
 * Copyright (C) BlueRock Security Inc. 2023-2024
 * This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
 * See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.

Require Import bedrock.prelude.prelude.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.bytestring.

Require Export bedrock.upoly.upoly.
Require Export bedrock.upoly.parsec.

#[local] Set Universe Polymorphism.
#[local] Unset Universe Minimization ToSet.

Import UPoly.
Section char_parsec.
  Context {F : Type -> Type} {MR : MRet F} {FM : FMap F} {MB : MBind F}.
  Notation M := (M bs F).

  #[global] Instance bs_next : Next bs Byte.byte := {|
    next_token bs :=
      match bs with
      | BS.EmptyString => None
      | BS.String x bs => Some (x, bs)
  #[global] Instance bs_parse_string : ParseString bs bs := {|
    parse_string :=
      fix go str bs {struct str} :=
        match str, bs with
        | BS.EmptyString, _ => Some bs
        | BS.String x str, BS.String y bs =>
            if bool_decide (x = y) then
              go str bs
        | BS.String _ _, BS.EmptyString => None

  Definition run_bs {T} (p : M T) (b : bs) : F (option (bs * T)) := run p b.

  Definition run_full_bs {T} (p : M T) (b : bs) : F (option T) := run_full p b.

  Definition digit : M Byte.byte :=
    char (fun x => bool_decide (Byte.to_N "0" Byte.to_N x Byte.to_N "9")%N).

  Definition exact_bs (b : bs) : M unit :=
    exact $ b.

  Definition exact_char (b : Byte.byte) : M unit :=
    fmap (fun _ => ()) $ char (fun b' => bool_decide (b = b')).

  Definition quoted {U V T} (pre : M U) (post : M V) (p : M T) : M T :=
    (fun _ x _ => x) <$> pre <*> p <*> post.

  Definition ws : M unit :=
    const () <$> (star $ char (fun x => strings.Ascii.is_space $ Ascii.ascii_of_byte x)).

  Definition ignore_ws {T} (p : M T) : M T :=
    quoted ws ws p.

  (* A note about effects:
     not p will roll-back monadic changes of parsec, but will *not* roll back
     monadic changes in F. Therefore, users should be careful about F effects
     in p. Generally, p should be effect free in F.

End char_parsec.