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Require Export bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.core_string.
Require Export bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.cstring.
Require Export bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.zstring.

cstrings and zstrings

In C++, strings are backed by character arrays; it is easiest to bootstrap our string theory by using *null-terminated* list Zs as the Coq model type - which is what the zstring module does. Atop these zstrings we can derive the concept of cstrings which re-express the same zstring representation predicates, utilities and theory in terms of a BS.t (bytestring) Coq model carrier type. You should *almost always* use a cstring concept instead of a zstring concept if possible, as the automation has been tuned to work best for the former; there are sufficient reasoning principles for converting between the two if necessary.


  • We omit discussion of zstrings from here on out due to their aforementioned subsumption by cstrings.
  • Whereas cstring.t := BS.t *does not* contain a null-terminator, zstring.t := list Z *does* contain a null-terminator; the conversion utilities deal with appropriately inserting/stripping this null-terminator.
  • The `'` variant of the WF predicate uses an alternative formulation which was more useful during a previous iteration of some downstream proofs. We retain this alternative formulation so that we can avoid re-proving that code, but you should *always* prefer to use WF over WF'. However, there are sufficient reasoning principles for seamlessly switching between the two.
  • Due to scope complexities, some definitions are actually notations which wrap an identically-named term which is prefixed by an underscore; use this underscore-prefixed version if Coq complains about a notation not being fully applied.

cstring.t and cstring.WF - Well Formed BS.ts (bytestrings) as a Carrier Type for C++ Strings

While it is useful to take advantage of Coq's bytestrings to model C++ strings, this is not quite strong enough. In particular, C++ strings are null-terminated and thus cannot contain any intervening zeros. While we could've bundled this well-formedness side-condition into the carrier type, we decide instead to separate it out into a predicate cstring.WF : cstring.t -> Prop. This has the added benefit of easing the proof of the core cstring.t theory since we avoid the use of dependent records.
The following is a rough enumeration of the definitions and theory related to cstring.t and cstring.WF:
  • cstring.t := BS.t: bytestrings as a carrier type for C++ strings
  • cstring.WF (cstr : cstring.t) : Prop := <cstr doesn't contain the zero-byte>: well-formedness of cstring.ts.
  • cstring.size (cstr : cstring.t) : Z := <length of the string *including* the null-terminator>
  • cstring.strlen (cstr : cstring.t) : Z := <length of the string *excluding* the null-terminator>
    • This function mirrors the behavior of `std::strlen` in C++
  • cstring.from_zstring/cstring.to_zstring: utilities for converting back and forth between cstring.ts and zstring.ts while appropriately inserting/ stripping the null-terminator to accomodate the fact that we exlude it for cstrings.

cstring.R - Fixed Sized Strings

Very often we are interested in dealing with a string as a fixed(-size) value, and cstring.R (q : Qp) (cstr : cstring.t) : Rep reflects q-ownership of the null-terminated character-array which contains the *non-null-terminated* and cstring.WF bytestring cstr. This rep is useful for dealing with string constants that are inserted by the compiler and passed around/read during execution; while it would be reasonably straightforward to add theory for modifying characters in a random-access way, the BS.t theory for this is somewhat lacking and so the use-case languishes for now.

cstring.bufR - Dynamic Sized Strings Backed by Fixed Sized Character Arrays

String constants read into a fixed-sized buffer present a slightly different use case. If the buffer has size sz, it contains some cstring.t cstr which is cstring.WF, and cstring.size cstr <= sz then the "weakest" valid representation is:
``` cstring.R q cstr ** Exists l, .Tuchar ! cstring.size cstr |-> arrayR Tuchar (fun _ => anyR q Tuchar) l ** | cstring.size cstr + length l = sz | ```
However, we want to be able to easily add new characters to our buffer and - ideally - remove them in a disciplined way. Given that our existing definitions require our string to be null-terminated in memory, it is not obvious how we would justify such `push_back`/`pop_back` reasoning principles while avoiding an explicit binding and characterization of the tail of the buffer. To address this we we restrict our definition of cstring.bufR q sz cstr to use primR Tuchar q 0 instead of anyR q Tuchar.
With this approach, a cstring.bufR q sz cstr fact allows you to `push_back` a new character to the cstring.t model by writing it to the cstring.bufR at position .[Tuchar ! cstring.size cstr]. Furthermore, the tail of the cstring.t model can be removed by zeroing that portion of the cstring.bufR.
Note: at the moment the theory supporting this `push_back`/`pop_back` use-case is not fully fleshed out, but ongoing verification efforts will allow us to backfill the needed things.