* Copyright (c) 2023 BlueRock Security, Inc.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
Require Import elpi.elpi.
Require Export bedrock.prelude.elpi.derive.common.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.prelude.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.elpi.basis.
Require Export bedrock.prelude.elpi.derive.finite_type.
- [ #[only(bitset)] derive VariantType ]
Assembles pieces from finite.v to expose `to_bits`, together with laws, on gset VariantType.
The encoding into bit indices is derived automatically from the order of constructors of `VariantType`
(0 for the first constructor, 1 for the second, etc.).
Add an instance of `ToBit` to override the default behavior.
Class ToBit (T : Type) (to_bit : T -> N) : Prop := {}.
#[global] Hint Mode ToBit + - : typeclass_instances.
Elpi Db derive.bitset.db lp:{{
pred finite-type-done o:gref.
pred bitset-done o:gref.
Elpi Accumulate derive File derive.finite_type.elpi.
Elpi Accumulate derive lp:{{
namespace derive.bitset {
pred mk-simple-bitset i:string, i:gref, i:gref.
mk-simple-bitset Prefix TyGR OrigGR :-! [ Prefix TyGR OrigGR,
coq.env.include-module-type {coq.locate-module-type "simple_finite_bitmask_type_mixin"} coq.inline.default,
coq.env.end-module MP,
%TODO: at this point, remove the `TypeName_finite` instance, etc.
%But coq-elpi doesn't seem to have an API for Remove Hints
%Module Prefix_set := simple_finite_bits TyGR.
ModName is Prefix ^ "_set",
coq.env.apply-module-functor ModName none {coq.locate-module "simple_finite_bits"} [MP] coq.inline.default _,
pred mk-bitset i:string, i:gref, i:gref, i:term.
mk-bitset Prefix TyGR OrigGR ToBit :-! [ Prefix TyGR OrigGR,
% locating "t" seems like a very bad idea. We could find literally anything if something goes wrong.
coq.locate "t" GRTy,
Ty is global GRTy,
coq.env.add-const "to_bit" ToBit {{ lp:Ty -> N }} @transparent! CToBit_,
coq.env.include-module-type {coq.locate-module-type "finite_bitmask_type_mixin"} coq.inline.default,
coq.env.end-module MP,
ModName is Prefix ^ "_set",
coq.env.apply-module-functor ModName none {coq.locate-module "finite_bits"} [MP] coq.inline.default _,
Elpi Accumulate derive Db derive.finite_type.db.
Elpi Accumulate derive lp:{{
dep1 "bitset" "finite". %finite implies eq_dec
dep1 "bitset_to_bit" "finite". %finite implies eq_dec
#[synterp] Elpi Accumulate derive lp:{{
namespace derive.bitset {
pred main i:string, i:string, i:bool, o:list prop.
main TypeName _ UseToBit CL :-! [
coq.env.begin-module TypeName none,
if (UseToBit is tt)
(! [
coq.env.include-module-type {coq.locate-module-type "finite_bitmask_type_mixin"} coq.inline.default,
coq.env.end-module MP,
ModName is TypeName ^ "_set",
coq.env.apply-module-functor ModName none {coq.locate-module "finite_bits"} [MP] coq.inline.default _,
(! [
coq.env.include-module-type {coq.locate-module-type "simple_finite_bitmask_type_mixin"} coq.inline.default,
coq.env.end-module MP,
ModName is TypeName ^ "_set",
coq.env.apply-module-functor ModName none {coq.locate-module "simple_finite_bits"} [MP] coq.inline.default _,
CL = [done TypeName],
pred done i:string.
derivation T Prefix (derive "bitset" (derive.bitset.main T Prefix ff) (derive.bitset.done T)).
derivation T Prefix (derive "bitset_to_bit" (derive.bitset.main T Prefix tt) (derive.bitset.done T)).
Elpi Accumulate derive.bitset.db File bedrock.typeclass.elpi.
#[superglobal] Elpi Accumulate derive.bitset.db lp:{{
namespace derive.bitset {
pred to-bits i:term, o:term.
:name "to-bits.typeclass"
to-bits T F :- typeclass "derive.bitset.db" (before "to-bits.typeclass") (to-bits T F) {{ @ToBit lp:T lp:F }} Bo_.
Elpi Accumulate derive Db derive.bitset.db.
Elpi Accumulate derive lp:{{
namespace derive.finset {
pred main i:gref, i:string, i:bool, o:list prop.
main TyGR _Prefix UseToBit Clauses :-! [
derive-original-gref TyGR OrigGR,
coq.gref->id TyGR TypeName,
if (UseToBit is tt)
(! [ (global TyGR) ToBit, TypeName TyGR OrigGR ToBit,
( TypeName TyGR OrigGR),
Clauses = [bitset-done TyGR],
std.forall Clauses (x\
coq.elpi.accumulate _ "derive.bitset.db" (clause _ _ x)
main _ _ _ _ :- usage.
pred usage.
usage :- coq.error
"Usage: #[only(bitset)] derive T where T is an inductive or a definition that unfolds to an inductive. Assembles pieces from finite.v to expose `to_bits`, together with laws, on [gset VariantType]. The encoding into bit indices is derived automatically from the order of constructors of `VariantType` (0 for the first constructor, 1 for the second, etc.). Add an instance of `ToBit` and use #[only(bitset_to_bit)] instead to override the default behavior. ".
(indt T) Prefix tt
(derive "bitset"
(derive.finset.main (indt T) Prefix ff)
(bitset-done (indt T))
(indt T) Prefix tt
(derive "bitset_to_bit"
(derive.finset.main (indt T) Prefix tt)
(bitset-done (indt T))
* Copyright (c) 2023 BlueRock Security, Inc.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
Require Import elpi.elpi.
