* Copyright (c) 2024 BlueRock Security, Inc.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.prelude.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.core.
(* parsing the left will produce the righ *and* printing the right will produce the left *)
Definition canonical : list (bs * name) :=
let Msg : name := Nglobal $ Nid "Msg" in
[ ("Msg", Msg)
; ("Msg::@0", (Nscoped Msg (Nanon 0)))
; ("Msg::Msg()", (Nscoped Msg (Nfunction function_qualifiers.N Nctor [])))
; ("Msg::~Msg()", (Nscoped Msg (Nfunction function_qualifiers.N Ndtor [])))
; ("Msg::Msg(int)", (Nscoped Msg (Nfunction function_qualifiers.N Nctor [Tint])) )
; ("Msg::Msg(long)", (Nscoped Msg (Nfunction function_qualifiers.N Nctor [Tlong])) )
; ("Msg::operator=(const Msg&)", (Nscoped Msg (Nfunction function_qualifiers.N (Nop OOEqual) [Tref (Tconst (Tnamed $ Nglobal (Nid "Msg")))])) )
; ("Msg::operator<(const Msg&)", (Nscoped Msg (Nfunction function_qualifiers.N (Nop OOLess) [Tref (Tconst (Tnamed $ Nglobal (Nid "Msg")))])) )
; ("Msg::operator>(const Msg&)", (Nscoped Msg (Nfunction function_qualifiers.N (Nop OOGreater) [Tref (Tconst (Tnamed $ Nglobal (Nid "Msg")))])) )
; ("Msg::operator==(const Msg&)", (Nscoped Msg (Nfunction function_qualifiers.N (Nop OOEqualEqual) [Tref (Tconst (Tnamed $ Nglobal (Nid "Msg")))])) )
; ("Msg::operator!=(const Msg&)", (Nscoped Msg (Nfunction function_qualifiers.N (Nop OOExclaimEqual) [Tref (Tconst (Tnamed $ Nglobal (Nid "Msg")))])) )
; ("Msg::operator<=(const Msg&)", (Nscoped Msg (Nfunction function_qualifiers.N (Nop OOLessEqual) [Tref (Tconst (Tnamed $ Nglobal (Nid "Msg")))])) )
; ("Msg::operator>=(const Msg&)", (Nscoped Msg (Nfunction function_qualifiers.N (Nop OOGreaterEqual) [Tref (Tconst (Tnamed $ Nglobal (Nid "Msg")))])) )
; ("Msg::operator>>=(const Msg&)", (Nscoped Msg (Nfunction function_qualifiers.N (Nop OOGreaterGreaterEqual) [Tref (Tconst (Tnamed $ Nglobal (Nid "Msg")))])) )
; ("Msg::operator<<=(const Msg&)", (Nscoped Msg (Nfunction function_qualifiers.N (Nop OOLessLessEqual) [Tref (Tconst (Tnamed $ Nglobal (Nid "Msg")))])) )
; ("Msg::operator+=(const Msg&)", (Nscoped Msg (Nfunction function_qualifiers.N (Nop OOPlusEqual) [Tref (Tconst (Tnamed $ Nglobal (Nid "Msg")))])) )
; ("Msg::operator-=(const Msg&)", (Nscoped Msg (Nfunction function_qualifiers.N (Nop OOMinusEqual) [Tref (Tconst (Tnamed $ Nglobal (Nid "Msg")))])) )
; ("Msg::operator*=(const Msg&)", (Nscoped Msg (Nfunction function_qualifiers.N (Nop OOStarEqual) [Tref (Tconst (Tnamed $ Nglobal (Nid "Msg")))])) )
; ("Msg::operator/=(const Msg&)", (Nscoped Msg (Nfunction function_qualifiers.N (Nop OOSlashEqual) [Tref (Tconst (Tnamed $ Nglobal (Nid "Msg")))])) )
; ("Msg::operator%=(const Msg&)", (Nscoped Msg (Nfunction function_qualifiers.N (Nop OOPercentEqual) [Tref (Tconst (Tnamed $ Nglobal (Nid "Msg")))])) )
; ("Msg::operator|=(const Msg&)", (Nscoped Msg (Nfunction function_qualifiers.N (Nop OOPipeEqual) [Tref (Tconst (Tnamed $ Nglobal (Nid "Msg")))])) )
; ("Msg::operator&=(const Msg&)", (Nscoped Msg (Nfunction function_qualifiers.N (Nop OOAmpEqual) [Tref (Tconst (Tnamed $ Nglobal (Nid "Msg")))])) )
