* Copyright (c) 2023 BlueRock Security, Inc.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.base.
Require Export bedrock.prelude.finite.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.option.
* Copyright (c) 2023 BlueRock Security, Inc.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.base.
Require Export bedrock.prelude.finite.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.option.
Finite product of types coming from a function A : name -> Type
where name is finite.
TODO: revise the API if/when we turn this into a proper framework.
TODO: overlaps with telescopes.
- to_list A is the finite product type of the types in A.
- lookup (e : to_list A) (n : name) : A n projects a value of type A n from the product value e.
- update (n : name) (v : A n) (e : to_list A) : to_list A updates the
part n of the product value e to v.
- fmap (k : ∀ (n : name), A n -> B n) (e : to_list A) : to_list B applies the function k to all values in the product value e.
- fmapO (k : ∀ (n : name), A n -> option (B n)) (e : to_list A) : to_list B traverses the product value e and applies the function k to all values, as long as k returns Some _.
Module fin_prod.
Module internal.
Definition to_list' {name : Type}
(A : name -> Type) (names : list name) : Type :=
foldr (λ n acc, (A n) * acc)%type ()%type names.
Section with_fg.
Context {name : Type}.
Context {A B : name -> Type}.
Fixpoint fmap' ns (k : ∀ (n : name), A n -> B n)
: to_list' A ns -> to_list' B ns :=
match ns with
| [] => id
| n' :: ns' => λ e, let '(fn',e') := e in (k n' fn', fmap' ns' k e')
TODO: Consider splitting fmapO' into
- @fmap' A (option ∘ B) and
- traverse : to_list' (option ∘ B) -> option (to_list' B)
Fixpoint fmapO' ns (k : ∀ (n : name), A n -> option (B n))
: to_list' A ns -> option (to_list' B ns) :=
match ns with
| [] => λ _, Some ()
: to_list' A ns -> option (to_list' B ns) :=
match ns with
| [] => λ _, Some ()
the inner most type is always ()
| n' :: ns' =>
λ e, let '(fn',e') := e in
kn ← k n' fn'; kns ← fmapO' ns' k e';
Some (kn, kns)
End with_fg.
Section with_eq_dec.
Context `{EqDecision name} {A : name -> Type}.
Fixpoint lookup' ns : ∀ (e : to_list' A ns) (n : name), option (A n) :=
match ns with
| [] => λ _ _, None
| n' :: ns' =>
λ e n, let '(fn',e') := e in (* this destruct only works with e behind a λ *)
if decide (n' = n) is left Heq
then eq_rect n' (λ n1, option (A n1)) (Some fn') n Heq
else lookup' ns' e' n
Definition update' ns (n : name) (v : A n) : to_list' A ns -> to_list' A ns :=
fmap' ns (λ n', if decide (n = n') is left Heq
then λ _ : A n', eq_rect n A v n' Heq
else id).
End with_eq_dec.
Section theory_with_type.
Context {name : Type} {A : name -> Type}.
Lemma to_list'_nil : to_list' A [] = ()%type.
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma to_list'_cons n ns :
to_list' A (n :: ns) = ((A n) * to_list' A ns)%type.
Proof. by rewrite /to_list' foldr_cons. Qed.
End theory_with_type.
Section theory_with_eq_dec.
Context `{EqDecision name} {A : name -> Type}.
Context (ns : list name).
Implicit Types (e : to_list' A ns) (n : name).
Lemma lookup'_elem_of_Some e n :
n ∈ ns -> is_Some (lookup' ns e n).
induction ns as [|n' ns' IH].
{ by intros ?%not_elem_of_nil. }
destruct e as [fn' e'].
case (decide (n = n')) => ? Ins'.
- subst n'.
exists fn'. by rewrite /= decide_True_pi.
- apply elem_of_cons in Ins' as [?|Ins']; [done|].
apply (IH e') in Ins' as [fn Eqe].
exists fn. rewrite /=. by case_match.
