* Copyright (C) BlueRock Security Inc. 2022-2023
* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1 WITH BedRock Exception for use over network, see repository root for details.
Require Import elpi.elpi.
(*Export this tactic to typeclass use sites.*)
Ltac try_typeclasses_eauto := try typeclasses eauto.
Elpi File bedrock.typeclass.elpi lp:{{
%% typeclass Db Grafting Done Typeclass Bo
%% Solve for Bo in (Bo : Typeclass), accumulating Done into Db at Grafting if successful.
pred typeclass i:string, i:grafting, i:prop, i:term, o:term.
typeclass Db Grafting Done Typeclass Bo :-! [
std.assert-ok! (coq.typecheck {{ lp:Bo : lp:Typeclass }} _) "[typeclass] typechecking an instance failed",
coq.ltac.collect-goals Bo [SealedGoal] [], ( "try_typeclasses_eauto" []) SealedGoal [],
coq.elpi.accumulate library Db (clause _ Grafting Done),
Elpi File bedrock.basis.elpi lp:{{
%%% Option utilities
pred! i:option A, i:A -> prop.! O F :- std.omap O (x\ _\ F x, !) _.
%%% List utilities
:index (1 1 1)
pred list.map3 i:list A, i:list B, i:list C, i:(A -> B -> C -> D -> prop), o:list D.
list.map3 [_|_] [] _ _ _ :- list.map3.aux.
list.map3 [_|_] _ [] _ _ :- list.map3.aux.
list.map3 [] [_|_] _ _ _ :- list.map3.aux.
list.map3 _ [_|_] [] _ _ :- list.map3.aux.
list.map3 [] _ [_|_] _ _ :- list.map3.aux.
list.map3 _ [] [_|_] _ _ :- list.map3.aux.
list.map3 [] [] [] _ [].
list.map3 [A|AS] [B|BS] [C|CS] F [D|DS] :- F A B C D, list.map3 AS BS CS F DS.
list.map3.aux :- coq.error "list.map3 lengths don't agree".
pred! i:list A, i:A -> prop.! L F :- L (x\ _\ F x, !) _.
pred list.app2! i:list A, i:list B, i:A -> B -> prop.
list.app2! L1 L2 F :- std.map2 L1 L2 (x\ y\ _\ F x y, !) _.
pred list.foldl i:list A, i:B, i:(A -> B -> B -> prop), o:B.
list.foldl L Acc F R :- std.fold L Acc F R.
pred list.foldr i:list A, i:B, i:(A -> B -> B -> prop), o:B.
list.foldr [] Acc _ Acc.
list.foldr [X|XS] Acc F R :- F X {list.foldr XS Acc F} R.
%%% Locate
[coq.gref->module-path GR ModPath] outputs the full kernel name
[ModPath] of the module containing global [GR].
pred coq.gref->module-path i:gref, o:string.
coq.gref->module-path GR ModPath :-! [
Path = {coq.gref->path GR},
ModPath = {std.string.concat "." Path},
[coq.module-locate Path Name GR] is a simple wrapper around
[coq.locate] setting [GR := Path.Name]. Panics if [Path.Name] cannot
be located.
Useful because [coq.locate S] is prone to import mismatch errors
unless [S] is a full path.
pred coq.module-locate i:string, i:string, o:gref.
coq.module-locate Path Name GR :-
coq.locate {calc (Path ^ "." ^ Name)} GR.
%%% Coq options
[! Option Val Ps] runs [Ps] under Coq option
[Option := Val], and then restores the option's original value.
Panics if the option does not exist or is incompatible with [Val].
pred coq.with-option! i:list string, i:coq.option, i:list prop.
coq.with-option! O V Ps :-! [
coq.option.get O W, !,
coq.option.set O V,! Ps,
coq.option.set O W,
[coq.with-option-unset! Option Ps] runs [Ps] with the Coq boolean
option [Option] unset, and then restures the option's original
value. Panics if the option does not exist or isn't boolean.
pred coq.with-option-unset! i:list string, i:list prop.
coq.with-option-unset! O Ps :- coq.with-option! O (coq.option.bool ff) Ps.