; ("Msg::operator^=(const Msg&)", (Nscoped Msg (Nfunction function_qualifiers.N (Nop OOCaretEqual) [Tref (Tconst (Tnamed $ Nglobal (Nid "Msg")))])) )
; ("Msg::operator=(const Msg&&)", (Nscoped Msg (Nfunction function_qualifiers.N (Nop OOEqual) [Trv_ref (Tconst (Tnamed $ Nglobal (Nid "Msg")))])) )
; ("Msg::operator new()", (Nscoped Msg (Nfunction function_qualifiers.N (Nop (OONew false)) [])) )
; ("Msg::operator new[]()", (Nscoped Msg (Nfunction function_qualifiers.N (Nop (OONew true)) [])) )
; ("Msg::operator delete[]()", (Nscoped Msg (Nfunction function_qualifiers.N (Nop (OODelete true)) [])) )
; ("Msg::operator int()", (Nscoped Msg (Nfunction function_qualifiers.N (Nop_conv Tint) [])) )
; ("foo_client(int[2]&, const int*, bool*, int**, char*)", (Nglobal (Nfunction function_qualifiers.N (Nf "foo_client") [Tref (Tarray Tint 2); Tptr (Tconst Tint); Tptr Tbool; Tptr (Tptr Tint); Tptr Tchar])) )
; ("DlistInternal::iterator::operator!=(const DlistInternal::iterator&) const",
(Nscoped (Nscoped (Nglobal (Nid "DlistInternal")) (Nid "iterator"))
(Nfunction function_qualifiers.Nc (Nop OOExclaimEqual) [Tref (Tqualified QC (Tnamed (Nscoped (Nglobal (Nid "DlistInternal")) (Nid "iterator"))))])))
; ("intrusive::List_internal::iterator::iterator(intrusive::List_internal::Node*)",
(Nscoped (Nscoped (Nscoped (Nglobal (Nid "intrusive")) (Nid "List_internal")) (Nid "iterator"))
(Nfunction function_qualifiers.N Nctor [Tptr (Tnamed (Nscoped (Nscoped (Nglobal (Nid "intrusive")) (Nid "List_internal")) (Nid "Node")))])))
; ("integral", (Nglobal $ Nid "integral") )
; ("f<int>(int, int)", (Ninst (Nglobal $ Nfunction function_qualifiers.N (Nf "f") [Tint; Tint]) [Atype Tint]) )
; ("f<int>(enum @1, enum en)", (Ninst (Nglobal $ Nfunction function_qualifiers.N (Nf "f") [Tenum (Nglobal (Nanon 1)); Tenum (Nglobal (Nid "en"))]) [Atype Tint]))
(* parsing the left will produce the right *)
Definition parse_only : list (bs * name) :=
let Msg : name := Nglobal $ Nid "Msg" in
[ ("::Msg", Msg)
; ("Msg::operator delete()", (Nscoped Msg (Nfunction function_qualifiers.N (Nop (OODelete false)) [])) )
; ("span<const int, 1ul>::span(const int*, unsigned long)",
(Nscoped (Ninst (Nglobal (Nid "span")) [Atype (Tqualified QC Tint);
Avalue (Eint 1 Tulong)])
(Nfunction function_qualifiers.N Nctor [Tptr (Tqualified QC Tint); Tulong])))
; let targs := Avalue <$> [Eint 1 Tulong;
Eint (-2) Tlong;
Eint 3 Tulonglong;
Eint (-4) Tlonglong;
Eint 5 Tuint;
Eint 6 Tint] in
("Msg<1ul, -2l, 3ull, -4ll, 5u, 6>::Msg()", (Nscoped (Ninst Msg targs) (Nfunction function_qualifiers.N Nctor [])))
; let targs := Atype <$> [Tulong;
Tuint; Tint] in
("Msg<unsigned long, long, unsigned long long, long long, unsigned int, int>::Msg()", (Nscoped (Ninst Msg targs) (Nfunction function_qualifiers.N Nctor [])))
; ("foo_client(int[2]&, const int*, bool*, int**, char*)", (Nglobal (Nfunction function_qualifiers.N (Nf "foo_client") [Tref (Tarray Tint 2); Tptr (Tconst Tint); Tptr Tbool; Tptr (Tptr Tint); Tptr Tchar])) )
* Copyright (c) 2024 BlueRock Security, Inc.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.prelude.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.core.