Lemma lookup_update'_eq e n (v : A n) :
n ∈ ns →
lookup' ns (update' ns n v e) n = Some v.
induction ns as [|n' ns' IH] => /= Inn.
{ by apply not_elem_of_nil in Inn. }
destruct e as [fn e']. simpl.
case (decide (n' = n)) => ? /=.
{ subst n'. by rewrite /= decide_True_pi. }
apply IH. by apply elem_of_cons in Inn as [].
Lemma lookup_update'_ne e n (v : A n) :
∀ n', n ≠ n' →
lookup' ns (update' ns n v e) n' = lookup' ns e n'.
induction ns as [|n' ns' IH] => /= nx NEq; [done|].
destruct e as [fn e'].
case (decide (n' = nx)) => ? /=.
- subst n'. rewrite /=. by case_match.
- by apply IH.
Lemma lookup'_ext e1 e2 :
NoDup ns → (* to make sure a lookup result is unique *)
(∀ n, n ∈ ns → lookup' ns e1 n = lookup' ns e2 n) → e1 = e2.
induction ns as [|n' ns' IH] => ND EXT.
{ by destruct e1, e2. }
destruct e1 as [fn1 e1'], e2 as [fn2 e2'].
- move : (EXT n') => /=.
rewrite decide_True_pi /= => EQ.
specialize (EQ ltac:(by left)). by inversion EQ.
- apply NoDup_cons in ND as [NIn ND].
apply (IH _ _ ND). intros n Inn'.
move : (EXT n ltac:(by right)) => /=.
case_match; [|done].
subst. exfalso. by apply NIn.
End theory_with_eq_dec.
Section theory_with_fg.
Context `{EqDecision name} {A B : name -> Type}.
Context (ns : list name).
Implicit Types (e : to_list' A ns) (n : name).
Lemma lookup_fmap' (k : ∀ (n : name), A n -> B n) e n :
lookup' ns (fmap' ns k e) n = (k n) <$> (lookup' ns e n).
induction ns as [|n' ns' IH] => /=; [done|].
destruct e as [fn e']. case_match; [by subst n'|].
by apply IH.
Lemma fmapO'_Some
(k : ∀ (n : name), A n -> option (B n))
(e : to_list' A ns) (e' : to_list' B ns) :
NoDup ns →
(∀ n, n ∈ ns → (k n) <$> (lookup' ns e n) = Some (lookup' ns e' n)) ↔
fmapO' ns k e = Some e'.
induction ns as [|n' ns' IH] => ND /=.
{ split.
- simpl in e'. by destruct e'.
- by intros _ ? ?%not_elem_of_nil. }
destruct e as [fn e1].
destruct e' as [fn' e1'].
apply NoDup_cons in ND as [NIn ND].
destruct (IH e1 e1' ND) as [IH1 IH2]. split.
- intros IS. rewrite IH1.
+ specialize (IS n' ltac:(by left)).
rewrite /= decide_True_pi /= in IS.
inversion IS as [IS']. by rewrite IS' /=.
+ intros n Inn. move : (IS n ltac:(by right)).
rewrite /=.
case (decide (n' = n)) => NEq /=; [|done].
subst n'. exfalso. by apply NIn.
- intros (kn & Eqkn & (e'' & Eqe'' & EqS)%bind_Some)%bind_Some n Inn.
inversion EqS. subst kn e''. clear EqS.
apply elem_of_cons in Inn as [?|Ins'].
+ subst n'. by rewrite decide_True_pi /= Eqkn.
+ case (decide (n' = n)) => NEq /=.
* subst n'. exfalso. by apply NIn.
* by apply IH2.
Lemma fmapO'_Some_1
(k : ∀ (n : name), A n -> option (B n))
(e : to_list' A ns) (e' : to_list' B ns) :
NoDup ns →
(∀ n, n ∈ ns → (k n) <$> (lookup' ns e n) = Some (lookup' ns e' n)) →
fmapO' ns k e = Some e'.
