nonneg : forall (zs : t),
WF zs ->
(0 <= strlen zs).
intros * Hzstring.
inversion Hzstring as [zs' [Hzs' HIn]].
rewrite Hzs' strlen_app.
pose proof (strlen_lowerbound zs').
pose proof (size_nonneg zs').
unfold strlen; unfold size at 2.
simpl; by lia.
Lemma strlen_neg_inj : forall (zs : t), (-1 = strlen zs)%Z -> zs = [].
move=> [ | a s] Hlen=> //; exfalso.
pose proof (strlen_nil_cons_contra a s) as H.
apply H; by rewrite strlen_nil.
End strlen_Theory.
Section WFs_equiv_Theory.
Context {σ : genv}.
Section helpers.
Lemma len0_take (zs : t)
(H0 : 0 < List.length zs)
(H : forall i : nat, Z.of_nat i = strlen zs -> nth_error zs i = Some 0%N) :
zs = take (List.length zs - 1) zs ++ [0%N].
rewrite -[zs](firstn_skipn (List.length zs - 1)). f_equal.
{ rewrite length_app length_take length_drop.
set x := List.length zs.
have ->: ((x - 1) `min` x + (x - (x - 1)) - 1 = x - 1)%nat by lia.
by rewrite firstn_skipn. }
elim: zs H0 H; first by inversion 1.
move => z zs IH /= H0 H. have ->: (List.length zs - 0 = List.length zs)%nat by lia.
destruct zs; first by move: (H 0%nat eq_refl); inversion 1.
destruct zs; first by move: (H 1%nat eq_refl); inversion 1.
apply: IH; first by simpl; lia.
case; unfold strlen, size; rewrite /List.length -/List.length; first by lia.
move => n' ?. simpl. move: (H (S (S n'))). apply.
rewrite Nat2Z.inj_succ; unfold strlen, size; rewrite /List.length -/List.length. lia.
Lemma forall_not0 (zs : t)
(H : ∀ i : nat, (i <= strlen zs)%Z →
∃ z : N, nth_error zs i = Some z ∧ has_type_prop (Vchar z) Tchar)
(H' : forall i : nat, (i < strlen zs)%Z ->
∃ z : N, nth_error zs i = Some z /\ z <> 0%N):
List.Forall (fun z : N => z <> 0%N /\ has_type_prop (Vchar z) Tchar) (take (List.length zs - 1) zs).
induction zs; first by constructor.
simpl. have ->: (List.length zs - 0 = List.length zs)%nat by lia. destruct zs.
{ simpl. constructor. }
simpl. constructor.
{ move: (H 0%nat); case.
{ unfold strlen, size; rewrite /List.length -/List.length. lia. }
move => x /= []; inversion 1; subst; intuition.
specialize (H' 0%nat ltac:(rewrite !strlen_cons;
pose proof (strlen_lowerbound zs);
by lia)) as [? [? CONTRA]];
simpl in *; inversion H1; congruence. }
have <-: (List.length zs - 0 = List.length zs)%nat by lia. apply: IHzs.
{ move => h1; exists n. split => //.
destruct zs. 1: {
specialize (H 1%nat ltac:(rewrite strlen_unfold/=; lia))
as [z' [Hnth Htype]].
simpl in Hnth; inversion Hnth; by subst.
move: (H 1%nat); unfold strlen, size; case => //.
{ rewrite /List.length -/List.length. lia. }
by move => x /=; case; inversion 1; subst. }
move => n'; unfold strlen, size; rewrite /List.length -/List.length => h.
move: (H (S (S n'))); case.
{ unfold strlen, size; rewrite /List.length -/List.length. lia. }
move => x /=; case => h1 h2; exists x; split => //.
intros i Hstrlen.
rewrite [strlen (_ :: _ :: _)]strlen_cons in H'.
specialize (H' (S i) ltac:(lia)) as [x [? ?]].
exists x; by intuition.
Lemma nth_error_strlen_contra :
forall (n : nat) (zs : t),
strlen zs < Z.of_nat n ->
forall z, not (nth_error zs n = Some z).
intros n; induction n; intros **.