(* parsing the left will produce the righ *and* printing the right will produce the left *)
Definition canonical : list (bs * name) :=
let Msg : name := Nglobal $ Nid "Msg" in
[ ("Msg", Msg)
; ("Msg::@0", (Nscoped Msg (Nanon 0)))
; ("Msg::Msg()", (Nscoped Msg (Nfunction function_qualifiers.N Nctor [])))
; ("Msg::~Msg()", (Nscoped Msg (Nfunction function_qualifiers.N Ndtor [])))
; ("Msg::Msg(int)", (Nscoped Msg (Nfunction function_qualifiers.N Nctor [Tint])) )
; ("Msg::Msg(long)", (Nscoped Msg (Nfunction function_qualifiers.N Nctor [Tlong])) )
; ("Msg::operator=(const Msg&)", (Nscoped Msg (Nfunction function_qualifiers.N (Nop OOEqual) [Tref (Tconst (Tnamed $ Nglobal (Nid "Msg")))])) )
; ("Msg::operator<(const Msg&)", (Nscoped Msg (Nfunction function_qualifiers.N (Nop OOLess) [Tref (Tconst (Tnamed $ Nglobal (Nid "Msg")))])) )
; ("Msg::operator>(const Msg&)", (Nscoped Msg (Nfunction function_qualifiers.N (Nop OOGreater) [Tref (Tconst (Tnamed $ Nglobal (Nid "Msg")))])) )
; ("Msg::operator==(const Msg&)", (Nscoped Msg (Nfunction function_qualifiers.N (Nop OOEqualEqual) [Tref (Tconst (Tnamed $ Nglobal (Nid "Msg")))])) )
; ("Msg::operator!=(const Msg&)", (Nscoped Msg (Nfunction function_qualifiers.N (Nop OOExclaimEqual) [Tref (Tconst (Tnamed $ Nglobal (Nid "Msg")))])) )
; ("Msg::operator<=(const Msg&)", (Nscoped Msg (Nfunction function_qualifiers.N (Nop OOLessEqual) [Tref (Tconst (Tnamed $ Nglobal (Nid "Msg")))])) )
; ("Msg::operator>=(const Msg&)", (Nscoped Msg (Nfunction function_qualifiers.N (Nop OOGreaterEqual) [Tref (Tconst (Tnamed $ Nglobal (Nid "Msg")))])) )
; ("Msg::operator>>=(const Msg&)", (Nscoped Msg (Nfunction function_qualifiers.N (Nop OOGreaterGreaterEqual) [Tref (Tconst (Tnamed $ Nglobal (Nid "Msg")))])) )
; ("Msg::operator<<=(const Msg&)", (Nscoped Msg (Nfunction function_qualifiers.N (Nop OOLessLessEqual) [Tref (Tconst (Tnamed $ Nglobal (Nid "Msg")))])) )
; ("Msg::operator+=(const Msg&)", (Nscoped Msg (Nfunction function_qualifiers.N (Nop OOPlusEqual) [Tref (Tconst (Tnamed $ Nglobal (Nid "Msg")))])) )
; ("Msg::operator-=(const Msg&)", (Nscoped Msg (Nfunction function_qualifiers.N (Nop OOMinusEqual) [Tref (Tconst (Tnamed $ Nglobal (Nid "Msg")))])) )
; ("Msg::operator*=(const Msg&)", (Nscoped Msg (Nfunction function_qualifiers.N (Nop OOStarEqual) [Tref (Tconst (Tnamed $ Nglobal (Nid "Msg")))])) )
; ("Msg::operator/=(const Msg&)", (Nscoped Msg (Nfunction function_qualifiers.N (Nop OOSlashEqual) [Tref (Tconst (Tnamed $ Nglobal (Nid "Msg")))])) )
; ("Msg::operator%=(const Msg&)", (Nscoped Msg (Nfunction function_qualifiers.N (Nop OOPercentEqual) [Tref (Tconst (Tnamed $ Nglobal (Nid "Msg")))])) )
; ("Msg::operator|=(const Msg&)", (Nscoped Msg (Nfunction function_qualifiers.N (Nop OOPipeEqual) [Tref (Tconst (Tnamed $ Nglobal (Nid "Msg")))])) )
; ("Msg::operator&=(const Msg&)", (Nscoped Msg (Nfunction function_qualifiers.N (Nop OOAmpEqual) [Tref (Tconst (Tnamed $ Nglobal (Nid "Msg")))])) )
