 * Copyright (c) 2021-2022 BlueRock Security, Inc.
 * This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
 * See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.

Require Export

Require Import
Require Import iris.proofmode.monpred.

Notation "A -mon> B" := (monPred A B%bi_type) : stdpp_scope.
Notation "A -mon> B" := (monPredI A B) : bi_type_scope.

Do not extend this module. It exists for backwards compatibility.
Module Export nary.
ObjectiveN states that predicate P taking N arguments is Objective
  Notation Objective1 P := ( a, Objective (P a)).
  Notation Objective2 P := ( a, Objective1 (P a)).
  Notation Objective3 P := ( a, Objective2 (P a)).
  Notation Objective4 P := ( a, Objective3 (P a)).
  Notation Objective5 P := ( a, Objective4 (P a)).
End nary.

#[global] Instance: Params (@Objective) 2 := {}.

#[global] Existing Instance Objective_proper.

Section proofmode_monpred.
  Context {I : biIndex} {PROP : bi}.
  Implicit Types (P : PROP) (i : I).
  #[local] Notation MakeMonPredAt := (MakeMonPredAt (PROP:=PROP)).

  #[global] Instance make_monPred_at_only_provable φ i :
    MakeMonPredAt i [|φ|] [|φ|].
  Proof. rewrite /MakeMonPredAt. by rewrite monPred_at_only_provable. Qed.
End proofmode_monpred.

Discrete BI indices and discrete BI index elements

We might eventually need to generalize from Leibniz equality to setoid equivalence. Should that happen, we might want to (in stdpp), generalize so as to use the same typeclasses for these things and Iris' Discrete, OfeDiscrete.

Class BiIndexElementDiscrete {I : biIndex} (i : I) : Prop :=
  bi_index_element_discrete i' : i i' i = i'.
#[global] Hint Mode BiIndexElementDiscrete + ! : typeclass_instances.
#[global] Hint Opaque BiIndexElementDiscrete : typeclass_instances.
#[global] Instance: Params (@BiIndexElementDiscrete) 1 := {}.
#[global] Instance: Params (@bi_index_element_discrete) 4 := {}.
#[global] Arguments bi_index_element_discrete {_} _ {_} _ _ : assert.

Class BiIndexDiscrete (I : biIndex) : Prop :=
  bi_index_discrete (i : I) : BiIndexElementDiscrete i.
#[global] Existing Instance bi_index_discrete.
#[global] Hint Mode BiIndexDiscrete ! : typeclass_instances.

Section bi_index_discrete.
  Context {I : biIndex}.
  Implicit Type i : I.

  #[global] Instance BiIndexElementDiscrete_mono :
    Proper ((⊑) ==> impl) (@BiIndexElementDiscrete I).
    intros i1 i2 Hi ? i' Hi'.
    generalize (bi_index_element_discrete _ _ Hi). intros ->.
    by apply bi_index_element_discrete.
  #[global] Instance BiIndexElementDiscrete_flip_mono :
    Proper (flip (⊑) ==> flip impl) (@BiIndexElementDiscrete I).
  Proof. repeat intro. exact: BiIndexElementDiscrete_mono. Qed.

  Lemma bi_index_element_discrete_iff i `{!BiIndexElementDiscrete i} i' :
    i i' i = i'.
  Proof. split. by apply bi_index_element_discrete. by move=>->. Qed.

Setting aside typeclass resolution hints, these two are equivalent.
  Lemma subrelation_bi_index_discrete :
    @subrelation I (⊑) (=) BiIndexDiscrete I.
  Proof. done. Qed.
End bi_index_discrete.