%%% Elaboration
pred br.check-evar-free i:term, o:diagnostic.
br.check-evar-free T D :-! [
coq.ltac.collect-goals T Goals Shelved,
if (Goals = [], Shelved = []) (D = ok) (
D = error {check-evar-free.msg T Goals Shelved}
[check-evar-free.msg T Goals Shelved Msg] constructs a more or less
readable error message [Msg] for a term [T] with uninstantiated
EVars [Goals], [Shelved].
namespace check-evar-free {
% A Coq name
pred pp-name i:name, o:coq.pp.
pp-name Name PP :-! [
PP = coq.pp.str {>id Name},
% Any Elpi term
pred pp-any i:any, o:coq.pp.
pp-any Any PP :-! [
PP = coq.pp.str {term_to_string Any},
% Any Elpi term (with marker "Oops!" meaning fix these pretty-printers)
pred pp-oops i:any, o:coq.pp.
pp-oops Any PP :-! [
PP = coq.pp.glue [
coq.pp.str "Oops!", coq.pp.spc,
{pp-any Any},
% A context entry
pred pp-goal-ctx-entry i:prop, o:coq.pp.
pp-goal-ctx-entry (decl _ Name Ty) PP :- !,! [ [
{pp-name Name}, coq.pp.str " :", coq.pp.spc,
{coq.term->pp Ty},
] PP,
pp-goal-ctx-entry (def _ Name Ty Body) PP :- !,! [ [
{pp-name Name}, coq.pp.str " :", coq.pp.spc,
{coq.term->pp Ty}, coq.pp.str " :=", coq.pp.spc,
{coq.term->pp Body}
] PP,
pp-goal-ctx-entry Entry PP :-! [ [
{pp-oops Entry},
] PP,
pred i:list coq.pp, o:coq.pp. PPs PP :- PP = (coq.pp.hov 2) PPs.
% A goal context
pred pp-goal-ctx i:goal-ctx, o:coq.pp.
pp-goal-ctx Ctx PP :-! [
Undocumented (but consistent with Coq contexts): The context is
std.rev Ctx Decls,
Sep = coq.pp.glue [coq.pp.str ",", coq.pp.spc],
std.intersperse Sep { Decls pp-goal-ctx-entry} PPs,
PP = (coq.pp.hov 0) PPs,
% An EVar
pred pp-evar i:term, i:term, o:coq.pp.
pp-evar EVar Ty PP :-! [
PP = coq.pp.glue [
{coq.term->pp EVar}, coq.pp.str ": uninstantiated with type", coq.pp.spc,
{coq.term->pp Ty},
% A goal
pred pp-goal i:goal, o:coq.pp.
pp-goal (goal [] _Raw Ty Evar _Args) PP :- !,! [ [
{pp-evar Evar Ty},
] PP,
pp-goal (goal Ctx _Raw Ty EVar _Args) PP :- !, Ctx =>! [ [
{pp-evar EVar Ty}, coq.pp.spc,
coq.pp.str "in context", coq.pp.brk 1 2,
{pp-goal-ctx Ctx},
] PP,
pp-goal Goal PP :- pp-goal.fallback Goal PP.
pred i:list coq.pp, o:coq.pp. PPs PP :-
PP = (coq.pp.hov 2) [
coq.pp.str "- ",
coq.pp.glue PPs,
pred pp-goal.fallback i:any, o:coq.pp.
pp-goal.fallback ElpiTerm PP :-! [ [
{pp-oops ElpiTerm},
] PP,
% A sealed goal
pred pp-sealed-goal i:sealed-goal, o:coq.pp.
pp-sealed-goal (nabla G) PP :- !, (pi x\ pp-sealed-goal (G x) PP).
pp-sealed-goal (seal G) PP :- !, pp-goal G PP.
pp-sealed-goal Sealed PP :- pp-goal.fallback Sealed PP.
pred msg i:term, i:list sealed-goal, i:list sealed-goal, o:string.