- destruct zs=> //.
rewrite strlen_cons in H.
pose proof (strlen_lowerbound zs).
by lia.
- destruct zs=> //.
simpl; apply IHn.
rewrite strlen_cons in H.
pose proof (strlen_lowerbound zs).
by lia.
End helpers.
Lemma WFs_equiv (zs : t) : WF' zs <-> WF zs.
(* this is a horrible proof *)
unfold WF, WF'; split.
{ case; case => x h1 []h2 []h3 h4.
exists (take (List.length zs - 1) zs). repeat split.
{ apply: len0_take => //.
clear - h1; case: zs h1 => //= a l _; lia. }
2: {
apply List.Forall_forall; intros z Hin.
pose proof (In_nth_error zs z Hin) as [n Hnth].
assert (n < strlen zs \/ Z.of_nat n = strlen zs \/ strlen zs < n)
as [Hn | [Hn | Hn]] by lia.
- specialize (h2 n ltac:(lia)) as [? ?]; intuition; congruence.
- specialize (h4 n Hn).
rewrite h4 in Hnth; inversion Hnth.
apply has_type_prop_char_0.
- exfalso; eapply nth_error_strlen_contra; by eauto.
suff: List.Forall (fun x => x <> 0%N /\ has_type_prop (σ:=σ) (Vchar x) Tchar)
(take (Datatypes.length zs - 1) zs).
{ clear - zs. elim: zs => //= [_ [] //|a zs IH /=]. rewrite Nat.sub_0_r.
destruct zs as [|z zs]; first done. move => /= /Forall_cons [[??]?].
move => [//|]. simpl in IH. rewrite Nat.sub_0_r in IH. apply IH. done. }
apply: forall_not0. apply h2. apply h3. }
case => zs' []-> h1. split.
{ destruct zs'; simpl; first by exists 0%N.
by exists n. }
{ move => i. unfold strlen, size; rewrite length_app Nat2Z.inj_add /= => h2.
assert (i < List.length zs' \/ i = List.length zs')%nat
as [h2' | h2'] by lia; clear h2. 2: {
subst; exists 0%N; clear h1; split.
- by induction zs'=> //=.
- apply has_type_prop_char_0.
rewrite nth_error_app1 => //.
elim: zs' i h1 h2' => /=; first by lia.
move => a lx IH i h1 h2. destruct i.
{ exists a; split => //.
inversion h1 as [? Hforall].
apply Forall_cons in Hforall.
by intuition. }
case: (IH i). 1: {
- move => X; apply h1; by right.
- destruct h1 as [? Hforall]; by apply List.Forall_inv_tail in Hforall. }
1: by lia.
move => x []h3 h4; exists x => /=; split => //. }
split. 1: {
move => i; unfold strlen, size.
rewrite length_app/=; intros Hi.
assert (i < length zs')%nat as Hzs' by lia; clear Hi.
pose proof (nth_error_app1 zs' [0%N] Hzs') as Hnth.
pose proof (nth_In zs' 0%N Hzs') as Hin.
rewrite Hnth; erewrite nth_error_nth' with (d:=0%N); eauto; eexists;
split; eauto.
intro CONTRA; rewrite CONTRA in Hin.
inversion h1; by congruence.
move => i; unfold strlen, size.
rewrite length_app Nat2Z.inj_add /= => h2.
have ->: i = List.length zs' by lia. clear h2.
rewrite nth_error_app2 //.
have ->: (List.length zs' - List.length zs' = 0)%nat by lia. by [].
Lemma WF'_singleton_inj :
forall (z : N),
WF' [z] ->
z = 0%N.
Proof. intros *; rewrite WFs_equiv; by apply WF_singleton_inj. Qed.
Remark not_WF'_nil : not (WF' []).
Proof. rewrite WFs_equiv; by apply not_WF_nil. Qed.
Lemma WF'_nonempty_inj :
forall (zs : t),
WF' zs ->
exists z zs', zs = z :: zs'.
