 * Copyright (C) BlueRock Security Inc. 2020-2022
 * This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
 * See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.

Require Export

Require Import
Require Import
Require Import
Require Import bedrock.lang.proofmode.proofmode.

#[local] Set Primitive Projections.
#[local] Set Default Proof Using "Type*".

Spec building block: fractional ownership

  • FracVadidN, Frac2ValidN, FracSplittable_N R
  • Tactic solve_frac for solving FracSplittable_N
  • FracLaterAgree1 for higher-order predicates
FracSplittable_N R, where N counts the number of arguments taken by R after its fraction, is short-hand for:
  • R is timeless, meaning it represents ownership;
  • R is fractional, meaning it can be split and combined using
addition on fractions; and
  • the fraction in R is valid, meaning 1.
After defining the FracSplittable_N, we given an example of a predicate R taking arguments before and after its fraction.
FracValidN P observes q 1 from P applied to fraction q and then N arguments.
Notation FracValid0 P := ( q, Observe [| q 1 |]%Qp (P q)) (only parsing).
Notation FracValid1 P := ( q a, Observe [| q 1 |]%Qp (P q a)) (only parsing).
Notation FracValid2 P := ( q a b, Observe [| q 1 |]%Qp (P q a b)) (only parsing).
Notation FracValid3 P := ( q a b c, Observe [| q 1 |]%Qp (P q a b c)) (only parsing).
Notation FracValid4 P := ( q a b c d, Observe [| q 1 |]%Qp (P q a b c d)) (only parsing).
Notation FracValid5 P := ( q a b c d e, Observe [| q 1 |]%Qp (P q a b c d e)) (only parsing).

Frac2ValidN P is a useful corollary of FracValidN, observing q1 + q2 1 given P q1 a1 .. aN ** P q2 b1 .. bN.
Notation Frac2Valid0 P := ( q1 q2, Observe2 [| q1 + q2 1 |]%Qp (P q1) (P q2)) (only parsing).
Notation Frac2Valid1 P := ( q1 q2 a1 a2, Observe2 [| q1 + q2 1 |]%Qp (P q1 a1) (P q2 a2)) (only parsing).

Ltac solve_frac := solve [intros; split; apply _].

Class FracSplittable_0 {PROP : bi} (R : Qp PROP) : Prop := {
  #[global] frac_splittable_0_fractional :: Fractional R;
  #[global] frac_splittable_0_timeless :: Timeless1 R;
  #[global] frac_splittable_0_frac_valid :: FracValid0 R;
Section frac_0.
  Context {PROP : bi} (R : Qp PROP) `{!FracSplittable_0 R}.

  Global Instance frac_splittable_0_as_fractional : AsFractional0 R.
  Proof. solve_as_frac. Qed.
  Global Instance frac_splittable_0_frac_valid_2 : Frac2Valid0 R.
    intros. iIntros "R1 R2". iCombine "R1 R2" as "R". iApply (observe with "R").
End frac_0.
Section frac_1_gen.
  Context {A} {PROP : bi} (R : Qp A PROP).
  Context {frac_splittable_1_frac_valid : FracValid1 R}.
  Context {frac_splittable_1_as_fractional : AsFractional1 R}.

  Global Instance frac_splittable_1_frac_valid_2 : AgreeF1 R -> Frac2Valid1 R.
    intros Ha *. iIntros "R1 R2".
    iDestruct (Ha with "R1 R2") as %->.
    iCombine "R1 R2" as "R". iApply (observe with "R").

  Global Instance frac_splittable_1_agreef_excl_gen q v1 v2 `{!AgreeF1 R} :
    Observe2 False (R 1%Qp v1) (R q v2).
    iIntros "R1 R2".
    by iDestruct (observe_2 [| _ + _ _ |]%Qp with "R1 R2") as %?%Qp.not_add_le_l.

  Goal AgreeF1 R Exclusive1 (R 1).
  Proof. apply _. Abort.
End frac_1_gen.

Class FracSplittable_1 {A} {PROP : bi} (R : Qp A PROP) : Prop := {
  #[global] frac_splittable_1_fractional :: Fractional1 R;
  #[global] frac_splittable_1_timeless :: Timeless2 R;
  #[global] frac_splittable_1_frac_valid :: FracValid1 R;
Section frac_1.
  Context {A} {PROP : bi} (R : Qp A PROP) `{!FracSplittable_1 R}.

  Global Instance frac_splittable_1_as_fractional : AsFractional1 R.
  Proof. solve_as_frac. Qed.

  Goal AgreeF1 R -> Frac2Valid1 R.
  Proof. apply _. Abort.

  Goal AgreeF1 R Exclusive1 (R 1).
  Proof. apply _. Abort.
End frac_1.

