* Copyright (c) 2020-21 BlueRock Security, Inc.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.base.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.numbers.
Require Export bedrock.prelude.wrap.
Module int_line.
Include wrapper.
End int_line.
Module time.
Include wrapper.
End time.
Module cpu.
Include wrapper.
(* Valid CPU IDs range from 0 to max - 1. *)
Definition count : N := pow2N 16.
Definition max : t := of_N (count - 1).
End cpu.
Notation cpuT := cpu.t (only parsing).
Module mmio_idx.
Include wrapper.
End mmio_idx.
Module size_bytes.
Include wrapper.
End size_bytes.
Module types is only used for compatibility with some clients.
TODO FM-643: flatten this module once clients are migrated. *)
Module Export types.
Notation int_line := int_line.t (only parsing).
Notation Build_int_line := int_line.of_N (only parsing).
Notation get_int_line := int_line.to_N (only parsing).
Notation time := time.t (only parsing).
Notation Build_time := time.of_N (only parsing).
Notation get_time := time.to_N (only parsing).
Notation cpu := cpu.t (only parsing).
Notation Build_cpu := cpu.of_N (only parsing).
Notation get_cpu := cpu.to_N (only parsing).
Notation mmio_idx := mmio_idx.t (only parsing).
Notation Build_mmio_idx := mmio_idx.of_N (only parsing).
Notation get_mmio_idx := mmio_idx.to_N (only parsing).
Notation size_bytes := size_bytes.t (only parsing).
Notation Build_size_bytes := size_bytes.of_N (only parsing).
Notation get_size_bytes := size_bytes.to_N (only parsing).
End types.
* Copyright (c) 2020-21 BlueRock Security, Inc.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.base.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.numbers.
Require Export bedrock.prelude.wrap.
Module int_line.
Include wrapper.
End int_line.
Module time.
Include wrapper.
End time.
Module cpu.
Include wrapper.
(* Valid CPU IDs range from 0 to max - 1. *)
Definition count : N := pow2N 16.
Definition max : t := of_N (count - 1).
End cpu.
Notation cpuT := cpu.t (only parsing).
Module mmio_idx.
Include wrapper.
End mmio_idx.
Module size_bytes.
Include wrapper.
End size_bytes.
Module types is only used for compatibility with some clients.
TODO FM-643: flatten this module once clients are migrated. *)
Module Export types.
Notation int_line := int_line.t (only parsing).
Notation Build_int_line := int_line.of_N (only parsing).
Notation get_int_line := int_line.to_N (only parsing).
Notation time := time.t (only parsing).
Notation Build_time := time.of_N (only parsing).
Notation get_time := time.to_N (only parsing).
Notation cpu := cpu.t (only parsing).
Notation Build_cpu := cpu.of_N (only parsing).
Notation get_cpu := cpu.to_N (only parsing).
Notation mmio_idx := mmio_idx.t (only parsing).
Notation Build_mmio_idx := mmio_idx.of_N (only parsing).
Notation get_mmio_idx := mmio_idx.to_N (only parsing).
Notation size_bytes := size_bytes.t (only parsing).
Notation Build_size_bytes := size_bytes.of_N (only parsing).
Notation get_size_bytes := size_bytes.to_N (only parsing).
End types.