Proof. intros. by apply fmapO'_Some. Qed.
Lemma fmapO'_None
(k : ∀ (n : name), A n -> option (B n)) (e : to_list' A ns) :
NoDup ns →
ns ≠ [] →
(∃ n, n ∈ ns ∧ (k n) <$> (lookup' ns e n) = Some None) ↔
fmapO' ns k e = None.
induction ns as [|n' ns' IH] => /=; [done|].
intros [NIn ND]%NoDup_cons _.
destruct e as [fn e'].
specialize (IH e' ND).
rewrite bind_None. split.
- intros (n & Inn & (fn' & EqL & EqN)%bind_Some).
inversion EqN as [EqN'].
move : EqL.
case (decide (n' = n)) => ? /=.
{ subst n. simpl. inversion 1. by left. }
intros EqL.
apply elem_of_cons in Inn as [?|Inn]; [by subst n|].
destruct IH as [IH1 _].
{ clear -Inn. intros ->. by apply not_elem_of_nil in Inn. }
rewrite IH1.
+ clear. simpl. destruct (k n' fn); naive_solver.
+ exists n. by rewrite EqL /= EqN'.
- intros [EqN|(gn & EqS & [EqN|(?&?&?)]%bind_None)]; [..|done].
+ exists n'. split; [by left|]. by rewrite decide_True_pi /= EqN.
+ destruct IH as [_ IH2]. { clear -EqN. by intros ->. }
destruct (IH2 EqN) as (n & Inn & EqN').
exists n. split; [by right|].
case_match; [|done].
subst n'. exfalso. by apply NIn.
End theory_with_fg.
End internal.
Import internal.
Section with_finite.
Context `{Finite name}.
Definition to_list (A : name -> Type) : Type := to_list' A (enum name).
Definition lookup {A : name -> Type} (e : to_list A) (n : name) : A n
:= is_Some_proj (lookup'_elem_of_Some _ e n (elem_of_enum n)).
Definition fmap {A B : name -> Type} (k : ∀ (n : name), A n -> B n)
: to_list A -> to_list B := fmap' (enum name) k.
Definition fmapO {A B : name -> Type} (k : ∀ (n : name), A n -> option (B n))
: to_list A -> option (to_list B) := fmapO' (enum name) k.
Definition update {A : name -> Type} (n : name) (v : A n)
: to_list A -> to_list A := update' (enum name) n v.
Lemma lookup_unfold {A : name -> Type} (e : to_list A) (n : name) :
lookup' (enum name) e n = Some (lookup e n).
Proof. rewrite /lookup. apply is_Some_proj_eq. Qed.
Lemma lookup_fmap {A B : name -> Type} (k : ∀ (n : name), A n -> B n)
(e : to_list A) (n : name) :
lookup (fmap k e) n = k n (lookup e n).
Proof. apply Some_inj. by rewrite -lookup_unfold lookup_fmap' lookup_unfold. Qed.
Lemma fmapO_Some {A B : name -> Type}
(k : ∀ (n : name), A n -> option (B n))
(e : to_list A) (e' : to_list B) :
(∀ n, k n (lookup e n) = Some (lookup e' n)) ↔
fmapO k e = Some e'.
rewrite -fmapO'_Some; last by apply NoDup_enum.
apply forall_proper => n.
rewrite lookup_unfold /= -lookup_unfold. split.
- intros ? _. by f_equal.
- move => /(_ (elem_of_enum _)). naive_solver.
Lemma fmapO_None {A B : name -> Type}
(k : ∀ (n : name), A n -> option (B n))
(e : to_list A) :
(∃ n, k n (lookup e n) = None) → (* the reverse direction needs Inhabited name *)
fmapO k e = None.
intros [n Eqn]. apply fmapO'_None.
- apply NoDup_enum.
- intros EqN.
apply (not_elem_of_nil n). rewrite -EqN. apply elem_of_enum.