Class FracSplittable_2 {A B} {PROP : bi} (R : Qp A B PROP) : Prop := {
  #[global] frac_splittable_2_fractional :: Fractional2 R;
  #[global] frac_splittable_2_timeless :: Timeless3 R;
  #[global] frac_splittable_2_frac_valid :: FracValid2 R;
Section frac_2.
  Context {A B} {PROP : bi} (R : Qp A B PROP) `{!FracSplittable_2 R}.

  Global Instance frac_splittable_2_as_fractional : AsFractional2 R.
  Proof. solve_as_frac. Qed.
End frac_2.

Class FracSplittable_3 {A B C} {PROP : bi}
    (R : Qp A B C PROP) : Prop := {
  #[global] frac_splittable_3_fractional :: Fractional3 R;
  #[global] frac_splittable_3_timeless :: Timeless4 R;
  #[global] frac_splittable_3_frac_valid :: FracValid3 R;
Section frac_3.
  Context {A B C} {PROP : bi} (R : Qp A B C PROP) `{!FracSplittable_3 R}.

  Global Instance frac_splittable_3_as_fractional : AsFractional3 R.
  Proof. solve_as_frac. Qed.
End frac_3.

Class FracSplittable_4 {A B C D} {PROP : bi}
    (R : Qp A B C D PROP) : Prop := {
  #[global] frac_splittable_4_fractional :: Fractional4 R;
  #[global] frac_splittable_4_timeless :: Timeless5 R;
  #[global] frac_splittable_4_frac_valid :: FracValid4 R;
Section frac_4.
  Context {A B C D} {PROP : bi} (R : Qp A B C D PROP).
  Context `{!FracSplittable_4 R}.

  Global Instance frac_splittable_4_as_fractional : AsFractional4 R.
  Proof. solve_as_frac. Qed.
End frac_4.

Class FracSplittable_5 {A B C D E} {PROP : bi}
    (R : Qp A B C D E PROP) : Prop := {
  #[global] frac_splittable_5_fractional :: Fractional5 R;
  #[global] frac_splittable_5_timeless :: Timeless6 R;
  #[global] frac_splittable_5_frac_valid :: FracValid5 R;
Section frac_5.
  Context {A B C D E} {PROP : bi} (R : Qp A B C D E PROP).
  Context `{!FracSplittable_5 R}.

  Global Instance frac_splittable_5_as_fractional : AsFractional5 R.
  Proof. solve_as_frac. Qed.
End frac_5.

Class FracSplittable_6 {A B C D E F} {PROP : bi}
    (R : Qp A B C D E F PROP) : Prop := {
  #[global] frac_splittable_6_fractional a b c d e f :: Fractional (λ q, R q a b c d e f);
  #[global] frac_splittable_6_timeless q a b c d e f :: Timeless (R q a b c d e f);
  #[global] frac_splittable_6_frac_valid (q : Qp) a b c d e f ::
    Observe [| q 1 |]%Qp (R q a b c d e f);
Section frac_6.
  Context {A B C D E F} {PROP : bi} (R : Qp A B C D E F PROP).
  Context `{!FracSplittable_6 R}.

  Global Instance frac_splittable_6_as_fractional q a b c d e f :
    AsFractional (R q a b c d e f) (λ q, R q a b c d e f) q.
  Proof. solve_as_frac. Qed.
End frac_6.

Class FracSplittable_7 {A B C D E F G} {PROP : bi}
    (R : Qp A B C D E F G PROP) : Prop := {
  #[global] frac_splittable_7_fractional a b c d e f g ::
    Fractional (λ q, R q a b c d e f g);
  #[global] frac_splittable_7_timeless q a b c d e f g :: Timeless (R q a b c d e f g);
  #[global] frac_splittable_7_frac_valid (q : Qp) a b c d e f g ::
    Observe [| q 1 |]%Qp (R q a b c d e f g);
Section frac_7.
  Context {A B C D E F G} {PROP : bi} (R : Qp A B C D E F G PROP).
  Context `{!FracSplittable_7 R}.

  Global Instance frac_splittable_7_as_fractional q a b c d e f g :
    AsFractional (R q a b c d e f g) (λ q, R q a b c d e f g) q.
  Proof. solve_as_frac. Qed.
End frac_7.

Class FracSplittable_8 {A B C D E F G H} {PROP : bi}
    (R : Qp A B C D E F G H PROP) : Prop := {
  #[global] frac_splittable_8_fractional a b c d e f g h ::
    Fractional (λ q, R q a b c d e f g h);
  #[global] frac_splittable_8_timeless q a b c d e f g h ::
    Timeless (R q a b c d e f g h);
  #[global] frac_splittable_8_frac_valid (q : Qp) a b c d e f g h ::
    Observe [| q 1 |]%Qp (R q a b c d e f g h);
Section frac_8.
  Context {A B C D E F G H} {PROP : bi} (R : Qp A B C D E F G H PROP).
  Context `{!FracSplittable_8 R}.

