
 * Copyright (C) BlueRock Security Inc. 2023-2024
 * This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
 * See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.

Require Import stdpp.decidable.
Require Import bedrock.upoly.prelude.
Require Import bedrock.upoly.upoly.
Require Import bedrock.upoly.optionT.
Require Import bedrock.upoly.stateT.


The parser definitions in this file use a mixture of universe-polymorphic datastructures and Coq's template-polymorphic standard library data structures. We generally use universe-polymorphic types for internal definitions and Coq standard library types for client-facing definitions. This is done to ease friction in clients which have to interoperate with other code that uses Coq's standard library.

Import UPoly.

Next STREAM TKN provides the next function to advance a stream of type STREAM and produce a single token of type TKN and an updated stream. If the stream reached its end, next returns None.
Class (STREAM TKN : Type) := {
  next_token : STREAM -> option (TKN * STREAM);

ParseString STREAM STR provides the parse_string function which parses a string of type STR from a stream of type STREAM and returns the suffix of the stream. Here, "parsing" means that the string "matches" a prefix of the stream for some notion of "matching". In practice, most instances are going to correspond to some kind of prefix equality matching scheme.
Class ParseString (STREAM STR : Type) := {
  parse_string : STR -> STREAM -> option (STREAM)


Simple implementation of a parser combinator library.
NOTE: M is a monad transformer so additional state can be threaded through the parsing.
Section parsec.
  Context `{N : Next STREAM TKN}.
  Context `{P : ParseString STREAM STR}.
  Context {F : Type -> Type} {MR : MRet F} {FM : FMap F} {MB : MBind F}.

  Definition M (T : Type) : Type :=
    stateT.M STREAM (optionT.M F) T.

  Definition run {T} (m : M T) : STREAM -> F _ :=
    fun str => ( m str).

  #[global] Instance MRet_M : MRet M := @stateT.ret _ _ _.
  #[global] Instance FMap_M : FMap M := _ _ _.
  #[global] Instance MBind_M : MBind M := @stateT.bind _ _ _. (* prefer not to use this *)
  #[global] Instance Ap_M : Ap M := _.
  #[global] Instance MFail_M : MFail M := _ _ _.
  #[global] Instance MLift_M : MLift F M := fun _ m => lift (optionT.lift m).
  #[global] Instance M_Alternative : Alternative M :=
    fun _ pl pr => (fun s => alternative (stateT.runp pl s) (fun tt => stateT.runp (pr tt) s)).

  #[global] Hint Opaque M : typeclass_instances.
  #[local] Open Scope monad_scope.

  Definition any : M TKN :=
    let* l := stateT.get in
    match next_token l with
    | None => mfail
    | Some (b, bs) => const b <$> stateT.put bs

  (* end-of-stream *)
  Definition eos : M unit :=
    let* l := stateT.get in
    match next_token l with
    | None => mret tt
    | _ => mfail

  Definition run_full {T} (m : M T) : STREAM -> F (option T) :=
    fun str =>
      (fun x => match x with
             | Some (l, x) => match next_token l with None => Some x | Some _ => None end
             | _ => None
             end) <$> ( ((fun x _ => x) <$> m <*> eos) str).

  Definition char (P : TKN -> bool) : M TKN :=
    let* c := any in
    if P c then mret c else mfail.

  Definition charP (P : TKN -> Prop) {_ : forall x, Decision (P x)} : M TKN :=
    char (fun x => bool_decide (P x)).

  Definition epsilon : M unit := mret tt.

  Definition or {T} (pl pr : M T) : M T :=
    pl <|> pr.

  Fixpoint anyOf {T} (ls : list (M T)) : M T :=
    match ls with
    | nil => mfail
    | l :: ls => l <|> anyOf ls

  (* NOTE: this is basically sequence/transpose *)
  Definition seqs {T} (ls : list (M T)) : M (list T) :=
    sequence ls.

  Definition optional {T} (p : M T) : M (option T) :=
    (Some <$> p) <|> mret None.

  Fixpoint star_ (fuel : nat) {T} (p : M T) : M (list T) :=
    let* x := optional p in
    match x with
    | None => mret nil
    | Some v =>
        match fuel with
        | 0 => mfail (* This is usually the programmers fault *)
        | S fuel => cons v <$> star_ fuel p

  Definition star : forall {T}, _ := @star_ 1000.

  Definition plus {T} (p : M T) : M (list T) :=
    cons <$> p <*> star p.

  Definition peek : M (option TKN) :=
    let k l :=
      match next_token l with
      | None => None
      | Some (x, _) => Some x
    k <$> stateT.get.

  Definition sepBy {T} (sep : M unit) (p : M T) : M (list T) :=
    (cons <$> p <*> (star ((fun _ x => x) <$> sep <*> p))) <|> mret nil.

  Definition exact_ (b : STR) (input : STREAM)
      : optionT.M F ( STREAM unit) :=
    match parse_string b input with
    | Some input => mret (UTypes.pair input tt)
    | None => mfail

  Definition exact (b : STR) : M unit := $ exact_ b.

   Definition not {T} (p : M T) : M unit := $ fun bs => $
      let* v := p bs in
      if v is None then mret (UTypes.Some $ UTypes.pair bs tt) else mret UTypes.None.
End parsec.

Arguments M _ _ _ : clear implicits.