- exists n. split; [apply elem_of_enum|]. by rewrite lookup_unfold /= Eqn.
Lemma lookup_update_eq {A : name -> Type}
(e : to_list A) (n : name) (v : A n) :
lookup (update n v e) n = v.
apply Some_inj. rewrite -lookup_unfold.
by apply lookup_update'_eq, elem_of_enum.
Lemma lookup_update_ne {A : name -> Type}
(e : to_list A) (n : name) (v : A n) :
∀ n', n ≠ n' →
lookup (update n v e) n' = lookup e n'.
intros. apply Some_inj. rewrite -2!lookup_unfold. by apply lookup_update'_ne.
Lemma lookup_ext {A : name -> Type} (e e' : to_list A) :
(∀ n, lookup e n = lookup e' n) → e = e'.
intros IS. apply lookup'_ext; [apply NoDup_enum|].
intros. by rewrite 2!lookup_unfold IS.
End with_finite.
End fin_prod.
λ e, let '(fn',e') := e in
kn ← k n' fn'; kns ← fmapO' ns' k e';
Some (kn, kns)
End with_fg.
Section with_eq_dec.
Context `{EqDecision name} {A : name -> Type}.
Fixpoint lookup' ns : ∀ (e : to_list' A ns) (n : name), option (A n) :=
match ns with
| [] => λ _ _, None
| n' :: ns' =>
λ e n, let '(fn',e') := e in (* this destruct only works with e behind a λ *)
if decide (n' = n) is left Heq
then eq_rect n' (λ n1, option (A n1)) (Some fn') n Heq
else lookup' ns' e' n
Definition update' ns (n : name) (v : A n) : to_list' A ns -> to_list' A ns :=
fmap' ns (λ n', if decide (n = n') is left Heq
then λ _ : A n', eq_rect n A v n' Heq
else id).
End with_eq_dec.
Section theory_with_type.
Context {name : Type} {A : name -> Type}.
Lemma to_list'_nil : to_list' A [] = ()%type.
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma to_list'_cons n ns :
to_list' A (n :: ns) = ((A n) * to_list' A ns)%type.
Proof. by rewrite /to_list' foldr_cons. Qed.
End theory_with_type.
Section theory_with_eq_dec.
Context `{EqDecision name} {A : name -> Type}.
Context (ns : list name).
Implicit Types (e : to_list' A ns) (n : name).
Lemma lookup'_elem_of_Some e n :
n ∈ ns -> is_Some (lookup' ns e n).
induction ns as [|n' ns' IH].
{ by intros ?%not_elem_of_nil. }
destruct e as [fn' e'].
case (decide (n = n')) => ? Ins'.
- subst n'.
exists fn'. by rewrite /= decide_True_pi.
- apply elem_of_cons in Ins' as [?|Ins']; [done|].
apply (IH e') in Ins' as [fn Eqe].
exists fn. rewrite /=. by case_match.
Lemma lookup_update'_eq e n (v : A n) :
n ∈ ns →
lookup' ns (update' ns n v e) n = Some v.
induction ns as [|n' ns' IH] => /= Inn.
{ by apply not_elem_of_nil in Inn. }
destruct e as [fn e']. simpl.
case (decide (n' = n)) => ? /=.
{ subst n'. by rewrite /= decide_True_pi. }
apply IH. by apply elem_of_cons in Inn as [].
Lemma lookup_update'_ne e n (v : A n) :
∀ n', n ≠ n' →
lookup' ns (update' ns n v e) n' = lookup' ns e n'.
induction ns as [|n' ns' IH] => /= nx NEq; [done|].
destruct e as [fn e'].
case (decide (n' = nx)) => ? /=.
- subst n'. rewrite /=. by case_match.
- by apply IH.