msg T Goals Shelved Msg :-! [
Brk = coq.pp.brk 0 0,
PPT = (coq.pp.v 2) [
coq.pp.str "The following term contains unresolved evars:", Brk,
{coq.term->pp T},
], {std.append Goals Shelved} pp-sealed-goal PPG,
std.intersperse Brk [PPT | [coq.pp.str "Specifically," | PPG]] PPs,
coq.pp->string ( (coq.pp.v 0) PPs) Msg,
% Variant of [coq.elaborate-skeleton] that outputs evar-free terms on success.
pred br.elaborate-skeleton i:term, o:term, o:term, o:diagnostic.
br.elaborate-skeleton T ETy E D :-! D [
coq.elaborate-skeleton T ETy E,
br.check-evar-free ETy,
br.check-evar-free E,
% Variant of [coq.elaborate-ty-skeleton] that outputs an evar-free term on success.
pred br.elaborate-ty-skeleton i:term, o:sort, o:term, o:diagnostic.
br.elaborate-ty-skeleton T U E D :-! D [
coq.elaborate-ty-skeleton T U E,
br.check-evar-free E,
%%% Terms tagged with phantom types
See [typeabbrev bs] in ./elpi_bytestring.v for an example.
kind tm type -> type.
type tm term -> tm A.
pred tm->term i:tm A, o:term.
tm->term (tm T) T.
pred tm->string i:tm A, o:string.
tm->string (tm T) S :- coq.term->string T S.
%%% Debugging
pred debug i:string, i:string, i:list any.
:if "DEBUG"
debug Prefix Msg L :-
Prefix' is "DEBUG " ^ Prefix,
coq.say Prefix' Msg L.
debug _Prefix _Msg _L :- !.
namespace bedrock {
% get-indt VariantGR Indt: Indt is the body of Inductive type VariantGR.
% Fails if VariantGR isn't a gref for an inductive, possibly wrapped in a
% constant.
pred get-indt i:gref, o:inductive.
get-indt (indt Inductive) Inductive.
get-indt (const C) Ind :-! [
coq.env.const C (some (global Def)) _,
get-indt Def Ind
% get-ctors VariantName Ctors: Ctors is the list of constructors of the Inductive
% type VariantName. Fails if VariantName isn't an inductive.
pred get-ctors i:string, o:list constructor.
get-ctors VariantName Ctors :-![
coq.locate VariantName VariantGR,
get-indt VariantGR VariantI,
coq.env.indt VariantI _ _ _ _ Ctors _
% Convenience function for extracting boolean Coq options
pred get-boolopt i:string, o:bool.
get-boolopt _ tt :- get-option "all" tt.
get-boolopt Opt B :- get-option Opt B.
get-boolopt _ ff :- !.
pred elpi-list->list i:list term, o:term.
elpi-list->list L EL :-! [
elpi-list->list.aux L L',
std.assert-ok! (coq.elaborate-skeleton L' _ EL) "elpi-list->list: failed to typecheck",
pred elpi-list->list.aux i:list term, o:term.
elpi-list->list.aux [] {{ nil }}.
elpi-list->list.aux (T :: Rest) {{ cons lp:T lp:Rest' }} :- elpi-list->list.aux Rest Rest'.
pred list->elpi-list i:term, o:list term.
list->elpi-list CoqList ElpiList :-! [
% Check that we actually have a [list A] - for some A
std.assert-ok! (coq.elaborate-skeleton CoqList {{list _}} ElaboratedCoqList)
"[lst->elpi-list: failed to typecheck",
% Do the conversion from Coq-list to elpi-list
list->elpi-list.aux ElaboratedCoqList ElpiList,
pred list->elpi-list.aux i:term, o:list term.
list->elpi-list.aux {{nil}} [].
list->elpi-list.aux {{cons lp:A lp:CoqAs}} (A :: ElpiAs) :-
list->elpi-list.aux CoqAs ElpiAs.
pred using-context i:(list string), i:prop.
using-context [] P :- P.
using-context [NM | CTX] P :-
@using! NM => using-context CTX P.
