 * Copyright (c) 2022 BlueRock Security, Inc.
 * This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
 * See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.

Require Export bedrock.lang.cpp.algebra.cfrac.
Require Import
Require Import
Require Import
Require Import bedrock.lang.proofmode.proofmode.
Import ChargeNotation.

#[local] Set Printing Coercions.

Splitting and combining const/mutable fractional things

  • cQpTC.IsConst, cQpTC.Frac normalizing projections from
const/mutable fractions
Our rules are syntactic: All operations appearing in input positions should be opaque for typeclass resolution.
Most rules key on cQp.add and cQp.scale which are opaque. Rule combine_frac.fold_add keys on Qp.add and andb. The former is opaque. (We choose not to touch the opacity of andb. See ../../bi/split_andb.v.)

#[local] Notation Cut := TCNoBackTrack.

#[local] Open Scope cQp_scope.

Operations on const/mutable fractions

Module cQpTC.

IsConst q b sets b := cQp.is_const q with simplifications.
  Class IsConst (q : cQp.t) (b : bool) : Prop := is_const : cQp.is_const q = b.
  #[global] Hint Mode IsConst + - : typeclass_instances.
  #[global] Arguments IsConst : simpl never.
  #[global] Arguments is_const _ {_ _} : assert.
  Notation IS_CONST q b := (Cut (IsConst q b)) (only parsing).

Frac cq q sets q := cQp.frac cq with simplifications.
  Class Frac (cq : cQp.t) (q : Qp) : Prop := frac : cQp.frac cq = q.
  #[global] Hint Mode Frac + - : typeclass_instances.
  #[global] Arguments Frac : simpl never.
  #[global] Arguments frac _ {_ _} : assert.
  Notation FRAC q b := (Cut (Frac q b)) (only parsing).

  #[global] Instance is_const_mk c q : IsConst ( c q) c | 10.
  Proof. done. Qed.

  #[global] Instance is_const_scale q cq c :
    IS_CONST cq c -> IsConst (cQp.scale q cq) c | 20.
    intros [?]. rewrite /IsConst.
    by rewrite cQp.is_const_scale is_const.

  #[global] Instance is_const_add cq1 cq2 c1 c2 c :
    IS_CONST cq1 c1 -> IS_CONST cq2 c2 -> CombineAndB c1 c2 c ->
    IsConst (cq1 + cq2) c | 20.
    intros [?] [?] ?. rewrite /IsConst.
    by rewrite cQp.is_const_add !is_const combine_andb.

  #[global] Instance is_const_var q : IsConst q (cQp.is_const q) | 50.
  Proof. done. Qed.

  #[global] Instance frac_mk c q : Frac ( c q) q | 10.
  Proof. done. Qed.

  #[global] Instance frac_scale q1 q2 q cq :
    FRAC cq q2 -> QpTC.MUL q1 q2 q ->
    Frac (cQp.scale q1 cq) q | 20.
    intros [?] [?]. rewrite /Frac.
    by rewrite cQp.frac_scale frac QpTC.mul.

  #[global] Instance frac_add cq1 cq2 q1 q2 q :
    FRAC cq1 q1 -> FRAC cq2 q2 -> QpTC.ADD q1 q2 q ->
    Frac (cq1 + cq2) q | 20.
    intros [?] [?] [?]. rewrite /Frac.
    by rewrite cQp.frac_add !frac QpTC.add.

  #[global] Instance frac_var cq : Frac cq (cQp.frac cq) | 50.
  Proof. done. Qed.

End cQpTC.

Splitting const/mutable fractions

SplitCFrac q q1 q2 splits q : cQp.t into q1, q2 s.t. q = q1 + q2, adjusting the outputs q1, q2 for readabilty.
Class SplitCFrac (cv cv1 cv2 : cQp.t) : Prop := split_cfrac : cv = cv1 + cv2.
#[global] Hint Mode SplitCFrac + - - : typeclass_instances.
#[global] Arguments SplitCFrac : simpl never.
#[global] Arguments split_cfrac _ {_ _ _} : assert.

Module split_cfrac.

We use this auxiliary judgment to Cut in SplitCFrac.
  Class Split (q q1 q2 : cQp.t) : Prop := split : q = q1 + q2.
  #[global] Hint Mode Split + - - : typeclass_instances.
  #[global] Arguments Split : simpl never.
  #[global] Arguments split _ {_ _ _} : assert.
  Notation SPLIT q q1 q2 := (Cut (Split q q1 q2)) (only parsing).

Splitting on cQp.add is immediate

  #[global] Instance split_add q1 q2 : Split (q1 + q2) q1 q2 | 10.
  Proof. done. Qed.

  Goal forall q1 q2, Split (q1 q2) q1 q2.
  Proof. apply _. Abort.