Lemma lookup'_ext e1 e2 :
NoDup ns → (* to make sure a lookup result is unique *)
(∀ n, n ∈ ns → lookup' ns e1 n = lookup' ns e2 n) → e1 = e2.
induction ns as [|n' ns' IH] => ND EXT.
{ by destruct e1, e2. }
destruct e1 as [fn1 e1'], e2 as [fn2 e2'].
- move : (EXT n') => /=.
rewrite decide_True_pi /= => EQ.
specialize (EQ ltac:(by left)). by inversion EQ.
- apply NoDup_cons in ND as [NIn ND].
apply (IH _ _ ND). intros n Inn'.
move : (EXT n ltac:(by right)) => /=.
case_match; [|done].
subst. exfalso. by apply NIn.
End theory_with_eq_dec.
Section theory_with_fg.
Context `{EqDecision name} {A B : name -> Type}.
Context (ns : list name).
Implicit Types (e : to_list' A ns) (n : name).
Lemma lookup_fmap' (k : ∀ (n : name), A n -> B n) e n :
lookup' ns (fmap' ns k e) n = (k n) <$> (lookup' ns e n).
induction ns as [|n' ns' IH] => /=; [done|].
destruct e as [fn e']. case_match; [by subst n'|].
by apply IH.
Lemma fmapO'_Some
(k : ∀ (n : name), A n -> option (B n))
(e : to_list' A ns) (e' : to_list' B ns) :
NoDup ns →
(∀ n, n ∈ ns → (k n) <$> (lookup' ns e n) = Some (lookup' ns e' n)) ↔
fmapO' ns k e = Some e'.
induction ns as [|n' ns' IH] => ND /=.
{ split.
- simpl in e'. by destruct e'.
- by intros _ ? ?%not_elem_of_nil. }
destruct e as [fn e1].
destruct e' as [fn' e1'].
apply NoDup_cons in ND as [NIn ND].
destruct (IH e1 e1' ND) as [IH1 IH2]. split.
- intros IS. rewrite IH1.
+ specialize (IS n' ltac:(by left)).
rewrite /= decide_True_pi /= in IS.
inversion IS as [IS']. by rewrite IS' /=.
+ intros n Inn. move : (IS n ltac:(by right)).
rewrite /=.
case (decide (n' = n)) => NEq /=; [|done].
subst n'. exfalso. by apply NIn.
- intros (kn & Eqkn & (e'' & Eqe'' & EqS)%bind_Some)%bind_Some n Inn.
inversion EqS. subst kn e''. clear EqS.
apply elem_of_cons in Inn as [?|Ins'].
+ subst n'. by rewrite decide_True_pi /= Eqkn.
+ case (decide (n' = n)) => NEq /=.
* subst n'. exfalso. by apply NIn.
* by apply IH2.
Lemma fmapO'_Some_1
(k : ∀ (n : name), A n -> option (B n))
(e : to_list' A ns) (e' : to_list' B ns) :
NoDup ns →
(∀ n, n ∈ ns → (k n) <$> (lookup' ns e n) = Some (lookup' ns e' n)) →
fmapO' ns k e = Some e'.
Proof. intros. by apply fmapO'_Some. Qed.
Lemma fmapO'_None
(k : ∀ (n : name), A n -> option (B n)) (e : to_list' A ns) :
NoDup ns →
ns ≠ [] →
(∃ n, n ∈ ns ∧ (k n) <$> (lookup' ns e n) = Some None) ↔
fmapO' ns k e = None.
induction ns as [|n' ns' IH] => /=; [done|].
intros [NIn ND]%NoDup_cons _.
destruct e as [fn e'].
specialize (IH e' ND).
rewrite bind_None. split.
- intros (n & Inn & (fn' & EqL & EqN)%bind_Some).
inversion EqN as [EqN'].
move : EqL.
case (decide (n' = n)) => ? /=.
{ subst n. simpl. inversion 1. by left. }
intros EqL.
apply elem_of_cons in Inn as [?|Inn]; [by subst n|].
destruct IH as [IH1 _].
