* Copyright (c) 2021 BlueRock Security, Inc.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
* Copyright (c) 2021 BlueRock Security, Inc.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
Own instances for monPred
(* TODO: these should be upstreamed to Iris. *)
Require Import
Require Import
Require Import iris.base_logic.lib.own.
Require Import
Require Import
Require Import
Require Import bedrock.lang.base_logic.iprop_own.
(* Instances for monpred *)
Section si_monpred_embedding.
Context {I : biIndex} {Σ : gFunctors}.
Notation monPredI := (monPredI I (iPropI Σ)).
Import compose_embed_instances.
Require Import
Require Import
Require Import iris.base_logic.lib.own.
Require Import
Require Import
Require Import
Require Import bedrock.lang.base_logic.iprop_own.
(* Instances for monpred *)
Section si_monpred_embedding.
Context {I : biIndex} {Σ : gFunctors}.
Notation monPredI := (monPredI I (iPropI Σ)).
Import compose_embed_instances.
#[global] Instance si_monpred_embedding : BiEmbed siPropI monPredI := _.
#[global] Instance si_monpred_emp : BiEmbedEmp siPropI monPredI := _.
#[global] Instance si_monpred_later : BiEmbedLater siPropI monPredI := _.
#[global] Instance si_monpred_internal_eq : BiEmbedInternalEq siPropI monPredI := _.
#[global] Instance si_monpred_plainly : BiEmbedPlainly siPropI monPredI := _.
(* TODO: uPred_cmra_valid should have been defined as si_cmra_valid.
This is to be fixed upstream in Iris. *)
Lemma monPred_si_cmra_valid_validI `{inG Σ A} (a : A) :
⎡ si_cmra_valid a ⎤ ⊣⊢@{monPredI} ⎡ uPred_cmra_valid a ⎤.
Proof. by rewrite -si_cmra_valid_validI embedding.embed_embed. Qed.
End si_monpred_embedding.
Section monpred_instances.
Context {I : biIndex} `{Hin: inG Σ A}.
Notation iPropI := (iPropI Σ).
Notation monPred := (monPred I iPropI).
Notation monPredI := (monPredI I iPropI).
(* sealing here should boost performance, but it requires us to re-export
properties of embedding. *)
Program Definition has_own_monpred_def : HasOwn monPredI A := {|
own := λ γ a , ⎡ own γ a ⎤%I |}.
Next Obligation. intros. by rewrite -embed_sep -own_op. Qed.
Next Obligation. solve_proper. Qed.
Next Obligation. solve_proper. Qed.
#[local] Definition has_own_monpred_aux : seal (@has_own_monpred_def). Proof. by eexists. Qed.
#[global] Instance has_own_monpred : HasOwn monPredI A := has_own_monpred_aux.(unseal).
Definition has_own_monpred_eq :
@has_own_monpred = @has_own_monpred_def := has_own_monpred_aux.(seal_eq).
#[local] Ltac unseal_monpred :=
constructor; intros; rewrite /own has_own_monpred_eq /has_own_monpred_def; red.
#[global] Instance has_own_valid_monpred: HasOwnValid monPredI A.
Proof. unseal_monpred. by rewrite own_valid -embedding.embed_embed. Qed.
#[global] Instance has_own_update_monpred : HasOwnUpd monPredI A.
- setoid_rewrite <-(@embed_pure iPropI).
setoid_rewrite <-embed_affinely.
setoid_rewrite <-(@embed_sep iPropI).
setoid_rewrite <-embed_exist.
by rewrite -embed_bupd -own_updateP.
- setoid_rewrite <-(@embed_pure iPropI).
setoid_rewrite <-embed_affinely.
setoid_rewrite <-(@embed_sep iPropI).
setoid_rewrite <-embed_exist. rewrite -embed_bupd -(@embed_emp iPropI).
by rewrite -own_alloc_strong_dep.
(* some re-exporting of embedding properties *)
#[global] Instance monPred_own_objective γ (a : A) :
Objective (own γ a).
Proof. rewrite has_own_monpred_eq. apply _. Qed.