* Copyright (C) BlueRock Security Inc. 2022-2023
* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1 WITH BedRock Exception for use over network, see repository root for details.
Require Import elpi.elpi.
(*Export this tactic to typeclass use sites.*)
Ltac try_typeclasses_eauto := try typeclasses eauto.
Elpi File bedrock.typeclass.elpi lp:{{
%% typeclass Db Grafting Done Typeclass Bo
%% Solve for Bo in (Bo : Typeclass), accumulating Done into Db at Grafting if successful.
pred typeclass i:string, i:grafting, i:prop, i:term, o:term.
typeclass Db Grafting Done Typeclass Bo :-! [
std.assert-ok! (coq.typecheck {{ lp:Bo : lp:Typeclass }} _) "[typeclass] typechecking an instance failed",
coq.ltac.collect-goals Bo [SealedGoal] [], ( "try_typeclasses_eauto" []) SealedGoal [],
coq.elpi.accumulate library Db (clause _ Grafting Done),
Elpi File bedrock.basis.elpi lp:{{
%%% Option utilities
pred! i:option A, i:A -> prop.! O F :- std.omap O (x\ _\ F x, !) _.
%%% List utilities
:index (1 1 1)
pred list.map3 i:list A, i:list B, i:list C, i:(A -> B -> C -> D -> prop), o:list D.
list.map3 [_|_] [] _ _ _ :- list.map3.aux.
list.map3 [_|_] _ [] _ _ :- list.map3.aux.
list.map3 [] [_|_] _ _ _ :- list.map3.aux.
list.map3 _ [_|_] [] _ _ :- list.map3.aux.
list.map3 [] _ [_|_] _ _ :- list.map3.aux.
list.map3 _ [] [_|_] _ _ :- list.map3.aux.
list.map3 [] [] [] _ [].
list.map3 [A|AS] [B|BS] [C|CS] F [D|DS] :- F A B C D, list.map3 AS BS CS F DS.
list.map3.aux :- coq.error "list.map3 lengths don't agree".
pred! i:list A, i:A -> prop.! L F :- L (x\ _\ F x, !) _.
pred list.app2! i:list A, i:list B, i:A -> B -> prop.
list.app2! L1 L2 F :- std.map2 L1 L2 (x\ y\ _\ F x y, !) _.
pred list.foldl i:list A, i:B, i:(A -> B -> B -> prop), o:B.
list.foldl L Acc F R :- std.fold L Acc F R.
pred list.foldr i:list A, i:B, i:(A -> B -> B -> prop), o:B.
list.foldr [] Acc _ Acc.
list.foldr [X|XS] Acc F R :- F X {list.foldr XS Acc F} R.
%%% Locate
[coq.gref->module-path GR ModPath] outputs the full kernel name
[ModPath] of the module containing global [GR].
pred coq.gref->module-path i:gref, o:string.
coq.gref->module-path GR ModPath :-! [
Path = {coq.gref->path GR},
ModPath = {std.string.concat "." Path},
[coq.module-locate Path Name GR] is a simple wrapper around
[coq.locate] setting [GR := Path.Name]. Panics if [Path.Name] cannot
be located.
Useful because [coq.locate S] is prone to import mismatch errors
unless [S] is a full path.
pred coq.module-locate i:string, i:string, o:gref.
coq.module-locate Path Name GR :-
coq.locate {calc (Path ^ "." ^ Name)} GR.
%%% Coq options
[! Option Val Ps] runs [Ps] under Coq option
[Option := Val], and then restores the option's original value.
Panics if the option does not exist or is incompatible with [Val].
pred coq.with-option! i:list string, i:coq.option, i:list prop.
coq.with-option! O V Ps :-! [
coq.option.get O W, !,
coq.option.set O V,! Ps,
coq.option.set O W,
[coq.with-option-unset! Option Ps] runs [Ps] with the Coq boolean
option [Option] unset, and then restures the option's original
value. Panics if the option does not exist or isn't boolean.
pred coq.with-option-unset! i:list string, i:list prop.
coq.with-option-unset! O Ps :- coq.with-option! O (coq.option.bool ff) Ps.