{ clear -Inn. intros ->. by apply not_elem_of_nil in Inn. }
rewrite IH1.
+ clear. simpl. destruct (k n' fn); naive_solver.
+ exists n. by rewrite EqL /= EqN'.
- intros [EqN|(gn & EqS & [EqN|(?&?&?)]%bind_None)]; [..|done].
+ exists n'. split; [by left|]. by rewrite decide_True_pi /= EqN.
+ destruct IH as [_ IH2]. { clear -EqN. by intros ->. }
destruct (IH2 EqN) as (n & Inn & EqN').
exists n. split; [by right|].
case_match; [|done].
subst n'. exfalso. by apply NIn.
End theory_with_fg.
End internal.
Import internal.
Section with_finite.
Context `{Finite name}.
Definition to_list (A : name -> Type) : Type := to_list' A (enum name).
Definition lookup {A : name -> Type} (e : to_list A) (n : name) : A n
:= is_Some_proj (lookup'_elem_of_Some _ e n (elem_of_enum n)).
Definition fmap {A B : name -> Type} (k : ∀ (n : name), A n -> B n)
: to_list A -> to_list B := fmap' (enum name) k.
Definition fmapO {A B : name -> Type} (k : ∀ (n : name), A n -> option (B n))
: to_list A -> option (to_list B) := fmapO' (enum name) k.
Definition update {A : name -> Type} (n : name) (v : A n)
: to_list A -> to_list A := update' (enum name) n v.
Lemma lookup_unfold {A : name -> Type} (e : to_list A) (n : name) :
lookup' (enum name) e n = Some (lookup e n).
Proof. rewrite /lookup. apply is_Some_proj_eq. Qed.
Lemma lookup_fmap {A B : name -> Type} (k : ∀ (n : name), A n -> B n)
(e : to_list A) (n : name) :
lookup (fmap k e) n = k n (lookup e n).
Proof. apply Some_inj. by rewrite -lookup_unfold lookup_fmap' lookup_unfold. Qed.
Lemma fmapO_Some {A B : name -> Type}
(k : ∀ (n : name), A n -> option (B n))
(e : to_list A) (e' : to_list B) :
(∀ n, k n (lookup e n) = Some (lookup e' n)) ↔
fmapO k e = Some e'.
rewrite -fmapO'_Some; last by apply NoDup_enum.
apply forall_proper => n.
rewrite lookup_unfold /= -lookup_unfold. split.
- intros ? _. by f_equal.
- move => /(_ (elem_of_enum _)). naive_solver.
Lemma fmapO_None {A B : name -> Type}
(k : ∀ (n : name), A n -> option (B n))
(e : to_list A) :
(∃ n, k n (lookup e n) = None) → (* the reverse direction needs Inhabited name *)
fmapO k e = None.
intros [n Eqn]. apply fmapO'_None.
- apply NoDup_enum.
- intros EqN.
apply (not_elem_of_nil n). rewrite -EqN. apply elem_of_enum.
- exists n. split; [apply elem_of_enum|]. by rewrite lookup_unfold /= Eqn.
Lemma lookup_update_eq {A : name -> Type}
(e : to_list A) (n : name) (v : A n) :
lookup (update n v e) n = v.
apply Some_inj. rewrite -lookup_unfold.
by apply lookup_update'_eq, elem_of_enum.
Lemma lookup_update_ne {A : name -> Type}
(e : to_list A) (n : name) (v : A n) :
∀ n', n ≠ n' →
lookup (update n v e) n' = lookup e n'.
intros. apply Some_inj. rewrite -2!lookup_unfold. by apply lookup_update'_ne.
Lemma lookup_ext {A : name -> Type} (e e' : to_list A) :
(∀ n, lookup e n = lookup e' n) → e = e'.
intros IS. apply lookup'_ext; [apply NoDup_enum|].
intros. by rewrite 2!lookup_unfold IS.
End with_finite.
End fin_prod.