  Global Instance frac_splittable_8_as_fractional q a b c d e f g h :
    AsFractional (R q a b c d e f g h) (λ q, R q a b c d e f g h) q.
  Proof. solve_as_frac. Qed.
End frac_8.

Class FracSplittable_9 {A B C D E F G H I} {PROP : bi}
    (R : Qp A B C D E F G H I PROP) : Prop := {
  #[global] frac_splittable_9_fractional a b c d e f g h i ::
    Fractional (λ q, R q a b c d e f g h i);
  #[global] frac_splittable_9_timeless q a b c d e f g h i ::
    Timeless (R q a b c d e f g h i);
  #[global] frac_splittable_9_frac_valid (q : Qp) a b c d e f g h i ::
    Observe [| q 1 |]%Qp (R q a b c d e f g h i);
Section frac_9.
  Context {A B C D E F G H I} {PROP : bi}
    (R : Qp A B C D E F G H I PROP).
  Context `{!FracSplittable_9 R}.

  Global Instance frac_splittable_9_as_fractional q a b c d e f g h i :
    AsFractional (R q a b c d e f g h i) (λ q, R q a b c d e f g h i) q.
  Proof. solve_as_frac. Qed.
End frac_9.

To accomodate arguments before a fraction, universally quantify over those arguments and cover the remaining arguments using a Frac_i. Here's an example.
Module example.
  Class Res {PROP : bi} : Type := {
    my_thing (x : nat) (q : Qp) (y : nat) : PROP;
    #[global] my_thing_frac x :: FracSplittable_1 (my_thing x);

  Lemma my_thing_example `{Res} q1 q2 x y :
    my_thing x (q1 + q2) y ⊣⊢ my_thing x q1 y my_thing x q2 y.
  Proof. exact: fractional. Qed.
End example.

Fractional ghost state with agreement on one higher-order argument. Compared to FracSplittable_1, we
  • drop Timeless because higher-order ghost state depends on the
step-index, and
Class FracLaterAgree1 {A : ofe} {PROP} `{!BiInternalEq PROP}
    (R : Qp -> A -> PROP) : Prop := {
  #[global] frac_later_agree_1_fractional a :: Fractional (fun q => R q a);
  #[global] frac_later_agree_1_valid q a :: Observe [| q 1 |]%Qp (R q a);
  #[global] frac_later_agree_1_contractive q :: Contractive (R q);
  #[global] frac_later_agree_1_agree :: LaterAgreeF1 R;
#[global] Hint Mode FracLaterAgree1 - - - ! : typeclass_instances.

Section frac_later_agree.
  Context {A : ofe} `{!BiInternalEq PROP}.
  Context (R : Qp -> A -> PROP).
  Context `{!frac_splittable.FracLaterAgree1 R}.
  #[local] Set Default Proof Using "Type*".
  #[local] Notation PROPO := (bi_ofeO PROP).

  #[global] Instance frac_later_agree_1_ne q : NonExpansive (R q).
  Proof. exact: contractive_ne. Qed.
  #[global] Instance frac_later_agree_1_proper q :
    Proper (equiv ==> equiv) (R q).
  Proof. exact: ne_proper. Qed.

  #[global] Instance frac_later_agree_1_as_fractional q a :
    AsFractional (R q a) (fun q => R q a) q.
  Proof. exact: Build_AsFractional. Qed.

  #[global] Instance frac_later_agree_1_equivI q1 q2 a1 a2 :
    Observe2 (R q1 a1 ≡@{PROPO} R q1 a2) (R q1 a1) (R q2 a2).
    iIntros "R1 R2". iDestruct (observe_2 ( (_ _)) with "R1 R2") as "#Eq".
    rewrite (f_equivI_contractive (R q1)). auto.

  #[global] Instance frac_later_agree_1_valid_2 q1 q2 a1 a2 :
    Observe2 [| q1 + q2 1 |]%Qp (R q1 a1) (R q2 a2).
    iIntros "R1 R2". iDestruct (observe_2 (_ _) with "R1 R2") as "#Eq".
    iRewrite "Eq" in "R1". iCombine "R1 R2" as "R". iApply (observe with "R").

  #[global] Instance frac_later_agree_1_exclusive : Exclusive1 (R 1).
    intros. iIntros "R1 R2".
    by iDestruct (frac_later_agree_1_valid_2 with "R1 R2") as %?.
End frac_later_agree.