
 * Copyright (C) BlueRock Security Inc. 2024
 * This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
 * See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.

Require Import bedrock.upoly.prelude.
Require Import bedrock.upoly.base.
Require Import bedrock.upoly.UTypes.
Require Import
Require Import bedrock.upoly.monoid.
Import UPoly.

Writer monad transformer

This module is not meant to be Imported.

Record M@{*uV *u1 *u2 *uA | uV <= u1, uA <= u1}
    {V : Type@{uV}} {m : Type@{u1} -> Type@{u2}}
    {A : Type@{uA}} : Type@{u2} :=
  mk { runp : m (V * A)%type }.
Add Printing Constructor M.
#[global] Arguments M : clear implicits.
#[global] Arguments mk {_ _ _} _ : assert.
#[global] Arguments runp {_ _ _} & _ : assert.

Definition run {V m A} `{!FMap m} (c : M V m A) : m ( V A) := <$> runp c.
Arguments run {_ _ _ _} & _ : assert.

Section writer.
  Universes uV u1 u2.
  Constraint uV <= u1.
  Context {V : Type@{uV}} {m : Type@{u1} -> Type@{u2}}.
  Context `{!Monoid V, !FMap m, !MRet m}.
  #[local] Notation M := (M V m).

  #[global] Instance map : FMap M := fun _ _ f c =>
    mk $ second f <$> runp c.
  #[global] Arguments map {_ _} _ & _ : assert.

  #[global] Instance ret : MRet M := fun _ v =>
    mk $ mret (monoid_unit, v).
  #[global] Arguments ret {_} & _ : assert.

  #[global] Instance bind `{!MBind m} : MBind M := fun _ _ f a =>
    mk $ runp a >>= fun '(v, r) => first (monoid_op v) <$> runp (f r).
  #[global] Arguments bind {_ _ _} _ & _ : assert.

  #[global] Instance join `{!MBind m} : MJoin M := fun _ a =>
    mk $ runp a >>= fun '(v, r) => first (monoid_op v) <$> runp r.
  #[global] Arguments join {_ _} & _ : assert.

  #[global] Instance ap `{!Ap m} : Ap M := fun _ _ f a =>
     mk $ (fun '(v, f) '(v', r) => (monoid_op v v', f r)) <$> runp f <*> runp a.
  #[global] Arguments ap {_ _ _} & _ _ : assert.

  #[global] Instance lift : MLift m M := fun _ c =>
    mk $ pair monoid_unit <$> c.
  #[global] Arguments lift {_} & _ : assert.

  Definition tell (v : V) : M unit := mk $ mret (v, tt).

  Definition writer (v : V) {A} (c : m A) : M A :=
    mk $ pair v <$> c.
  #[global] Arguments writer _ _ & _ : assert.

  Definition listen {A} (c : M A) : M (A * V) :=
    mk $ (fun '(v, r) => (v, (r, v))) <$> runp c.
  #[global] Arguments listen _ & _ : assert.

  Definition pass {A} (m : M (A * (V -> V))) : M A :=
    mk $ (fun '(v, (a, f)) => (f v, a)) <$> runp m.
  #[global] Arguments pass _ & _ : assert.
End writer.