Proof. intros *; rewrite WFs_equiv; by apply WF_nonempty_inj. Qed.
Lemma WF'_cons :
forall (z : _) (zs : t),
(z <> 0)%N ->
has_type_prop (Vchar z) Tchar ->
WF' (z :: zs) <->
WF' zs.
Proof. intros *; rewrite !WFs_equiv; by apply WF_cons. Qed.
End WFs_equiv_Theory.
Section with_Σ.
Context `{Σ : cpp_logic} `{σ : genv}.
(* The toplevel definition of zstring.bufR: *)
Definition bufR (q : cQp.t) (sz : Z) (zs : t) : Rep :=
[| size zs <= sz |] **
arrayR Tchar (fun c => primR Tchar q (Vchar c)) zs ** [| WF zs |] **
.[Tchar ! size zs]
|-> arrayR Tchar (fun _ => primR Tchar q (Vchar 0)) (repeat () (Z.to_nat (sz - size zs))).
(* The toplevel definition of zstring.bufR': *)
Definition bufR' (q : cQp.t) (sz : Z) (zs : t) : Rep :=
[| size zs <= sz |] **
arrayR Tchar (fun c => primR Tchar q (Vchar c)) zs ** [| WF' zs |] **
.[Tchar ! size zs]
|-> arrayR Tchar (fun _ => primR Tchar q (Vchar 0)) (repeat () (Z.to_nat (sz - size zs))).
#[global] Instance bufR_WF_observe :
forall q (sz : Z) (zs : t),
Observe [| WF zs |] (bufR q sz zs).
Proof. refine _. Qed.
#[global] Instance bufR'_WF_observe :
forall q (sz : Z) (zs : t),
Observe [| WF' zs |] (bufR' q sz zs).
Proof. refine _. Qed.
Lemma bufRs_equiv (q : cQp.t) (sz : Z) (zs : t) :
bufR q sz zs -|- bufR' q sz zs.
Proof. intros *; by rewrite /bufR/bufR' WFs_equiv. Qed.
(* The toplevel definition of zstring.R: *)
Definition R (q : cQp.t) (zs : t) : Rep :=
arrayR Tchar (fun c => primR Tchar q (Vchar c)) zs ** [| WF zs |].
(* The toplevel definition of zstring.R': *)
Definition R' (q : cQp.t) (zs : t) : Rep :=
arrayR Tchar (fun c => primR Tchar q (Vchar c)) zs ** [| WF' zs |].
#[global] Instance R_WF_observe :
forall q (zs : t),
Observe [| WF zs |] (R q zs).
Proof. refine _. Qed.
#[global] Instance R'_WF'_observe :
forall q (zs : t),
Observe [| WF' zs |] (R' q zs).
Proof. refine _. Qed.
Lemma Rs_equiv :
forall (q : cQp.t) (zs : t),
R q zs -|- R' q zs.
Proof. intros *; by rewrite /R/R' WFs_equiv. Qed.
Section Theory.
#[local] Open Scope string_scope.
Section bufR.
Remark bufR_nil : forall (q : cQp.t) (sz : Z), bufR q sz [] |-- False.
intros *.
iIntros "rest"; rewrite /bufR.
iDestruct "rest" as "(?&?& %CONTRA &?)".
by apply not_WF_nil in CONTRA.
(* TODO (AUTO): Investigate whether or not this hint actually fires. *)
#[global] Instance bufR_sz_contra :
forall (q : cQp.t) (sz : Z) (zs : t),
Observe2 False [| sz < size zs |] (bufR q sz zs).
Proof. intros *; rewrite /Observe2/bufR; iIntros "%H [%CONTRA ?]"; by lia. Qed.
#[global] Instance bufR_singleton :
forall (q : cQp.t) (sz : Z) (z : _),
Observe [| z = 0%N |] (bufR q sz [z]).
intros *; rewrite /Observe/bufR; iIntros "(% & Hz & %HWF & rest)".
iModIntro; iPureIntro; by apply WF_singleton_inj.