#[global] Instance monPred_own_weakly_objective γ x :
@WeaklyObjective I iPropI (own γ x).
Proof. rewrite has_own_monpred_eq. apply _. Qed.
End monpred_instances.
#[global] Instance has_own_unit_monpred {I : biIndex} {Σ} {A : ucmra} `{Hin: inG Σ A} :
HasOwnUnit (monPredI I (iPropI Σ)) A.
constructor; intros; rewrite /own has_own_monpred_eq /has_own_monpred_def; red.
by rewrite -(@embed_emp (iPropI _)) -embed_bupd own_unit.
#[global] Instance si_monpred_emp : BiEmbedEmp siPropI monPredI := _.
#[global] Instance si_monpred_later : BiEmbedLater siPropI monPredI := _.
#[global] Instance si_monpred_internal_eq : BiEmbedInternalEq siPropI monPredI := _.
#[global] Instance si_monpred_plainly : BiEmbedPlainly siPropI monPredI := _.
(* TODO: uPred_cmra_valid should have been defined as si_cmra_valid.
This is to be fixed upstream in Iris. *)
Lemma monPred_si_cmra_valid_validI `{inG Σ A} (a : A) :
⎡ si_cmra_valid a ⎤ ⊣⊢@{monPredI} ⎡ uPred_cmra_valid a ⎤.
Proof. by rewrite -si_cmra_valid_validI embedding.embed_embed. Qed.
End si_monpred_embedding.
Section monpred_instances.
Context {I : biIndex} `{Hin: inG Σ A}.
Notation iPropI := (iPropI Σ).
Notation monPred := (monPred I iPropI).
Notation monPredI := (monPredI I iPropI).
(* sealing here should boost performance, but it requires us to re-export
properties of embedding. *)
Program Definition has_own_monpred_def : HasOwn monPredI A := {|
own := λ γ a , ⎡ own γ a ⎤%I |}.
Next Obligation. intros. by rewrite -embed_sep -own_op. Qed.
Next Obligation. solve_proper. Qed.
Next Obligation. solve_proper. Qed.
#[local] Definition has_own_monpred_aux : seal (@has_own_monpred_def). Proof. by eexists. Qed.
#[global] Instance has_own_monpred : HasOwn monPredI A := has_own_monpred_aux.(unseal).
Definition has_own_monpred_eq :
@has_own_monpred = @has_own_monpred_def := has_own_monpred_aux.(seal_eq).
#[local] Ltac unseal_monpred :=
constructor; intros; rewrite /own has_own_monpred_eq /has_own_monpred_def; red.
#[global] Instance has_own_valid_monpred: HasOwnValid monPredI A.
Proof. unseal_monpred. by rewrite own_valid -embedding.embed_embed. Qed.
#[global] Instance has_own_update_monpred : HasOwnUpd monPredI A.
- setoid_rewrite <-(@embed_pure iPropI).
setoid_rewrite <-embed_affinely.
setoid_rewrite <-(@embed_sep iPropI).
setoid_rewrite <-embed_exist.
by rewrite -embed_bupd -own_updateP.
- setoid_rewrite <-(@embed_pure iPropI).
setoid_rewrite <-embed_affinely.
setoid_rewrite <-(@embed_sep iPropI).
setoid_rewrite <-embed_exist. rewrite -embed_bupd -(@embed_emp iPropI).
by rewrite -own_alloc_strong_dep.
(* some re-exporting of embedding properties *)
#[global] Instance monPred_own_objective γ (a : A) :
Objective (own γ a).
Proof. rewrite has_own_monpred_eq. apply _. Qed.
#[global] Instance monPred_own_weakly_objective γ x :
@WeaklyObjective I iPropI (own γ x).
Proof. rewrite has_own_monpred_eq. apply _. Qed.
End monpred_instances.
#[global] Instance has_own_unit_monpred {I : biIndex} {Σ} {A : ucmra} `{Hin: inG Σ A} :
HasOwnUnit (monPredI I (iPropI Σ)) A.
constructor; intros; rewrite /own has_own_monpred_eq /has_own_monpred_def; red.
by rewrite -(@embed_emp (iPropI _)) -embed_bupd own_unit.