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 * See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.

Require Import bedrock.prelude.numbers.

Splitting and combining booleans on &&

built up from constants and &&. They simplify their outputs.
Our rules are syntactic: In principle, all definitions appearing in input positions should to be opaque for typeclass resolution. That means andb.
Marking something pervasive like andb TC opaque can cause problems elsewhere, so we leave it alone.
This is not likely to have a great performance impact because very few of our combining and splitting rules actually mention andb:
  • split_andb.split_andb (below)
  • combine_frac.fold_add (in ../cpp/bi/split_cv.v)

#[local] Notation Cut := TCNoBackTrack.

SplitAndB b b1 b2 splits boolean b into b1, b2 s.t. b = b1 && b2, adjusting the outputs b1, b2 for readability.
Class SplitAndB (b b1 b2 : bool) : Prop := split_andb : b = b1 && b2.
#[global] Hint Mode SplitAndB + - - : typeclass_instances.
#[global] Arguments SplitAndB : simpl never.
#[global] Arguments split_andb _ {_ _ _} : assert.

Module split_andb.

We use this auxiliary judgment to Cut in SplitAndB.
  Class Split (b b1 b2 : bool) : Prop := split : b = b1 && b2.
  #[global] Hint Mode Split + - - : typeclass_instances.
  #[global] Arguments Split : simpl never.
  #[global] Arguments split _ {_ _ _} : assert.
  Notation SPLIT b b1 b2 := (Cut (Split b b1 b2)) (only parsing).

  #[global] Instance split_andb b1 b2 : Split (b1 && b2) b1 b2 | 10.
  Proof. done. Qed.

  #[global] Instance split_diag b : Split b b b | 50.
  Proof. rewrite /Split. by rewrite andb_diag. Qed.

End split_andb.

#[global] Instance split_split b b1 b2 :
  split_andb.SPLIT b b1 b2 -> SplitAndB b b1 b2 | 10.
Proof. by case. Qed.

CombineAndB b1 b2 b combines booleans b1, b2 into b = b1 && b2, adjusting the output b for readability.
Class CombineAndB (b1 b2 b : bool) : Prop := combine_andb : b1 && b2 = b.
#[global] Hint Mode CombineAndB + + - : typeclass_instances.
#[global] Arguments CombineAndB : simpl never.
#[global] Arguments combine_andb _ _ {_ _} : assert.

Module combine_andb.

We use this auxiliary judgment to Cut in CombineAndB.
  Class Combine (b1 b2 b : bool) : Prop := combine : b1 && b2 = b.
  #[global] Hint Mode Combine + + - : typeclass_instances.
  #[global] Arguments Combine : simpl never.
  #[global] Arguments combine _ _ {_ _} : assert.
  Notation COMBINE q1 q2 q := (Cut (Combine q1 q2 q)) (only parsing).

false absorbing
  #[global] Instance combine_0x b : Combine false b false | 10.
  Proof. done. Qed.
  #[global] Instance combine_x0 b : Combine b false false | 15.
  Proof. rewrite /Combine. by rewrite right_absorb_L. Qed.

true an identity
  #[global] Instance combine_1x b : Combine true b b | 10.
  Proof. done. Qed.
  #[global] Instance combine_x1 b : Combine b true b | 15.
  Proof. rewrite /Combine. by rewrite right_id_L. Qed.

b && b --> b
  #[global] Instance combine_diag b : Combine b b b| 50.
  Proof. rewrite /Combine. by rewrite andb_diag. Qed.

  #[global] Instance combine_xx b1 b2 : Combine b1 b2 (b1 && b2) | 51.
  Proof. done. Qed.

End combine_andb.

#[global] Instance combine_andb_combine b b1 b2 :
  combine_andb.COMBINE b b1 b2 -> CombineAndB b b1 b2 | 10.
Proof. by case. Qed.