Lemma bufR_cons :
forall (q : cQp.t) (sz : Z) (z : _) (zs : t),
z <> 0%N ->
bufR q sz (z :: zs) -|-
primR Tchar q (Vchar z) ** .[Tchar ! 1] |-> bufR q (sz - 1) zs.
intros * Hz; split'.
- rewrite /bufR arrayR_cons.
iIntros "[%Hsz [[? [Hz Hzs]] [%HWF Hrest]]]".
assert (size zs <= sz - 1) by (rewrite size_cons in Hsz; by lia).
iDestruct (observe [| has_type_prop (Vchar z) _ |] with "Hz") as "%".
assert (WF zs) by (apply WF_cons in HWF; assumption).
rewrite !_offsetR_sep !_offsetR_only_provable
size_cons -_offsetR_sub_sub
iFrame "∗%".
- rewrite /bufR arrayR_cons !_offsetR_sep !_offsetR_only_provable;
iIntros "[H [%Hsz [? [%HWF Hrest]]]]".
iDestruct (observe (type_ptrR Tchar) with "H") as "#?".
assert (size (z :: zs) <= sz) by (rewrite size_cons; by lia).
iDestruct (observe [| has_type_prop (Vchar z) _ |] with "H") as "%".
assert (WF (z :: zs)) by (apply WF_cons; assumption).
rewrite size_cons -!_offsetR_sub_sub Z.sub_add_distr.
iFrame "∗#%"; iPureIntro; by lia.
#[global] Instance bufR_cons_cons_head_nonzero :
forall (q : cQp.t) (sz : Z) (z z' : _) (zs : t),
Observe [| z <> 0 |]%N (bufR q sz (z :: z' :: zs)).
intros *.
apply: observe_intro_only_provable.
rewrite /bufR; unfold WF; iIntros "[%Hsz [Hzs [%WF Hrest]]]"; iPureIntro.
destruct WF as [zs' [Hzs' HIn]].
destruct zs'=> //=.
inversion Hzs'.
intro CONTRA; apply HIn; subst.
by constructor.
Lemma bufR_has_type_prop :
forall (q : cQp.t) (sz : Z) (zs : t),
strlen zs < sz ->
bufR q sz zs
|-- bufR q sz zs ** [| List.Forall (fun c => has_type_prop (Vchar c) Tchar) zs |].
intros **; generalize dependent sz; induction zs; intros **.
- rewrite {1}bufR_nil; by iIntros.
- destruct zs=> //=.
+ iIntros "H"; iDestruct (observe [| a = 0 |]%N with "H") as "%H'".
iFrame "∗"; iPureIntro.
try repeat constructor; subst.
apply has_type_prop_char_0.
+ iIntros "H"; iDestruct (observe [| WF (a :: n :: zs) |] with "H") as "%H'".
assert (1 <= size (a :: n :: zs)). {
rewrite -> size_cons in *.
pose proof (size_nonneg (n :: zs)).
by lia.
iDestruct (observe [| a <> 0 |]%N with "H") as "%H''"; iStopProof.
rewrite {1}bufR_cons; auto; rewrite primR_has_type_prop IHzs.
iIntros "[[? %has_type_prop] ?]"; iStopProof.
rewrite _offsetR_sep _offsetR_only_provable.
iIntros "[head [tail %has_type_props]]"; iCombine "head tail" as "H".
rewrite -bufR_cons; [| done]; iFrame "∗"; iPureIntro.
apply Forall_cons_2; auto.
rewrite -> !strlen_cons in *.
pose proof (size_nonneg (n :: zs)).
by lia.
(* TODO (AUTO): Fix this once we add the correct observations for arrayR *)
#[global] Instance bufR_type_ptrR_observe :
forall q (sz : Z) (zs : t),
Observe (type_ptrR Tchar) (bufR q sz zs).
move=> q sz zs; rewrite /bufR; destruct zs.
- rewrite /Observe. iIntros "[? [? [%CONTRA ?]]]";
exfalso; now apply not_WF_nil.
- rewrite arr.arrayR_cons; refine _.
