 * Copyright (c) 2020-2021 BlueRock Security, Inc.
 * This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
 * See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.

Import this module to make uPred mostly non-affine, while still assuming emp ⊣⊢ emp and other principles that do not cause leaks.
All changes to typeclass_instances will not propagate to your clients: technically, they have #[export] visibility.

Require Import bedrock.prelude.base.
Require Import
Require Import
Require Import
Require Import bedrock.lang.proofmode.proofmode.
Require Import

(* Disable BiAffine uPred *)
#[export] Remove Hints uPred_affine : typeclass_instances.

As a small optimization, we can remove dependent instances.
This causes further incompleteness if other affine logics are relevant.

#[export] Remove Hints monPred_bi_affine : typeclass_instances.
#[export] Remove Hints absorbing_bi : typeclass_instances.
#[export] Remove Hints persistent_laterable : typeclass_instances.

(* Potentially useful to exploit siProp_affine. *)
Module enable_absorbing_bi.
  #[export] Hint Resolve absorbing_bi : typeclass_instances.
End enable_absorbing_bi.

Import bi.

Section with_later_emp.
  Context {PROP : bi} (Hlater_emp : emp ⊣⊢@{PROP} emp).
  Local Set Default Proof Using "Hlater_emp".
  Local Notation "'emp'" := (bi_emp (PROP := PROP)) : bi_scope.

Very explicit proofs of some desirable principles, for any bi supporting Hlater_emp.
All lemmas use suffix _with_later_emp.

  #[local] Lemma timeless_emp_with_later_emp : Timeless emp.
  Proof. by rewrite /Timeless -except_0_intro Hlater_emp. Qed.

  #[local] Instance affine_later_emp_with_later_emp : Affine ( emp).
  Proof. by rewrite /Affine Hlater_emp. Qed.

  #[local] Lemma affine_later_with_later_emp {P : PROP} `{!Affine P} :
    Affine ( P).
  Proof. intros. by rewrite /Affine (affine P) (affine ( emp)). Qed.

  #[local] Lemma persistent_affine_laterable (P : PROP) :
    Persistent P Affine P Laterable P.
  Proof. intros. apply /intuitionistic_laterable /timeless_emp_with_later_emp. Qed.
End with_later_emp.

(* Here, we assume affinely_sep as reasonable,
and derive desirable consequences, such as BiPositive. *)

Section with_affinely_sep.
  Context {PROP : bi} (Haffinely_sep : P Q : PROP, <affine> (P Q) ⊣⊢ <affine> P <affine> Q).
  Local Set Default Proof Using "Haffinely_sep".

  (* Iris proves affinely_sep from BiPositive PROP; we prove the converse holds *)
  (* BiPositive PROP is equivalent to affinely_sep, which in turn seems
  perfectly natural. *)

  #[local] Instance bi_positive_with_affinely_sep : BiPositive PROP.
  Proof. intros P Q. by rewrite (Haffinely_sep P Q) (affinely_elim Q). Qed.
End with_affinely_sep.

Specialize the lemmas in Section with_later_emp to uPred (hence iProp and for now mpred).
All lemmas use suffix _uPred.

Section uPred_with_later_emp.
  Context (M : ucmra).
  Implicit Type (P : uPredI M).

  Definition later_emp_uPred := @bi.later_emp _ (uPred_affine M).

  #[export] Instance timeless_emp_uPred : Timeless (PROP := uPredI M) emp.
  Proof. apply timeless_emp_with_later_emp, later_emp_uPred. Qed.

  #[export] Instance affine_later_emp_uPred : Affine (PROP := uPredI M) ( emp).
  Proof. apply affine_later_emp_with_later_emp, later_emp_uPred. Qed.

  #[export] Instance affine_later_uPred P :
    Affine P Affine ( P).
  Proof. apply affine_later_with_later_emp, later_emp_uPred. Qed.

  #[export] Instance persistent_affine_laterable_upred P :
    Persistent P Affine P Laterable P.
  Proof. apply persistent_affine_laterable, later_emp_uPred. Qed.
End uPred_with_later_emp.

Other instances that we derive from affinity but seem safe.

Section uPred.
  Context (M : ucmra).
  Definition affinely_sep_uPred := @affinely_sep _ (@bi_affine_positive _ (uPred_affine M)).

  #[export] Instance bi_positive_uPred : BiPositive (uPredI M).
  Proof. apply bi_positive_with_affinely_sep, affinely_sep_uPred. Qed.

  This instance is needed by some only_provable lemmas. It proves that
   (∀ x : A, [| φ x |]) ⊢@{PROP} <affine> (∀ x : A, [| φ x |])
  so it seems related to affinely_sep.

  #[export] Instance bi_emp_forall_only_provable_uPred (M : ucmra) : BiEmpForallOnlyProvable (uPredI M) :=
    bi_affine_emp_forall_only_provable (uPred_affine M).
End uPred.

Lift over monPred instances declared above.

Section monPred_lift.
  Context (PROP : bi).
  Context (I : biIndex).
  Local Notation monPredI := (monPredI I PROP).
  Implicit Type (P : monPredI).

  #[export] Instance timeless_emp_monPred_lift (HT : Timeless (PROP := PROP) emp) :
    Timeless (PROP := monPredI) emp.
  Proof. constructor=> i. rewrite monPred_at_later monPred_at_except_0 monPred_at_emp. exact HT. Qed.

  #[export] Instance affine_later_emp_monPred_lift (HA : Affine (PROP := PROP) ( emp)) :
    Affine (PROP := monPredI) ( emp).
  Proof. constructor=> i. rewrite monPred_at_later monPred_at_emp. exact HA. Qed.

  #[export] Instance affine_later_monPred_lift P
    (HA : P : PROP, Affine P Affine ( P)) :
    Affine P Affine ( P).
    intros AP. constructor=> i. rewrite monPred_at_later monPred_at_emp.
    apply HA, monPred_at_affine, AP.

  #[export] Instance persistent_affine_laterable_monPred_lift P
    (HT : Timeless (PROP := PROP) emp) :
    Persistent P Affine P Laterable P.
  Proof. intros. apply: intuitionistic_laterable. Qed.
Liftings for BiPositive and BiEmpForallOnlyProvable are declared elsewhere.
End monPred_lift.

#[export] Remove Hints class_instances.from_forall_intuitionistically : typeclass_instances.

  Context {PROP : bi}.
  (* To upstream to Iris. *)
  #[export] Instance from_forall_intuitionistically {A} `{!BiPersistentlyForall PROP}
      P (Φ : A PROP) name :
    (* Compute A before searching for Inhabited A: *)
    FromForall P Φ name
    TCOrT (BiAffine PROP) (Inhabited A) ->
    FromForall ( P) (λ a, (Φ a))%I name.
    Import bi.
    rewrite /FromForall => /[swap] HT <-.
    destruct HT.
    - setoid_rewrite intuitionistically_into_persistently.
      by rewrite persistently_forall.
    - rewrite {2} /bi_intuitionistically /bi_affinely.
      apply and_intro; first exact: affine.
      setoid_rewrite intuitionistically_into_persistently_1 at 1.
      by rewrite persistently_forall.