* Copyright (c) 2021 BlueRock Security, Inc.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
Require Import
* Copyright (c) 2021 BlueRock Security, Inc.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
Require Import
Section uPred_entailsN.
Context {M : ucmra}.
Inductive uPred_entailsN' (n : nat) (P Q : uPred M) : Prop :=
{ uPred_in_entailsN : ∀ n' x, n' ≤ n -> ✓{n'} x → uPred_holds P n' x → uPred_holds Q n' x }.
#[local] Instance uPred_entailsN : EntailsN (uPred M) := uPred_entailsN'.
Lemma uPred_entailsN_mixin : BiEntailsNMixin (uPredI M).
Context {M : ucmra}.
Inductive uPred_entailsN' (n : nat) (P Q : uPred M) : Prop :=
{ uPred_in_entailsN : ∀ n' x, n' ≤ n -> ✓{n'} x → uPred_holds P n' x → uPred_holds Q n' x }.
#[local] Instance uPred_entailsN : EntailsN (uPred M) := uPred_entailsN'.
Lemma uPred_entailsN_mixin : BiEntailsNMixin (uPredI M).
intros P Q R n HPQ HQR. split=>n' x Hn Hx HP.
apply HQR; auto. by apply HPQ.
apply HQR; auto. by apply HPQ.
intros P Q. split.
+ case=>HPQ n. split; naive_solver.
+ intros HPQ. split=>n x Hn Hx. by apply (HPQ n).
+ case=>HPQ n. split; naive_solver.
+ intros HPQ. split=>n x Hn Hx. by apply (HPQ n).
intros P Q n. split.
+ intros HPQ. by split; split; apply HPQ.
+ intros [[?] [?]]. split; naive_solver.
+ intros HPQ. by split; split; apply HPQ.
+ intros [[?] [?]]. split; naive_solver.
intros P Q n. uPred.unseal=>HPQ.
split=>n' x Hn Hx HP. by apply HPQ.
split=>n' x Hn Hx HP. by apply HPQ.
intros P Q R n HPQ HPR. uPred.unseal. constructor.
split. by apply HPQ. by apply HPR.
split. by apply HPQ. by apply HPR.
intros P Q R n. repeat uPred.unseal=>-[HPQ].
split=>n1 x Hn1 Hx HP. intros n2 y Hinc Hn2 Hy HQ.
apply HPQ; [by etrans|done|split; last done].
eauto using uPred_mono, cmra_included_includedN.
split=>n1 x Hn1 Hx HP. intros n2 y Hinc Hn2 Hy HQ.
apply HPQ; [by etrans|done|split; last done].
eauto using uPred_mono, cmra_included_includedN.
intros A P Q n HPQ. split=>n' r Hn Hr HP.
uPred.unseal=>a. by apply (HPQ a).
uPred.unseal=>a. by apply (HPQ a).
intros A P Q n HPQ. split=>n' r Hn Hr.
uPred.unseal. intros [x Hx]. by apply (HPQ x).
uPred.unseal. intros [x Hx]. by apply (HPQ x).
intros P P' Q Q' n [HPQ] [HPQ']. uPred.unseal.
constructor=>n' x Hn Hv. intros (y1 & y2 & Hy & HP1 & HP2).
rewrite {}Hy in Hv *. exists y1, y2.
naive_solver eauto using cmra_validN_op_l, cmra_validN_op_r.
constructor=>n' x Hn Hv. intros (y1 & y2 & Hy & HP1 & HP2).
rewrite {}Hy in Hv *. exists y1, y2.
naive_solver eauto using cmra_validN_op_l, cmra_validN_op_r.
uPred.unseal=>P Q R n -[HPQ].
split=>n1 x1 Hn1 Hv1 HP n2 x2 Hn2 Hv2 HQ. apply HPQ; [by etrans|done|].
exists x1, x2. split_and?; [done|by eapply uPred_mono |done].
#[global] Instance uPred_bi_entailsN : BiEntailsN (uPredI M) :=
{| bi_entailsN_mixin := uPred_entailsN_mixin |}.
End uPred_entailsN.
split=>n1 x1 Hn1 Hv1 HP n2 x2 Hn2 Hv2 HQ. apply HPQ; [by etrans|done|].
exists x1, x2. split_and?; [done|by eapply uPred_mono |done].
#[global] Instance uPred_bi_entailsN : BiEntailsN (uPredI M) :=
{| bi_entailsN_mixin := uPred_entailsN_mixin |}.
End uPred_entailsN.