#[global] Instance bufR_validR_end_observe :
forall q (sz : Z) (zs : t),
Observe (.[Tchar ! sz] |-> validR) (bufR q sz zs).
move=> q sz zs; rewrite /bufR/Observe.
iIntros "[%Hsz [array [%HWF rest]]]".
iAssert (arrayR Tchar (fun c => primR Tchar q (Vchar c))
(zs ++ repeat 0%N (Z.to_nat (sz - size zs))))
with "[array rest]" as "array'". 2: {
assert (Z.to_nat sz <= length (zs ++ repeat 0%N (Z.to_nat (sz - size zs))))%nat
as AUX. 1: {
rewrite length_app repeat_length.
unfold strlen in Hsz.
unfold size in *.
pose proof (arrayR_valid_obs (λ c : N, primR Tchar q (Vchar c)) Tchar (Z.to_nat sz)
(zs ++ repeat 0%N (Z.to_nat (sz - size zs)))
iDestruct (observe (.[ Tchar ! sz ] |-> validR) with "array'")
as "#?"; auto.
rewrite in H; auto.
pose proof (size_nonneg zs).
rewrite arrayR_eq/arrayR_def fmap_app arrR_append length_fmap; unfold size.
rewrite arrR_proper; [by iFrame |].
generalize (Z.to_nat (sz - length zs)); intros n.
induction n=> //=.
setoid_rewrite IHn.
rewrite /fmap.
#[global] Instance bufR_validR_inbounds_observe :
forall q sz (z : Z) (zs : t),
(0 <= z <= sz)%Z ->
Observe (.[Tchar ! z] |-> validR) (bufR q sz zs).
intros **; generalize dependent zs; induction z; intros **; simpl in *.
- rewrite ->o_sub_0 by eauto; rewrite _offsetR_id; refine _.
- assert (Z.pos p < sz \/ Z.pos p = sz)%Z
as [Hp | Hp] by lia; last by (rewrite Hp; refine _).
unfold Observe, bufR.
move: H Hp; generalize (Z.pos p).
iIntros (z H Hz) "[%SZ [zs [_ zeros]]]".
assert (z <= length zs \/ length zs < z)%Z
as [Hz' | Hz'] by lia.
+ iClear "zeros".
iDestruct (observe (.[ Tchar ! z] |-> validR) with "zs")
as "#valid"; last by iFrame "#".
pose proof (arrayR_valid_obs
(fun c => primR Tchar q (Vchar c))
Tchar (Z.to_nat z) zs ltac:(lia)).
by rewrite -> in H0 by lia.
+ iClear "zs".
iDestruct (observe (.[Tchar ! z] |-> validR) with "zeros")
as "#valid"; last by iFrame "#".
assert (exists z', size zs + z' = z /\ 0 <= z')
as [z' [Hz'' Hneg]]
by (exists (z - size zs)%Z; unfold size; lia);
rewrite -_offsetR_sub_sub; apply _offsetR_observe.
pose proof (arrayR_valid_obs
(fun c => primR Tchar q (Vchar 0))
Tchar (Z.to_nat z')
(repeat () (Z.to_nat (sz - size zs)))
ltac:(rewrite repeat_length; lia)).
by rewrite -> in H0 by lia.
- by lia.
End bufR.
Section bufR'.
#[local] Ltac lift_WF2WF' H :=
intros **; rewrite -!bufRs_equiv; by apply H.
Remark bufR'_nil : forall (q : cQp.t) (sz : Z), bufR' q sz [] |-- False.
Proof. lift_WF2WF' bufR_nil. Qed.
(* TODO (AUTO): Investigate whether or not this hint actually fires. *)
#[global] Instance bufR'_sz_contra :
forall (q : cQp.t) (sz : Z) (zs : t),
Observe2 False [| sz < size zs |] (bufR' q sz zs).
Proof. lift_WF2WF' bufR_sz_contra. Qed.
#[global] Instance bufR'_singleton :
forall (q : cQp.t) (sz : Z) (z : _),
0 <= sz ->
Observe [| z = 0 |]%N (bufR' q sz [z]).
