* Copyright (c) 2022 BlueRock Security, Inc.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
Require Import stdpp.functions.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.base.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.axioms.funext.
(* Belongs in stdpp or prelude. *)
#[global] Instance fn_lookup_total {A T} : LookupTotal A T (A → T) := λ a f, f a.
Lemma fn_lookup_total_unfold {A T} (f : A → T) (a : A) :
f !!! a = f a.
Proof. done. Qed.
Section dep_fn_insert.
Context {A : Type} `{EqDecision A} {T : A -> Type}.
Implicit Types (a : A).
Import EqNotations.
* Copyright (c) 2022 BlueRock Security, Inc.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
Require Import stdpp.functions.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.base.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.axioms.funext.
(* Belongs in stdpp or prelude. *)
#[global] Instance fn_lookup_total {A T} : LookupTotal A T (A → T) := λ a f, f a.
Lemma fn_lookup_total_unfold {A T} (f : A → T) (a : A) :
f !!! a = f a.
Proof. done. Qed.
Section dep_fn_insert.
Context {A : Type} `{EqDecision A} {T : A -> Type}.
Implicit Types (a : A).
Import EqNotations.
Definition dep_fn_insert a0 (t : T a0) (f : ∀ a : A, T a) : ∀ a : A, T a :=
fun a =>
match decide (a0 = a) with
| left E => rew E in t
| right _ => f a
(* Lemmas below are named after the lens laws. *)
Lemma dep_fn_insert_view_set f a0 t :
dep_fn_insert a0 t f a0 = t.
Proof. by rewrite /dep_fn_insert decide_True_pi. Qed.
Lemma dep_fn_insert_view_set' f a0 a t (E : a0 = a):
dep_fn_insert a0 t f a = rew E in t.
Proof. destruct E. apply dep_fn_insert_view_set. Qed.
Lemma dep_fn_insert_view_set_ne f a0 a t (NE : a0 <> a) :
dep_fn_insert a0 t f a = f a.
Proof. rewrite /dep_fn_insert. by case_decide as E. Qed.
Lemma dep_fn_insert_set_view (f : ∀ a, T a) a0 a :
dep_fn_insert a0 (f a0) f a = f a.
destruct (decide (a = a0)) as [-> | ].
by rewrite dep_fn_insert_view_set.
by rewrite dep_fn_insert_view_set_ne.
Lemma dep_fn_insert_set_set (f : ∀ a, T a) a0 (t1 t2 : T a0) a :
dep_fn_insert a0 t2 (dep_fn_insert a0 t1 f) a =
dep_fn_insert a0 t2 f a.
destruct (decide (a = a0)) as [-> | ].
by rewrite !dep_fn_insert_view_set.
by rewrite !dep_fn_insert_view_set_ne.
Lemma dep_fn_insert_exchange (f : ∀ a, T a) (a0 a1 a : A) t0 t1 :
a0 <> a1 ->
dep_fn_insert a1 t1 (dep_fn_insert a0 t0 f) a =
dep_fn_insert a0 t0 (dep_fn_insert a1 t1 f) a.
rewrite /dep_fn_insert => Hn.
case: (decide _) => [|//]. intros ->.
case: (decide _) => [|//] /=. by intros ->.
(* Funext. *)
Lemma dep_fn_insert_set_view_fun (f : ∀ a, T a) a0 :
dep_fn_insert a0 (f a0) f = f.
Proof. funext_dep => a. apply dep_fn_insert_set_view. Qed.
Lemma dep_fn_insert_set_set_fun (f : ∀ a, T a) a0 (t1 t2 : T a0) :
dep_fn_insert a0 t2 (dep_fn_insert a0 t1 f) =
dep_fn_insert a0 t2 f.
Proof. funext_dep => a. apply dep_fn_insert_set_set. Qed.
Lemma dep_fn_insert_exchange_fun (f : ∀ a, T a) (a0 a1 : A) t0 t1 :
a0 <> a1 ->
dep_fn_insert a1 t1 (dep_fn_insert a0 t0 f) =
dep_fn_insert a0 t0 (dep_fn_insert a1 t1 f) .
Proof. intros Hn. funext_dep => a. exact: dep_fn_insert_exchange. Qed.
End dep_fn_insert.
Notation dep_fn_insert_eq := dep_fn_insert_view_set (only parsing).
Notation dep_fn_insert_ne := dep_fn_insert_view_set_ne (only parsing).
fun a =>
match decide (a0 = a) with
| left E => rew E in t
| right _ => f a
(* Lemmas below are named after the lens laws. *)
Lemma dep_fn_insert_view_set f a0 t :
dep_fn_insert a0 t f a0 = t.
Proof. by rewrite /dep_fn_insert decide_True_pi. Qed.
Lemma dep_fn_insert_view_set' f a0 a t (E : a0 = a):
dep_fn_insert a0 t f a = rew E in t.
Proof. destruct E. apply dep_fn_insert_view_set. Qed.
Lemma dep_fn_insert_view_set_ne f a0 a t (NE : a0 <> a) :
dep_fn_insert a0 t f a = f a.
Proof. rewrite /dep_fn_insert. by case_decide as E. Qed.
Lemma dep_fn_insert_set_view (f : ∀ a, T a) a0 a :
dep_fn_insert a0 (f a0) f a = f a.
destruct (decide (a = a0)) as [-> | ].
by rewrite dep_fn_insert_view_set.
by rewrite dep_fn_insert_view_set_ne.
Lemma dep_fn_insert_set_set (f : ∀ a, T a) a0 (t1 t2 : T a0) a :
dep_fn_insert a0 t2 (dep_fn_insert a0 t1 f) a =
dep_fn_insert a0 t2 f a.
destruct (decide (a = a0)) as [-> | ].
by rewrite !dep_fn_insert_view_set.
by rewrite !dep_fn_insert_view_set_ne.
Lemma dep_fn_insert_exchange (f : ∀ a, T a) (a0 a1 a : A) t0 t1 :
a0 <> a1 ->
dep_fn_insert a1 t1 (dep_fn_insert a0 t0 f) a =
dep_fn_insert a0 t0 (dep_fn_insert a1 t1 f) a.
rewrite /dep_fn_insert => Hn.
case: (decide _) => [|//]. intros ->.
case: (decide _) => [|//] /=. by intros ->.
(* Funext. *)
Lemma dep_fn_insert_set_view_fun (f : ∀ a, T a) a0 :
dep_fn_insert a0 (f a0) f = f.
Proof. funext_dep => a. apply dep_fn_insert_set_view. Qed.
Lemma dep_fn_insert_set_set_fun (f : ∀ a, T a) a0 (t1 t2 : T a0) :
dep_fn_insert a0 t2 (dep_fn_insert a0 t1 f) =
dep_fn_insert a0 t2 f.
Proof. funext_dep => a. apply dep_fn_insert_set_set. Qed.
Lemma dep_fn_insert_exchange_fun (f : ∀ a, T a) (a0 a1 : A) t0 t1 :
a0 <> a1 ->
dep_fn_insert a1 t1 (dep_fn_insert a0 t0 f) =
dep_fn_insert a0 t0 (dep_fn_insert a1 t1 f) .
Proof. intros Hn. funext_dep => a. exact: dep_fn_insert_exchange. Qed.
End dep_fn_insert.
Notation dep_fn_insert_eq := dep_fn_insert_view_set (only parsing).
Notation dep_fn_insert_ne := dep_fn_insert_view_set_ne (only parsing).