* Copyright (C) BlueRock Security Inc. 2023-2024
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
Require Import bedrock.upoly.prelude.
Require Import bedrock.upoly.base.
Require Import bedrock.upoly.UTypes.
Require Import bedrock.upoly.list.
Import UPoly.
#[local] Open Scope ulist_scope.
* Copyright (C) BlueRock Security Inc. 2023-2024
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
Require Import bedrock.upoly.prelude.
Require Import bedrock.upoly.base.
Require Import bedrock.upoly.UTypes.
Require Import bedrock.upoly.list.
Import UPoly.
#[local] Open Scope ulist_scope.
Record M@{*u1 *u2 *uA | uA <= u1} {m : Type@{u1} -> Type@{u2}} {A : Type@{uA}} :=
mk { runp : m (list A) }.
Add Printing Constructor M.
#[global] Arguments M : clear implicits.
#[global] Arguments mk {_ _} _ : assert.
#[global] Arguments runp _ _ & _ : assert.
Definition run {m : Type -> Type} `{!FMap m} {A} (c : M m A) : m (Datatypes.list A) := <$> runp c.
#[global] Arguments run _ _ _ & _ : assert.
Section listT.
Universes u1 u2.
Context {m : Type@{u1} -> Type@{u2}}.
Context `{!FMap m, !MRet m}.
#[local] Notation M := (M m).
#[global] Instance map : FMap M := fun _ _ f c =>
mk $ fmap f <$> runp c.
#[global] Arguments map {_ _} _ & _ : assert.
#[global] Instance ret : MRet M := fun _ c =>
mk $ mret [c].
#[global] Arguments ret {_} & _ : assert.
#[global] Instance join `{!MBind m} : MJoin M := fun A c =>
mk $ runp c >>= fun cs =>
foldr (fun l acc => runp l >>= fun k => foldr (fmap \o cons) acc k) (mret []) cs.
#[global] Arguments join {_ _} & _ : assert.
#[global] Instance bind `{!MBind m} : MBind M := fun _ _ f c =>
mjoin (f <$> c).
#[global] Arguments bind {_ _ _} _ & _ : assert.
#[global] Instance ap `{!Ap m} : Ap M := fun _ _ f c =>
mk $ UPoly.ap (F:=list) <$> runp f <*> runp c.
#[global] Arguments ap {_ _ _} & _ _ : assert.
TODO: Perhaps we could usefully lift
, Trace E
MThrow E
, MCatch E
from m
to M
#[global] Instance fail : MFail M := fun _ _ => mk $ mret [].
#[global] Arguments fail {_} _ : assert.
#[global] Instance catch `{!MBind m} : MCatch unit M := fun _ c h =>
mk $ runp c >>= fun c =>
if c isn't nil then mret c else runp (h ()).
#[global] Arguments catch {_ _} & _ _ : assert.
We would prefer to avoid
. See optionT.alternative.
Succeed Definition alternative_not_lazy `{!Ap m} : Alternative M := fun _ p q =>
mk $ alternative <$> runp p <*> ((fun v _ => v) <$> runp (q ())).
Definition alternative `{!MBind m} : Alternative M := _.
#[global] Arguments alternative {_ _} & _ _ : assert.
#[global] Instance lift : MLift m M := fun _ c =>
mk $ mret <$> c.
#[global] Arguments lift {_} & _ : assert.
Section lift.
Universes v1 v2.
Context {m' : Type@{v1} -> Type@{v2}}.
#[global] Instance lift_over `{!MLift m' m} : MLift m' M := fun _ c =>
mk $ (fun x => [x]) <$> mlift c.
#[global] Arguments lift_over {_ _} & _ : assert.
End lift.
#[global] Instance lift_listp : MLift UTypes.list M := fun _ c => mk $ mret c.
#[global] Instance lift_list : MLift (eta Datatypes.list) M := fun _ c =>
mk $ mret $ mlift c.
#[global] Instance lift_optionp : MLift UTypes.option M := fun _ c =>
mk $ mret $ mlift c.
#[global] Instance lift_option : MLift (eta Datatypes.option) M := fun _ c =>
mk $ mret $ mlift c.
End listT.
mk $ alternative <$> runp p <*> ((fun v _ => v) <$> runp (q ())).
Definition alternative `{!MBind m} : Alternative M := _.
#[global] Arguments alternative {_ _} & _ _ : assert.
#[global] Instance lift : MLift m M := fun _ c =>
mk $ mret <$> c.
#[global] Arguments lift {_} & _ : assert.
Section lift.
Universes v1 v2.
Context {m' : Type@{v1} -> Type@{v2}}.
#[global] Instance lift_over `{!MLift m' m} : MLift m' M := fun _ c =>
mk $ (fun x => [x]) <$> mlift c.
#[global] Arguments lift_over {_ _} & _ : assert.
End lift.
#[global] Instance lift_listp : MLift UTypes.list M := fun _ c => mk $ mret c.
#[global] Instance lift_list : MLift (eta Datatypes.list) M := fun _ c =>
mk $ mret $ mlift c.
#[global] Instance lift_optionp : MLift UTypes.option M := fun _ c =>
mk $ mret $ mlift c.
#[global] Instance lift_option : MLift (eta Datatypes.option) M := fun _ c =>
mk $ mret $ mlift c.
End listT.