Proof. lift_WF2WF' bufR_singleton. Qed.
Lemma bufR'_cons :
forall (q : cQp.t) (sz : Z) (z : _) (zs : t),
z <> 0%N ->
bufR' q sz (z :: zs) -|-
primR Tchar q (Vchar z) ** .[Tchar ! 1] |-> bufR' q (sz - 1) zs.
Proof. lift_WF2WF' bufR_cons. Qed.
#[global] Instance bufR'_cons_cons_head_nonzero :
forall (q : cQp.t) (sz : Z) (z z' : _) (zs : t),
Observe [| z <> 0 |]%N (bufR' q sz (z :: z' :: zs)).
Proof. lift_WF2WF' bufR_cons_cons_head_nonzero. Qed.
Lemma bufR'_has_type_prop :
forall (q : cQp.t) (sz : Z) (zs : t),
strlen zs < sz ->
bufR' q sz zs
|-- bufR' q sz zs ** [| List.Forall (fun c => has_type_prop (Vchar c) Tchar) zs |].
Proof. lift_WF2WF' bufR_has_type_prop. Qed.
#[global] Instance bufR'_type_ptrR_observe :
forall q (sz : Z) (zs : t),
Observe (type_ptrR Tchar) (bufR' q sz zs).
Proof. lift_WF2WF' bufR_type_ptrR_observe. Qed.
#[global] Instance bufR'_validR_end_observe :
forall q (sz : Z) (zs : t),
Observe (.[Tchar ! sz] |-> validR) (bufR' q sz zs).
Proof. lift_WF2WF' bufR_validR_end_observe. Qed.
#[global] Instance bufR'_validR_inbounds_observe :
forall q sz (z : Z) (zs : t),
(0 <= z <= sz)%Z ->
Observe (.[Tchar ! z] |-> validR) (bufR' q sz zs).
Proof. lift_WF2WF' bufR_validR_inbounds_observe. Qed.
End bufR'.
Lemma bufR_unfold :
forall (q : cQp.t) (sz : Z) (zs : t),
bufR q sz zs -|-
[| size zs <= sz |] ** R q zs **
.[ Tchar ! size zs] |-> arrayR Tchar (fun _ => primR Tchar q (Vchar 0))
(repeat () (Z.to_nat (sz - size zs))).
intros **; split'.
- rewrite /bufR/R; iIntros "(%&?&%&?)"; by iFrame "∗%".
- rewrite /bufR/R; iIntros "[% [[? %] ?]]"; by iFrame "∗%".
Lemma bufR'_unfold :
forall (q : cQp.t) (sz : Z) (cstr : t),
bufR' q sz cstr -|-
[| size cstr <= sz |] ** R' q cstr **
.[ Tchar ! size cstr] |-> arrayR Tchar (fun _ => primR Tchar q (Vchar 0))
(repeat () (Z.to_nat (sz - size cstr))).
Proof. intros **; rewrite -!bufRs_equiv -!Rs_equiv; by apply bufR_unfold. Qed.
Section R_Theory.
Lemma R_bufR_equiv :
forall q (zs : t),
R q zs ≡ bufR q (size zs) zs.
intros **; rewrite /R/bufR; split'.
- iIntros "[array %HWF]".
assert (size zs <= size zs) by lia.
rewrite Z.sub_diag/= arrayR_nil.
iDestruct (observe (.[Tchar ! size zs] |-> validR) with "array") as "#?". 1: {
unfold size; apply arrayR_valid_obs; by lia.
rewrite _offsetR_sep _offsetR_only_provable;
iFrame "#∗%"; iPureIntro; by eauto.
- iIntros "[%Hzs [array [%HWF rest]]]"; by iFrame "∗%".
#[local] Ltac try_lift_bufR H :=
intros **; rewrite !R_bufR_equiv; eapply H; eauto.
Remark R_nil : forall (q : cQp.t), R q [] |-- False.
Proof. try_lift_bufR bufR_nil. Qed.