%%% Elaboration
pred br.check-evar-free i:term, o:diagnostic.
br.check-evar-free T D :-! [
coq.ltac.collect-goals T Goals Shelved,
if (Goals = [], Shelved = []) (D = ok) (
D = error {check-evar-free.msg T Goals Shelved}
[check-evar-free.msg T Goals Shelved Msg] constructs a more or less
readable error message [Msg] for a term [T] with uninstantiated
EVars [Goals], [Shelved].
namespace check-evar-free {
% A Coq name
pred pp-name i:name, o:coq.pp.
pp-name Name PP :-! [
PP = coq.pp.str {>id Name},
% Any Elpi term
pred pp-any i:any, o:coq.pp.
pp-any Any PP :-! [
PP = coq.pp.str {term_to_string Any},
% Any Elpi term (with marker "Oops!" meaning fix these pretty-printers)
pred pp-oops i:any, o:coq.pp.
pp-oops Any PP :-! [
PP = coq.pp.glue [
coq.pp.str "Oops!", coq.pp.spc,
{pp-any Any},
% A context entry
pred pp-goal-ctx-entry i:prop, o:coq.pp.
pp-goal-ctx-entry (decl _ Name Ty) PP :- !,! [ [
{pp-name Name}, coq.pp.str " :", coq.pp.spc,
{coq.term->pp Ty},
] PP,
pp-goal-ctx-entry (def _ Name Ty Body) PP :- !,! [ [
{pp-name Name}, coq.pp.str " :", coq.pp.spc,
{coq.term->pp Ty}, coq.pp.str " :=", coq.pp.spc,
{coq.term->pp Body}
] PP,
pp-goal-ctx-entry Entry PP :-! [ [
{pp-oops Entry},
] PP,
pred i:list coq.pp, o:coq.pp. PPs PP :- PP = (coq.pp.hov 2) PPs.
% A goal context
pred pp-goal-ctx i:goal-ctx, o:coq.pp.
pp-goal-ctx Ctx PP :-! [
Undocumented (but consistent with Coq contexts): The context is
std.rev Ctx Decls,
Sep = coq.pp.glue [coq.pp.str ",", coq.pp.spc],
std.intersperse Sep { Decls pp-goal-ctx-entry} PPs,
PP = (coq.pp.hov 0) PPs,
% An EVar
pred pp-evar i:term, i:term, o:coq.pp.
pp-evar EVar Ty PP :-! [
PP = coq.pp.glue [
{coq.term->pp EVar}, coq.pp.str ": uninstantiated with type", coq.pp.spc,
{coq.term->pp Ty},
% A goal
pred pp-goal i:goal, o:coq.pp.
pp-goal (goal [] _Raw Ty Evar _Args) PP :- !,! [ [
{pp-evar Evar Ty},
] PP,
pp-goal (goal Ctx _Raw Ty EVar _Args) PP :- !, Ctx =>! [ [
{pp-evar EVar Ty}, coq.pp.spc,
coq.pp.str "in context", coq.pp.brk 1 2,
{pp-goal-ctx Ctx},
] PP,
pp-goal Goal PP :- pp-goal.fallback Goal PP.
pred i:list coq.pp, o:coq.pp. PPs PP :-
PP = (coq.pp.hov 2) [
coq.pp.str "- ",
coq.pp.glue PPs,
pred pp-goal.fallback i:any, o:coq.pp.
pp-goal.fallback ElpiTerm PP :-! [ [
{pp-oops ElpiTerm},
] PP,
% A sealed goal
pred pp-sealed-goal i:sealed-goal, o:coq.pp.
pp-sealed-goal (nabla G) PP :- !, (pi x\ pp-sealed-goal (G x) PP).
pp-sealed-goal (seal G) PP :- !, pp-goal G PP.
pp-sealed-goal Sealed PP :- pp-goal.fallback Sealed PP.
pred msg i:term, i:list sealed-goal, i:list sealed-goal, o:string.
