* Copyright (C) BlueRock Security Inc. 2023-2024
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
Require Import bedrock.upoly.prelude.
Require Import bedrock.upoly.base.
Require Import bedrock.upoly.UTypes.
Import UPoly.
* Copyright (C) BlueRock Security Inc. 2023-2024
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
Require Import bedrock.upoly.prelude.
Require Import bedrock.upoly.base.
Require Import bedrock.upoly.UTypes.
Import UPoly.
Module Export Notations.
Infix "+" := sum : type_scope.
End Notations.
Definition run@{uA uB | uA <= sum.u0, uB <= sum.u1}
{A : Type@{uA}} {B : Type@{uB}} (s : A + B) : Datatypes.sum A B :=
match s with
| inl a => Datatypes.inl a
| inr b => Datatypes.inr b
#[global] Arguments run _ _ & _ : assert.
Definition inj@{uA uB | uA <= sum.u0, uB <= sum.u1}
{A : Type@{uA}} {B : Type@{uB}} (s : Datatypes.sum A B) : A + B :=
match s with
| Datatypes.inl a => inl a
| Datatypes.inr b => inr b
#[global] Arguments inj _ _ & _ : assert.
Section map.
Universes uA uB uA' uB'.
Context {A : Type@{uA}} {B : Type@{uB}} {A' : Type@{uA'}} {B' : Type@{uB'}}.
Definition map (f : A -> A') (g : B -> B') (s : A + B) : A' + B' :=
match s with
| inl a => inl $ f a
| inr b => inr $ g b
#[global] Hint Opaque map : typeclass_instances.
#[global] Arguments map _ _ & _ : assert.
End map.
Section traverse.
Universes u1 u2 uS uA uB uA' uB'.
Constraint uS <= u1.
Constraint uA' <= uS.
Constraint uB' <= uS.
Context {F : Type@{u1} -> Type@{u2}} `{!FMap@{u1 u2 uS} F}.
Context {A : Type@{uA}} {B : Type@{uB}} {A' : Type@{uA'}} {B' : Type@{uB'}}.
Definition traverse (f : A -> F A') (g : B -> F B') (s : sum A B) : F (sum A' B') :=
match s with
| inl a => inl <$> f a
| inr b => inr <$> g b
#[global] Hint Opaque traverse : typeclass_instances.
#[global] Arguments traverse _ _ & _ : assert.
End traverse.