#[global] Instance R_singleton :
forall (q : cQp.t) (z : _),
Observe [| z = 0 |]%N (R q [z]).
Proof. try_lift_bufR bufR_singleton. Qed.
Lemma R_cons :
forall (q : cQp.t) (z : _) (zs : t),
z <> 0%N ->
R q (z :: zs) -|-
primR Tchar q (Vchar z) ** .[Tchar ! 1] |-> R q zs.
intros **; rewrite !R_bufR_equiv.
replace (size zs) with ((size (z :: zs)) - 1)
by (rewrite size_cons; lia).
eapply bufR_cons; eauto.
#[global] Instance R_cons_cons_head_nonzero :
forall (q : cQp.t) (z z' : _) (zs : t),
Observe [| z <> 0 |]%N (R q (z :: z' :: zs)).
Proof. try_lift_bufR bufR_cons_cons_head_nonzero. Qed.
Lemma R_has_type_prop :
forall (q : cQp.t) (zs : t),
R q zs
|-- R q zs ** [| List.Forall (fun c => has_type_prop (Vchar c) Tchar) zs |].
try_lift_bufR bufR_has_type_prop.
unfold strlen; by lia.
(* TODO (AUTO): Fix this once we add the correct observations for arrayR *)
#[global] Instance R_type_ptrR_observe :
forall q (zs : t),
Observe (type_ptrR Tchar) (R q zs).
Proof. try_lift_bufR bufR_type_ptrR_observe. Qed.
#[global] Instance R_validR_end_observe :
forall q (zs : t),
Observe (.[Tchar ! size zs] |-> validR) (R q zs).
Proof. try_lift_bufR bufR_validR_end_observe. Qed.
#[global] Instance R_validR_end_observe' :
forall q (zs : t),
Observe (.[Tchar ! strlen zs] |-> .[Tchar ! 1] |-> validR) (R q zs).
intros *; pose proof (R_validR_end_observe q zs).
rewrite _offsetR_sub_sub; unfold size, strlen in *.
unfold size in *.
by replace (length zs - 1 + 1)%Z
with (Z.of_nat (length zs))
by lia.
#[global] Instance R_validR_inbounds_observe :
forall q (z : Z) (zs : t),
(0 <= z <= size zs)%Z ->
Observe (.[Tchar ! z] |-> validR) (R q zs).
intros * Hsize; unfold R; unfold size in Hsize.
apply observe_sep_l.
pose proof (arrayR_valid_obs
(fun c => primR Tchar q (Vchar c))
Tchar (Z.to_nat z) zs ltac:(lia)).
by rewrite -> in H by lia.
End R_Theory.
Section R'_Theory.
#[local] Ltac lift_WF2WF' H :=
intros **; rewrite -!Rs_equiv; by apply H.
Lemma R'_bufR'_equiv :
forall q (zs : t),
R' q zs ≡ bufR' q (size zs) zs.
Proof. intros **; rewrite -Rs_equiv -bufRs_equiv; by apply R_bufR_equiv. Qed.
Remark R'_nil : forall (q : cQp.t), R' q [] |-- False.
Proof. lift_WF2WF' R_nil. Qed.
#[global] Instance R'_singleton :
forall (q : cQp.t) (z : _),
Observe [| z = 0 |]%N (R' q [z]).
Proof. lift_WF2WF' R_singleton. Qed.
Lemma R'_cons :
forall (q : cQp.t) (z : _) (zs : t),
z <> 0%N ->
R' q (z :: zs) -|-
primR Tchar q (Vchar z) ** .[Tchar ! 1] |-> R' q zs.
Proof. lift_WF2WF' R_cons. Qed.
#[global] Instance R'_cons_cons_head_nonzero :
forall (q : cQp.t) (z z' : _) (zs : t),
Observe [| z <> 0 |]%N (R' q (z :: z' :: zs)).
Proof. lift_WF2WF' R_cons_cons_head_nonzero. Qed.
Lemma R'_has_type_prop :
forall (q : cQp.t) (zs : t),
R' q zs
|-- R' q zs ** [| List.Forall (fun c => has_type_prop (Vchar c) Tchar) zs |].