Require Export bedrock.prelude.elpi.derive.common.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.prelude.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.elpi.basis.
Require Export bedrock.prelude.elpi.derive.finite_type.
- [ #[only(bitset)] derive VariantType ]
Assembles pieces from finite.v to expose `to_bits`, together with laws, on gset VariantType.
The encoding into bit indices is derived automatically from the order of constructors of `VariantType`
(0 for the first constructor, 1 for the second, etc.).
Add an instance of `ToBit` to override the default behavior.
Class ToBit (T : Type) (to_bit : T -> N) : Prop := {}.
#[global] Hint Mode ToBit + - : typeclass_instances.
Elpi Db derive.bitset.db lp:{{
pred finite-type-done o:gref.
pred bitset-done o:gref.
Elpi Accumulate derive File derive.finite_type.elpi.
Elpi Accumulate derive lp:{{
namespace derive.bitset {
pred mk-simple-bitset i:string, i:gref, i:gref.
mk-simple-bitset Prefix TyGR OrigGR :-! [ Prefix TyGR OrigGR,
coq.env.include-module-type {coq.locate-module-type "simple_finite_bitmask_type_mixin"} coq.inline.default,
coq.env.end-module MP,
%TODO: at this point, remove the `TypeName_finite` instance, etc.
%But coq-elpi doesn't seem to have an API for Remove Hints
%Module Prefix_set := simple_finite_bits TyGR.
ModName is Prefix ^ "_set",
coq.env.apply-module-functor ModName none {coq.locate-module "simple_finite_bits"} [MP] coq.inline.default _,
pred mk-bitset i:string, i:gref, i:gref, i:term.
mk-bitset Prefix TyGR OrigGR ToBit :-! [ Prefix TyGR OrigGR,
% locating "t" seems like a very bad idea. We could find literally anything if something goes wrong.
coq.locate "t" GRTy,
Ty is global GRTy,
coq.env.add-const "to_bit" ToBit {{ lp:Ty -> N }} @transparent! CToBit_,
coq.env.include-module-type {coq.locate-module-type "finite_bitmask_type_mixin"} coq.inline.default,
coq.env.end-module MP,
ModName is Prefix ^ "_set",
coq.env.apply-module-functor ModName none {coq.locate-module "finite_bits"} [MP] coq.inline.default _,
Elpi Accumulate derive Db derive.finite_type.db.
Elpi Accumulate derive lp:{{
dep1 "bitset" "finite". %finite implies eq_dec
dep1 "bitset_to_bit" "finite". %finite implies eq_dec
#[synterp] Elpi Accumulate derive lp:{{
namespace derive.bitset {
pred main i:string, i:string, i:bool, o:list prop.
main TypeName _ UseToBit CL :-! [
coq.env.begin-module TypeName none,
if (UseToBit is tt)
(! [
coq.env.include-module-type {coq.locate-module-type "finite_bitmask_type_mixin"} coq.inline.default,
coq.env.end-module MP,
ModName is TypeName ^ "_set",
coq.env.apply-module-functor ModName none {coq.locate-module "finite_bits"} [MP] coq.inline.default _,
(! [
coq.env.include-module-type {coq.locate-module-type "simple_finite_bitmask_type_mixin"} coq.inline.default,
coq.env.end-module MP,
ModName is TypeName ^ "_set",
coq.env.apply-module-functor ModName none {coq.locate-module "simple_finite_bits"} [MP] coq.inline.default _,
CL = [done TypeName],
pred done i:string.
derivation T Prefix (derive "bitset" (derive.bitset.main T Prefix ff) (derive.bitset.done T)).
derivation T Prefix (derive "bitset_to_bit" (derive.bitset.main T Prefix tt) (derive.bitset.done T)).
Elpi Accumulate derive.bitset.db File bedrock.typeclass.elpi.
#[superglobal] Elpi Accumulate derive.bitset.db lp:{{
namespace derive.bitset {
pred to-bits i:term, o:term.
:name "to-bits.typeclass"
to-bits T F :- typeclass "derive.bitset.db" (before "to-bits.typeclass") (to-bits T F) {{ @ToBit lp:T lp:F }} Bo_.
Elpi Accumulate derive Db derive.bitset.db.
Elpi Accumulate derive lp:{{
namespace derive.finset {
pred main i:gref, i:string, i:bool, o:list prop.
main TyGR _Prefix UseToBit Clauses :-! [
derive-original-gref TyGR OrigGR,
coq.gref->id TyGR TypeName,
if (UseToBit is tt)
(! [ (global TyGR) ToBit, TypeName TyGR OrigGR ToBit,
( TypeName TyGR OrigGR),
Clauses = [bitset-done TyGR],
std.forall Clauses (x\
coq.elpi.accumulate _ "derive.bitset.db" (clause _ _ x)
main _ _ _ _ :- usage.
pred usage.
usage :- coq.error
"Usage: #[only(bitset)] derive T where T is an inductive or a definition that unfolds to an inductive. Assembles pieces from finite.v to expose `to_bits`, together with laws, on [gset VariantType]. The encoding into bit indices is derived automatically from the order of constructors of `VariantType` (0 for the first constructor, 1 for the second, etc.). Add an instance of `ToBit` and use #[only(bitset_to_bit)] instead to override the default behavior. ".
(indt T) Prefix tt
(derive "bitset"
(derive.finset.main (indt T) Prefix ff)
(bitset-done (indt T))
(indt T) Prefix tt
(derive "bitset_to_bit"
(derive.finset.main (indt T) Prefix tt)
(bitset-done (indt T))