msg T Goals Shelved Msg :-! [
Brk = coq.pp.brk 0 0,
PPT = (coq.pp.v 2) [
coq.pp.str "The following term contains unresolved evars:", Brk,
{coq.term->pp T},
], {std.append Goals Shelved} pp-sealed-goal PPG,
std.intersperse Brk [PPT | [coq.pp.str "Specifically," | PPG]] PPs,
coq.pp->string ( (coq.pp.v 0) PPs) Msg,
% Variant of [coq.elaborate-skeleton] that outputs evar-free terms on success.
pred br.elaborate-skeleton i:term, o:term, o:term, o:diagnostic.
br.elaborate-skeleton T ETy E D :-! D [
coq.elaborate-skeleton T ETy E,
br.check-evar-free ETy,
br.check-evar-free E,
% Variant of [coq.elaborate-ty-skeleton] that outputs an evar-free term on success.
pred br.elaborate-ty-skeleton i:term, o:sort, o:term, o:diagnostic.
br.elaborate-ty-skeleton T U E D :-! D [
coq.elaborate-ty-skeleton T U E,
br.check-evar-free E,
%%% Terms tagged with phantom types
See [typeabbrev bs] in ./elpi_bytestring.v for an example.
kind tm type -> type.
type tm term -> tm A.
pred tm->term i:tm A, o:term.
tm->term (tm T) T.
pred tm->string i:tm A, o:string.
tm->string (tm T) S :- coq.term->string T S.
%%% Debugging
pred debug i:string, i:string, i:list any.
:if "DEBUG"
debug Prefix Msg L :-
Prefix' is "DEBUG " ^ Prefix,
coq.say Prefix' Msg L.
debug _Prefix _Msg _L :- !.
namespace bedrock {
% get-indt VariantGR Indt: Indt is the body of Inductive type VariantGR.
% Fails if VariantGR isn't a gref for an inductive, possibly wrapped in a
% constant.
pred get-indt i:gref, o:inductive.
get-indt (indt Inductive) Inductive.
get-indt (const C) Ind :-! [
coq.env.const C (some (global Def)) _,
get-indt Def Ind
% get-ctors VariantName Ctors: Ctors is the list of constructors of the Inductive
% type VariantName. Fails if VariantName isn't an inductive.
pred get-ctors i:string, o:list constructor.
get-ctors VariantName Ctors :-![
coq.locate VariantName VariantGR,
get-indt VariantGR VariantI,
coq.env.indt VariantI _ _ _ _ Ctors _
% Convenience function for extracting boolean Coq options
pred get-boolopt i:string, o:bool.
get-boolopt _ tt :- get-option "all" tt.
get-boolopt Opt B :- get-option Opt B.
get-boolopt _ ff :- !.
pred elpi-list->list i:list term, o:term.
elpi-list->list L EL :-! [
elpi-list->list.aux L L',
std.assert-ok! (coq.elaborate-skeleton L' _ EL) "elpi-list->list: failed to typecheck",
pred elpi-list->list.aux i:list term, o:term.
elpi-list->list.aux [] {{ nil }}.
elpi-list->list.aux (T :: Rest) {{ cons lp:T lp:Rest' }} :- elpi-list->list.aux Rest Rest'.
pred list->elpi-list i:term, o:list term.
list->elpi-list CoqList ElpiList :-! [
% Check that we actually have a [list A] - for some A
std.assert-ok! (coq.elaborate-skeleton CoqList {{list _}} ElaboratedCoqList)
"[lst->elpi-list: failed to typecheck",
% Do the conversion from Coq-list to elpi-list
list->elpi-list.aux ElaboratedCoqList ElpiList,
pred list->elpi-list.aux i:term, o:list term.
list->elpi-list.aux {{nil}} [].
list->elpi-list.aux {{cons lp:A lp:CoqAs}} (A :: ElpiAs) :-
list->elpi-list.aux CoqAs ElpiAs.
pred using-context i:(list string), i:prop.
using-context [] P :- P.
using-context [NM | CTX] P :-
@using! NM => using-context CTX P.