Splitting on cQp.scale q preserves the factor q

  #[global] Instance split_scale q cv cv1 cv2 :
    SPLIT cv cv1 cv2 ->
    Split (cQp.scale q cv) (cQp.scale q cv1) (cQp.scale q cv2) | 20.
    intros [?]. rewrite /Split.
    by rewrite (split cv) cQp.scale_add_r.

Default: Split componentwise

  #[global] Instance split_parts cq c c1 c2 q q1 q2 :
    cQpTC.IS_CONST cq c -> cQpTC.FRAC cq q ->
    SplitAndB c c1 c2 -> SplitFrac q q1 q2 ->
    Split cq ( c1 q1) ( c2 q2) | 50.
    intros [?] [?] ??. rewrite /Split cQp.add_eq/=.
    rewrite (cQp.eta cq) cQpTC.is_const cQpTC.frac. by f_equal.

End split_cfrac.

#[global] Instance split_cfrac_split cv cv1 cv2 :
  split_cfrac.SPLIT cv cv1 cv2 -> SplitCFrac cv cv1 cv2 | 10.
Proof. by case. Qed.

Combining const/mutable fractions

CombineCFrac q1 q2 q combine q1, q2 : cQp.t into q = q1 + q2, adjusting the output q for readability.
Class CombineCFrac (q1 q2 q : cQp.t) : Prop := combine_cfrac : q1 + q2 = q.
#[global] Hint Mode CombineCFrac + + - : typeclass_instances.
#[global] Arguments CombineCFrac : simpl never.
#[global] Arguments combine_cfrac _ _ {_ _} : assert.

Module combine_cfrac.

Fold p q folds occurrences of cQp.add and eliminates occurrences of eta-expanded in p to produce q.
  Class Fold (p q : cQp.t) : Prop := fold : p = q.
  #[global] Hint Mode Fold + - : typeclass_instances.
  #[global] Arguments Fold : simpl never.
  #[global] Arguments fold _ {_ _} : assert.
  Notation FOLD p q := (Cut (Fold p q)) (only parsing).

  #[global] Instance fold_eta q :
    Fold ( (cQp.is_const q) (cQp.frac q)) q | 10.
  Proof. done. Qed.

Account for Qp.Add's q + q --> 2q
  #[global] Instance fold_add_diag q :
    Fold ( (cQp.is_const q) (2 * cQp.frac q)) (q + q) | 10.
    rewrite /Fold cQp.add_eq.
    by rewrite andb_diag Qp.add_diag.

  #[global] Instance fold_scale p q' q :
    FOLD q' q ->
    Fold (cQp.scale p q') (cQp.scale p q) | 20.
    intros [?]. rewrite /Fold. by rewrite (fold q').

  #[global] Instance fold_add p1 p2 q1 q2 :
    FOLD p1 q1 -> FOLD p2 q2 ->
    Fold (Reduce (cQp.add p1 p2)) (cQp.add q1 q2) | 20.
    intros [?] [?]. rewrite /Fold.
    by rewrite (fold p1) (fold p2).

  #[global] Instance fold_skip q : Fold q q | 50.
  Proof. done. Qed.

We use this auxiliary judgment to Cut in CombineCFrac.
  Class Combine (q1 q2 q : cQp.t) : Prop := combine : q1 + q2 = q.
  #[global] Hint Mode Combine + + - : typeclass_instances.
  #[global] Arguments Combine : simpl never.
  #[global] Arguments combine _ _ {_ _} : assert.
  Notation COMBINE q1 q2 q := (Cut (Combine q1 q2 q)) (only parsing).

Combining terms of the form cQp.scale p preserves that structure

  #[global] Instance combine_scale p q1 q2 q :
    COMBINE q1 q2 q ->
    Combine (cQp.scale p q1) (cQp.scale p q2) (cQp.scale p q) | 20.
    intros [?]. rewrite /Combine.
    by rewrite -cQp.scale_add_r combine.

Default: Combine componentwise

  #[global] Instance combine_parts cq1 cq2 cq c1 c2 c q1 q2 q :
    cQpTC.IS_CONST cq1 c1 -> cQpTC.FRAC cq1 q1 ->
    cQpTC.IS_CONST cq2 c2 -> cQpTC.FRAC cq2 q2 ->
    CombineAndB c1 c2 c -> CombineFrac q1 q2 q -> FOLD ( c q) cq ->
    Combine cq1 cq2 cq | 50.
    intros [?] [?] [?] [?] ?? [<-]. rewrite /Combine cQp.add_eq.
    rewrite !cQpTC.is_const !cQpTC.frac. by f_equal.

End combine_cfrac.

#[global] Instance combine_cfrac_add q1 q2 q :
  combine_cfrac.COMBINE q1 q2 q -> CombineCFrac q1 q2 q | 10.
Proof. by case. Qed.