* Copyright (c) 2021-2022 BlueRock Security, Inc.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
Require Export
Require Import
Require Import iris.proofmode.monpred.
Notation "A -mon> B" := (monPred A B%bi_type) : stdpp_scope.
Notation "A -mon> B" := (monPredI A B) : bi_type_scope.
* Copyright (c) 2021-2022 BlueRock Security, Inc.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
Require Export
Require Import
Require Import iris.proofmode.monpred.
Notation "A -mon> B" := (monPred A B%bi_type) : stdpp_scope.
Notation "A -mon> B" := (monPredI A B) : bi_type_scope.
Do not extend this module. It exists for backwards compatibility.
Notation Objective1 P := (∀ a, Objective (P a)).
Notation Objective2 P := (∀ a, Objective1 (P a)).
Notation Objective3 P := (∀ a, Objective2 (P a)).
Notation Objective4 P := (∀ a, Objective3 (P a)).
Notation Objective5 P := (∀ a, Objective4 (P a)).
End nary.
#[global] Instance: Params (@Objective) 2 := {}.
#[global] Existing Instance Objective_proper.
Section proofmode_monpred.
Context {I : biIndex} {PROP : bi}.
Implicit Types (P : PROP) (i : I).
#[local] Notation MakeMonPredAt := (MakeMonPredAt (PROP:=PROP)).
#[global] Instance make_monPred_at_only_provable φ i :
MakeMonPredAt i [|φ|] [|φ|].
Proof. rewrite /MakeMonPredAt. by rewrite monPred_at_only_provable. Qed.
End proofmode_monpred.
Notation Objective2 P := (∀ a, Objective1 (P a)).
Notation Objective3 P := (∀ a, Objective2 (P a)).
Notation Objective4 P := (∀ a, Objective3 (P a)).
Notation Objective5 P := (∀ a, Objective4 (P a)).
End nary.
#[global] Instance: Params (@Objective) 2 := {}.
#[global] Existing Instance Objective_proper.
Section proofmode_monpred.
Context {I : biIndex} {PROP : bi}.
Implicit Types (P : PROP) (i : I).
#[local] Notation MakeMonPredAt := (MakeMonPredAt (PROP:=PROP)).
#[global] Instance make_monPred_at_only_provable φ i :
MakeMonPredAt i [|φ|] [|φ|].
Proof. rewrite /MakeMonPredAt. by rewrite monPred_at_only_provable. Qed.
End proofmode_monpred.
Discrete BI indices and discrete BI index elements
Class BiIndexElementDiscrete {I : biIndex} (i : I) : Prop :=
bi_index_element_discrete i' : i ⊑ i' → i = i'.
#[global] Hint Mode BiIndexElementDiscrete + ! : typeclass_instances.
#[global] Hint Opaque BiIndexElementDiscrete : typeclass_instances.
#[global] Instance: Params (@BiIndexElementDiscrete) 1 := {}.
#[global] Instance: Params (@bi_index_element_discrete) 4 := {}.
#[global] Arguments bi_index_element_discrete {_} _ {_} _ _ : assert.
Class BiIndexDiscrete (I : biIndex) : Prop :=
bi_index_discrete (i : I) : BiIndexElementDiscrete i.
#[global] Existing Instance bi_index_discrete.
#[global] Hint Mode BiIndexDiscrete ! : typeclass_instances.
Section bi_index_discrete.
Context {I : biIndex}.
Implicit Type i : I.
#[global] Instance BiIndexElementDiscrete_mono :
Proper ((⊑) ==> impl) (@BiIndexElementDiscrete I).
intros i1 i2 Hi ? i' Hi'.
generalize (bi_index_element_discrete _ _ Hi). intros ->.
by apply bi_index_element_discrete.
#[global] Instance BiIndexElementDiscrete_flip_mono :
Proper (flip (⊑) ==> flip impl) (@BiIndexElementDiscrete I).
Proof. repeat intro. exact: BiIndexElementDiscrete_mono. Qed.
Lemma bi_index_element_discrete_iff i `{!BiIndexElementDiscrete i} i' :
i ⊑ i' ↔ i = i'.
Proof. split. by apply bi_index_element_discrete. by move=>->. Qed.
Setting aside typeclass resolution hints, these two are equivalent.
Lemma subrelation_bi_index_discrete :
@subrelation I (⊑) (=) ↔ BiIndexDiscrete I.
Proof. done. Qed.
End bi_index_discrete.
@subrelation I (⊑) (=) ↔ BiIndexDiscrete I.
Proof. done. Qed.
End bi_index_discrete.