; ("Msg::operator^=(const Msg&)", (Nscoped Msg (Nfunction function_qualifiers.N (Nop OOCaretEqual) [Tref (Tconst (Tnamed $ Nglobal (Nid "Msg")))])) )
; ("Msg::operator=(const Msg&&)", (Nscoped Msg (Nfunction function_qualifiers.N (Nop OOEqual) [Trv_ref (Tconst (Tnamed $ Nglobal (Nid "Msg")))])) )
; ("Msg::operator new()", (Nscoped Msg (Nfunction function_qualifiers.N (Nop (OONew false)) [])) )
; ("Msg::operator new[]()", (Nscoped Msg (Nfunction function_qualifiers.N (Nop (OONew true)) [])) )
; ("Msg::operator delete[]()", (Nscoped Msg (Nfunction function_qualifiers.N (Nop (OODelete true)) [])) )
; ("Msg::operator int()", (Nscoped Msg (Nfunction function_qualifiers.N (Nop_conv Tint) [])) )
; ("foo_client(int[2]&, const int*, bool*, int**, char*)", (Nglobal (Nfunction function_qualifiers.N (Nf "foo_client") [Tref (Tarray Tint 2); Tptr (Tconst Tint); Tptr Tbool; Tptr (Tptr Tint); Tptr Tchar])) )
; ("DlistInternal::iterator::operator!=(const DlistInternal::iterator&) const",
(Nscoped (Nscoped (Nglobal (Nid "DlistInternal")) (Nid "iterator"))
(Nfunction function_qualifiers.Nc (Nop OOExclaimEqual) [Tref (Tqualified QC (Tnamed (Nscoped (Nglobal (Nid "DlistInternal")) (Nid "iterator"))))])))
; ("intrusive::List_internal::iterator::iterator(intrusive::List_internal::Node*)",
(Nscoped (Nscoped (Nscoped (Nglobal (Nid "intrusive")) (Nid "List_internal")) (Nid "iterator"))
(Nfunction function_qualifiers.N Nctor [Tptr (Tnamed (Nscoped (Nscoped (Nglobal (Nid "intrusive")) (Nid "List_internal")) (Nid "Node")))])))
; ("integral", (Nglobal $ Nid "integral") )
; ("f<int>(int, int)", (Ninst (Nglobal $ Nfunction function_qualifiers.N (Nf "f") [Tint; Tint]) [Atype Tint]) )
; ("f<int>(enum @1, enum en)", (Ninst (Nglobal $ Nfunction function_qualifiers.N (Nf "f") [Tenum (Nglobal (Nanon 1)); Tenum (Nglobal (Nid "en"))]) [Atype Tint]))
(* parsing the left will produce the right *)
Definition parse_only : list (bs * name) :=
let Msg : name := Nglobal $ Nid "Msg" in
[ ("::Msg", Msg)
; ("Msg::operator delete()", (Nscoped Msg (Nfunction function_qualifiers.N (Nop (OODelete false)) [])) )
; ("span<const int, 1ul>::span(const int*, unsigned long)",
(Nscoped (Ninst (Nglobal (Nid "span")) [Atype (Tqualified QC Tint);
Avalue (Eint 1 Tulong)])
(Nfunction function_qualifiers.N Nctor [Tptr (Tqualified QC Tint); Tulong])))
; let targs := Avalue <$> [Eint 1 Tulong;
Eint (-2) Tlong;
Eint 3 Tulonglong;
Eint (-4) Tlonglong;
Eint 5 Tuint;
Eint 6 Tint] in
("Msg<1ul, -2l, 3ull, -4ll, 5u, 6>::Msg()", (Nscoped (Ninst Msg targs) (Nfunction function_qualifiers.N Nctor [])))
; let targs := Atype <$> [Tulong;
Tuint; Tint] in
("Msg<unsigned long, long, unsigned long long, long long, unsigned int, int>::Msg()", (Nscoped (Ninst Msg targs) (Nfunction function_qualifiers.N Nctor [])))
; ("foo_client(int[2]&, const int*, bool*, int**, char*)", (Nglobal (Nfunction function_qualifiers.N (Nf "foo_client") [Tref (Tarray Tint 2); Tptr (Tconst Tint); Tptr Tbool; Tptr (Tptr Tint); Tptr Tchar])) )