Proof. lift_WF2WF' R_has_type_prop. Qed.
#[global] Instance R'_type_ptrR_observe :
forall q (zs : t),
Observe (type_ptrR Tchar) (R' q zs).
Proof. lift_WF2WF' R_type_ptrR_observe. Qed.
#[global] Instance R'_validR_end_observe :
forall q (zs : t),
Observe (.[Tchar ! size zs] |-> validR) (R' q zs).
Proof. lift_WF2WF' R_validR_end_observe. Qed.
#[global] Instance R'_validR_end_observe' :
forall q (zs : t),
Observe (.[Tchar ! strlen zs] |-> .[Tchar ! 1] |-> validR) (R' q zs).
Proof. lift_WF2WF' R_validR_end_observe'. Qed.
#[global] Instance R'_validR_inbounds_observe :
forall q (z : Z) (zs : t),
(0 <= z <= size zs)%Z ->
Observe (.[Tchar ! z] |-> validR) (R' q zs).
Proof. lift_WF2WF' R_validR_inbounds_observe. Qed.
End R'_Theory.
Lemma R_unfold :
forall (q : cQp.t) (zs : t),
R q zs
-|- arrayR Tchar (fun c => primR Tchar q (Vchar c)) zs ** [| WF zs |].
Proof. intros **; split'; by rewrite /R. Qed.
Lemma R'_unfold :
forall (q : cQp.t) (zs : t),
R' q zs
-|- arrayR Tchar (fun c => primR Tchar q (Vchar c)) zs ** [| WF' zs |].
Proof. intros **; split'; by rewrite /R'. Qed.
End Theory.
End with_Σ.
End with_ct.
(* refresh notation outside of the section *)
Notation size zs := (_size zs%Z).
Notation strlen zs := (_strlen zs%Z).
Notation WF zs := (_WF zs%Z).
Notation WF' zs := (_WF' zs%Z).
End zstring.
Section zstring_pure_hint_test_pre.
(* TODO (AUTO; cc/ @paolo): globally setting this prevents the use
of the Fail vernacular.
Goal not True.
(* by auto. *)
(* > In nested Ltac calls to "by (tactic)" and "tactics.done", last call failed. *)
(* > No applicable tactic. *)
Fail (by auto).
(* > In nested Ltac calls to "by (tactic)" and "tactics.done", last call failed. *)
(* > No applicable tactic. *)
#[local] Unset Ltac Backtrace.
Goal forall {σ : genv}, not (zstring.WF char_type.Cchar []).
Proof. Fail (by auto with pure). Abort.
forall z z' z'' zs n,
zstring.strlen zs = n ->
zstring.strlen (z :: z' :: z'' :: zs) = 3 + n.
Proof. intros * Hzs. Fail (by auto with pure). Abort.
End zstring_pure_hint_test_pre.
(* TODO (AUTO; JH): talk with @janno w.r.t the appropriate way to package these; hopefully
further porting work will elucidate the appropriate export strategy.
#[global] Hint Resolve
(* WF lemmas *)
zstring.not_WF_nil zstring.WF_cons zstring.WFs_equiv
zstring.WF_singleton zstring.WF_singleton_inj
(* Bound Lemmas *)
zstring.strlen_nonneg zstring.strlen_lowerbound
(* Symbolic reasoning about size/strlen; check out the
zstring.{size, strlen}_unfold* lemmas if you wish to
manually reduce applications which involve ground terms.
zstring.strlen_cons zstring.strlen_cons'
zstring.size_cons zstring.size_cons'
: pure.
Section zstring_pure_hint_test_post.
#[local] Unset Ltac Backtrace.
Goal forall {σ : genv}, not (zstring.WF char_type.Cchar []).
Proof. by auto with pure. Abort.
forall z z' z'' zs n,
zstring.strlen zs = n ->
zstring.strlen (z :: z' :: z'' :: zs) = 3 + n.
Proof. intros * Hzs. Fail (by auto with pure). Abort.
End zstring_pure_hint_test_post.